my mom has a fever so im taking care of her if it settles down i'll join for the second half i'd like to watch darwin's game though if you don't mind saving that for me thanks, since we didn't last night
Rodger dodger
Darwin's Game Eizouken ni wa Te wo Dasu na! Hatena Illusion Kabukicho Sherlock Kyoyou Suiri Magia Record Murenase! Seton Gakuen Nanabun no Nijyuuni Pet Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Show By Rock!! Mashumairesh!!
--2019 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 25-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8
Maybe instead of Sherlock we could do something like Kyokou Suiri or Rikei ga Koi etc. They're both new, and I don't know if you remember Zetsuen no Tempest but the author of that wrote Kyokou Suiri.
Some of chatter I've seen about this calls it like a science nerd take on Kaguya-sama Wants To Be Confessed To's premise.
oksy ready
Also apparently Amazon dumped the entire series out on its streaming service last week. So if it's fun the whole season is ready to grab. Though I think I've only seen the first three from HorribleSubs so far.
that girl has the right idea i get how she feels having to deal with unreasonable people surrounding her
im not too big on this "science-type" personality identification though i hope that's not something japanese society really does
I think it's kind of a cross between a stiff translation of "Rikei" and the show playing up being science nerds to parody level. I could see them using it to describe themselves, for example, if they're career researchers. It's probably just something that more accuractely describes someone that enjoys the act of research and experimentation.
I'm not sure if they'd be on XDCC but there's some pop-up fansubbers doing them. There's a [Judas]. a [Darkanimes], and [PodiSubs] group on Nyaa. Looking at the comments the better ones seem to be [Judas] and [Darkanimes].
They're planning a problematic con on the school here.
Ah I guess you've got to be careful with old buildings like this.
Rich people really live on a whole other level.
Yeah I had a feeling it was going to end up this way hah hah The anime club in the first episode was definitely more of a "watch anime" club than a "make anime" club. It's really a totally different beast.
Wow yeah this is some really neat old junk in here.
I think Moon had some similar issues with the first episode of Magia Record to the ones I did, seemed a bit unsatisfied by the end of it. So it's probably fine to go with it. If it picks up better in this second episode then that'll probably be enough to keep some investment around.
this lacks a lot of the charm of the first one in terms of characters
I'm feeling it might be more of a quantity over quality. Like the original Madoka focused in on a few very detailed characters. Madoka, Homura, Sayaka, Kyoko, Mami, and Kyubey. Since this is a mobage adaptation I imagine there'll be a much larger cast of characters.
At least the Witch Labyrinths are still as stylish as ever.
i think yuuki yuuna did this kinda thing better though
That is a really weird sword.
Honestly considering the demonstrated power of the Wish they get for becoming magical girls, there really isn't much that should seem absurd as a product of it.
I actually still haven't seen Rebellion so I don't quite know how things turned out at the end of it all hah hah. But this world does seem to have Witches as opposed to the, I think Demons? that substituted in for them after Madoka's reboot.
Well her parents from the get go have been the very Hello Kitty-poi animals.
We'll have to see if the music battle scenes are the 3D CGI little chibis still though hah hah
There's two girls in this band with BIG DRILLS I think Kirara really likes the blonde and pink one.
She just ran off leaving her guitar there. No wonder she loses stuff all the time.
>>793151 Some kind of demon girl. They has like one line earlier talking about her being a demon. I think the original series had some characters like that too.