>>792313 >>>/watch?v=Mwb6gdlbgxQ and here are your lyrics https://www.animelyrics.com/anime/gundam0079/tobeyogandamu.htm also if I'm a maid then where the FUCK is my paycheck
a true shinobi can die like 4 times and still kill the boss dragonrot only accumulates when you resurrect at an idol so reviving whenever you can if you can possibly win is ideal
I've been thinking on strategies, subconscious or not, on how crowds may deal with collective threats, when it comes to skills and looks. The fact that i constantly see those things happening on a daily basis is scary.
Seems that envy might be some strange survival strategy, i mean, who needs cancer when a cancer-like group tries to cast out those who stand out?
I let the password for the online system that I check my work schedule on expire since I assumed I'd be able to change to a new one after it expired but instead it just locked me out of the system. It would be a quick fix to do once I'm back in the store I think but I can't just go look up the next time they want me in hah hah
I called in to the store today because I swear I had a shift scheduled but the girl that answered the phone couldn't find me on the day's timesheet. Honestly I've got at most one or two shifts left before my seasonal position is done up so maybe this is just more effort than I really want to put in. But it's probably also best to end on a polite note than just being lazy.
Either way I guess I get to be lazy today.
Actually come to think of it in the past the timesheets haven't always been replaced from the day before's this early in the morning maybe she was looking at yesterday's augh. Maybe I just call in a couple hours to check again.
Man it's going to be raining all fucking day today. Gross.
Was walking along the sidewalk and a car drove straight through a deep puddle next to me, splashing up a lot of water. At least I managed to expect it and adjust my umbrella to shield my head and torso but what was still dry of my pants is now pretty thoroughly soaked.
>>792447 I was getting on a bus not too long after writing that, so while I didn't really get warm, I got dry-ish. I'm meeting a friend for drinks so I'll be indoors for a good while anyway.
I've never really been an animal person. Kind of indifferent to them.
But me and this pupper have an UNSPOKEN BOND. I feel like we're on the same wavelength. Maybe because we both like sleeping and chasing cardboard tubes
take it hiking live in the wild as god intended, just man and his dog
at a sport bar for this game NOT MY TEAM fans keep flipping my table off because we're winning and I've never been more attracted to a group in my life
Kirara 🍄
it's fate you have to glass them
first you glass them then you marry them then you win
I was kinda worried that Shaft would phone it in since it's a spinoff but it looks just as stylish as the original Madoka They're still going hard on the photo art style for the witches labryinthes. Like that bit with the ball of yarn that chases them in the second episode I don't know if it's stop motion or what but it looks like it
juts remember the words of rich piana and let them echo through your head
>>792537 gotta eat swole to get swole eat uh shreds to get shredded man i just got home like two hours ago and have to sleep working late a shit
Eat beef to get BUFF
i think i gave my plague to the coworkers and tyler he's all fucked up now too
sharing is caring
I'm sure they're very grateful for your gift.
my new year's resolution is to spread the love to all four corners of the Earth and have a bang up extinction event everyone's invited
Wow don't have a Bang extinction event they're already an endagered species.
Endangered even
im pretty sure the bang extinction event is gonna be bang's fault
that was mean i take it back bang is a nice guy
I'm really tired too. I had a pizza on Friday that induced me into a way early in the night food coma and now my sleep is way out of whack again. Just in time for school to be starting up again. How wonderful.
i tried digiorno pan pizza the other day and was very surprised by how good a frozen pan pizza could be the crust was a lot better than i expected though the filling was just okay
I've never had a pan pizza ever. I know what they are it's just never been something I've gotten around to trying. Maybe I'll get around to it some day.
i like it more than normal pizza but the chains don't usually do it very well pizza hut used to be pretty good but they switched their recipe at some point and it got to be really greasy and oily
there's probably some local shop that does good pan pizza in Toronto it's a modern city after all
Yeah I'd figure so too. I've just never been all too adventurous to go out looking for one. Honestly I've probably walked past plenty of pizza joints with a pan pizza poster on their window hah hah
it always makes me laugh when i see pizza shops named after new york or Chicago style pizza here like one near me is literally "New York's Best Pizza" always makes me chuckle, like you're a little far off from NY
Pizza so good we had to move halfway across the country!
We get a bunch of Italian names here. Pizza Nova, Pizza Iolo, stuff like that. And of course my favourite Bland Name chain, Pizza Pizza.
But Toronto has a decent Italian immigrant history so it kinda makes sense.
when you can't cut it in New York, you can at least be Texas's New York Best
>>792557 haha that's a little Caesar's slogan here, that "pizza pizza!"
there used to be a hole in the wall here that didn't actually have a sign with a name it just said "Pizza" i think it was like Vincent's Pizza or some shit actually but it's funny to think of a place just called pizza
Honestly despite the name I think Pizza Pizza is one of the best chain stores. They're pretty cheap and their ingredient quality is still pretty good, and their pizza isn't really a greasy mess. And I think as far as the big chains go they've got the best selection of ingredients, not that it really matters to me since I don't get elaborate pizzas but I can appreciate the variety. My folks don't really like it though.
Talking about food is really making me notice how hungry I am. Maybe I'll go cook some early-morning pasta.
I don't think this is my stomach but it's something close to it but it's been feeling weird for quite some time not always but like it would have this like weird sensation hold on
i'd say it was a feeling somewhere around there. lower left (my right) side of the abdomen but it's like... I don't know if that's considered a numbing feeling it would be nice if it would happen again so i can use better adjectives I remember a long time ago it felt like a churning feeling but now it's kinda different by long time ago, I mean like a few weeks
Kirara 🍄
that long? def go
>>792582 yeah, I didn't think it was anything special. tbh, I thought I was hungry But then I realized it would happen when I wasn't hungry and now it's got to be a lot more annoying so I should I thought it might also be related to me being sick for a while but the sickness is subsiding and that kinda hasn't subsided as much
Hang on wait there's a pretty serious plot hole in re;birth 3 If one day in one dimension is a year in the other how can they talk to each other in real time? Wouldn't their speeds be all out of sync?
what did y'all think of the insert song in the newest hero academia i thought it worked kind of poorly felt out of place like they just decided to throw it in last minute
>>792622 I haven't heard of it but I'll take your word for it. *heard it
>>792622 Well Hero Academia comes out for Friday so it's still on the docket for us to watch for anime but I did think it was kind of weird. I liked the song itself as a slow, vocal take on one of the show's common OST tracks but it did feel weird in the episode.
The episode overall was pretty cool though.
Kirara 🍄
yeah, it was good ive been waiting for this fight for a long time
I still like to analogize the Yakuza arc as kind of Deku's Heaven's Feel moment. There's a lot of parallels with the notion of putting everythin g on the line to save one girl, especially with Chisaki's whole "Greater Good" insanity.
Kirara 🍄
Yeah, agreed.
It's a really fantastic arc, not just for Deku, but for a few others as well. I like that they all get stronger through experiences and stuff like that. not just arbitrary power ups and TRAINING ARCs and stuff
It's one of the things the mangaka's really good at, highlighting character growth and development beyond just the main few characters. Like every arc he picks out one or two of the side characters to focus in on and it helps keep things refreshing.
red rioooooot
Some times you just gotta get HARD
>That's my secret, Fat. I'm always hard
>Waking up is always the second hardest thing in the morning.
>>792636 It means I will correct people's ENERGY FIELDS to aid in my treatment
That sounds like some hocus pocus crystals nonsense.
Kirara 🍄
it does but it's actually empirically validated backed by a lot of real research to the point that the APA added it to the list of empirically valid treatment modalities
im going to do it for the first time tomorrow we'll see what happens
Empirically validated to aid in treatment or empirically validated energy fields existing. I think placebic treatments are fine but I'm pretty sure some mystic energy fields and the capacity to adjust them is hard nonsense.
Kirara 🍄
well human energy fields have been documented for decades and manipulating those fields is something used in some of the most successful treatments for depression such as transcranial magnetic stimulation
and this isn't placebic either as for how it actually works i dont have an answer for you but it's origins are in eastern medicine and acupuncture points
Without the details I'm gonna be pretty skeptical of stuff like that. Nothing about it sounds the slightest bit realistic.
you know what's not realistic MY DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ligent ability to finish paperwork on time every day :)
Kirara 🍄
>>792643 i mean yeah it doesn't sound real but there are hundreds of peer reviewed rigorous studies showing it works regardless of the mechanism through which it works, it still works it bothers me too
but i gotta learn it so i am we'll see how well it works soon enough
You've got to be dutiful, Blue. People are depending on you.
>>792645 learn to suck the energy out of people while you at it
>>792642 Can I manipulate my energy field to make a shield or send a kinetic attack at my foes
I apologize fully for my previous statement. I was mistaken, grossly in error, and I regret the action. Doushio Industries will provide a full apology and compensation may be offered to offset damages.
some faggot upstairs somes on their balcony and isntead of having an ashtray they htrow their matches and cigs down and they are now piling up just outside my window
kinda gross to see them whenever I go to the kitchen and look outside
How to write Japanese comedy: >Have a girl with big boobs >Have a girl with smaller boobs >The girl with smaller boobs is constantly mad that her boobs aren't as big
That's it. You're done.
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>792856 I like to use my satire to send a social message.
>>792855 What if the girl with the small boobs tripped and fell into the girl with the bigger boobs I think that'd be a riot
>>792859 Wait there's more So picture this You're walking into your apartment yeah? And then you climb into your bed BUT and here's the kicker there's a girl in your bed and she thought it was her bed and then she slaps you
>>792866 Actually I think you're right. I'm not sure if the audience will get it He should walk in on her in the bath instead just to make sure people really know what's going on
>>792852 know two my sister's boyfriend (cool fag) and my cousin (lame fag) oh ok now I'm about out of alc of hals lemme just
Oh it's showing only two days later this week here too. And the better of the two theatres in the city are sold out on all times both days. I guess I could go to a screening at the other theatre but eehh. Plus it might be hard to round up the friends I was talking about going to see it with.
>record the stage >hype myself up >GOLD RANK aw yeah I can post thi- >mic was on
>>792932 No Washington water is just so acidic that anything that gets soaked by it is as good as dissolved.
It's always a kind of unnerving feeling, having classes with professors I did poorly in previous classes with them.
Well fuck I might've been removed from the class I registered for. I just found out that if you don't pay within two days of registering for a course they mght remove you from it. And it was almost full when I registered.
Also they never gave me any sort of account with which I could check if I'm still registered and now I'm too anxious and nervous to call.
the new clinical director asked about my job responsibilities and title so i sent this lol i do so much
What, nothing about drain snaking?
Kirara 🍄
lmao i knew i was forgetting something
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
is it not possible to become a full time employee?
Kirara 🍄
i am trying to make that happen since everything went to shit without me last week it'll give me a good opportunity to push for it again right now i mmakef // make a flat 1k a month doing like five people's jobs
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
capitalist exploitation!
Kirara 🍄
on the bight side though i was already offered a postdoc there which saves me a lot of trouble and guarantees me a job for the future
Blight side of the moon
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
on the wight side, my gym shoes are full of ectoplasm >>792961 oh that's good you have compensation
Owo I awways wike to wook on the bwight side
Kill me.
Kirara 🍄
>>792963 yeah, and my boss is gonna teach me the business aspects of it all too im gonna hopefully open my own place like where i work out west in 10 or so years
>>792952 >ZJ so that's 250000000000000000000000 joules of heat hotter than 1981 ocean heat that's pretty crazy puts into perspective how huge the oceans are a bit
>>792967 Well water's also really good at storing thermal energy. The ocean temperatures are increasing and that's a big deal, but this abstraction equating it to "Five Hiroshima atomic bombs" is just plain silly. It's like saying "The number of bullets fired in WWII could fill three hundred Olympic swimming pools" or whatever. Like what the fuck does that even MEAN to the average person.
>>792969 i think they just want it to sound scarier than the ocean beinga few degrees hotter, since the average Joe wouldn't know that's actually an enormous problem.
I don't think relating it to atomic bombs means much to the Average Joe either though. Like we know atomic bombs are destructive, sure, but conceptualizing them as measurements of energy is probably far too removed from normal thought patterns of people.
they probably don't intend for people to be able to conceptualize the energy diffused in the detonation, just that it is a violent and scary thing.
Average Joe here. I see nuclear bomb I think nuked ocean. Nuke bad, thus ocean being hot as five nukes a second bad
i wont be going to seattle and it's for work shit not much time for fun
aww let's go to Seattle i wanna climb the space Needle
also they got a bunch of parks over there i wanna visit
Let's all go hike the mountain range that runs along the west coast
Kirara 🍄
you can go to Wenatchee with me if you fly in to spokane or something on the 16th
Unfortunately in -I'm in class now. Travelling outside of reading week probably isn't a good idea.
Though well from the sixteenth to the nineteenth I guess I have no other demands of my time. I'm still not going to book a flight but it's funny to consider.
>>792994 not gonna be possible i am broke until i get paid on the 15th haha
we can go together some other time maybe
I'd love to do a tour of the northwest mountains. Maybe if you guys get passports we could hit up the part of them that extends up into Canada
Kirara 🍄
it may be a matter of years before i can take more than a few days off in a row unfortunately
It's okay I'll probably be a matter of years before I can make the kind of money that would allow me to afford a trip like that anyway.
If you do end up in Washington let's go skiing somewhere around there some weekend.
Kirara 🍄
yeah if i end up there that'll give us a good excuse to do lots of outdoorsy shit
>>793004 yeah fuck that she's not nearly hot enough rather take my money and time to the movie with the hot actors. i am speaking of course about 1917. golly that movie pleases my male gaze
should i journal my negative thoughts? on one hand, maybe writing them out will allow me to get them out of my head on the other hand, maybe i'll just be festering in negativity if i write them out
Well it's unlikely that writing them out will "get them out of your head", so to say. But putting things floating around in your head down as words does help you formalize and make what might've been previously nebulous far more concrete. Which is a good first step to identifying problems and developing solutions.
>>793039 i think it can be helpful to do this and take the role of both the talker and the listener like venting out the thoughts but actually separating it out and responding to it with internal dialogue
it helps me sort out a lot of problems and sometimes stepping back like that lets me distance myself from the situation and realize things that aren't worth being negative about i used to get hyper-focused on negativity and that kinda stuff helped me a bit i'd say it's worth trying
>>793065 Ah don't get me worried now. I've got a somewhat important appointment at one in the afternoon tomorrow and I've already been nervously wondering if I'll sleep right through the time I'd need to wake up to get to it.
I was having a good dreaming sesh don't even remember the dreams but I kept coming back for more
I would just set five or so alarms if I was worried also have your phone in a place you can hear it but have to get up to turn off the alarm helps okay cool moe didn't want to upload anyway
Oh I guess it's a bit too chilly for just a long sleeve and a light jacket. I should have at least put my scarf on. Too late to head back and change though.
There's actually a pretty sizeable number of students here for the academic probation sem inar. Like it's just Arts and Humanities students here but there's still like at least forty students here.
I also took classes where there were at least 40 students
I only took a few. The academic probation course was definitely one of them. My uni had a really high teacher to student ratio though so aside from shit everyone had to take (physics 1 and 2, calc 1-3 etcetera) the classes were pretty small. Oh and Chem 1.
>>793219 This isn't a class it was just a one hour seminar for students that failed so hard their GPA is below what the province allows university to grant degrees at. Like me.
It was more I was surprised at the number of students that showed up.
>>793249 Yeah I was gonna ask, how you finding the Canned Sass
Kirara 🍄
it's pretty good honestly nothing but land stretching out as far as the eye can see all of the buildings ive seen look like they've been abandoned for decades large portions of it feel like silent hill
Speaking of survival horror >>793251 Blue, have you geard *heard of the game "Hunt the Wumpus"?
Kirara 🍄
For some reason traveling alone always makes me want to drink. Not like out of stress or anything. It just feels like it's the natural thing to do.
Is it particularly forceful? Like I know stress can -really- make you want a drink but if it's natural it feels like a more casual impulse from your brain.
Kirara 🍄
I don't know if it's forceful. It's sneaky. Like I'll see a liquor store and say, I'll stop there later. and then I'm like, wait, no i won't
fuck i should have bought mega when it was on sale with the rest of them
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait never mind I also have the digital deluxe edition
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
as in I have keys to give you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh also good you didn't immediately say yes to VR that one is redeemed by me but this digital deluxe version isn't probably I think I remember buying it separately
why do I own vIIR you ask? I was originally planning to buy a vr headset last year. Also it's supposedly a better version of the game a la rebirth style.
I don't really want to go to the interview tomorrow. But I know that's just my self destructive tendencies. I almost drove to Nebraska earlier, lol. I also almost flipped my rental. They gave me a Dodge Ram which is a thousand times larger than anything I've driven before and I wasn't paying attention and took a turn too fast. Thank god I straightened out or I would have rolled downhill like 10 meters
Well those SUVs are built pretty tanky, so you'd probably have been all right, at least. I'm glad you didn't roll over though. Try and rest easy tonight.
how ade rgey then even married with personalities like that in the first place?
Adam Driver is totally going to become the Mark Hamil of the new trilogy. People are gonna only ever be able to see him as Kylo Ren.
Kirara 🍄
>>793343 it's a really really common marriage dynamic
>>793344 hope he gets into voice acting then also yeah
Kirara 🍄
adam driver kind of is only good as kylo ren he's kylo ren in real life too
I had a friend that sort of looked like him. Had as in we're no longer friends, not as in he's dead. He is uh Fuck What's that one personality disorder
Kirara 🍄
the direction in this is so bad that i miss nothing by not actually watching it and just listening
No one wants to treat it because people with it are very manipulative and do a lot for attention. But its not Munchhausens
>>793344 Honestly I actually thought he seemed like the Harrison Ford of the new trilogy As in he's the one who ends up with the most lucrative career outside of Star Wars
>>793356 Yeah he has a fair few awards under his belt already I think
krrr mom syndrome
>>793354 that's the pilot but he was already big/semi big
>>793357 Yeeeaaaahhhhh Anyways he got really obnoxious and was telling people I was harassing him and h got cut off. I'm pretty sure it started because he never forgave me for getting his D&D character an std like 10 years ago. his character didn't actually get an std, it was just a joke by the dm I did however borrow shadow of the Colossus from him and never return it to him though. But fuck him
funny thing is i saw attack the bloc, bogey? finn's first movie for free when it came out
>>793360 I literally said "I make a tad *tap that ass check on the bard" and rolled a natural 20. Then the dm said I succeeded but because there was a character in between us (a gnoll ranger) he said I tapped him instead and got an std.
if the actor gets big, i predict tge movie will post-mortem get good or cult just a weird story about english well let the synopsis talk for itself >The film centres on a teenage street gang who have to defend themselves from predatory alien invaders on a council estate in South London on Guy Fawkes Night. low budget and barely made any money, but decent enough, but yeah i saw it for free during a "platinum customer movie night" held by a finnish webstore when they were still raking in da millions to do rewards like this
Kirara 🍄
john bodega? idk what's gonna happen with him he was so upset with star wars that he's spent the last two weeks burning bridges and going after fans >>793366 he's an absolute fucking king
>>793386 My pet theory is that Abrams wanted Rian to seed certain things and Rian told him to fuck off and so Abrams was salty about the details from The Last Jedi.
Kirara 🍄
>>793388 ok but actors are the ones who make their characters, not the writers the actors know their characters better than a scattered group of writers and their opinions and complaints are valid
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i watched TRoS and knew about the gay kiss and yet didnt notice it at all
I think that's kinda what sparked the Finnpoe dialogue. Disney was touting how progressive they are having LGBT representation in the movie but it was miniscule and easy to miss and then there's this bromance RIGHT IN THE OPEN between Finn and Poe.
Kirara 🍄
>>793391 it was intentionally easy to miss so they could cut it out in the chinese version haha
>>793390 goid writers and directors listen to their actors i think the funniest example is "that isn't how a stab in the back sounds like, have you stabbed a man i the back? i have" -c. lee
>>793388 you can have an opinion on your character dude
>>793389 Yeah I think that's what happened I haven't seen tros since I have better shit to do but I've heard the opening half hour feels like a movies worth of set up lol. Like J J didn't get the set up he wanted in tlj so he has to cram in two movies into one
Kirara 🍄
>>793394 they did the same thing with avengers endgame haha
everyo e isso prothings of everykind, until chinamoney comes into picture
>>793397 what did they cut out ofthat? the cap's post snap meeting gay guy?
There was that group therapy scene at the start of endgame with a guy talking about going on a date with another guy. I kinda liked how they did it there, of course it wasn't deserving of Disney giving themselves a pat on the back for representation or anything, but it was nicely done.
>>793397 Especially with the Endgame scene they can literally just dub over it with Chinese actors and have them refer to the datee as female.
it was a good natural scene, didn't feel off putting or forced in at all
Kirara 🍄
it was a good scene but yeah disney was talking about how great they were for being inclusive but it was nothing
they also said Valkyrie was bisexual but never put anything about that in the movies
just add it andshutupabout it going all "look wgat i did, praise me" and end result is thing well it translates to my ears as "buy our thing we care"
>>793402 also just as random commentary why leave the neoasgard to the one highly complicated prolly still alcoholic, warrior instead of i dunno someome else? maybe someone with leadership history that isn't buried begind few aeons of alcoholism, ptsd and depression? tgen again she was the only othrr asgardian really onscreen, so who knows who was still alive did heimdall die
Yeah he got fuckin' killed when Thanos and co. boarded the Asgardian ship. That and Loki getting necksnapped was part of why Thor was so ANGERY during Infinity War.
also, you totally got the impression that everyone but thor died from infinity war
>>793405 he went 200% blood knight avenger/death seeker
but really IW: ship fucked everyone dead save thor who heimdal died to warp away (on screen) EG: jinx dozens of survivors was that just some accidentally cut sceen or something?
Thanos was still going through each individual race doing his fifty-fifty thing at that time. So ergo even with okay nevermind.
but it isnot implied on screen
>Thanos is established as always doing 50/50 >see multiple scenes of him doing it to other races It's definitely established
yeah kansas but they probably wouldn't be from kansas they'd be from wherever like me
>>793454 Do you want me to link you the thread? He gets into arguments with people. Although one comment to *comment is that's he probably manic and should see his doctor and his reply suggests that he might take that into account.
Although the best reply is that suicide is legal in California. I found it really interesting since I used to have obsessive thought patterns.
>>793459 then you can use "i think we~re in kansas still, dorothy" as a line