that's good gotta get that toe back in fighting shape!
am having my players fight a tornado of birds
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
alfred hitchcock's birdnado
There was a storm up north that power surged and fried the internet modem at my parent's place. Which normally they'd probably be easygoing about replacing but since everyone works from home had suddenly become an urgent need to replace. But if course there are very few places 'round here that you can just walk in and buy a modem and since their ISP is a rural provider the modem they were supplied with was an old model anyway so it's difficult to find a same-model replacement. Sounds like they're been on a goose chase since last night to find one.
now they are fighting the KKK led by Gourmet division to the beat of Red Sun from mgr that is actually playing on the building's loud speakers
I was hoping to get home by 5:30, but I might not get home until around 7...
One of my clients vanished off the face of the Earth two weeks ago so we had to discharge him AMA / against medical recommendation but his family just got in contact with me and got him willing to go to detox. Usually we have people who coordinate getting people transferred to other facilities but our main one - who is probably one of the best people in the world - quit her job because the company fucked her over, so I had to use the second one, who is basically a total scumbag. As expected of him, he did not respond to any of my messages today. So I've had to do his job and my job today, making a ton of calls trying to find a detox center that has beds open and takes my guy's insurance. All while doing therapy, meetings, etc. So here are these people in need of urgent help, and I have to just not talk to them for like two hours at a time because I have sessions, and just hope they're okay while I'm gone. Finally, after hours and like 6 calls, I think I've found a place I can get him into. Now I'm waiting for them to run his insurance and call me back so I can finish coordinating this transfer. I really need to eat, though! I forgot my lunch at home!!
i'm also stupid so i had the idea that i could advocate on his behalf at his job to keep him his job if possible and now that i've had the idea i will inevitably have to offer that
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>851685 what the heck is happening to their caaaaaaaaalves
why is it that i latch on to the end of each day resenting the inevitable and prolonging the night fruitlessly it's not like i won't have free time tomorrow, and it's not like i don't want to go to work or anything i just don't want the day to be over yet
it's not as though i didn't seize each moment of the day though, i got everything done that needed to be and i even made time for more oh well i still have a lot of energy this is always the worst time to need to sleep i should download some hidasketch so that i have something to wind me down
watching golden boy dubbed right now
How's the dub?
it's really hilariously bad
this show is fucking awesome
I've never watched it. I'm familiar with it, but like with pretty much everything from pre-00s, I've never actually watched it.
What about Slayers? Serial Experiments Lain? There's a lot of good pre 00's stuff.
>>851776 it's about a perverted fuckup on his quest to learn everything about everything and the lives he saves on accident in the meantime
>>851780 I never saw the anime. I rread the manga up to the point where he drinks her pee and dropped it there.
Yeah, like I said, I'm familiar with it. >>851783 Well I'll keep it in mind. It's a bit difficult for me to get around to watching stuff on my own. I don't really watch movies for the same reason.
it's damn good i recommend it
>>851781 well you know they call him golden boy for a reason
oh hey i just downloaded golden boy for a rewatch the other day. the gods behind the youtube algorithm recommended me a clip and it's been several years since i saw it thought it was time for a rewatch I remember it being a lot of fun
Know what other golden show you should watch Golden Kamuy
>NY Gov: ‘We’re seriously considering a quarantine’ for visitors from out of state'
So not only would you have to smuggle yourself back into the States, you'd also have to be stuck in quarantine if you got to New York. I think getting back to NYC is gonna have to wait Samu.
The client I spent all day yesterday trying to get into detox was told by his insurance that he had to wait until today to get in. He had a seizure, hit his head, and is now in the hospital.
me too >>851841 ywerp new york state should secede and become its own country entirely
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well it would have to bring new jersey fuck abort
>>851844 Yeah come to think about it, a quarantine for "visitors out of state" would technically include New Jersey, doesn't it. Doesn't quite a lot of the NYC workforce live in New Jersey?
Yeah that's some real bullshit. Fucking useless health insurance.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>851849 just take Hoboken leave the rest muahahah
Let the rest BURN
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
getting reports now something about arable land and trade relations idk it's all moon language to me what do you mean newyorkia has no food we got rats for years
>>851857 yea it's quite varied i doubt it could anywhere near support NYC but there's stuff goin on upstate
>>851859 and that is why some city states can exist nkt *not to mention some states in the first place how many european nations you think are self sufficient in just food?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whOa City sTatES are a THing?!
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how is that whole independent hong kong thing goin these days anyway not the greatest example right now
Last I checked the Chinese-backed governing party literally threw out the independence governing party and then quite easily passed all the motions they need to basically amalgamate Hong Kong back into China.
>>851867 It's fine to lambast China for forcefully consuming Hong Kong but that doesn't change the fact that this is pretty solid evidence that city states DON'T work, unless all surrounding geopolitical entities are also city states. When everyone is stepping on the other's toes, no one can really step harder without facing a united retaliation. But when you're a small power with a monolith stepping on your toes, it's only time before your foot is dust.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
private insurance is a scam
>>851874 forced insurance us a scam it should be voluntary
>>851873 they are very speciaö cases indeed once that really shine are in ideal locations, ie hong kong and singapore and have had historical circuimstances to allow them to become independent and remsin so but those rights are protected by just paper, and if no one stands up to that ink, they might as well be defenceless against tgeir larger neighbours
micronation are an interesting study tho since there is almost always some really weird history to their state
>>851878 Car insurance is involuntary because it's not there to protect you, it's there to protect others from you. You're only human, you're likely to make mistakes while driving. Why should you not be responsible for the costs of those mistakes?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
not that this is news but
>>851881 you still arevand have to pay for them insurance just quarantees the other party does get paid
i understand the principle and logic and agree why car insurance has to ge a thing buy doesn't remove the fact, that it is very expensive to already expensive car ownership and nets you fines to jail if you don~t have it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so uh why's it a scam then
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
PREMIUM 2 HIGH dont wanna pay ban insurers :(((()(
Did you know that horseshoe crab gills cn be used as appendages?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i did not did u know there are giant enemy robot crabs in horizon zero dawn that love to crush me with claw?
you know what's a scam building society on cars mortgaging my kids future (haha as if... unless????) for idiots build a fuckin subway
Oh yeah that too. Fuck that.
Not even just subways bulld fuckin' TRAINS NA needs more aboveground trains too.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i got to the desert last night in HZD and promptly got Fucked Up by a giant bird then drilled by a herd of goats then trampled by some bulls I reloaded the same save like 5 times
>New York, New Jersey and Connecticut impose 14-day quarantine on travelers from coronavirus hotspot states
o damn its really happenin Tristate, assemble!
Next you'll be hearing about a New California Republic shutting its borders to strangers from out of state.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
meanwhile seattle is tryna take apart CHOP
i wonder are there any zones in cali
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>Black Bear Ranch is an 80-acre intentional community located in Siskiyou County, California > the community bought the property for $22,500 using money from a variety of sources including from supporters in the entertainment industry, as well as "one large unexpected angelic gift" and the "proceeds from a major LSD deal".
>Miller also records how "a strong sense of community" including ritual peyote use led to a variety of social experiments being conducted including the abolishing of private property and also the institution of a rule to prevent "coupling," which banned anyone from sleeping with the same partner for more than two consecutive nights wow ok >although this had disastrous consequences after a venereal disease spread amongst the community. Despite the ban on coupling (considered "bourgoise decadence") yike
Fuckin' angels don't have any right meddling in human business.
apparently one of my clients was told he was an asymptomatic carrier of covid but he never told anyone because he thought that meant he couldn't spread it so he's been working at a restaurant and shit without a mask
>>851933 Though to be fair, asymptomatic is definitely not the best word for most people when it comes to staying informed of their conditions. Even I'd never heard it before, ot -or at least not in any manner I'd needed to take note of its definition, before the pandemic. Thankfully I'm pretty good at language inference so it's easy for me to make the connection to what it means, but that's not really something everyone's good at, and unless they go look up the meaning themselves (another uncommon trait in people), they'll likely not know what it means. There could really be some better pedestrian language used here to make it clear to people they're still carriers even if they're not actually getting sick themselves.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oops i meant next to the sidewalks not literally on them unless...
kneel to tie your shoes and grab some wings while your at it
obviously you're not gonna get rich doin it but you do it if you've got a servant's heart
thanks desantis
(he's talkin about teacher's wages)
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok i guess that's the conference he's gonna sign the bill zero anything about the virus here's another guy with no mask
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i don't understand how these kinds of people manage to survive this long
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ok some other guy is talkin about the past and briefly mentioned the time before covid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
thats my favorite death grips album
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
okay he's back talkin about covid wear the mask (not wearing the mask) avoid enclosed spaces (in an airconditioned room) social isolation (15 people on space) stage*
just the usual advice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>what we're seeing is really rapid transmission in the 18-34 age group blamin the young ok
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>what we're seeing is a decline in the ... acuity of patients
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what we're seeing is a lot of cases
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>have you seen any gatherings in the last 3 weeks that have been higher than what the requirements are?? >if you follow those guidelines everything works out fine. we haven't had any problems with people, at a business, when they follow the guidelines. you know people naturally want to do things, if I was 25 I'd want to do things like that
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn video is cutting out i have no idea what he's saying
also look at this thing bringing a literal BATTLE ALTAR into battle and standing on top of it all "bring me people to slaughter of the blood yhanded god" dark elves are weird
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>851981 >once ejaculated on his PC monitor, causing a short circuit and small fire within the electrical system of his gaming rig How the fuck does this chain of events even happen.
>>851981 Kek >>851986 Maybe he's from Krypton and it destroyed the monitor.
necrocock sounds like a metal band
>>851981 how the hell i have trouble doing that with my hand i doubt a fleshlight has more friction
if used properly those things are supposed to uh not damage your dick
>>851988 There is The Revolting Cocks I think they're industrial though. They're on Wax Trax so I got a free revolting cocks poster at a concert sponsored by them.
congrats on your cocks
I think I tossed it because it got fucked up. I have too many shitty concert posters. I should really get rid of a bunch of them.
Remember Hyouge Mono? I was thinking about that today. Such a good show.
I never actually watched it. I'm familiar with it, I'm pretty sure they had a hard time getting it properly fansubbed at the time. But I think I read the first volume or two of the manga.
/moe/ its me this girl i'm talking to, we might do the do but i'm fairly sure that she like, LIKE likes me, and would like a committed relationship from me and my friends tell me that i'm ethically clear as long as I'm clear in my intentions but i have this thought in my head that if i proceed, knowing that it might end up hurting her anyways, thats still wrong. like if she's like "oh yeah i don't want a relationship either haha totally" [secretly does] and i /// okay that's the whole thing
>>852088 I'm pretty sure Rene already tried them and posted about them being bad. I'm a little jealous though, I don't think they have those in the US.
>>852119 kind of and kind of not there's an overarching plot after like 13 episodes in but it's still mostly about dealing with the monster of the week while trying to stop the badguys from reaching their endgame
>>852119 at least there's not a global shortage on fishnet stockings
it's really a logistics problem, there's plenty of fishnet stockings, just not the appropriate shipping to meet the demand for fishnets
imagine if that was the first thing people went out to stock up on during covid, to the point that it became a national crisis
i hate even using the word "imagine" now because it's become such a meme that people can't stop overusing there's one dude i know that just uses >imagine X >imagine Y for whole conversations and can't do anything else it's kinda weak
i finally found a place with an electric fry pan there's shit all shops around here and because of the lockdown people are flocking to hobbies like cooking >>852120 I guess a lot of mahou shojo is a bit like that those transformations really got me as a kid >>852127 how's Canberra tho
before i went to bed last night a girl on a dating app whom i am not really fond of sent me nude photos so i replied with a clip of adam jenson saying "i never asked for this" and when i woke up this morning she had blocked me
panic buying thesaurus' >>852128 that's one way to get rid of em
Fridge finally went from going off and on the fritz to totally broke so it was time to get it replaced. Honestly wouldn't be surprised if the old one was older than me anyway. But what's a bit funny is the new one, aside from actually working, is kind of a trade-down from the previous one. Despite taking up more space (almost too much) it has less shelf count and one fewer drawers. I guess it works, at least.
>>>/watch?v=jO0luDEHesc >Swimming and diving returns Aaaaaaaahhhh I mean it was basically all but proved with the datamining but aaaahhhh
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my floor is leaking water just bubbling up im on the second floor though idk
No clue. Maybe people are trying to dredge up old conspiracies.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so many brainwashed people out there my god rip
You gotta wash your brain every now and then to get all the wrinkles out.
Thirty minutes into the Steam summer sale and the store's chugging. You'd imagine at some point they'd properly prepare infrastructure for the overwhelming influx of people coming in.
My zazen is getting really deep these days. Usually. I was going to sit for five or so minutes but I ended up sitting 15 and penetrated my koan even more deeply even though I thought I already had my answer. I was feeling really stressed out from my floor leaking at home but I'm feeling a little bit liberated from that stress now.
Better water than leaking blood or oil, after all.
That's right! You have to penetrate the koan completely. My present one is: Unmon said, "The world is vast and wide. Why do you put on your seven-piece robe when the bell rings?" I think I have it now. It wants to know whether I'm a trained seal or a human.
>>852174 I thought you liked neural network stuff? It was generated by a neural network trained on images of cats but they accidentally included cat memes.
nier does absolutely need therapy. >>852184 you should nab one of those my guy, they're good shit.
>>852186 I should ask kirara what his professional opinion of her is. She might also be psychotic. Sometimes I forget that she's a mass murderer. But it's okay because she's cute.
>>852189 I see some go for like a hundo usd It could be worth considering.
I mean if it's expensive you could always weigh how hot you are versus what you're willing to pay. >>852187 If Kirara were to agree to that he'd probably want to go over all the Nier lore which I don't think he'd do.
>>852190 installation not to mention doing it as a tenant would have to ask housing company too and it would all be moot, because of the renovation going on anyhow
>>852191 Bruh Just stick it in the window, its not hard.
>>852190 Oh I assumed he knew it because he played.
>>852192 i don't think you realise tga 1) rules finland 2) that it won't work with finnish windows
>>852193 Nah he hasn't touched granblue in a long time, and you have to go out of your way to unlock Nier/any of the evokers. The only one he had any interest in was Maria Theresa
>>852205 Hi Rika! Yes, as ToN said, water is coming up from the floor. The carpet is all wet and stuff. It's weird because I'm on the second floor and I'm not sure how or where it's bubbling up from. I put in a request this morning but nobody had come when I got home just now.
I had a weird heart episode at work today. My heart rate didn't go below 105 for several hours even though my resting heart rate is usually around 60. My blood pressure was 110/88. Usually my diastolic is around 70. My temperature was also up to 100.7! But then my temp went back down and my heart rate went back down.
>>852212 A little, but I don't think stress is // was the problem because I did a 20 minute meditation and got really deep into meditation, but my heart rate didn't go under 105 during the whole meditation which is pretty abnormal. I thought maybe I didn't take my heart medicine last night, but I distinctly remember taking it. So who knows? I still seem sensitive to increases in heart rate but it's lower now than it was before.
Alright, maint called! They're gonna come by in the morning to deal with it, I'll be first on the list for tomorrow.
I met the new leasing guy at my apartment today. He's basically the dude from the I JUST GOT PROMOTED image. He embodies that energy completely.
He asked me what I do for fun and then said he plays games and watches anime, so I was like "oh, same actually" and we talked about anime a little. He watches on CrunchyRoll and likes Hero Academia and stuff. His favorite anime is FMA lol He asked my favorite so I told him Samurai Flemanco, I wonder if he'll watch it.
FMA is such a standard answer to that question It's about as stock answer as it gets. The show's not even remotely bad but if that's your answer to a favourite anime question then it kinda gives me the vibe you are an exceptionally bland person.
>>852228 Haha, that's so mean! it's not wrong thought He said "I heard The Last of Us 2 was good"
Honestly I've heard now some pretty solid arguments from people that have played through it now that both compliment and criticize it. It's not what people were expecting but apparently is very true to what it wants to do. It's kinda sounding like another The Last Jedi situation and since I'm still firm on the positive side of that divide, maybe I should give The Last Of Us II a more open approach.
It sounds good from a technical standpoint but everyone keeps telling me the game makes you do morally questionable things and then criticizes you for it to make you feel guilty. I will probably check it out but I'll definitely wait for a big sale or something.
>>852236 The problem I have with a critique like that is it's completely worthless without actually establishing what the critic thinks the overall story message actually is. And even then, it could be that a different player picks up a totally different message from what the first one does. And both of them could be totally off the mark on what the writers intended the message to be, as pointless a thing as that is. I don't think you should ever criticize something on the story message because that perception is based off your own understanding -own interpretation of the text. Or if you are going to, make sure you back up your criticism with evidence from the game! Otherwise it's a hollow complaint to me.
>>852241 I'm not so certain about that. By all accounts I've seen the game is an objective visual and technical masterpiece. So removing those from evaluation since people who say otherwise are likely arguing in bad faith, the remaining factor is how you appreciate the story. If the story was something that resonated strongly with you, by all means I think you giving it an exceedingly high score is quite reasonable, actually.
Ultimately though this is why five or ten-point scoring systems are dumb and people should stop relying on them so much.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>852239 same i watched a few streams and it seems like a sick game but there's a chorus of mindless "the story is bad" chat with misogyny mixed in
>>852239 Who knows but it was an interesting shitstorm to follow for a while atleast never played the first one and most likely won't play this one either >>852244 there is a lot of brigading for the sake of brigading going on, indeed
then again, last of us 2 was one of those hype trains that no matter what they delivered, it would have been lampasted as "not as good as the first one", due to what people expected it to be. if the writing staff doing the sequel wanted to do something different that was their choice
fact is tho, that they did give out misleading trailer footage that lead many to believe that Joel would actually stick around in the game for longer but take that as you will, since since when has anyone trusted trailer footage of any media production?
The real shitstorm people should be raising is that all these leaks came because of a disgruntled Naughty Dog employee sick with how the studio was treating them/employees. Which hints that even with one of the most-hyped games of the past few years, the studio still can't manage to give its employees the decency they fucking deserve.
I think they already sacked lot of their talent or alienated them during the Uncharted games which is why I think the final, was it 4th? how many of those even are, was quite disliked both in technical and writing departments
>>852248 and then there are those short term quality testers etc who have really shitty pay, hours and get basically sacked the moment they complain due to the contract they sign
do you ever wonder what would life have been like what if i hadn't been browsing /a/ that day when /moe/ got linked how did i even end up there how did i even end up here? i could just have easily never known any of the people i met here would i have met completely other people? weird to think about
>>852294 No People spammed Cards against megukas tththreads so it was only inevitable that I ended up here.
rei don't do it
Okay I thought about it a little I'd probably have moved to discord by now.
i wasn't really going to /a/ around that time i really only spent a lot of time there around the time i ended up coming here
we had this meeting where they told us to stop calling the panic buyers dickheads on social media and that our store didn't have that problem and within an hour or so they put back up the buying limits of one per customer
>>852406 A little I'm still a bit surprised that goons of all people are unsubbing lowtax on patreon for him beating his wife. Also I'd known about the abuse for a long time He tried to get her deported too.
But I think that also shows how much the demographic s have changed.
Those little black spiders, the ones that hop around rather than skitter, have been showing up in a somewhat more frequent regularity than they have in the past, recently. They unnerve me even more than the skittery ones since I never know where they've gone.
That sucks.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow i gotta stop sleepin in for market open jeez
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
crazy red day well not Crazy but wow that's a lot of covid news
This game looks kickass.
it's extremely hard to watch. it's like. so stressful
One of the supervisors here flat told me "There's no way that many people died" and I just can't bother listening like dude, our union has over A HUNDRED CASUALTIES. 100 BY OURSELVES
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
all people had to do was stay home for two weeks. that's it, two weeks
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
but the big capitalist machine wouldnt let that happen
>>852451 I had to explain to the Euros and Australians on tano that stuff like that doesn't happen everywhere in the US.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
of course it does come on
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
THIS is what the US looks like, everywhere you go you're going to find people like this
>>852459 I meant specifically people yelling crazy shit on open mic at politicians.
They were wondering why the people were not ejected from the event.
>>852465 85I mean A lot of people wpuld say all politicians are pieces of shit.
John k, the director of ren and stimpy
>>852468 Oh, yeah I thought you were talking about john kerry because I just mentioned an incident he was involved in.
oh right there's an awkward video of him with an intern or something and you can supposedly tell how uncomfortable it is
Yeah John k was supposed to have molested some o hs fans or something I remember he did something to that teenage animator he worked with
He wasn't convicted of anything and I don't think he ever got accused of rrarrape but he was definitely a creep. Too bad Ren and Stimpy was so good.
I actually never saw it as a kid because while it was still in production we didn't get cable. My TV watching was also heavily restricted during my youth so I just never really saw it. I saw a bit of it recently on nick at nite aanand it was really good. Reminded me a lot of Tex Avery. I wish people still made cartoons like that.
if you tweet "oxygen frequency" or "5g oxygen" twitter will add a factcheck to your tweet saying "get the facts about coronavirus" if you say "covid isnt real" it will not do anything
>>852478 MMy dad's siblings are all visitingy grandfather this week Apparently they're mad at him that he isn't coming. I'm really lissed at them because he's in Florida and they're all going to go visit him but still go outside and ddo stuff.
>>852486 Yeah I'm really ppissed Incidentally did you check this out? It's getting a switch release too.
I saw someone on the twitter say something about how a top reason for cn/kr/jp games (maybe just mobile)? shouldn't have english versions is because of western fandoms and like while fans can be shitty, that feels like an extremely shitty gatekeepy viewpoint
Rei you are like ultra gatekeepy I don't know if you should kek at this.
Marsh is the plot of lostbelt that 7 nerds are super pissed I saved the world before they could so they fucked off and said if they can't save the world they're going to destroy it and make a better world instead
i was just tryna read your lameass announcement don't jumpscare me bitches
>receive message from sister while at work >"tequila good i love tequila" >come home to half the bottle gone and passed out sister lol kind of proud in a way
Yeah, really sounds like she's your sister.
i didn't particularly care for it when i made Margaritas with it yesterday so she is more than welcome to honestly >>852554 well, she is my sister she rarely drinks but when she does she goes hard one night for her birthday she ate 17 jello shots i made with a full shot of vodka in each one lol
my little sister literally can't drink though she doesn't process alcohol right one standard drink fucks her up really bad
I'm probably the only kid in my family that really drinks. Like my brother and sister enjoy a beer, especially my brother with stuff like hipster microbrewery stuff, and while my imouto drinks liquor occasionally her generation's more of the vape kind of crowd. I'm really the only one that can do like a quarter to a third of a handle of liquor in one night.
I'm the only one of my siblings who has ever drank much at all though my older sister used to drink a bit more at that time I drank a fucking shitload more too
every now and then we get smashed together but not nearly as much
i think my dad's probably the only one who's ever been as much of a degenerate as me out of any of my extended family
I can't sleep. >>852613 My mom is friends witg Eddie Vedder's birth mother Err Friends with someone wgo is frie.ds with Eddie vedder's birrh mother. And then another on o her friends went to highschool with eddy or something
this fetch box thing can hook up with Bluetooth headphones so I can listen to netflix stand up and the like
What's the deal with stand up comedy? What's so wrong with sit down comedy? Can't you laugh just as much if the comedian is sitting down and comfortable