Seriously though, I would have liked to have seen /a/'s reaction to that scene when it aired
Eh, people weren't that angry. This series was a bit well-known already from the LN/manga. And he does kinda give a straightforward reason. Rakudai Kishi was closer to the time of "EH? NANDATTE?" so people's metrics for bullshit reasons MCs refused to bang was probably a bit more tolerable.
>>849702 It's so good. Make sure to collect the runes and llok at the hints every level.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how bout i just skip every level
>>849709 You'll never get the secret ending if you do that. Also if you do the hint thing you don't actually get a hint, its just more dialogue between the characters.
sensei gave me a new job at the zendo because i accidentally revealed my power level and showed how familiar i am with the japanese language now i have RESPONSIBILITIES
i have a client that recently divorced a member of a very prominent political dynasty and it pains me that i can't share all of these horrible secrets that i've learned
It's burden you must accept You're a psychologist not a tabloid information uncoverer!
but i'm also a political dissident! but yes i must accept the burden my responsibility as a psychologist always comes before my political agenda what a shame it is that i am so dedicated to my work
>The instrument in question is a Buchla Model 100. The Buchla is a modular synth. Instead of a keyboard, it used capacitance-sensitive touch plates. This particular model 100 was purchased by California State University East Bay Campus. The synth was popular for a while, but eventually fell into disuse, and was stored in a classroom closet.
>During the restoration, [Curtis] found residue and crystals stuck under one of the knobs of the Control Voltage Processing Module. Was it flux, conformal coating, or something else? [Eliot] hit the board with contact cleaner and wiped it down.
>Within 45 minutes, he was feeling a strange tingling. It was the beginning of a nine-hour LSD trip.
Man some people get all the luck. Cleaning an old synth and you get a free trip
I wonder if I'm more familiar with them with a different name. I mean I'm not exactly well-versed in cuisine but I have literally never heard that term before.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're those ones you get with philly cheese steaks or at bbq places idk
I'll eat salt and pepper pepper Or dried and crushed pepper
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they're an jmportant aspect of the chicago style hot dog tho
>>849957 I actually only eat kosher hotdogs so that really rules out most hot dogs anyways.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh rip
Looks like the sports peppers are a particular brand of pickled peppers. Wikipedia only directs me to chili peppers in general when talking about sport peppers though.
> They are a cultivar of Capsicum Annuum with Mexican roots, that’s for sure. Some say they are simply pickled serrano peppers, others see them as distinct chilies of their own, pointing to the fact that sport pepper seeds are available separately from serrano seeds.
>>850044 nice that they packed a gun in there so you can shoot yourself instead of using that thing! >>850073 laying in bed until my eyes get heavy enough what's up with you
>>850079 Yeah There's been some good oc recently though Specifically rat posting This rat gets posted and (originally without the helmet) asks you to name a videogame meeting certain criteria. He so doesn't normally have the index or whatever that's called. Anyways he has the helmet now because people would shop a bat hitting him on the head.
night buddy >>850089 you'd think people whose job it is to be fucking informed about things to do a little more research but I guess national news isn't exactly high brow reporting
>German prosecutors claim to have evidence Madeleine McCann is dead damn that really must be awful for the parents
fate grand dorder
Fate/Grand Fodder
My Internet feels really weird today. Connection seems stable and smooth, but not until it sits trying to establish a connection or load a webpage for five to ten seconds. I'm more accustomed to it being shoddy across the board or consistently consistent, not half of one and half of the other.
>>850103 wow you only finished the missions now? i cleared them in like two daaaaays
Aidoru dances always have real weird hand movements. Something about them gets me focused on them and then I can't avoid observing how ridiculous they are.
tho I gotta love the genius of the group >"I toss an object into the room" >the automatic defensive system idenitifes the foreign object as harmless bit later >"access denied, please evacuate the premises in 5..." >"I cast chain lightning on the machinegun turrets" >you hit one and disable it, 5 more take aim on you
how do you make itm ore obvious that "you shouldn't be here yet" aside from actually killing them...
Hand them their asses but don't kill them. It might require some DM stretch of the circumstances but letting them know the locals could wipe the floor with them but don't because <INSERT REASON> can send a convincing message.
Alternatively, this is probably much harder, but building your encounters and gemeral flow of modules to not take into account levelling and rather create threats, dangers, and rewards suitable to their current level. Life isn't an RPG, there aren't pockets of the world where there's a bunch of level fifty mobs walking around after all. Like if they hear of something like an Ancient Chromatic Dragon and decide they want to go hunt it at level three maybe you can maneuver NPCs to tell them in no uncertain terms the dragon is just going to kill them, or demonstrate the dragon glassing something strong barely lifting a finger, or, since you're the DM, you can just ... not reveal information about a threatening monster like that. It's within your power to do so.
I think if you want your players to have fun you'd probably be better off sooner re-writing your threat levels to account for their suicidal tendencies, and maybe not have the level eight superthreat hanging 'round that den like you originally planned, but if you're dead set on it, wiping them unconscious and having a deux ex machina waiting ready to rescue them is good. Or make an example of one of them, maybe pick a player you trust to not get too upset over this, and actually kill one of them to show them that yes, they will get punished for being stupid. Perhaps you can make it a side-quest for them to track down a priest to revive their friend, or the artifact needed, or you can discuss it with the player and see how attached they are to their now-deceased character.
The ideal option is really dependent on your players and what degree of responsibilities and forceful nudges they need to either understand their consequences or reconsider their plans.
Well I have managed to figure out how to steer by just plcing objectives in clever way say having 2 in one side of the town and one int he other, making it more time managing to head into the two direction and not one
also I did teach them >army bad with an encounter they fucked up and realised how stronk the army is, so they stay away of their patrol routes >forests maybe scari with just showing how much weird shit can happen in places, where the sun don't shine proper and ofc >time management important as the later it is in the day, the more dangerous the city gets, with the undead spawning mist eventually making it very hard to survive and traverse
but the fuckign embassy was so good >1st warning that it might be dangerous >2nd warning it is dangerous >3rd warning in the form of one of the plaeyrs (who is considered friendly in the embassy) starting to TALKwith the automatic defensive system and the machine gun turrets >4th warning in the form of an actual warning >5... just open fire well it is amusing to punish stupidness
BUt I am trying to use the first 4 levels in a way to make them understand when something isn't safe and when something might be safe
They HAVN'T gone to rob the bank which I revealed early in the game but at the same time revealed the army patrolling routes and it also keeps them away from the main plot stuff how to actually get out of the initial islands and into the city proper, before they are ready for that actually.
Also one of my players, the guy who cast chain lightning on the turrets managed to get cursed by Eidolons TWICE I think he might eventually pick up on what is wise to do and what isn't but that kind of reckless actions is fun
>>850140 My biggetst worry is that they will actually try to fight the next icon/vip character I will introduce, but hopefully they won't do it that one isn't the "cartoon villain" who keeps coming back for more beatings, but an actual threat but I think they will be clever enough and I can just make it impossible to happen anyhow
or I can make a secret plot thread that gets activated once they get floored by this guy
Yeah, that's kind of what I mean with the "side quest to revive" from earlier.
Matt Colville has a channel on YouTube where he offers a lot of anecdotal and analytical experience with playing and designing games and shared a really good "fail forward" kind of situation like this. One player in his party decided to go up against a tyrannical baron or lord and promptly got floored by the fact that y'know, lords generally have guardsmen on hand. But rather than execute him on the spot the player got thrown into the lord's prison, which allowed him (or the DM, can't remember if he was the DM or a player) to improvise up a prison rescue/prison escape dual plot thread. I think this might've ended up being a mistake though since if I remember correctly the imprisoned player in their attempts to escape ended up in a situation where the DM couldn't find a reasonable non-death option and the character died. But options like that are always possible. It's usually pretty easy to find some kind of excuse as to why a villain isn't just gonna kill player characters right then and now.
The main point is that they can discover 2 longer term quests that will aid them in getting out of the whole city area in the initial place and ways to make the initial islands completely safe, so they can traverse the *between the north and south side of the cities more easily and so on
I havn't yet even really written those parts since it has mostly been "explore and learn" both for them and me
well hardest part I made for myself, is that aside from the undead, the factions and their leaders (icons) are less villains and just competitors for whatever remains in the city and to get out/restore order and take over, before everything goes pemranently to hell
so made that bit harder formyself in that way, since the players can then see which factions they can approach and co-operate with and who they can't
ofc the anti-magic-racist faction kinda got hard shut, as 3/5 of the party are magical beings
I think it's fine to end up with factions your players just aren't gonna feasibly ally or cooperate with. Like even if you were playing 13th Age by the book, if your players all picked classes and mentalities that generally land in Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good, or Neutral Good, as I think most players, even if they don't pick as their typing, generally end up falling into, the characters are never really going to be in a state to cooperate with the Chaotic Evil faction and Icon, since those attitudes will run antithetical to theirs. Of course you could have the Chaotic Evil faction employ subterfuge and gain something from their actions through that deceit. But that's not really cooperating with them.
I think most amusign one is the palladin >okay, what can i LOOT FROM HERE but it makes sense, the guy has been on a one man crusade for the past 12 *15 to 20 years, so he has had to learn to gather war fund
also that is the thing there aren't really good or evil factions just how they align their goals with the party's aside from the undead ofc even the kalvgrad people's army, in finnish "kkk" isn't evil per se, just trying to secure their sister city and ensure that the local gradians are safe
there is a lore reason for their strict antimagic policy, being mixed blood makes you more suspectible to the corruption and ill effects of the Cursed Sea and if the population overall becoems too mixed, it will make harvesting vital resources from said dread region impossible. tho it has over the centuries become less "pragmatic" and more "shoot non-gradians on sight"
Well I was using the allignment terms in the frame of 13th Age's actual lore content, to provide an anecdote for why I think it's fine that there's factions in your world that will just never be on the same wavelength as your players. If not good and evil, there's always going to be something that will set at least one group of people in stark contrast with your players. Unless your players are in stark contrast with each other, in which I think these stresses of drama lay much closer to home.
yeah the army faction is from the start, especially with the players' races ment to be an outright enemy not always "fight on sight" as in they can reasonw ith them occasionally and even co-operate during most dread of times but the only way to ally with them would be to actually help them purge the city of practically everyone, which is kinda the moral event horizon >participate in genocide y/n
and would ofc cause their main employers/ally factions to turn against them too
But I think I am approaching the phase where I actually have to write the proper plot lines down and not just keep them floating in my head as the "exploration" period is pretty much over next session
which is inside the main red dot in the giant canal my initial idea, and gladly it worked well is basically this >>850157 for adventure the north and south shore of the main population centre (city centre) for champion and then the ports, the purple dots for epic, which would also be the final escape
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
just only do perma death against named enemies it's in the 13th age core book
is my idea I did give them the "pot of turning people into boiled corpses" for complete unluck tho
but I don't either go after downed players, and generally try to keep max damage pool so, that they can't be crit to death from anything above 30% in general
and there is their maid stalker, who has healing spells if i really need to keep them alive due to bad luck, my mistake or just general weirdness
but I gotta say there is some weird rng always like one of my players consistently getting super high skill rolls but having like... 10 recharge rolls in a row that fail my palladin today used his boots of double movement +6 recharge and never got them back lol
>>850161 I think I'd only metagame like that if it was clear the players aren't having fun. Maybe with beasts and creatures of lower complex intelligence leaving downed players is sensible, but for opponents with human-equivalent intelligence, it doesn't make sense for them to just leave someone unconcious unless they've got a very good reason for not caring if they get up again in a minute or two.
but it is fun how I managed to plan content for 3 sessions the last time I did stuff and this time around I just had to mux stuff, since I gavet hem a level up after beating the Eidolon boss lvl3 afterall is much more fun to play than lvl 2 as casters especially get so much more options
should prolly start making that a habit, making more stuff they can possibly do in one session and some more side+rng stuff so if I sometime am caught with little time to prepare, I have some backed up stuff to rely on
I've been so tired today. Woke up after like two and a half hours of sleep to a building headache, so I couldn't really just turn over and go back to sleep. I caught a nap in the afternoon but man I'm still kind of half in a fugue.
What ever came over peoplt -people to think putting awfull uncanny 3D models of stuff to show off what their graphics card can do, I don't think I'll ever understand.
>>850310 what the helö i guess if you have been sleep deprived for days you might become a paranoid mess like this especially considering the times but.. fast food joints makeba ton of mistakes daily and quite of fail at the "fast" part
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
right? someone like that shouldn't have a gun a license to kill
Well it's only in development, but yeah. Hopefully it properly encapsulates that excitement of discovery and laidback nature of the original.
it took so long to find everything nowadays on day 1 you can go gpogle all the sikrits
I've heard people say it's the kind of game you can clear in an afternoon. I'm presuming that's without looking things up since it ruins the charm. But I'd bet that's also because they've played it as kids and even if it's been like two decades they still retain memories.
i might check out this new one depending on how good they make it look
I never got to beat it since we never owned it. But McDonald's here would have mini game stations where they'd set up N64s and later Gamecubes and I think one near where I live had Pokemon Snap in it. Though McDick's was an extremely infrequent treat meal for us when we were kids so I never really spent a lot of time playing.
Maybe we rented it or borrowed it once? All I know is I never got to beat it.
It seems like Bandai Namco is developing the game, so at the least we won't get Game Freak's lame tree textures. Though they'll likely use the same model database The Pokemon Company has for all the Pokemon. For an N64 game the original was really good at immersing you in the environment and activities of the Pokemon so that attention to detail is going to be important I feel for maintaining the same appeal.
It's a game about taking photos they need to give us nice set pieces! Some of those water shots in the trailer are looking real gorgeous so that's points in favour.
>>850343 The original had something like sixty-odd of the original 151 in it, so there isn't exactly precedence to put the entire near-thousand roster, doubly so since Game Freak has been moving towards statements like that themselves. I'd wager we'll probably see somewhere in the range of 400-600 if it's a large game, 200-400 if they want to keep it more brief. And I'd also expect it to be more unspecified natural habitats rather than explicit environments from games. They might reference landmarks or say like "Here in the outskirts of Pewter City", but I doubt it'll literally be leading the player through the streets of ... man I don't even know city names from Sword/Shield.
Oh, that sounds neat. A deserted island photography retreat! How wonderful.
It's also a good excuse for not putting in nearly a thousand models in to the game hah hah. A natural habitat wouldn't have the full world's diversity.
and why you once again use the rail ride bubble wagon
I'm kinda glad they kept it. Maybe modern console power could provide an environment you can actually walk in, but there's a real charm about it being on rails.
Plus it means the developers can have some leeway with environment design since they only need to worry about polishing what you can see from the rails.
same, tho free exploration would have been neat too
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Maybe some railed areas and some exploration areas. I do think that rails might be better, though. Maybe with some randomization of what's going on around the rails in terms of pokemon and stuff.
I don't think there was randomization in the original, but you could do discreet actions like throw out food or surprise Pokemon, which could result in new developments like unique shots or other Pokemon showing up. The -Part of the game's charm was experimenting with these limited interactions to see what easter eggs you could get to pop out.
the original only had like maybe a couple random events, but it was mostly static so you could memorize the area and try different things to get all the pictures of things
involved a lot if revisiting each are as you unlocked more tools
Maybe they'll just add a day/night cycle or something with it.
Judging from the trailer it does already look like there's different times of day in the same physical location. And not just like day and night there seems to be a dusk-ish time of day too.
hope those aren't tied to real time
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
They usually are but you can just change the time settings in the Switch.
So one of my friends is making an RPG character named "Titania Polymorphina". I cannot wait to talk with him because I'm definitely going t tteteatease him about the name.
From what iivivI've hheheheard, the character concept is "transforms into FMA chimeras and attacks enemies". I think she's also supposed to be like a mad scientist or something.
It's pretty nice here too. I'm gonna be out for a bit since my parents are having someone over to do a house tour video for the selling process and I don't really want to be alone in the house with a relative stranger. So I guess I'll soak in the nice weather while I'm out.
"It is like a fool, an idiot. It is as high as a mountain, deep as the ocean. Without peak or depths, its brilliance is unthinkable, it shows itself silently. Between sky and earth, only this whole body is seen." -Keizan Jokin Zenji
I was talking to one of my longest-running clients today and he was telling me he was disappointed because his daughter can't make it to dinner on his birthday tomorrow due to work. He was really distraught over it! Usually I don't offer flat-out advice, but I just said "Why don't you just have your birthday dinner in a few days when she can make it?" And he acted like he had had his mind blown and it changed his whole perspective.
It's like, haha, nani sore. It's such a simple solution, how'd you miss that one?
tho naming yourself "dirt death/land of the dead" is not exactly clever either
Some times it's easy to forget that dates are all made up and time don't real. What's important is the emotional satisfaction and if you can still enjoy that while not engaging in the activity on its precise date, then everything's still good.
WaPo published a story claiming that the president explicitly asked president xi of china to help him win the 2020 election, so i figured i'd read it but i can't because wapo, whose motto is "democracy dies in darkness" won't let me read it unless i pay them money
trump? so 16 it was russia, 20 it is china well atleast they changed the villain in the sequel
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i mean i wouldn't dismiss it like that especially without reading it first i was more trying to highlight the irony of wapo's motto than actually talk about the story
It's not like traditional newspapers are free to read. Aside from like niche situations like agreements between papers and institutions, you'd be paying for the article by buying the paper anyway. Newspapers are in a difficult position right now. They need money to actually run their shit, but ad revenue is table scraps compared to actual subscriptions, because Google is exceptionally good at depriving people of ad revenue they provide real estate for. So I don't really think it's ironic that their motto is at odds with the necessity of money for the paper's operations. From the get-go, most modern worthwhile newspapers were paid-for products, the presumption that readers should just get all that news for free is new of the Information Age. Aside from state-funded news organizations like our CBC for example, but that's still being funded by something.
well both have nukes so doubt, but without nukes? who knows
tho it would be in a way be interesting to see two BILLION people plus nations bash heads infinite manpower it would only end when their economies crash completely or people oust the leaders
not to mention, both share boders that basically classify as "impassable terrain" mountains or jungle or jungle mountains
>>850393 issue with their digital versions is, that they are subscribe only sure I could basically for a prize of one magazine buy it once and read what I want and then unsub but what if I do indeed want to buy a single magazine for the story in it?
>>850393 Traditional newspapers are a different situation, though. One person usually buys the paper and then hands it off to someone else when they're done, outside of home-delivered papers at least. People share newspapers. And it's a one-time deal to buy a newspaper. If I want access to this story, I have to commit to purchasing stories consistently. I can't just spend 50 cents and pick up a paper. One of the big problems with modern online news is that they've become so desperate for people to give them ad revenue, that they've completely decimated their own journalistic integrity and aren't trustworthy at all. If I made the purchase, there's a pretty realistic chance that the article will contradict the headline. Overall, it's a pretty crappy situation where I can't pay for the news because I lose out if I do, but if I don't, they just get worse and worse.
Journalism is struggling a lot, and a big part of that is due to mismanagement of the people in charge, though. Investigative journalism has become ill with people who don't even do basic fact checking. I just don't have the money to spend on something I can't be sure I'll benefit from.
>>850397 The big fear is the mutual defense agreements that the countries have. A lot of countries would be in a pretty precarious position if this erupted into an actual war.
>we havn't tried to sex it[giant uncosnscious spider] yet >okay I shall roll animal handling does dnd/rpg just turn every fucking group into "extra special forces"?
It's more it's a great way to experiment with "what if"s they never have any opportunities to explore in real life. There's also no real life repercussions to their actions (at least directly) so really the hat's off on them restraining themselves from trying the most ludicrous ideas that come to mind.
>>850401 ye it would be china+allies vs nato essentially but very large doubt it actually becoems a war and more like say the situation between pakistan and india they just skirmish and wage an "undeclared war" stuff like that has happened since forever
for example take ww2, where during the 30s, japan and ussr had a fuckton of undeclared border conflicts yet they never actually escalated it into a proper war
Well, China only has a mutual defense agreement with North Korea, and India doesn't have any. But Pakistan is a major non-NATO ally and would likely get drawn into the war.
oh right india is not in nato they are in commonwealth, but I am not sure do they have defensive pacts it is mostly an economic block
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Nah, India doesn't have any defensive pacts. They don't have any real ongoing defense alliances. But their involvement could influence Pakistan and while NATO doesn't have defense obligation to Pakistan, if they get too threatened, it's likely NATO would have to step in. Or because NATO is obligated to help Pakistan acquire defense weapons, that would create an escalation against India.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
And with North Korea being forced into war against India by their defense pact with China, South Korea would likely get involved in the crossfire, which would bring the US into the conflict.
and produce more movies than the rest of the world combined >>850413 it is right to worry, especially since it will cause people to die which is always sad, but I doubt it will escalate into a war it will prolly be either an instant de-escalation after enough cooling down period of "not losing face/prestige" has happened or just more skirmishes along the borders until eventually both sides agree to some new agreement
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
India is saying that the Chinese have beaten 20 of their soldiers on the border to death this week
I think that has been confirmed to be true anyhow the general indian populace seems to think it is true and are pissed that is never good but then again that is what the news like to take footage of instead of say people going "no war"
still it does feel like the whole world has been rushing towards escalation past few years maybe decade
PM Modi said that if China doesn't back down, India will strike back.
I think it is because the "cooldown" period afte cold war has kinda ended and the USA world police status has kinda lost its claim or relevancy so the competing powers have started to see how much they can do without getting slapped and as they didn't they have grown more and more bold
after all in this weird world we live in, most superpowers have the power to annihilate their enemy yet no one wants to do that no one can do it not without being completely insane >>850417 it is saber rattling intimidation roll #d20 (3)
this situation is very similiar to the USA-Iran tension when usa bombed that general
Counted ten. Might be eleven since I can't remember if I've actually ever watched Titanic all the way through. Funnily enough the only time two movies I've actually seen ran against each other was Princess Mononoke and Jurassic Park.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I've seen a good handful of them a lot of them are ones i don't really like though
well yeah the party supplies consist of >shared food >shared drink >shared alcohol
and they did use beer one time to avoid a fight and to get moreinfo with one bottle of booze so it isn't just for drinking
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
we play games where you get fucked 2 death $$$ CASH MONEY
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
The only way to win is not to play huh sam
I wanted to spend the time out of the house biking but it's the first this year so tires are flat and I don't know where my parents put the adapter for my tires. Guess I'll just walk around.
I had the same issue my tires were so flat that my tiny pump that I keep on my bike couldn't really fill them up at all and I didn't really want to spend 5 to 15 minutes filling them when I could start walking
There's really no where to go by foot 'round here. It's already kind of a residential sea, where it isn't an industrial park or stripmall. A café or something would be nice, but all small places like that are closed by this time of day, if not outright closed.
wearing a mask is kinda cozy cuz i can feel the heat of my own breath and it gets me thinkin of all these people walkin around in the snow with little clouds of breath
I can't wear a mask and glasses at the same time. I'd -like- to wear a mask but if the choice is spit between risking infection and universal risk because I'm fucking blind, I don't have much choice.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bro why your mouth need glasses tho
>>850445 i mean if they give the masks, i have no issue with this
>>850450 I'm talking about my eyeglasses! Maybe I'm doing something wrong but I've not yet been able to wear a mask without totally fogging up my glasses.
Mine just get used to the breath eventually and stop
when I am facing against giant demon trees I am bit regretting not having fire spells I mean they die to ice as well but I kinda wanna lit one on fire
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>850452 are you pinchin the nose to conform to your face
>>850452 I have the same problem, but luckily colorado is dry as fuck so they unfog while I inhale it's annoying but not too disruptive
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
for me, i put my glasses nose things on top of my mask stops fogging completely
I walked like three kilometres only to decide there's absolutely nothing I want out here. Man I should've gone south instead of north I could've hit Greektown and good food.
today i threatened to report a psychology student spreading blatant misinformation to the APA on twitter and it scared them enough that they hid their contact information from their bio lol even though they have 9000 more followers than me
Almost like follower counts do pretty much nothing to your state as a person.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
unfortunately it wasn't enough to get her to stop spreading misinformation! so now im actually reporting her and directing others to not because there will be consequences, but because it will hopefully scare her out of purposefully spreading lies that can harm people
It's nice you've got such an accessible beach. It would take me a good while to get down to the lakeshore here. Not difficult, but kind of long without a car.
Lately I've been judging if our refridgerator's freezer is working properly or not by administering the Bread Squeeze Test Because we're a somewhat overly pragmatic family at times, it's pretty normal that we've got bread, buns, bagels, etc. stored up in our freezer to keep them for longer. A frozen piece of bread tends to be pretty stiff, but one of the first things I started noticing when our freezer went on the fritz was how soft the bread was getting. Since then it's ping-pong-ed between working and breaking down again so before I toss in something that really needs freezing like ice cream or meat, I always give some of the bread in there a squeeze to make sure it's working. It's currently not.
>>850575 Really the character will probably show up once. Knock some party members to next Thursday and leave The GM is giving us 400 poijts *points
Is a lot And up to 200 in disadvantages I don't think you can have a functional character with 200 in disadvantages They would be a fucking lunatic Or at least awful to interact with
Also I don't have to wait at the same spot until next Thursday. I'd have a whole week to go somewhere else And God forbid I go back to the spot where I punched them Because then I could do it again
They better hope I'm not waiting for them Because I'd have time to rest before fighting them again But to them its like they're still in the middle of the same fight The original concept was knocking them to last Tuesday but that could result in causality issues And potentially a bunch of people ganging up on me before I even punch them.
And also tge guy running te game is probably not competent enough to deal with a potential time paradox every time I hit someone
Ugh Finally home I haven't slept in like 30 something hours
One of my friends suggested that I make a character that punches people so hard that they turn into doors.
I have to get up at llilike 7:30 to move a wine cooler out of the way so the water heater guys can haul out the old water heater and bring iin the new one. I don't know if I'll be able to fall asleep.
I was in my friend's car for to hours today going to and from Woodstock and whenever we're in the car he puts on a sea shanty and irish drinking song Pandora station. And now I have this damn song stick in my head. >>>/watch?v=A6GlajMzVf0
Depending on who's making the map, I feel like "Occupied Atlanta" and "Free Atlanta" might be somewhat interchangable.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how far are y'all in great pretenders
Just started case two last night. We watched episode six. They really managed to tie up the first case in a really satisfying way, I was happy how that turned out.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Oh, yeah! It was really exciting. They totally managed to keep the surprises under wraps well. I'm on episode 12. Case 2 was pretty good, but I felt case 1 was better. But case 3 is looking good!
It really came out of left field and ended up a really good show. In a season where so much was getting postponed for a new show to just show up and dump five episodes a week is pretty crazy. A real windfall for us though since the stuff to watch was getting really thin!
Not that summer's looking particularly plentiful. Maybe we can finally get to some of the movies that have come out in the past couple years. Okada Mari's latest movie recently got BD subs so that'll be fun.
Sora no Aosa o Shiru Hito yo Or its English title, Her Blue Sky. It's also got character designs by the person who did FranXX's and AnoHana's. So the two of them go way back.
Tower of God finally got to THAT moment in this week's episode and I've been literally waiting months for it to arrive. Probably ever since the anime got announced. I think they really managed to do the buildup and scene for it really well too. The past couple episodes have been amassing a lot of rising tension and it just all hit the floor this episode. Honestly for such a compressed adaptation I think they've been doing a really good job with the series.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Neat. I'll probably watch it later or tomorrow. I usually just watch one or two episodes of anime per day these days. Mostly because of computer problems, haha.
Ah so those offerings of feet pics for computer money aren't absolutely 100% shitposting
Haha, only like 70% shitposting. My old recreation laptop - well, I say old but it's 4 years old - barely works anymore. I need to replace it with something better and I also want to get a gaming PC. I might be able to afford it in a few months if I can get this raise I'm hoping for.