we switched to a new electronic medical records software at work and when i ctrl++ it doesn't increase the size of the site so i have to get really close to my screen to see the tiny text. fucking bastards. death to them all
>>865352 I can offer my aid, but i have 0 knowledge on smt
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
specifically this is devil summoner which was basically an action RPG rather than a turn based game. you got different equipment and all that stuff and then you could summon demons to help you outside of combat as well as in combat. one at a time generally. demons acted freely while you controlled your own character and just did melee combos and shot people with a gun and stuff combat took place in a small box arena with enemies that would pop up as combat continued if you did enough damage to an enemy demon you could try to capture them
in mainline SMT you basically acquire demons through negotiation you talk to the demon and convince it to join you, sometimes you have to bribe them or talk to them and make them like you, and sometimes they'll just take your money and leave or attack you anyways and you also can't summon a demon whose alignment is opposite your own
>>865357 demons are pretty excplicity just tools in smt because they all have a certain level they peak at so halfway into the game your jack frost might be level 50 with you, but their stats are not seriously different from when it was level 16 this is to encourage you to fuse demons together to constantly make new demons and acquire new powers and stuff
yeah... How do you actually just "track a cab" my biggest immersion breaker in GTA games
Power went out for a good three hours here The power company was at least good on their estimate for getting it back online, but man. Losing power right around sundown leaves there very little to actually do.
they never tell me about this shit hwen it happens
and with the latter, it is quite hard to find tou what is wrong when well there is no internet
Leafs were playing tonight and right as they scored an overtime powerplay goal to take the game I heard from outside, like kilometres away somewhere nearby this caucophonous cheering. Guess some other cottage was hosting a big watchalong.
just out of interest is maple leaf pre or after the flag change? and also >>865384
Looks like the name was adopted in 1927, so before the Canadian flag was adopted. The Canadiens actually predate the founding of the NHL and are the longest continuously running professional hockey team worldwide. The Canucks are a younger team and joined sometime in the 1970s.
btw a fun case of well nopt so fun at the time, but in terms of history fun of rivalry between finland and sweden
The suspension of paavo nurmi https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paavo_Nurmi the legend >Nurmi intended to end his career with a marathon gold medal, as his idol Kolehmainen had done. In a controversial case that strained Finland–Sweden relations and sparked an inter-IAAF battle, Nurmi was suspended before the 1932 Games by an IAAF council that questioned his amateur status; two days before the opening ceremonies, the council rejected his entries. Although he was never declared a professional, Nurmi's suspension became definite in 1934 and he retired from running. the case, taken from the same article
now amusingly, this became a sore spot for us finns
so some students here got a damn good way to commit revenge during 1950s sweden had began the raising of a historical man'o'war Vasa, that had sank during 17th century. So the students planned the ultimate April fools joke was conceived and students who had ties to swedish divers were contacted, students who could dive were contacted and so an invasion was launched, goal: the Vasa Ship being raised from the sea
And so the finns arrived in Stockholm, slept one night and in the middle of the next commited their deed with provided equipment
and so few weeks after when the swedes lifted the ship they found new set of archeological findings: ammunation, coins, clothing, and so on, and a statue of Paavo Nurmi.
the statue is in the Vasa museum in Stockholm, where the ship and everything found on the site is stored too with the story about it told too
>staying at friend's house >came with two other people >decide to go to bed early >tell them I'm going to bed >host asks "wait which bed are you sleeping in?" >point to the room >"oh you can use that one but you two can't ususe any of the others" >he invited us over on the premise we could stay the night and sleep in empty beds because the rest of his family is on vacation >didn't I tell you that people didn't want you to sleep in their beds
bang die now live tomorrow
Oyasumi bang Anyways I wish I could say this is out of character for him but its really not I don't really care too mmuch though cause we've slept on these couches before I also don't care that the couple doesn't get to share a bed cause I need it more cause of mmy bbabback and shoulder issues
Night /moe/
he'll be back
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
no doubt
hmm i fell asleep watching commies get air bombed must have been tired
Accidentally toppled my tea cup over my keyboard and now it's not responding much at all anymore. Gonna give it a couple hours to dry out and see if it wants to behave after that. Thankfully we had a Mac keyboard that wasn't really getting used so I still have an operable keyboard. It's a bit of a weird change up from a standard mechanical keyboard though.
At least checking online there seem to be some decently affordable options if I do need to replace though. Lat time -Last time I was shopping for a mechanical they were almost all so expensive.
https://metro.co.uk/2020/07/05/turned-giving-women-money-debt-20k-12924105/ Fucking pay pigs This guy needs therapy
Looks like Horizon Zero Dawn is having a bit of a rocky port to PC There's a lot of complaints about it running poorly even on high-spec machines and frequent crashing. But on the other hand all the reviews that don't encounter these problems seem to be giving it high praise. So maybe it just needs a week or so to get some compatibility patches out and things will be fine.
it could be like specific hardware issues, or architetcure issues but yeah they can probably fix most of that stuff with some patches
It's nothing I haven't seen from PC releases of other games that were on PS4 or other consoles first, so I'm not too worried. Plus I can't really download any sizeable games while I'm here anyway so I've got plenty of time to wait for it to see some compatibility patches.
Whoo Amazon had forward orders for Ring Fit I could place It won't arrive until like early September but at least I'm paying market price for it instead of a scaled up price.
leveling th is dumb yugioh class because i'm running out of shit to do in this game also i got the weapon from bahamut in the level 50 raid since you can actually solo that whole place now
so i have an excuse to play these jobs i never touch
>>865470 fuck i asked the same question it used to be 200 then they increased it to 400 people were like "wow ill never run out of room again!" CASUALS
idk the new patch is finally fucking coming out in a few days its been delayed for like months now so however long it takes for me to finish the new content + a week or two i am legit running out of shit to do i've been thinking of collecting triple triad cards
>>865469 def my favorite gin honestly it's only very slightly different from normal Bombay Sapphire
but Bombay Sapphire is by far and away my favorite gin, and possibly my favorite form of alcohol whatsoever
>>865472 shit imagine if wow had a cap on the transmog client that shit'd be so dumb
oh shit is it finally dropping? maybe i should pick the game up again then when it does not that i think i even did post-Shadowbringers anyway so i'd have to do that first
>>865474 yeah it's coming out for real this time on the 11th there's so much new shit in it so i guess it was worth well it was prob worth idk yet >>865473 i've never tried east but bombay sapphire is my favorite gin for sure if i had to pick just one drink for the rest of my life it would probably be gin & tonic with that
damn i forgot that last time i played i was wearing full sara
god i love how it looks
>>865475 big hype maybe ill finish the eden quests while im at it too i forget where i left off on those
also i missed to replying to it before but >triple triad im so sorry
>>865476 >tfw buying bandos cause you're too ghetto for sara but want that prayer bonus >>865477 the eden stuff is pretty cool but the bozjan alliance sidequest for your ilvl 485 relic weapon is my favorite patch content in this xpac so far there's a solo scenario / dungeon thing you have to do for it that is so fucking cool it unlocks a hard mode trial when you finish it but i havent tried it yet
>>865478 also they're gonna add more stuff to that storyline but thats not going in on tuesday unfortunately it's gonna be some kind of 72 player instance minigame for people to grind random bosses to get the stuff to upgrade relics coming in 5.35, approx 7 years from now
>>865479 damn you broke as shit but at least that organization looks dope
if im gonna live in a shack u better bet it's gonna be a clean shack
You could Just Not
we just aren't on that timeline my guy
someone texted me something today and i didn't know how to respond so i didn't i hope they aren't hurt
>>865489 >text somebody >message read shows immediately >2 days later >'sry didnt see your text' BITCH
yeah no fuckin way i would use a messaging app that says when the message is read and if someone wants to know that i got their message, they shoulda fuckin called me
>>865491 this is why i just call people if i actually need to tell people things or talk it's why we invented the fucking telephone
i don't understand how people can communicate like 95% through text my fucking boss is always on his phone texting people
fuckin zoomers and shit
i mean i communicate through text all the fuckin time don't get me wrong but when you gotta make a phone call, you gotta make a phone call
i also think that one of the most toxic things that can happen in a romantic relationship is to have a chatlog it will only ever be a bad thing but maybe that's pessimism i just feel like it makes things worse
My cat's out in the rain and while I'd like to let her in it seems like she's caught something she's very enthusiastic about showing off to us. Fortunately there's a lot of dry shelter area around this place.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>865554 maybe it's really cool you should let her give it to you
If you're lucky she'll share it with you.
If there's a Non Non Biyori, shouldn't there be a Oui Oui Biyori too?
>>865555 It's a dead vole that's soaked wet and probably half-eaten by now. I think I'm happy to pass on the offer.
I'm surprised you could tell it wwawas a vole, they look very similar to mice.
in a chat with my sister and her girlfriend, my sister and her boyfriend, and me and my girlfriend learning a lot of stuff
I've been hanging out with my siblings and the two SOs the past two nights. They were all drinking while we had no power last night and I popped around for the last hour or so of chatting. And earlier tonight my brother put up a fire down by the river so we chatted a bit there. It's been nice. My sister and her boyfriend have a kid so they' seem pretty committed to making this work longterm and my brother and his girlfriend have really settled into "well we're basically married in all but legal and naming sense" so it's very familial. My imouto and me are definitely the black sheep comparatively but even we get along with the rest well enough.
>>865562 Wait, you have two sisters? Or do you have one sister who is poly?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>865563 how do they feel about your anime body pillow?
>>865565 Unfortunately for your bit I don't have a dakimakura. They'd probably find it varying levels of odd but not care really. My sister might be "concerned" that it would make me finding a SO difficult but she's definitely the most intrusively judgemental of the lot. And my imouto is a part-time weeb and a zoomer so if I could convince her it was partially ironic she'd find it hilarious.
I don't like how small dakimakura are. They look child sized which I find a bbit repulsive. If there were bigger ones I would be more intetested. *interested
Ah good, looks like my keyboard dried out enough overnight that it's operable again. Getting a new one would've been kinda nice but it's probably for the best I don't have to spend that money.
god I forgot how much I actually hate shogun 2 when I have gotten used to well better total war games
in that game morale is non existent every unit fights to death always 10/200 left FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGHT
there is no such thing as shock troopers in that game, as you can't morale shock anything
mass archery fire on a singular unit no effect mass archery fire + cavalry charge on a unit no effect mass archery fire + artillery + cavalry charge on a unit no effect it will still stand and fight instead of fleeing
just takes you out of the simulation it is supposed to be portraying, when no one ever flees or panics until theu nit is pratically dead anyhow
Gugh I mean TikTok as a national security threat is a valid concern but the rest of that is just, gugh
On one hand, the vitriol makes it sound like doomsaying and lunacy, but on the other hand, it is very possible that China ends up in a position we don't want them to be in during the next few decades and this whole TikTok debacle is probably a pretty big failure, or will be seen as one down the line
There's no real easy way to cut out Chinese tech companies from the populace (especially the younger generations) and this way will likely end up galvanizing non-anti-chinese sentiments among them
>it is very possible that China ends up in a position we don't want them to be in Who is the "we" in this situation though? Do I particularly care about what position they end up in? Do you?
>>865591 Well I don't see why America would care then.
>>865590 countries that don't round up dissenters and disappear them
do you even know who the Uighurs are?
Yes, please don't assume I don't keep up to date. Your argument is void with the States though considering rounding up dissenters and disappearing them is exactly what was going on in Portland for the better most of a month.
comparing the situation in portland to the fate of the uighur people is some of the most wild shit i've ever seen my guy
You're the one comparing them, not me. Under the literal defitnition of "rounding up dissenters and disappearing them", the States does this as well.
you just said "You're the one comparing them, not me." but i'm literally saying they are not the same thing, and you are
arresting rioters and giving them citations after is not the same as kidnapping villages and sending them to cultural re-education camps en masse
No, I'm saying they're both "rounding up dissenters and disappearing them", not the same thing.
A red circle and a red square are both red but they are not the same thing.
you're being unreasonable to the extent i think i am being trolled i'm gonna opt out of this one, bud
Well yeah but you're not ever particularly interested in being presented with a contradicting viewpoint man.
you don't appear to even understand what my viewpoint is and you're trying to argue that my point about china's rising influence being bad for individual freedoms is null b/c of the riots in portland as compared to the cultural elimination of uighurs you're on some shit brother and i'm not about it
I'm saying it's a misguided belief that China's rising power is going to some how deprive you of freedoms you don't -you already don't have.
except we're able to have this conversation, right here, right now and if we lived in shanghai, we'd need to be covering our tracks to do that
i can compare donald trump to whatever storybook characters i want to, and wear a shirt with him hanging from a tree, in public, in front of my state capitol building
can't do that shit in Shenzen
look man, i hate the american govt. as much as the next logically-thinking american but you aren't gonna sit here and tell me that they aren't the lesser of two evils in comparison to the chinese "communist" (oligarchal) party we aren't fuckin saints over here but at least my internet service provider isn't censoring half the internet from me
>Simon Cowell in hospital after 'breaking his back' in a bike accident >The record company mogul and reality TV judge will have surgery after falling from an electronic bike at his home in Malibu, California. yikes
>>865613 Noice Also Are you planning on fixing the report function sometime soon?
>>865633 clearly an election move, but still your parties are insane
It's neither, the US Constitution dictates the federal purse is the dominion of Congress. The President doesn't have the legal right to dispense from it.
I guess principle of opposition goes before the content of the act, which is commendable if either party ever actually, hell if any political party, acted on principle consistantly
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bullish tho
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>865635 Sure, but they don't sue him every other time when he violates the constitution. This time, he's actually doing something that will help people, and this is the time the Dems put their foot down. It's disgusting.
>>865638 mom called me to blab about his actions, not this part in particular, saying it would actually be bad as it leeches from social security and that the taxes would be something you'd have to pay back if they werent' forgiven, that this is all an attempt at looking good on election year.
>>865658 I considered saying "can you make a rectangle in python that isn't made of text" Also that isn't a rectangle The top and bottom are different lengths and there is no right side.
yea but like i don't want to show them my best immediately isk idk im likely to be at least somewhat stoned if i were to take this job since it's with aussies and i'd work late
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
probably a rationalization grr
Anyone would have to be stoned to be on the same wavelength as an Aussie anyway.
yes but I primarily wanted a sakuraface, not a saberface obsessed with saberfaces
>>865722 According to the wiki Mysterious Heroine XX cares more about her new job as space sheriff hunting foreigners (which is apparently a class now???) than her hunt for sabers.
>>865731 No you're still not getting it, I didn't mean that you spoiled me, I meant that you told me things I already know. I have punched XX like 5 times because it's a timeloop
>be unflinchingly nice and positive >help people and dispense encounter info / strats >0 commends >be a fucking cunt and bully one guy relentlessly for an entire 40 minute praetorium run >4 commends lol great community btw
>>865763 they're worthless the only thing they get you is there's a minimum requirement of commendations you have to have in order to become a mentor but mentors in this game are such a fucking joke that most good players don't want to even be one the requirement to become one used to be even easier than it is now which meant there was a lot of dumb fucks tripping on their burger king crown power why just the other day I had someone with a mentor crown offer me advice on healing (Use medica 2) whilst me and my FC mate 2-manned the first boss of Amaurot after they died
>>865761 I'm not into loli and I'm only a bit interested in fgo. So I don't know much about the loli characters except whats covered in the fgo "manga de wakaru" gag manga.
>>865761 did you read my gay ass backstory or what
>>865781 its not that long tell me what you think dammit
or dont thats fine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
if you mean the bio on your character page I actually read that last week, but I've also reread it just now
nah the deets are in the One Unique Thing and Equipment
stuff I don't think is logically available to the other characters so I put it in there
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah I like this. >>865801 don't worry my OUTs are usually trash so yours is great in comparison you've imprinted your character and his stuff into the universe pretty good.
i wrote it after the session
figured that counted as a unique thing but it's up to you
>>865798 i mainly just don't want it to be forced or irrelevant or hard to work into the story I guess hopefully it's vague enough it doesn't become annoying
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh no aside from I wasn't expecting to maybe consider drugs the fact that your organization exists as competition for already existing organizations (like Rent and similar influencers) is really good for me to have.
My One Unique Thing in Kirara's game was pretty much entirely irrelevant because I made a point of keeping it secret.
>>865810 well you've seen his backgrounds that's mainly just something I put in there to give a reasoning behind being disowned and I was trying to imply he hurt his brother too
>>865810 it's something I think works better as flavor though. i don't want it to have any gameplay effect.
don't know anything about kancolle collection but I'm just happy with more Alanta pics
>>865914 WTF? Is there supposed to be a big protest today? >>865915 Yes
Fun fact: Chicago has the most drawbridges of any city in the world.
Oh There was a riot early in the morning
I've also heard that we have more revolving doors than aanany other city and that we have over hakf of the revolving doors in tge world but I am unsure of the veracity of the scond one.
>>865929 Downgraded to severe thunderstorm I was packing up stuff to prevent it from getting damaged if water got in from a tree falling on the house and then it got downgraded I went down to the basement aanand then decided it was kind of gross so I'm on the first floor. Specifically the thinfs I packed were the pile of magic card boxes worth like $1500 My laptop And my SICP autographed by stallman. And drugs My roommate has too much shit fr me to even know where to start ptting stuff Like several boardgames worth $200-$400 (each) Magic cards everywhere Tons of shit Earlier I realized that it wouod be a good idea for him to get some big plastic sstsstorage bins to put his boardgames in. He's probably moving sometime in the next few years after his parents sell the house and move to their second house in Florida. So it would be good to get ttht shit packed up. Also both him and I accidentally kick stacks of board games over on a regular basis. I'll take a pic.
Uber btw is as far as I know not allowed here or I dunno how it would go with the current legislation, now anybody can be a "taxi company" without having to join an existing one and the union but it still requires some permits etc and not just "start uber, drive"
I think uber and such have just deemed us "not worth it" to exist here
this si true I have abused this few timesi n my life already
ie. one time working for telemarketing as "full time emplopyee" cause it included a month of "training time with a base wage unconnected to your sales" you can guess if I quit after that month
I did end up earning like 2 month's wage tho, so yeah but still
Went for a nice short hike up a lookout point near this place. There and back in like an hour even at a fairly unrushed pace.
some absolute RETARD asked me if i watched somebody named eric rosen because i played the stafford gambit he then acknowledge i was playing the stafford gambit declined the stafford gambit but then still fell for the same stafford gambit mating pattern anyway what the fuck guy
I'm seeing a good few winged ants tonight. Guess the nearby colonies are maybe doing their mating flights.
>>865972 ants have like 5% chance of breeding if not less
and same for similiar species
why would you want this?
>>865974 wait a fucking second are those a pair of Siberian tigers
sorry bengal white tigers
the former is already DEAD
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
theres some HOORJS in dis haus
in all honesty i thought that song was alright the subject matter isn't really what i'm about so i probably won't listen to it much but the wordplay is objectively proficient and the track has a lot of good qualities