why do none of these waterfalls have anything behind themmmm
it's very likely higurashi but a sequel? alternate universe?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>882905 it is so far they're doin something NEW it's not just a remake it's like actual new content and we have been talkin, we think they're going to connect it to umineko
yeah there's SOEMTHING new going on, that's for sure
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well i think they are others just hope they are but i BELIEVE
there's good reason to think they are, but there's no indication of how yet
You're all missing the point It's not about the price, or the clout Eating together with everyone puts a smile on peoples faces That is what it means to cook.
That's what happens when you kill an animal in real life, right? If just disappears in a little puff of smoke after you shoot it and then there's a nice neat little pork chop on the ground
>>882949 The point of the contest was whether strange and exotic foods could beat the conventional.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this was the dumbest quest i have ever participated in alt f4
>>882950 Yeah but the strange and exotic in question was slime residue and bugs, not meat from an extinct animal specifically extinct due to its great taste
"O I'll prove to you my cooking of weird shit is delicious, by using this FINE STEAK and seasoning it with some leaves and a salamander" isn't very impressive
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>882951 you're just not cut out for culinary adventure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they should delete the fire girl from the game and add an archeologist instead indiana jones confirmed for brawl
I certainly do, at least From what I understand, the 4star weapons are all decent enough to get you to the endgame, but you kinda need a few good waifus for element synergies and stuff
Well, if you're unsure, you could always just save up your gems and fates until you hit a wall, and roll for what would alleviate it You don't have to roll right away, after all, the gems and fates don't decay
Though I'd very strongly advise against investing too much into the 3star weapons, if nothing else They don't pay out anything more than a fraction of the EXP you've dumped into them when you put them into something else
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah. It's hard to find matts to limit break the 4 star though
The umbrella mystery! I don't remember any of the details from the anime so I'm excited for the Battler Resolution on this >>882962 Ya, that's true, but they're generally much better weapons (and they look cooler, too)
Like the Bell, the greatsword, that thing looks fucking BOSS It's like a steampunk sword With clockwork in it
Welll in that case you should at least buy the 5 blue fates for those star points, in the shop, and dump 8 into the beginner wish It pays out with Noelle on the first go, and she uses greatswords, which do a ton of DMG She also has an active shield as her E, and a passive shield for party members when she's not on the field herself, when they drop below, I think 70% HP
Stories like this always make me so grateful for being an only child When my folks go, I won't have to fight my siblings about who gets what, cause there are no siblings
Add an option that makes the browse button specifically ask for image files, maybe? I mentioned it before, that the general file request means my phone doesn't offer up my gallery apps for uploading >>883004 It asks for files, in general
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it asks for images and videos
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ur browser interprets it that way, but it asks for those specifically do you want to have two upload buttons
>>883061 It definitely seems like the kind of game that was developed wiht -with a controller in mind, so yeah, I dunno. I guess if you're not a console gamer then it's nice that it's on PC at least.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't think it goes any higher on PC tho people online say controller is key guess i will stick with the switch version
the Mule? I can kind of see that can't remember if I've tried it but Monster is super sweet like sickly sweet hope you're not drinking it at 10pm though otherwise rip your sleep
wait the newest for umineko has new content? are you fucker
The new Higurashi anime, nerd We've been talking about this for like three days now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
nonononononono niononononoono the new umineko release for like switch/ps4, umineko saku, has new content I don't know if it's much but it has a new character and I didn't know about it
Doesn't that just include the short not-quite-Episode IX
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
describe this onegai because if it is then I'll just crawl back in my hole disappointed that I didn't share new info with anyone
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
https://07th-expansion.fandom.com/wiki/Last_note_of_the_Golden_Witch this thing
It's a kind of fun mini-episode Well "fun" in that it's still the trademark Ryuukishi muder mystery setting But more of a pseudo-canon exercise in "what if" and playing with some plot threads and story assets that didn't end up getting used in the actual story. It doesn't really bring any new relevant information to light.
All I'm saying is I won't be satisfied if Battler gets out of some of these things by just showing it's possible to achieve the result, like generally At the end of the day, someone has to be doing it, and if I remember correctly from the anime, one of the red texts is "there's 18 humans on rokkenjima" or some such
Can I assume that what's in the VN is actually true, by the way? When the VN described Kanon's death, can I take it at face value that it wasn't Kumasawa who did it, since she came in after and reacted to the body?
>>883261 Battler has the best fucking explanations
>>883272 It's a detective story, so sometimes the way things are described can be considered an unreliable reporting but still an established fact.
Red truths are established facts that don't need to be justified with evidence or anything, they're taken as given facts. But anything else can be doubted to some degree. For example, just because Battler sees someone who has been killed, it doesn't mean they're certainly dead. Most of the story is just from Battler's perspective, after all.
So it's an unreliable narrator? Only battler's first hand accounts can be trusted?
well I haven't gotten to BEATO yet, so
>>883272 For Episode I, you can generally assume anything you, the reader, are shown on Rokkenjima, to be accurate as far as the character whose viewpoint you are seeing through is concerned. However be careful that you don't get caught up in a character giving a narrative account to say Battler or someone, where their account involves them talking about their experience in a showing manner.
To put it simply, if no one but you, the reader, are privy to that character's narration, then you can assume they believe what they are seeing is the truth.
>>883275 Understandable But nonetheless, if something is described without being through the perspective of someone, surely I can take it for true? Like if the VN is currently in the perspective of Natsuhi, I can assume what it says she feels and thinks is true, right?
Tilde's got the right idea and can explain it better than I can.
Of course the problem is this all gets thrown out the window in Episode II once Beato steps in and intentionally makes what really happened as hard to pick out from the fantastical as possible.
So there's like, several episodes where battler is just wrong and not much development happens?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
There is always development happening. Battler being wrong is where the most development happens.
fair enough
It's hard to get too much into detail here without spoiling some of the nuance. If I'm trying to be as ambiguous as possible I'd say that's there's no point in a mystery that can't be solved.
Daijobu, I'll read it all, I'm just confused how this could go on for 7 more similarly lengthy books
>Similarly lengthy books Episode I is short by comparison!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
hjeheheheheh HEHEHEHHEEH
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Also the real answer to why there's eight episodes is really much simpler than all that. Ryuukishi just really likes the narrative structure of four question arcs and four answer arcs. He used it for Higurashi, he used it for Umineko
You can get some good ideas, but /// and you might be right. I think you can solve it, but I also don't know the answer myself and still question who did it!
You lack the information in the first Episode to -know- who the culprit is, but nothing is stopping you from throwing spaghetti at the wall and eventually hitting bullseye. But you won't have proof to back your guess up so it won't ever be more than a hypothetical.
You can put together a good map as you play, but there are people who have already done that. I don't think I have a map of the property saved and you might get spoiled if you look it up, though.
Also it's for stuff like that which the red truth is useful for. If, like, there's no way someone could've killed Kanon in the library with the lead pipe then made it back to the guest house in time for tea, that's something that can be said in red. You don't really need a map of the mansion because the details of geometry are maintained through other means.
>>883311 No I mean like Kanon wasn't bashed with a pipe in episode 1, he was alive after being stabbed in the chest >>883315 Oh I thought that was an actual red text pulled from a later episode
>>883313 Oh, Tilde was just giving a hypothetical there.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
everything tilde says is red text
I couldn't remember any particular red text pertaining to someone's ability to do a thing or cover distance in a specific amount of time so I had to make one up on the spot.
Well that's what I meant by sequence of events, anyway Like, Eva and Hideyoshi being stabbed in the skull with the stake thing, that's gonna be the case for each episode, or will that change?
Things will be different, yes. From an anti-magic interpretation, imagine it like Higurashi where slight differences in actions people took resulted in different overall narrative arcs. From a meta-world interpretation, think of it like a game of Clue-Do where Beato presents a gameboard where the pieces are arranged differently each time but the actual solution remains constant.
I never played cluedo, but I sort of understand The events are overall similar enough to count as the same, but it's not like every time the nights are played back, the same state is what people discover, maybe? Like it's not just a playback of a recording
I'm starting to sympathize with battler if for no reason other than everyone just immediately accepting a fucking witch did it Because a fucking CHILD says so
Just interviewed a guy for the house manager, he sounds awesome. Dude's this big ole black pastor He's 61 years old, used to work with juveniles with substance use problems and he loves doing like handiman work and stuff handyman maintenance kind of shit We're gonna hire him!
Yeah, it's been like eleven or more years since I read Episode I but I still remember the general flow of the Tea Party because Episode I's Tea Party is The Shit
Also it might be one of the few parts of the series I've read more than once.
Also for such a meticilously crafted story, they messed up a little on the visuals for Eva's death The diagram of the scene shows the door with the knob on the right side, outside, but in the art it's on the left
That obviously isn't important, but it puzzled me a little when I first got there
I'm pretty sure my read-through of everything but Episode VIII has been consigned to oblivion with the old family PC going poof. I'll maybe look at getting stuff next time it goes on sale. Ciconia definitely, but I'll look at the price for Umineko and see if I can manage it.
the title screen says "when they cry 3" is there a 3rd naku koro ni I'm unaware of?
Yes but no When They Cry 1 was Higurashi no naku koro ni When They Cry 2 was Higurashi no naku koro ni Kai When They Cry 3 was Higurashi no naku koro ni Er Umineko I got into the habit whoops. You get the picture.
The whole fucking bloodline is a bunch of assholes after all, it's possible they're fake >>883375 Well, there's nothing wrong with that kind of dogtag It's not like there's anything "wrong" with this either, but it seems very... hmm, what's the word I'm looking for Disrespectful? His family is, as an understatement, FUCKING LOADED; there's no way this kid had to actually serve in the JDF, so if they're just fashion accessories it's like he's spitting in the face of those who did
I haven't been in the military, but I wear a dogtag. It has medical information for me, though. Says not to use epinephrine on me and to expect an abnormal EKG.
>>883374 George might be a bit of a tryhard poser but he's not that bad a guy. You'll probably have a better idea of him after this Episode. His situation is a bit sympathetic.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, George is a total loser, but he's got a good heart. And it's not his fault he's such a loser.
Battler's also been intentionally removed from the Ushiromiya family for like six or eight or ten years or something he's just dumb.
i don't really get wearing your dogtag when not in active duty
>>883379 I think it's 6, unless he kept coming to the family conferences even after being removed
Nah, he bailed HARD on the Ushiromiya family when he left. Was living with his mom's parents up until Rudolf finally stopped fucking Kyrie long enough to remember he has a son.
That's impressive for a 10 year old
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>883380 A lot of people in the US do it because it's linked to their identity. Here, military service always ends up being a big part of someone's sense of self as opposed to other countries with mandatory service
I can see it as a badge of pride, too If you believe your country's doing good things, your dogtags are a symbol of having been a part of that, and must come with a lot of pride It's like wearing a medal or something, but a bit less formal
well it is kinda different situation, when about 35% of your population are conscripts
But, since George's family is westaboo, it might just be a fashion thing because it's "american" Like the goons in anime who are built like tanks and wear probably fake dogtags and a tank top A lot of American stuff is fashion in Japan, from what I understand, and it goes the other way too, I suppose Just less noticable
Also, I had assumed shannon and kanon both were live-in like, at all times, I didn't realize they got time off beyond doing stuff on Rokkenjima that wasn't work
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sacrifice sheep to go
>>883394 They are live-in servants, full-time, but even full-time servants should get a day off.
Lately I've been thinking that one of the weird things about addiction is that almost nobody talks about God, they always refer to Him as "my higher power". I know that comes from AA, but it's weird that it turns out like that in everyday life. >>883423 AA doesn't pretend to be secular, it claims to be nondenominational. Spirituality is a massive part of the program, and it's true that your higher power doesn't have to be God. I know many people like that.
There are more secular 12-step programs, like SMART recovery, though. There's also CELEBRATE Recovery which is explicitly Christian-based. But there's Recovery Dharma and Refuge Recovery which are Buddhist based 12-steps too.
It comes from AA pretending to be secular to the point where they have plausible deniability.
I am my own higher power, that way I am always in control and I always have someone to keep me in check
>>883422 YYeah but i bet they'd kick you out if you claim that your higher power is satan.
Doesn't AA also do shady stuff like not count you as part of their program's success rate if you relapse, because then you didn't technically follow the program?
>>883426 Give me a Shikata Akiko OP to anything and I'll groove. Coming to the VNs after watching the anime I didn't expect them to match the power of the anime's OP's hype Latin chanting but man both OPs are so good.
>>883428 Not really. AA itself isn't like, an organization, it doesn't have any formal ways to measure success or anything. There's no registration or tracking of people's progress. It's decentralized and community run.
The success rates are found by third-party researchers who do questionaires and shit like that. And those folks usually track people who relapsed and stuff.
The rates of success aren't bad by any means but many people who are successful also do formal treatment and stuff like that.
From Wikipedia >AA says it is "not organized in the formal or political sense",[26] and Bill Wilson, borrowing the phrase from anarchist theorist Peter Kropotkin, called it a "benign anarchy".[27] In Ireland, Shane Butler said that AA "looks like it couldn't survive as there's no leadership or top-level telling local cumanns what to do, but it has worked and proved itself extremely robust". Butler explained that "AA's 'inverted pyramid' style of governance has helped it to avoid many of the pitfalls that political and religious institutions have encountered since it was established here in 1946."[28]
How do you like that, SC? AA is actually considered a mutual aid network, believe it or not.
There are certainly AA chapters that tend to be authoritarian in some ways, and many sponsors people find are like that too. But because there are hundreds of groups anywhere you go, even small towns have a lot, you can always find a group with a culture that suits you better. Of course, AA doesn't work for everyone and not everyone goes, but it is very helpful to most people.
Even I carry around an AA token with me everywhere I go.
It's so prominent that sometimes people do it in my groups, and when they do, everyone immediately responds with "hi X" because the formula is so ingrained into them.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Traditions recommend that members remain anonymous in public media, altruistically help other alcoholics, and that AA groups avoid official affiliations with other organizations. They also advise against dogma and coercive hierarchies. Subsequent fellowships such as Narcotics Anonymous have adapted the Twelve Steps and the Twelve Traditions to their respective primary purposes.[6][7] @SC
>>883441 Addicts in the US tend to be self-radicalized or on the verge of it. I have addicts who are millionaires and after a few weeks in AA, they're already willing to accept that capitalism is a major detriment their social, spiritual, and physical health and maintains their use in some form or fashion. That isn't to say they're all radicals or anarchists or leftists, but they tend to be very community based and usually dedicate at least a portion of their life to direct aid. One of the central tenets of AA is, of course, service to others. We support our recovery by doing good for others in a tangible way - that is, through direct aid and mutual aid.
I feel like I'm missing part of the story because I don't know what it means when a character's statements have those white dots over them Battler did it, too, so it's not a beato-specific thing, but now that she's doing it I feel like it might be important
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Which white dots?
Like when beato said something like "these days will continue into eternity", that had white dots over it, same with "that girl is the most suitable match for george" Is it just emphasis, maybe?
Sounds like just a weird typesetting thing to me I don't remember anything like that
I'll take a screenshot next time I see it It's too far back to be in the log now
if it doesnt look like a bug maybe something appeared in your translation notes menu?
It's definitely not a bug, it's sometimes only for the same statements, and only a few select words I checked the document that came with it, explaining phrases and parodies and stuff, but it has no mention of it I suspect it's just emphasis
On the subject of great game creators with bad art skills. I think zun has improved more than ryushiki_07 over the years.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
30 seconds
and then all we can do is pray
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wham bam
Thank you mam.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to de stress with a relaxing video game hmm how about celeste
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
*grabs blood clot*
Did you guys hear about the cult that Amy Barret is i? *in
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
It's nothing too crazy, just your normal "women must obey their husbands" Christian cult. Oh and maybe also performing exorcisms on women accused of having premarital sex.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
who is amy barret
The woman trump is trying to put on the supreme court right now to help rig the election.
>>883485 What's wild isn't really that she's part of that sorta thing, but how normal it is You'd think "supreme court nominee is part of cult" would be a big thing
>>883490 I'm exaggerating by calling it a cult. The exorcism thing has yet to be confirmed. It's certainly cultish, but I don't have enough info to really determine if its a cult or not.
Wow, taking care of these houses sure is a lot of work. Now I'm getting reports of mold in one of them. But I kinda doubt those reports, it's being described as super ridiculously bad, but people have been living there for a year and nobody has noticed? even though it's growing "on the walls"?
They want me to call the landlord and be like "hey you need to replace two AC units!!" Uhh how about you bring me more information before I go that far
I remember those did you check the translator/witch hunt notes like I might have thought though usually you hear a watery sort of noise when they update that
I know that uh for certain kanji or words jp text can have simplified things above it for how you're supposed to say it, I wonder if that's a remnant of that then
everyone trusts me at work so i can be like "yeah i got a couple quotes this was the cheapest" and give work to my friends i don't have any friends who do the work i need here though but now that i'm housing director i'm really strong i can hire people and fire people and just say "this needs to be done" and i can access the company funds for it without needing prior approval
>>883514 ah shucks can i hire you to build a new place on top of the old one??
yeah the problem here is you got mold on your studs gonna have to use the hammer of dawn here sorry
>>883592 one crown gets me a title "big yeetus" or something and that's it idk but man i can't imagine grinding this game unless i was a full time streamer or something
Maybe you just need to git gud
I think it's the kind of game some people enjoy just playing even if they only make it like three or four rounds in.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe! i just play it on the family tv for the lulz once in a while parents enjoy it but like i got lucky soo many times to win that
god i wish i could be good at spelunky 2 shit looks way too precise for me tho
I've heard it's considerably more challenging than the first Spelunky or the free online game they derived from. A lot of trial and error and dealing with one mis-step getting you killed.
I hope he gets better soon i love that stumpy little idiot so much
stayed up late to try and get a house cause they added more houses all houses sold out ten minutes after opening up makin some good ass life choices here
it's got that feeling like "damn. i wouldn't have to do this stressful thing if i got hit by a car on the way to do it! what a shame that would be!" but actually doing it
Kinzo's brainwashing must be powerful His furniture are some of the most loyal servants one could have, surely able to secure a position in any well-to-do family And yet, they remain in his service, abused by his family, and tormented by their own account
But Shannon doesn't even seem to care about the money She's been there for 10 years Granted, some of those years were on account of George, but before that, she stayed
Does the VN ever actually show Shannon's golden wing other than the intro cinematic? Until she was told to go to Beato with her food, I genuinely wasn't sure if she had it or not, but I thought for sure she's gotta
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
she does specifically for that reason that's why godhda can't go
>>883669 Ya I know, but does the VN ever SHOW the fucking thing? It's visible in the anime, very early, but I NEVER saw it in the VN Because you never see her legs
Everyone's so tense and serious when Maria reads the letter in the anime, but in the VN they could barely stop themselves from just walking away to have a cig lmao
That meeting I was just in got super tense. One of the case managers started fighting with one of the clinicians about something. It escalated really quickly to the point that someone went to get up and leave, and then then the former spec ops guy slammed his fists on the table and was like SIT THE FUCK DOWN EVERYONE AND SHUT UP which caused the clinician, who has a history of domestic violence, to leave the room in tears. Then the case manager started arguing with specops-san about it. After a few minutes I went to go help the clinician calm down a little bit and I brought her back into the meeting like 15-20 minutes later and everything was fine, but damn.
How did the original fanbase of Umineko ever accept this anime lmao It's skipping over nearly everything of importance
They didn't Most people who enjoyed the anime were people that didn't read the VN first It was the same with Higurasi and you know it
>>883682 I don't know it because I didnt read the VNs and /a/ didn't really mention the VN other than to poke at the bad art from what I remember
Higurashi was less dense than Umineko but it was still a pretty thick VN The anime cut a lot of the slow burn uneasiness of the story chapters.to get at the meat of that horror. It wasn't a big deal for some of the parts but then you get stuff like the Satoko-focus chapter they adapted in the first anime which is kind of a muddled narrative from start to finish and it ends with Satoko falling off the bridge and you're like "well okay that sucks I guess" without much contextual grounding.
Also they cut stuff that was actually relevant to the answers arc so badly that Ryuukishi even wrote them an original chapter to start Kai off with.
>>883682 Iirc when higurashi anime came out the vns hadn't been completely translated.
Well it's probably too late for it to ever get a full adaptation. I mean, it's like 10 years old after all and doesn't constantly get new stuff. A single series with new content is really what we're looking for.
It's not a reboot! Higurashi is just a new version of the same story, I think. As evidenced by the Rika fragments scene and the OP stuff. Think of it as a new book.
If it's a reboot why didn't they just say so in red text?
>>883686 DEEN is a pretty lame animation studio yo. Higurashi is probably one of the better adaptations they did and it was still was a cut-up mess.
I'll give them credit where credit's due, they did a pretty good job for the most part of compressing Higurashi into a still engaging experience despite having far too little time for the content. If you've never read Higurashi the anime is still creepy and builds tension, and you can understand what's going on when the answers arc starts echoing the questions arc. But you miss out on a lot of the stuff that made Higurashi Higurashi in the anime.
Also 95% of what they animated after Kai was garbage
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, everything DEEN did especially 10 years ago, and probably up until four years ago or so, was garbage (for adaptations at least)
I guess I'll read Higurashi after I finish Higurashi After I finish Umineko*
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
David Pro should do an Umineko adaptation...
I still have fond memories of the CGI dragon from Fate.
>>883700 A year or two back an ufotable animator tweeted out a page of ... whatever you call that paper set up to be a part of an animated scene, with Erika drawn on it and people got all excited over the potential of an ufotable Umineko anime. Unfortunately it looks like it was just a one-off practice drawing or something.
>>883702 Such a shame. UFOtable could probably handle it. But UFOtable, they'd probably just release a series of movies and compress each book into each movie. And I trust that they could do it properly.
But David Pro, they could do a full series. If it got even half the devotion Jojo has gotten, it would still be a masterpiece.
David Production is probably really tied up for the forseeable future anyway. They've got the rest of Enen season two right now, then presumably they're gonna be starting on Stone Ocean soon. Maybe in the next between-JoJo break they could start on it, but I dunno.
https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2020-10-10/4-more-fall-season-anime-reveal-episode-counts/.165052 >Higurashi: When They Cry – GOU (Higurashi: When They Cry - New): 24 episodes (Five home video releases on February 24, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 30)
Yeah I had to read that a second time to make sure I had it right. I thought for a moment it would be one cour of televised stuff and the second half released as OVA
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Episode 14 will air January 7th apparently and then it'll run from that date the second cour will
Looks like they'll be taking the night of December 31st off then. Which, well, makes sense.
The thing that convinces me the most is that it's not an anniversary or anything. You know, sometimes you do a remake of a show or some OVAs for an anniversary. But if it's an old series, you don't usually put out a full new show, especially not a 2-cour one, unless you have something new to share.
I'm pretty excited knowing it's 2 cour. What a time to be alive! Getting to experience Higurashi with /moe/.
One of the things that gets me amused about Umineko is the way Halloween is a totally foreign concept in it. Like Maria knows about it because she's fucking obsessed with it, but I'm pretty sure the VN narration even goes out of the way to describe what Halloween is. Now Umineko takes place in 1986 so I would expect Halloween to be mostly totally unknown back then, but I'm pretty sure Ryuukishi isn't that deep of a chronological time-setting nerd.
So I wouldn't be surprised if he was writing about Halloween in the way someone in Japan during the mid-00s wouldn't know about Halloween either.
But nowadays the Japanese have definitely adopted some of the commerical elements of Halloween quite happily. And I remember reading Umineko and getting to the parts about Halloween and thinking "man if the Japanese knew about this holiday more they'd totally be into it"
>>883735 I know ;_; Hopefully you can get some better sleep tonight.
>>883734 I was always under the impression the grandkids didn't give one shit about the family's westaboo stuff (aside from Maria since she's a special case), but the kids were more or less fine with it. A bit weird, but their family was rich and did business with the west anyway so whatever, kinda makes them fit in.
>>883737 I guess so I got the impression the kids didn't care at all, and the grandkids mostly found it strange, personally Like, doesn't one of the adults comment about the western style guest house being a deviation from their day-to-day life?
I just don't like having to rely on my mom like this But if I stay in this job, and I succeed at it, I won't need to ask my parents for money ever again
i still gotta work on how I do this stuff though
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you'll get there just gotta be patient with yourself
>>883783 Yeah I'm all for tossing USB-A out but it's pretty asinine of them to say "there's far too many chargers out there, this is our way of reducing waste", only to give out a charge cable that works witb precisely zero of the iPhone chargers they've supplied so far. And also not actually lower the price of the phone either! It's all so dumb.
>>883784 don't listen you gotta run puppet's bunker again
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>883786 yea that excuse was dumb in the ipad presentation and it's still dumb
>>883787 fuck that I have the minions and music already that raid is a clusterfuck
arifureta was the one where the highschooler makes a working gun somehow right
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>883795 lmao you don't agree it only goes in one way?
>>883797 umm hes not just any highschooler hes an isekai mc otaku with otaku prents parent
>>883796 no dude I farm and craft instead of afk now i got hella imaginary money
but they also released a new 72-player instance that sounds fun as hell and I gotta do it
>>883797 His special UNIQUE power was he could synthesize stuff if he had the requisite materials. It's still definitely kinda power trippy since it seemed he could make anything if he knew what it was though. When you see powers like that the author normally tries to balance it by making them have to know the created thing down to a molecular level or whatnot.
it wasnt special or unique... one of every 10 non cmbat classes was one
>>883801 hello guys my character for this campaign is named Hajime Nagumo he's an alchemist and his one unique thing is GUN
To be fair if a tabletop class was to figure out how to make a gun, it would probably be the alchemist. Once you've got the chemical process fof gunpowder down all you really need is a durable tube of some material and a spark.
Oh the Hollywood Monster Hunter movie trailer drops tomorrow. I was really hoping they were just gonna can that whole thing hah hah Maybe since last I heard about it they've changed up the plot of "reverse isekai featuring US marines hunting wyverns", but I doubt it. At least looking at the trailer will be fun I bet.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>883826 lol oh no a challenger to the sonic movie
top movies of the year sonic tenet fatguy and monhun
Steve seems like the ultimate anti-recovery character. Being able to place blocks must be really OP if you can get to the point where you can do it smoothly.
im getting attached to the sf unit here for 9 months lol
Special forces?
Are you going to do ranger school?
nah ill get to do trainings with them if they do them but ranger school i doubt theyll do its oinda long maybe air assault (helicopters and repelling)
Oh actually i think they only do ranger school out of fort benning.
yeah theyd fly us rhere if they do it but like i said probably nit ranger school is more of an individual volunteer thing
>>883972 You think you'd be able to pass it if you tried?
hmm my mindset is good for it cuz i literally dont care about getting dirty and or tired but im bad at running so i dunno how well id do with them my friend went and failed out cuz he messed up during patrols but hes kinda dumb i know a guy who went and passed tho too
Would you get a raise if you got your ranger tab?
no unless you went to ranger battalion then youd get sent to airbourne school tho and i think thats where the extra pay is
Would you do jungle school?
i want to but because of coronus theyve been cancelling everything they did it semi recently tho so maybe while im there
Cool Good luck
thx babe
So what are you doing these days work wise?
not much last week we had to show our cmmander literally everything we own other than that we just do medical coverage for other peoples ranges im in charge of all the trucks and i h8 it