>>840673 You definitely already have me on Steam. I don't want to mention the profile name here though. I'll message you tomorrow morning. Unless you just wanted to have it because you forget we were friends already.
>Lose second-to-last hand in Mahjong by giving up the last discard of the game into someone else's hand >"Okay I can still take first if I can get a really strong final hand and either Tsumo or Ron off the first place" >Start the hand with three Dora tiles and two already-made melds >Ron off the first place I'm still kind of surprised it all fell into place there.
I want to know what happens in Little Busters but I don't want to be sad but I don't want to just look up spoilers. I can't imagine this song having any more emotional weight on me. >>840815 This is the time that I'm usually at work. So no. Sleeping now would be nonsense.
is it that standard/commander thing >>840819 I didn't want to draw the hat but I needed something in the hair I want to do a similar thing for Kokoro day. I was thinking a ...shit i keep forgetting the name of this flower
>>840821 Yes, although it covers more than that. https://archive.li/3F9sh
Also I'm super salty about not being able to get booster boxes of mystery boosters for msrp
Hydrangea though the more I look at it, the more i'm like j, hm fuck
Hydrangea would look really good Get a pink and blue one It looks like it might be hard to draw with all the little individual flowers though Oh you know what else would look good A Leilani
>>840823 Make sure to draw a snail on the hydrangea It's a really common thing in manga because tgey bloom in the rainy season A frog would be nice but its not as important as a snail.
hydrangeas are lots of big splotches and thin lines for the leaves depending on facing
>>840824 those are cute but I want one that contrasts with the hair pink on pink isn't gonna work the way I'd want it to look That's why I'm thinking more on the purple/blue side for the hydrangea
>>840822 magic is money and money is magic I think I still want hydrangeas. as awful as it might be to try and draw
>>840832 I went to chop the wood and missed and hit the toe
>>840833 I'm thinking about dropping $600~ on three booster boxes. I don't exactly need my trump bux and I have a passive income now that I'm mostly saving.
>>840838 haha nice one Rei you got the whole squad laughing
>>840833 Have you read this? It's actually not particularly lewd and very wholesome. https://mangadex.org/title/21423/yuuutsu-kun-to-succubus-san >>840839 Thanks, I couldn't have done it without you.
tomorrow they had to put it off for today I think they're going to go in there and clean all the stuff up not quite sure what else they need to do apparently it's a compound fracture
imas collab in gbf with kaede but not fully voiced ):
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
damn you covid
oh it was the reverse huh too bad ill never play gbf
Good choice
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yeah golf suxx wait
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>840879 compound is quite nasty damm i broke my leg skiing when i was a child but it was not compound at least so i wasnt too traumatized still broke in two places tjo
>>840898 >>840896 ty >>840897 i'm hoping to make it just a little bit longer somehow but i'm not sure how to go about it the song structure is hard to just modify like that i want to make more of a transition from the chorus to the bridge instead of just a drum fill i'm finding that melodies and harmonies come really easily for me and rhythms aren't too hard but song structure is kind of difficult and i blame people less for following basic ones now
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
are they giving you anything for the pain?
>>840899 how bad is it? are you admitted for the day or do you have to do stuff
they gave me endone a while ago >>840902 idk I'm not good at describing pain it seems a at first it was a dull sort of pain probably numbed but now it's aching quite a bit
Kirara 🍄 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
where is it on a scale 1 to 10 with 10 worst pain you've ever felt?
>>840904 i had a doc ask me this and i said 10 then he got mad at me and said i was exaggerating it's such a weird system >>840903 maybe there's some nerve damage keeping the sharp pain from registering and just leaving the dull aches and pathological pains easier said than done but if you can focus on something else it helps
some guilt-free youtube binge watching with oxy could be cozy
>>840904 maybe like 4 or 5 >>840905 yeah, I'm wondering if it's nerve damage I think I'll see if I can grab something else and then sleep >>840893 I like the direction you took with this
this ridiculous deposit i had to pay on this apt was supposed to be my savings to go see a doctor covid's fuckin me so bad my doctor probably retired in the middle of this shit anyway i would if i were her
>>840929 by the time im able to save up the money in this economy i might be im not getting much work at all and im gettin gouged hard by this complex
they tried to make me get THEIR renter's insurance for 20/month i bought a better policy for 8/month which also gave me a discount on other policies then the complex refused to give me the keys until i bought into their policy which is actually factually illegal but what can i do about it eh, i can't fight that battle
not that 20 bucks is gouging but it's the kinda shit these people are up to the lady in charge seems like she's having a constant panic attack and a disheveled mess not that im any better in that sense
im getting better with phone stuff though just by virtue of trying to control the damage my mom does when she tries to handle anything she escalates everything so fast and can't control her emotions
it's a lot easier for me to step in and de-escalate situations when they're already out of control but i can't initiate the interactions so well. peculiar
covid will wipe out humanity before that fuckign game is finished LMAO
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i dont really know much about it other than that there's some autist developer that everyone likes to bully
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>840948 great portrait except i think she doesnt have a normal torso but is a giant flesh blob from the neck down with the faintest suggestion of a clavicle
>>840949 He's a scammer He's never gonna finish the game and he's been in over his head for years He's also a huge hypocrite and gets rid of any criticism of him on any sort of official yandere dev site
>I can't stop thinking about ____ these feels like a really lazy and saturated form of retweeting to me i dont really understand tweetville
It's also kind of a swap in for someone saying "I'm just really fascinated by X right now".
>X just did Y and I am SCREAMING
>check out this image that has the WHOLE INTERNET in a FRENZY this is a little higher up on the spectrum but they're all kinda the same effect
i still can't believe people make articles off forum posts and image boards and get paid for it i guess i could go do it but i'd feel myself dying inside like when i did article rewrites when i was 15 on the digitalpoint marketplace
at least people genuinely need transcripts for something rewrites to artificially inflate backlinks for spammy SEO stuff is scummy $cummy
>>841081 wait did the first guy really change his profile to say he created a face mask controversy less than an hour after his "trigger da libs!!!" tweet? even though literally everyone responding is saying it's good that more people wear masks regardless of what is printed on it?
They're playing Runescape in 2020. I already know their taste is appalling.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Oh we got a couple Boku no Pico memes going
ooh, high class thought you said they had bad taste
>>841081 Damn I wish I thought of this idea I'd be rich
The local pizza chain has started offering "tamper-proof" pizza boxes. Whatever that means. Slightly neater is they also offer contact-less delivery and pick-up.
finally KK Slider has deemed the island worthy of his presence
Omedetou Now you can embrace the MUSIC
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>841064 mr weather forecaster i need ANSWERS about LIFE
Bloody fireworks The May Two-Four isn't even until next weekend isn't it. Oh no it's this Monday. The fuck it's like a week early.
But they're spooking my cat and that makes me annoyed.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
>>841097 thanks i don't even have all the houses built yet
Yeah you don't need to have all the houses, just enough. The sufficient score also comes from tidying your island up and decorating it.
Decorating was the rough part for me since I didn't want to set anything too complex up before I got terraforming and would be tearing it all down anyway.
Samu /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
yea i haven't decorated w any kind of theme or format more like YOU GET A TIRE STACK YOU GET A DOGHOUSE
>>841129 i fucking would. i love her more than anything. >>841128 i just want to scream about it and she's kind of tired of being embarrassed by what I tell her
If you're both working you could probably do that easily enough. I guess the current situation might make that a bit more difficult. Moving in a pandemic sounds like a dreadful prospect.
>>841137 unfortunately i cannot renew my license and be legal to drive until they fucking open the God Damn DMV my current license isn't even fucking valid
Yeah that's definitely something made worse by the shutdown. I guess at least it's a good chance to make plans and figure stuff out. So that once everything opens up again you're set.
would rec it or the novel it is based on i would say watch the movie first and if you liked it then read the book helps visualising the events when you have seen the movie as it is with many works
ive been struggling with this koan for like three months so sensei finally was like "answer this for me instead. this is probably the hardest question i can ask you. who are you?" i know it's connected to the koan im struggling with but aaaaah i just gotta let go but without letting go
Kyogen said: `Zen is like a man hanging in a tree by his teeth over a precipice. His hands grasp no branch, his feet rest on no limb, and under the three another person asks him: `Why does Bodhidharma come to China from India?' `If the man in tree does not answer, he fails; and if he does answer, he falls and loses his life. Now what shall he do?'
>>841209 right. every koan has a completely unique answer for every person who studies them.
Yeah, I remember you talking about having difficulties with it. I'm too grounded in boring reality for koans so far in my life hah hah
I made some progress with the koan last week and realized why this one is so hard for me. I've finally become the man in the tree, so that's progress even though it's driving me crazy.
Mumon's verse for that koan is Kyogen is truly a fool Spreading that ego-killing poison That closes his pupils' mouths And lets their tears stream from their dead eyes.
Mumon's Comment: In such a predicament the most talented eloquence is no use. If you have memorized all the sutras, you cannot use them. When you can give the right answer, even though your past road was one of death, you open up a new road of life. But if you cannot answer, you should ages hence and the future Buddha, Maitreya.
>>841211 Koans are the reality of your life. They're there to challenge you into making realizations about your life. I'm getting too stuck in reality, too, though.
>>841210 I wonder if I'm making light of this koan. Or if it's just something that I feel comfortable with It's the sort of thing that really hits at the wall of my constant predicaments.
>>841212 See I don't understand where the realization is supposed to come from. All I see is a problem presented with a fairly clear choice. The koan in question, and honestly the others I can remember you bringing up, generally fall into that frame for me. When I say I'm too grounded in reality that's kind of what I mean. I only see the physical problem that needs resolving and nothing of the personal realization.
>>841214 You can look at it as a metaphor, though. You don't have to see it so concretely. When you first start a koan, the natural thing to do is try to solve it with logic, but a koan is designed to completely exhaust your logical abilities and force you to go deeper with it. I think you'd have the same kinds of struggles I do with them, though. I'm always trying to derive an answer from something when I need to get it from nothing. I'm stuck on this koan because I can't stop grasping at something.
>>841215 There's no value in losing my life over a test. Failure is something that I can continue to learn from. What would a person even gain from opening their mouth to answer? While I don't understand the importance of that question, perhaps it's just something simple that any other monk or practicioner would easily be able to answer, unless death can solve all of my life's problems, I'm keeping my mouth shut. I can live with a failure
I don't see how my logical abilities can get exhausted. Maybe I don't understand the terms of failure because the man might fail if he keeps clinging to the tree. But failing at times is a part of life, and if you keep living maybe you can make amends later on. If not, well, you can't succeed at everything. I think I've made this clear in the past but I'm generally of the opinion that giving up your life for any cause isn't really worth it.
oh, so it's not about whether you answer the question of what he should do or not, but the predicament itself is a part of zen hmm
Then it's a futile exercise because I don't understand where this metaphor can be transposed. Like I said before, I see the problem as outlined, and I look for the solution. I don't understand how it's supposed to be anything else.
I couldn't see it either until I started really working on the koan. At first I thought it just seemed silly - why can't the man reach with his arms if he's hanging by his teeth? But the more I failed to answer the koan, the closer I became to becoming that man. And by asking me "who are you?" i have completely become that man hanging from the tree. But I don't have my answer yet so I'm still stuck in that tree!
>>841219 You're not supposed to answer what the man should do, you're supposed to do what the man should do! Because the man is you! The question of why Bodhidharma came to the west is asked in a lot of koans. It's not really the question you answer in the koan, but by doing the koan, you get an answer to that question.
For this koan, Mumon's comment is helpful: Mumon's Comment: In such a predicament the most talented eloquence is no use. If you have memorized all the sutras, you cannot use them. When you can give the right answer, even though your past road was one of death, you open up a new road of life. But if you cannot answer, you should ages hence and the future Buddha, Maitreya.
It helps show that it's not to be taken literally. You have to answer to fulfill your duty, but if you answer, you've already died. Failure and falling are both bad ends.
I don't agree, I don't see how the comment shows that it's not to be taken literally. And it doesn't persuade me that failure is a bad end.
>>841224 Yeah, like I said at the top of this. These kinds of things just don't work for me. Maybe in the future I'll have a comearound but it doesn't persuade me. Which I know is still the language of logic but I mean that wholly. It's always just a series of what feel to me nonsensical or abstract responses to a relatively straightforward situation. There's no connection.
i'm not really looking for a secret. I'm just kinda curious about them. I didn't understand that last sentence. > But if you cannot answer, you should ages hence and the future Buddha, Maitreya. Is it saying you should find your answer before Maitreya comes? ...because when I look that name up, that's a lot of time
It's basically saying that if you can't answer, you won't have any chance at progressing no matter how long you wait.
The purpose of a koan is to realize the teaching of that koan. Each koan teaches something and simultaneously beats the shit out of you until you can answer it.
Yeah, there's no way but to answer then. as a side note, this quick google search has led me to a list of people who have claimed to be Maitreya >L. Ron Hubbard
Id say this kind of thing is beyond me to but I figure it’s important to note that this isnt Kirara’s first rodeo, so he’s probably got a better grasp on the approach than those of us who are completely confused
But im half awake and nearly dozing off at work so I’m not ij the best mental state either
>>841230 It's not like we can give Kirara an answer. Everyone's answer belongs to them and them alone. So our answers to the koan would be different anyway.
>>841240 >google name >click on a youtube video >click on a spot in the timeline close to the beginning to get past the intro card "We have to stay woke" Did I really REALLY just do this to myself?
She sounds cool. It's just really funny how that's the first line I hear from her. Like not even cut in the middle of the sentence. it's that whole line. ohh, she's in NYC
I've been learning all kinds of strange things thanks to the waifu discord gacha
like how M da S tarou is the artist for some basic LN. I think it's an isekai too
A lot of questionable doujinshi artists get manga and LN illustration gigs these days.
I was just wondering what it was because hentai is disabled on this server and I was like "he has a non-H series, hook me up, but he's just the artist. someone else is writing it. When I looked it up on someone website the ranking system is a 1 - 5 and the amount of 1s were almost the same as the amount of 5s. So it's definitely a love it or hate it kind of series
i read the manga for maybe 20-30 chapters and then just didn't read it anymore wasn't bad but didn't hold my interest to read every chapter or go for a mass read
>>841314 The manga is good, I used to read it. I like that mangaka a lot.
>>841316 I think it stopped updating for a bit and then I just didn't puck *pick it up when it got started again. It's entirely possible I have a ttab of it open.
>>841314 It's been a fun enough watch. Like the aesthetic details are really fucking weird but setting those aside it's got a bit of an interesting battle shounen mixed with investigative thriller. The two lead characters have a fun dynamic and despite the aesthetics they do make for some cool fight moments.
>"jackdaw, small sort of crow," early 15c., daue, perhaps from an unrecorded Old English *dawe, from Proto-Germanic *dakhwo (source also of Old High German taha, German Dohle), perhaps imitative of bird's cry. Medieval Latin tacula, Italian taccola are said to be Germanic loan words.
The fridge we've got is really showing its age. I mean in fairness it's probably a really old fridge; it was in this house when we moved in like twenty years back and never been replaced, and who knows how long it was here before we moved in. But the compressor has been in its death rattles for like a year now, every few hours it gives this rackety shudder you can hear all through the house, and recently the freezer compartment door hasn't really been closing all too well. It wasn't a magnet-shut door to begin with but always sealed pretty hermetically as long as you gave it the tiniest push. Doesn't seem to be doing that very well recently and while we don't keep anything too spoil-prone in it, for stuff like ice cream it does suck a bit, since it's a bit softer than a nice solid chilled ice cream ought to be.
>>841349 wasting you prolly a few bucks on electricity bill too
I wouldn't be surprised if the hunkajunk is close to three decades old yeah it's definitely not even up to date on economical power standards, let alone what it wastes by being and old piece of shit.
I think my power bill went like 3-5€ down, so around1-2€ per month when my fridge got replaced
>>841386 Playing it, but I found the online mode to be very complex; was it made by indians? what a pain. I didn't enjoy none of the online jobs so far yet neither, except the ghost car race which explodes when you drive slow, but I wasn't able to find it again when I tried.
...i lost a lot of money on Friday but... I think it's going to reverse today. Here's to hoping. Also, I think I have stumbled upon one of the flaws in how I've been doing things. It's charts and graphs time.
>>841473 yeah, I kinda... bought on the bad end and took a nap yesterday. err Friday so I did a fake strangle to hopefully cover my mistakes. From what futures were telling me, the side I bought after I dipped is going to go up possibly by a lot. However, this whole dance around the options market made me realize that I've been doing strangle purchases at the wrong time. I think I might know how to get it right now. ...it just would have been nice to figure this out BEFORE losing XXXX dollars
...from what I'm looking at, I think I might be onto something. Yeah, wow, I was a dummy. I've been buying my strangles at closing time. And whenever I looked at them I thought Why is it that strangles are always pointing downward? They don't seem to win throughout the day. But that's because I'm buying them at the wrong time. By the end of the day, the strangle pair with matching prices would have vastly different growth rates The winning end would have gained about 50% while the losing end is down by 70%. When you look at it, if you were to buy them at the start of the day, you'd have lost money gradually. But that's not something you'd do at the start of the day because the prices would have been wildly different. if both prices landed at $1 at the end of the day, that means the winning end was about 66 cents and the losing end was about... 3 dollars You'd have to have bought 5 times at much of the winning end than the losing to match the price. in which case, you'd have an upward facing graph! (but that sort of planning is dangerous, because if the 66 cent side was the failing side, you would lose money at a far faster rate lol) the best time to buy a strangle is "when the market is stable but you expect it to move a lot" Which in the case of the current financial climate is simultaneously always and never because shit aint stable. But in the case of the day, that's right before "momentum time"
but i did it. I figured it out. I'm a genius. honestly, I should have known this from weeks ago based on what my parents told me but they don't actually explain things well. ughhh I've been buying on one side during the day and then doing strangles at the end when I really should have been doing the opposite. this will change a lot of things. probably for the better I just have to figure out the best wait OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
I have an explanation, but u might not like it. I know my brother didn't.
Whatever u're doing works like Poker from what I've heard to this point. In poker it doesn't matter how good you are. There's always a chance you might get a big loss.
even if you have a royal flush(the highest rank card) you can still loose.
Oh, I know. Although, I wouldn't really compare it to any other kind of gambling game. other than roulette. You bet on red or black or both And you can still lose if you choose both! (welcome to the past few days) >>841482 yeah, I've been feeling through my techniques on this and I've learned a lot of things. I want my money back from yesterday though