hey im still managing some stuff i might swing by in a little while
Arte Gleipnir Hamefura Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 20-21 Kaguya-sama Nami yo Kiitekure Plunderer Shokugeki no Souma Episode 1-2 To aru Kagaku no Railgun Yesterday wo Utatte
Also on a point of logistics, there are ten shows running this season on the list there. We'll be getting two more tomorrow and then nothing until Wednesday. Which makes out for twelve shows between tonight, Monday, and Tuesday. Unless you want to do something different like one of the movies on one of those days it might be prudent to split the twelve shows evenly between the three nights.
Yeah. Either way unless stuff starts up next week (which I have seen zero news indicating it will), we'll be running pretty short on shows then. At least we got a Railgun episode this week that show seems to miss ever other week almost.
Glip glap glep glop There really isn't a way to make that syllable sound nice.
Would be funny if her onee-chan was a pretty normal person until she caught sight of the MC and went full yandere for him which made her become a monster of a person. I get the feeling she was always a bit off her rocker though.
Well if the boy that is holding on to her wallet isn't with onee-chan anymore then maybe the MC can avoid bumping into her.
The MC might've held the gun but Clair was the one that pulled the trigger. I guess he is guilty a bit but not to the degree he's making himself out to be.
I'm still completely disgusted he let someone else inside of him.
I'd say it's not like they had that kind of relationship but they did pretty much establish a suicide pact in like the first one or two episodes. He is being kind of senseless about the way things are between them two.
Well that went south fast.
Why are so many of these transformed people trigger-happy psychopaths. The kid got called a kid once and immediately snapped. The onee-chan is a hardcore yandere.
That one kinda cool guy who is battle-crazy is like the most normal aside from the MC.
Honestly Clair and her onee-san are kind of similar. She's just a more wholesome kind of crazy. Usually.
Ah well this is right horrific.
Oh it's actually less scary now that they finished whatever was going on.
nOT ONLY DID HER LET HER IN oh caps Not only did her let her in, he became one person with her. So disloyal!
In fairness I'm pretty sure this is not quite a voluntary reaction on either of their parts. It probably only happened because they were half a step from death.
I wonder if this is what the onee-chan wanted to do with him though.
Huh, interesting. So there's something in Shuuichi's memory he's blocking out concerning the onee-chan.
Well she already saw earlier. That voyeur guy with the camera for a head filmed the other girl going into his body. I guess we'll see if there's a reckoning for this next episode.
I'm a bit confused as to why she's fine though. Like I can get their mangled parts combining together to form the joint monster. And we've already seen he can survive being thoroughly trashed as long as he keeps in the costume form. But now they're both back in healthy form? It's a bit weird.
>>841373 I'm guessing there's going to be something weird about her too.
So far they haven't altered anything about the past by travelling back to it. Maybe this is all just a stable time loop and the people it was meant to change was the rest of the main cast, not Licht.
I guess that explains the dumb alliterative name of the Waste War. It's still dumb but at least it makes sense.
Now he's got the greaves he'll wear all the way into the future.I guess as time goes on he'll assemble bit by bit the outfit he wears in the future.
Wait how is HE still alive. Their black-haired sensei. He took like a giant shard of glass to the forehead.
I wonder what manages to reset Licht back to a semblance of his normal self. He was a good bit more like that by the time the show started three hundred years from here.
Also something happens with the blonde-haired monocle guy-
Wow he just entirely removed her arm there. Guess that's why she's got the Yeah. That arm thing we see her with in the future. I thought it was just a piece of equipment though.
But yeah that monocle guy still seems much kinder in the past than he seemed to be in the show's present day. He seemed more like the scientist lady is now in their present time.
Oh wait hah hah hah Is the "Abyss" we've heard about just Yup they're not beating around the bush about it. It's just the desolate world left on the Earth's surface. Honestly it sounds pretty abyssal if all the resources have been pillaged though.
Poor Nana I guess. Looks like he cheered up just in time to meet the heroine again.
The highschool arc was kind of weird but this whole timeskip bit is pretty weird too. I like what they're doing, having it kind of be a video log of Nana's is neat. It's a bit weird though.
just the one though, sorry it's euplocephalus night these phylogenetics aren't going to study themselves
>>841392 We should be ready for it in four or so minutes.
After the force of spirit she showed as she was returning to the present I'm a bit disappointed she was a bit more hesitant there. But I guess regardless of the circumstances propositioning someone is always gonna be a bit nerve-wracking.
Geez that's a lot of food. I guess this is revenge for the scare his ex gave her last episode.
>Two beers Isn't she Yeah. Drinking age is twenty in Japan hah hah
Man a CRT monitor. Like it's accurate for the time period of this series but there's a distinct aged feel to them for me.
lots of people still use them for the reduced lag
this guy really isn't being fair at all
>How can you be so insensitive Howabout you don't chase after someone who doesn't want it you little brat.
>We had a fight Oh okay yeah she corrected it ... kinda. That's not the kind of anger she really needs to take responsibility for.
well he unfairly blamed her and it's easy to absorb that kinda stuff
Look at these cute girls that are probably around his age. Sensei's made it clear she's not interested in him, he could try fishing around other ponds.
The conbini job is really his only reliable link with Haru though. Though maybe he finally got around to exchanging numbers with her. i can see why he wouldn't want to quit it.
it's a weird feeling when they frame all this stuff in such a casual way
hiring a photographer for a wedding feels weird to me too
i'd feel so overwhelmed having all those photo albums leashed to me years down the line
I'm not fond of being in pictures so I guess I can understand on a somewhat parallel level. But I think for a lot of people those photo albums are important memories.
Come on dweeb stay on task when you're on the job.
Personally I'm rooting for Haru but come on man that's right cowardly.
Yeah he really looks a lot taller all of a sudden hah hah Oh I guess she's seeing a bit of his brother in him all of a sudden.
Yeah I haven't been able to rationalize it. Like in pretty much any other circumstance besides just letting it heal over, a stub or other subtle pierce would be far better.
he's way too grabby don't just go grabbing people so freely it's really stressful
What's worse though? Grabbing someone freely or just outright embracing them?
i really envy the residential design in japan you don't really run into anyone here and it's difficult to engage with people it's built to keep people apart
Yeah, same. I wish it was found more often elsewhere.
Man don't just crunch ice. It'll damage your teeth.
I feel like this sort of thing happens often the people trying for the council are kinda unsuited for it
She just needs to work on her self-confidence. I mean also not be such a total stick in the mud that demands shaved heads and no social interaction between sexes. But she's a strong character that's just been brow-beaten because of her inflexibility.
For me at least that's a strong charm point.
Too bad they have to pretend to be total strangers at school.
Plus human beans are pretty adaptable. She might be unsuitable for council work but some actual practice at it might trim her into shape.
Ishigami does treasury work and Kaguya is the vice president. But Chika doesn't really seem to do anything as the secretary hah hah
They really got the perfect seiyuu for Kaguya though. She nails all her personalities so well.
These two really do everything but explicitly tell each other they're completely in love with each other.
Yeah, the double tsundere has been less tsun a lot less tsun lately
I wonder if they could get all the way to the cultural festival in this season. I would expect them to conclude a bit earlier in the year unless they really want to cram things in. Plus there's a pretty cathartic wrap-up point earlier anyway. Then they can get season three greenlit so they can get to the culture festivaaaallll