Yeah, I guess the word I was looking for was suggested or incentivized we've had a lot of fun making the various biome themed houses and stuff
It's really cool! Plus with how the NPCs both prefer biomes and prefer other NPCs you can kinda choose all sorts of potential "optimized" groupings. Like there's not really one ideal set-up, they all lose out to other groupings on one aspect or another.
Some of the NPCs even like living underground so you can do some cool caverns housings or town build into the edge of an abyss or stuff like that. It's a great way to encourage creativity even in those that don't normally care too much about it.
i'm watching Wolf Girl and Black Prince but i don't think i'm watching it anymore this show is fucked up actually it's about a really toxic and abusive relationship with no redeeming qualities it's just lighthearted romantic protrayal of manipulation and abuse
you gotta be on some really serious M shit to be down with this or S, i guess but either way it's fucked
Shoujo manga can really be some weird shit at times.
Or like there was that vampire boys otome ge that got an anime adaptation. There's that great clip of two -three shots from it where one of the guys throws the girl into the pool and she's flailing about going "Help me! I can't swim!" And the last panel is just him looking down in contempt.
And this was a popular otome ge, enough to get an anime adaptation. Teen/young adult girls can be really fucking weird at times.
i'm considering re-watching monogatari since i haven't seen most of it in like 8 years most of what i've seen, i mean i don't think i watched a lot of it actually i watched Bake, Nise, Neko, Kizu1, Kizu2? maybe? and that's it so yeah i'm missing a shitload
It's not even a Japanese thing don't forget Twilight was big for a while and that had a guy who couldn't sleep so he just sat in the girl's bedroom all night watching her. And completely abandons her in the second book to the point he's gaslighting her on them ever being in a relationship. Girls found this dreamy or tragiromantic.
>>866131 The rule 63 twilight book came out recently. It was originally going to come out in like 2010 but it leaked and the author got pissed and didn't release it until this year.
>>866130 I watched it up to Nadeko medusa and got pissed and dropped it there. I did start rewatching it a few months ago aafer buying the first two books but I just ended up getting distracted by other stuff and haven't gone back and watched more. I was somewhere in Nise.
>>866130 Monogatari Second Season is where things start to get real crazy. Some of the best stuff happens in those arcs.
I watched it through to the end of Third Season, I think, which is where Arararararagi graduates highschool. Which was supposed to be the "end" of Monogatari but nisioisin kept releasing more content because that's what writers do so SHAFT kept animating. But I haven't gotten around to the later stuff yet.
And I still ought to watch Kizumonogatari.
>>866134 i feel like i saw tiny bits from monogatari second season but it all blends together i watched bake and nise in 2011 and 2012 respectively, and kizu 1 in theaters neko in like 2013 i'm not sure if i've seen kizu2 it's all been so long ago
it's definitely worth it for me to just rewatch from the beginning
I watched it as it was coming out so I still haven't seen anything from the BD releases. Maybe I should do a rewatch too so I can replace all the memories of QUALITY with good stuff hah hah.
SHAFT was AWFUL about QC when it came to the TV releases for Monogatari.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>866019 it's cuz i'm draggin them from the recycle bin
Oh yeah Obligatory reminder that aniplex hates money and set an msrp of $90~ for each Kizu bluray
I'm still buttmad that the Kara no Kyoukai boxset was like $400.
I don't know if there's a particularly enthusiastic cricket outside or if one managed to slip indoors but man it is NOISY.
>>866126 is that the one about the emotionally abusive fluffy haired boy
I think you're thinking about Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun Wolf Prince came out a bit later, probably they thought it would do well because of Tonari.
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun was good though also that boy had black hair this one was a blonde sadist
Ah I guess you were thinking of it then, yeah. I just remember Wolf Prince being kind of bad so I didn't expect people to have seen it.
I don't think I finished it because it was, well, kind of bad
not that i am not down with the S&M thing but he was a gigantic asshole and it just seemed fucked up
S&M kinda needs to be done delicately in fiction otherwise it's a good bit ... eugh.
speaking of that did you watch 365 Days?
Nope. I never really get around to watching movies, even the stuff I really actually want to watch. Or must stuff on Netflix that I'd be interested in.
Was it good/bad? Looking at what pops up at a quick Google it certainly seems controversial.
>>866157 ah I just remembered because we were talking about S&M The softcore S&M parts of it were great but I feel like overall story feels a bit neglected and the ending of the movie was really disappointing to say the least
There's just a lot of really key parts that they gloss over or hint at happening and then have off screen and it really fucks the gangster drama half of the story up The ass n tiddies were good tho
Well I can't say I'll check it out since watching is rare enough as is and it doesn't quiiiite seem my thing. But I can assure you that you've made me aware of it.
I'm not sure if I can really recommend it if you're not explicitly
that kind of thing, thanks /moe/ dropping me at a dramatic moment i watched it with my girlfriend but i think if i was watching it alone for my sole amusement i would have ended up not enjoying it overall the bad plot holes and guesswork to figure out whats going on really annoyed me
oh it also had a cocaine use scene
that was a little annoying for me
Probably on-brand for a movie about gangster drama though.
bitch you suck imma post a ss of it in this thread within the next two hours holy shit the menu theme is better than the old man choir ALREADY WTF?????
>>866184 well u see this one anime girl named nier in granblue got q summer outfit and shes got a butt shiwin in her art with somw frills sideboob too im nit not ton bte
>>866184 hi I'm ton my wife, Nier, got a swimsuit paid costume, that I set my alarm for so I could buy it on release as soon as possible. It looks very nice and even gives her attack animations where she didn't have them before. Additionally where it was vague previously they seem to have gone full MC-sexual on her with her lines on the home screen. I love her she is the best.
There I had to switch my primary browser to vanilla firefox because the other one is non functional due to an addon I cannot disable I have hundreds of tabs open in it ;_;
The administration obviously had one of those made up in advance for every major candidate, I don't see what's so exciting here.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's a funny ad
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh man. i forgot that kalama said she believes biden's sexual assault accusers they've given trump so much ammunition
I took the glass I've been keeping at my desk to make sure I always have one back to the kitchen and filled it with apple juice and brought it back to my desk And only after pretty much draining it that I realized a couple of the winged ants that were all doing their mating flights last night had landed in it and died. There were still two bodies in the base of the glass but since I wasn't paying attention I don't know if any went straight down the gullet as I was drinking. At the least hopefully they went straight down and are stuck somewhere in a cavity of my mouth.
>>866247 The game looks totally not my thing and honestly I'm kinda puzzled why it got such a focus like the PS5 reveal annoucement provides but geez louise it has become almost memetic since that. So good for the devs I guess?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe VIRAL MARKETING is afoot
Our house is getting offers, which is good. Multiple, so my parents might be able to push a bit of a bidding war. Sounds like they'd be selling and moving out come October though, which does put me on a pretty short timeline to get reliable income and figure out where to stay. Since there's at least October to January that the condo project they bought into would remain unfinished.
The new Halo game has been delayed until 2021. I think it kinda needed some re-touching concerning the visuals from the gameplay demo they did a couple weeks back, but man. This might outright crater the new Xbox's chances of being a thing on its release this holiday. What else is gonna be a release-week title for the console.
There's a porn link on the front page. If only we had some sort of working system with which we could alert moderation. Like a "report" system of some kind.
>>866270 It's supposed to be good but I never got arpund to watching it. I used to read the manga and that was good.
>>866270 It's a great adaptation of a really solid manga. Very wholesome and sentimental and has some great creative inspiration from the spirituality of the British Isles.
>>866278 Thank god for that. I doubt they'd good VAs.
damn too bad you can't sell gacha accounts for fat stacks oh fuck wait
*they'd get
Comparing being able to sell your entire collection (or one of them) to being able to sell any part of your collection isn't really fair.
okay see you at the goalpost
i guess i completely forgot that i downloaded Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san i don't even konw what this show is about or why i downloaded it maybe i was drunk?
i don't drink much nowadays so it's hard to imagine but it was a couple months ago
Tonari no Kyuuketsuki-san was a nice show. Pretty much just cute girls and cute vampire girls doing cute things together.
judging from the firs tfew minutes and the OP i'm almost certain that this is a Marsh show
How rude I'm the one that recommended it to Marsh.
actually now i think i remember seeing this blonde vampire posted by marsh maybe that's how i ended up wanting to download it
what the fuck is on the front page
>>866290 Porn link that can't be reported because the report system is currently broken.
Inb4 someone complains about the use of big text I remember right after it was introduced was using it and someone got really buttmad. *I was using it
this sanitizer is really taking a toll on my hands I have to sanitise before and after each drop so if I have 24 drops I will have sanitized my hands 48 times I'm starting to get a rash or something in certain parts
>>866337 Don't worry too much Throwing money like that still caused me some real mental damage. It's not something I want to do. Well not something I reeeeeeeeally want to do.
So anyway my government monies are tied to me not working more than 60% of the time they're based off of, right? Guess who's got about $2 in her bank account because she actually accepted 3 shifts I don't pay rent the first of the month, I pay the 15th
I'm fucking broke, dude
This system fucking BLOWS My mom's gonna bail me out if it gets too hairy, but I'm trying to work something out on my own first Landlord agreed to delay this month's rent with a week, but like What the fuck
It doesn't get Reduced, by the way, it gets cut to 0 Because I accepted work A requirement of getting them is to actually look for work, and you get them paid out every 2 weeks It's actively discouraging me from actually accepting shifts
3 shifts, 24 hours, count as over 60% for 2 weeks cause they calculated the money in the first place based on half a year, but as a full year Because that makes fucking sense I get it for payout amounts, but at least recognize the actual working time I did have when it comes to work I get to accept
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
buy apple stonks guaranteed returns
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Ghislaine Maxwell 'is taken off suicide watch and wants to be moved out of solitary confinement at hell-hole Brooklyn jail' welp
I'm honestly impressed she's alive Probably shouldn't be in like, general population tho, considering her charges
hmm at around 65 kWh per month usage, I pay 13€ for my electricity around 3,50 for the actual power 5,90 as basic transfer fees around 2€ for transfer of power and 2€ for taxes for the transfer
it is and isn't someone has to keep the power grid operational too the power company just produces electricity, not maintaining, building and investing in the infrastructure
what the real scam was when we privatized it and sold it to foreign investors
who the fuck just hands a natural monopoly to private capital? WHO
>>866367 Oh Here power companies pretty much have their own grids.
All finnish power grids are built by the state or state owned corporations caruna used to be part of Fortum, which was separated from it to make it easier to manage and then some twats decided "why not sell it for quick profit, what could go wrong" oh and social democrats etc leftists were in the cabinet for that decision so much for "protecting the interests of the little people"
social wellfare can be stupidly anal our system can fuck you over when you are receiving benefits and also working and earning money go 1 cent over the earning limit and they will not just cut your benefits but bill you for that month or months that you have earned too much and sometimes they do this like half a year post defacto and suddenly ask you to pay back like 6 months of benefits in one sum
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuk TSLA slow down
>>866378 But Tesla having braking issues is pretty on-brand
I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people who stay unemployed, but play along with the demanded "job seeking" behavior because the moment they actually GET a job, their income dips to 0, and that's income they survive on payout to payout, so it's just not reasonable for them to actually get employment
Like, technically I can't pay rent with the income I have I've been able to cause my mom's bailed me out so far
two of my light bulbs in my room busted too, but I can't afford to replace them There's still 1 there, so I'm just managing with that for now
Some times you just gotta live in dimness
My folks sold the house yesterday, so I'll finally be able to go back to the city tomorrow. Though I'll have to figure out where I'm living in two months too. At least my parents will as well, hah hah
Tony Hawk is in a weird space between fame and forgotten where you'd expect the natural flow of comedy to be what he's expecting, that by now enough people know about the joke that no one recognizes him that they'd intentionally pretend to not recognize him. But nope, people still just don't realize it's him.
it's not really, it's one of my bro's i think they're both siamese
Oh I read too much into your post from a few hours ago. Sounded a bit like a couple cats were coming for the cage. As opposed to just the ones you built it for hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the cats were spawned on the sidewalk at 1800h
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
our housecat is too old for this shit and is just chillin on the other side of the house maybe she'll come meet the two tomorrow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp they are makin weird noises at each othee and hissing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ugh my bro has been watching ben shapiro maybe that's why he's so angry all the time
I don't know much about Ben Shapiro other than the fact that he's Jewish and has a hot sister.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
his sister is not hot and also ben shapiro is basically an idiot who has literally inspired terrorist attacks and has been noted by terrorists as their inspiration on multiple accounts
I'm pretty sure it's what kicked off the long chain of Nickelodeon live-action sitcoms.
The actress who played Drake and Josh's little sister went on to be the MC in iCarly, whose rival (I think?) went on to be the MC in another show. So on and so on
last sitcom I watched was fresh prince of belair
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
drake and josh recently got approved for new stuff too after like, 15 years?
come to think of it do youy think he has some assistant hired to just browse through trump memes and show him the best or what trump thinks are the best?
>>866443 Probably A bit of both >>866427 She's pretty good looking. I'm not the only person who thinks this.
He has someone he dictates stuff to post to, so they probably serve doubly
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's probably some shit from /pol/ honestly
man it must suck thinking ben shapiro with tits and a wig is hot absolute mood
Well some people think him without breasts and a wig is smart so not everyone seems to be able to piece together acurate depictions of his family.
!C0.PerkELE seems to be this guy from the watermark at the end
I got pissed at a family member for using the kitchen spatula to scrape up dog vomit and they're like >I'll clean it with boiling water. What's the big deal? Lighten up
I still think it was unnecessary though they could have used.. anything else that i don't use to make food.
i think you are both probably in the right here in that there is no inherently correct answer and the way you each perceive the situation is wholly justifiable
it's definitely gross to use a cooking spatula for scraping up dog vomit and it's definitely fine if they go through full measures of making sure it's clean after
i mean, i wouldn't have used the spatula and i'd be pissed too but if they go as far as t o boil it, it's probably fine
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
> the way you each perceive the situation is wholly justifiable you'd do well in some of these law classes
Laws are just made up to justify actions after all
bang's anime docket: kaguya-sama: love is war bakemonogatari (rewatching all) the ancient magus bride tonari no kyuuketsuki-san we never learn: bokuben
i like having something to wind down with before bed the way i watched hidasketch was two episodes before bed it was so comfy i don't remember if i ever watched honeycomb i don't know that i did it came out after i watched all the rest hmmmm
Cat's sleeping so comfortably on the sofa right now. I'm gonna feel a little bad when we need to stuff her into the cat carrier to go back home in an hour or two.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cat carriers everywhere cat carriers here cat carriers there kekekeke neko rush
Ah, the author of the duo that did Act-Age in Shounen Jump got arrested for approaching and groping middle school girls. So Shounen Jump totally canned the serialization on the spot, RIP It was a really well-done and unique manga for such a big shounen magazine, but I don't really hold them accountable for choosing that.
Shame this means it'll probably never get an anime or stuff. I would have liked to share some of the earlier arcs from it with /moe/.
At least the artist side is completely unaffiliated with these and the art from the manga was really good. So maybe she'll do more in the future.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guess i'll torrent scott pilgrim for the anniversary
>>866605 I learned some cool shit about TempleOS late last night. Apparently most of it is compiled just in time. And it has a really interesting document format.
Check this out
Man I'm bummed about Act-Age. It didn't deserve to have a shitty person as an author. And its artist doesn't deserve to have her big break just canned like that.
>>>/@maidragon_anime/1292838380187746305 They're starting to put out Maidragon promo stuff for the second season. Looks like we'll see season two some time in 2021.
I would really, really recommend anyone that hasn't go and read the manga at least up until the end of the Night On The Galactic Railroad arc. It's a fantastic arc story and captures some great emotional moments. I was hoping it would get an anime adaptation because I wanted to share that experience with /moe/, but I guess that's not happening anymore.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Shueisha's MANGA Plus service announced on Saturday that it would not publish the final chapter on its platform. Hori Pro canceled the upcoming stage play adaptation of the manga. wow everyone is shutting it down i definitely respect that though >According to police, the girl was walking in the Nakano ward of Tokyo on June 18 at 8:00 p.m. when the suspect approached the girl from behind while on a bicycle and touched her inappropriately. Afterward, the suspect fled the scene on the bicycle. The girl went to police, who analyzed security camera footage to investigate. Police discovered through security footage that about an hour later, a similar incident on a nearby road with a different female middle school student occurred, involving a suspect who resembled Matsuki. >Matsuki reportedly told police "there's generally nothing incorrect" with their accusations.
The artist doesn't deserve this though! This was a big break for her and her art is absolutely gorgeous. Murata's been retweeting her art and trying to get her attention since the canning. Which I think is super cool of him
>After consulting with the artist of Act-Age, 22-year-old Shiro Usazaki, Weekly Shonen Jump and Usazaki have decided to end the series in this week's combined issue, which releases on August 11. hmm, crunchyroll is saying that Usazaki was part of the decision to cancel it. Although it being Japan and given that Usazaki is only 22 it's hard to know how much choice she felt she had.
>>866639 Wow, Murata? That's a big source of support How cool
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dammit i take 20 minutes off to pet the cats and i miss the dip
The cats have it in for your stock market success Samu
>>866641 Could also be she went "I'm just an artist I don't have the creativity to write the manga" Which is definitely a similar statement I've heard from some of my artist friends in the past. So the editors went ahead with canning the series.
Really even having her be part of the process seems unnecessary Like what are they gonna do, take an enormous PR hit for her sake?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Nah, she has to be part of the process. Usazaki and Matsuki were both the creators of the manga. And it's not like they could just find some new mangaka to write it. Usazaki would have had to be part of it. And >>866644 is a good point
I mean if the involvement was like "Hey can you uhhhh, aslo write the manga?" I can get it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's the only way the manga could have continued yeah you can't just find a new writer off the street for a long story and say "here you go it's yours now" in japan
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unless you're talking about like ultraman or kamen rider or something but those have had so many different writers through the decades that it wouldn't be weird to switch writers and usually those have teams of writers as is
I'm not at risk of relapse or anything right now but I've really been wanting a drink lately. I think all the stress is really just starting to take a toll on me. Well, I say a drink, but what I really want is a lot of them, haha.
i dunno! i'd probably want to drink even more when i got back although i've never been a beer drinker the first time i tried to stop drinking i started buying some beer instead of liquor but it was just not great and i went back to liquor pretty quickly
i do with /// wish i could be a normal person and just go and get plastered one night and then not have to worry about ruining my life
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
beer also wasn't really cost effective when i was still drinking since i was usually drinking like 2 bottles a day sometimes a little more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
beer is good way to slow down if you're drinkin too fast at least but yeah shouldn't tempt fate
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the only drugs i'd really trust myself with are hallucinogens i think and stimulants since those don't get me high they just make me feel like a zombie in a bad way
Come up here Kirara We can convince Samu to show up and then enjoy some legally acquired substances
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>866657 were you drinkin it straight or like ten whisky & cokes a day
>>866661 so if i was at work what id do is id bring a thermos with rum in it and i'd go and make cawfee and pour a shot of rum in it and i'd end up going through a bottle at work like that usually if i was at school i'd bring a thermos with vodka and usually drink that straight throughout the day and then when i got home i'd just drink whatever i had rum or vodka rum id always mix but vodka i'd only mix sometimes
>>866660 everything i used to abuse was stuff you could acquire legally!
>>866662 Yeah but up here you can get cannabis legally Don't even need to smoke it you can buy edibles from either totally legit stores or gray area stores for higher potency.
>>866664 to be honest i never really liked pot ive never smoked it since i promised cecilia i wouldnt but idk it just doesn't do me like booze and opioids do i don't have a lot of experience with benzos but i think i'd absolutely abuse those too most alcoholics do
moreover it smells and the smell sticks
Edibles don't have any of the smell and as long as you take a breath mint it doesn't stick
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mmm smell dat dank
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>866662 yeah drinkin at work is oof i would only drink after 6 at work haha who am i kidding 5 and just beer unless we stayed real late
drinking at that job was chou easy id get there at 4:00 and then at 6:00, everyone else would go home so i'd be in the building totally alone from like 6:00 to midnight so i could do whatever i wanted and then if i worked midnight to 8 nobody ever came in until like 8 so i was alone in the building the whole night and it worked out like that too
on my last shift it was christmas day i had just finished a trip to vegas with jan and moon i was sick bc i had been detoxing from booze and got a respiratory virus so i got in to the airport at 6am on a midnight flight, drove to work, got there at 8:00 (i was doing 8-4 because it was a holiday), i logged in and everything and then i just lied down on my desk and drank promethazine w/ codeine and took naps didnt work at all lol holiday pay for that is pretty sweet tbj
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ironically that was the time that i actually managed to get my sobriety started i lapsed a few days after that on new years day jan had gin in vegas and forgot to bring it when he left so i threw it in my bag and when i unpacked at home i found it and took a swig and then realized what i was doing and spit it out but i still count that after that i was basically sober only used kratom occasionally and didnt abuse it actually used percocets for pain instead of getting high and now i don't use any of that stuff because it makes me crave more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably a good move i've wasted so much time and money on drinkin and pot
is it really a waste if you enjoy yourself and can control your use? prob weird coming from a recovering addict and substance use treatment specialist lol but i think recreational drug use is great and i personally fucking love drugs and would use them all the time if i could without destroying myself
The fucking website I read manga on often has jpgs renamed as png so when I try to post them here or tano I get an error. I fucking hate that so much. >>866689 I do
havn't seen it I think might just be something they do to annoy uuh what were they callers other sites that take their shit from mangadex et al and then slap a watermark and ask people to view ads whatever crap sites anyhow
Man it feels good to finally have a good chair again. I'm way tired of being stuck with dining room woodi chairs.
Came home to a non-functioning Internet though so I guess I'm gonna have to call my dad and see if he can help me troubleshoot what's happened. I have an idea but we haven't been in this house for three weeks (or was it two?) so I can't know for certain.
Well the Internet was an easy but mildly silly fix. But now I can't find my pair of slippers. I don't really need them since it's warm but I kind of prefer to have padding between my feet and the ground.
i think something might be wrong with my brain the new content update for FFXIV came out and all i've been doing is crafting and gathering items and making money instead of playing the new dungeons and stuff
they added new gear to make now i gotta make it all
Well I wouldn't be opposed to it but not from you.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm trying not to like throw up skittles or something I haven't touched that fight in months and today after maint they put in a rework to make it less garbage
Just saw a thing on the news about a guy who killed a teenage girl while drunk driving, he got a seven year sentence and is complaining that his sentence is too long.
Almost didn't have hot water either but that's a fixable, albeit annoying, problem.
see, it's cute in the anime but if you actually had a friend who wouldn't stop whistling like R2D2 it would get real old real fast >>866726 You should probably see a doctor.
>Snap buy Ring Fit the moment I see it on Amazon for market price >Turns out it's an advance ordering and Amazon predicts it will ship "September 3rd-23rd" >Check order page now that I'm back in the city >"Arriving Saturday" Y...yay?
>>866757 ill go 5/3 i like the pressure of shorter games more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
mistakes were made
got rekt?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yup rematch time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nice one
i am a master of the draw
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i totally threw that should have been an ez checkmate
>>866778 oih man i blundered mine too i thought you were gonna take it
i can't believe i blundered my queen like that and by cant believe i mena // mean i do it literally every game i play
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the move before that haha
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time pressure is rough
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kd4 baybeee
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
most developed king ever
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
welp spaghetti everywhere
no its 1.5-1.5
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait lemme stream dis if you wanna play some more
we don' like your HALFLING KIND HERE
ill play more sure
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok one sec
brb in meantime
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>866677 might be an issue that came from a recent update
ive gotta sleep for now it's super late ggs invite me for some more gaems some time
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ggs that was fun thanks for gaem i lost 6.5 to 4.5 pan wins destructionn
I've been home for like half a day and I've already rammed my root into a chair in the kitchen twice. My foot even. It's partially that they're new chairs that weren't there before and also that I'm out of habit for that tiny-ass kitchen. Hopefully I adapt soon twice is already a decent bit painful.
Nice. Even if I don't really leave my house, the city has a totally different atmosphere than being out in the countryside. Most of my family favours the latter but I just like being in this kind of feeling way more. I don't feel like I'm stuck somewhere involuntarily here.
Plus holy FUCK it's good to have normal Internet again.
Wow the delivery date moved up FAST. Yesterday it was September 3rd-23rd. Earlier this afternoon it was this Saturday. Now - Oh wait no I'm just dumb tomorrow is technically Saturday here since it's already Friday.