Come Sunday I'll probably be stuck back out in the middle of nowhere again for a couple months this time. The Internet will probably be better this time, but I'm not sure how much better. But I did manage for the previous three weeks, so I'll make sure I manage this time too.
-- Erai-raws Adachi to Shimamura Episode 1-2 Burn the Witch Episode 1-3 Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Kami-tachi ni Hirowareta Otoko Kamisama ni Natta Hi Kimi to Boku no Saigo no Senjou Arui wa Sekai ga Hajimaru Seisen Love Live! Nijigasaki Gakuen School Idol Doukoukai Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - Raihousha Hen
--SubsPlease Akudama Drive
-- Team Confidence Great Pretender
-- HorribleSubs Ahiru no Sora Black Clover Episode 143-147
Nope. If I had to hazard a guess you might be mixing it up with Akudama Drive? Unless you're confusing it on a genre level and not a phonetic one, in which I'm not entirely sure what you think it would be.
The OST for this has been pretty funky. Not really a commentary on the quality but it's somewhat off-beat from the usual anime OST.
They're either really bluntly foreshadowing that one friend of his that was yawning earlier is related to those late-night blood-draining crimes, or is being set up as a red herring.
Mahokua's plot is usually weird and twisted so there's no telling
The Rorschach masks are funny to me. He even kinda dresses like the Watchman character.
Well he's walking around on his ownsome so he's up to something, but it doesn't seem like it's directly related to this Rorschach guy.
Being able to use magic to change the trajectories of things is pretty Accelerator-level power though. That's basically a less broadly bullshit take on vector manipulation.
I think when the level of fantasy in your world is already high enough to have complex magic, then assuming a macabre crime is something supernatural rather than perverse tastes, is probably more the default than the outlier.
The way her mask has prongs that stick out of her hair keeps giving me the image of her having horns. Which is probably a bit the intent of its design.
I wonder what this blonde girl's deal is going to be I think they'll go with the plotline where she's being manipulated and ends up in the harem
For the time being she's acting as a spy trying to suss out the person we know is Onii-sama. And the OP has her in an action scene fighting with him. So yeah, I think whatever the ulterior manipulation she's dealing with is, it's eventually gonna put her at odds with Onii-sama. Maybe after that point though she'll be charmed by his infinite grace.
Reaaaady I kinda hope this is a series we get physical character growth in because the MC's age is a bit too young at the moment hah hah But the series' name does say "otoko"
I know nothing about this one, I am completely blind. seems like it starts with nun butt
Ah whoops I got the wrong Kami series this time. Okay that's corrected now.
>>884666 This is the one that's written by Maeda Jun, the author of Angel Beats!, Charlotte, as well as all the KEY VNs. So I guess it'll be fun to see what a kind of trainwreck it becomes.
Another person calling themselves Odin. The Japanese have a real like for the Norse gods.
For me it reminds me of the Haganai loli nun. Though both that show and Denpa-Onna had the same anime character designer.
Oh I was gonna comment on it starting with her being Odin but now we were getting Hades. But the show got to it before I could.
Wow yeah he's got a really magnificent last name.
Looks like she does have some kind of foresight though. Calling out both the sudden onset of rain and the traffic.
I wonder if all the characters in this series will have magnaminous, godly names.
sry i've been afflicted with a horrible case of video game addiction i should be returning to anime within a week or two
>>884675 Hm, well you're going to want to watch at least the first episode of Kamisama ni Natta hi and the first two episodes of DanMachi season three We might be watching episode three of DanMachi pretty soon after it airs so that one is a likely one too.
if you make me a list tilde i've love you for even longer than the forever i've already promised you
i'm also weight lifting now and prone to suddenly goign to sleep at 8pm but if i know what nights to be up i can do that
>>884678 Well DanMachi and Kamisama both air over the weekend so those would be easy to bang out in one night. I dunno if there was anything else you wanted to watch from this season.
the rates are not great but there are worse out there ignore the red circles the thing about the rates being bad is that it doesn't super matter what characters you use i mean a couple of the SSR-equivalents are definitely easier to clear content with, but skill trumps stats
I still haven't played Genshin. The fact that it's really hard to get cute rolls is a bit of a discouragement.
I also got into Arknights a few weeks back and I think a single mobage game is enough time investment for me too.
>>884679 i should plan for sunday night then? i'll catch up tomorrow, short day at work
Wow that was brutally and clean. Poor MC-kun.
>We don't live in a manga plotline Yeah, you live in an anime plotline!
>>884690 If not Sundays, Mondays aren't bad either. A lot airs over the weekend this season and we've been doing Majo no Tabitabi and GochiUsa on Sunday nights because Tony watches those and is around for them on Sunday. But GochiUsa might be something you'd dig anyway as well.
Oh you were curious about Higurashi as well, that airs for Thursday nights.
Scoping out chatter about this series before the anime started, I dunno how much the relationship part of romance drama will develop over the course of a single cour. It's probably not going to be like Yagate Kimi ni Naru where they started kinda-dating pretty much right off the bat. But it might also be more SoL-y and relaxing than a lot of drama all the time.
I'm pretty sure that is not a suitable use of a spacesuit.
There's some nice cinematography in that first scene.
I guess one of them is a space nerd? There's the spacesuit Oh it looks like there's something weird about the spacesuit person. But there was also a very obvious ET reference in that OP.
She's got a fun personality. Looks like she should be the composed, proper girl. But she's cutting class and seems a bit peppy.
What's the deal with this spacesuit.
>She's never dyed her hair before >She's never even shoplifted before I feel like the magnitude in delinquency between these two acts is pretty wide.
The spaceman seems out of place. I guess we'll see
okay time for the main event higurashi okay lets start
Each episode of this has been titled differently hah hah Episode one because it was the last HorribleSubs release Episode two because Erai-Raws used the same naming sense as HorribleSubs did. Epsidoe -Episode three because they changed it from "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni (2020)" to "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni Gou"
Tear those cotton guts from the futon!
Oh right some good news. This new Higurashi is going to be two-cour, not one-cour like it seemed to be last time I gave updates. The first half will run until December 24th, at which they'll take a somewhat obvious break the week of December 31st. And then the show will resume January 7th.
Do you know Oyashiro-sama Yes, Hinamizawa I kill you you kill me No, Hinamizawa
I was wondering when the car would show up his nice air conditioned car
Hah hah hah I think despite the bits they've been adding in or tweaking, they're mostly on pace with the original Onikakushi-hen arc. It's obviously not the same fragment as the one we saw in that arc, but it's pretty close.
Oh that's clearly Satoshi, Satoko's older brother, in that last picture of the beaten woman. I don't remember if they made that clear in the first time around.
Honestly an abandoned car and bicycle isn't the best grounds to base a missing person's case off of. Especially only like half a day since they were last seen.
Ooishi also isn't a very good detective. Like I can get he wants to protect Keiichi from angering the Sonozaki family (which is why he tells him to not talk to Shion /Mion about it) but the way he cautions him is just obvious paranoia bait.
This is tracking like the anime now but Rika being a different Rika is going to derail things probably
It might also be that we don't see a major change for this first arc. Aside from maybe Rika bemoaning the failure to save them at the end of it once Keiichi claws his own throat out.
This scene is not that different than the original.
I'd be interested in seeing if things chance once we get to the parts where Rika has to take direct action. Like in the second chapter, originally, we get that point where Mion/Shion has Rika locked up in the Sonozaki torture room and Rika kills herself with the knife against the wall. If we get to that point in the second chapter redux this time around, I wonder if she'd choose to take the same action this time aorund.
Honestly even if Keiichi didn't already have the Hinamizawa brain worms amplifying his paranoia, it's really not too irrational for him to find it weird how hush-hush people are about the dam incident and why he's got stuff like this, Rena peeping on him talking with Ooishi in the car.
They also amplify it by getting upset about Satoko's brother. I do think his delusions make Rika's tone seem more malicious than it really is. er Rena's
Yeah, definitely. I think it's easy as a watcher to also get confused by things like Rena watching him dead-eyed from the trees or something. In the VN this arc is written from Keiichi's perspective so that's just dread fluff added by the anime. Whenever she goes suddenly serious or ominous in his presence it's likely that we're seeing his warped observation of her rather than what she's actually like.
Also tone or otherwise Rena does do some REALLY shady things. But in fairness she's also self-conscious about the things she wants to hide and also has the Hinamisawa Brain Worms amplifying her paranoia.
I think that K1's paranoid brain distorts her tone. It distorts the personas of both Rena and Shion in the last few episodes. I think she's more desperate/pleading in the creepy scenes but his paranoid brain makes her come off to K1 as creepy.
It's been a while since I refreshed myself on the effects of the Hinamizawa virus but I do think it amplifies irrational and emotional actions overall, so not just paranoia, but feelings of anger, terror, etc. So it's likely that they're not 100% normal human brain either. Especially if maybe Rika is already killed by the time Keiichi goes batshit crazy on Rena
In the last episode of the first arc, where Shion and Rena are trying to give K! a shot to calm him down, his perception of them is like evil demented laughing.
>>884736 and Shion/Mion At least if I recall correctly it's a fairly short period of time between the death of the Queen and the onset of the total insanity before heart failure.
It also doesn't help that Rena's also, like even without the brainworms, a fucked up person. Her family is pretty awful. I think some of the suspicious actions she takes are things not entirely warped by Keiichi's paranoia, but not because she's malicious but because she's worried about him finding out about her history and hating her for it. Which is pretty human, I think.
Yeah, I think that Rika is dead by the time K1 does crazy. I wonder if that's how she'll drive this one off track by surviving.
We'll see! I get the feeling this first arc won't derive too sharply from the original. so that it gives viewers time to settle back into the feel of things. Especially since we're getting two cours apparently, they don't have the tight constraint of a single cour to develop things in.
How many episodes are we getting, yeah that's going to be the real thing that determines it
If they have enough time, it makes sense for them to have Rika fail a few times before getting it right.
It'll be interesting to see what happens once we get more stuff from Rika's perspective, or people that spend more time with Rika. Like she knows Takano's out to get her now, so pragmatically she just needs to avoid her like the plague the closer we get to the ... whichever actual date it was that was the deadline for Rika surviving or dying. But Takano does fake her death, if I remember correctly, which allows her to go rogue.
This is gonna careen steeply off the edge into headcanon, but a fun theory I saw was that the "game" that's set up between Rika and Takano, wasn't actually won when Rika escaped Hinamizawa at the end of the original Higurashi. Like she survived, but that wasn't the actual win condition of the game. And this series is going to develop the actual win condition, which is going to be something that pushes Rika away from being who she is and more into the way Bernkastel is when we see her in Umineko. Like I said it's headcanon, but Bern does go into a bit of detail in Umineko about how she won the last game she played with Lambdadelta (heavily implied to be Higurashi), and there's also a conversation she has with Featherine, accusing her of giving her the taste of meat that made her go all mean and twisted. Both conversations don't quite get explained by the events of the original Higurashi, especially since it's likely Featherine = Hanyuu and Hanyuu's never imaginably been the kind of person to turn Rika into a twisted, sadistic creature of pleasure.
It's Higurashi so it will get crazy for sure. I hope Rika keeps her Rika-ness throughout it all though.
I wonder if we'll see stuff like that one Higurash OVA where Rika, after surviving Hinamisawa, gets fucking TRUCK'd and ends up looping back into Hinamizawa. That was the one where she just got tired of trying and decked Satoko with a chair. She's definitely shown aspects of the cruelty Bernkastel embodies but just hasn't properly committed.
In the end I think Rika will get tp to win on her own trems cause I don't think they'll corrupt such a beloved character and riak making the fans mad
The problem is, it's already kind of inevitable, we just haven't seen the steps taken between the process. The Umineko VN and some stuff from the canon manga make it pretty clear Bernkastel is in someway, actually Rika. It's not clear on the particulars, or what happens to make her become that way, but they don't leave much in the way of saying "she's just a visual shout-out" or character expy.
That's not to say this anime will show how, I think leaving it ambiguous would kind of satisfy what you're saying, that they don't want to show Rika getting corrupted like that. But if they're seeding stuff like Featherine and other Umineko references, then they're treading pretty close to the line of removing that ambiguity.