If we still want to hold off on watching Honzuki until Moon is around, we can probably just do four shows tonight. There's six shows aside from Honzuki there, and we'll only be getting Kakushigoto and Hachi-nan tomorrow. So if we did five tonight we'd only have three to watch tomorrow. And if Moon comes in at any time we can just make a Honzuki episode a fifth.
>>842216 Yeah, games have moved very slowly in this.
They do a very play-by-play take of the games. If you think about it, a basketball game in real life takes maybe two hours or so to get through. When you adapt that faithfully into anime, two hours is like six episodes.
I guess it was smart of that guy from the opposing team to get this penalty though. It was pretty clear Blondie was gonna dunk that shot at the end of last episode. But with shots like this he's pretty awful at sinking the ball. He had worse odds getting points like this than with the dnk.
There's like thirty seconds left in the game I think it's fine that she's only now called their last time-out.
Well it's hard to tell if he's crushed over losing the game or because his mom's condition took a turn for the urgent. Even if they won the game hearing that his mom went into ICU on top of the sheer stamina exhaustion would probably take him really out of it.
They're being kinda mean, hanging both the outcome of that game and his mom's condition on this cliffhanger.
I mean I guess he's not wrong. He has lived three hundred years. Mentally I don't think he's
What is this episode.
It's kinda fun to see Hina get hammered and shriek like this. Too often voice lines for shows, even in situations where the character isn't gonna be fully coherent, are still way too smooth. Her seiyuu is getting the unstable shrieky tones of someone who's had too much to drink pretty accurately.
Even putting aside the superhuman elements of his part in the war, he was still used as a child soldier for it. That really fucks with kids an awful lot.
The army that never kills was like so corny and bad
Well in the end it did turn out most of them never killed. I think the only ones that ever did any killing were Licht, the guy with the goat-eyes, and maybe the sword boy from their class.
I bet Licht is gonna walk off here and not come back. Coward at heart 'till the end.
Also Hina's really become an alcoholic after getting dumped.
They're really lewd and goofing off kinda like they were
Yeah, ever since getting back to the future they've just been getting drunk and being rowdy.
They're also being awfully rude to Lynn she's not even remotely fat.
Wow now she's just gonna take him by force.
He really did try to run off again. Too bad Hina's savvy to his antics by now.
Oh right. Way back before ... all this happened. She was chasing down Licht because her mom told her too, hah hah.
I wonder how her mom's related to Licht. Or maybe someone from their school days.
Plus I wonder if we're gonna get an answer to why the monocle guy has gone from being a blindly caring kind of person from the school days to seeming a bit like a psychopath now. Looks like he'll show up next episode.
Yeah, despite its dumb antics at times and kind of shoddily thrown-in fanservice, Plunderer has been weirdly engaging. It managed to take a pile of kind of random threads and tie them into a surprisingly coherent plot.
It looked like she was doing alchemy but she was really just eating
Cooking is basically alchemy anyway.
Eeeehh Maybe, maybe, in the Renaissance era, just hard work might've been sufficient to get to a point where you can make a living off art. Even then though I have my doubts. Talent don't real when it comes to art but luck definitely does. You can work yourself to the bone to practice and improve but if you're not in the right situation to earn an apprenticeship or job, or you don't get lucky enough to have someone that wants to be your patron discover you, you'll probably be a starving artist forever.
Gosh that's a lot of dough
That little bit of hair from when Arte cut it all off has been slowly growing out over the course of the series. It's a nice little hint to the passing of time. Plus it looks cute.
The Renaissance had some nice dress fashion. Though on the flip side the men's fashion, at least amongst the nobility, was pretty lame. We haven't seen a lot of it in this show since it focuses more on the artisan class but the men's fashion amongst the nobility was a lot of gaudy colours and tight pants.
This is a nice lady though. I'm not sure what the norm was for remarrying during this time period but Leo would do good having someone like her to look after him.
I think remarrying has always been kinda okay as long as you had a good reason for it like being widowed
Yeah, not much you can do about a husband dead to the plague.
As expected that brown-haired girl was pretty cute. I feel she was kinda dropped on us out of the blue though. Maybe they've been cutting some of the manga, but I guess the show's kinda moved at a pretty fast chronological pace anyway.