Great Pretender Episode 4-8 Arte Fruits Basket Gleipnir Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-25 Nami yo Kiitekure Princess Connect Tamayomi Yesterday wo Utatte
Great Pretender's set for at least fifteen episodes. I don't know how many it's gonna get, but they've been putting out five episodes a week for like three weeks now. Guess this is what Studio WIT's been up to in the past half year or so.
I guess their escape will involve a whole bunch of things coming together. This little diversion with the kid makes me feel I wasn't wrong about the MC bringing the bodyguard over to help. But I also don't think he wants to turn on Laurent. So he'll have to double-cross the movie director AND the FBI.
Well someone was spying on him. But there's so many spy angles in this show who knows who is hah hah
It's Freddie Mercury doing the vocals. Would be pretty hard not to like!
I guess that sets everything up for the finale of this case next episode. At the least the bodyguard more or less insinuated as long as he doesn't threaten bodily harm to the movie director he's pretty much safe to scam however he wants.
They got away from a real nasty piece of work last episode. Honestly kind of anticlimactic, they didn't really accomplish much in the entire arc aside from make friends with that little gang of misfits.
This look on her is a bit better than the long black coat of evil. Though I'm not a big fan of yellow. The dress by design is better though.
The onee-chan is really mentally unstable. Part of her feels earnest and serious but at other times she's completely yandere-insane.
Hah hah hah That's kind of a funny pick-up line. Suitable in a really dorky way for a conbini worker to use.
One thing that's neat is how despite the tokens turning people into literal monsters, the one that acts the most monstrous at times is Clair. Her and her onee-chan aren't really all too different.
Clair is definitely a lot tougher than the others.
Man there's a really vibe of unease in this episode. It's something the series does really well. There's the weird aspect of the powers and how they make people freakish. But it's also got an angle of thrill and suspense that gets worked very well.
I was hoping we'd get to see the memories he's lost before the season concluded but it's looking like it won't happen.
Wow they actually killed the gorilla monster guy with the poison smoke. I didn't expect him to go down like that.
Wonder what this guy's power is. He didn't really handle fighting Shuuichi all that well. Well I guess I wonder what it was. Probably something sword-related.
Shuuichi definitely has had a bit of moral slippage as the series has gone on. Clair has really had an effect on him.
And wonder who this girl is. It's not Clair's onee-chan, that's not KanaHana's voice.
Wow there was a whole gang of people there. Not just Shuuichi and the onee-chan.
The show is spending a lot of time in the woods lately.
Well that's where the alien ship crashed. I can't remember who made the observation but if you're looking for coins it makes sense to follow the crash vector towards the crashsite, which was somewhere in the wooded mountains in the outskirts of town.
There's been a lot of very brief conflicts in this series. Like a threat rarely lasts the episode it appears in. I wonder if that's adaptation compression or if the series originally just had the conflicts short to keep the focus on the thriller/mystery of the story.
it feels like adaptation compression to me
hamefura okay lets start
BA KA RI NA Talking of real piinchi's, Katarina's in one too. Getting abducted by a proper evil villain of a character.
I keep waiting for her friend to figure it out I wonder if she will
It feels a bit to me like it might cheapen the "danger" of the situation if she did though. Not that it really ever ended up dangerous but the threat has kinda been that she's alone in a world that has many bad ends for her and she needs to outwit them by herself. Having an ally against that would probably over-simplify it.
She was pretty cute as a normal high-school student though. I dunno why everyone's calling her a monkey and stuff like that.
Oh, Serious Dick didn't abduct Katarina he just put her in a coma.
Wasn't she called monkey because she climbed trees and stuff?
I think it was kind of a double-hit nickname. Fit both the activities she liked to take up and her unflattering physical features.
Hm I wonder though. In this turn of events it was Catarina falling and hitting her head that had Geordo end up making her his fiance--
Wow dude. Surely there's better ways of getting comatose people to drink water.
But yeah anyway the fall was what got them engaged. But it was also the fall that made her memories of her past life activate. Did she not fall in the backstory for the game? If so, what got her and Geordo engaged in it?
Catarina's really done a great job of building a wonderful harem. Of both men and women.
yeah it's a huge harem now
oh there is is
Looks like it's not the same though. Katarina literally is the same person. Acchan seems to be riding along in Sophie's body.
O I think they're vaguely the same person but Sophie hasn't remembered
I'm still working with the theory that Catarina was suceptible to remembering since she died young. While Acchan went on to live a proper life but always carried the regret of not getting to spend more time with her best friend. So in her next life she still gets reincarnated but doesn't get her proper memories.
It probably has to do with the fact that Acchan lived a proper life, yeah.
Oh it's this OST track again. It was used really well for the timeskip from childhood to "maturity". Though cut a bit short for the comedy hah hah.
>Intuition Serious Dick literally confessed it all to you that's not intuition you baka.
Well she also knew where it was because she had meta knowledge
Serious Dick's motivations still feel kind of disjointed. First he was talking like he wanted to kill Catarina because she was nice, now he seems to think she reminds him of his mother, who was sacrificed by someone and wants him to avenge her. Is her family involved in that backstory? Maybe Geordo's, sacrificing people for power definitely feels like a royal family move to do. And as his fiancee killing Catarina would sure be some proper revenge.
Yuuki's sisters are a bit weird but they're pretty competent combat-wise at least. Which is a far cry from Yuuki.
That oni girl has really properly traumatised Yuuki.
Wow that was actually a very coherent and normal sentence from him. I guess the baby steps he's taking are getting him closer and closer to a normal human INT.
With acts of kindness like those I can't imagine Karyl will hesitate much to betray the queen she seems to be serving to help her guild.
This series always looks so nice. The animation was nice this episode.
I wonder if the sisters that showed up are returning characters from the original Princess Connect or something. With the animation emphasis they got and being able to show off their strength it feels like they're important-ish.
Oh I think this pink-haired girl is actually from the original PriCon. I might be mistaking her for a different pink-haired girl though.
There was a first PriCon mobage that didn't do too well and got closed in like 2016 or 2018. The PriCon this anime is adapting is a mobage sequel to it that seems to have been doing much better. But that also means there's gonna be some characters brought back in that have established personalities to draw from that first-timers to the series won't necessarily know about.