I've seen maybe all of ten episodes of the 4kids dub when I was super young. I have like zero concept of how long Sailor Moon actually is. And what the show actually is because 4kids corrupts everything it touches.
It's a monster of the week magical girl anime that eventually turns into something with an overarching plot cause they wanted to milk the franchise It's fun!
There isn't any, don't worry. If I was to translate it would be something like "Philosophy taught me to evaluate everything carefully, math taught me there are inarguable proofs in the world (they broadly assume the mathematical world equals the real world), therefore there is a good truth in the world and you should pursue the good truth to be a better person".
Yeah, but if you're a girl and say you like anime or games in your profile, all you're going to get is creeps. I mean, if you're a girl you'll mostly get creeps anyways.
I'm a guy and get a lot of male creeps.
I've been trying this online dating stuff for probably 8 months, maybe 10, and I've been on like two or three dates and they were all pretty bad.
There was one girl that I had good conversations with who was a pretty high level weeb but she had kids and I just don't have the resources to help with that so I ended up backing off.
I've definitely encountered people that broadcast their otaku hobbies on them. Some times more subtly than others, but I've encountered people who do cosplay, talk about watching anime, what games they're into. In fairness I live in a pretty populous city that has a lot of SEA immigrants who are probably a bit more inclined to be into weeb shit. This one woman had some cute doodles of the maids from Re:Zero and a few other things she'd done.
I'm really, really hesitant to talk about my hobbies on it though since I'm not particularly attractive and I've been indoctrinated for too long that being a weeb is a major detractor on your ability to be attractive so I'm kind of being calculating here about what I mention publically.
hmm, fortunately I am that side so I don't have to worry about too many people with kids in the pool I guess some guys have kids I don't want to raise somebody else's kids, that would be a definitely and a fast no from me.
The person I dated most recently had video game/weeb hobbies and it was nice being with someone who liked the same stuff I do. I didn't have to pretend or hide them, or have to worry about him looking down on my stuff as being silly.
Was really nice. Seems hard to find people like that on dating sites, maybe? I don't know, I've never used a dating site.
Yeah, that's a major concern for me too. I'm pretty deep in the culture sphere of weeb shit by now so I think it would be really hard to get really close with someone I couldn't be a super geek with. Not impossible, but it would probably take some really surprise thing we could connect on to do so. Where as being able to bond over weeb shit and games would be way more easier for me.
>>850673 You're definitely not unattractive. You have a good face. I think you'd clean up really well.
>>850674 I'm okay with helping to raise someone else's kids as long as I get my own as well. But financially, I'm not prepared for it yet.
I feel the same way, though. I'd want to be with someone who has similar hobbies. I really don't have much of a choice anymore, though. I'm getting pretty up there now. The older I get without being married, the harder it's going to get to get married.
I don't think there's a lot of hope anymore but I keep trying. Kind of.
Anime has been getting bigger, I think a lot of girls are weebs. In my last relationship, I was by far the bigger weeb and he was more into video games.
>>850676 Yeah, it's harder as you get older. I'm getting older too, very sad.
I'd also assume more girls than not are a lot more secretive about being into it on things like dating apps. Because they don't want to be instant likes from the weird guys who are into weeb shit. I try not to think too hard about it since then I'll start trying to overanalyze people on dating apps to see if I can predict if they'd be a weeb or not and at that point I kind of start to feel like I'm being an ass. But it's like a natural thought path for me.
>>850679 Yeah. I don't think I have a chance anymore. I'm just going to be the old single person that everyone says "why aren't you married?" but nobody actually wants to date.
All of the people who are into me are way older than me or way younger.
>>850682 It's getting too late. I didn't say it was too late yet.
>>850681 Dude you're not even 30. It's not too late at all.
>>850655 because they have a circle and they want to throw dat ass in it
dat ass una
>>850676 I don't think I'm unattractive, I just think I'm not particularly attractive! Like with most things I feel I just land squarely in Very Average when it comes to it. It puts me at a disadvantage though since I'm a social moron and I don't understand how to clean myself up or send a clear message I'm interested in someone.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>850671 yea put em in ur profile i see it all the time
say you gotta beat me in smash bros if you want a date
Im very between wanting companionship and intimacy while not being attracted to anyone around me, and also not in the best position where i want to be with someone either, iunno
>>850688 >>850688 >>850688 actually, i guess i am in a position to support someone but i'm just... i don't know if I really can be a person with another person
it's not a matter of money at this point for me it's time. I don't have time. I have a lot of time. I have no time. I want to enjoy my peace but I also want to be around sometimes?
My mother signed up for a subscription for my niece when she was born to get a couple books every month that are at a good level of reading for that respective point in the infant's development. Mostly it's Seuss books but I've been seeing Berenstain books lately too. It gets delivered to our house because my sister now lives in Quebec and Quebec has some weird bullshit with ... well, everything, but shipping internationally in this case, I think. But whenever my mother takes a month's books up to the cottage where my sister also drives over to visit the family, it's always shortly after my mother leaves, the next shipment of books arrives here. Like they left yesterday afternoon and just now a delivery of them arrived. It's not really a problem or anything but it's a silly reoccuring situation.
I've been thinking a lot about Fish lately. Sometimes it doesn't bother me and sometimes I feel really bitter about ot. it*
I think she was probably my last shot at a real relationship. It would be easier if I were the one who fucked it up, though. I changed my whole life so I could be a good husband to her.
>>850699 i understand the feeling of having no time and enjoying the solo time, while also wanting to be around someone >>850703 when the regret hits try not to let it bogg you down
sometimes im curious about what might have happened if i had tried harder, but i also wasnt entirely aware i was ij in a situation where I needed to try harder
I'm not going to tell you she didn't do you wrong because holy fuck. But honestly looking in without really getting your internal opinion it kinda seemed you were flagging in the relationship too. I was getting the feeling (again, without getting your opinion, which is mostly why I wasn't ever commenting on it), that you weren't all that into her anymore towards the end.
I have a coworker that I really like who is 35, she's really nice and attractive, she is a secretary and yoga instructor. But I really can't pursue anything with her because she's a coworker and also 9 years older than me.
The other day, some colleagues were talking about her, though. They said something like "She's 35 and never been in a long term relationship, never been married. She looks great and seems cool but there's gotta be something wrong with her" That's how people are going to talk about me someday, too.
See ToN, I told you. he will never accept the other swimsuit >>850708 soemtimes it feels like this but when you pull off the part of your relationship that cooled off, you find out that it's welded to your spine and now half of your body is ripped off in the process.
See Blue, this is a swimsuit. Not your Actually Undewear nonsense.
>>850708 it's actually funny you say that because I'm still arguably into her it's more that it felt like the girl i was with and loved suddenly stopped existing without my noticing
when j say stuff like try harder, i mean things like going out and trying to do things together more. we were pretty autonomous the last while but with her talking to that guy for five months of no longer being into me, that kind of sheds a different light on things
i dont want to say it as like a full pass or excuse, but we were like two people worning full time with our own hobbies, so since i still did my own thing, that's why i sometimes come back to what if i had tried to push us going out on dates and stuff
I still find it odd that, while it was during the last couple months where she said she had stopped caring for me, when we saw Your Name in theaters, i thought it was a great film but she thought i hated it because i wasnt super enthusiastic about it.
I believe you that it's terrible but i would probably try it just to see
Well yeah, you do come from the land of Vegemite. I'm pretty sure your stomachs have been so utterly insulted by now there isn't really anything that can offend them.
Vegemite is pretty good gaijins eat it wrong You only need a little bit If you put it on too thick it's disgusting.
Really though I've never had Vegemite in my life. I suspect it's not as bad as it's made out to be. Probably not my thing still since funk isn't a big attractor for me in flavour, but still.
has woolies always had cameras in embedded in the self-serve checkouts and it's only now that they're showing you that they have them
or is it a new installation? either way don't like it some 1984 shit
I've never been in a Woolies in my life but the self-checkout stations here don't make a point of highlighting cameras on them if they do. Honestly I never really considered if they did or not until like a week or so ago where I saw someone talking about the self-checkout stations in the States replaying the shot they have of you on the screen for your ... awareness, I guess? I mean if I'd taken a moment to think about it, it makes sense they would since it's a pretty easy way for the store to monitor you for not checking your groceries out properly. I just never had bothered to think about it, since I don't really contemplate shoplifting much anymore, let alone at the actual checkout.
>>850868 Yeah exactly Cus the way they've got it now at my local one, that i saw for the first time today they actually have a little video feed in a box next to the menu where you scan all your stuff so you can look at your own face staring back at you while you scan your shopping.
And then I thought maybe the cameras have always been there
Well really grocery stores already have a very thorough and partially subtle installation of security cameras on-premise already. If you're only now gonna start declaring it some 1984 shit. You're probably thirty-six years late anyway.
>>850870 It somehow feels more intrusive when it's physically closer than when it's perched up on the ceiling
I think arguably the unintrusive but ever-present perched up high cameras for some people would be more 1984-poi than ones that are stuck literally right in your face.
>>850873 fair >>850874 like right at the top of the touch screen
Also honestly while I sympathize with the desire to not see yourself on camera drawing parallels between a private enterprise desperately trying to pretend like they give a shit about shoplifting and an authoritarian government recording everything you do in order to micro-manage every facet of the population and enforce submission to their power. Is REALLY missing the meaning of 1984.
I think that's a recent thing? there certainly seems to be articles about it
well most security footage is never reviewed, with actually it being the case that viewing it without a causebis illegal in many places and it can only be reciewed when there is need for it ie. crime
So I told my gm about my stupud character idea the oher day and he loves it. He wants me to make it . I feel like a dog that caught a car, now that I have it I have no idea what to do.
*stupid For those who weren't here the character's ability is that they can punch someone to next Thursday.
Well the café I wanted to go to was closed but the gyro place was open
It's been a while since I've had a good wrap.
I've also apparently been there enough that the guy behind the counter knows my order before I ask for it. I've only been like four or five times, so it does feel kind of nice.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Apple deciding to close some stores in Florida, N/S Carolina, Arizona
(temporarily out of caution)
It's always a real treat to walk Greektown this time of year At least on the east end of the city it's one of the last places you can still find a very intermingled mix of low-density residential and commercial. It's also not particularly high-wealth and attracts a lot of immigrants too, so there's a vibrant assortment of culture, reflected in the shop variety. Even despite the pandemic there's a lot of people
So apparently my meth doctor client is on an insurance that's out of network - which I knew - but what I didn't know is that he's being used as a test case to prove to that insurance company that we would be good for them and that they should go in network with us. But NOBODY TOLD ME IT WAS SUCH A BIG DEAL. If I had known that, I would have been doing things much differently.
Anyways, I gave him a higher level of care - which he needed - but he's still only approved for IOP, which raised red flags with the insurance company and now I have spotlights on me. I didn't do anything wrong but it would have been nice to know all of this!!
>>850936 I haven't ridden transit since before it got shut down here. I don't plan on riding aby public transit for a long time.
>>850937 Definitely seems like a pain. By my understanding of the American health insurance system though, aren't health institi supposed to deny service to patients without insurance within their network? Er, deny allowing them to pay with their insurance I mean. Wouldn't doing that be a bit of a concern for an insurance company looking to join your network?
While I was out, walking and listening to music on my phone, the music suddenly cut out -- a fairly frequent thing as the $8 earbuds I use have by now definitely run their worth -- only to be replaced with the audio to Kirara's McDonald's parody rant. Confused, I pull out my phone, to realize it had not locked properly when I put it in my pocket, had pulled open Twitter, gotten to the Tweet, and from shifting around in my pocket, had selected the share function and drafted a text message to my mother with a link to the Tweet. Which probably would have confused the FUCK out of my mother if it had managed to send itself.
>>850940 If you need a service that your insurance covers but at a place that doesn't cover your insurance, you can apply for OON (out-of-network) coverage with a SCA (single-case-agreement). Basically, what this means is that the insurance company will cover your costs with that facility provided certain guidelines are met, but only for you. So his insurance is covering it here, but I thought it was a normal SCA, but in actuality, the insurance company is using this as a test case. So it is an SCA, but success with the case will mean that we are able to enter a contract with this insurance company.
And, to add to the pressure, this insurance company is a very very important one called Optum. Optum covers all kinds of things, but they recently acquired the insurance for pretty much all veterans, Tricare West. So success with this case will give us access to literally tens of thousands of new potential clients that we haven't had access to in the past.
So it would have been nice to know that I was in that position!!!
>>850947 Haha, oh no. That tweet absolutely needs a lot of background to really get lol
>>850948 Every time I learn more about the insurance systems in America, the more and more I'm convinced they are an absolute trash design. Each level of complexity doesn't add elegance it just adds stupid.
>>850950 It's almost unbelievably bad. But it's not a trash design! It's been designed intentionally because it's an industry that makes profit by denying care to people. You pay money in case you need care, and when you do, they give you access to as little as they can get away with. And they make their profit in the money that everyone paid them but they didn't have to give back to anyone.
Something designed like trash is still a trash design! Being intentional doesn't redeem it!
>>>/@JBaker_WTOV/1273655533510242308 moundsville has a population of 9000 people and had 19 arrests in 2019 good thing they bought a heavily armored vehicle
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
well got one
Really on top of the police issues this is another good argument for why the military doesn't need so much fucking money. There wouldn't be an overflow of military surplus for the police to grab up if the military had to be more careful with its budget.
Today someone said to me "you are the most perfect example of a socratic gadfly i have ever known" I'd actually never heard that term before somehow but I like it
Well Socrates himself described his role as a philosopher as
Wait shit. The box of books I on TWO OCCASIONS told my mother I didn't want brought up to the cottage for storage. While I was out walking on Wednesday got swiped and loaded in to the car, for fuck's sake. My copy of Plato's texts was in that box I was going to reference it damn it.
Anyway he called himself a gadfly irriating the flank of the mighty beast Athens or something along those lines. Even he knew his philisophical inquisitions were annoying shit to deal with.
Ah nevermind it just got moved to my closet.
>I've literally been attached to the city, as if to a large thoroughbred horse that was somewhat sluggish because of its size and needed to be awakened by some sort of gadfly. It's as just such a gadfly, it seems to me, that the god has attached me to the city -- one that awakens, cajoles, and reproaches each and every one of you and never stops alighting everywhere on you the whole day. Socrates knew he was an annoying motherfucker
I'm training this new girl at work (sort of) and one of the clients in that last group offhandedly said "matt, do you got a girlfriend?" and I said "Nah. why, you lookin?" and he started trying to get me in with the girl i'm training lmao
>>850965 >>850967 relatable. i, too, am extremely annoying and pointed
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
how do i report a house murder
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
click the little square next to it and then click report
power's back looks like life ain't so strange after all
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
🅱️eekend 🅱️ow
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
arizona more like coronazona
I've heard that Covid-19 is on the rise in the Sun Belt.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
coronarizona now with the power of WildFires(TM) brought to you by verizon
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>850997 yea anywhere where they blast the air conditioning indoors and people won't wear masks or stay home
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
time to boot up smash again prepare for ARMS
nice i'ma tune in
donkey dong WINS
is there any benefit of the digital or physical copy of smash, or is it litterly the same like do physical carts get fucked or digital versions hog more ram and run like glue
Would probably be negligible. Honestly digital version might run -slightly- faster since they can read straight from your Switch's memory. But Switch games are already on memory cards anyway so they're already running pretty close to as fast as they can. The biggest thing to look out for is that the Switch itself has a fairly limited installed harddrive that's shared with other functions like your screenshots and videos folder. It wouldn't be an issue for a few games but if you're getting a lot of digital games it'll probably fill up before long.
i don't know jack about encoding but i do know that 12 episodes shouldn't be 17GB
Hm, no that doesn't seem outrageous. That's an average of 1.42 GBs per episode which if the show's in 1080p is like roughly only 25-40% larger than the quick-out encodes of stuff like HorribleSubs.
Oh the Koisuru HorribleSubs episodes were about 1.3GBs per episode. I guess maybe they couldn't really condense the filesize down with their quick and dirty encoding.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Yeah. Well that's exactly what it was - a batch of the quick cut HS episodes but if the show has already been out for a while, there's no reason to go with the fast an dirty
Yeah I went and checked and found it to be sure.
DmonHiro's batches are usually good enough for watching and they've got BD rips.
I just to have anime full screen on the main monitor, then osrs off to the side but I was missing sub lines and having to play back because I was always taking my eyes off the screen. Now i play them both in a smaller window, with the less important osrs account in full screen off to the side on the second one.
So the media player window isn't very big so 1080p isn't a high priority
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Trust me, mate. It's a highly refined system.
It's probably not much different from how I watch anime and post on /moe/. Though I have /moe/ in the background and the video player locked to the foreground. Since thread posts are on the left and I've got a 1080p monitor and use 720p episodes, there's plenty of space to see the thread. More so since it's entirely on a single monitor I can have whatever I want running on the other one. So I'm even MORE efficient.
>>851024 Except for the fact that he uses hardsubs. There's a reason he was banned from uploading to old nyaa.
A lot of supply chain s still rely on shipping by water to get places. Amusing, for a lot of transit destinations, something that hasn't changed for like five hundred years is that it's not uncommon for a longer water route to be much more economical to take than a shorter land route. So shutting down ports is probably nothing short of a disaster.
>>851040 Ah ah she cute I'm trying to hold on what I've got in hopes of the Saki collab finally happening. The announcement was their pinned Tweet for months and they finally unpinned it but there's still like absolutely no news about it.
looks like whatsername from keiku suiri
Yeah, a bit more innocent and doll-like but pretty close.
My hair is really starting to get in my way but I only have to wait a little longer and then it will be long enough to tie back. And then I'll lookbat myself in the mirror and realize that ponytails don't look good on fat guys.
Really though I'm still anxious about going and getting it cut.
I just got in bed. I accidentally spent several hours watching stuff on youtube. My sleep schedule is so fucked up. In other news I'm pplplanning on spending like $600-$800~ on magic cards soon. Using money I've saved from not going out due to Corona And also having had a frozen debit card for mmomomonths.
>>851078 Specifically I'm buying boosterboxes and then stuff for a goblin dddeck and I'll also finish my second Rakdos deck Err the second Rakdos, I a a a a a a a a forgot his exact name.
The Rakdos deck is going to be a slightly altered version of this. https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/rakdos-lord-of-free-combos/ I'm giving it a better manabase and adding a few of the "colorless" Eldrazi. Specifically the one that has tap: deal one damage to each oponent And has "whenever you play a colorless spell untap this" And I'm putting in the Myr that lets me cast artifacts at instant speed. Shimmer myr I think Right now I have everything except for the kci and te enchantment that makes it so that whenever a creature enters te battlefield ddedestroy eeach creature that shares a ccocolor with it. There are only 3 creature cards in the deck that aren't colorless Excluding the two creatures with transmute which I will almost certainly never cast Oh I'm missing one of te tutors too I think I have everything else.
I'm also putting in a bojuka bog and a ghost quarter
oh cool internet is back Rakdos huh ohh commander Commander Rakdos sounds like a lot of fun It's regretable that I stopped playing when i finally got good income.
I pretty much exclusively do edh and release/prerelease events.
>>851082 Originally for Rakdos for Return to Ravnica they were going to have a keyword that reduced the cost of spells by the total amount of life lost by opponents that turn, I can't remember if it was ggoing to actually be on sspspells or be put on them by permanent or something but in testing they decided it was too ppoppowerful so they just put a gimped version on lord of riots.
yeah, thats incredibly ridiculous If it was something that increased based on the keyword value like Riot X reduce oh wait, you said total amount of life OH, THAT'S EVEN WORSE I was just thinking of it being based on taking damage at all.
I didn't see the original design actually
I don't know if you saw
Browser crashed mid post Anyways, not sure if you saw the announcement about the companion mechanic but instead of banning the problem cards they actually just changed the way the keyword works and now its not good anymore. After that and oko and seeing the spoilers for m21 I have very little faith in R&D these days. We've had a lot of bans in the past few years.
They're reprinting Azusa and colorless Ugin In a standard legal set. There was some other wacky stuff too but I can't recall. Oh there is a freen white winding constrictor but I don't think its broken. Although I could be wrong.
R&D's problem is having a constantly building system. It will always be a problem. Companion is still pretty ridiculous to have gotten this far without anyone realizing that it's such a problem before letting it out the gate. I'm not a big fan of cards that do things like it. Having a whole mechanic around it is a lot
osrs so I ended up in a clan but i think they're all idiots and i secretly hate them but i keep that to myself and now I've been promoted several times one of the highest ranks
fucking skaven jungles... I don't know which ruins I have destroyed and which are their cities and they keep ambushign me in every corner this is vietnam
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
did you know that thouroughbred horses all have the birthday of january 1
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why come? easier to manage?
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
does this site even get busy anymore thers like 10 anime threads on the home page
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently it's easier to keep track of it or something yeah
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i always see those horse raising simulators at casinos and stuff never tried one they look funny sit in a casino feeding a virtual horse some carrots lol
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lol what ive never seen one of those at a casino is that a japanaese casino thing
nah not here theyre at like dave and busters too ok looks like there here too but this just looks like a horse betting i swear ive seen like a whole raising simulator maybe im just retarded
Frame by frame rotoscoped into memes of the sex scene from tlou2 Err, this vid is >too large F I'll link to tththe tano post https://tanoshiine.info/src/1592714194510.mp4 I don't think it has any spoilers. It's really funny.
>>851239 jail for that seems harsh fine more likely or is it one of those
that reminds me how does bail work?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
basically, you get locked up and the judge sets a certain amount as bail if you pay 10% of that amount, you are released on bail if you fuck up while out on bail, you lose the money
The charges are probably greater than public masturbation, though. Someone probably saw them and they got arrested for some kind of serious sex crime. Who knows.
>>851245 I guess it is bit iffy in theses ituations you basically arej *might just be enjoying some adult entertainment on your phone whilei n your car but if someone sees you it becomes a publicissue ofc
dunno what his case ofc is, but hope if it was just being horny while on the road he gets by with a public indecency fine
gettin dragged around to the basement of Crappy Tire so my bro can get a battery for a used bike not my ideal sunday afternoon but whatever doin it for dad
and i had to waste resources on bullshit like Caesar just for the interlude campaign hoarding sq for summer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>851255 I mean you're not wrong I don't want to really hang out with her, but it's inevitable.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
my paranoia got triggered I'm at my mom's place and she just asked me "so it rained on your way here?" even though i literally only mentioned that to her husband while she wasn't in the house how the fuck she know her husband didn't tell her
>>851277 They put out the Violet Evergarden movie, but their current unfinished projects, a second Violet Evergarden film, a Free! film, and an anime series, seem to have been postponed indefinitely.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
rip i hope they survive these crises and emerge as a new gritty existential cute girl studio
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh wow thats what violet evergarden is about huh
It's actually quite nice. Handles war trauma and PTSD in a mature and careful way.
can't wait to see what the protest after effect is thankfully corona hasn't been that deadly as they initially feared, but still
Protests are far less a vector of infection than almost any workplace or business. The people protesting tend to be almost and entirely overlapping Venn diagram of people that would conscentiously wear masks in public spaces. And also being in an outdoors environment -drastically- reduces your chances of infection. Protestors are probably safer off than almost any one who's decided to unmask themselves and return to the office.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah there's already numbers out showing the protests did not contribute to the rising numbers at all pretty much everyone wore masks which is the most important thing
huh both my namedays are on 29th never thought or noticed that before
remember to pay tribute in a week
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
you'll never see it comin'
i opened my curtains forva moment to take a peek what they are doing today and there was a worker standing directly outside my window facing this way so i and him ended up starimg at each other for a split second before i reflexibely closed the curtains agsin
>>851331 I hhihighigjhighly recommend TTeTenTencTenchi Muyo Ryo Ohki. It's in my top 3 favorite anime of all ttitime. Tell me if you want to watch it and I'll link you to the best bluray encode.
thinking about checking out a 12 step meeting if the Rona hasn't shut them all down Didn't seem to do much good in the past but that was then this is now
idk you could or not but like considering the US seemed to be tapering for a bit there and is now rising again, second wave seems more useful as a term than uhh the 1.5 wave?? also you wouldnt call the entire ocean one big wave
nonetheless we are resuming society here in the old world and I can foresee how then people will go crying "contain me more, daddy government" when we get the now season corona wave in the fall just like how we get yearly influenza
sure would be nice if NYC closed their borders to all other states and then opened their borders to canada duhuhu fuck im never gonna be ablr to get back in this year
Microsoft is shutting down Mixer, merging the platform with Facebook gaming The streamers that signed excluvisity deals are free to stream wherever their please though RIP
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
why does anyone trust microsoft for anything they are so incompetent
>schengen region travel to be opened in july >some members have already opened their borders was fun to be a Czech, when you have 0 corona and then german tourists come along and suddenly you have 50 cases or so in one weekend
>>851459 At that point why doesn't New York just offer to join Canada as the eleventh province.
return New England to the Crown
>>851461 Even putting aside whether or not people should trust Microsoft, it's the same to me as places like Epic or Discord trying to compete with Steam for being store platforms for games. Like sure, one operation having a monopoly on an online service is not ideal, but at the same time, if you're going to offer an alternative, you have to do something for the users that makes it actually WORTH it. There's an inherent draw to being the first in a service, people aren't gonna try new alternatives just because they're there. There's got to be a good reason to try something new. Mixer just didn't do any shit better than Twitch and only really just tried to bring people over by bringing celebrities, but like, the viewers can just find new people on Twitch. Celebrities don't really have brand loyalty in the same way products do.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>851464 that would be pretty insane but uh hey america y'all dont care about puerto rico we'll take it
Like I said above, the celebrities that signed excluvisity contracts are free to stream where they please. So he can probably just go back to Twitch now. Probably keep all the money too since this is Microsoft terminating the agreement, not him.
AirBnB is a good example of how to take an industry that's overmonopolized and not improve the situation. At least Uber, despite its poor practices towards its gig employees, has decentralized the taxi industry which had a bad habit of becoming overly monopolized. But all AirBnB did was allow people more power over how much money they could get out of tenants. They didn't even really take a chip out of the hotel industry.
>walking pupper through the nature strip >come across a gigantic German Sheppard type dog. no leash. no owner >seems chill as fuck but my dog starts barking >recognize it as belonging to one of the neighbors. Decide to try and be helpful >tie my dog to a tree. Attempt to grab the big one. >it's calm but skittish if I get too close. can't catch it >decide to just knock on the person's door who i think it belongs to
>knock on door >super hot girl comes out >ask her if she has a dog like the one i saw >she says yes >tell her about it is >she smiles and says thank you > i say no worries
>go home and play runescape
what an adventure.
whoakun /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what does over monopolized mean
>>851492 Well maybe you can ask after her dog if you ever see her again.
central fiction isn't very different from chronophantasma, aside from new characters and EAs as well as a lot of balance changes but a lot of the characters are generally pretty similar
central fiction (being the latest game) is the only one still played at all though
I guess fallout isn't doing to well as a series so how could todd refuse
I dunno about that. I think even with the fallout from 76 the franchise is still pretty strong. If Elder Scrolls VI and their space game don't disappoint I'm sure everyone will excitedly buy up Fallout 5.
do you know the feeling of freshly washed sheets and a good shower? i know that feeling, and i've been looking forward to them lining up it's the little things
i might start watching an episode of hidasketch before bed again it's been almost a decade since i did that
between dogs and cats I don't know what annoys me more I think next pet will be a goldfish or something
If you're going to get a fish please make sure you get an appropriate sized tank for them. Even a goldfish is used to more water for swimming in than the dinky bowls and tanks they're generally associated with.
>>851648 It's especially dumb because he lives in Florida. So if they go outside and do things they have pretty good chances o f getting Corona. Apparently they were also giving my dad shit ffofor nt wanting to come.