-- Erai-raws 100-man no Inochi no Ue ni Ore wa Tatte iru Adachi to Shimamura Assault Lily - Bouquet Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Enen no Shouboutai Golden Kamuy Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Maoujou de Oyasumi Tonikaku Kawaii
--SubsPlease Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Kamisama ni Natta hi Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Senyoku no Sigrdrifa
-- Team Confidence Great Pretender
-- HorribleSubs Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Episode 143-146
Oh there's also Ochikobore Fruit Tart with subs by either Erai-Raws or SubsPlease
It's really often the case in this show that everybody is naked.
I guess the manga author just really likes drawing naked buff men.
Ah oh no Well they're lucky at least they were all naked. Wearing your clothes when falling into freezing water is way worse than falling into cold water naked.
Maybe next episode we get some stuff from the Asripa side of the story.
The eating in this series is another weird fascination of it. There's always a focus on the Ainu cuisine or the experience of eating hunted meat fresh off the carcass.
enen which episode of enen is this okay that's the one i have
okay let's start
Erai has it as Enen no Shouboutai - Ni no Shou - 15
Oh whoops I could've just kept that post open
I was wondering if the kid with orange hair was a Pillar. Guess this is the Eighth's chance to snag another one of the Adolla superpowered people before the Evangelists people do.
so basically this is the start of a new cour right/
Well last week's episode was the start of the new cour with the new OP. But yeah, new season, new cour, new story arc.
KANA-BOON always makes some really good songs for anime OP
I hope if they can recruit that kid with the Adolla Burst if they can help him get that star-eyed guy out of his head. The fact that he's returning after getting his shit kicked in during season one annoys me. He wasn't a very nice person.
>I won't be outdone in a nerd fight Based Licht
That's a powerful doll.
Maki's armaments are such a cool use of her relatively weak pyrokinetic powers. Floating iron fists are fun weapons.
Yeah. They're all fighting in the lab campus of the tech company so it kinda makes sense. They've probably got tech stashed all over the place and pyrokinetics that know how to use 'em.
Huh, that's an interesting non-literal translation. The Japanese is literally "exploding heart", but they use kokoro which is more the metaphysical/spiritual heart than the biological one. And the English translation is "Mind Blown"
Kinda typical in the way that english translations sometimes spice stuff up
assault lily okay lets start
Might be there's not really a similar term in English. I guess you could maybe say "explosive soul" but that doesn't really have any meaning in English.
Oh yeah I liked this OP quite a bit.
Is everyone at this academy super gay
Wow sudden Super Animation Time
Wouldn't be a SHAFT show without some feet fixation scenes.
It's so lame how they have to dim action scenes now
I don't really understand the logic behind it.
>So, a Lily's CHARM becomes a part of her body Well I know what kind of doujinshi are gonna get made if this franchise gets popular.
I bet if there's a game part to this multimedia franchise it'll just be a mobage. But I think a fully fledged RPG in this setting would be cool too. The worldbuilding already demonstrates the CHARMs are highly customizable and not necessarily bound a specific one to a specific user. So there's precedence to upgrade your weapons and tune them to your liking. And being able to run around this academy like the one you spend your off time in Fire Emblem would be neat.
This ojou-sama girl is dangerous. How cute.
So the younger sister part of this Totally Not Gay relationship is called the Schild, eh. So the younger one is expected to be the shield for the older one.
I'm not a huge fan of the translators for this show. They literally translate the names of the characters, like Dawner for the hero. I think they do it for the country names too.
I don't mind translating stuff like jokes a bit for context but proper nouns are generally the one thing I really don't like to see get translated.
Like yeah, her own kingdom's translated as "Gooderest" It's obviously an accurate translation of the Japanese name being a pun on sleeping well too. But it just looks dumb when you translate a proper noun.