They have some sort of event on fgo using Sherlock Holmes and you're meant to guess whodunit or something like that. and you get bonus sq if it's right
But here's the thing doesn't every event come out on the jp version months in advance?
it would be pretty easy to figure it out if that's the case
maybe they have different answers for the event or maybe they expect you forget two years ago
ha. it wasn't even about the fucking game apparently the leader demoted someone for talking about politics in the clanchat and then the chat was arguing about whether that was fair.
I had to leave. it wasn't worth it.
It is generally a good idea to keep personal political opinions and game-based chatrooms separate.
futures were forecasting a dip all day which made me a little upset but the entire dip was swallowed premarket it's anybody's game today although tbh, I'm probably going to just pull out wherever I am by 11 and then either sleep or draw the day away
It's funny how upset I was about my week shifting and every single day I have found another good reason for why it's actually better that I was in this week instead of last week
The highest tier reason is that I am now going to have my birthday off. Originally I wasn't not just because of the whole C19 stuff but because my birthday landed RIGHT ON Memorial Day. And that is the ONE DAY this year that my gang is required to cover a holiday. But because of the shift, I'm going to have the whole week off. And I'm not picking up the phone when they ultimately try to call me to come in.
Second reason is both of the other supervisors were gone and they conduct most of the serious work. And they don't trust the one I was with this week with the more serious stuff. So the entire week has just been entering data for the last hour of the day and no pressing paperwork to finish. It's the kind of thing that I could have just done at home. Honestly, I'm probably gonna pull some weird shit if they keep this up. Swipe in, go home, come back at 5 when the trains start running, do my one hour of paperwork, leave.
and I think making 20k on Monday really just helped the mood.
I've seen that one before, and I don't really like it. Maybe with some considerable editing it could be made look realistic. But as it is it looks way too unnatural.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah, I think you'd have to edit the peninsulas a lot at least.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
or could go the "it is unnatural for lore reasons" route but even then i'd edit the shape of the peninsulas
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
money printer keeps on printin' mary jane keep on burnin' rollin rollin rollin on the river
god going back to standard bluetooth headphones SUX fuckin windows how have you not fixed this shit by now
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>(As of the time of writing, Windows 10 does not have a way to change this setting via the new 'Settings' interface.) so i gotta go into control panel which hasn't been updated for a decade or more gah dis OS still stuck in the past
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>VIEW DEVICES AND PRINTERS yes thanks ill be sure to check my PRINTER out
okay i finally turned handsfree telephony thank you kami sama now it isn't stuttering horribly still making a bunch of popping noises randomly cuz they don't smooth the waveform out at its edges lmao
>>842392 can you search the free assets or does it always do a websearch?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
bicycle FRENZY
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>842393 always websearches unfortunately and you often find better results in google for that anyway
i threw 2 lvl 4s at them and they won quite easily man this is some party
My stupid community college won't let me register for my class and I can't get an appointment with a counselor until two days after the class starts.
>>842395 gotta prolly make an empty page for tokens i like to use, so i can hust switch to it and quickly picknones add stats and quick do an rngnif needed
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>842396 eventually you'll learn how the party works and figure out ways to challenge them based on that important to think about the overall structure of the whole sequence too are the enemies there to exhaust player abilities before a boss? are they there for story reasons? to fill time? to break up narrative time? all things you might account for in creating an enemy encounter
>>842399 this was ment to be unfair for a lesson to avoid these guys they just blasted a 52 hp anf 50 hp dudes in 2 rounds
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah low level characters in 13th age are pretty strong compared to low level enemies
owari's ghost form was a level 5 player character when he got you guys the first dragoo was level 5 with some stat bonuses
they dealt 10 or 12 dmg too + lot of nasty abilities was fun to see them go so easily
>>842401 sunday is gun be fun first forn 18to20 my game, then 0230 to 6 yours
18-20 to 00-02
and so will fridayy and saturday 6h spent in car on both i hope we take turns driving so there is something to do
Azer Soldier 4th level troop [dwarf] Initiative: +7 Red-hot hammer +9 vs. AC—8 damage Natural even hit or miss: 4 ongoing fire damage. R: Throwing axe +9 vs. AC—7 damage Blistering heat: When an enemy engaged with the azer attacks it, that enemy takes 2 fire damage. Fighting surge: Once per battle when an attack crits the azer but doesn’t kill it, the azer can heal 4d6 hp. Cold haters: The azer adds the escalation die to its attacks against a target that is capable of dealing cold damage with a spell, attack, or magic item. Fire resistance 18+: When a fire attack targets this creature, the attacker must roll a natural 18+ on the attack roll or it only deals half damage. AC 20-4 PD 17-4 HP 50 MD 14
Derro Maniac 4th level troop [humanoid] Initiative: +8 Shortsword +9 vs. AC—12 damage Natural 16+: The derro can cast one of the following closequarters spells as a quick action this turn. Cloaking dark: All nearby derro gain a +1 bonus to attacks
Derro Maniac 4th level troop [humanoid] Initiative: +8 Shortsword +9 vs. AC—12 damage Natural 16+: The derro can cast one of the following closequarters spells as a quick action this turn. Cloaking dark: All nearby derro gain a +1 bonus to attacks and defenses until the end of the derro maniac’s next turn (cumulative). Sonic squeal: Two random nearby non-derro creatures take 2d4 thunder damage. R: Light repeating crossbow +9 vs. AC—10 damage Natural 16+: The target also takes 5 ongoing poison damage. Natural 19+: As above, and the derro maniac can make another light repeating crossbow attack as a free action. AC 19-4 PD 16-4 HP 52 MD 18
also 3x30hp, one 27hp 20ac, 18ac, 14ac, 12ac some stats 2 are mages even
what did people go out and buy all of the electric frypans and whatnot all I want is something to use instead of the stove the element in that thing is impossible to control
Do the people in the french part of Canada kiss each other?
From a story I heard from a friend in high school, probably. He visited a town sharing his family name. Pretty much everyone in the town, also shared that family name. And had for generations on generations.
>>842630 Did I tell you that the type of puzzles in Helltaker are based on a class of puzzles that are NP-Hard and PSPACE-complete? So don't feel bad if you can't solve them.
we need more pictures of anime girls doing cool beyblade stuff
>>842647 I was excited even before the timeloop shenanigans As soon as she came out of the cave, I knew it was gonna be adventure and then adventure came immediately.
actually though why do quarterlies exist? it seems like that schedule would only kill interest in your series
>>842655 Quarterly manga usually have more pages and higher quality, I guess. It's probably easier to handle in Japan but here, it's like... on the sea of weekly free content, who remembers the quarterlies.
OH that reminds me of the one quarterly i've actually been reading. I wonder what happened to it ..i don't remember the name of it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah it's gotta be about page length and quality i mean if you're a fan of mizukami then you're probably gonna follow it and if you're not already a fan of mizukami i guess maybe you don't really have a high chance of encountering his work right now anyway? i don't think he's had a series run in any big weeklies or monthlies for a while has he?
from what i heard, the Planet With manga was still being done? i should check that also, that quarterly manga i just remembered Publication Status: Completed I hope the rest drops at some point because woo boy
unless this next chapter is it...
oh okay, three volumes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
now that i think about it mizukami usually has like 5 manga running at once doesn't he
>>842673 ryanpeikou itself is so difficult to get already. never thought id get menzen chinitsu ryanpeikou though you could still add junchan or tanyao on the end though.
how's the bouncy market goin
>>842675 didn't feel like bothering with it today, which appears to be a good idea since it's been zigzagging all day. The options I have currently don't expire until around august so there's not much movement in them. I just relaxed today.
i dont know if I want to make a move tonight though i've got 3 minutes to decide if I want to gamble anything on this weekend
It comes from the greek logos, meaning "meaning" Logotherapy is a special type of therapy that's based in cultivation of meaning. The goal is to help clients find or create meaning in their lives. To help fill the existential vacuum that so many of us suffer through.
>>842689 that actually sounds pretty legit i wonder if they do any of that sort of thing around here
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
if they want to become better than you they should allow fungus to grow inside of their lungs like spore sacks
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>842701 It's not true. I've also had personal experience with this. I wouldn't let it bother you
i hate this one people-pleasing ass friend of mine whenever he says something good or nice he has to preface it with a qualifier like "genuinely" or "legitimately" like if we hear about someone winning the lottery the obvious layman's reply is some offhand remark of jealousy like "oh that lucky bastard" but this friend always feels the desperate need to make himself look good so he'd say something like "i'm genuinely happy for him! and i truly mean that! i'm such a positive person aaaaaahhhhh" such a fucking bitch man we're already friends you don't have to convince me to like you
>>842759 Like 12 years ago. I haven't seen Evil Dead though. Actually It may have been more than 15 years ago.
I may watch it tonight I'd like to see Evil Dead II again sometime when I saw it in theatres at a horror showing one of my friends who was an alchoholic at the time drank two wine bottles and kind of put a dampen on the experience it was certainly something I won't forget though
Enen was pretty good. Series is by the mangaka of Soul Eater. There's a lot of well-done world building in it and a lot of charming characters. Second season ought to be starting in July.
The weather's taken a very sharp turn for the summer over the last ... day. And now my neighbours are hosting some kind of kid gathering with a lot of shrieking going on. RIP peace and quiet.
There's a lot to it that are pretty big minuses to living there! I mean it's a part of the States so that's already a turn off. There's high humidity and I don't really like that. I can't really take trading in occasional rough snowstorms for hurricanes as anything but a drawback. It kinda lacks a major metropolis city and I like living in big cities.
Literally aside from being consistently warm the only real positive to living in Florida is that you're there. And that's not enough to outweigh the negatives! Sorry!
We have animals that you can't see anywhere else in the whole world! And we have the most diverse estuary in the world. Beautiful kayaking weather! Fascinating meteorological phenomenon! Beaches! Swamps!
We've got pretty much all that up here! It's not quite an estuary but the Canadian Shield lays under an extremely biologically diverse warren of watersheds that filter southwards into the Great Lakes. All those rivers and lakes make for great kayaking scenery. And when you can't kayak in the winter because it's freezing you get to see our own fascinating meteorological phenomenom, the Northern Lights! Well I guess they're not literally meteorological but they occupy an adjacent visual wonder.
i bought a box of limited edition cliff bars, dark chocolate mocha flavor, because it sounded really good and they got here and i was halfway through one when i realized the individual package says "contains one shot of expresso 65mg of caffeine" which it did not say when i was purchasing them not particularly happy about that!
I'd totally eat my way through those in a rush. Send 'em my way
do you really want them? i'm gonna have to give them away if you want them i'll send them your way
they taste really good i just don't want caffeine halfway through it the caffeine hit me and i got really tired
They sound really good and I've way desensitized myself to caffeine. But I don't really have a good mail-able address though. Like I don't care about the privacy I guess. I just could only really route it to this house. Plus the shipping fees for cross-border are probably kinda dumb just to get a bunch of energy bars hah hah. You can probably find people closer to you they're easier to pass off on to.
I got my first four-week installment of money from the Covid-19 relief today. In a more boring timeline I'd probably have hopefully found summer work. Was planning on saving most of it but there were a few things I wanted to set aside some money for. Dunno if the four payments I'll be able to apply for for the time being would be more than I could make in like four months of work though.
There's nothing really to do but wait right now. The IRS still hasn't completed sending the payments out. They said they stll have millions of people left.
I didn't have to file taxes last year because I didn't make enough. I didn't make enough in 2018 or 2019. So I don't know, maybe I'm one of the last people. I haven't had // haven't made enough to file taxes since 2016.
But more realistically is that I have been denied a stimulus check because I have been working for free for the last four years and living off student loans.
did you use their tools to verify that you dont have a filing requirement? sometimes there's exceptions or may have to file in order to prove you don't need to pay any taxes
if you have the option to file even without needing to pay, it forces them to update your information at least they have some tools that will tell you for certain that you dont have to file though, in which case i guess you just wait
or maybe your mom lied and tried to claim you as a dependant on hers
>>842912 probably trash talk your taste in yuri as being unsophisticated and if you do have a sophisticated taste in it then they'll wonder what's wrong with you
the one that actually owns the deed to my house kind of worried it's gonna pass on to his kids or wife and they'll try to claim ownership even though they've never paid any of the property taxes not sure i hate not being sure i am gonna get drunk
sorry to hear that i think you have some protection against being immediately kicked out of it or something at least and i doubt they'd want to pay for legal action i hope things work out >>842936 im glad you had someone nice like that and i hope there's some good memories sorry about his passing
beyond that i just liked him he was always really nice to me and my family
>>842935 the thought of having to work harder annoys me we could get another place if i worked with my dad but i don't want to fucking live here forever i never liked his kids but his wife was a nice woman far as i can tell
i have a lot of good memories of going to christmas parties at his house
but i mean i'll do it if i gotta yeah i'll do it everything is gonna be fine
how's your new place going, moon? i heard it was tough moving in but do you like it
>>842933 Sorry to hear that Jan. This is a particularly rough time to have a death in the family, I hope you all can handle it okay.
>>842940 this isn't the first death in the family since t he coronavirus "event" I'll be okay after I cry like a little baby bitch for a bit and go to sleep Idk how my sisters are gonna take it though they don't know yet afaik
though it's not really your fault and I feel bad getting pity from people on the internet or in general I'll get the fuck over it I feel bad keeping this crap to myself and also feel bad telling people about it I am a stupid fuck
and my girlfriend is really fucking angy i didn't tell her about it but she needs to go the fuck to sleep because she has an early shift tomorrow ree
>>842942 Yeah you really are. This ain't pity man it's sympathy. Let people that love you have sympathy nerd
>>842942 >getting pity from people on the internet that's not very accurate at all keeping channels like this open is just good for emotional maintenance and social maintenance too im happy you're able to use this channel productively
im always trying to open channels like that and nobody's ever using them and that makes me feel bad it makes me feel good when people do use them for their intended purpose and for important stuff
i can't open up about stuff when everyone's closed off so i dont want people being closed off
>>842942 You absolutely shouldn't feel bad about telling people about things like that. but it's understandable. There's no smooth way to handle or talk about death so you're not stupid at all
>>842949 we're always failing each other as human beings that's just part of the process
failure lets us learn and grow though and figure out how to empathize and help each other >>842952 i failed you too it's okay i don't regret that we tried
>>842978 Because I tend to type very formally and by the book, I find it can be hard at times to express the tone I'm using when I'm trying to say something in text. So in an attempt to fit more accurately when I'm being lighthearted or jovial I adopted the way the tilde is used in Japanese writing, to kind of imply a playful extension or accenting of a syllable. When I participated in the R/a/dio threads and did it a lot eventually the other regulars started to pick me out and as names started getting bandied about since we were now familiar with each other, Tilde stuck.
>>842960 do you have a can of condensed milk? throw the whole can in boiling water and make caramel
That's definitely not something I've ever tried before. By snack-y I was kind of prefering more something I wouldn't have to put much, if any, effort into myself. But at this point the effort in having to go out to the store is probably worse than making something at home.
And we do have a small can of the stuff down in the pantry...
it's certainly not much effort to boil a can of milk you have to take the wrapper off of it obviously
french toast with jam is pretty sweet and snacky too
Though if I'm gonna make something to satisfy a sweet tooth that involves actual prep work I might work through some Pilsbury stuff my mother bought the other week. I'm not a big fan of them so I'm never really hankering to get them but I'll eat them if they're around. Our oven really doesn't work too well for them though hah hah it's kind of hard to not barely cook or burn them.
i have some apple cinnamon and some cherry blueberry danishes big long ones like coffee cake i guess it is a coffee cake i dont really know what that's supposed to refer to exactly
i want to make something really dense like a stollen though not the fruitcake kind but the thick sweet bread
also have these things i bought called brookies? i guess they're also called two-bite brownies? it's like a chocolate chip cookie and a brownie swirled together in a small cupcake type shape they're really good
There's a bakery down at St. Lawrence's Market that does really nice danishes like those. I haven't really had a pastry in ages. Definitely not since everything went into shutdown. Man that would definitely satisfy this snack craving too.
Credit where credit is due, while being a very dorky name, brookie does a very good job of encapsulating the identity of the thing. I was pretty much already guessing "so a mash up of a brownie and a cookie" before you explained it.
i'm surprised you don't like cooking and baking it seems right up your alley you'd probably have fun working at a bakery
I do kinda like cooking, though I have a lot of grief with the surrounding elements. I'm too granular about details and it takes me forever to do stuff like cutting up vegetables or meats. And I get everyone says "Yeah but you get faster with practice" and I get kind of tired with it because it's not about practice it's about impusively doing everything way too carefully and precisely. So that step is usually a lot -usually a bit of a joykill for me since it really balloons the time it takes for me to make anything. Plus with dishes while I don't mind the practice of cooking dishes I'm not fond of having to get like the food waste out of the bottom of a pot or skillet since I'm prissy and hate touching textures like that with my hands, and even just seeing it break up and dilute into running water kinda gets me feeling a bit gurgh.
Everything else about cooking is fun though.
I wouldn't want to work in a food service place though since I don't want to wear a hairnet hah hah.
>>842993 Maybe that's fine for you but when I've spent an hour and a half dicing vegetables and then I still have to spend like thirty to forty minutes cooking the actual dish that's way too much time for me.
>faster with practice just let it take a while. i dont see why that's a problem it feels good to me to do it so ill happily take that extra time doing it well
that's an hour and a half spent not dwelling on my anxiety sounds good to me
I've got plenty of things I can do to distract me that don't involve standing for an hour and a half on a tiled floor feeling my heels slowly going numb. I'd much rather have things done fast so I can get the food cooking. Spending two hours plus to make something my bowl or plate from will take me maybe fifteen minutes tops to eat is just, I'unno. It's never been so wonderful a meal to make me think all that prep work was worth the product.
yeah i'll admit 2 hours is a bit excessive i'll only spend that long on stuff if it's a slow cooked roast or like if im making chicken stock from scratch, where it's just a lot of checking in and adding stuff once the aroma hits and you start thinking about food though man i just get really excited
In fairness though, and maybe something I should try to keep in mind more often, when I do home-cooked food I almost always make huge batches of stuff. Like food I can make once and then eat for meals like four or five times more. Which frontloads a lot of the cooking time so that all I need to do is throw it into a pot on the stove for like ten minutes and it's ready to eat again.
yeah i'll make huge pots of chicken soup from scratch and it just gets better as a couple days go by, and get like 6 meals out of it
In a way I'm already playing my own demon dating sim
>>843014 It's not a dating sim It's a sokoban like puzzle game with a some dialogue choices
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
yea but can you build oak doors?
>>843016 Try it and find out. Actually How much do you need to pay attention to RuneScape while crafting? You might be aable to play both at the same time.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Now there's an idea
Godspeed Marsh Although you'll hhave to pay full attention in the single non puzzle llellevel.
Some people think that the only way to find meaning in this world is to assume Sisyphus was happy
That's a bit of putting the caboose before the horse. Camus was more arguing under the existentialist pursuit of meaning, when you hear Sisyphus' story, you must imagine Sisyphus happy.
>>843066 did not play kancolle when she was in but her theme started the trend of the vocalist doing sick growling in the event boss themes so that was interesting
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh i should check out some kancolle boss music i haven't heard any since like 2015
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>843068 I wish the Zuikaku final boss theme was better in that it's good but it's not very "this is the end of kancolle arc 1" but generally the music has still been good.
Wow After some quick research I am surprised to find that gay marriage is legal in Kentucky.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
gay marriage is legal in every state
>>843110 Yeah I just read about that. I kind of forgot it was. It wasn't for most of my life so I guess I still thought it wasn't in much of the south.
it's like it didn't have any effect on the state of marriage at all
>>843112 Also gay marriage has been legal in Illinois for the entire time I've lived here (I think) so I didn't know anyone who wanted to have a same sex marriage who couldn't. If I had lived in a state where it had been illegal I probably would've known people affected by it.
>>843113 back when it was illegal , was there anything stopping you driving over to another state where it was legal maybe a dumb question here
>>843115 No, but your home state wouldn't neccesarily recognize your mmarriage as valid and so you and your spouse would be denied the rights that went with it. See >>843117
>>843115 It mattered for stuff like hospital visitation and stuff where only the spouse would be allowed but you weren't legally married in your state.
>>843131 >Amines are formally derivatives of ammonia, wherein one or more hydrogen atoms have been replaced by a substituent such as an alkyl or aryl group (these may respectively be called alkylamines and arylamines; amines in which both types of substituent are attached to one nitrogen atom may be called alkylarylamines).
i messed up the last time i tried to anime and now i'm discouraged from trying again :(
>>843136 magia record was apparently airing a week late on crunchyroll, which was the method i chose to use, so i didn't get to watch ep 3 when you guys did so i just ended up watching solo cause i missed the next week too
Did you stick with it? I found it was kinda so-so throughout the most of it but things REALLY kick into gear in the last few episodes. Plus it's getting a second season so they'll have a chance to get into all the things that were spinning up at the end there.
i didn't, it wasn't really that captivating it was definitely madoka, they got the aesthetics right and the characters were fine but the plot was not nearly as engaging or paced nearly as well as the original series
i will finish it eventually for sure, esp with another season coming but i was (foolishly, i suppose) expecting similar quality to PMMM and that def didn't happen
i imagine no urobuchi has something to do with that
The first season definitely flagged spending too many episodes on character focus and not getting into the overarching plot. Like the Wings of the Magius don't show up until like episode seven or something and if the finale of the first season is any indication they're the main antagonist of the plot. Plus we get some really good Iroha and Yachiyo stuff towards the end.
really i just want to rewatch PMMM man that show is so good it has that kind of quality where it feels like a 6 hour movie rather than just a collection of episodes actually i could also just watch the two movies and rebellion man rebellion was amazing, i'm glad i got to catch that one in theaters
>>843145 so jealous it never came near where I lived
i knew i wouldn't have that kind of chance again so i watched it once on release night, once the next morning, and then a third time with a friend later that day
I looked up solutions for a few of them. I went back and beat some of them again without looking up solutions. Although the first time I payed through the game I *played through the game I was running on very little sleep, so it makes sense that I was having trouble with some of the puzzles. >>843210 Have you been looking at the hints every level?
>>843256 Okay that leaves the one in the sunglasses and the dark skinned one. Although none of them are really "out to kill you" at that point in the story.
...I wonder if the market is open today. it probably is >The markets are closed in observance of Memorial Day YES PERFECRT I DON'T HAVE TO GIVE A SHIT TODAY
oh i forgot commup out da wahta like i got a day off straight up out da water covid makin me coff
i wonder what that boy up to in 2020 bet havin a blast with all the material to work with this year