that worls if you need to shuffle railgun in for gib we can do that too
guns okay let's start
Shooulld be fine just with the extra time.
Have guns, will travel
Kinda feels like she's trying to do some kind of seductive noir lady thing with him But motions like that always feel funny when the target has a literal gun for a head
Oh no is she crushing on Juzo I guess Mary sees him more like an older brother than an actual guy though.
Poor Juzo can't catch a break. The blue lady is like halfway between a pest and an ally though. I guess she's probably not ever gonna be a proper ally since she works for the government though.
Juzo really has quite a few blonde-haired girls orbiting him though. Mary, this hairdresser girl, the one who just had her heart broken.
So far after all the plot-heavy stuff this show has done this episode has been considerably ... goofy. This PI guy has been nothing but a gag character.
Yeah, we saw this establishment in the first season. They seem to both offer proper hair service but also cleaning for Extended that don't have human hea-
Oh, he may see something in juzo that's super secret.
Yeah, it kinda feels like he saw something in Juzo that he couldn't comprehend. But to be fair we've already seen Juzo's body do some pretty crazy things. The way it compacts back into his human shape must be pretty eldritch.
>>865110 Yeah, grisaia was okay. Just okay. My understanding is that it's a very average adaptation of a very good VN, which is probably why your friend is telling you to read the VN.
okay letws start
If you want a good VN adaptation to watch instead of reading a VN check out Island. By my understanding the VN is great, but you can get the gist of everything from the anime.
Oh yeah this was a really doofy cliffhanger last week. The "This really didn't need to happen this way"
Leader weaker than the samurai under him seems to be a common theme for fiction about this period.
It's reflective of those very traditional samurai values, that it is nobler to serve than to lead.
Also plus it's a really easy way to write into your story some tension, since the readers will of course acknowledge the samurai would make for the better leader.
thank you for anime i'm gonna collpase from overworking my emotion-control module >>865175 there are too many ways to my heart, man maybe that's how the depression gets there so easy
You just need to run it on full blast a bit long Bang. I'm sure you can handle more of ReLife.
I imagine the otoge this comes from does not have a lot of subtlety, just like this anime
Wouldn't know, but yeah, I suspect what we're seeing is what you'd be getting playing the game. I know it got released on the UK app store but dunno if it has NA release.
Is she dressed up like she'd figure a hacker to look like. It's a cute outfit though.
It seems like the password was just a numeric combination. That's like the first rule of digital security. But maybe it wasn't supposed to be secure in the first place.
Some of these characters have really unnecessary renames. Like the Japanese name for the professor is Simon, but the English name is Lucien. But like they're both Anglosphere names so why don't they keep it consistent and just call him Simon? And I think the aidoru is Kiro in English but Kira in Japanese. It's like a single syllable of difference.
It looks like it was the numeral designation he had when he was in whatever labratory him and the MC were in as kids. So whoever set up that trap was banking on him using it to access the data. Which showed the MC that her dad got got by the evil guys.