Hi hey hello Did you have a chance to catch any of the PS5 stuff they showcased earlier today? There's some fun-looking stuff in there.
Great Pretender Episode 3-7 Fruits Basket Hachi-nan tte, Sore wa Nai deshou! Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-24 Kakushigoto Plunderer Tamayomi Yesterday wo Utatte
Yeah looks like lots of beach funny it's this series that has a huge beach arc
Has been a pretty non-fanservice-y arc too. Like Tohru doesn't have a particularly flattering swimsuit and there hasn't been much focus on the guys anyway. The most fanservice was the scene with the Horse turning back into a human and they didn't really play that scene either.
Kyo kind of is a delinquent. A nice one, but he doesn't exactly do non-delinquent things.
Look at Shigure, waiting at the foot of his master like the loyal dog he is.
Tohru honestly can give all the orders she wants she's not a Souma that Akito can boss around.
That's literally what happens! It was established like back in the first episode. None of the animal Soumas can touch the opposite sex without turning into their animal. That's kind of why it's more of a curse rather than a special power or anything.
Hah hah hah Considering it was the Rat that tricked the Cat out of his seat in the Zodiac myth. That must be a double stinger to use on Kyo.
It's okay you can just kiss a dead persona -person and they'll be okay.
Plus if he's been lying here for like days I don't think he's just unconscious. Man now she's hallucinating.
Remember when her character motive was to move up the military ranks so she could reach the level where she could choose her own uniform. Since she hated the mini-skirt. She's technically been a rebel now for like half the show yet she never bothered to change it.
>>848956 It's like a lower impacy samurai flamenco there's no way they'd remember that far back
Goateyes has the weirdest haphazard sense of decency. He's happy to crush and beat up anyone who gets in his way but he'll put a pause on it for moments like this. And there was that moment in the past where he tried to bully the girl with the glasses so hard so she'd stop trying to be a soldier and get into dangerous situations.
Of course by bullying her it was almost beating her to brutal submission.
For a series with such a clear power-levels mechanic, there's been a surprising lack of power creep in the series. Licht has kinda remained at the same level he's been at all series. Though I guess going back in time to when he was weak is a good way of subverting powercreep.
Yeah it's mostly Licht and Jail that have done all the fighting.
>>848963 Oh wait right Do you want to do Kakushigoto tonight It's Thursday so I'm working on the assumption I won't see you until Sunday night. And it's not normally a show we keep around.
All right, I'm good when you are.
Ka Ku Shi Go To !
Meetings suuuuck!
I guess everyone hates meetings.
His editor really makes a lot more trouble for him than he does for his editor.
There's really been a lot of people talking past each other this episode. Oh someone finally clarified things for once.
From hearing accounts from the publishing world, it can be touch and go. But a good editor can also make or break a series. Preparing a manuscript for a novel is a monumental amount of work for one person, and the editor can really help with tidying that all up and taking some pressure off the author.
I'd imagine the manga publishing world isn't much difference from that. Maybe doubly so for a weekly series honestly. It's an insane amount of work to stay on top of a weekly manga's drawing requirements, so having an editor handle some of the work is probably a windfall.
Man this is a really disastrous misunderstanding though. I wonder how close to the finale he can take it before his magazine's editorial realizes he's plotting it for the finale.
>Mangaka with nothing left to lose are loose cannons Well that's definitely true. Kubo was kind of an amazing loose cannon when Bleach was in its final arc. But that was combined with him having some absurd leeway and being allowed to take like two years to do the final arc.
But of course. With all that talk about editors. When your editor is really this absolutely awful all bets are off.
At least his assistants are all so reliable.
That really is a lot of karaage
I wonder when Gotou vanished from Hime's life. It seems like it was a while before she turned eighteen, judging from how despondent she is by that point.
I know a pretty good place for Karaage here. Though they might be closed right now. Come visit and I can show you it!
>>848977 You've been pretty quiet again tonight. Busy, or just falling asleep?
She's a nice lady. Meddlesome in a positive way. Though the situation with Rikuo and Sensei is a bit more complicated than what these two know.
This doof is in his mid-twenties now and can't give a gift to a girl he likes without collapsing into stammering. At least he's honest about the story behind the necklace.
>>848979 a bit sleepy tonight haven't been sleeping well lately
I'll try to be a little more wakeful
More than a bit it seems like!
>>848982 We're almost at the end of the night, don't worry too much about it. Try and use the weekend to refresh yourself and improve your restfulness.
He's a really flakey guy though. Tells Haru to stop coming around but can't tell her he doesn't feel the same way when she says she likes him.
>Why hasn't he? Because he's a F L A K E
Honestly they're both kinda damedame about this. Sensei it kinda makes sense since she's had like a decade-long obsession with a dead guy.
She seems to handle her-yeah Visually at least, she's not too visibly taken by it. But Rikuo's clearly buzzed.
I like the character designs for this. She particularly has nice design
I liked her better with her longer hair hah hah The bobcut gives her a really different aura.
Between how she looks here and Haru I think I prefer Haru.
To be fair you could really cut the tension between these two nerds with a knife.
As someone who has definitely screwed things up by being too nice and failing to be assertive because of that, I get a bit frustrated with Rikou -Rikuo I guess. But at the same time I would probably have done the exact same thing he's done in his position.
Oh yeah I saw some chatter about this when this ED came out. It's Ilya's artwork. I'd known he was getting to do some stuff for this show, I guess this is the main part of that.
I've enjoyed this series but apparently it's trying to cram a like hundred and ten chapter manga in to a single season. I've seen a of people complain about stuff getting cut because of that.
Yeah, no worries. Thanks for anime. I hope you can have a refreshing weekend. If for whatever reason you want to be around, I'll be here. There's always stuff to watch.