my new position at work is a lot of work but being housing director has some pretty nice perks i can just hang out in my office and read manga and be like "i'm working on the accrediting documentation" it doesn't actually take that long and honestly i'm almost done but i can draw it out and nobody will ask questiond
let's go camping again my gf doesn't want me to after hearing about last time
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alright lets go winter camping in washington state in january NO PREP RUN
haha that looks so fun i hope it's so bad its good just two hours of people shooting fighting monsters with big explosions
Oh yeah I saw it was coming out today late last night I guess I'll look at that once I get to my computer. It's probably b going to be an outright terrible movie, on top of being an even worse MonHun adaptation.
why are they militsry soldiers
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
because Army Strong
Because the US military paid them to paint the army in a favourable light.
>>884025 Okay the wyverns in that actually look pretty good. I guess getting a Hollywood budget means you can pull out all the stops for 3D CGI rendering. Something I'm kinda hoping is that the lightning storm at the start of the trailer is the work of a Kirin, because something I think the MonHun games don't really do so well is get across how much of a force of nature Elder Dragons are supposed to be. It was better in World, but even then that degree of intensity was mostly only reserved for the really big Elder Dragons and the smaller ones like the Kirin are kinda less impressive, when the lore generally indicates even they are some scary motherfuckers. If a Kirin can kick up a rolling hellstorm like that all on its lonesome than that's pretty cool, and not something we've seen in any of the games really.
But beato, aren't you red-texting that you used the key, now?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
magic trumps everything - Beato probably
I guess under the rules of the game, magic falls under the definition of impossible So if something is impossible, magic is the only option
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Exactly. She's saying that the only way anyone could get into the chapel is with the key, or magic.
Yeah Beato's magic lets her teleport in and out of rooms at will, as well as move dead bodies around with her. She doesn't even NEED a key to create a locked room.
I mean really, just from the first murder it's clear Beato is no witch She wouldn't need to use the key if she was
why am I awake already
We are born to suffer
that's fair I guess
>>884042 Why does that discredit her from being a witch? It's been stressed time and time over Beatrice is a fickle witch who enjoys toying with inconsistencies. If she decided to avail herself to the key or not, that's dependent on her mood, not her magic!
I guess if you assume her goal is not to win the game with Battler, but to play it like Kinzo and Nanjo, then that makes sense But if she had wanted to win, it'd be unbeatable for her to red-text that the key was not used, and without it, it is impossible to open the door
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Beato is just out to stave off boredom
But I suppose she would also feel that is a hollow victory, perhaps
By the way Is Beato (board game piece) the same entity as Beato (metaworld battler-rival)? Or are they separate entities? Is Beato in the metaworld acting through the board game piece, or is it acting of its own accord? >>884051 Oho, I didn't know meta-Battler could influence board Battler I thought they were disconnected
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yes and no Battler is in control of his Battler piece and Beato is in control of her Beato piece. They can act on auto-pilot though, but that's not relevant for a long time.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah like there are parts in what you're reading now where Battler will comment on what piece-Battler is doing and even saying that some of what he's doing is a bad idea.
>>884052 Well of course, but tha only seems to mean he can't control the Battler on the board, right, or he'd act for him? >>884054 Well, I seem to be misunderstanding something, but I will continue reading and it should become clear to me, as well
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
No he means that he's making a bad move because it's JUSTICE or in his nature like I'll admit I'm reading close to where you are, and that should become apparent.
>>884047 She can't say that it's impossible to open the door without the key in Red Text because that's patently false. You could easily break down the door. >>884057 No, she said you can't unlock the door without the key. Those are two entirely different statements.
Red Text doesn't make something true, something being true makes it Red Text.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'd continue reading right now were it not for the fact I have to make content for tonight and I want to make sure I'm done with that first.
In case you aren't aware be careful not to interrupt tilde midpost.
>>884055 Oh, you are correct I believe she said something to the effect that it was unlocked, though, though not in those words, in response to Battler saying you could have screwed it off the hinges Lemme see Ah here we go >When the door to the chapel is locked, it prevents any and all methods of entry or exit It doesn't SAY it was unlocked, but it does MEAN it was unlocked
As for your second observation in that post from before, well, as you'll soon see, Battler is incompetent
>>884059 A broken door is technically an unlocked door, is it not?
>>884061 Not if >It is impossible to unlock the lock to the chapel with anything but the chapel's key
Also I suspect Kinzo's furniture are not actually orphans, but his own flesh and blood. Possibly literally, what with black magic being involved. They get to wear the golden wing, after all
I do not read The Spoilers Can I now safely read that one?
Yeah though you'll find it echoes what you just read hah hah
The problem with picking Red Text too closely as a reader is that Battler is a dumbass and totally misses pretty obvious loopholes and lazy statements Beato makes in the red. Whether or not that is actually relevant, well, that would be actual spoilers. But don't expect him to jump on every mistep Beato makes. He is incompetent, after all.
>>884075 Yeah, I mean until they found the keys on Jessica, it'd have been very easy to simply claim whoever killed them both took Kanon's keys and his body, locked the room, and left And even after, you could posit they maybe stole someone else's keys and returned them, unnoticed Difficult, for sure, but surely less outlandish than magic
(Also beato keeps doing the "what is love" headbobbing during her monologues, and I can't stop laff)
What love is, is also a very pertinent question to Umineko! After all, without love, it can not be seen.
Woman born into truly unspeakable wealth chastises her abused servants for supposedly wanting money
She can't even say they're greedy in red text
>>884083 Kinzo's children were raised in comfort but in their adult lives (with the exception of Krauss) were mostly left to their own devices for making a living. Which is why come 1986 they're all in fairly desperate need of money. But yes it is likely Rosa somewhat projecting her own desire to return to comfort on the servants.
>>>/watch?v=bnH9Gbw4ybk There used to be a great ahaha.wav video where the sound clip was spammed and then the last few seconds was Ohara Sayaka's Beato cackle from the anime ending with her going "IT'S PAAAAFEKUTO" I dunno if I can find it anymore but I remember it fondly.
>>884085 They're in need of vast amount of money to save their businesses though Rudolf's seemingly a large shareholder in a business that got into a big dispute with an American company, so that's internationally prominent
Yeah but if their businesses go under they don't have a way to make a living.
Well sure I'm just saying they didn't get to the point of needing to save their businesses with vast amount of money from scratch
They built those businesses up first, and then made bad decisions as time went on and ended up in precarious positions. Kinzo was an asshole dad and didn't jus t give them all the money they needed to do well for themselves. Not to mention Hideyoshi was a businessman before he married into the Ushiromiya family and was a successful businessman before being affiliated with them.
My point is they're desperate for money because they don't have any way to save their livelihoods otherwise. And for arrogant rich kids the thought of being destitute is worse than death, or murder. At the least, we can take that as motive for desperation as truth.
Geez louise man your cable management is atrocious
now can i spray my compressed air in here safely
>>884097 If your PC is unplugged and has been not running for a while, it should be cool enough (the electricity running through the components will generate heat, naturally) that the temperature difference between the cold compressed air and the components shouldn't create moisture. >>884099 Hm, I'd give it a bit more time. Honestly i don't know how long it takes for a PC to idly dissipate heat but it doesn't hurt to be safe. Maybe wait another five/ten minutes and use the time to move it somewhere in your room you can take a thorough look at it to make sure things are still mounted and plugged in properly.
for a couple minutes? its unplugged from power and switched off (as in the power supply switch not just the power button)
yeah everything looks good to me so ill just wait a minute
I can't tell for certain from the photo but if those cables are resting on top of your GPU it might be creating just enough slight force that it's not 100% perfectly set in the expansion slot. Which might be why your PC has had problems outright detecting your GPU in the past? That's the one problem I have the hardest time understanding since that really doesn't sound like an overheating issue.
the graphics card is screwed to the back of the case too for what its worth
Yeah, that's pretty standard, but I could imagine that enough force put on the forward-right corner of the top of the GPU in your picture could be enough pressure to disconnect it on the right side ever so slightly. It shouldn't, but again, I don't really understand why you were having that problem.
>>884105 gigabyte, it extends below the gpu if you cant see it
>>884106 I meant mATX as in the motherboard form factor micro ATX Not the motherboard manufacturer
>>884104 Yes, providing the PC has had time to cool as before. Since it's been a long time since you've cleaned it out, if you have cotton swabs or Q-tips on hand, you might want something like that to maybe get at the more stubborn gunk. Just remember to be gentle. The CPU fan's not particularly delicate but it is mounted to your motherboard and you don't want to pressure it too much by pushing on the sides of the fan. You'll have a fair amount of room to rub the swab/Q-tip against the fan but just keep in mind to not push hard.
ill admit ive already finished dusting for now ill try for a more rigorous clean maybe if i swap stuff out or when i remember where my grounding wristband is or so
it started up fine so im happy ablut that
I didn't use a grounding wristband when assembling my PC and as far as I can tell everything worked out okay. There's a trick to grounding yourself before beginning and unless you're taking considerable breaks in the middle of assembling, most human beans don't generate a lot of static electricity just by moving around a room. Though I guess if the room's carpeted it might be a different story.
My current working theory is that by entering the game with Battler, Beatrice has already lost, because magic can not be made without risk, and the only risk available to her is Battler proving what she claims to do with magic can be done without magic. That is, nothing she does with her magic can be impossible for a human to achieve during this game.
By extension, introducing herself as a game piece was not an attack, but an act of desperation. A human must be available to plausibly commit these crimes.
Well, that wouldn't make much sense, would it, since she insisted to stay together in the parlor, and was there while the servants saw some Real Shit happen in the servants' room
Can you trust the furniture to not be unfailingly loyal to the true Ushiromiya successor though?
I suppose they could in fact, by recognizing Beato (who is Rosa) as having the same rank as Kinzo, obey without fail, even assisting in the murder of Ushiromiya family members when ordered It would certainly explain Kinzo's disappearance in the first VN if the servants opened the door, and being intimately familiar with the mansion, noticed the receipt even, putting it back afterwards In fact, anyone who coaxed Kinzo out of his study would have been able to notice it and put it back, and while Eva claims it was in the exact same spot, it's not like we can trust her ability to have that keen a recollection, it could easily be in a spot very closely approximating it hmhm
Of course, Rosa died in the first VN, but only servants ever re-entered that area, and besides Beato could have been someone else then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow market closes and cloudflare falls off a fuckin cliff
Tea Parties and ??? often have valuable information, and Tea Parties in particular are pretty much a final chapter that honestly it's kinda weird that they're set up like post-credits scenes. It made the most sense in the first Episode since we spent the entirety of the actual game on Rokkenjima but from the second Episode onwards it constantly flip flaps between Rokkenjima and the meta-world that the line blurs.
>>884147 Well, the tea party isn't actually the meta-world proper, it's purgatory, soemthing between the two It's a detached afterlife From there, Battler was dragged into the meta world by Beato, who seemingly hops between the three at will
The person who started alongside me at work actually quit today Day 2 Before lunch And then I got my first sale very soon after
>>884170 It's sales, office supplies, but starting out we're just selling disinfectant stuff Most sales jobs, I'd be hesitant to accept, because they usually have pure compensation arrangements, but this pays like $1500ish a month plus 7% compensation, and you can go for a higher compensation for lower guaranteed pay if you want, after you start selling enough that those arrangements are better for you financially The guaranteed payment is nice cause it gives me the feeling that my boss is just as invested as I am in me succeeding After all, with pure compensation, it doesn't matter to them financially whether I do trash or gangbusters But with a guaranteed paycheck, they've got a lot riding on at least getting me to cover that
Ya, but I have 2 co-workers A lot of the white voice is still present though, even if we're all white It's very important that you give off the impression that it doesn't particularly matter to you whether this sale happens or not, and in some ways you're calling for their sake Which, of course, both parties know is fucking bullshit, but it's about giving that impression, it communicates a confidence in what you're selling
Well, specifically I'm selling to accounting firms, but that's just cause I've been given that category so we're not overlapping eachother Another guy is selling to hairdressers, and another is selling to car dealerships atm I think But the two other guys have a lot of customers they already have a working relationship with, since they've been there for fucking years So a lot of their early part of the day is just calling up those people again and checking if they might wanna buy something again
I could kinda tell the girl who started with me wasn't gonna make it cause she's real shy on the phone, while I just don't fucking care I'm calling for a company, this is just work. If I piss off the person in the other end, they won't even remember me when I call them again in like, months from now, so who fucking cares, you know? Work isn't real life.
That doesn't mean I'm happy she quit though! She was kinda fun But very shy when calling, but I guess this kinda job isn't for everyone. I can't even say if it's for me yet, even if I like it. My seniors are very supportive though, from what they say I'm on the right track and mostly just need experience, it's not expected for a newbie to be landing a buncha sales. My one sale was more than 2 of the 3 sales one of the other guys got today, after all, and he's been there for years (though, the manager's 1 sale was like 3 times what my 1 sale was) Yesterday even he didn't land a single sale though, so I'm happy with what I accomplished today And on average he gets 4-5 sales a day or something
I just wanna get good at this, both for the sake of the money and for the sake of having something I'm actually good at, something that isn't just video games and stuff
I found something interesting.
The fact that the new Higurashi has made it clear they're doing something weird has sparked a lot of new conversation and return to theorycrafting about the link between it and Umineko. I'd forgotten that the Umineko manga, because of its
heavier reliance on visual information, since, y'know, it's a manga, has much more clear cut hints and references to certain aspects of Higurashi. And it's not like the Umineko manga is non-canon or anything. Ryuukishi presided pretty carefully over its production so it's probably safe to assume additional details that were added in it are intentional.
I'm still just waiting for Higurashi2020 to do something truly unsuspected, so I can drop a real hot and spicy "how it started, how it's going" meme
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the substance superconducts at room temperature only while being crushed between a pair of diamonds to pressures roughly 75% as extreme as those found in the Earth’s core.
so what you're saying is we should build server farms at the earth's core
Well there's plenty of liquid metal down there to be used in cooling systems.
>>884192 You know there are materials you can make ICs with thst can get clock speeds into the tens or even hundreds of GHz with. The problem is that they're expensive. Prohibitively expensive, to the point where they're only used for specialized radio stuff, not even in microprocessors.
The reason silicon based chips are used is because silicon is cheap.
People have been pushing Gallium Arsenide semiconductors for years.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this superconductor is > A novel metallic compound of hydrogen, carbon and sulfur i wonder if it has transistor like properties
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i guess you probably couldnt easily have a superconducting transistor well idk im not a physicist its probably possible somehow but you could def do interconnects for free
>>884208 Well, at least those are ceap. *cheap Mite b cool
Oh also
Found it
Found what a gf?!
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Tobey Maguire (Spider-Man 2002-2007) and Andrew Garfield (Spider-Man 2012-2014 ) have reportedly signed on for the upcoming third 'Spider-Man' film in the Tom Holland franchise.
whats the watch order for re zero season 1 movie season 2?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
movie 1 is a prequel movie 2 takes place halfway through season 1
oh dang two movies even i didnt know that much came out i didnt even know there was a movie until today
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theyre really closer to OVAs than they are movies they're like an hour the second movie is just everyone goofing aorund it's kinda nice the first one is like OH WOE IS ME MY LIFE IS SO HARD SUCH DESPAIR TRAGIC BACKSTORY
boohoo my names purple girl and ive got funny ears
>>884124 she's far more yuel than nier rei is just retarded
its a marvel that those bad movies are still made lol
my genshin bugged out and now paimon's voice lines don't play improves the game significantly I hope it becomes a feature
uninstalling the game improved it for me tbh
I'll probably be right there in a week or two when I hit the grind wall and the game demands money for actual progress
did you guys roll the cute 5 stars
i played long enough to drown in water i should have been standing up in and i said "ton this game is fucking awful"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
TIL eva 4.44 will not actually be six hours long okay good but that would have been something
game is jank as fuck yeah on controller you'll randomly stop running if you change direction lots of fun when you're in the middle of fighting five of those ruin sentinal guys >>884229 only 5 star I got was the saber
i played so long that i clicked the install button on the web page and the exe notification popped up and i hit cancel and never installed it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>884231 wtf gay imagine a 6 hour Coalgirls encode of 2k eva 4.44
the game is like a travesty upon botw a shell of the original with much of the substance missing but i guess ill keep rolling for cute girls, numb and shivering in my gamer chair, living on a thin hope
I'm all for the atmosphere of the more recent Zelda games but at times I do kinda wish for a return to the childish naivity of Ocarina of Time's young Link parts. I think that aspect of growing from a child into an adult was something the game actually did really well.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit dis some good weed >>884272 yes it would be cool to. see that again
Well Zelda's 35th anniversary is coming up next year. Thirty-five is still a weird fucking year to hold a momentous anniversary on but I mean if they did it for Mario they could be doing it for Zelda. With any luck we see a quality remaster of some of the iconic Zelda games and not just a handful of ROMs thrown in an emulator like Mario 3D All-Stars. Would be nice. Not expecting much though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when your main seller is the Switch any occasion is a good one to sell more mario
New franchise! The Legend of Toadstool!
Though there's already Mario RPG games in Paper Mario and Mario & Luigi, both of which are kind of spiritual successors to Mario RPG.
I tend to get headaches pretty easily 'round this time of year. Though I'm pretty sure I don't keep myself healthy enough to properly avoid them, but I think the atmospheric changing of the seasons makes me more receptive to them.
Here >>>/watch?v=IowGrGWzecQ IIt's really good Also, the dummer and bassist are both from Superchunk. Well, technically the bassist is Superchunk's touring bassist because their regular bassist doesn't tour anymore because of severe tinnitus. >>884400 Bob Mould is tththe main guy from Hüsker Dü, lv would say Grant Hart is but hes wrong. Well, neither of them are the main guy (due to the band's philosophy) but Bob Mould had the most successful solo career and I like him more.
>>884398 no I have not in fact I haven't heard of him but I'll give it a spin
I once accidentally called it a gas station and the drunk guy I was talking to was like haha what are you AMERICAN still think about that drunk guy owning me
neither i only know one group of people that drink it and they live in australia >>>/watch?v=s1yeBmSFkC4
>>884410 unavailable but still listening oof this video is a compressed fuck
>>884417 Fuck Anyways, I've sen superchunk like four or five times. There are only two or three bands tthat I've seen more than superchunk. I think just GBV and Alejandro Escovedo.
i wanna watch mahouka.... not until sunday ...
>>884414 yeah people think you need to buy that stuff when it's just on tap out the back
>>884416 OOkOkay that was pretty funny but not funny enough for me to watch more than half of it.
theyre playing soccer on tv and they dont seem very good for professionals and they keep falling and pointing at the dude who touched them lol
>>884431 guess we can't make fun of you from over here don't even think we have Popeyes probably would just say kfc is shit by default so inferior
theyre both just greasy fast food chicken nothing special
oh yeah absolutely
anyone watch the god of high school is it bad enough that my mom can watch it
It's a pretty ridiculous show. Starts off as martial arts tournaments and rapidly into superpower-infused martial arts and fighting literal gods. But the animation is absolutely gorgeous and the main cast is fun.
i thought there was no way the Amelia vs Kiara chess game could be that bad but this is one of the most gruelling experiences of my life. This game is absolutely miserable to watch. If you showed this to a grandmaster, they would probably kill themselves.
I know nothing about Kiara, but Amelia is terrible at pazzoru, so it seems reasonable her chess would also be lacking
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
These two people have some of the lowest INT I have ever seen in my life. Amelia is just the one of the absolute stupidest people I have ever seen. It's astonishing. But Kiara is extremely stupid, too. She has no sense whatsoever. Probably higher INT than Amelia but lower WIS.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
over 30 minutes of this wretched game
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
If I weren't sitting in my office right now, I would absolutely be screaming at this game.
The issue for me is that they didnt know the concepts (checkmate, promotions) kinda the same that's happening with Kiara and 3 houses, she's not reading the tooltips.
Right? They were like, oh we don't have to read the rules, we know how to play. WHY CAN'T I MOVE THIS PAWN TWO SPACES? WHAT CAN THE ROOK DO? WAIT, YOU CAN PROMOTE TO A QUEEN?
>>884542 good thing about immortal is to not worry about any disease
it took them an hour to do it i spent an hour watching this instead of being productive and doing notes i was like "it's probably like 20 minutes. it's a chess game. how long could it take."
ditchfriend asked me about my new name cause we share some spotify playlists and I put it on spotify a while back just cause I didn't want it to be the dumb login name I used when I made the account And I'm having a hard time really processing it, cause people caring about me is so hard to understand, but he's been really supportive about it all
It's not weird to be nostalgic for the days of your youth
I guess so Feels like I never had a youth beyond in a strictly biological sense sometimes though
The last 6 years of my life have been pretty lifeless.
My parents want to do the final move of everything out of this house up north tomorrow, so it looks like a bunch of my mom's girlfriends came over to give her one last big "we'll miss you!" (despite that my mom will still be living in the city, albeit different neighbourhood, since she works as a teacher). But it's also still the era of Covid-19 so none of them can get too close to one another, and in addition it's a dreary, rainy fall day today. So they're just all gathered in a circle outside in their respective raincoats and umbrellas talking to each other. It's all very witches' coven-y.
beware they might sacrifice you
I'd prefer it to having to do all the heavy lifting of moving tomorrow, yes please.
What the hell is happenin today. The accident this morning, the dizzy spells, just various weird stuff at work, having to cover an extra group, colleague's eye randomly swole up and she had to go to the ER, and now a former client is calling me to tell me he just got fucked over by his landlord and is suddenly homeless
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Although it seems like for the past two weeks, my plans are always getting thwarted by something.
Yeah that's a lot of unconnected things piling up. Really rings true the "When it rains, it pours" adage.
>>884637 By my understanding, yes, you are supposed to wait. The game isn't structured for you to just rush all the content and finish what they've put out in like a week of hardcore playing. It's possible, sure, but you're not playing how it was designed so it's kinda hard to say whether or not it's going to be a fun experience. At the least, it's entirely on you if it's fun or not and not the devs' attempts to make it fun. You're free to grind what's available to you but as it seems you've quickly found out, it's not much fun to do that.
wait you guys play among us? do you use like the in-game text chat? i wonder what that's like i'm much better at lying when you can hear my voice i kinda suck at lying over text if i'm real about it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the text is not good and also bad
I'm pretty good at impulse-level lying, providing I have a bit of preparation or comfrot -comfort in the environment. Be it text or voice I think I could insist things are true.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dis sus as fuk mfer just said he's good at lying vote
I'm also pretty good at telling the truth convincingly! My capacity to be persuasive is like my only really developed survival skill.
I'm great at lying in theory bt horrible in practice. Ah but I'm great at lying by omission.
the among us strat is to just always be lying even as crew then nobody can know
Nope, because every Dairy Queen I've gotten a Blizzard from in the last fifteen years has the employee do that as they hand it off to you. So I've never really needed to.
me and my sister got those shiny new weapons from the new patch
ur actual sister or an erp sister
my literal sister lol
how does your sister feel, when you are cuter in-game?
I have an utterly absurd amount of books. Like I've already filled four (albeit somewhat small) boxes with them and I'm still a good ways from getting them all packed.
Man I wish the dunces I'm stuck with for family could for once put things like scissors back where they took them from. I'm tired of rooting around the house trying to find them.
It's too early for ramen! It's only 8am! Breakfast ramen?!
Time has no relevance to when I eat food! I'll eat any food at any time in any season!
But I'd probably have a hard time finding a ramen place open this early in the morning, yeah. My desire for ramen could wait for a better time when there's somewhere actually open. Too bad there's no time for that sorta thing today.
Digging through my cabinet, I found my graduation year yearbook from elementary school. Apparently they had us list our favourite memory, where we'd be in fifteen years, and our wish for the world. Also pic of me at like age ten.
Apparently! I don't really remember that one but it's hard to deny it when you see ten-year-old writing it down for the records. When I wasn't all "yeah I'm gonna be a writer when I grow up" I think I was interested in investigative stuff. Had a bit of a phase where I really dug detective work too. So this kinda lines up with it.
There was also this picture book with this fucking weird alligator back there too. I guess it must've been my favourite picture book when I was really young or something, for it to be left with me and not a general family storage.
And also a birthday present book from when I was two years old that was a personalised book, that subs in your name for the main character and lets the gifter pick a couple other names for characters in the story too. It's corny material suitable for a two-year-old who probably doesn't get more than their name being read out of it. But it's still a cute gift.
Also there was six dollars in commemorative quarters in that cabinet too. They're probably not worth anything special but maybe I'll take a look at it when I have a chance.
>>884797 He got picked up by a sailor at a young age and travelled with the sailor around the world, which he very much enjoyed. But then one day he accidentally slipped out of the sailor's rucksack and was stranded near the boy's house. Now he just wants to return to the ocean so he can find his way back home. Very tragic.
yeah considering salt water isn't really gator friendly
Oh shit, Powerman5K re-recorded When Worlds Collide And it fucking bangs
There's a big bottle of Jack Daniel's in one of the baskets of stuff being brought up north. Like one of those party sized bottles for people that want cheap whiskey for a lot of people. BUt I don't recall ever seeing us have something like that before. Picked it up, and on the label is another label saying "OLIVE OIL" on it. But I can't help but feel that the second label may get missed if that bottle isn't stored carefully.
today is so chaotic i finally have a few minutes to eat lunch but i gotta do something while i'm eating it lol
>>884803 ...olive oil? oh god that could be dangerous
It's been really busy for me too. I've been up since like 23:30 too so I'm tired on top of being physically exhausted on top of kind of overwhelmed by all this. I just want to sleep.
my gamble paid off! i was hoping that if i could get that homeless friend somewhere safe where he could rest that he'd be able to get his shit together and come up with a plan, and it looks like i was right i think he's gonna be solid i put him up in a hotel for lastnight and tonight, and i'll get him one more day, then he'll have enough money through under the table jobs to pay for hotel until he can get his disability check and some other money and he should be able to get into housing again quick from that
>>884805 haha i'm really tired too i stayed up too late having fun and didn't get enough sleep since i was already missing sleep from the tabletop on wednesday
i hope you'll be able to take a nap soon packin and unpackin and movin around sucks so much
No nap in sight any time soon, nope. Providing I don't just topple over or trip going up the moving truck ramp and knock myself out. Which feels preferable at this point.
Okay I gotta shut this PC down for the move now.
Good thing I have a phone of course.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good thing there's no anime tonight, huh? can actually get some sleep
>>884813 At the rate we're going we're probably not going to get up there until like ten or eleven tonight, and I don't know how much my folks will want to get unloaded tonight. I'm hoping I'll just fucking pass out in the car at this point.
>>884825 probably uncanny valley kind of shit you encounter them as young children, they're loud, look almost like other humans but not quite, just slightly off, which since a child can't reason that away signals danger and then we just hold onto that fear
unless you like danger as an adult, in which case you may, as ton would say, become interested in the clussy which for the record i don't have any serious attachment to clussy! i'm ambivalent about the clussy
F This news article edited out the part about how it was during a lesson on freedom of expression.
>>>/watch?v=WmUbddxBCS0 do they actually hire dealers to appear on this Peloton Baccarat or is it all constructed by splicing clips what a genre of video
Well I'm home again, at least for the weekend. I've got a job interview lined up for Monday which might see me returning back and having to stay in the city long: term. Which would be nice. I might be able to get some help. from my folks with securing an apartment if I have a job like that. Next week is going to be exhausting.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's cool! ganbaru and don't sweat the mendokusai
It is my natural element to sweat the mendokusa Others
sweat water and body salts, I sweat the literal pain in the grass.
There is a lot of frost outside in the morning here. I was walking past a window and saw it thinking "It's only mid-October here and there's fucking SNOW?" But no, just a really thick layer of frost.
>drive boat to spend gas done and done so, desptie near storm conditions >get boat out of water easy, no wind at the dock >spray bottom of boat with acid and wash away barnacles easy, only got a bit of it in my mouth >buy food and stuff good thing buses are a thing >get home >build an ikea chair i did have an extra firstborn somewhere to sacrifice to that devil, good thing I keep myself stocked >now what else do istill have, I really kinda wanna just got o sleep now... >build a final adventure encounter featuring several maps, 200+ enemies, midbosses and several stages long boss fight oh right good thing I don't sleep
I'd have more fun if I felt secure in beign cut out for this job Getting that first sale was a ton of fun, but I got nothing the rest of the week, and I kinda ended up in a slump, feeling like I'm not gonna make it
Well, you're not going to convince someone that doesn't want to buy something to buy something. All you can hope is that they want to buy something, and then encourage them to shop YOU. You don't really strike me as the kind of person that could really do the "All these people are just marks for me to play" for very long, so I think accepting that some people are going to just be uninterested in your product is inevitable.
Well yeah, even the best salespeople at the company only have like, 5 sales or something on a good day, but they still average at 3 or at least 1 I mean I just started, so it's to be expected, but not seeing progress makes it hard to keep myself going
But I won't quit this this year They'll have to fire me for me to quit this year, I already decided that
Good! The first thing necessary to succeed is determination! The second thing is persistence, and the third is GUTS! Everything else, even skill and knowledge, comes after!
I'm probably quitting in January if I can't get this shit under control by then though But I don't wanna go bacback to unemployment
Believe in the me that believes in you! Nanchatte.
The real secret to confidence is that only stupid people have a lot of confidence. Everyone else is just pretending to have confidence. It's all about faking it until you make it. Isn't it silly? That's how it is, though.
I'm lucky enough to be stupid enough to be full of confidence, but part of that is because I only care about enjoying myself. If I fail or if I succeed, I know I can still enjoy myself either way. As long as I just give my all, I'm bound to have fun.
I also take lots of stupid risks for no reason. Even with clients, I'm always taking risks, betting that my unorthodox style or this technique or that technique will work, even when everyone else wouldn't do it because it's risky. I believe in it! I'm about to take another risk! I'm going to order ice cream delivered to my house!
Success without failure is even worse than failure! And it's just a matter of perspective, you know? Life can be fun and exciting even when everything is horrible. When I got kicked out of my graduate program, havign already completed almost all of my requirements for my doctorate, I was pretty upset, but I was also happy to be upset, and within a half hour or so, I was laughing and having fun, even though I wanted to scream too. Those kinds of complicated emotions are what it means to be human!
Actually, a lot of the time, when something stressful happens, I get so excited that I have to laugh. It just feels so good to feel. Especially anything strong. Intense fear, intense anxiety, intense sadness, intense joy, all of it is really exciting.
Don't say such horrible things! I have really bad premonitions about it. If you say it out loud, you'll make it happen. If she dies, I'm blaming you since you said it!
im off until thursday so its not like i cant wait if i have to i watch elaina already after all!
Well there's still the fact that there's like twenty-five shows on the docket this season. I don't really want build-up so I'd rather watch than not. Well more build-up than there already is. Plus things are going to be weird for like the next week or two so I want to get anime in where I reliably know I can.
I'm feeling really good today. Even though I'm super sleep deprived and haven't been sleeping well, I did 4 miles, read some Umineko, made a good dinner, oh I had a really good breakfast too, and I just had a really good dessert, and I laughed and smiled all day, hung out with my cat a lot. What a fun day! I needed something like this. I hope I can sleep tonight though www
I'm pretty worn out hah hah My stamina's pretty good but even like sixteen hours of moving stuff over two days wears on me. Also I woke up with a headache this morning that didn't go away until I slept it off in the afternoon. And I had a bit of a stomach bug that was giving me a bit of intestinal pain.
I'm feeling better now but my energy to do things right now is pretty low.
porbably more Satisfactor6y or maybe if some Bioshock if my brain explod
Where'd you land in Satisfactory? Make sure you get your coal power up and running quickly; manual power generation is a real slog in the early parts of the game!
I haven't been able to upload images from mobile recently. Is anyone else having this issue?