It's like 17C outside. The fuck is this weather it's the middle of the summer. If I'd known it was gonna get this cold I would've brought a long-sleeve.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\Search [iqdb](483 KB, 569x700, au ra.png)
when i walked into work this morning we had a new no contact thermometer and they hit me with it and it said "38" and she said "alright you're good" and i said "that says 38" and she said she doesn't know how to switch it to farenheit but 38 is fine
but 38 is a fever so i had to help her fix it so she could take my temperature in a number she can actually read and then i waited for my temp to go down, my hat usually raises it when i first walk into the building
You're just too HOT Should just make her read Celsius it's the better temp scale anyway.
>>863973 My mother claims we always get some cooler days around the top of August here but I can't remember it ever being this cool in the middle of the day. It was like 25C a few days ago so it being this low is more a matter of the difference than actually being cold. But I still think this deep a dip in temperature is weird.
ya ever like felt kinda hyped to work late cause it means you got the whole day to fuck around, and once you're done with the timevoid that is work, you can just go to bed, so there's no real inbetween lost time?
Nope I generally don't like doing work and would rather be doing anything else.
Yeah but if you gotta go to work It's better it's late, right? You're already awake, you've had your like 8 hours of home time
It really doesn't matter to me. The only real "lost time" in a day to me is me doing things I don't really want to do, such as work. If I go to work early then I come home and do things after it, if I go to work late then I do things before it and then come home and probably do things after it because I'm good at filling time.
I feel like the time between waking up and working early is lost time You can't DO anything
I can do some reading, I can watch stuff online, or watch anime. Given enough time I can squeeze gaming in since I usually have something on hand that's easy to start up and put down. I am exceedingly good at finding things to do.
Maybe it's just a personal thing I feel like I'm squeezed between two chunks of my schedule, so even if I do something I have enough time for on paper, I feel real anxious
I like having my time chunks properly separated Wake up, do stuff, work, bed is a good separation Wake up, do small amount of stuff, work, do more stuff, bed is a very annoying way for me to have my time arranged
It's the same amount of actual time, but it feels different Like I've lost time at the back end, because the time at the front end was mostly just a weird waiting period before work
>>863990 Sakurai's weird in that I can't decide if he looks good for fifty, or old for fifty. His agelessness is definitely ethereal compared to the usual eternal youth.
Because I don't have Netflix readily available where I spend 98% of my time at home. Also I'm an excessive procrastinator on watching things by myself.
Also also there's not really Internet here to watch it with, unless I want jittery, 480p quality.
this girl and i decided mutually to stop seeing each other, cuz we knew that we didn't have a future together but now my fear of being alone for the rest of my life is setting in
bang bang bang
Whether you have a partner or not, you are still alone for your entire life. At least after you develop the mental cognition to separate yourself from your mother.
other way to view it is that you shouldn't have not-being-alone as your primary reason for keeping/getting a relationship either. since you'll probably "die alone" eventually anyway based on if your partner goes first but you can also just rely on your other close friendships and never truly be alone anyway
i can't stop listening to the Baka Mitai full version
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
You decide to write a book called "The Melancholy of Keanu" it is a novel about your relationship. The book becomes very popular and people start calling you the greatest writer since Shakespeare. Your book ends up saving literature as more and more people stop reading books altogether.
the trick is to get into a very short relationship and then kill yourself so you don't die alone obv
>>864006 I had to spice-up this sauce since we didn't have extra pasta sauce and just strained tomatoes so I was experimenting with stuff from the drawer. I'm not great with spicy spice, it tends to slow down how fast I can eat something since my mouth needs time to recover, but I do really like the flavour of it. Thai food is nice because of stuff like that.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>864010 [taking vows] till death do us part [immediately kills self]
>>864017 a show about a family of people with super powers who were collected by an eccentric billionaire as infants and raised into super heroes but it fucked them up real bad and now they're all dysfunctional assholes but they have to band together to save the world after their dad mysteriously dies and they all hate each other so much
>>864019 so it isn't a documentary about Albert Wesker's younger years?
>>864021 does anybody punch a boulder like fuck was // it was chris right?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
there is a dude that is BIGGER than chris he could easily punch a boulder but he punches people instead and sometimes cars or walls
damn he drops the "IT'S THE JUGGERNAUT, BITCH" i might give it a watch sometime idk
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the best part is and this is an actual spoiler the apocalypse is their fault so they go back in time tto stop it and just create another one in the 60s because they're all so bad at everything
there's luther, the big guy, his power is super strength and also his upper body is that of a gorilla and he's super sensitive about it lol then there's diego who can CURVE PROJECTILES and he thinks he's batman so he tries to be really brooding and emo allison can basically mind control people by saying "i heard a rumor you x" klaus can COMMUNE WITH THE DEAD and summon them sometimes but he's so traumatized from their childhood that he's high or drunk 24/7 or both five doesn't have a name he's just called five and he can basically move through time and space at will he's probably the biggest asshole of them all he's like 60 but he fucked up a time travel thing and looks 11 ben hides an eldritch abomination under his skin and also he's dead klaus is the only one who can communicate with him. ben is probably the least fucked up one since he's been dead for years and didnt have to get traumatized as much and then finally there's vanya, she is completely ordinary and not suspicious at all
i wrote down a list of pros and cons to a relationship with her and i feel a little better. when we left i felt like in her mind, it would be her crying the night away and me all happy with a bowl of popcorn and my feet up on the table, so i called her and told her that i didn't want her to feel like I had NO feelings for her. she said she'd prefer to talk after when she's less emotional really i want to tell her that she's not the /// that she's not alone in hurting right now is that stupid or not?
when i picture tilde using 5 Mb/s internet i also picture him getting lag and running over to the router, except the router is the size of a small fridge and it has a pull-starter like on a lawnmower and he's furiously yanking it screaming "NOT NOW, COME ON IT'S ANIME TIME"
The router's actually normal sized for a router! And also weighs like a hundred grams. I don't touch it unless the Internet's completely stalled though.
Usually when things lag I just accept my fate. Can't even do things on my phone since I don't get data up here.
the fridge-router begins chugging to life, emitting black smoke from several pipes while a rambunctious cacophony of metallic whirring and the pumping of pistons rattles the device on its feet "INTERNET GET" tilde roars triumphantly across his living room
My Internet in the city went unupgraded for a really long time. We probably had the same Internet from like the early 00s to around 2016 I think. Even before upgrading the speeds weren't bad, though it would still take like fifteen or twenty minutes to download an episode of anime. The real dumb thing though was the monthly cap of like 60GBs that for like five or eight years we blew through so hard we hit the limit the ISP bothered to charge us overuse on.
this picture of shigure captures emotions i haven't felt in a long time i have mixed feelings thinking about that it's good that i don't feel those things now but it will never be good that i felt them back then
this one too i've had some rough years i guess but all's well that ends well, they say
>>864164 I would refuse to live in a dorm with a connection that slow The dorm i lived in at uni had like 8MB/s
usually my friend's dorms when i was younger would have okay speeds but they're split among hundreds of people so terrible speeds
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>864093 nope that seems difficult, just remote jobs but i do want a US job for the $$$ idk if these two facts can be reconciliated
>>864179 Well I saw someone earlier talking about how they finally persuaded their company to let them move back to Canada from the States since remote work can be remotely worked from just about anywhere. I think the biggest problem would be persuading them to pay you what the would for working for them living in the States. I bet they might want to pay you less since you live in Canada.
>>864293 No No Sylvester Stallone or danny glover or sharon stone or gene Hackman or jlo or Christopher walken either
damn you got me
On the subject of cgi films about insects did you know that a bugs life is basically just seven samurai. *?
>>864294 wow I didn't know a lot of those actors were in that movie though I remember Christopher Walken briefly
>>864296 no I didn't even know of seven samurai until now
>>864299 It's really good. I highly recommend it. Ah, heads up though It's like three hours long.
Anyways, Kurosawa's films have been ripped off a lot . Like Star Wars for example (the first one) ripped off Hidden Fortress, The Magnificent Seven ripped off Seven Samurai, Fistful of Dollars ripped off Yojimbo (which I also highly recommend). >>864309 The first oonone made
the first star wars made or the first one plotwise
oh right
It was originally called Star Wars, it was r renamed later. I don't know if it was renumbered to be episode four at the same time it was renamed a new hope.
Rashomon is also really good.
Oh also if you've seen a lot of anime you've probably seen parodies of Akira Kurosawa plots. I've seen Yojimbo parodied a lot. Seven Samurai trailer >>>/watch?v=I-0H0HHHGow Seven Samurai is widely considered to be one of the best films ever made.
people used to meme it way back in the day when i posted on forchin and then I think i watched one you those youtube doccumentary /video essay things once
why do you ask?
>>864334 I was just on the cwcki because my roommate was watching a history of Chris-chan video and I went to look something up.
>Tech stocks will keep rallying as consumers use more cloud services to work and connect with people, Wedbush's Dan Ives tells WSJ. "Consumers look at Amazon, Apple, Netflix, Facebook as services as important as food and water," he says. hmm
well that was a fuckton of something exploding after the initial one a major fuel explosion, considering "port"
but what I mean there, is that it isn't the explosive that causes the smoke, but something burning so the colour would come from the stuff already there, not what landed on it, if it was an attack
>>864363 In that big infamous explosion at a Chinese port a couple years back there was a similar moment, where there was one small explosion when the volatile chemicals first were, well, activated. I mean I say small but it was still pretty large, waking everyone aroud -around the port up. But then there was the FUCKHUGE explosion after it. So these kinds of chemical accidents don't necessary go in one big boom.
>>864366 Probably, yeah. Unless there was another huge chemical explosion at a Chinese port in recent years I'm forgetting about.
>>864365 that cancelled quite many stores and chains from selling fireworks, while affecting the company I //while not affecting the company I worked for was a good year
With the size of the explosion I wouldn't be surprised if it severely interrupted the fireworks supply chain for a lot of people worldwide.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
big badda boom
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
finally the late night fireworks will cease and all it costed was a dozen human lives
Sounds like the Beirut explosion was from a seized amount of sodium nitrate that the government just ... let sit in a warehouse for like a year. This stuff is extremely dangerous even in relatively small amounts and they kept it in a warehouse in their capital city. It seems there's a lot of really bad devastation from the explosion in the city.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
jesus christ
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
blizzard gettin killed on earnings hell yeah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
> I've seen a fake coffee company, half-assed space tourism scam, fabricated electric vehicle maker, bankrupt car rental company, and a prehistoric camera film company all moonshot out of my wildest imaginations. stonks
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hmm actually blizzard activision earnings are good wonder why the stock dropped it'll probably moon tomorrow rip
people probably still mad about >bfa and no new shadowlands release date info
Josuke's VA's been dreaming of dreaming of Korone or something. Guess he's a Vtuber fan too.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sugita did a stream with houshou marine and said he was a big fan and then suggested she was an exhibitionist and asked her if she was drinking at work lol
Yeah she and Fubuki have a radio show and he was on it. Apparently their conversation drifted into what Gundam show was their childhood and Marine said one that was airing like mid-90s. Meaning she's probably like 26 or 27 Surprisingly old for an aidoru.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah she said something about watching a movie in theaters and ton and i did the math and concluded she was about our age which is nice tbh
>>864402 A lot of supposed what -supposed whydunnits for the explosion link to the Israel/Palestine conflict or similar tensions in the Middle East. Though I'm fairly certain the official story concerns that stupid-big storage of sodium nitrate. Even then though that still leaves some air of uncertainty about how and why it detonated. NYPD's counter terrorism department is probably more developed than that of many countries so it's probably fair for them to keep a finger on the pulse on an incident like this.
>>864408 don't worry i just do it so ton doesn't feel so alone because im a good friend, i can't help but feel bad when i see ton unable to talk about what he likes that's the only reason i know anything about this
so don't worry!!!
>>864407 it's weird for a local police department to monitor an explosion in another country imo
I'd agree if it was almost any other city than New York. Things that happen halfway across the globe can definitely have Very Real implications for New York.
>>864424 a universe without conflict does not include a universe without vtubers you would just become one with the vtubers through titania, all will be one
>>864428 guess i gotta kill titania and take her place >>864427 i am the source of the only good takes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>864429 she has a grail inside her maybe you can borrow it
>>864430 wish for vtubers to be considered conflict so that titania destroys them
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's a roundabout way to do it lol but all life breeds conflict that's why titania will devour all life so that there will be peace
turning vtubers into conflict means destroying them becomes JUSTICE
cog refuses to follow orders "i have to find the yokai king and his friends so i can kill them. tell me where i can find.... tsu. i will end this nightmare."
I will probably not do anything holy grail war related again because command seals are broken.
i mean we don't have a way, yet, to disgustingly abuse them this time which was part of why i suggested my magic item has a strict criteria on what it can be used on, granted even that is somewhat vague, but we know the idea already of WHAT i want to use it for
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
giving pan imagine eater is what truly broke them
imagine eater broke everything like every single magic based puzzle
pan is really the only one who can be trusted with something really stupid tilde and i are too reserved, we won't take advantage of it to become broken pk will absolutely use it to be broken
pan will use it to be broken but he will also use it to destroy himself and everyone else which really does balance it
>>864457 local man acquires sword that let's him cap his hp and do 1d10 damage to himself every turn for 0 benefit and still uses it every chance he gets never froget
>>864459 "i can give him a power that keeps him from going down because i know he'll kill his friends with it"
>>864457 I prefer to say I'm too considerate of others, but tomato-tomahto, eh
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>864462 haha for me i just have more fun if i'm not super broken
I will totally abuse being able to ignore terrain though. There were definitely more times than I bothered to that i thought "Can't I ... just ... walk across the walls here".
i love being super broken but only in vague ways or completely on accident like lee's spinning willow style save thing was just pure luck making it really dumb
>>864463 It's all about the effort for me. If I get to be dumb and broken because I worked for it, I'll use it happily.
We got Japanese food tonight. I got beef udon and rice.
My sisters have been in a like 2+ hour spat about how they're both really incompatible with the other. It was starting to get venomous enough that my dad had to step in and basically serve as moderator and arbitrator. I mean I'm not particularly surprised by this turn of events but it does reinforce how exhausting I find one of them to be around.
ReLife is turning out to be very very good
Yeah it's the kind of series that hits in the way it hurts so good. Especially for dweebs that have lived through plenty of regrets.
oh my manager cut my post off with a call hibang >>864479 I got confused because I was thinking of ReZero ReLife was and perhaps still a good show is there a season or something? //new season >>864504 today's soup of the day is minestrone
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>864502 i'm going through looking for shows that i might have liked but missed in the past few years i caught up with Oregairu so i could watch with moe and remembered that i love high school drama anime
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thanks for the minestrone yeets fish taco
fish tacos sound okay i guess but you know what sounds real fuckin good chiles rellenos
>>864502 It didn't get another season but a year or two back they did a few episodes of OVA that wrap up the adaptation. Jumps close-ish to the end of the manga (not that it was that far away anyway) and concludes the story really nicely.
>>864506 relife was quite good amongst the 20 anime I have seen and one of the ones I recommend
i just saw something on my hard drive that made my skin crawl >>864518 cute megu
was it Linkin Park
it was from a long time ago i went through multiple series, taking screenshots of every different frame of certain characters, and sorted them by episode not every single frame, but each one different enough to warrant it >>864523 it's a very old euphemism
i took a bunch of screens of Kyoukai No Kanata and then didn't watch it
i think i got through 1.5 episodes judging by the fact that i stopped taking screens then
I think it was a firmly "Okay" show. The non-recap movie is a 9/10 experience though.
kuroneko folder is too big....
kyouko folder is way too big......
man, me from 10 years ago was a fucking dweeb or 8 or 9 or whatever kyouko isn't even best girl
i feel like ancient bang would be hurting now
Is less-ancient Bang also hurting now?
less-ancient bang forsook anime for a couple years, chasing for a feeling of fulfillment he would take too long to realize was never really there to be found
But less-ancient Bang is watching anime RIGHT NOW
actually less-ancient bang specifically refers to bang between Dec. 2015 and Jun. 2019
a bang that was by far more social and physically active, romantically involved, and financially successful who was full of shit and treated people badly
i used to look forward to getting a haircut having your hair cut feels nice, in my opinion, and the place i go to gives you a massage and a hot towel as well but now i have to cut my own hair because no one in my country is competent enough to follow basic illness
>>864533 wasn't the easiest show to watch apparently gets better in later episodes
>>864555 Compared to the usual standards people hold KyoAni up to it can be kinda bleh. There's a lot of plot and character drama without quite the adorable charm of something like Chunnibyou to help smooth it over.
>>864557 I remember it got quite the hate when it aired, for probably the reason you said; those kyoani standards although it definitely aged better unlike that kyoani flop whatever it was called don't really see that show brought up much
Yeah, Phantom World was pretty lame. Kyokai no Kanata was okay and I will die on the hill that it's totally redeemed by its movie.
Tamako Market's movie is really good too. Like even without watching the anime you can watch Tamako Love Story and it's a really good movie. Would recommend.
>>864576 Oh Yeah I only remember Tamako's Market because it was really bad. Phantom World was bad but not bad enough to to talk about how bad it was so I kind of forgot about it. That one chick was cute though.
>>864600 This what I'm assuming it's supposed to be, yeah. A mix between chan and nya
fuuck I just remembered my taxes >>864603 I wasn't actually responding to that, I just saw the word cyan and thought "cnyan" haha I guess I should probably go have a nap or something I'm running on fumes from lack of sleep
I don't think sleeping in the afternoon will help though I'm gonna do some choirs amongst other things to occupy my time until the time is right chores
The premise of the show is the following: They' are lesbians who need to get their partner to orgasm to transform them into giant swords and other weapons which they then battle with.
>>864646 Oh that'll be a lot of fun I never got to play Pikmin 3 so I'll definitely pick that up. Wonder if this is them testing the waters before committing to finishing Pikmin 4
>stressful boring lives What did they mean by this?
There's the kind of stress that can make your life pop, but there's also the dull, soul-eating stress of seeing the trajectory your life is on and realizing you're going to be doing the same thing you don't really enjoy for the rest of your life because it's the only way you know how to survive. Or the stress of feeling you don't have time or accessibility to finding people to bond and be close with and feeling isolated and alone. Or the stress of worrying about not having enough money to afford even your basic necessities of life. These aren't engaging stresses they're the kind that just perpetually chew into you and eat out the fun of living until you're just something on autopilot, only living because you don't know any better.
I guess that makes sense I just dunno if I could ever say I was 'bored' if I was like, the supreme leader of a nation Exhausted, maybe, but bored seems like the wrong term
In other news, cute girl at work quit. Moved Feels pretty bad, but at the same time that moves me up a spot on the Rankings
Well it's also language extremely atypical of trashy romance novels so it's probably more a nod to that than an accurate definition of Xi's day-to-day life.
>>864661 Some YouTuber, I forget her name He edited together clips from a video she made at what was planned as a clinton victory party to make fun of her. She sued for copyright infringement and then bragged about abusing the copyright system to potentially bankrupt him and tried to get his go fund me (for legal costs) cancelled. She talked a lot of shit abd basically admitted that it was a SLAPP.
Don't openly just admit your case wouldn't hold in court That's how it ends up in court
Sargon's too stupid to know for himself, if you just don't tell him it's fine
>>864663 She didn't admit that exactly >>864663 Sargon knew enough to know it was fair use. Also his legal team was pretty good. One lawyer went to Harvard law, the other went to Columbia. I'll see iif I can find the decision on a website that kirara won't rage at me for linking to.
eh don't worry about it I'm not that interested in the details, really
>>864665 It's pretty funny. Err For a legal decision I mean, they point out a lot of things she said that let them know she was abusing the legal system.
I mean just it being categorized as "abusing" the legal system kinda means it wouldn't hold up, is what I meant in >>864663
>>864667 That should be true, but in reality SLAPPs (strategic lawsuits against public participation) work because defendants can't afford legal defense because our civil system is broken.
>>864668 Maybe I'm just too cynical to consider the obvious purpose of the thing to be abuse
Like wow You're telling me specifically the rich and powerful can sue the less so into silence whenever they really feel like it? What an oversight for the rich and powerful to make while designing the system
>>864677 Yeah but there are artists I like that make money off of it. And Patreon is basically bullied by payment processors into removing certain people. >>864679 They'll have the same problems iin the end because of the aforementioned issues with payment processors.
move over to competition don't put all your eggs in one basket the adpocalypse 1-n+1 should have taught this lesson
Most websites are like "TOS subject to change at moment's notice", and these dipshits booted this fuckstick off without even double checking and editing the rules to let them do it?
>>864685 I don't know the details but I'm pretty sure they were forced to do it by a payment processor
>>864681 's not sargon it is someone else who started this
>>864687 In fairness, most of those people are just the same guy with a different set of facial hair and moisture level
It's probably the quartering or somet other nerd or that warhammer """apolitical""" guy Who is actually Norwegian but feigns a really shitty posh British accent
God reactionaries are so fucking annoying >>864692 Name rings a bell Owen somethingsomething
some guy called owen benjamin the last name must confuse people
the world is changing once again bruzzah its time 2 take a stand
>>864717 psychedelic place imagine if you lived some place like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
an endless mirage of white men at their keyboards lamenting that wearing a mask is slightly uncomfortable
Apparently my imouto's never seen Kekkai Sensen I thought she would have. But I referenced Suger Song and Peanut Butter Step and she didn't know what I was talking about hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
imouto GUH
I've got two sisters so I've got to differentiate between them somehow.
truly an american hero up there with the greats like jeffrey epstein
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
why do the good die young
'Cause all old people SUCK
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hoo hoo hoo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow there are some very questionable abstractions in this here doushio wource code 🤔
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it wrong to pick up a girl in the midst of interstellar conflict?
>>864765 a question like this allows for too many variables but i would say under most moral codes that there is little to be found wrong with doing so
You must find love wherever you can in this desolate existence
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sure she's floating into the endless void with limited propulsion or life support but it could be seen as coercion or what if it's bait
wait wait wait no this situation is definitely not a good time your original phrasing allows for so many different ways, but this situation is pretty clear-cut you should be focusing on solving the immediate dangers at hand
>>864789 can u get me uhhhh two old cubans one manhattan, knob creek, uhhh 3 left hand milk stouts >>864792 oh shit
wait a second, yeah this is exactly what i thought it was but apparently it might be way more rare than i thought i'm kinda mad at myself for not trying one of their beers now i had an opportunity a few months ago
yeah i saw a can and the labeling was so out of this world i was like "wtf is this??" but i didn't really feel like having a beer at the moment and i was distracted by other things but i kinda wish i had tried one now i'm not seeing them at any liquor stores around me i wonder how my step-dad got his hands on some, i'll have to ask him
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
guess canada does exist in the real world after all that's cray