Wow. These subs in general haven't been too bad But this one was painful.
Sure, but what if the actual Japanese was supposed to be equally outdated/cringey lines anyway. And a literal translation wouldn't convey that nuance suitably?
>>863328 i agree it should have said "Swag daddy to the max"
which means like, "it's here", right? 'here it comes" "this is it"
>>863333 Did you like Dual? I personally don't feel like I can judge it because i like it for the tenchi muyo connection.
Literally, that's accurate, and mostly in line with it's use. It's also used to express excitement over something happening. A somewhat suitable parallel in English that I'd be loathe to make would be pog or poggers. Though "kiita kore" would probably be more easily understood by a Japanese person without an understanding of Internet culture, than a similar English person would understand the equivalent.
i mean, to be fair and to give your point credit they're meant to be ridiculous and stupid with the mask an' stuff
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah the "doctors" in that episode were full on goofy.
>>863340 Not to the degree you would hearing YOLO, but on the other hand, not every English person would hear YOLO and react as negatively as you would. I don't think YOLO really conveys quite the most accurate English depiction of what she's expressing there, I think maybe something like HYPE would have been more accurate. But I think it suitably conveys she's being corny about how enthusiastic she's being there.
>>863359 I'm not sure what's new or old I just live day to day making printers work. Though I did recently have to buy a car. Poor old Thunderbird died a miserable death.
Jesus christ dude There's an osrs minigame which includes different glowing coloured orbs that you collect for certain effects and the game blocks you if you say 'white power up'
that's a screenshot from the last time i played i would check the metadata but i'm too lazy maybe two years
>>863381 An understandable lack of communication between community devs and gameplay devs. The "white power" block was probably in place long before the minigame and they just didn't bother to check what words were blocked when designing the game.
>>863386 no. the minigame has been in place again for years they just upped the language filter again after all that kerfuffle with the American police
Well then same story just inverted. The people implementing the block didn't stop to check what systems might be interrupted by auto-blocking certain terms. I don't think this is a matter of them being wrong.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
i'd argue that it's wrong to put in such an over-zealous filter
Sure, but there is evidence that de-platforming works to quash dangerous philosophies like white supremacy. If the Runescape devs don't want to even remotely permit philosophies like that to cultivate in their game, then I think such a filter is exactly justified.
Is white p0wer blocked too? Also there is a technical term for this problem I think its the Scunthorpe problem.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>863392 hang on, I'll head somewhere with no one else around and type it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>863392 nah you can spell it with a 0 they didnt try that hard
>>863408 The only song I know from it is ocean man.
Man I fucking hate mattress springs. I want to go back in time to whoever thought up this dumbass idea and shove these matress springs down their throat. Maybe that would discourage them from even remotely thinking this was comfortable.
>>863408 Oh man Dude Paul's Boutique is so good. It's probably their best album. They have so many samples on it that the copyright law regarding sampling got changed because of it. >>863413 I can't tell if this is ajoke or nnonot But in case you aren't joking, the Beastie Boys were the first (and most successful) group of white rappers. They are also all Jewish.
Until they all died fighting for their right to party
>>863400 My point is it's their game and they can decide what kind of language they want on it and there's evidence that removing the opportunity to talk about dangerous cultures works
Okay fine you can keep your opinion you don't seem to really care to listen to what I'm trying to say.
Ended up sleeping most of the day away since I got no sleep last night. Just put my headphones on and dozed off to the OST to Outer Wilds. That's a really, really good game. More people should play it.
>>863507 You're thinking of The Outer Worlds. Outer Wilds is a game that came out about the same time, amazingly, but is entirely different in scope, gameplay, and aesthetic. I also think it's a game you could really, really appreciate.
outer wilds is the game where you keep flying into the sun outer worlds only does that once
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh outer wilds does look interesting
>>863509 You don't keep flying into the sun, the sun keeps flying into you!
Okay, sure, but even despite that, you're probably only gonna make the mistake of getting too close to the sun/trusting your autopilot too much maybe once or twice. You're gonna have the sun fly into you like literal dozens of times.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched umbrella academy s2 today it's so good! i highly recommend it umbrella academy is my favorite live action superhero shit
i ALSO cleaned out my fridge, took out all the shit to wipe down and stuff, cleaned my kitchen, did some laundry, and tried to mop my balcony without a mop all in all a pretty great day
I did pretty much nothing productive today. Unless sleep can be construed as productive.
ive been at work
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
im excited for hurricane tommorow let's fight, isaias come at me
Got your eyes on Isaias' ass
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it looks weak as shit unfortunately expected to barely be in cat1 i hope it stays off the coast and powers up a little just grazes us hit me with that wall babey
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the real prize will be tropical depression 10 out near africa cape verde storms are the most dangerous since they have so long to power up hopefully the sahara isn't still spewing sand and kills it
The desert cares not for your mundane whims
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it can't spew sand forever hurricane season isn't even at its peak yet
ton I'm so sad i got the challenge quest down to like 20k health out of over a million and then i was skill locked on my last turn so i couldn't np to win Had to waste a quartz
did you have // spend your seals elsewhere? thats a shame fam
i cleared using the res command but ive got Jeanne np to help keep me alive Merlin might have invincible but he's going to take like 5k per stomp like my Waver im sure
i wonder if they will come out with consumer grade face tracking like they had on the set of Avatar etc for all these vtubers it's still kinda jank currently
It's getting better. But I don't think any independent streamer or even small-scale talent company is gonna shell out the money for tech like they ha d made for Avatar.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you just need like a few fisheye webcams some LEDs and some foam and then hope some neural net wizard comes along and makes the interface with the vtuber stuff kickstarter time
nitrous peripherals oh my lord imagine playin that with like bioshock or something could never be a product too much probability of overuse leading to brain damage
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also i guess that's flat out illegal
Maybe some things are illegal for good reason.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
der gubbermint dreestricten my freedom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently it was called the PediSedate and used by dentists
just had a bad year all the things i wanted to do all the places i wanted to go are cancelled
Well I dunno if it's much consolation, but it's been a similarly lousy year for most people. Everything's been cancelled. Might as well just cancel the entire year. We can tick over New Year's later and just say "Yeah let's try 2020 over again
You are Moe, a fairly good chess player. You are sitting across from Erin Kurbatov, one of the strongest chess players in the world, and also one of the cutest. She looks fabulous in her sailor uniform. You start a new game with Erin. You play e4. It is a very complicated move, but you manage to pull it off. You win!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> You play e4. You decide to play e4 instead of your usual opening. It's not like you can get away with playing something else, so this will have to do. Your opponent makes a quick assessment of what you're doing and replies: 「...I see...」 She doesn't seem to be expecting such an answer. She seems surprised that you would play e4 instead of your usual opening. You continue to play as normal, but then you suddenly realize something. The pieces are moving! They aren't just standing still or even moving at all; they're actually making moves on the board!
I can force it to play some opening. I forced e4 e5 f4 here:
> You play e4. Erin plays e5.
> You play f4. You play f3. The two of you exchange pieces. The board is empty except for the queen on your side and the king on hers. The queenside knight has been captured by the enemy's rook, but it doesn't matter because both sides have no other pieces left to capture! You're going to win this game!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
You play e4. Erin plays e5. You play f4. Erin plays g3. You play h2. Erin plays c6. You play d7. Erin plays f8. You play g1...and then it's all over.
hmm lemme plug this in
nope this is nonsense
i think you need a brain that's been trained on a whole bunch of chess games for this
>>863682 well a country that had had 0 cases for almost a month pops up 50 cases after few days of having their borders open, with most traffic coming in from germany, them being mostly tourists to enjoy praha?
hell we even had germany pissed off at us, because tons of german citizens had to cancel their vacations to finland, due to our borders being closed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't give a shiiiit about national identity
fun fact tho i am gonna apply for uk citizenship for whatever that piece of TP is worth lmao
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>863684 sounds like canada and the US we didn't even open our borders its just assholes slippin thru the cracks
also austria poland hungary slovakia all had travel still banned
ofc I don't know their constitution, finns are always allowed to leave country and return dunno if they actually blocked citizens from leaving their country. I don't study the law of every single fucking european country, I know my own rights and my rights always allowed me to leave the country
the issue mostly is, which country actually allowed anyone to arrive?
this actually resulted in an amusing case of "terminal" movie a russian citizen, living in finland left the country to visit russia during his visit we closed our borders, so the man couldn't return back and while he was being told this russia also closed, totally, their borders so the man was stuck between the borders of finland and russia for a weekend russia eventually took them back in on monday or something he spent maybe 12 hours there, but still an amusing case of bureaucracy shitting someone over
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whenever you say a story is amusing it always turns out to be some dumb bureaucracy lmao
well yeah if you don't find bureaucracy amusing, you won't live here. cause otherwise you will realise the hell it is
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all the taxes forms have sudokus on the backs
a case of schadenfreude if you ask me doesn't surprise me at all that the word is of german origin they invented this bureaucratic model we too suffer from, though we made it even worse
I mean it is damn efficient you have a damn good well fare model, especially if you are nordic but man does anything take 10000 years to change >>863698 when things work as intended, they work damn well but when oil is lacking or the machine has to do anything but what it was built for 100% borke
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
efficient + bureaucracy = ??
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
efficient is the antithesis of bureaucracy tho okay it's inflexible
still happy that the whole corona thing didn't happen 2-3 months earlier would have sucked to have no christmas last year >>863714 I don't actually remember the deadlines I stopped following brexit almost a year ago or more
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> the UK left the EU at 11 p.m. GMT on 31 January 2020. This began a transition period that is set to end on 31 December 2020, during which the UK and EU are negotiating their future relationship.
entire train being a movie is so hype also the fact that the series ended, means they have all the time they want to finish it up a
ufotable characteristically does also finish series they adapt. Kara no Kyoukai, UBW, Heaven's Feel. They did a full adaptation of Tales of Zestiria too.
riddick series aren't really that good movies but they do give you a good scifi spectacle
>>863743 Well hopefully more get Fruits Basket'd An entirely faithful adaptation from the start all the way through. Kinda like what they've done with JoJo, actually.
the cost is one thing, the ability to is another entirely I am allowed to keep a cat here, but the place is kinda... small for an indoor cat, they need a litterbox if nothing else, and it's just not realistic to have it be anything but an indoor cat. No way to let it go in and out as it wants
That doesn't help though The issue is I can't easily know that it wants back in due to how my apartment is set up There's the door outside, and THEN there's the door to my apartment
naw i mean walking it like a dog
That's still gonna be like, many hours at a time where it's just stuck in here tho
mmgh when you get a pet the important part is to be with it for the first few months and then slowly let them learn when you aren't home and so on
Also a problem due to irregular worktimes, unfortunately
I can't afford it at the moment anyway, once I get actually employed I'll think about it more >>863767 It's like a 3-4 meter drop to the ground tho ...maybe my landlord would let me set up a sort of ramp down to the ground for the cat to use if I asked
is why people usually get pets when they are on vacation
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
window catflap
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that cat can keep to the sky live on a willow branch and a prayer
Lot of rain today. Tapered off for a it but it's picked up again. Must be good for my parents' gardens.
Same as always I'm limited in what I can do since I can't drive anywhere, so I'm stuck pretty much only with what I can do at the house. Less so today since I'm not one for going out and getting soaked in the rain.
>>863780 prolly was but not big budget stuff atleast not that I recall
>>863778 There's probably a sandbank between where Samu's standing and the ships. So they're in deep water but you wouldn't tell since the sandbank makes it look like it's all ground between him and them.
looks so alien to me we don't get tide here really
tho definitely there are waters like that here especially artificial channels most ports nowadays have the main channels dug deeper afterall
If I owned this place and hell I'd rent this place out and live in hell
My brother should be arriving here from the city later on today. I had a replacement cable shipped to the house there that he should be bringing up. Will be nice to not have to place the cable ever so perfectly as to not have the frayed wire drop sound in the right ear.
you saw clearly that one student was interfering with the concentration you should have scolded that student instead of just declaring failure actually you should have scolded that studnet WAY before the failure happened it doesn't matter what her STATUS is she is a student now so she is your BITCH
also someone on a dating app asked me if i wanted to go to a wedding with her and get fucked up at the open bar so i said i was sober but would be happy to go with her and she blocked me?
women are hard romance is stupid
Maybe for some people being a teetotaller is a no-go for a partner. Which, experiencing my mother as the fond drinker and my dad as the teetotaller, is honestly a really good pairing though. You always have a designated driver to rely on.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will just marry yoshizawa from persona 5 royal and all of my problems will disappear
It's been raining here like all day. Started some time around 05:00-07:00 I think and aside from tapering off briefly in the middle of the day it's been going on in some form since then. Kinda nice though. Rain doesn't ever really stick around in the city and gets blown out as quickly as it gets blown in.
reddit told me finnish are the worlds highest coffee consumers at 4 cups a day what
Yeah I've seen similar statistics before.
Now that I don't have to worry about headphones I've finally cleared the entirely irrelevant excuse I've been using to put off hooking my drawing tablet up. It makes for a bit of a tight fit on this tiny desk, but it works. Plus it serves kind of as a second monitor; I've definitely been pining for a two-monitor set-up since getting shuttled off up here. Maybe I'll even get around to drawing again since I'm limited on things to do up here, hoh hoh hoh
how many times watching Triple Borgar Time in one day is too many
I sure love that I can't even maintain a stable 360p stream on this Internet Though I'm sure this time it's because someone else is putting a drain on it, but still. 360p should not be a heavy demand.
you tell dungeon AI that you want to use a body modification machine ONE TIME and suddenly you have huge rippling muscles, hooves, and way too many teeth
>>863909 As long as we can YEET Bell along with them
yes I believe I did for reconciliation week my memory is really poor though so I can't tell you much else >>863924 funny you mention that because I'm wearing a rick and morty shirt I got as a present r n
>>863926 I'm only a little surprised that you've actually eaten one. Was this at school?
yeah it was at school I could envision myself eating one when I was in scouts but I don't recall doing that then >>863929 nope
>"I see the … fabric … of the Universe, the very stuff of reality. I see space fold and flow into different forms. I see … my mind is being pushed to its limits, <Samurai>. >Please let me come back up.