my resting heart rate has always been near 90 is that bad then
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that's pretty high for a resting heart rate but it's not like necessarily bad per se could be tachycardia indicating some problem with your heart although that doesnt mean it's a serious one
120 is really high though like the highest i get while exercising is 130 i might get to 140 if i really push myself a ridiculous amount
I put 400$ into a put just incase the market dipped to save my calls from killing me. It worked. But I really just evened out. So I'm down like ~100 or so But still, that 400 turned into 4000
now I'm looking at the SPY puts and those are like... insane 1400% increase 500 yesterday would be 7k right now
put the stonks in the bag
I wish I had the money to become rich off stonks.
i can't believe I didn't think of doing it on SPY. Haven't seen a dip like this since ... well I guess back when we were heading into a recession a few months ago lol
If you become BIG in STONKS remember me blue >>848466 Whenever I look up stuff about it I'm completely confused. I look forward to you rising to become the hidden hand in the shadows
I've been doing pretty good actually. I'm up like 10k this week. I came down a bit though, I was technically up 20k. but it's been a hell of a ride these past few days. Even though my parents have been annoying me as soon as I get home, it's been nice.
If I get the raise I'm hoping to get soon, I might start playing with stonks a little.
I want to have enough money to hand out cash to my friends and people in need any time.
>>848467 same, that's the wave. I look at a lot of these donation things and I"m just like. >100 >100 >150 >oh my friend is hosting this, 420, let's go
yeah, i'm really happy that I'm doing good at it right now. so I can just open my wallet and go "okay, here, have this. it's okay, I'll make it back tomorrow." There's lots to be done and I since I"m not out there doing it, I might as well support.
For sure. I'm working with a new org recently and we're building guides, disseminating information, putting together resources, making propaganda, etc It's been really good. But some of it really needs cash to make work well. And then cash to facilitate more autozones. There's just so much to do.
burn down the autozone
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nah, this is a good autozone we want to build them
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no
By the end of this Covid-19 relief segment I should have like four thousand dollars I'm not putting towards anything at the moment. Maybe I should try to make a good return on it. I might have to pay it all back next tax season so that doubly incentives to make something off it hah hah
i'm just really hurt by today's shifts like... If I did the thing that I usually do? >half reserves on SPY call >other half of reserves on SPY put Do you know how much I'd be up? like, i know it's not productive to think of it like this but DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I'D BE UP?
>>848490 i don't focus on IV too much although it helps but the point is i had 27k in cash yesterday. and I would have done something simple like 13k put at 300 and then 13k call at whatever price is close to the 300 put's premium so even if the call lost 85% IN VALUE the 1400% that the 6/19 300 put has right now would have outweighed any loss.
>>848496 if the market stopped being volatile today then yes, I'd have lost lodes of money but we just climbed out of a recession hole with crazy jumps and the people on TV had the nerve to say "Okay yeah, so we'll finally admit that we were in a recession and it lasted this long but now we're out of it, hurray!" The dips were coming.
when nothing goes right go left
Maybe I can try stonks? I might be able to get some money to cover future rent
Honestly even my original idea of >okay, let's take the amount of money that we have been losing at open, and put that into a put as "insurance" would have gotten me 40-50k today. But instead I went with 400, and it kept me balanced. rather than the 3-4k that I was originally going to do.
>>848502 i see i see yeah i should have meditated on the news this dip was pretty obvi in hindsight
>>848499 i gotta say, I don't actually recommend it. it's rough on the anxiety. I do it because my job is good and any loss I eat can be made up with work. and even knowing that, it's really upsetting to see a lot of money go down the drain at once. I had to lose a lot of money to understand how to get a lot of money \
omg boeing the boeing sell off omg, my dad didn't sell ughhh we told himmm oh noooooooo
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh fucking rip
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how much did he lose
his 10 boeing options went all the way up to 23k in value. but that was before the dips started I have no doubt that they are currently worth less than what he bought them for (3k)
>>848460 > But I really just evened out. So I'm down like ~100 or so> those quote marks really fucked up but the point is i am now $4k higher than I was when I posted this
i sold boeing at 82
in 2012 dropped
Ever since plane spotting I've seen so man boeings going by and business jets.
Isn't Boeing kind of the quintessential passenger plane though.
>>848536 There are like so many of them. Passenger planes, cargo planes, etc.
I'm pretty sure Boeing holds a near-monopoly on making planes for Western-focused industries at least.
I see Boeings most for passenger planes. Airbus for cargo Dassault Falcons for business/luxury jets
I also see a bunch of American military planes going by. huge ones. There was one called the Super Galaxy that went by a number times
Even the fresh bags of milk have precipitate in them it looks like. That's not good.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why did they start putting milk in bags in the first place
Here I got half-excited for a new Rockstar game. Just looks like they're re-releasing GTA V for the new generation. How boring.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
aw yiss SNE pumpin based on some PS4 footage
>>848555 I don't really know why, environmentally it's worse since only the bag the individual bags come in is recyclable. The individual bags have to be trashed. But cost-effective-wise it's the cheapest way to buy milk here.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
o shit miles morales
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wait did they just announce spider man ps5 or something
Yeah Except this time Miles is Spidey.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well he was last time too at the end!! wow that's so exciting though i didnt think he'd get his full game. i thought he'd just have some miles parts in the next game. that's so exciting
I never got to play it! It was one of the things I figured I'd get around to when I got a PS5.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did they announce ps5 price yet
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
car shit resident sleepr
>>848564 They're showcasing games first. Haven't seen anything of the console yet.
>>848565 I have no interest in playing car games but man I can respect the detail that goes into them.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no respect for any cars but the one true god CYBERTRUCK
Imagine if Elon paid his way into the game to get the Cybertruck as an option.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
christ this gameplay is boring
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i never played a ratchet game
I think I maybe did like ten minutes at some point. Either at a friend's house or in a store demo. That would have been like one of the first few though.
I guess that's a way to slip a female lead into the game.
These close-ups of the media guys talking about their games always get me a little put off. I don't like having their faces put so close in such detail.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
old man pores in stunning 4K
I can only do 1080p!
This game feels a bit cluttered though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if you're constantly portalling everywhere it seems kinda pointless stimulating nonsense
It's kinda the Bioshock Infinite concept taken too far the opposite direction. From the early development stuff the time portals in Infinite were supposedly to be much more influential on the gameplay but by the release they were a minor function and were more narrative mechanics. In this R&C game they seem to be way too much a aprt of the gameplay.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
o shit square time
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
horizon dawn 2?
Oh this coudl be kind of fun. Depends on how the actual gameplay is.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like my client is no showing guess i'll catch this show can i get a stream link?
wasn't this a uhhhh that netflix show love robots and death
Oh gosh that's a very cute cat.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cats rise up
>>848593 I'm pretty sure there was already a game about being a cat exploring Kowloon Walled City. That's kind of the vibes I got from this one but with robots.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
holy fuk no more micro usb dank gawd
Yeah thank goodness. Hopefully USB-C succeeds were -where all other universal jacks have failed. I'm not expectant, but hopeful.
>you can't swing a dead cat without hitting someone important what... How is that a saying and why?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>848599 yea once they figure out the compatibilty story it's gonna last a while i already use USB C for most of my devices
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok i will not watch bc work internet is down again
RIP ;_;
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
old lady w heterochromia a bold choice for a protag
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
tell me about the USB
USB-C is what the Switch uses. It's like the best for ease-of-access port.
I have so many USB cables. My phone uses C. my PI uses Micro. my camera uses B too many different ones
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i know what it is silly! does ps5 controllers use it or something
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah kind of gives me Annihilation vibes. Mixed with a bit of Alien.
>>848609 Yeah, they're finally ditching the Micro-USB for USB-C for the controllers.
knagi add me on switch i flanally got one
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh no furries
I don't have a switch ;_;
Did they finally ditch the stage-building element of Little Big World That's kind of a shame.
idk anything about these playstation games very lost
Wasn't Oddworld a Microsoft property.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the market could not give a fuck about these games
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if we'll see some cyberpunk footage even tho it comes out sept
A supernatural investigation game set in Tokyo sounds fucking cool though. Especially if they go ham with all the really weird urban legends and Japanese folklore that permeates the city.
I wonder if Cyberpunk will be delayed again! :3
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
more bows and arrows well this looks kinda neat
This is kinda interesting. Although I am confused why so many umbrella people
Looks like you're kind of a modern-day onmyouji
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
action looks 2 floaty 4 me hopefully thats just trailer shenanigans
remember when we were ghosts
Oh shit Superbrothers
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sword and sorcery?
Though Sword & Sworcery
Their games are just an excuse to flex their music but damn their music is great. Good games too though.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ngl i didn't care for S&S but whatever i appreciate it i heard a lot of hype before i played it
Yeah I dunno Gearbox I'm not too sold on this IP Is it just fighting for the sake of fighting.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
looks like that epic games moba shooty thing
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh hey pog this should b good
Annapurna makes some cool games.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
these games all hava some kind of Journey/BOTW aethsthetic
This one vaguely reminds me of Furi too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Damn that's a hot ass.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Trailers are fun as kind of small movies.
>>848678 No actual hot ass just a game called Solar Ash
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>848679 I really enjoy trailers. I don't have the budget to blow on every game I get excited over in the first place so it doesn't matter to me if the actual game doesn't deliver. So I might as well get excited and have fun in the moment.
>>848682 Part of me wants to see really artsy games that are just delivering story like a trailer. all the fast pacing and glimpses of information and music that trailer delivers. such a constant ride.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
dis some mario sunshine rabbids shit?
Just robbots instead of rabbids They're definitely not a great sell on me.
>>848693 They are steadily improving the game, It still looks kind of early in development but it looks fun. They added some interesting characters that look sooo american despite being set in the UK Like this guy who looks super american to me.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
kids love it!
oh no sportball
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
christ all these years and the animation still looks stiff as fuck
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they didnt go for the pixar eyes like every other game w lil critters just googly eyes
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sony stock droppin
This really doesn't feel like the kind of game catering to the crowd that would really tune into a stream like this.
>>848696 swery is my favorite thing im more excited for that than some of this stuff im seeing here in trailers lol
ok at least these have some weight in their animation
how many times do we gotta fight the damn balrog fire boss goddammit
Oh no it's the COLLOSSAL TITAN
What. ... Are they ... re-releasing Demon's Souls? Sequeling it?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Demon's Souls?
Oh cool Arkane Studios. They did Prey and that was a really fun game to play. I'd dig a new IP from them.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oo this looks like it doesn't take itself too seriously
Arkane also did the Dishonored games actually.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this looks like a high budget Totally Accurate Battlegrounds
oh no bethesda bah
Bethesda's just producing, not developing. They've owned Arkane for years and Arkane's still put out Dishonored 1 and 2 and Prey.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh it's a roguelike? o hno nevm but one of these rewind games
Arkane honestly is probably the spiritual successor to the developers of Bioshock. They do similar gameplay to those games and have some really nice plothook-y stories
THe Demon's Souls was so quick that I don't know if it was a remake or not?
i miss the ship it's GONE FOREVER now
>>848721 Don't worry it was pretty vague. They just title-dropped at the end without any particular details. So no idea.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip the ship
no i stand corrected only the ability to play multiplayer is gone for good THE SHIP SINGLE PLAYER shall live on
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Amnesia: The Red Riding Hood
These cinematics are definitely kinda Amnesia-y but the vibes I'm getting don't quite match it.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
silent hill
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cute goat tho
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Surprising Resident Evil VIII And Ethan's still the main character it looks like.
Beyond the gate This makes me think of darker than blacker a little
More cute cats.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
this better be a mecha game
I'm not seeing how it would be. Looks like the only piloting is this weird psychic girl. Oh and now they're on the moon.
That man has embedded lights in his skin. Kinda made me extremely uneasy.
this seems a bit too grandiose idk it's a cool setting but the narrative is too pushy
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
somehow the game is lookin a lil more cartoony than the last
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>848760 they might be just reflective that's what some did in first game
>>848762 I think the setting is a lot more vibrant than the previous one. Which is probably helping it look more cartoon-y.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think it was like the proportions and walk cycles of the dudes walking around idk lil more stylized
I guess we're done with the trailers then. Will there be any console details.
Oh no. Triangles
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
This is such a waste of time hah hah
I want to jump into the ball pit
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the PS5 will comes in 10,000 distinct parts some assembly required
Well that's ... a console.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lul 2020 and you got a USB-A port on the front COME ON
That looks terrible.
It's better than Literal Footrest Xbox but eh. It's kind of overdesigned.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it looks cute
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wanna hump it
fuck the optical drive ill take the skinny
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the controller still looks too thicc for me not to use but I don't like looking at it
White theme will hurt my eyes ;_;
>Console with our most striking design yet Striking isn't always a good thing!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no price
Yeah I was thinking that too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it looks aight i dont mind the design without the optical looks more interesting than BOX
I'm fine with both designs but I still think it's overdesigned. Like qhat purpose does the kind of dust jacket-y cover around the core even serve? Does it help with ventilation or cooling?
They've got visuals now of a black controller. I can't imagine they'd do black controllers and not have a black console to match.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if they were going to reveal the price but then the economy crashed again
>>848800 Yeah, maybe. Previously when they announced new consoles at E3 'round this time of year they'd announce the price tag too. So it is kind of weirdly missing.
black with gray or blue woulda been fine too but idk about that doesn't really do much for me
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a dark blue version, i could see that
Also the PC Gaming Show is running its showcase on Saturday at 11PST/14EST Hopefully Epic Games hasn't entirely swallowed it up this year.
>>848815 It would be damn fun to play a game with keanu voicing the MC path of neo was a fun game
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the biggest selling point for cyberpunk to me is keanu tbh
invisible keanu companion
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if i could have keanu in my head that would be great
... i keep making fun and going out of my way to find glitch spots, but each time I find a new one I almsot get permanently stuck one of these days I will get stuck and have to reload like 2 hours of gameplay back
dragon age is a damn fun game so far tho good 6€ spent
Oh yeah, I was hoping to maybe see some of the new Assassin's Creed game after that bullshit they pulled with the "in-game footage" earlier this summer. I wonder if Ubisoft are going to do a streamed conference like they'd normally do for E3.
I most likely won't ever get the new AC game, but I do wonder how much the "gameplay footage" will affect sales I for one will get extra sketchy about a title, when it doesn't actually have any gameplay footage released about it
I mean it's an AC game, it'll likely play like the ones that came before it. And it's still due out for later this year so there's still a chance to actually put out gameplay footage.
ive been having a lot of issues with that since coming off my meds last year myself i always fall asleep when im working and stuff and it's really uncontrollable
it would be really problematic if i didn't work from home with a flexible schedule it ends up being fairly cozy though instead
I have a lot of difficulty because it is very unpredictable. It doesn't matter if I sleep well. I also sometimes end up not being able to sleep. I was a bit unwell a few days ago where I stayed up 3 days in a row completely unintended but I could only sleep like 3 hours.
Weird hikkomori habits have come back with being in lockdown.
I got a dog >>848873 too bad she does bit overlap with my character I wish I could repick skills with her andm yself, turn her into buff/debuffer so I can concentrate on dammige
petting the dog wasn't animated my disappointment is unspeakable
>>848875 Really? I'm surprised at that I thought she was one of them that could be either ehh it's been a long time.
DA2 is garbage by the way ruins all the good features of the first one just so you know
>>848879 yeah I had three or four playthroughs if you play permadeath and have to micromanage each party member and optimize it gets really fun i dont think it has a permadeath setting but you can impose it yourself
well this is old bioware not the more modern where everyone is protagonsit sexual
>>848877 I have it set on hard, dunno what that affects aside making the game quite tactical fun to play as mage, since it gives you more of the leader position and the spells are flashy
tho I do have to say, I wish the character was voiced tho a blank slate that you fill in is fine too, but compared to Shepard, it kinda is glaring
i had send my mom to the ER this morning the hospital won't give me any information other than that she's in surgery right now im pretty stressed out
Yeah I can see why that wouldn't inspire too much relief. Hopefully it's more they don't want to comment in a liable sense on a situation that's not absolute yet. Which is still kind of douchey but I dunno, I can understand it. Assuming it's correct.
I skipped out on the PS4 so I can just grab everything worth playing on that for the PS5, plus the games that'll eventually come out for it. My brother's got a decent PS4 library so I can even probably borrow games off him. Everything worth getting on the Xbox is going to be on PC since Microsoft's abandoned ignoring PC by now so there's literally zero reason for me to get it.
You guys ever heard of these?
Elf was the best choice I can in so many situations pull race card in dialogs and then the other party is all "but i am not wacist, pls believe me" it is so hilarious
>>849024 Did you know that there were elf supremacists in on of the magic stories And that one of their leaders is oe *one of the "main characters" of magic today? They just conveniently removed that aspect from her character today? Well, I'm not 100% sure tgey didn't have a plot reason for it, but still.
fuyuko I think that's it can't really rember how names wlrk
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the black haired one is fuyuko after a quick google :) heres a gif of her taking part in local corona virus restrictions nevermind tumblr wont let me save the gif
so youll just have to go to this link
I twisted my ankle like seven hours ago and it only just started hurting noticeably wth >>849057 just drinking some brewskis watched some Malcolm in the Middle with my roommate gonna boot up my comp to play DOAX
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>849058 make sure you follow rice!!! rest ice compression elevation
shuten is in that pic huh didn't even notice that >>849071 wow take that back she's a pure maiden >>849072 sure it's from thar clickagain guy on twitter he sure likes animegirls with back pain
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah shutens a slutty oni lol
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
also do u mind if i send that pic to my friend he likes that anime girl
froggo >>849077 noice gif stuck on puzzle nine still rip i don't why I have Brian problems maybe I should see a doc one day oh cool a new girl I guess I should keep trying personally I'm enjoying it I think a1 did a pretty good job
im not very bright but it's still fun rhe gameplay is snappy and flows nicely it's just // like a puzzle from legend of link you just move blocks around except you have limited moves ton finished in about an hour
ika is the only other person i know who has i like tokiko sama i commissioned a art from some1 tokiko sama watching the bad mv and song that is yumemis song
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i commented on a twit and it was really popular :)
>>849105 aw squiddy I wish they would post I miss em oh you commed that from farfin nice O wanted to commission something a while ago I probably have the money for it
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its 30 buckaroos unless u want yumemi theres a yumemi tax 39 bucks for her
i'm still in my office for now! just had to sit down and decompress a little my night group went well though
only thing was that someone talked about the effect their marine training has had on them and said they had analyzed everyone in the room for threats and identified items in the room that could be used as a weapon if necessary. i thought he talked about it respectfully and
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
appropriately but it gave a client a panic attack lol
>>849232 Honestly from what I've seen of Naughty Dogs games, they kind of forget to make some of their game stages fun. Their game's stories are always fun to engage in but man the stages are exhausting.
>>849279 you're just being mean unless i'm remembering incorrectly but i remember chihiro winning and i didn't like chihiro
Chihiro definitely won yeah. She was a really suitable girl for Keima to date.
chihiro was boring to me even though haqua was never going to win i'd still have preferred ayumi or almost anyone >>849286 look man i like broken people i can't help it i can't fall in love with someone who isn't fucked up
Well yeah she wasn't a basket headcase like 95% of the other girls.
did you know about the S;G fan patch? my friend just let me know about it
I don't think I'm familiar with it, no. What does it patch in?
Anno basically just some cleanup but it seems nifty also i haven't come into contact with whatever cutscenes it's talking about but i imagine i'll be glad i did this
oh maybe i have that explains thigns
Yeah looks like it cleans up some of the laziness that always seems to come around with licensed VN localizations.
>>849282 Wait How'd you do that? Test : ) Hrrrmmmm Test : )
>get a staff that deals no damage to undead >find a new staff >it deals no damage to undead and demons what the fucking bloody actual fuck and why isn't this information that is told to you anywhere Dragon Age?
also you'd think nature and spirit damage would be effective against the dead and demons
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>849303 >and that, kids, is how i met your father
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
why does everyone shit on Kenichi i think it's a pretty fun show
>>849321 Nisekoi is a different kind of upsetting. I actually enjoyed Yuuna. Probably because I don't have a particular girl that I want to have win. There are no childhood friends here. >>849323 I found out it finished a week or so ago so I decided to catch up. I only had about 20 or 30 chapters left though.
>>849322 I am actually pretty behind on it. I was thinking it was suddenly ramping up the last time I read it.
>>849342 okay so quick synopsis of the manga itself: Yuuna is a earthbound ghost tied to the Yuragi Inn. Kogarashi is a sort of medium for spirits and he purifies ghosts by punching them. He's really strong >>849344 yeah, and eventually he meets a bunch of other girls and they all gather at the inn and they're all really strong as a faction by themselves after a while. To the point where the inhabitants of the Inn end up becoming a threat to the big three families Anyway, here's the actual bullshit: >>849345 yeah, with the ghost who poltergeists the guy everytime they wake up in a lewd way but anyway: Yuuna was an experiment from one of the big shots of the big families. Apparently his daughter was dying so he put her in stasis to find a way to keep her alive, rather, make her immortal practically. So he made clones of her to fix her problem. The plan was to give her some really immense power or something and if it can be properly handled, she would never die. That's what I remember about that plotline but that's not the important part. The important thing to know is that Yuuna wasn't really a real person in the first place. She's just a clone of a person. And all the clones have really short lifespans so she's about to die. Anyway, the one friend she has is a person who can see branching futures. In the last month of her life, they're talking about stuff like love (yuuna liked romance books) and her friend uses the power and finds out that her 'fated person' doesn't even exist yet. This doesn't make sense to either of them so she does more digging and finds out that Yuuna can meet him in the future by dying and becoming a ghost! And that's when shit starts getting crazy.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah i read the first couple chapters of that now that you give my the synopsis i remember some of the characters
So by borrowing the power of her friend, Yuuna is able to go and meet this supposed 'fated person'. So she ends up in the Yuragi Inn in what's called a "Future Dream". There she meets Kogarashi and they have a nice life together by themselves. But one day, Ouga, Kogarashi's master who trained him to be strong and repel spirits, shows up knowing who Yuuna actually is. That "immense power" thing I mentioned before? It's actually some kind of giant evil thing that can destroy the world. Ouga, Kogarashi, and a load of really strong people defeated it in the past. So she comes over to kill Yuuna and make sure that doesn't happen again. But Kogarashi steps in between them and FUCKING DIES. And this is where it becomes a dating sim. Yuuna then spends the next month of her actual life trying to figure out how to keep Kogarashi from dying against Ouga. And it just does not work. She goes full fucking Homuhomu trying to keep him alive and nothing succeeds until she finally figures it out. <the thing that changes everything is inviting the other girls to the Yuragi Inn. Once she saves the oni mangaka, everything gets set up for the girls to show up and live there. And they beat Ouga and Kogarashi doesn't die. ...But NOW, instead of being alone with him, it becomes a harem and she actually has to deal with love rivals lmao.
by saving her from an assassination and unlocking some seal on her power, she becomes the absolute strongest oni and it sets the stage for all the girls to show up. Because she's so strong, Sagiri comes to the Inn. Because Sagiri is there, Hibari shows up. Because so many strong people end up there, Oboro and the Ryuuga clan people get involved, etc etc.
Yeah I didn't like the end that much either. I'm happy to see that you're still just as passionate about manga as you've ever been though.
Oh, and after they beat Ouga, it still doesn't matter because she goes farther into the dream, and get to a point where Kogarashi still dies. The ending of the manga revolves around them finding a way to keep that from happening. ...and they fail. but he comes back anyway.
blue i just read so much white text that my eyes are angry
IT'S SO RIDICULOUS. BECAUSE WHEN YOU THINK ABOUT IT ALL THE WORK SHE DID TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO SAVE HIM DIDN'T MATTER. BECAUSE OUGA WOULD HAVE PUNCHED HIS SOUL RIGHT BACK INTO HIS BODY. hm... actually. No, that's not right. Nevermind, it actually WAS important now that I think about it. But they still fucked up at the crucial moment and that's when >>849333 happened
we had an earthquake :o i think the earth was celebrating kaede chans bday :)
lul hikaru playin it straight i like that "thanks for the fat ten gift subs, Pikachu" is part of a chess tournament popoff
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i havent played chess in years probably
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the surge in popularity is nuts these chess streamers have been grindin for years who knew it would just take a pandemic for them to achieve escape velocity
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my bro started playing a lot this year and inviting me to play
I think the Clubhouse Games on the Switch has chess in it. That, Shogi, and Mahjong are probably the only non-card games in the collection I think I know really how to play.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh shit shogi i've never played shogi but i wanted to learn
>>849374 I bought my friend a shogi board for his birthday a few years ago and he never wants to play.
>>849374 There's some free apps you can get for your phone that let you play against AI. I think at the least the one I got also has a tutorial, but it's a bit machine-translated at times. It also has one/two/three-move Shogi problems where you've got X number of moves to win the game against a pre-set board. They can make for some good brain exercise at times ; I used to run through a few on the subway home.
Clubhouse Games probably has a much better English interface but probably doesn't have much of a tutorial or any problems to solve on your own. I'd bet you're limited to AI games or playing online.
remember alpha zero the chess AI? then some nerds got together and started working on an open version, leela chess zero and then some japanese nerds got together and started a shogi variant, aoba zero
>AobaZero is a Shogi AI project that aims to replicate AlphaZero Shogi experiment. AlphaZero is one of reinforcement learning algorithm published by Silver et al. (2017b, 2018). It is also the name of an AI player. The result of the Shogi experiment they reported were that a player who had no knowledge except game rules continued to play with himself and became stronger than the AI player elmo. This is a very large experiment, and it is not easy to replicate. It takes 100 years of calculation time if you use only one high-performance desktop gaming machine.
>Ladies and gentlemen! Would you like to observe the process of Shogi AI learning from scratch and getting stronger together? We created user-participated content to gain computing resources from around the world. Give us just a little of your Genki!
It comes with fifty-one different games but yeah, honestly, the biggest draws for it are that, Chess, and Mahjong for me. Some of the card games might be fun to do every now and then but I've probably played a lot of the ones I know how to play.
>>849377 Shogi Free - Japanese Chess Which for me at least was literally the first result when I looked up Shogi on the Play Store. I mean I looked it over to make sure it wasn't a piece of junk but it looked pretty cleanly designed and the English wasn't impossible to navigate. I don't have it on my current phone since when I upgraded last Christmas I didn't emigrate all my apps to the new one.
>>849377 Doesn't it also not have online multiplayer?
My phone can't really do games anymore though I need a new one
I'd be surprised if this one can't run on it. I was running it on my Nexus 6p from like ... 2015. At the worst it'll just chug your battery, which is what I remember it doing on mine.
>>849385 The phone I had planned on getting is now hard to find. I'm considering waiting for the razer phone 3.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i might see if i can find a pixel 3 it's probably not that expensive right now
Go for the Pixel 3A if you can find it! That's what I've been using and it's really nice. Well 3a XL. I think it's overall cheaper than the 3 XL with improvements mostly across the board except in mostly irrelevant aspects. Like I think it's got a weaker processor but when it comes to phones the differences in processors in phones over this narrow a timespace is so irrelevant that it doesn't make a difference for almost every user.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
3a is what i have as my backup fone
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm lookin at the specs and yeah 3a seems worse than 3 and bigger 3a is 2cm taller than my current phone, 3a xl is 4cm taller slightly worse battery but not substantially and it's water resistant unlike 3a and 3axl hmm
I was gonna offer to take a photo of mine in my hand to show that it's not really a problem ... but. The phone is my camera.
After 3 years I've almost filled my 128gb sd card But if I were to actually put my cd collection ony *on my phone and all mmy exusting music and my other shit I'd probably need at least a 500gb micro SD card
>>849396 The Pixel 3 is water resistant because it doesn't have a 3.5mm audio jack So you'd need a USB-C adapter or Bluetooth earphones.
I overslept the PC Gaming Show RIP Caught the last few trailers. There's gonna be another Outlast game. I never play those but it'll be fun to watch someone that does I guess.
My next phone has to have microSD support. I'd be willing to get something with no 3.5mm jack though bbut I'd prefer to have the jack.
Holy Shit Kirara I just realized 3.5 is the best version of D&D And the most widely used audio plug is also 3.5
I'm pretty sure the Pixel 4 also only has a USB-C and no 3.5mm jack. So as far as Pixels go the best option the 3a selection hah hah.
I dunno maybe look at LG phones. HTC too maybe but last I checked all Chinese manufacturers were getting more and more skeptical of their security in regards to their compliance with Chinese information gathering.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it doesn't have one
ugh samsung s10 is really long like 4 cm taller than mine err 2cm
maybe i'll just stick with my crappy phone i hate having to research all this shit
That was another reason I went for the 3a XL. The mainline Pixel phones are expensive too. I think I would have been paying like 1200 CAD for a Pixel 4 XL.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah i might have to compromise on water resistance and just get the 3a xl i've only dropped my phone in water once in like 5 years
I guess it's maybe more of a concern living out next to the ocean. I don't even think I've been close enough to water that would compromise my phone since I bought it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow, the samsung A51 has 4,000 mAh battery
Better batteries tend to bulk and weight up your phone though.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah, it's a lot bigger than the s10
i'll have to think about whether the extra battery life of the 3a xl is worth the bigger size
They took a good few minutes out of the start of the PC Gaming Show to acknowledge the protests against police brutality and highlight charities and bail funds that are working to help against the ongoing persecution. Considering Day9's Twitter feed I'm not too surprised he's been really arguing this stuff in recent weeks anyway.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are there any games like oxygen not included, but multiplayer?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oo barotrauma on sale
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you're gonna carry that weight
>>849419 Having played a lot of resource-management/base-building games, I don't think any other games really work that closed-loop and multiple interlocked systems style that ONI does, let alone in multiplayer. Factorio is not dissimilar to those concepts but exists in a procedural world and has almost zero survival aspects to it. I'm having a hard time thinking of any game even single-player that really does what ONI does.
Princess Connect is surprisingly good. One of my favorites. Kakushigoto is great, it's by the author of SZS. Hamefura is really good. There's Kaguya-sama season 2, of course. Listeners is okay. I wasn't really having fun with it but I think it had potential so maybe it's good. I dropped it around episode 5. Oh, Tower of God is airing this season. And there's Great Pretender which technically isn't currently airing but is being translated now since it's one of those Japanese Netflix shows. Brand New Animal is the same.
Great Pretender is the show I'm most excited for recently.
I'm not watching Arte but someone told me it was pretty good. I think /moe/watch is enjoying Gleipnir?
>>849435 Gleipnir is a weird show but it's got plot elements which are really engaging. The whole "Turn into a mascot-chara suit" power is weird but after the inifial shock value it doesn't really feature explicitly Most of the plot revolves around more of a thriller-style mystery with action segments to keep the energy constant.
Arte is an okay show, it's nice and comfy, and a really nice set piece of Renaissance Italy life. I've been enjoying watching it, but I can't say it's particularly exceptional.
To add to the list of good stuff this season though Yesterday wo Utatte and Nami yo Kiitekure are a lot of fun. They're more mundane life/drama kinds of shows but there's a respective tenderness and frantic energy to the two of them which makes them a lot of fun to follow along.
>>849439 >>849440 The jump between these two kind of makes it look like she's doing a magic trick holding the whiteboard eraser and then making it vanish.
Really what I take away from this is the term "stan" is - Ah wait I missed the "a" in the Tweet I thought the content was twenty years old. That awful green text wasn't doing it any favours either.
>>849435 >>849437 Thank you Kirara and Anon, I'll check these out.
>>849459 With everything moving to self-directed learning due to coronavirus, I wasn't able to really stay organized with a class and ended up turning in the final assignment after the semester ended. They gave me an incomplete and then let me turn it in late. But the professors said this was a "return to my old behavior" and ended up kicking me out. But they're also all encouraging me to appeal the dismissal to get back into the program. I don't really get it, but I think they're trying to scare me into not having problems related to my ADHD. If I make a good case, they'll let me back in. It's kind of annoying but I'm honestly not very stressed about it.
Wow, I'm surprise you reached that point. Things must be going really poorly, I'm sorry to hear that. Is he still being childish and afraid of commitment?
>>849461 It seems like that program is always screwing around with you. They seem like they've been bipolar with you throughout the whole process. I really don't understand it, my post-grad program was very even keel and they just didn't play games with people like yours has played with you.
I wonder if it is because it's women in charge? My program was run mostly by men and you really knew where you stood.
hmm, things have gotten pretty bad He's been giving attention and quite frankly intimacy to other girls larely and while I don't consider myself an abnormally jealous person it makes me jealous. I've confronted him about it a few times and his answers were things like I can't ask him to do what he doesn't want to do or he doesn't feel like being close to me lately or that I've changed. It's all very annoying. He does seem like he desperately doesn't want me to leave but he doesn't want to give me the things that I want that will make me want to stay around.
>>849464 Deshou? They're always giving me a hard time and never really try to understand my circumstances. My end of year review said that I've far surpassed my cohort in terms of academic knowledge and in terms of practical application of clinical skills. I'm the only person in my cohort that has been offered a post-doctoral job so far. I also work the most in my cohort and I'm the only one working without oversight! So it doesn't make sense for them to dismiss me, really. That's why I think they're trying to scare me into being more like they want me to be, quiet and submissive. Whatever it is, I'll make it work, though. I'm not going to leave the program without my doctorate after I've already successfully defended my dissertation.
That's so unfair. He sounds like he doesn't know what he wants so he's trying to play all sides! How old is this guy? He's not really young, is he? I usually associate that kind of stuff with people in their early 20s. Do you still like him?
>>849464 Would it be too privacy-intrusive to ask about what kind of intimacy he's been giving others? I remember the one about the last dance from months back which was definitely him being a dick. But if he's not seeing what's wrong with his actions he's either being consciously obstinate or acting in bad faith with his arguments. Or I guess just completely unaware he's acting rudely but you've made it clear he knows what he's doing offends you. And that's a pretty rotten foundation to build a relationship on.
>>>/watch?v=c_rfE6fbpaU Hey Kirara say this game and thought you'd maybe find it interesting. Saw it even
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Somehow when I saw the name Weird West, something told me it must be Devolver.
They're just producing but yeah. It's definitely the kind of game they'd welcome into their fold.
>>849465 It's odd that they play all these games trying to alter your personality and habits. My post-grad program did not take as much interest in us as did not take as much interest in us on a personal level. All they cared about is how well we did our work.
Which is all that matters, I think.
>>849465 I think it's unfair, too. He's around the same age as I am, he's not particularly young. Maybe he does have that kinda mindset, though.
>>849466 Yeah, stuff like dancing with other people or being phsyically close to them and stuff. And little stuff like who he gives attention to or who he engages with in group settings. Lots of little things add up to make me feel like I'm not #1.
>>849471 I think so, too. I don't really get it. The professors all keep telling me they have to make sure I'm ready because they're the "gatekeepers of the profession." Always telling me they're the gatekeepers. I don't think they like my personality because I'm rebellious, maybe. I agree, though. My supervisor right now is a highly respected psychologist and theologian. If he's vouching for me as the strongest student he's ever had working for him, I don't get why anyone would want to change me. But I'll have to suck it up a little and play their game until they let me go.
Dating is really hard. I haven't been on more than a date with anyone in like eight months. More than one date with anyone, I mean. It's hard to feel connected to people, so once you feel that connection, it's hard to let go of it even if things aren't working out, especially if you really value relationships.
>>849472 Is it really, though? Like there's billions of people out there. Can you really be so absolutely certain that there's only one person out of BILLIONS that you'll love passionately and enduringly for year, decades/ And even if that's not the case it's not like you just outright hate the person. If there's even a dozen people who all have that same amount of charm over you, that's still a dozen pulls on your attraction.
>>849475 Well yeah that's the problem really. If you don't want to settle for one person and the other person does that's an inherent wedge in your relationship. But honestly monogamy isn't even built into our biological behaviour it's a conscious thing we act on. It's pretty easy to feel attracted to other people. It's work to acknowledge those feelings are not appropriate to turn into action. So I dunno, I feel brushing it aside as "ain't that hard" is an over-simplification.
When you get into a relationship that's the kind of thing you have to work at. And if that sort of issue comes up you talk it out.
>>849471 Yeah, it really does sound like he's not wanting to just settle for you. Kind of reminds me of that ex from Nami yo Kiitekure, the one that wanted the MC around so he could be spoiled and doted on. A bit of a "have your cake and eat it" situation.
If you've made yourself clear to him that it's extremely rude for him to do this and he's dismissive and not persuaded, then I don't think waiting is a safe bet to see if he'll suddenly turn around on it. He's probably going to want to keep being affectionate since he sees it as his right to do so, it feels like. There's not much you can do once you encounter someone who's convinced they're in the right.
>>849474 It's not that hard in that it's pretty simple guidelines to follow and if you have a thought of doing something outside those guidelines you need to be able to bring yourself back. If for whatever reason bringing yourself back is that difficult for you you should reassess the value of the relationship you're in and whether or not you're being a dick
Yeah but for an individual person, what has not being a dick ever gotten them that being a dick also doesn't provide? You're not going to convince a selfish person to employ selfless acts on an argument of moral justness. If your argument is coming from a base assumption that pursuing the least amount of dick-y actions is an agreed-upon norm then it's kind of a faulty argument. So rather than evaluating being a dick or not, being tempted away from monogamy is more of a "How can I do this without getting in trouble", more than anything.
>>849473 It's true that you're rebellious, but it's odd that the program cares about that if your coursework is good.
I don't really know why he's being like this. We've been going for like a year and a half at this point and it seems like I've gone from someone he really likes to someone he doesn't feel any particular closeness to. He doesn't want to let me go but he doesn't want to let me closer, either. Makes me feel taken for granted.
>>849476 I don't really think waiting is a safe bet either. It's going to be boring after it's over though because we still are spending tons of time together doing whatever. Neither side wants to let go, but we both want such radically different things that it's going to be hard to keep going, too.
>>849479 Well, my coursework is just okay. When I do the work, I usually do pretty good but I don't really go all out or anything. I get As and Bs, you know. The classwork isn't really important to me, honestly, which is why I sometimes slip with it a little bit. But if they can see that I know a lot and that I'm further ahead than my peers in knowledge and actual practical ability, it shouldn't really matter that I sometimes let my schoolwork slip, you know? I clearly got what it takes to be a professional psychologist, I already am one in everything but name.
A year and a half is a long time. Was there a time where the relationship seemed like it was really good? You've only really talked about it with me when things weren't looking good so my impression might be biased by that.
>>849479 I kinda presumed as such but I guess he's a part of your regular band of people that get up to things in your free time? It's probably going to be a pain to find things to do even if that's not the case though. Hopefully you can get some use out of your free time. Boredom is the death of the soul.
It's like proper summer now why do I feel so cold. Like it's not even cold in here the thermostat reads 20C but I feel more like it's in the low teens.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
It's been 40c all last week. With the heat index.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what do you call the little area underneath your fingernail where the skin rises up to meet the cuticle
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it a well? cave? crevace? indent?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i have never called it anything
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk ill just call it the underneath anyway it's filled with super glue on my middle finger
>>849497 I don't like it, but there's not much I can do about it. I'm too close to my doctorate to stop now. The funniest thing is that a while ago, back when this all started two or three years ago, I had decided that if they did ever kick me out of school, I'd relapse. But when they told me they were dismissing me from the program, I didn't want to at all.
That's hard, then. The good times make it even harder to let go in the bad times. Do you think you'll end it, then?
Fish and her mom never got back to me after I reached out when her dad died. I heard that her mom is doing pretty badly too now.
>>849501 I'm glad that you're staying strong on the relapse issue. How many times have they tried to kick you out now? They're crazy. And yeah, you need to get your doctorate and run.
Yeah, it's pretty hard to let it all go. I asked my friend for advice and she said that he's probably never trust me again if I ghosted. But right now I'm thinking I'm probably going to ghost. He needs to do something soon to prevent that, I think.
>>849502 They've tried twice, I guess, but the threat has been there for like 2.5 years of the 4 years I've been there. It's felt pretty abusive, honestly. A lot of gaslighting and just playing games with me.
Why do you think ghosting is best instead of breaking up with him? Is it because of how difficult it would be to talk to him about it?
>>849502 I think your friend is right, but unless you want to remain friends with him, why does it particularly matter if he never trusts you again?
But also I think if you keep saying things like "He needs to do something soon to prevent that", you're giving yourself some vague conditionals that'll let you put off the uncomfortable tasks. Ghosting is probably fine if you're not concerned about maintaining his trust but I do think you should establish a clear conditional of what'll decide it. Or just decide it for yourself and not let a conditional he's responsible for fulfilling decide it for you.
>>849504 Yeah, gaslighting is a good word! They gaslight you a lot. Weird people. Doesn't seem very professional.
Ghosting seems easier, yeah. I've already told him all the things I feel and he's not been willing to compromise in any way.
>>849505 I don't really have a clear condition. It's just like misery or something. I'm miserable enough that I wanna ghost now. Maybe he'll do something to make me feel better.
I do want to keep being friends but I don't know that it's possible to be friends with someone you're in love with.
>>849506 I'll be free from them soon enough. My supervisor at work is supporting me a lot and he's going to do everything he can to advocate for me. He's really good, like a father figure kind of. He's always got my back. So I think I'll be able to finish up.
For what it's worth, I think that probably sounds like the best course of action for you. He doesn't sound worth your time if he's not going to give you at least enough respect to try to figure something out with you. Adults shouldn't treat people like that.
It's really so strange. I've never had a relationship end like this. Usually there's a fight or a change in circumstances or something like that. Here it's just like he stopped caring one day.
>>849508 Ah, so you have a good strong ally? It's good to have an ally and mentor.
>>849509 Was it gradual that you grew apart or was it just sudden?
Yeah, it's nice. I've never really had people I can rely on before. But everyone at work is really great and always has my back. My colleagues at work are more like my family than my real family, haha. I've even had holiday dinners with them before. Even if the worst happens and I can't get my doctorate, I'll still have a place to work and people who will support me in restructuring my life to fit the new parameters.
>>849510 I feel that it was both gradual and sudden. I thought things were good but I've been seeing little warning signs for awhile. I didn't think much of them until it became too much to ignore.
I think there probably is a sudden point somewhere in the past where something happened? But I don't really know. I thought things were great and can't think of anything that I did wrong.
>>849510 I understand that, I feel that my people at work are like family too. It's nice to have something like that especially when your family is not there or is messed up.
The only family I've ever had is mine own. Never had the environments or opportunities I wasn't a dumbass and missed to make other families.
>>849511 I guess some guys are just no good. People who can't communicate properly are hard to be close to.
Yeah, it's nice! And I have a lot in common with them, too. One of them is an alcoholic with trauma related to losing her husband. And a bad childhood, too. It's nice to have a family like this since I don't think I'll ever have my own.
My family is a bit messed up right now. Did I tell you what happened to my younger brother?
>>849513 Yeah, he sucks at communicating. I wish he'd talked to me when whatever it was that happened, happened. I'm so mad that he let our relationship die without saying anything to me. When I press him on these issues, he just says "that's just how I am".
And yeah, my work family is great. I guess it's a little different than a normal family since people are always coming and going, but the main players kinda stay the game. same I guess a real family is somewhat like that.
>>849514 No, I don't think I'm to date on that. Did something new happen?
It's so unfair. I feel for you! That's how I feel about Fish. It's a little different I guess but I think it's comparable. People don't think about their impact on other people sometimes.
I don't understand the situation with Fish, either. I don't understand why she didn't fight harder. Or why she didn't seek to re-establish contact.
>>849517 >>849518 Yes, that's it. My younger brother recently came out as transgender.
I don't consider myself a super conservative person but I do think I am a bit more conservative than you guys or most internet people so I am having some trouble with it. He treats his old life as some terrible burden that he's so traumatized, but I feel like he was always the baby and was shielded from a lot of the really real stuff that the rest of us had to deal with. I think he probably had the best childhood out of everybody. On top of that, he's made some very poor financial and lifestyle choices. He's really stopped working for the most part and is trying to become a video game streamer, and he's been very very sexually promiscious lately to the point where it worries me that he'll catch something.
Ifn I remember right wasn't another issue with this that you/your family want to have grandchildren and with your brother wanting to do this, you feel burdened as one of the last family members that can do that?
>>849521 Yeah, due to having lots of sexual partners. He also had his testicles removed, for what that's worth. I'm worried he'll get a bunch of crazy surgeries too.
>>849525 Nope, we haven't spoken since he had the conversation with me where he told me about it. I don't really know what to say to him about it. I don't approve of his decision.
>>849526 That's hard. The research on transgender folks suggests that there is usually a much lower rate of suicide in people whose family affirm their gender identity. I know you don't approve, but maybe it would help you keep a relationship with them by just giving up on it and letting them be how they want. If you want a relationship with them of course.
A lot of people struggle with having trans family.