I ... think I've spent of the last forty four hours, at least forty of them awake. I caught like maybe three hours tops before tabletop last night in a bit of a nap, but besides that. Don't even know where all this awakeness came from and how my brain's still running along. Why is sleep so hard
...I really might make back today. holy crap this just makes all the dumb things I did yesterday even worse lmao but as long as I'm up, it's all good ayy
it's also not lost on me that this is quite possibly the kind of day that is the exception to the thing I just found out But! It should still work technically just not be as good as usual still though, this is exactly what I was hoping today to be. The numbers are so high ahh this is exciting
/moe/ my therapist wants me to come up with a list of standards/expectations for girls that i choose to get romantically involved with and i can't think of any my list so far: >no STIs >hasn't dated any of my friends
i'm thankful though because honestly, I really fucked up on Friday and thought I'd actually lose a little bit more today so this was incredibly reassuring I can breathe a little easier. i'm kinda tired now
>Amagami SS but you have to watch it with your parents
>>841502 "can deal with my bullshit" is a pretty helpful one
>>841502 not too clingy good hygiene she has no style she has no grace this gorl
>>841526 these are good /moe/ i really appreciate y'all
i think earnestness is good too, that they have purpose behind their actions and can stay grounded if they're motivated to collaborate and work together and we're genuinely interested in what each other is doing that's nice
i just texted ton "amiami let me know that tanjirou is delayed due to the shipping freeze ):" and then suddenly i believed that i had opened a text conversation with a client and that i just texted a client that and i almost had a legit heart attack thank god it actually was to ton
>>841557 i thought you weren't trying to hide your weeb shit anymore?
I get that sometimes even though I text no one but my mother and couple friends. Gotta double check to make sure I didn't text something that's weird of context to someone
>>841558 i'm not but a text like that would absolute undermine people's perception of me lmao and would be unprofessional too haha it would just be really fucking awkward i don't hide it but i don't broadcast it either so it's not like anyone realizes that i have like 15 nendos or anything unless they've looked really hard during a telehealth session, then they might see an ooyodo nendo in the background off to the side
>>841557 Wow That breastplate really does look like breasts.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
maybe it IS breasts
Why does she have an Uzi?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
so she can kill fascists
Well it was more of "why did they give her an uzi instead of designing something original"
Also On the subject of guns and also FF VII I ws watching a bunch of shooting random shit with large guns videos and i saw a video shere people shot a replica buster sword with .50 bmg and a 20mm cannon and it barely dented it. >>841566 Yeah, I should have specified "an original looking gun"
sometimes you just want a gun
>>841566 Do you read tththis? https://mangadex.org/title/36283/looking-up-to-magical-girls I think you'd like it.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>841565 it's not really an uzi, it's pretty smooth, rounded sides, stuff like that
Lulu is hecking cute, props to her character designer
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
lulu is very cute the only vtuber that i have more than a cursory knowledge of
i rember early on with kizuni ai i thought the ai was AI and that it was done with machine learning and thought that was really cool i didn't understand what a vtuber was until much more recently
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
ai was like the prototype i guess
i think it'd be fun to assemble a bunch of different machine learning components to make an AI vtuber though if it's not being done already waifubot didn't get any following a decade or so ago but now that vtubers are a thing i think it could go well
apparently the very very first vtuber dates back to either like 2006 or 2011, some multiple of five between those years but folks around the time of aichan really got it going and now youve got whole companies devoted to it
>>841581 well the doll already spews white stuff when you hit her, would probably be easy to replace all the blood on the game with it
i also spee white stuff when you hit me
>>841560 ahh okay yeah I was thinking about you saying your telehealth clients could see your figs
>>841602 rei or pan someone please post the image I don't have it
>>841619 Kirara They finally banned a card in vintage. Who would've thought that in the year 2020 that wizards of the coast would print a card so broken that it broke vintage, the most broken format.
First raccoon of the year I've seen in my backyard. I mean I've seen them elsewhere earlier but I guess the fact that the weather's finally turning warm-ish again is making them more active.
Anyways what I'm waiting for are "witches" to complain about people appropriating their culture. And then for Jews to point out that the modern depictions of witches are based on anti-semitic stereotypes.
>>841629 >smudged with sage and palo santo, asked help from gods not her own, and her life is SHIT certainly that's why her life sucks, not because she's putting all her energy towards chanting while burning herbs and rubbing crystals to solve her problems
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>841634 it's clearly because she is asking someone else's gods for help for example, if you were asking vtubers for help nothing would happen because you're not among ton's people but what if you asked sipping anime girls? surely they would help
>it's another half hour long phone call trying to teach a senior citizen how to email a form Just fucking click forward then click the paper plane to send it
hmm id like 2 play the ff7 and the death stranding but like i dont wanna buy a ps4 just for that and then the ps5 comes out but it's quarantine and there's not much else to do hmm
>>841637 it's not so bad when you realise you can just sleep talk those calls
i was thinking about rereading Fall or Dodge in Hell but i doubt i'd make it half way
>>841639 deaf standing is worth buying a psr ps4 i mean plus there's cumborne and unkarted and god of whore, it's got tons of amazing exclusives to play
Death Stranding is coming to PC at some point though. And I would bet all those games'll be backwards compatible on the PS5. I think patiences -patience is preferable here, unless you can get like a used PS4 for super-cheap or something.
i showed my parents how much I made yesterday and as soon as I get home they're like 'you gotta make a list of companies to research and what you find about them' and i'm like weren't y'all supposed to be doing this?????
they really took this class on how to invest and spent weeks trying to set up their accounts only for them to have done nothing in the timeframe. i'm kinda upset
As always, even though I'm doing a whole bunch of shit with options, I highly recommend not getting into options. Unless you have money that you really don't mind losing in an instant.
Nah, I really don't have money I can risk right now. I have $3k savings, I make $1k per month, and rent/bills is $1600 a month. If I can manage to make it to August, I'll be fine, though. Then I'll have money to play with.
Like... as WONDERFUL as yesterday was and as beautiful as the chart's super high straight line looks right now, the way my chart looked the very day before was absolutely depressing and I had to lay in bed for a few hours reminding myself that I still have the ability to build back up thanks to my good job. I seriously did not expect to be doing anywhere near as good as I did on Monday.
My biggest problem was that my account is marked as a pattern day trader and was dancing at around 25k. When I'm below 25k, i can't do certain things. And it forces me to stare at it all day. But now that I'm not in that range anymore, I can take it a lot easier as far as how I make moves. When I'm below 25k, I can't buy something and then set it to sell on the same day. Which is fine with stocks but an awful thing to deal with when playing with options. Because the way things move nowadays, it would go up for three hours, and then head into the negatives for the rest of the day. as a PDT, you can only do that when you're above 25k.
But like... yesterday, I was able to chill. Sold like 80% at the beginning of the day, played some games with my nephew and just did a few choices around 2:00 and that was it.
Today, my plan is to set strangle setups at a certain time of day because i think it works better at 10:30-11 rather right before close like I usually do and the method requires me to be able to buy/sell in the middle of the day so now that i'm far above 25, I can put this to work without much fuss
that said, there's still background research that goes into things like... i think i might have screwed up throwing out those JCPenney calls I had yesterday because last night there was talks about amazon acquisition ah, it's 9 now. let's see if that mattered ... oh haha, hm I guess it was a good thing after all because the ticker symbol NO LONGER EXISTS
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
chilling is important
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
JC Penny just declared bankruptcy the other day I believe
yup. but there was also amazon news of them possibly being acquired i thought it would raise the stock but... the stock no longer exists so it doesn't matter lol. I lost 60 dollars on that but at least I got back 20
modells maybe hmm... the shift on spy is negative but it's less than 1% so I'm going to lose at open. but i'm only 5k in. I don't want to touch anything until like 11 So I guess I'll just not look at this for a few hours.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
when the second wave of covid hits around july/august/september the economy is probably going to totally disappear lol
>>841693 that's the main reason I don't want to buy into these stocks the vaccine stuff seems to be moving forward though what I'm afraid of most is for the economy to keep pushing even while the second wave does damage because then things really mess up
>>841691 the bankruptcies caused our mainly state owned aircompany Finnair to be all smug they had been for years critiziced over having huge cash reserves just sitting, and not being invested or paid into dividends and so on especially when they laid off people and so on
and now that every other air company is taking hundreds of millions if not billions in bails to keep them alive Finnair just "huh, bad choice to have those cash reserves, aye?" doesn't stop them being shitters, but still amusing to atleast me.
i'm up to date on GW2. I should really try to get farther in Oninaki. before I completely forget the plot I just feel like after the big twist reveal, it hasn't really gone up in hype. it's just 'oh, now we gotta do this and save the world hopefully.'
>>841710 felt weird kind of unsatisfying but i'm not mad about it or anything
no aoi ):
>>841712 it was weird! im glad it didn't disappoint you too much, a couple of people i know where up in arms about it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>841713 this is the author's first work so i don't think it's fair to be too critical about it considering how great it was as a whole endings are really hard and honestly the quality kind of went down after the fight with first moon the muzan fight was kind of boring because muzan's only gimmick is he's super strong and it just didn't really translate well to the medium, i think it might be good animated though the momentum of the series just sort of died down at that fight and things felt a little anticlimactic
I feel like the author just wanted to end the series without risking any chance of it getting the Shounen Eternity treatment and hving to push 100+ chapters out that don't really fit the series anyhow I don't mind the ending, but I would have welcomed not just the epilogue we got but another happy ending when our characters are say 5-10 years older
it felt weird to me ever since chapter 100, when nezuko was suddenly able to handle the sun the 100 chapters before that were really really good though >>841717 it makes sense in // yeah what you said i wonder if there were editorial issues or something that pushed her to end it early
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
nezuko could probably handle the sun for a long time maybe since the fight against that upper moon with uzui when she first powered up? or since the beginning maybe but it did feel really sudden it makes sense in retrospect but yeah it came out of nowhere
but basically there was no real foreshadowing to it aside from the reader being plot savvy
the series was overall good trhoughout, but you could definitely start to feel a "boss rush incoming" ever since nezuko got sun immunity which ofc actually happenedi n the end with the muzan maze
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
the muzan maze was really handled very well but the final battle started pretty abruptly i think you're right that she wanted to make sure it wouldn't have to go on forever that's probably a big factor in killing off so many characters it's probably terrifying to be her right now considering the first series she ever wrote outsold onepiece
basically the series should have had a breather after muzan maze and before muzan fight
im really mad about the muzan maze, i feel like it really dampened what could have been arc length villians specifially moon two and moon one >>841720 it's funny that she's competeting with one piece, because her style really reminds me of oda's her gags are absolutely top tier for shonen manga >>841723 well it's her choice in the end, but to me it felt like she sacrificed a bunch of story that she had prepared in order to progress the story as fast as possible moon one 100% should have had his own arc, and im sure she planned it out that way
I think muzan maze really shines how she didn't want every pillar and moon to become an arc of their own which is the usual shounen pattern you could already see this when muzan killed all the lower moons after the spider guy died
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i think killing all the lower moons was a little weird too the pacing might have been better if there had been more than the spider guy and the train guy for lower moons you really see tanjirou get really strong ridiculously fast although it was good that at first he was only barely able to defeat upper moons even with a pillar and his friends but after that his strength just starts improving super fast
I wouldn't be surprised if killing the Lower Moons was where Wani decided it was going to be a (relatively) short series for a popular Shounen Jump manga. Like up to that point it could have gone on longer but killing off half your supposed antagonists kinda locks the decision in.
>>841722 i wonder if she worked as an assistant for oda or something
or just was inspired hell maybe she drew one piece yaoi
Yeah, from what I've seen of the Kimetsu manga, I'd be hard-pressed to see them as an ex-assistant of Oda's. Oda has a very exaggerated but ... sturdy? style. Kimetsu kinda just goes "yeah this vaguely looks like a face" at times and I'd have a hard time seeing Oda okay that.
But with how enduring One Piece is I'd definitely consider some inspiration being taken from it.
>>841728 agreed >>841729 i hadn't even thought of that. i always forget that most mangakas were assistants before debuting >>841731 i agree with your third line. one piece also has much more dynamic paneling. the similarities that i notice mostly come from the storyboarding side of things, ie. oda would put a funny face at the same point in the scene, oda would put detail into this section of the fight just as goutouge did maybe im reaching a little >>841733 for the most part all i've seen has been praise from weekly readers rereaders and people who binged the series (like me) are the ones who dislike it
Dunno if any of you have read a manga called Helck its finale really had a what you would call fight fatigue and despair fatigue things just kept going from bad to worse to worst to worster so despite it still being an excellent read, a very good progresso f the story it just started to be very exhausting to read the once a week chapters or was it twice a month chapters with things just never looking better for our heroes
oh and the final arc took like a year or so >>841732 I had the rushed feeling the moment muzan fight really started, or maybe even earlier But I had gotten a hunch from the feel of the series, that it wanted to avoid becoming next Bleach or Naruto
or even worse dragonball series that tried to end unsuccessfully 3 times and even the actual ending failed
lolol the final chapter could definitely be continued if shonen jump pushed for a super repeat
>>841736 >they recultivated the demon flower >all of the protagonists have successor/reincarnators >kamado family has even the swords and shit they could easily boruto it
but yeah it can be compared to some movies, especially movies that try to set up on 1st part a cinematic universe
in the sense that by the final act there just is too much happening and too much being thrown at the reader
in just one fight we learn backstory of boar guy and butterfly girl and that their nemesis is shared
there is the whole poison things, which while not really being deus ex machina, are borderline it
there is the whole story arc of the 3rd moon and 1st moon, with latter being way more important
and then ofc there is whole muzan, who in the end was way to little explored character too
even Tamayo went kinda unexplored
and then there is the whole why did muzan make nezuko into a deamon I mean he does that on whims and so on, but why them why that random house far away from a random mountain village?
Probably because he's an overly cautious person and was trying to do his weird evolution games without leaving a trail back to him. What better way than going out to Middle-of-Nowhere, Japan?
but still I wish muzan had gotten some more monologue space he was in the end quite true to his motivations from when he was a human he wanted to live free and healthy and while he was quite healthy indeed as a demon he couldn't step out into the sun
kinda reminds me of Kars now that I think about it
I definitely think if the fight and then tanjirou's later inner fight would have been allowed to go on further tanjirou would have saved muzan too allowing muzan to let go and finally die in peace or even become human
Yeah, I think that would have been good. A desperate fight in which you'll die if you stop moving might be the realistic way for that fight to go but it just wasn't that interesting. A fight should be an expression of the characters fighting but Tanjirou didn't come out in that fight at all. The things that made him him just didn't get shown.
the short exchange of words between the leader of the demon hunters and muzan and then his explosive death had much more impact than anything in them uzan fight
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah for sure
like take bleach for all its flaws, take ichigo vs aizen fight where in the end they kinda get deep into aizen's motivation
how despiteh im always reaching for the Peak, he actually was just lonely as no one could ever walk on the same height as he did
and which is why hogyouku turned against him
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it really was a spectacular manga for someone's first serialized work though i'm sure getouge learned a lot i wonder if we'll see a new series from them soon
ending is the hardest be it how to end or how fast to end and so on
and even good directors can have faults there ie take Jackson's LOTR return of the king has not one, not two, not three, not four, but FIVE endings
in order frodo waking up after the task with his friends crowning of aragorn return to the hobbitton the white harbour and finally the ending, sam embracing his family
but still I definitely would say, that the actual ending chapter should have been seeing our heroes say 5 to 10 years into the future embracing normality finally
and then an epilogue which was the epilogue we got could have followed after just seeing them going "it's over and eating at their family house" just wasn't satisfactory
And that's still only like a quarter of the endings the Return Of The King book had
well yeah,since return of the king then had an entire epilogue chapter about the liberation of Hobbitton from Saruman which added another few endings to it
>>841766 while it didn't impact the story, it would have been interesting to know bit more about the relation of Corps to the actual government considering this was 1900s to 1930s
>actual epilogue shows some of the maincast fighting in CHINA in ww2
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
a guy with a sword starts dancing and throwing fire at me i shoot him
also they never really tackled the question behind marks, breaths and demons since they clearly were tied
dunno maybe in production think about it 1st episode came out in 2012 and last in 2017 stop motion animation is slow as fuck, so even if they have larger budget and staff, it will still take time, especially if they aim to air it in a timely order and not "when each one is finished"
fug man I moved up a stage in the RECRUITMENT PROCESS but now they want me to answer all these only questions about shapes and spacial reasoning and junk I'm so bad at that stuff. All my IQ points went into words an language an shit
>>841796 Time to bust out the Nintendo DS and load up some BRAIN TRAINING
>>841791 I've heard from some people that have done stop motion professionally that the robot chicken stuff isn't very well done. Like its not terrible either but they have really low production values and it shows. Also they do lipsyncing digitally which takes out a lot of work.
>>841801 They did a really funny thing with disney princesses. I saw ttht segment on YouTube In German Because I find robot chicken to be funnier in German
their starwars specials were so good tho especially the final one
>>841833 Is it Err Does it make me an asshole to think of someone with bpd as an asshole and to tell other people that they shouldn't feel bad for them?
is there anyone that can explain slow dancing to me its been exclusively awkward in al my experiences with it like i feel the need to fill the space with conversation or jokes or whatever
big dicks still swingin and slurpees still flowin
I tried falling asleep by laying in bed doing nothing for two and a half hours and it didn't work. Thanks Obama
>>841909 i think it's more about reflecting the energy of your dance partner/getting comfortable being intimate/having fun and lightly chatting about nothing
one of these cats really likes to cuddle toasty cat
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm starting to get hit with some nasty zoom fatigue it took like 2 months of 2-6 hours of telehealth per day before i got here but damn it's hitting hard
I found an amazing tshirt. https://shop.thehardtimes.net/collections/frontpage/products/t-shirt-vendor-accidentally-uses-back-of-joy-division-album
haha someone at work wants me to investigate a death? we heard someone died but they texted someone to say they're alive and now my colleague is worried the person actually is dead but someone else has their phone and is messing with the person they texted? and they want me to see if i can find out if the person is actually dead or not
by the way, since TN brought it up, I got my friend to start scanlating the rest of Nihonmatsu. well, more like, he got HIMSELF to start scanlating it. but good job TN you were the domino.
he's a gay family doctor who lost his practice due to his meth and sexual addiction he's a lay zen buddhist! very cool dude i think he'll be hard /// i think his recovery will be difficult but i'm looking forward to working with him
>>842002 Not really. I'm not sure if I'll use my respirator or if I'll make filters for a cloth mask using denim. But either way I'll have protection from all these horrible viral gremlins.
none of my players had really good ideas with their characters just broad ideas like cthulhu cultist etc so for example, now that cthulhu cultist is carrying an entire safe, locked, inside his magic pouch
Oh, nice! Let me know if you need help figuring anything out.
I will prolly do map making after a small break I did 3 character backgrounds for my players and wrote some other lore tidbits so my brain is bit exhausted for now need to not think fgor a while >>842008 i might ask for help with the roll20 mechanics later
Nice thing about the deepnight RPG map is that you can save it as an image and as the map file so you can go back and make edits later pretty easily. And it gets updated frequently. Just got a ton of great new features.
setting is kinda fun it is set in the same world I was originally ment to hold that practice 5 odd session campaign the whole thing got started during a gaming event in march or so "what if coronavirus quarantine, but rpg"
huh you can download the deepnight thing
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Yeah. I downloaded a previous version but couldn't get it to work so I usually do it in browser.
prolly lack some drivers the rec version uses directx and ifyour computer is old, well yeah you could try the opengl, though
I'm almost totally out of food. I managed three weeks without a shop trip. But all I have left now is my emergency food supplies so I'll probably have to go today after work.
>>842017 Yeah, but the browser version runs perfectly so it's whatever. It's a great and easy to use tool.
I find that it's easiest if I draw an overall dungeon structure on a piece of paper and then divide it into small pieces. Roll20 can handle pretty massive maps but I usually keep mine to 60x60 units at max just to make it easier to navigate.
holy shit guys i just found out that soen nakagawa's zen lineage (which i am currently part of) is called the mushroom monk lineage motherfucking unmei
>>842022 yeah, the stats are proprietary unfortunately there are some vague stat blocks on the 13th age SRD website and we have the beastiary in ton's MEGA
guess is time to build few parts of the upper Holmgrad city centre some random encounter or planned encounter maps with ready foes and the hordes of undead that come ou when it is dark
man i am just gonna have a lot of "small building encounter" "on the street encounter" etc simple maps for some encounters
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sometimes for smaller encounters in a large city center one thing you can do is say, for example, as they move down the street that they encounter the group of enemies and instead of putting it all on the map just do the combat narratively stuff like that can save you from making a lot of simple maps for encounters
basic idea is the party gets tasked after being caught in a hotel moguls main hotel, eating all her shit, to get out of the city, while carrying something for her and then they just have to get out, while staying alive and managing daylight as during night every dead thing gets revived and roams the streets >>842030 persona game?
yeah that is basically my idea I have the overall world map a city map a city sector map and then just smaller encounters
and prolly some dungeons when there are important buildings
but for 1st session I will prolly just have few random encounters as they roam the streets and maybe a horde scene
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>842027 >>842028 yeah another way is to move them on the world map and then throw them into small maps for combat, like when you move in fallout 1 for example that's how i'm planning on doing it for my persona game
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i'm gonna run a persona themed campaign run in the FATE system
Honestly you only really "need" maps for combat scenarios. And then maybe like just a visual and not an actual "put tokens on map" for the world map. Rely on your descriptive language for the environment!
yeah, probably i was gonna do it for some folks on twitter but ton wanted to play too so i'll probably run it twice at some point one for you guys and one for twitter >>842035 nah i'll run two separate versions
>>842032 Yeah for sure That's how I do it with less combat oriented stuff
oh twitter I think it is better if I stay out
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i will probably use mostly descriptions and just combat maps for some of the level 10 material for 2.5 as well since i'm planning some content that won't work well if y'all are just running around the map
One vip/icon visited the citystate about 20 years ago, being from a famous wizard family carrying the unique title of Warlock Engineer as its latest successor inspired a new boom of "warlock engineer adventures" books, that had been out of print (about her ancestors very very very loosely) during her visit however, some other kind of warlock engineer "adventures" also got into print and through misfortunate events, somehow one copy o Warlock Engineer Adventures: the Tentacle Terror of Depths ended up in her hands
she was never heard of again, but mysteriously all publishing companies, bookstores and authors of any warlock engineer series were found immolated
my friend's cultist lacked a decent background, so I just turned this old finnish song about a lonely fisherman sharing his loneliness with a seal that got parodied into a lonely cultistman sacrificing the seal and summoning cthulhu and got eaten by students into basically his background, but with him being this cultists apprentice
though in this case the cultist got eaten by iku-turso, the parent of all the local seals, a great and ancient beast, but not actually the Great Ancient one
and this whole seal thing is common knowledge, but the hermit for some reason didn't know it so this background npc guy has a wide circulated fame for being a fucking moron despite ofc making big bucks for hunting seals
my friend just looked at it and went "damn, i will modify this, but nice"
but it does make my job easier and theirs too, since I don't have to write so much stuff for them to use and we can just meet halfway with them giving me a basic layout and me building from it
I am more interested in what kinad people would live in the giant what 30 kilometre mountain?
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i used a map based off that one when i was writing my western-themed story and original tabletop system that i never finished and had the mountain populated by cannibal midgets
>>842086 well it will give me more time to be a good gm learn some storytelling tricks to actually tell the grand story and it can then be more detached from the original storyline, since it was never part of it really
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah that sounds good
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
no better way to learn than to do
also I discovered you CAN have players on different maps fufhufhfuhuf now I can actually do proper mindfuck moments
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
can you have both visible at once though? i think you can only show players one map at once
with gm no the players will see the map they are on
so you could have players in a house while the others wait outside
now the question is if you could as gm view all of the stuff at once I kinda had an idea about all players being in their own maps, but thinking they are actually still on the same map during a mindfuck fight
some day i want to run a game with a split party where both parties eventually have to fight each other
i mean if you have 2computers you could easily do it log in as game owner with one account and log in as player gm with another and then it is just switching between stuff
you could prolly do that with say log in on ff, log in on chrome too
cause I had this random bath thought earlier that now resurfarced, that what if you had an entire biome in the sewers, that was responsible for cleaning the water plants to eat the filth etc animals to eat the plants so they don't go out of control and crocodiles to prey on the animals so they don't eat all the plants
>>842130 btw i will play the minecraft just prolly not untill next week
pressed a button and I imported a lot of premade tokens for monsters and shit for a preplanned campaign set up kinda interesting idea to just have some monsters here that you can quickly toss, with their data in the sheet
I'm spoiling this since people complained about the weird reddit stuff I link. https://old.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/gna5ph/fetish_pornography_involving_racist_and/
>>842142 This one is funny and no one was physically harmed. Well, no people immediately i n the story. It's about a gift for a kid being shipped with porn inatead of newspapers to keep the toy from being damaged.
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>842139 yeah i used stuff like this in that dungeon where tilde started indiscriminately killing people
>>842134 should be done it's next to the dirt hut the portal to the twilight forest is, under the giant sakura tree
>>842144 those are from analready present pathfinder thing these ones you need to import and annoyingly, they don't go into your library you have to keep the tokens on the journal to keep them
i skimmed the image yea idk it sounds like this guy is obssessed
>>842158 They got rid of the stuff and repeatedly asked the kid to stop talking about it and stop saying racist comments to his asian classmate and every time they talk the
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i read that part duh it aounds like this guy just wants to concern troll
>>>/@canisalexander/1262747847503474688 this guy killed a serial child rapist and then turned himself in what do you think /moe/ right or wrong? the guy was pretty much getting away with it it seems
>>842166 What about it? I'm hesitant to call it a good thing but in our prison system plenty of people kill other inmates for worse reasons.
>>842164 On a fundamental level I don't think killing should be the answer to a problem like this, so at least in that aspect, I think he was in the wrong to do so. I'm not going to say he was wrong because he chose to be a vigilante to -for the problem, I get that in far too many parts o f the world the law doesn't work like it ideally should. But I will say he was wrong because he chose killing as the answer.
In kind of a similar well shit phone in a similar sort of thought I would say to kill in general is wrong but he did get rid of something I would argue is worse so I dont know if I could personally fault him for it
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's quite the dilemma
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
idk he should go to jail for a little bit can't just be like "hell yea it's a vigilante free for all" or you set a bad example for less morally sound crazies to go around witch hunting