Ahem, as you well know It is the 25th of May and soon to be the 26th of May in Japan and also the final Monday of the month. Which means we get to celebrate Memorial Day, my Birthday, and Kokoro's Birthday simultaneously
I was in a telehealth session with this client and Laz suddenly drove his claws into my knee, causing me to go "IYA" in surprise totally interupting the client
I'm honestly kinda sad that we didn't get regular monthly releases of Merry because this arc and these fights are pretty cool. The mushroom girls sorta show up out of nowhere and are super powerful but I love them all. They're cute and have good powers.
Also, I think Ushiki is channeling a lot of "You can not kill me in a way that matters" into them. It's great.
I had that moment with CF where I talk to her about things on twitter and she asked "oh you're on twitter" and then there was this awkward silence and she was like "okay, i get it, i won't ask"
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>843323 two days ago i spent like 7 hours walking around the LOTR minecraft server lol
My mother's taken to learning how to make homemade pasta. I guess it's a step up from the breadmaking craze.
pasta from scratch is such a wonderful treat it's very fun to do and you can really taste the difference in freshness
Probably a bit more subtle with a more elaborate dish like this lasagna, but yeah. I still think there's definitely a better chew to these than the storebought ones.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wearing a face mask and Face ID on your phone: stunlock combo
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i should switch to android during the pandemic LOL jk im still stuck w ios forever
Jooooinnnn ussss
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i bought an android actually as a backup phone now ever since i almost had a phone stolen but i havent used it in weeks
this is the rest of that mountain range we were going to hike all the way up along the ridge to that rock but there was more snow than we expected and no one brought snow shoes
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so beautiful
hey I have a pretty big court date tomorrow and I feel like my siblings deserve to know but I kinda want to avoid how dramatic and serious and emotional they'll get because I'm not in the mood for that
but while writing this I've decided it is the correct thing to do, so I will do it, thanks as always /moe/ big help
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
good luck
spit on the judge for me but wait no don't do that good luck
nooooo they're not answering i got all hyped up for nothing i'm sure they're busy ofc
>>843362 if the judge is good to me i might have to let them spit on me
>>843361 ty i should've replied all in the same post but didn't think
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>starting in fullscreen mode 2020 what games do this
today i learned there are people out there actually trying to campaign to end... golf forget class inequality or war or bigotry or disease or the destruction of our environments, having neatly terraformed sections of greenery you can hit a tiny ball around for fun is the true evil
yeah they were in a pair of pants >>843419 golf does suck though I'm not campaigning to end it anytime soon
>>843419 Well to be fair the neatly terraformed sections of greenery often involve some pretty unnecessary destruction of our environments. In parts of the world where water is more scarce, hell, even parts of the States where water is more scarce, the insistence on having a golf course in driving range of everyone does involve a lot of water being very uselessly devoted to golf green upkeep. I don't think we need to end golf entirely but I do believe it would be a net positive if we didn't have so many courses every-fucking-where.
>>843422 frankly from an environmental standpoint I would consider the violent displacement of wildlife more concerning than the use of water to keep the flora alive
>>843421 i never liked golf much i did enjoy going to top golf before though it's like golf but with minigames and more alcohol
the tiktok teens have gone too far
>>843424 Maybe in environments where the natural precipitation is enough to sustain, or at least mostly cover, the needs of the golf green. Wildlife displacement per golf course is mostly a single time thing though, where as with courses in environments where they need considerable artificial watering, that's a life-long consequence of the course. Bringing water to parts where the local supply is already insufficient to the human demand can be a logistical problem and can have secondary environmental concerns if large pipelines need to be laid, or the fuel consumption for tanker trucks, or the power demand to extract that water. Plus if you're putting a lot of water into soil and ground that historically has not been the kind of environment that saw such a high-traffic water cycle, it can have considerable long-term warping of the immediate environment. Water has a lot of consequences!
apparently there's supposed to some sort of thank you coming my way "thank you payment"* I can't see it in my bank though and maybe switching from casual to part time has fucked with it I dunno guess it's one of those things I'll look into when I visit work come thursday after physio it'll be 100-250 depending on the criteria so it's worth chasing up
oh yeah you might be right I misread the memo, my manager said she doesn't know if it'll be paid with wages or a seperate payment guess we'll wait n see
>Don’t forget your #thankyou payment goes into this weeks pay >I’ve had a couple of messages re the thank you payment, have a read of the FAQ questions below & check your payslip when it loads. I’m unsure of whether it will appear with your ‘regular’ pay or if it will appear as a separate amount in the morning. > guess I'm not the only one having problems
Today is looking a lot like last Monday for stocks when I made 20k unfortunately, I didn't put as much money in. So I'm not going to be exploding in money like that But it should still be significant
gonna do some dumb shit and try to grab a grand today ...or maybe not, I really don't feel like it that much but I should probably jump in a few stocks at least
should be a good run today. it's just hard to choose an entry point when things go up like this. The general move is Open selloff ->(very) brief pause -> climb back ->correction
the trick is to get in at the brief pause and get out before correction Since it's such a huge jump I'm thinking 10:15 to get in and 12:30 out
The real question is how much to put in... Last time the span was from 1.5 to 2.5 Gonna need like 3k to make the amount I want to make today easily. if I can snag a 33% climb, I'm golden
time for typesetting and OSTs Somnium Files has good music but it's not like... that good collectively The Somnium music is just too wildly thematic. Some of it's good and then you get the carnival music and the sentai music and it's good but doesn't fit a mood
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah for sure
>Psyncin in the Captain and then there's the ones where you emotion a LOT
I want to experience Mizuki End again how dare you give me those emotions the audacity of these people Uchikoshi take these memories BACK so I can do it fresh one more time
It's amazing how it just turned into "turn everyone in the mario franchise into cute girls" And now there's an entire world of Nintendo characters that simply don't exist
it's an aoidos event so it's inevitable that lyria has to unleash her rock and roll spirit
lyria alyri aylri ayrli ayril AVRIL LAVIGNE
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>The Greek word aoidos (ἀοιδός; plural: aoidoi / ἀοιδόι) referred to a classical Greek singer. In modern Homeric scholarship aoidos is used by some as the technical term for a skilled oral epic poet in the tradition to which the Iliad and Odyssey are believed to belong (compare rhapsode).[2] hmm
Rei has been underselling this game. I thought it was just puzzles and girls but it's puzzles and girls you can FLIRT with This is an important distinction
>Defeated? Defeated in what? >Who is challenging isopods to games? >>843521 well, it explains the popularity I figured something was missing from what I was hearing about it
don't know if i'll get it but at least I get it
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
isopods once ruled the internet it won't be long until a new renaissance
When you mentioned no booze I was figured it was like "okay just not gonna cook it with any alcohol" Then they go in the griddle and I get a bit confused since where does the alcohol factor in. Like a second before they pulled out the mug I realized what it was hah hah
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn i miss robata
Also I didn't know Canada Dry was available outside, y'know. Canada.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
makers soda lots of ice? idk i guess
I'm pretty sure it's ginger ale. >>843532 Yeah that's true. I'd expect more a yellow or green for ginger ale. And Canada Dry does do soda.
camping is definitely better with friends though generally one of the best experiences of my whole life is campin with jan
/moe/ let's all go camping when this is all over and it's safe to fly and stuff
Though it's also the kind of thing that's a bit much with too large a crowd. Unless you get like a handful of campsites, or if you're out in the total wild spread them out a bit. Otherwise things do get surprisingly tight.
yeah i'd say maybe 6 people is the max even if you do spread out
camping really is the best i want to go camping with jan in washington state the whole time i was there i kept saying "i wish jan were here to see this"
My childhood neighbourhood does this yearly dads-and-kids-only camping trip where they book like an entire wing of a camping ground a t a provincial park or something. So usually it's just like two families to a campsite so things aren't too cramped. The last night of the trip they drag a bunch of tables to a clearing though and host a big spaghetti dinner for the entire troop. There's probably like a good fifty or so heads there, or that's where the number was last time I went. It was fun enough as a kid but I never made great friends with most people in my neighbourhood so as I got older there was't much incentive to go to something like that anymore. Did get a pretty good experience with camping from it at least though.
>>843586 when I lived in Seoul they used to play that one on tv all the time and I'd always watch it since there wasn't all that much stuff in English so I've seen that movie like 10 times even though I never particularly liked it.
Huh Less than I expected That's only a little more than Chicago's minimum wage. Although jobs where you receive gratuity have a lower minimum wage in mst *most if not all of the US.
Err, as in in any given area with a err any area there will be the standard minimum wage and a lower minimum wage for jobs that make gratuity.
fuckin' NERD DRAMA I joined this random clan on osrs a couple of weeks ago and apparently there was a big argument and a whole bunch of members left and unfortunately The people who left seem to be the most interesting and I have no idea where they all went.
>>843744 have you considered having fewer hurricanes?
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>843745 like go native for a bit? >>843747 ha! poor children cannot communicate respectfully enough to continue game. is joke
>>843748 yeah. my plan has always been to buy some property where i can do that legitimately and live off the land but idk if i'll ever be able to do that i can either find someone else with land or i could just go off da grid
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oic would you even use the internet? maybe elon musk's satellites would provide
where in particular would you consider buggin out, if i may ask
my main concern is just no bears bears are too big of a pain
somewhere around sea level wish good soil and good fishin kentucky, tennessee, missouri, or up in the northeast would be good too
might use public wifi sometimes i guess prolly go into a town every other month or so
no i was just thinking about the game don't even know why
i wouldn't mind having a team and playing competitively if there was money to be made i can't deal with the team drama every time i try though it's a big time investment and people just get too impatient and don't listen
yeah, he emailed me 10 minutes ago, right before our session saying he's not feeling well because he lapsed over the weekend and his phone was apparently taken?
>Matt I'm doing OK just extremely tired..I'll touch base later. I just bneed. sleepo, I made progress yesterday and am much clearer today.
he's replying to me like this and while that email is hilarious it also isn't convincing
meth is one of the worst drugs there are one of the most addictive, most brain altering drugs there are and there's no medically assisted treatment for it
>>843776 yeah i don't want to lose this guy, he's really cool but i don't know if telehealth only will work for him he's in another part of the state and doing telehealth only i might have to try to convince him to move into our recovery residence
yeah im here a lot these days moms having chemo every 2 weeks and this is her 3rd surgery in 2020 thats why i got an apartment so i could be her full time caretaker
>>843777 maybe you could explore the hospital or something
>>843780 but the geeeerms >>843781 its rough i dont think she would be ok if i wasnt here
oh true america is probably not great for that either
I walked in barefoot with my toe in shabby dressings and the physio lady was annoyed at me understandably but they didn't really do the dressing well and didn t give me a shoe that would fit either just filled a prescription and sent me on my way
>>843782 that sucks i hope she will make it out how are you doing? i know you've had a complicated relationship with her for a while and that she can be a little triggering sometimes
>>843783 the place you're most likely to get an incurable bacteria infection is the hospital!
>>843785 hopefully i can give her a better life and put my traumatic history behind me i still need therapy and medications but caretaking is my niche shes all ive really got left so i dont want to waste it
hopefully this time around today it's in a better position
put more into the stonks than i wanted to and the app lied to me about it i'm not doing badly though gotta pull later parents have been asking me all kinds of silly questions all day hope you guys are doing alright.
>>843789 there are no silly questions you silly goose
>>843786 can you get any government assisstance as a caregiver over here I believe you can get paid as a caregiver if you're a relative or similar can't quite remember how it works I miss doing that a bit maybe not so much now with this pandemic
no, they use something better than robinhood which is what I should do
honestly the big problem is that robinhood has the best UI and the worst trade execution nothing comes close in usability ... until robinhood is suddenly freezing up and then nothing is worse in usability
robinhood seems like a stupid name for it like I get the idea but it doesn't match up to the idea of robin hoood
>>843825 You actually get a code to download tgat When you get the secret ending. People are just buying it to support the dev. The art might be higher resolution in the dlc version though.
well pancakes are more about what you eat with them than their own flavour
Well, these weren't pancakes. But the Polish word for pancake is the same as the word for crepe iirc.
pancake crepe blini whatever, they are flour+milk+eggs a dash of sugar and butter there isn't much difference in them really aside from how the dough is raised
>>843832 We didn't add sugar in ours. Not that it matters because because I added chocolate chips.
thinner pancakes are better imo
Honestly I don't like pancakes that much. I much prefer waffles.
>>843833 sugar and salt can be varied on how you mean to eat them you aren't going to make sweet ones if you then eat themw ith say smetana or fill them with salty stuff
>>843833 heresy almost typed hershey for a sec there
>>843838 you add sugar if you think it requires it but if you say eat it with cream and berries, there is plenty of sweetness there but say you eat it with salty stuff, you skip sugar and add more salt
easy as pie
and if you want to eat them with anything, you just skip sugar and extra salt to keep it as neutral as possible
>>843839 I spread it on top and rolled it up and then the chocolate melted.
we're getting absolutely battered by the weather horrible storm right now https://www.wjhg.com/templates/2015_Fullscreen_Radar take a look at that radar
I guess the science channel didn't cancel their programming block with all the interviews.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
they haven't made the call yet but they will typically delay even for smaller thunderstorms too dangerous to go up in one i would be extremely surprised if they didn't cancel it
>>843882 I forgot to post this thing I found. Normally I loathe vtuber related stuff (aside from Kizuna Ai who holds a special place in my heart), bit this is pretty cool.
>>843906 I'd be interested, but my schedule is kinda murky I'll be starting work again sometime the first week of june but I don't know which shifts I'll be on just yet I've also got a dnd campaign I'm in now so that's gonna occupy me at least a full night every week or two lemme know what you have in mind though I'll try to work it out
>>843911 neat! after i finish the campaign i'm running now i'm planning on running a one-shot campaign in the FATE system and then a bit after that i want to run a persona themed game in FATE system
wow sugoi dnd rook
>>843912 base camp was around 10k feet we hiked up to 12.5k for one day
there’a also the matter of 3.0 since i dont think tilde will stick around for it ill have to drag someone into the abyss >>843916 korone gets everyone you cannot escape dog
who can stand against the vtuber menace >>843913 sounds cool! I'm not familiar with the systems at all, and despite knowing a bit about tabletop just through proximity to them I don't really know much about dnd either this is my first actual campaign so I might take a bit to get a good grasp of it
>>843924 yeah it's really the unsettling vibes everything i know about her i learned from ton though and i've really only seen the videos he's sent me but i'm down for eldritch beings
>>843922 yeah i wanted to run the one-shot to help people learn the FATE system because it's a little complicated or like pretty different from d20 based systems it's very narrative based, and the system has this thing called "aspects" which are basically traits a scene or a character or whatever has and a big part of the fun is figuring out how to exploit the aspects available to do wacky stuff the players all have aspects too and the GM can activate those sometimes to make things happen too
there's a good FATE based game that i wanna use for the one-shot called nitrate city https://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/184325/Nitrate-City-o-A-World-of-Adventure-for-Fate-Core >Nitrate City is a place where elements of Film Noir and classic movie monsters combine with explosive results. It’s a place populated by slick vampire private eyes, clever werewolf gamblers, cigarette smoking mummy fatales and deadly hit men from beneath the darkest waters. just bonafide silly shit
>>843934 i'm not either but loads of people seem to think i am
Yeah but loads of people tend to be wrong, a lot.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you suggesting that i might not be an eldritch being
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lets fabricate armor out of 3d printed resin and then go camping
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
whats the armor for
It’s the unsettling vibes mixed with stuff like her abnormal streaming and gaming stamina that points to her being not human at the bery least mix this with an obsession for bloodborne and you become cthlulu fthagen
10 hour ring fit followed by 10 hour demons souls the next day
It's only really the ten hours of Ring Fit which is absurd. Though maybe she just keeps particularly fit. Having not played Ring Fit because fucking shortages, perhaps it's not that exhaustative.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah the demons souls doesnt seem impressive but 10 hours of ring fit seems ridiculous to me
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
that guy i know at work that has world running records did a thing a few months ago where he ran for 6 days straight with only occasional 45 minute naps he ran 300 miles in 6 days
They don't let you get the game without buying the hardware though. Like you can't even get just the game from the eShop. Making your own would only really work if you'd broken yours and needed a replacement or something.
you should also take into consideration that the eldritch thing is a fanbase taking something and having fun with it
as an example, i forget what she said, but it was something like if she wasnt feeling well or had a fever she wouldnt stream or something, but the fever temp she gave was something absurd like 40 c
or being incredibly insistent that human eyes grow back when asked about what would happen if a devil vtuber poked them
>>843974 HHave you seen the outfits wwhwhee ththe women were literally wearing other women strapped onto them?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>843972 40c isn't that absurd you would need to go to the hospital for it probably but it's not in like "you will absolutely die" territory
And plus she's already demonstrated a degree of carelessness towards her own personal wellbeing with extensive streaming sessions. Like these aren't inhuman personality traits but they are not exactly respectable ones.
>>843972 I dunno man, it's one thing if she leaned into the Eldritch thing herself but if it's more the fanbase running with it, then I still don't think it's that great. Like maybe she plays up a character for her streams, but there's still a real person behind her. Them creating some wild fictionalization of her is the same kind of idolation and kinda-delusional mentality that makes people like aidoru otaku or even people in Western culture that worship celebrities so unnerving to me. I'd just rather people treat people how they want to be treated, and keep grounded that they're also just human beans.
>>843979 it might have been higher then i remember it being ridiculous >>843980 it’s worth noting that these hololives and nijisanjis, while theyre shaped by the person behind them, are originally character concepts, though it’s worth noting while nijisanji has things like a fire drake and a literal shiba dog, lulu’s character bio is just an art student.
lulu has definitely started leaning into it a bit too, her character song with debi debiru is about basically making a cult
If their character concepts are something weird and absurd, that's what I mean by "treat people how they want to be treated". Like they could be a fire drake or a dog or even a sentient Teru Teru Bozu, if that's their character, then the player behind them has probably accepted the image it'll develop. People just ought to be able to be comfortable when they're being entertaining.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it must be hard spending so much time in character like they do probably run into the same identity issues that undercover cops do sometimes they lose themselves completely
i’ll make mention of Otogibara Era from nijisanji here, who started as a cutesy baker whose crass personality has seeped througu and completely reshaped the character concept into themselves or something along those lines
and then hololive is hardly characters at all in comparison, they just do what they do
what im saying here is, while some likely stay true to a character, some are also just genuine, for better or worse.
they have fun and in turn we have fun, it’s a good time for everyone involved unless you’re really not a fan id say
Honestly I think while pre-existing cultures in Japan like the aidoru crowd expect their idols to maintain something of a character, for streamers like vtubers it might actually be better to not engage too heavily in that kind of constructed character stuff anyway. Streaming personalities tend to be much better accepted by viewers when they're being natural and, while maybe a bit more extroverted than they might be casually, true to themselves.
I loathe the idol industry. It's so exploitive.
i’m going to add here that Hololive is a “virtual idol” company, but despite that they still seem to be mostly having fun
and also allow for th >>843991 that’s what hololive call- oh
anyway in soute of that things like Coco’s absurdity and Matsuri unleashing her r18 twitter hashtag last night still happen, so they probably have more freedom than that would imply
>>843988 actually to uhhhh give whats the word shape to what youre thinking proof anyway fubuki and pekora of hololive are apparently pretty shy or socially anxious but youd never guess it most of the time when they stream
As an extreme introvert I can vouch for the advantage of avoiding face-to-face conversation through digital communication is a big crutch for making it easier to communicate.
Also shyness and social energy don't necessarily correlate. Just because I'm shy doesn't mean I can't talk for hours and get visibly excited over things. I'm just less likely to do it around strangers in a physical space.
Me using shy and socially anxious was actually because my information on Fubuki is the shy part and Pekora would be the socially anxious one. So I didn't mean to necessarily mix them together, gomen
> In early January, Kimura was involved in an incident with housemate Kai Edward Kobayashi regarding her Wrestle Kingdom 14 ring attire. Kobayashi washed his clothes while Kimura's outfit was also in the washer; he then threw it in the dryer, ruining her wrestling attire. Kimura was visibly upset, knocking his hat off his head and leading to verbal conflict. After the episode aired in March, her actions drew criticism, name calling and abuse from social media users, sending her into depression. wew just wew
the rioters in Minneapolis beat the cops decisively yesterday they took a police station and held it through the night the cops ran out of tear gas and retreated
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow what happened at dawn?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no developments yet a few people got killed last night while looting some white guys started patrolling the streets shooting at black people but it seems like they got stopped some lady started stabbing people and were stopped Minneapolis PD is calling in cops from out of the city for help though
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
apparently a Target store was destroyed too
cops spent two nights launching tear gas at peaceful protestors, shooting them with rubber coated bullets
people out there are saying this riot is the most intense they've ever seen
You guys are cool but you don't give a fuck about what happens on runescape where as the people on runescape care very much about what happens on Runescape but they're almost all wankers
It's a real pickle
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
some of you are cool don't come to runescape tomorrow
what's the official avatar comic about is it a continuation, off shoot, retelling?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
direct continuation starts off right after the last scene in season 4 of korra
there's an ongoing direct continuation of last airbender too
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
wow neat
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah! by the original creators and stuff too i got up to date on the airbender ones and now i'm startin on the korra ones there's more avatar ones to come // airbender ones to come but they have mostly been telling new stories while slowly building up to create republic city it's been really cool how they've woven the creation of it in
>>844072 Being the Avatar must be really great if you're gay. Like you can have zero chance of having a kid but you still get to raise the next Avatar like their your kid -- though well also the shared kid of like a hundred Avatars.
>>844078 i dunno! korra permanently lost her connection to all past avatars so maybe it's only korra getting to help the next one
Oh even better then.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i wonder if the past avatars can like hang out with each other or do they have to wait for the avatar to call on them individually can they all just like hang out and play games or something
Maybe they've got to use the living Avatar as like, a phone operator or something.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
oh yeah there's also a novel that documents kiyoshi's life as an avatar i haven't read it yet, the second part of it comes out soon i think?
>>844083 hey aang, this is roku. can you connect me to kiyoshi? i know you're busy it'll only take like, half a second. come on
the airbender comic manages to keep that same sense of humor the original series had too
Well if it's by the original creators, then that doesn't feel too far a reach.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
haha true it's cool though get to see toph open her metalbending academy get to see machinery start becoming a big thing, industrial revolution starting aang/zuko buddy cop stuff there's some weird stuff too though like aang/katara are super lovey dovey nonstop calling each other sweetie and stuff i thought it'd be a set up for a story about them falling out and learning to set boundaries or something but they just did that all the time for like six whole arcs
One of the things I love most about summer is how you can smell the rain coming. At least 'round here you can't really get that kind of sensory warning in any other season.
tho an original game set in the not new york city with just benderlife in the city set between post ang, pre korra might be fun
Though the creators are onboard for the live-action Netflix Avatar. I wonder if they'll take the revisiting of the story to explore things they didn't in the original.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think they said that they wanted to go deeper into a lot of the material
jango janga jangi jange
>>844106 oh right that js a thing guess i can ignore it
Just assuming it's going to be bad out of the gate without seeing a single piece of the actual production is pretty stupid man. Like what evidence do you have that it's going to be bad? And don't tell me "your gut" or anything like that because historically your gut has been full of shit.
i trusr my gut it aligns with my taste un entertainment, and that is all i care
More like because you decide beforehand you're not going to like something you're too obstinate to even slightly accept you might be wrong about something and convince yourself it's always right.
I think it'll be neat to see the martial arts that they derived the Bending techniques from in live-action. There's a lot of potential in that for some really beautiful cinematography.
>>844113 Because with all your snarking, the rather arrogant way you tend to view strangers, and the way you insist on disliking something before you get to know it. I don't see evidence to the contrary.
oh i didn't mention the information that my new job is for amazon
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are you gonna work in a werehouse
werewolf house it's not a warehouse technically but it's probably what you're thinking of pick up box from truck put box on conveyor pick up box on conveyor put box on truck
It's gonna be a werehouse before long if Amazon becomes past tense!
I had a girl I liked on Tinder match with me earlier, which in itself is like, a first-time-ever situation. But it's nailing home for me just how socially inept I am because I don't know how to start conversations.
i ask them their favorite video game becausei honestly don't care to continue the conversation if they don't have a good answer
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
"do you like music?" is a good one
"yeah i like all kinds" "i listen to everything"
>>844164 Yeah she doesn't have much to the profile but her linked Insta has some cute doodles in it. A lot of panda motif and some anime stuff like Rem and Ram and Sailor Moon. Though I already complimented that this morninnnng
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>844171 and then you say "i hate music. what's your favorite tv show"
>>844172 if she has rem on her insta you need to tell her she's imporatnt
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
comment on it but pretend one of the maids aren't there
ask her who the blue maid is?
That's some pretty nuanced humour I worry I'll fuck up trying to make across text conversation ;_;
remmu ga... dare?
it's als o way too late for that joke dude it's missed potential for all eternity now
>>844183 they're total strangers what are they gonna do, trace your IP triangulate your phone and shoot you in the face?
>>844184 That was a remarkably daring woman. Or just oblivious. I don't think many people could intentionally flex like that.
>>844186 I don't really care what they do I'm more trying to avoid giving myself another embarrassing memory when the joke I make falls flat. I'm not a particularly funny guy and I think a lot of people don't really get my humour if they don't know me too well. Plus I get the anxiety behind it isn't really rooted in firm reasoning but I mean, it's still there, still whispering in my ear when I try to think of anything funny or charming.
I did like her, but I don't make enough money right now to help support a kid! What if I said something like that and it increased my bond level with her? >>844193 wow what if she said the same about you?
really though the more you avoid something the more you teach your brain that you can't handle it the only way out of the cycle is to just do it even though it's terrifying just type something in and press send and then put your phone away and don't check it for a bit until you feel chilled out a little it sucks but humans have stupid brains that get out of sorts so unreasonably and sometimes all we can do is say fuck you brain suck a dick
>>844210 Down, probably. Their careers probably aren't directly impacted by the global shutdown but economies everywhere are slowing to a halt and that'll make income pretty much universally reduced. Most artists work in freelance or development cycles and if those aren't in demand -- and nothing is in demand creativity-wise -- they're not getting paid. And people that do commission work probably aren't getting much patronage either, since their usual patrons probably have to be tight with the wallet too.
come to think of it my cousin is a freelance/commission artist >>844212 would be interesting to see some patreon stats etc on how much people have lost income post lockdown
Aw Slime Isekai's second season got delayed. Not a terribly surprising turn of events but still an unfortunate one.
I hope they don't rush the last few episodes this time it felt like the last say 3 episodes had like 6 episode full of content in them
hmm come to think of it, i wonder how will they start it since the next arc kinda just blasts off into high gear, atleast in the manga so starting the anime like that might feel off
I would expect maybe some anime-original stuff to remind everyone who's who.
And then prompty kick things off into high gear. It's not like the anime's ever been slow-paced after all!
yup but it could have had the student arc in the s2 and started off with that for better pacing but I guess they are rushing forwards to get to the actual meat of the story, that supposedly starts now havn't yead the lns or wns so don't know really
but there are gonna then be damn dope scenes in the first 6-12 episodes
started reading it first on my phone and something was nagging me but I couldn't but my mind on it now that I resumed it on my laptop, I finally noticed it the paneling/page usage is somewhat... odd cluttered, placing or visual story telling just seems just tad bit off in places, that it in the end makes the reading bit awkward at times
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
personally i load manga into My Balls so that my children can read it too
omg i ordered gyudon from this place that recently started delivering and it's amazing best gyudon i've ever had and fried calamari
next time i'll have to order ramen and see how that is
Nice. I haven't had any Japanese food since the shutdown began. Barely any takeout honestly. Probably something like 24/25 meals I eat is stuff made at home.
>>844229 in what kind of a box does gyudon or ramen arrive when ordered?
Probably not a box but a yeah. There's a Chinese take-out container that at least here in Canada is used by -everyone-
Things like this. Pretty much every Asian place that offers take-out uses these. They make for really amazing things to keep if you need containers for food.
But they're also kind of a problem since they're way too hard to automatically recycle so here in Toronto we're not allowed to put them in the recycling.
>>844236 it's plastic, yes? kinda waste in a way, but it is a sturdy container
>>844242 There's a good reason at least. Recycling here gets collected as a whole, so glass, plastic, paper, etc.; all gets brought to the recycling center in an unsorted bunch. The automatic recycling system then uses some kind of camera and light-based method of sorting plastics at some point in the process, and with black containers like those, the camera doesn't recognize them, so they don't get sorted properly.
i just like the cute girls i like >>844253 its so basic your computer not running it should be basically impossible
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what are hell takers system requirements can i run it without a graphics card
Probably a potato with a circuit board attached.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>844253 Yeah It runs on 32 bit wwiwindows However you would have to log onto to steam to play it. I know you don't like doing that so that's the only reason I haven't recommended it to you.
>>844243 interesting we just have different boxes for everything metal, glass, paper, carton, plastic,bio, "common" they do ofc have to give all of those a sort through to see nothing silly has been thrown in the wrong place and I think they sort common for recyclable materials anyhow
We used to have systems like that, but I think when they decided they "had" to change to the automated system they decided to just have everything jumbled together.
>>844271 I'm a little bothered by it but its not actually the first furry character in the background of a Skullgirls stage. Although it bothers me that they removed the girl instead of just having them both be there. Although I don't even own Second Encore yet. I still regret not buying a hard copy of it on PS4.
Oh yeah, any of you guys like Gwar? I'm thinking about getting this. https://gwar.net/products/copy-of-scumdogs-of-the-universe-limited-edition-30th-anniversary-box-set
is that like gmod but with war
>>844276 No It's the memetal band that dress like alien warriors and kill people in effigy on stage and have fake bodily fluids soray *spray out onto the crowd. *metal band
an armored samurai stuck to your drywall with so much glue
>>844290 one thing I always note on non-arctic roads is how old they can be without needing replacement
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
now we can play a beautiful game
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
I wanna play a beautiful game
Wha'chu gonna play?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm getting a legit millionaire client the dude owns an island an actual island my boss wants me to whip him into shape because he's entitled or something
>>844301 bullying millionaires? haha maybe ill have to feel him out first though entitled rich people can't usually take a lot of punishment you gotta treat them gently
there might be riot in NYC tonight or tomorrow peaceful protestors are getting beaten down hard right now another peaceful protest is tommorow tommorow protestors will probably be ready to respond
>>844310 next level thinking if true tho I dunno what you can actually take from a car easily, I would expect actual armaments to be locked down or something, but then again... not to mention the tendency of people to not use those weapon locks etc
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
y'know with all the adjusted norms these days it needs to be said that we gotta hang on to our culture of the everyday there are important rituals that aren't written down in any books, only hinted at, and it concerns me that they might be lost
This is pretty gross but also really funny. https://old.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/gsamf5/me_22f_afraid_of_sex_with_with_bf_25m_because_his/
>>844313 lots of stuff in a cop car isn't bolted down they just throw stuff in there, they usually only secure firearms and cops are dumb as hell, they'll leave their cars out with windows down blocking roads and shit no supervision
>>844319 yeah you can get shields, batons and stuff but firearms do worry me hope they actually follow the rules, I know that htey sometimes lack in these even in the army
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
cops are usually strict about firearms mostly because they don't have a lot of room most cops only have their sidearm and a shotgun which is kept in the trunk they keep sidearm on them and shotgun is only taken out during shootouts really if at all there's no room in the car outside the trunk to keep a long gun usually, passenger seat is occupied by another cop or a computer
The shotgun is also locked iirc. Although the cops where I live I think also have a rifle in their trunks.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
what kinda idiot cop would leave their gun in the car
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah they need those in case they gotta kill someone