A while back I pruned this show from my Downloads , cutting out episodes 1-100 But now we're at 136 on it. That's almost three whole seasons since episode one hundred. I've never really followed a shounen anime before so this is a new experience for me.
No sword needs to be that big.
Ah wait we're on 137 not 136 Well easy enough to shift episodes.
Oh yeah Charmy and the goth mime get training filler this episode.
If they're unknown ingredients then why are their names recorded in that book
Charmy's much nicer looking when she's not in super-dwarf mode.
this is totally filler arc if we're getting a food meme episode
The other indicator is how hard Noelle is getting relegated to the tsukkomi role. Characters like Yami exist deep within the grey zone that he can kinda both be serious and tsukkomi equally but Noelle generally only plays the tsukkomi when things are way too silly to matter.
>Go into a forest of poisonous beasts >Be surprised when your poison has no effect on them
He just needs to get so poisonous that he can poison them. It's the perfect training ground.
Right now he doesn't really seem very strong. He's even more of a one-trick pony than Noelle. Just gushing out a poison cloud isn't particularly skillful.
And next week it's the tetchy trap guy's turn. I guess at the least we'll run out of Black Bulls members to run filler on soon.
yeah just a little bit of not having the right ep okay lets start
Things okay?
That's the second person we've kinda been promised will also be resurrected alongside the Maou. Both the Hero and now this right hand kind of guy of his from the past. Though I wonder how the Hero's supposed to reincarnate if he literally can't die.
Sounds like this isn't quite the idyllic world Anos was pursuing when he reincarnated though. There's a lot of caste problems it seems, between proper demons and these hybrids.
Wow. ... Wow.
He's got an entire legion of fangirls already.
I guess this is his reincarnated right hand from the past. Maybe the Hero but I'd wager it's his old friend. Especially with stuff like this.
I actually did play through halo 2/3 single player recently, yeah.
oh he's going to shame this guy with a stick
I kinda want to get the collection. Didn't have an Xbox so I never really played the campaign. Just couch co-op at friend's places. Also I want to play ODST's Firefight mode again it's such a good game mode.
Hah hah hah The plain girls are worried about it being a natural disaster but the twins know it's just Anos running rampant.
Yeah, it's probably his right-hand man from when he was the Maou way back in the past.
That or the Hero but that doesn't quite feel right to me.
He's steadily building himself a cohort to take on the new world with. Kinda seems like he needs to step in and right the world anyway. It's not a great situation by the look of it.
The new guy's hair closer matches the hair of his old right-hand man though, whereas the Hero has the more standard blonde hair, blue/green eyes look. And his old friend talked about being a sword, which kinda lines up with the new guy's sword skills. But yeah, I'm not entirely convinced it's not the Hero. That would definitely be the more fun, if kinda cliched by now, turn of events.
Yeah those outdoors jackets tend to be pretty hard to stain. The material's meant to be resistant and waterproof, so it's hard for stuff to sink into the fabric in the first place.
They probably have to wear some kind of schoolwear since they are technically a school club. And you gotta faithfully represent your school when doing extra-curricular activities!
Need clams to make fish bait
That's some really muddy stretch of tidal flats. I guess they've got boots on but man it's a bit much for me. I don't like walking around in texture like that.
Some times you just gotta accept your fate and get muddy though.
You really shouldn't walk around bare feet on flats like that though. Those clamshell edges can be pretty sharp.
This lady, despite being kind of an obnoxious drunk, has prepared pretty well. And does kind of make a fair argument. Probably, yeah. She eats all the catch by herself despite not helping catch them.
This show always brings out the picky eater in me hah hah I can't do clams. Or other seafood you eat right out of the shell. It's way too intensive a visual experience for me.
i'm trying to fix something on my computer okay lets start
A bit distracted tonight?
I guess some of the Souma families can be decent ones. This mother doesn't seem to be awful to her son.
>You make it sound like it's wrong to be loved by your parents Well considering like nine ou t of ten Souma families have awful parents, I can see why she might expect that the norm.
Her casual choice of clothes for snooping around aren't ... really good for snooping around.
She always dresses kinda skanky. I guess it's the edge.
I think she's matching the kinda punk aesthetic that Haru has going on. Combined with probably trying to stick it to her miserable parents too.
Shishou's like the only adult in the Souma family that ever tries to do what's just. The rest are miserable like these two or just pushovers for Akito.
I guess that explains the wicked scar on her shoulderblade. Would've been way worse an injury against a rock like that.
she's a way different experience as a protagonist than frumpy happy protagonist-chan
Yeah I'd forgotten how much exposition we get from her. There's kind of some parallels between her and Tohru, they both got isolated from their families at far too young an age. Though in her case they pushed her away and dug the knife in themselves. But where Tohru was pretty much only ever given love, she was only really given hate. So they end up drastically different people.
It's almost as if when you don't act like toxic, miserable human beings towards your children, they've got a much better chance of turning out all right.
We've had a whole series to have Tohru show us what she's like, where as Rin has like half a season I think. The narration is probably there to condense character details. Or maybe the mangaka changed their style of writing as the series went on. I dunno. I almost want to go back and read the manga to see what it was like after this show wraps up, but, eh, at the same time I don't really want to. This has been such a nice adaptation as is.
Is it close enough that the anime will be able to wrap up the series?
Noooooooo idea The first half of the anime was twenty-five episodes, if this second half is equal that we've got another seven episodes left. I ... think? we're close to shit really hitting the fan. There's like three or four major story beats left to hit before the finale can be triggered but I don't remember what the pacing for them was like. I'm pretty sure this is supposed to be a full adaptation and they're close enough that it would be damn insulting to not finish the plot. Maybe there's some chapters that won't get adapted as we head towards the finale but I think they'll fit all the important stuff in.
Yeah every indication I see says this should be a full adaptation. Maybe they'll get an additional episode in for twenty-six to squeeze every week they can for this second season.