Great Pretender Episode 6-11 Ahiru no Sora Arte Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 22-25 Nami yo Kiitekure Plunderer Tamayomi Tower of God Yesterday wo Utatte
Out of their three stooges this guy seems to have taken to basketball the most seriously.
Providing he didn't get fired I feel like the sensei they had for an advisor would agree to resume. He seemed real charmed by basketball before everything when to shit.
That short trim he's got really doesn't suit him. It makes him look like a little brat. Which I guess isn't far from the truth but still.
Suspension is one thing but expecting suspended students to remain confined at home feels particularly ludicrous. I guess that's the Japanese for you though.
Seems like no matter where you go in the world, teaching is a gruelling job that doesn't pay half as much as it's worth.
Ah guess I was wrong. Maybe it would have been fine if his wife wasn't pregnant.. Even if they get people out -together to play basketball I guess they're out an advisor.
Guess that's his personal training regiment. Going around and taking on people.
Oh he's also doing Nao's training too. All the kids seem to be going pretty hard.
Hah hah they're just breaking into his house now to play basketball. To be fair he's the only one in their team that's got a decent court to play on. Still they could have asked first.
Oh no now he's cut his hair short too. Why is everyone cutting their hair
I guess it takes a lot out of the punk-delinquent image he had going on, which might make people take him a little fairer. So like him showing initiative to redeem himself.
This series seems to like its In Media Res. This makes the second time we've started with him suddenly in a pinch.
Ah oh no Poor Edamura. I'd forgotten that Japanese prisons give EVERYONE a buzz-cut.
Though if they're giving him a placement for work upon release that probably puts Japanese prisons miles ahead of any institution this side of the Pacific.
Oh he was only in for two years. That's not too bad. Still must be surreal to return to normal life after being contained to a single building for two years.
Man prison sure indoctrinated him into the boring life.
What an unpleasant man. I presume he's a mark. Ah yeah the red-haired lady's already accompanying him.
I feel like as far as gambling goes, betting on fights is one that really isn't left up to luck.
This man really likes his planes.
Ah I guess that's how they'll wring him dry.
Man Abby is a real berserker.
Well I guess that's how they dragged him back in. Laurent seems to have a bit of a script he likes to follow though. He always gets someone else to round up the MC.
Abby and the MC are kinda like the kids to Laurent and the red-haired lady.
She's probably a natural adrenaline junkie. Most of her crazy in the first case seemed to be part of the act but it seems like it wasn't much of an act for her in the first place.
Huh, the subbers forgot the subtitles for the ED this episode. Not that they're really needed but they've been there in previous episodes.
Finale! It took them a lot of compression but it seems like they managed to end the season where I expected them to.
Oh wait nevermind it's going to be thirteen episodes long. Considering the pace at which they've been adapting so far it's suprising they'll be taking the better most of three episodes to cover this game.
It's nice to see the princesses getting properly along though. Considering they wanted each other dead when they first met.
>Running doesn't suit me! Proceeds to run just in the opposite direction
There's a lot of crazy people that climb the tower.
It was brought up earlier in the series but the Princesses of Zahad aren't exactly fond of Zahad himself. Since he kind of collects them just to show off rather than care for or dote on. We'd already been shown Endrossi doesn't like him but I guess this shows Yuri doesn't either.
I'd remembered Kuhn has quite the family but I'd forgotten one shows up this early.
kind of a mix between action and dialogue this time
We're approaching the end of the first chapter of Tower of God. Like not literal chapter but, well, book, I guess. In the webtoon it probably would have been split more cleanly between chapter releases. But they're in a rush to get to the end of Book One in this first season.
There's a lot of people coming to people's aid this episode. And the affirming that they've all become friends in their time spent together.
Uh, not sure. I haven't been really keeping up with it for almost a decade. Plus there's a -really- clear-cut wrap at the end of book one that doesn't quite show up in the rest that I've read. I can kind of think of a moment that might be an end of book two. This is also kind of me inserting my own divisions into the webtoon myself; it isn't actually structured that way by the author.
I've literally been waiting all season for that moment. Maybe even longer since the anime was announced. Rachel's backstab is a real "The FUCK" moment.
what time are we at I accidentally hit page down and it changed the ep
okay thanks
1:20 1:25 1:30
I guess that's what I did in Tower of God's episode. I was probably trying to get back to the bottom of the page and hit the key not noticing I was on my player.
This ponytailed pitcher on the other team seems to talk a lot of big talk but always underperforms.
Oh she actually managed to get a good swing in for once. Though the ball ended up a pop fly.
It's funny how the 3d models look better than the animation.
They're cleaner but the models only have static expressions and smooth movement. So it kinda conflicts with the intensity the pitcher or batter are demonstrating. Even with the worse quality I kinda prefer it because it at least tries to encapsulate that emotion.
They finally took out that doofy pitcher and brought in their ace. That girl seems to be a real muscle beast.
Nice to see them get their own homerun. Plus it's three runs where the other team's only got them one.
Also there's some sudden Very Gay stuff between their manager and her. The Tama and Yomi pairing was obvious since they're the battery and it's literally the name of the show but I guess that's not the only gay shipping they'll take up.
This has been a funny series to too lots of ups and downs for it
hard to believe the season is almost over
They're having another showdown with this baseball monster on the other team. How exciting.
>>850563 Summer's right around the corner! A lot of the stuff that got delayed this season because of lockdowns should be coming back during it. Plus there's some good shows that were already lined up for summer anyway.
>>850563 I think if it wasn't so simply and QUALITY animated it would have honestly been considered a really good stuff. A really good show, even. The baseball strategy was well thought out and the characters are all pretty endearing. They dedicated a lot more to the sport than I originally expected since it is a manga running in a CGDCT magazine.
Oh yeah, I wonder how they're going to air the delayed stuff.
Well ... thankfully, there's some stuff that was set for summer that has gotten delayed, hah hah. So there are some open time slots. Slime Isekai was set to start airing this summer but it's been pushed back. There's probably some other things that did too.
Actually honestly there doesn't seem to be a lot airing next season anyway. On the site I use to keep track of what's airing this season, there's around 65 shows noted. Not all of these are actual shows it's shorts and stuff too. But for the upcoming summer that same collection of shows only totals up to around 48. We don't watch half of the content since a lot is stuff that's for kids or doesn't get subs (usually because it's for kids) and we ditch shorts so we usually end up watching maybe a quarter or a third of what's on the list. Which when you get only 48 shows ... doesn't leave us with a lot to watch.
I need to take a look at next season. Summer is usually somewhat light, and that will be doubly so with corona.
>>850570 Here's where I'm referencing. I find it useful when keeping track of stuff.
I counted maybe fourteen or fifteen shows we'd be likely to get to watching tops, minus one if you're not too inspired to do the final season of Yahari Ore no Romcom etc/ Maybe I'm just fuzzy but I feel like you weren't too into the show when we did the second season.
Though at the least I get a second season of Re:Zero to watch. I'll probably get up to that one whenever and talk about it with Kirara during the day.