oh yeah >In 2007,[15] 23-year-old Daniel Jones founded The Church of Jediism with his brother Barney, believing that the 2001 UK census recognised Jediism as a religion, and that there were "more Jedi than Scientologists in Britain".[11] In 2009, Jones was removed from a Tesco supermarket in Bangor, North Wales, for refusing to remove his hood on a religious basis. The owner justified Jones's ejection by saying, "He hasn't been banned. Jedis are very welcome to shop in our stores although we would ask them to remove their hoods. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda and Luke Skywalker all appeared hoodless without ever going over to the Dark Side and we are only aware of the Emperor as one who never removed his hood. this tesco manager is fucking solid gold
huh google maps says the jedi temple in beaumont is permanently closed is google trying to silence the force i knew they walked the path of the dark side
I think that is true I recall reading that it closed for some tax or bureuaucracy reasons
>Patrick Day-Childs of The Church of Jediism, and Rev Michael Kitchen of Temple of the Jedi Order, both defended the right of Jedi to perform marriage ceremonies What the fuck does scotland have against Jedi
son yeah He was a gamer parody in a way, but in too cringe way I kinda know what they were going for with him, but they didn't go all the way to 11 to make him like lazzlo or someone else or well Trevor
and at the same time they left the valve at some point that just made him like "okay kidna funny, but meh"
Well Michael's family was all horrible people anyhow, which kinda was the point since he did parody also the rich hollow elite of california
BUt I think I in a way liked Michael most, especially whenever he and Franklin shared the screen >>793516 he was a crook, he wanted to stop being a crook, he couldn't, the only person who could help him, his psychiatrist, constantly kept fucking his progress his little religion side quest is damn amusing, cause it also parodies how people like michael end up joining weird cults like scientology
Trevor on the otherhand was a weird masterpiece of a character he basically was "the player the character" what he did of his own volition, was stuff that people do in gta games because they can
I felt really bad for michael he was a crook in a gated community You could really tell he hated his life so much
oh yeah since I did buy the game on steam I can finally play it whenever I want well once I upgrade my ssd compared to having to start the console and having huuuuge loading times
also online play dunno if I have any friends with gtv on stem
>>793521 how can you play gta5 without making a sandwich between loading screens though? you will be malnourished
2 metres from kitchen I can do it
we need to bring loading sandwich speedruns to AGDQ
you know what I'd watch GDQD games done quick drunk
Yeah what you talking about. Stouts like Guinness are practically MEANT to be eaten alongside some hearty meaty meal.
the beer that eats like a meal
Tell me I'm wrong about it then!
>A popular, authentic, Irish course featuring Guinness is the "Guinness and Steak Pie". The recipe includes many common Irish herbs, as well as beef brisket, cheeses, and a can of Guinness. Guinness themselves even canonize Guinness alongside brisket.
>>793547 guinness has a really neat thing with their draught cans it has a little ball that nitrogenizes the beer when you pop the tab or some shit guinness in a can is still damn good
Yeah every commercial distribution of Guinness I've seen has been in a can.
ah my brain went on a weird translation womble and I thought of like a big metal jug or a bucket not a can the most common way of serving any liquid refreshment around the world after bottles
>>793549 they've got guinness stout in bottles here as well as the draught cans
dried meat and wine go well together why do adventurers complain
>>793558 i think in german they say bierstein for some kind of mug similar so in english we stole the half of the german word that doesnt make sense and thats what we call it
>>793571 i like red wine with meat because the acidic wine kind of cleans the taste of the meat out of your mouth so the next bite is like the first bite again
>>793580 cheese and wine is a good combo too in turkey they have turkish coffee after meals like you do with wine i sometimes have it at the mediterranean place near me its real good
also how does that even work uzi is a close quarters urban warfare weapon like an even more inaccurate smg than usualy so what does the scope even help?
I think my step father has/had one he has one hunting rifle/shotgun >>793597 of this design anyhow a fun gun, since you can shoot bullets or pellets, depending on need
also god damnit I lvoe the husk gun in kf2 it is so fun
the firebug is so weird perk tho >your flamers are ghetto diy >and then you have a MICROWAVE GUN THAT MICROWAVES CLONES >A FUCKING FIREBALL THROWER >A FUCKING PLASMA RIFLE like wut can't you just devs give the class a PROPER FLAMETHROWER YOU KNOW NAPALM
>>793601 well it is in COD but you have to choose between either using slugs for mid-long range rifle action or shotgun it would be cool if you could switch ammunition type on the fly >>793603 firebug is memes
it can't kill saws or fleshpounds quick enough, and especially the latter 2 shot you >>793607 it is one of our lan game it has become decent, but I think it still lacks some fun guns
also it lacks a heavy weapons class we have it on kf1, I think modded, but anyhow do saws, rpks, chainguns even fucking pulse rifle from aliens
the class is almost OP, but the reload time is forever
We used to play on community map paradise mall, with 5 heavy gunners and 1 medic and then we kept command spawning like 50 fleshpouinds and 200 saws and killed them or wiped out depending on how badly our reloads stacked
the AI in that game is damn amusing tho it can be just there looking at you not shooting or it sees you and on purpose missess you but then occasionally, you get that AKM hero who kills like 3 dudes with one bullet from the otherside of the map from some good sniping spot
but man we sometimes go like full spec-ops mode on it with dedicated sniper point men so on I usually go point man, since I dislike using any magnifying scope >>793614 it just is damn medic dependent also medic is always elsewhere or dirnking beer
>>793609 my favorite kf1 class is and always will be BER ZER KER
>>793613 just say "medic i suck your dick follow me" and then MAKING FUCK BER ZER KER
another custom class we have is gunslinger similiar to the gunslinger in kf2, but with some funnier perks for example, as long as you aren't wearing armour and have 2 peestols you run at like 200% the speed, fire at 200% rate and reload like -500% he fires the dual m9s faster than a chaingun which is FUCKING hilarious
it is just 48 bullets GONE in an instant but the "you can't have more than 25% armour" is a big deal it works in some maps and sometimes it is just fun to mess around untill like lvl 5 also it is damn cheap class you get all the guns you need by lvl 2 >>793623 scrakes you can deal with easily they go down with bullets easily enough but fleshpounds nope
>>793617 sometimes i had my sister play medic as i was BERZERKER and it was glorious
i love chopping heads off
>>793617 firing 48 shots instantly is nothing if you get owned by 1 scrake tho
>>793624 nah that is when you call someone with an autoshotgun or something else berserk can tank a fleshpound on our difficulty which btw is also randomised, by a "hardcore value" that rolls random enemies stronger over time but I don't think even with 200 points of armour, that a berserk can reliably kill a fleshpound >>793626 join our lan parties
last lan, on new years' we only played a single map of kf2, tho it was a mod that lasts forever and progressively gets harder like at the lvl 90 or something we got to after 3 hours, you got like 5 patriarchs and 5 hanses on average per level
also it was completely custom, where you used money to buy perks and special skills also the skills you got were randomised, so someone might buy like 1 of firebug and get their best perk and gain near fire/sonic/poison/acid immunity while someone else might by all 6 levels of firebug and never get either the normal or epic version of that perk funny
oh yeah and we have a lottery rng in our kf1 too which can do per ever 9 kills like >restore ammo >half your health >get you goobed >spawn a mini-patriarch >kill you >kill good amount of the enemy >remove all hp and armour from everyone >remove all money from everyone >remove all ammo from everyone >give you money >give away your money to team mates >give you MORE money and so on it also originally had some mook spawns, like 4 clots around you, but those broke
anyhow I discovered a slight issue with husk gun when you play 3 hours with it
and it lacks A RAPID FIRE MODE and you need to hit it once for a slight shot or hold it for a charged shot
anyhow the rapid firing click click click click.... x200-500 times per round for 50 rounds my index finger hasn't been this sore since that one god game from newgrounds
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>793530 the Drunk gameplays from funhaus are pretty good
*that sore
Oh but I was able to fit the mouse in a magic bullet gif into a spray. Sprays are a really awesome feature.
btw husk gun doesn't even have an alt-fire mode that could easily be an autofire mode why devs why?
btw kf2 has gone a long way from when it came out when it came it was damn boring and the gunplay didn't feel that good but now it finally feels as good as kf1 >>793648 slepwell
all it had going on for was graphics at launch now it finally starts to feel like its own game and a worthy sequel tho I still prefer kf1 in the way that it is more brutal enemies die quicker, but so do you
though there was something fun going "haalp, I am training a 30 fleshpounds" in that bullshitm ode were doing and yes I had 30 fleshpounds behind me in a train >>793659 why not
I made an appointment for something in regards to my probation for after my second class tomorrow. Since at the time it seemed reasonable. But since it's the first class of the semester there's a pretty good chance I'll have to faff around for like an hour or more. I guess I'll bring my laptop and do work or write or even draw or Mahjing.
wait a tic how do you actually watch it it is a netflix thing
is not in finnflix atleast
Japanese Netflix releases their shows weekly I think. At least for shows like this that also air on television. So there's raws available, which means actual fansub groups can do their work.
i can't wait for netflix to start adding laugh tracks to anime to appease the western audience
was too blasted drunk to remember why I actually liked madoka the sheer weirdly pleasant aesthethic of the cities
I don't even know what to call it futurism? but it fuses post-modern (not realism, tho) into it has some utilitarianism style too but also mixes in some classical design
well ep1 is out, but there aren't any credible groups doing it dorohedoro that is
>>793738 all the subs out have some errors im considering just watching the raws so i can focus on the animation anyway but if something better drops tomorrow i'll go with that
>>793734 I always liked the combination of glass and greenery in Madoka cities
>how's your day been >eh, can't complain >and if you did no-one would listen the classic z inger
i wonder how much Q gets out of the netflix serialization hopefully it treats her well
>I wonder how it would taste to mix this brandy I am pouring into this glögi, if I poured it into this wine glass and mixed it with wine thought pk as he poured a half a shot of brandy into a half full glass of water there is a good reason why I have set glassess, spots, locations and everything that exists on my computer desk and now I just had water in the glass that I ususally have my hot drinks in
that sounds pretty gross, brandy and water glogi is some type of spiced wine? i used to do something like that around christmas, it's really nice
also this is the cutest thing I have seen this decade >>793801 yeah well it can be just everything but the alcohol too it is a berry+spices mixture, that is combined with wine traditionally but nowadays it is more often an alcoholess berry+spices that you can if you want to add alcohol into
well this does taste like watered down circa 10% alcohol water
fermented water
I have had for example 50% alcoholic water and 15% give or take on the latter
former was when me and my roomie were dragged into a bar from an evening at home, because some of our guests wanted to check out the local bars so we went "we don't want to pay for overpriced beer, no good place is open at this hour anyhow" so we had a BRIGHT idea, the drunk fucks we were at the time, let's take this 90% vodka from the freezer smuggle it into the bar and order a glass of ice water mix the vodka with the water and profit
good plan so far, but then the bar closed andwe had to leave and we still had that about mostly full pint of 50% water and someone had to drink it My memory of that night ends there
the latter was when me and my friend had some 95% alcohol and we "spiced" every table water bottle with it and forgot about it and ended up becoming victims of our own prank >>793807 cause the ladyfolk wanted to do it
Fomented water
why even go to the bar if you've got all the alcohol you're going to drink at home though ladyfolk are weird
Yeah, I expect the normally three hour class to only run one and a half, maybe two hours for this day one. Still I've got another three-hour class starting at twelve.
Oh the university's anime club has their posters out again. Whoever does their artwork is actually a pretty decent artist.
Well first class didn't even run an hour and a half. It makes me feel kinda bad bailing on classes so early but the professor did run the length of his introductory material. Seems a pretty cool guy, definitely part of a younger generation of professor that's quite comfortable speaking casually with the students.
>>793865 Don't worry I literally can't the poster's event date was yesterday.
Honestly though it would be nice to have people I know I could hang and talk with knowing I could talk anime and even if they weren't watching I could expect them to be on a similar page. Like what a lot of us do on /moe/ but as a physical conversation. I wouldn't even care for any gathered screenings they do hah hah.
The biggest thing keeping me is that I'm twenty-seven and I can really only reliably expect them all to be like eighteen to twenty-four, maybe.
>>793877 Were you able to sort out all that probation stuff ok? >>793878 I don't think the world could handle more than one.
>>793879 Sure, I guess? >>793882 I mean I'm still mobile I've got another class to get to in like two and a half hours.
>>793880 I've still not signed the contract -- my appointment is around five and a half hours from now -- but I mean, I can't not be on it and be taking classes this semester, so I don't really see another option. All the academic probation students that are in English that were at the seminar yesterday all booked appointments for signing contracts with the department so there's probably not a great chance of me being able to slip in earlier than my appointment today either.
>>793881 bookmark it it is a fictivious rpg session by the GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND and some of his closest modern day cohorts in the TTS universe
also I think you will find some parallels to our game in it
There's a girl speaking Japanese over the phone near where I'm sitting and I swear mid-line she flipped to fluent English to say "I hate your mom". It was probably just some Japanese I heard really poorly since this is a big open atrium with a lot of noise interference but the notion of it is funny to me.
>>793880 I am willing to risk total reality collapse just to have a constant companion form y own bullshittery
>You’ve already received an invitation to attend the upcoming teaching demonstrations by candidates for our department’s position in ancient philosophy. I asked my fellow professors to pass on the names of highly engaged students whose feedback on the candidates would be particularly valuable, and your name was put forward.
They're giving out movie passes as incentive for students to attend and provide feedback hah hah Honestly it kinda sounds like a neat notion but all the demo lectures run on Fridays and I don't have classes that day this semester. Though also I don't have -anything- that day this semester so maybe might as well. But spending $3.25-6.50 to get downtown and back home is a bit. BUT it's also far cheaper than the price of a movie ticket so...
>>793889 but are there any movies to watch rite now?
i mean there is sw9, but...
Rian Johnson has a movie that might be still out, Knives Out, which seems to be a murder mystery. Which is genre I'm quite fond of. There's also that Taiki Waiti movie, Jojo Rabbit.
And well movie passes, while they might eventually expire, don't do so immediately. I could probably hold onto them until something I'm curious about comes out.
knife? yeah knives out it seems good enough
I think LV watched it and actually liked it so there is that
but honestly speaking why would an university give out movie tickets to get people to attend their shit? like wat
Because this university is downtown and literally RIGHT NEXT to a theatre complex. We even already have a working relationship with the theatre, with some courses having their lectures hosted in the theatres in the morning before the theatre opens for business. I've had some in them before it's pretty fuckin' comfy to be able to sink into a theatre chair while having the lecture visuals up on the nice big theatre screen.
oh yeah tilds have you seen the card games of the TTS or not?
hmm come to think of it would you even understand the yugioh reference not that I understood it
>>793897 I don't even know what the TTS is. The last time I was checked in to what Yu-Gi-Oh was about was back when they had XYZ fusion monsters or whatever. Probably more than a decade and a half ago.
There's like a constant flat tone in this cafe and I can't figure out of -if it's from the music being played or if it's something else making the noise. I'm pretty sure I've ruled out it's not in my own ears. Probably some heating/cooling system.
>>793899 tts stands for "Text To Speech" which is a common shortening for If the Emperor had a Text-to-Speech Device which is a popular series of parody stuff on youtube about warhammer 40k while pandering to the larger fanbase, it also does eventually addres the larger lore to audience that has no idea about the stuff behind the series, but just loves the jokes.
is what got me into wh40k after i forgot it existed
sooo wanna get a link to the card game bullshittery or a link to the whole series of bullshittery
I wish it wasn't so difficult for me to not be so WORDY. It's just way too hard for me to be pithy, which becomes a real problem when I'm constrained to a word limit of a couple hundred words.
Well I'll just send it off at ar 333 words when the limit was 200. I don't know how I can reduce it by such a drastic degree without butchering the information I am trying to convey.
Geez this afternoon class I've got is PACKED
This professor is wearing a KINGU CRIMSON tour shirt.
Kirara 🍄
lol all these rich people at this interview "if you weren't a psychologist, what would you be?"
"a lawyer" "a politician"
fuck off lol everything they say sounds so fake
this one dude said an auto mechanic now that i can respect
One of the worst parts of a course is when there's a major assignment for it that's a group assignment and the class is left to themselves to form the groups. I just can't volunteer myself to groups already forming because it gets me way too anxious and I freeze up, and since I'm hopeless at introducing and socializing I still pretty much have zero friends at university, let alone in this one class. So I'm stuck hoping on the good will of other students and that's a crapshoot pretty much. I just want the work for these courses to be independent. Please.
>>>/watch?v=VOIm3aVZ5q8 >gameplay trailer >half of it is prerendered cgi Looks fucking great though
>>793928 look at all this self hate >>793929 why are furries mad
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>793930 because the men are animals and the girls are kawaii when they want both to be animals
not gonna lie i think i'm with the furries on this one at least hit that nice middle ground that Beastars does
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yes many people in that twitter thread said "Watch beastars instead"
i mean, I wasn't EXPECTING this to be Beastars but really I should finish watching beastars, honestly But I heard they took out the part with the gun and I didn't feel like catching up
Yeah ToN watch Beastars instead. It's legitimately good.
I understand that childhood friends make you want to die but I don't understand further aside from this guy being unlikeable
Ah gosh I can f inally get to go HOME. I've been on campus for like seven and a half hours on less than two hours of sleep last night I am completely drained.
Now I get to look forward to most Wednesdays of the next thirteen weeks being like this.
>>793963 are you going to sleep two hours every Tuesday night
>>793968 Possibly. I've got to catch a bus at 07:15 to make my 08:00 class and anime usually wraps up around 03:00 so if I'm waking up at 6:30 to be ready for the bus I've got a 3.5 hour window max to sleep. But I have a hard time falling asleep so it's not weird for the actual sleep to only be a part of that potential window.
The good news is the lecturer for that class seems to hate that start time as much as any student and might start encouraging us to start at 08:30. Which isn't much, but I'll take what I can get.
I went between three subway stations with that post without getting dropped the fuck is with my phone this afternoon.
>>793969 Could you ask Rika to start anime earlier or just stop earlier That doesn't sound healthy
I don't really want to stop earlier and any talking about time changes has been met best with a vague noncommittal that I don't know
if it's worth bothering anymore.
But it's only temporary and it's only one, kinda two days of the week. I get plenty of rest time on the other five days.
one of the interview questions they asked me was "if you could have dinner with three people alive or dead who would it be" and i was just like "my best friends" and they looked at me like i was insane
i would like to have dinner with my goodfriend matt and miguel and satan
>>793990 i'm not sure what they expected isn't that a normal answer
>>793995 i got a lot of clients who say it's very helpful to them
>>793998 might be worth it i dunno i've heard a lot of people knocking AA too
Kirara 🍄
i hear more successful recovering addicts praise it most of the people iknow who hate it dont make it far although it's definitely not necessary for recovery
Kirara 🍄
someone in salina was telling me they have delivery liquor stores there
that's pretty wild you can order booze for delivery here too but it's through shit like grubhub
i used to just get the dominos pizza guy to deliver me booze in exchange for a big tip
Kirara 🍄
i used to just make sure i always had like 3l at home
i think AA probably helps with the isolation aspects a lot just gives people something to go out and do and a place to document their progress and get some reinforcement it can be tough when everyone around you uses stuff and you don't even have people just to visit with or play dominos or some shit
i dont think i'd do very well listening to people's problems in a group setting but i could imagine it being really helpful
Kirara 🍄
a lot of people use it for decision making because as addicts our brains are permanently damaged some of us manage without needing that help but a lot of people need it
AA is really about pure support
>>>/watch?v=26SwZQvSJJU homeless man gets greasy and sweaty with some teenagers (HIGHLIGHTS)
>>794004 see i couldn't ever do that because if i had 3L i would just keep drinking until i literally pass the fuck out
Kirara 🍄
>>794008 well id take like one bottle for work or school and then id binge a liter after work/school and usually just not be able to drink more so id have like 1 extra liter just in case i needed more
>>794011 oh did you stop taking them? i probably need them more than i realized i sure am retarded sometimes
Kirara 🍄
no i lowered my dose recently but back then i hated taking them because i felt i didn't have control over my life and was too broken to consider changing anything in my life except for, you know, increasing alcohol consumption
ah gotcha alcohol has a funny way of making you lose control over your life and then making you wonder why your life's out of control while you're chugging a bottle of svedka
Kirara 🍄
drink to gain control by losing control we're really dumb
at least this way i'm fucking my own life up on my own accord god dammit
Kirara 🍄
exactly self-destruction feels so good because it's me doing it
if you're drunk that post makes a lot of sense
>>794017 maybe stopping people from destroying you feels good too but it's a lot easier to implode
Kirara 🍄
drive is on Netflix now neat
>>794019 yeah i love self destruction now that i am sober i have learned to do it much more subtly
I think there are bigger issues with this than weapon of choice
well the biggest issue is that you can't use the easiest way to kill your boss so we're trying to find a solution to that before we move on. what weapon do you want to use
instead of killing my boss can we work on finding cute magic gfs
we have more important things to do
for one we have to find a getaway driver
Kirara 🍄
i'll do it, im a pretty good driver
okay i'll smuggle the guns and make molotovs
we could use a place to strap them up remotely like a shack in the woods or something if we're burning them to death
>>794044 misred as gateway driver and wondered why we were suddenly on computers
Kirara 🍄
>>794047 nah, gotta be at a professional gathering a meeting or something where it's not suspicious that they were together
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
hbox pickin up palu ofuk
help im gonna sneeze
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
sneeze for great morale
its all fun and games when the vtubers sneeze until you remember that there are people who fetishize that so those cute compilations make you a little depressed inside
ah well the existence of outrageous videos on the internet does not disturb me much, there are too many levels of irony, unless it is clearly harmful let them compile sneezes and feetsies
>>794055 that podcast that collects horrible internet things, one of the earliest episodes had a lord of the rings fanfictioj with sneezing being the focal point
>>794072 at leat my campaign had things happen, i tried to explore ruins in ai dungeon and my character went into town, i tried to stake out rumors of monsters after dark and nothing happened, i tried to clothe a girl dressed in rags and she just looked at me like i was garbage
>>794075 sounds like you were controlling someone like the players of your campaign
It is kind of weird though it takes a while to get it to make any sense the first time i played i shot someone who i thought was a criminal and the game was like "oh he wanted to kill everyone" and it took me six attempts to talk to these two girls who saw it without my character murdering them horribly >>794074 im just kidding your campaign was fun
though it was a lot more coherent after playing a few rounds so maybe it learns from previous choicesm or maybe i just subconsciously began to game the AI
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
it's strange black magic talking to an AI there was a point on one of vinny vinesauce's streams where the AI had abandoned all pretense of storytelling and was like "Fuck you. You asshole. I hate you. AAAAAAAA" continuously
technically it is true your taxes will be reduced to 0
wow that youtube pedo guy called 911 on chris hansen when hansen came to talk to him
why exactly would you be afraid of chris hansen if you were not a pedophile
Kirara 🍄
there are floodlights shining into my htel room so brightly that it's basically daytime
>>794114 shine brighter than them and show them who's boss
why am i watching an ed edd n eddy power level tier list
playing ai dungeon as Thomas O’Neil was a waaaaaaay better idea
>find the nukes >try to take the nukes >game has me run from the nukes >go back >pick up the nukes >try to leave with the nukes >game has me throw the nukes back into the bomb shelter >hours pass >pick up the nukes >try to leave with the nukes >game has me throw the nukes back into the bomb shelter
>>794118 I feel like Thomas O'Neil should really not have control of nukes
Well I found an interesting Wikipedia article when I googled that name. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_F._O%27Neil tl;dr He came up with the idea of showing movies on television.
holy shit i broke ai dungeon i nuked the planet a second time and now that im trying to cultivate a society under my rule it KEEPS HAVING ME NUKE THE PLANET
>>794130 Oh yeah I remember seeing pictures of Radcliffe in that outfit looking absolutely fucking mental. I guess he has a good reason for being like that in htis movie.
it's the exact same thing as those group projects in school everyone has a different role to play in the project but it's basically artificially complicated that way and it becomes just one person doing all the work because that's easier than communicating and coordinating complex ideas
especially when stuff has to all be compatible in order to work properly
Yeah I can really get that. Group coordinated work is something I have a real problem with. But there's only so much you can do independently.
hm i think i probably can do it independently what i've learned from these past couple months is that ive been undervaluing my abilities ive had some unrealistic expectations of myself and of what everyone else is doing i think im gonna take a step back and start on my own stuff soon once i am in a good position
it's definitely hard to operate independently though, there's a lot of uncertainty and you're navigating everything without help
Heard from my sister that the mother of one of my childhood friends died. I know that kinda maybe sounds like a bit too distanced, and honestly I haven't had any communication with that family in nearly ten years. But when I was a kid at our first cottage that family was like family to my siblings. The parents were always friendly and happy to bring us along for cruises in their big pontoon boat or let us play on their lot's beach, the only one in any sense of being nearby. Their daughter was an extremely close friend to us and even after moving away from the lake we kept in touch for a while, taking her along for snowboarding trips. Kinda just fizzling out communication with her is one of my larger depression-onset regrets. It's also a little weird since if you'd have asked me, I would have figured it would have been the father who would pass away first. He was this jolly, pretty obese guy who smoked fairly straight through the day and liked his beer and relaxation. I think he was starting to work towards better health when I started losing touch with the family but still. She'd apparently been fighting cancer for a while now and eventually the battle became too much for her.
I feel pretty bad for the rest of the family, that's a pretty rotten way to kick a new year off.
>>794149 How long was she battling the cancer? i hope they had time to prepare emotionally
I'm not sure, I heard it from my dad who got the call from my sister. He said "sounds like she'd been battling it for a while" but I don't know how long that while was. But I guess it feels like it wasn't a sudden onset. He lost his mom to cancer when he was still a kid so he's probably pretty sympathetic to this.
That first lake we cottaged on was a smaller one, pretty private, but you could get to larger ones through the river network that spiderwebs through the region. The lakes are nice but some of those rivers are absolutely charming to boat down themselves. That family took us and another family we were good friends with on a few river cruises like those when I was a kid, just slowly boating down the rivers. I owe a lot of gratitude to them that I don't really know how to repay.
it's hard to watch people go slowly from cancer but it's also nice to have that time with them to prepare and make peace abrupt losses can be really heart-wrenching and really mess everyone up but watching people suffer is hard
my mom's kinda delirious with a fever right now. she hasn't started chemo yet. was supposed to today but she's fighting an infection so it got postponed it needs to happen soon though since the surgery was a month ago and the longer the wait the more likely that there will be recurrence it's HER2 positive estrogen-fed which is a really aggressive cancer, so even though it was found at stage one, there's a high likelihood of recurrence and you kind of get one clean shot if it comes back it starts becoming a lot more difficult to deal with
chimken nugger with sweer sour sause
SWERY sauce
swarovski sauce
eating dinner and looking at white phosphorus burns typical wednesday night
dante from dmc is gonna be the 5th dlc character for smash ultimate
Nah it'll be someone totally unexpected and out of left field
i dont want that though
its gonna be kirby's friend rick from kirby's adventure. you know the hamster
sora from kingdom hearts would be an objectively good fit for the smash roster but it will never happen
sora's final smash better not be a gay ass dream drop distance thing give us final form or anti-form or something
>>794169 Sakurai does whatever he wants The only limit is it has to be a game character but honestly I think Sakurai could break that if he felt like it
>>794169 it used to be limited to nintendo characters then just nintendo console characters then fuck it, who cares, literally everyone is here now
what's the most popular character from legal legends
probably spin man
that would be lame as fuck
add season 2 akali to smash
put bioshock's big daddies in as assist trophies
does crash bandicoot have any moves doesn't he just jump and that's it
>>794182 He has a bazooka in Crash 3 He can spin He can do a belly flop
he says whoa
>>794179 https://www.ranker.com/list/best-league-of-legends-characters/reference this says its ahri but theres only very few votes
i can't think up anything that other people haven't already meme speculated as a smash character i quit
add philip and leg horse from Space Funeral to smash philips moveset: up special: sob side special: moan down special: blood neutral special: dracula do you smoke weed
it can be a banjo kazooie type character where leg horse rides on philip getting blood from his leg stumps everywhere
it's gonna be sakurai himself
holy shit
>>794187 2B from nier automata I think Kat from gravity rush would also be a great addition but she is irrelevant so will never happen >>794196 That would be dope
>>794195 down special: switch to 9S for long range combat
inc Anduin Wryn final smash punch your best friend wrathion
anduin wrynns final smash is punching you in the face and screamingh
The other bullshit ones I've heard that I actually kinda fear right now are Monster Hunter from Monster Hunter and Dragonborn from Skyrim
fuck bfa is a trainwreck
i saw that cutscene and was like oh shit this is gonna be heartwarming then he got haymakered was like wat
Alaron from Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage that's probably not been suggested before
ifkr first they do wrathion dirty by leaving him out of Legion, an expansion about finally beating the very threat he was trying to stop actually worse, he was there in the beta and then replaced him with ebonhorn later, some highmountain tauren disguised black dragon they thing wrathion claimed to have killed all of then when he shows up for BfA he gets decked by his boyfriend and then just gets turned into a rerun of his Dad's storyline and gets corrupted for the first raid boss spot >>794208 originally it was told that wrathion could feel the presence and location of all the black dragons
>>794201 I don't think Sakurai cares one iota about Skyrim so I feel he'd veto any attempts to put it in.
>>794207 Both you and your friend are equally dumb for different reasons.
>>794206 I agree, but one of my friends said it very confidently and he has me worried
>>794205 ebonhorn is kind of cool but why also how does wrathion know for absolute sure he killed all of the black dragons and yet there is one that is like way older than him just chillin like miles away from ek
who's the MC in monster girl hunter
they should add monster hunter from monster hunter no joke
Add Dante but put his sticker on the boxart instead of Dante art
super smash bros ultimate: everyone is here! (featuring dante from the devil may cry series)
>>794212 Yeah but which eight armor sets would they setle on for the palette swaps.
>>794215 You mean Devil May Cry's Dante from Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
>>794216 rathalos rathian diablos nargacuga kirin tigrex barroth and fatalis
add soul of cinder to ssbu
the default bone armor would be good for the monster hunter
they don't even need to pick 8 armors right just 4 and do male and female
oh yeah good pint so you could just have leather default, rathalos, kirin, nargacuga
>>794219 Oh yeah, Chosen Undead from Dark Souls 1 would be neat
dampe's inferno
costumes: elite knight, thief, sorcerer, GIANT DAD
costumes are just different popular streamer builds giant dad, orobo falchion, lobos naked
i'm maining that ahh fuck what was his name that german dark souls guy
>>794238 AY Bloodborne guy would be excellent perhaps being able to heal recently taken damage from using melee attacks
>>794236 >nothing too sexy >bayonetta >snake nothing is too sexy
>>794242 yeah you could map his three default weapons trick shots to his specials Have a gun Make him a high risk high reward character
otz actually from spain apparently get pranked
Dear Hunter would be sick
fuck i couldn't remember what kind of yuro he was
they all have funny accents
>>794245 Gun would be a down b counter, as generic and sad as it is for every new character to have a couner now counter*
>>794244 He said nothing like Mai Shiranui so 2B is definitely out.
>>794245 >tfw you just get parried and visceral'd every game
it's true afro has that slight venezuelan that peaks through otz has his spanish accebt ymfah has a weird accent i can't even place ive never really listened to orobo's voice one dude has accent of "i'm a bitch" can't remember his name oh wait i do infernoplus >>794256 F back to plan b
I'm seriously hoping its Dante though.
dante or monster hunter would be cool by me as long as we get one more crazy sword combo guy
>>794251 >any move with any startup at all gets pistol parried
>>794249 better than Undead who's down b would just be shield parry
>>794314 Can't be hit but can't actually do any damage because its attacks are all on the same scale.
The Guy Who Only Plays Melee
How the fuck are you going to play as an unbought stick of deodorant, Rei?
>>794317 I played through a lot of death stranding and found out that there's actually quite a few interesting combat options and i hadn't even gotten very far i feel like
>>794381 Jotaro with Star Platinum that has a rechargeable power to create small time stops in a circle around him and otherwise acts kinda similar to Zelda's Dark Nut summon.
Suzaku Kururugi from hit japanese game Granblue Fantasy
>>794370 can you belueve thats a mod and not in the real game its so saddening
Dante but the one with black hair
>>794403 there is no coincidence that sakurai made 8 character palette swaps for smash ultimate
because there are 8 parts of jojo's bizarre adventure
and he already knew what the final character would be when he started making the game