Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion ID INVADED Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!!
--Fall 2019 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 25-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8
Three new things. Boku no Tonari I think is a high school comedy series with what the title calls a Destructive God being the MC's seat neighbour in class. Kyokou Suiri is an adaptation of a new series written by the author of Zetsuen no Tempest. I never watched it myself but I think you and Ika liked it? Pretty sure Ika did at least. Nanabun no Jijyuuni is an aidoru anime.
Oh yeah Railgun whoops. Magia's on the list though.
Oh I forgot what looks like Friday's shows entirely. One moment.
Okay revised with everything I missed.
Boku no Hero Academia Boku no Tonari ni Ankoku Hakaishin ga Imasu Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion ID INVADED Kabukicho Sherlock Koisuru Asteroid Kyokou Suiri Magia Record Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!! To aru Kagaku no Railgun T
--Fall 2019 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 25-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8
I'm not seeing Moon around at the moment, might be busy, not sure. We can probably start with something new in the first slot and then move on to episode twos of things after that.
He's stuck in a jail cell I'm pretty sure he's still living a hard life.
This kid seems to have a few screws loose. I mean she did try to drill a hole through her own head so she probably had a few marbles loose before in the first place.
Yeah, poor Kaeru. I thought his wife would look more like her but from what we saw in the flashback dream she's pretty different. Though Kaeru seems to operate as a kind of mental trigger for Sakaido in these virtual environments.
I'm really not a fan of the Murdering Because Nihilism belief. That's not a criticism levelled at this series but this guy who believes it is pretty awful for adhering to it.
>>792726 That would be pretty neat, yeah. When I was in high school my dad worked somewhere that had a large, theatre-y conference room that employees could borrow for after-hours private organizations. Every few months I was able to get it for my school's anime club and we'd watch a few movies in it. It was nice.
i'll set it up sometime and take a picture too tired tonight ready [\\//] [//\\]
Some times people in this series do have straight-up villain powers. Like there's not many situations someone with a power to drain others' life force could use it morally for good.
i like that it just says "quirk: frog" though i guess it's explanatory enough
Yeah, Tsuyu's power is pretty straightforward hah hah. She gets some pretty good power advancement though that still creatively falls under "Being a frog".
I guess this is where deku changes the future soon
>>792736 She's been really psychologically abused by Chisaki though. It's a lot of work some times to rescue someone from the hole they're stuck in because of shit like that.
I guess this is a good chance to see what Deku would be like if he could control one for all
What I wonder is if even All Might doesn't use One For All at full power. Like he's got a stronger body than Deku so he can utlize it better. But that still doesn't necessarily mean he can use it full throttle.
>When you're so absolutely sociopathic even a Yakuza mob boss finds your plans horrific
i dont have railgun i downloaded what you had in the post
Can you get it quickly? We could even run Darwin's Game or Boku no Tonari while you get it and do Railgun afterwards.
okay let's do one of those while i get it
>>792764 Boku no Tonari or Darwin's while Moon gets Railgun, Rika?
>>792763 i mean literally you just have to move the .ass file on top of the video player and it loads them dunno why we need that but it's ok i'll try to be patient
i wonder how common chuuni kids like that are in japan where they just blatantly make stuff up and seriously say it to people in middle/high school
Hah hah Animal Crossing.
>>792783 Chuunibyou literally translated is, well mostly literally translated, is "Middle School Sickness" so I'd imagine it was common enough to become an actual term. I have my doubts its actually a common thing into high school though, but I bet a lot of kids do fall back on it to cope with life stress.
it's one thing to have your own personal fantasy space but i mean like this guy or yamamoto actually projecting it out socially to others
i wonder what i'd do if i had a kid like that id probably think it was kinda cute
Well I could see the middle school kids doing it as a kind of acting out to get attention or be goofballs. Kids that age can be real hectic and kinda weird like that. It's the ones still acting it out in the real world in high school that I'd think have a real problem going on.
ready for railgun we're not doing darwin's game tonight then? yeah next is koisuru okay
Yeah we figured we tap out Boku no or Darwin's for Railgun. Koisuru's the good kinda comfy show to close the night out on.
Aw that's cute. I thought she was just gonna juice its battery with her electricity but that was much nicer.
The sports testival arc was real FUN int -in the manga. I think some of it got covered from Touma's perspective in Index II but there's some good stuff on this side too.
am i missing a lot from not seeing season 2? yes mmmm okay im a little worried about spoiling anything that's worth going back to but i guess it's fine
Of Railgun? I donnn't think so. I think the first half covered the Sisters arc from Index from Misaka's perspective and then the second half was an original story? Maybe? Either way if this is covering the sports festival you probably won't need the stuff they covered in the second season.
The translation of Onee-sama to Sissy is consistently one of the most annoying things about this series to me hah hah. It works but man just the word alone looks annoying to me.
yeah well i guess i won't be going back to watch it now then...
The mind control Level Five is pretty scary. If not for the sheer monstrosity of some of the other Level Fives she'd probably be higher up.
Oh yeah we're still quite far behind the Index timeline though. Frenda isn't dead yet.
Kakine is such a total brat though.
I think even in all the Raildex series there's still one of the Level Fives whose identity is still a mystery. Accelerator, Kakine, Laserlady, Mind Control, Misaka, One we'll be seeing soon I bet. Yeah I can't think of the last one.
Geez dude it's not about the size of your flag it's how you use it.
Uiharu's got some pretty good GUTS.
Best Boy has finally arrived
Guess it wouldn't be an episode one to a Railgun season without a proper railgun.
The first ep is always the "mikoto blasts someone away" ep
Oh that doctor with the big skin spot on his head. He always seems to be at the centre of Misaka's problems. I think he was heading the original Sisters Project.
That's neat. I've never known what all the little bits attached to the telescope were for before.
>>792817 Well they're still pretty early in the school year, so it would probably be spring?
I've noticed a weird surge in astrology being popular amongst people again lately. I'm sure there's people mixed in there that were always big on it but there's no way the bulk of people I see talking about it and getting astrology books have been into it for a long time.
>>792818 I guess that makes sense. They're wearing jackets though so it's cool
Yeah, definitely spring or autumn. They might've jumped straight to autumn but I can't imagine they'd skip over summer for a show about stargazing. Summer's a great time to watch the night sky.
Yeah, they wouldn't skip summer for a stargazing show no way
Well that's important advice her onee-san is giving her. If your writing doesn't really have much of you in it, it tends to come off real dry. Though I guess if you're a dry person to begin with you're out of luck.
An edutainment manga about stargazing would be cute.
Aw I liked that messy way she tied her hair up. That was cute. I guess it's no good for an otome's pride though.