i found a youtube video I thought was pretty entertaining so I checked the channel to see what else they had done. Turns out they stopped making videos after one of the members killed himself.
i have survived the winter storm and am at my hotel in spokane almost died only one time but i avoided careening into a long drop by knowing how to drive
Good going. It's important to never underestimate how dangerous snowdriving can be. Even extremely experienced drivers can get pretty fucked over by it.
Now get comfy and enjoy the best part of heavy snow weather: not leaving the indoors while the snow rages on outside
protip: to minimize the amount of time spent driving on ice the best course of action is to drive as quickly as possible that way, you spend less time in a dangerous situation.
I took a turn just a little too quickly but I managed to regain control.
>>795479 Idk why everyone is freaking out. It was only 5 inches last night. Is that a lot? It doesn't seem like a lot. Maybe I just can't see snow for how dangerous it is yet.
5 inches is the point where we'd probably start closing stuff down here. I forget how much lexington had but they didn't close uni for like years and then we were out for a week one of my years.
For individual cars? Probably not really as long as you're not reckless and your car's decently kept, especially if you put on snow tires. But the bigger problem about snowdriving is less you and more everything else around you. Like think about how many reckless-ish drivers you see on a regular basis, and then think about them driving around on snow, which reduced the effectiveness of your brakes and can punish you for being too aggressive with your turning. On top of that think of larger vechicles -vehicles like buses or even trucks, the weight of which is some times heavy enough to just have the entire vehicle lose control on a snowy hill and have it slide down the hill. The dangers are really not from you but for you.
Yeah, but they salt the roads and use an anti-icing agent on the roads. And they had snow plows. The roads were only a tiny bit icy. It wasn't a big deal as long as it was dealt with by driving carefully.
>>795486 Snowploughs/salt trucks can't always get places immediately. Washington is probably well-accustomed to snow considering its climate so they have the infrastructure in place to get them out quickly and efficiently. It's more problematic when you're driving in the snow as it's falling since once it's on the ground you get those problems, and snow is a big, big visibility reducer.
But like for example I've heard from friends that live in places like Pennsylvania that snowploughs aren't always properly set up and if they get a big snowfall it can be a while before they're out on the roads. The less regular severe snow is in those parts of the country I'd wager the roads get cleared far less efficiently and timely, which again, Washington is probably pretty good at keeping on top of.
there is a lot of snow coming down in spokane right now
>>795488 >>795491 Does snow reduce visibility in a different way than rain does?
I'd say it's worse, but you're accustomed to driving in hurricanes so the intensity actually might be comparable hah hah For anyone that deals with "normal" rain though, snow in a similar level of intensity will always be worse. Rain is at least still translucent, but snow is pretty much opaque so if there's enough of it the effect will literally be blinding.
Well, I don't drive in hurricanes. The wind is what makes that dangerous more than visibility, though. I've driven in tropical storms and one time that got me hydroplaned into a ditch but my car and I were fine.
Florida rain is pretty bad sometimes. Even normal rain storms can reduce visibility to less than a meter in front of you. I guess that's more a Florida thing, though.
Snow reflecting light and blinding you makes sense, though.
Though snowblindness is more of an open skies thing. In overcast or stormy weather the sunlight is usually dim enough to not be a problem. Honestly just keep a pair of sunglasses in your car and you'll be fine though.
The Inuit would actually make these neat visors with a super thin slit along eyelevel that they'd wear when they had to do long treks across tundra precisely because of snowblindness. It works on different principles but effectively it operated in the same way modern sunglasses do. They were actually essential for long journies through snow because it would actually make you blind if you had to be surrounded by it for too long.
No, not really. It's just kinda like beef and onions with a side of rice and veggies.
Kirara 🍄
The rice is good. The beef is kind of, I don't know. Flavorless. The gyudon I make at home is a lot more flavorful than this.
It looks pretty bland. I know a real good place for beef rice bowls here. Haven't gone in a good while though. I've been wanting to for a while but even when I'm downtown for school I'm still a bit of a walking distance from the place. Maybe after school on Mondays as a lunch before I head home.
There isn't much for scale reference but those are pretty large bowls. They give you a pretty sizeable portion of beef and onions over plenty of rice. It's cheap too, at 7.50 CAD. Used to be cheaper but I guess prices go up as time goes on.
Their udon is pretty good too but I have limited tolerance for the really gummy nature of udon noodles. More recently they put ramen on their menu too and it's good ramen for the price. Like nothing puts it above other places that make ramen but they get a lot of credit for again having good portions for pretty cheap prices.
There's a decent number of ramen places here. Most of them are a bit pricey but you get some -really- good ramen for what you pay for. And occasionally there'll be specials and whatnot that save you money. Or I can just go to the above eatery and get pretty good ramen for about the same price as the Shigure Don.
>>795512 Hah hah it's only about three inches deep, the beef and onions. The rest of the bowl is filled with rice. Er. No, three CENTIMETRES, not inches. I was approximating to about an inch but then figured it's probably a bit deeper. Eh, maybe even four centimetres. It is a pretty decent amount of beef, though it's thin skirt steak so it takes up a bit of space for the actual weight. But either way it's still a lot of rice underneath it. They've also got a tasty sauce they add to it so as you're eating and stirring it all up you get this flavour bomb of rice, beef, onions and savoury sauce. I really can't understate how great this place is for the prices on their menu.
>>795483 to be fair most of our roads are so shitty and the city does so poorly about salting/clearing the majority of roads that they pretty much have to
the G4 is such trash this is the third time it's bricked on me, having been replaced once i have a phone conference on monday too, and need to get directions to go somewhere
it's really embarassing to tell clients that my phone bricked and waste their time i guess i gotta go buy a new one tomorrow
that’s pretty crummy timing
probably any timing is crummy timing for someone's phone to brick i can't think of a good time for it to happen. i was going to say "maybe if you're snowed in for a few days anyway" but no what if there's an emergent sea
Definitely, with how phone-connected things are these days.
Kirara 🍄
maybe if you were going to a country without phones
>>795513 oh 3 cm is pretty shallow I guess the bowl just looks a lot deeper than it actually is
>>795529 No, the bowl is pretty deep. Again, it's the beef and onions atop a bed of rice. You get a good amount of the beef and onions and a good amount of rice.
Fuck, man My sleep deprived, frazzled brain I could barely make smalltalk with my Cousin who's visiting for a few days Almost like I short-circuited and dropped my spaghetti >Nice to see you >Long drive up. Good. Yes. Nice. Good. How are you
Man I've made some really bad decisions at D&D these past two sessions.
this is fucked this is all fucked i love and also hate kojima so much
really though I gotta slap the brakes on. again. i don't know what it was depression If that's not just a meme. But these past two, maybe three weeks I basically stopped taking care of myself. Not sleeping much. Not exercising. Eating Garbage. Ignoring any and all incoming messages from friends.
These last few years I've worked really hard to stop being this way but maybe sometimes my TRUE NATURE still manages to find a way to come through.
And it's kind of fun in a way to live like an absolute degenerate manchild with no responsibilities. But it's not very sustainable.
And it definitely takes a toll on your MENTAL FACULTIES
case and point: I couldn't handle a simple interaction with my own extended-family and had to bail
So. That's probably a sign it's time to pick up the pieces again and start walking back uphill
>>795566 man thats depressing makes me wanna hurt myself its so sad
>>795566 Yeah I can really get that sentiment. Like I know being a layabout wastrel isn't really my true nature as if any one person can really have an objective nature like that or whatever. But like every chance I get to slip up, I take it. It's just so much work to be a normal functioning human bean that I can't fathom how anyone does it.
But as someone that's talked about psychs and like about this, it probably is depression. But also as someone that's been soaking in that mental state for so long I can definitely understand that it feels, maybe is, it's so hard to tell some times, like the normal way of being.
You've at least got classes starting up again soon, right? At least having something tangible to dedicate yourself to might help getting yourself back on the tracks.
hope you guys recover from your lack of effort i'll try to recover from my lack of fucking money like you guys have lol ok bye
>>795564 >Marsh doesn't even have kids I meant to say Kojima My brain is dead
>>795566 that seems like a pretty minor blunder You'll get better when school starts up again and you have goals and
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>795573 oh yeah I'm not too worried about the event in-and-of-itself. People throughout history have suffered worse fates than being slightly awkward around their family. I was just kind of using it as an example of the fact that my **that in my current state of mind I found it difficult to carry out a simple task.
>>795564 Kojima has a wife I think he has a daughter but I'm not 100% sure.
the delicious stinging sensation been a while
Oh yeah At D&D tonight, my friend found a bottle of hot sauce in the fridge that expired in 2012 (this is the same fridge that my other friend grabbed a can of fruit juice from that expired in 2010). And then threw it out. And then it turned out that the bottle of siracha the guy who drank the expired fruit juice had been using expired in 2015.
>>795575 I keep forgetting that Kojima is in his 50s He looks like he's in his early 30s or late 20s
>>795581 nah though apparently one of them is just "son of the milkman" recently we heard someone found him at a gas station pouring gas on himself a fucked up situation indeed >>795586 well their are two main fathers and then there's the milkman who we've never met
is there meant to still be powdery stuff at the bottom of matcha tea after you've brewed it
don't hurt I'll do it for you
>>795601 Pretty much any tea you make where the tea doesn't have something like a teabag to keep the loose solids in will have some leftover solids Unless I dunno, maybe if the powder is so fine and you've prepared more water than the water:tea ratio needs, in which case ... you have weak tea. So better to have them than not.
>>795603 thanks for that The bit at the bottom always tastes gross and I always feel like I've miscalculated something when I make tea so I was worried I was doing it wrong
>>795604 Like anything that involves dissolving or infusing into water, the solute is generally the concentrated flavour of what you end up drinking. You know how if you let tea steep for too long it gets WAY bitter? Those solids are basically that but exponentially more.
Green/black teas also have tannins which are extremely bitter and having too much of them steeping into your tea is usually what creates the above over-bitterness. The remaining solids will have the rest of those tannins so yeah, usually pretty gross. Tannins have health benefits though so they're pretty good to take what you can tolerate.
Tea is one of those things my dumb brain loves so I've picked up a bunch of random information about it.
>>795610 Maybe if your soap's got an herbal or similar infusion into it for scent. Detergent yeah I could see, though I have to say I can't remember the last time I tasted detergent. But I believe detergents usually have an acided component to them and tannins are high in a particular acid so I could see why the taste buds find both unpleasant. That's chemistry though and I'm not particularly informed in that area.
>>795606 drink all the tannins show everyone how hardcore you are actually do you find the sugar kind of clings to the bottom too?
Any solid you dissolve into liquid that doesn't break down into ... probably atomic components? will refuse to dissolve once the liquid gets sufficiently saturated. Also hot liquids can hold more solute, I think, so more sugar will fully dissolve into a hot cup of tea than the same volume will hold once the tea cools, upon which the sugar content of the tea, if just clear of -if just below the limit of what sugar saturation is at the hotter state, will likely become supersaturated in the cooler tea, and the sugar solids will then precipitate and sink to the bottom.
Alternatively you're just putting way too much sugar in your tea in the first place hah hah
maybe so haha
>>795614 yes i can confirm this theory from cleaning out the tea brewers at my old job one day and there being like two inches of sugar in the bottom
the pilot came out and gave a speech about how we need to love each other and then everyone clapped and im so upset it's a bad fuckin omen crazy train is doing something i can feel it
>>795636 I think there is a bit more dickish move which is to have benches but make it impossible to sleep on said benches and be an airport that has a lot of international flights
Kirara 🍄
yeah they do that at almost every airport in the US lol
>>795707 The next Smash dlc isn't gonna be Steve It ain't gonna be Dante Or Doom Guy Sakurai is gonna make it someone no one wanted just to get people to be quiet The hero the internet needs
the Steve fans make me laugh too next dlc will be >>795708
>>795718 final smash is riding away from the exploding stage while denying the president's daughter's sexual advances he calls out NO WAY FAG when activating it
>>795718 John Kennedy is in Smash? Is his Final Smash going to be faking his death
>>795777 content > "this is mine" > friendly > all
though trusting "special edition you can touch belly" is the true SSS tier
Ugh. Having to shovel the better most of a metric tonne of snow sucks.
honestly I kinda like shoveling snow throw on some good noise cancelling headphones and I'm in these ten year old kids trying to make a few bucks need to gtfo my property
Having a responsibility is different from the difficulty of a responsibility. Having that responsibility means that the task has to take up cognitive space at some level and I my cognitive space is limited due to how ridiculously busy I am!
>>795718 God I wish also i just noticed my name is gone wtf
Took you long enough.
samu make me a mod I'll get drunk and misplace people's posts on accident
make me a mod I am here more than the others even though I check /myoue/ twice a week
make me a mod I'll enable right side posting 24/7
make me a mod and ill ban posters on a whim
make pan a mod he'll ban me
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
make ton a mod he will coom
Don't make me a mod I dun wan it
every day rook isnt a bear druid in d2 is a one week ban
honestly if you had reports ping me on discord i could probably be a mod
Make ToN a mod so that he can save all the lewd images people post before they get banned by having them directly sent to his discord
d2 fire bear worst build best rook
>>795807 I don't even know if people get banned here I can only think of one person who has gotten banned.
>>795816 did you know that if you post your bank account number and password on /moe/, the system detects it and replaces it with line from the Bee Movie script
>>795810 I'll post automatas, but no other niers allowed
>>795822 i will add a function that detects tripcodes and if you post with one on it redirects your browser to The Bee Movie except it gets faster ever time they say Bee
inc nier gestalts
aight Imma go get ramen make me admin while I'm gone
>>795886 thatll be $2.26 do you have the 711 app or are you signed up with the 7Rewards program sir >>795887 ok meet me behind the dumpster in 30mins >>795885 hey this isn't family friendly top 500 radio I'm not sure I'm allowed to listen to this at work
it's fine, any dirty words are in Portuguese so no one on texas will know
Come to think of it why havnät there ever been airplanes with like actual beds in them?
there have been airplanes with stupid silly first class compartments like it was a fucking lounge bar in air and some airplanes are so huge they can fit way too many people in them
so why aren't there say some special 12-20 hour flight planes, that specialise in having an actual sleeping compartment
I bet there'd be people who'd pay for that
https://money.cnn.com/gallery/luxury/2018/01/08/airplane-beds/index.html That exists
>>795969 Any profit-focused flight company these days wouldn't imagine putting luxuries like that into their planes. Flights are expensive for the company to fuel and keep the planes in tiptop condition. So they offset those costs by cramming the absolute maximum people they can safely do so into each plane. First-class comparments are kind of an exception, shown in how expensive they are, but the amount of floorspace needed for a single bed is just way too much for a flight company to consider.
Private jets on the other hand, I wouldn't be surprised if the owners have put beds in them in the past.
>>795972 considering how flight was luxury goods and not common goods in the past, is why they were much more luxury then
still I would say wager that people would pay a lil extra, to make it profitable enough and it wouldn't actually have to bel ike 50 beds it could be just like 12 beds taking out like 12 additional seats total or something and still be profitable but ofc that would have to have some company refit the innards of their plane just for this which while not that expensive, is an investment
But what if your plane does a barrel roll and your bed isn't nailed into the floor Then you'll be sorry
>>795976 It would cost a shit load of extra money for the fuel required for the additional weight.
Naw, it is not that expensive my uncle used to work as an airplane mechanic >>795979 uhh wat? the beds would take up a few seats away and result in around zerosum if not actually less weight total
>>795981 Well then the tickets better cost as much as the number of tickets for the seats removed to put in the bed.
You area lready paying a fuckton for flying half or more the planet away a few hundred extra to that to have an access tot he sleepin quarters during the flight prolly isn't going to hurt
i don't know how to feel death stranding 10/10 "wow"
it is unique and maybe like MGS1 it will be a spearhead of a new type of games and ofc, MGS1 was a game not for everyone at the time of its release
I think MGS series really came to people's knowledge through internet more than by people playing it
>>795987 How many hiking sims do you know though Like sure there's walking sims and survival games but none of those has stuff like shifting your weight because you have to balance on a rockey area
>>795992 basically most survival games are hiking sims too
>>796044 Something about Ryzas overworld looks really fun to explore Not even the gameplay itself just walking around Maybe something to do with the way it's lit. It all looks very sunny, open areas, blue skies
>>796044 damn, and here I am beating up Little Death
But when you do them, how do you not "do them" I can understand the feeling
especially when it comes to say preventing me and michiru from dealing dmg
btw surprise 1-5, how much was my final "okay I won't do it, I will toss fumi into it"
>>796056 On me. If I was actually hiking I'd be more than warm in what I'm wearing. It's just not the warmest outfit for standing and sitting in a cold cold enough to permeate vehicles.
say it is -10 C in your place and you are just doing commuting 1km of walk maybe at max both ways
that is normal wear wear for the -10c
so let's go for -30C so do you wear for action then the same as you wear for passion?
Man I don't NEED anything from you. I've lived in this climate for twenty-seven years I can handle myself fine. If you're looking for something to fill the silence you could try simply commiserating the situation. Even just a "shit man, that sounds rough" is plenty.
you still complain about the cold
i went to bed early and then read the plot synopsis of every higurashi arc instead of sleeping lol
sorry about cutting in but you do complain about the cold all the time
Yeah of course I complain about the cold. Why would I ever go gee whiz I love the cold when I have brought up at every moment that I prefer warmer temperatures. Bar bundling up like some kind of Pilsbury doughboy or Ghostbusters marshmallow man nothing I do will completely stop me from being cold, so I compromise by dressing a bit more for personal comfort and suffice at complaining about the cold that will ALWAYS make me uncomfortable. I'm not fucking freezing to death he here I'm just uncomfortably cold.
>>796072 good question but this is a reaction of END result
why did you start with this path anyhow?
>>796074 that's a good question but i don't even remember at this point why was i even on oh yeah i looked up battler ushiromiya for some reason
>>796075 do less stuff and commit more memory on shit you do know hwat i mean by stuff, yes?
i am not on the stuff sir just my normal brain problems i just took some sleepy pills though so I'm gonna actually try to sleep >>796078 i liked the Hobbit and tom bombafuckarillio
fuck guys ffuck the one friend in my friend group who keeps everyone together by being super funny and charismatic just cancelled and isnt coming to hangout so now its not gonna be fun at al 👁👁👁👁👁👁and all of my social shortcomings and the truth about how not-close we are as friends
its all gonna bubble to the top and damage everything
extreme amounts kf alcohol usually leads to dehydration
wat? no water is out untill wednesday
how the fuck did they fuck up this time i ... those fuckers doing foundation work theh must have poked the main valve >save money on construction work >pop open a main water pipe >pay the city >pay housing conpanies >??? >profit
tldr rei is happy that there are security vulnerabilities in windows for some reason
There's this guy that rides one of the subway lines I need to take to get to/from university and he is one of the most disgustingly RANK things I have ever had the displeasure to smell. Like not even just among people he's definitely the worst but I also can't think of any olfactory abomination living or inorganic that I've ever encountered that smells worse than him. I've encountered him a few times now on the line and every time he boards the car people inevitably just bail on the car, hold/bury their nose, or move as functionally far as they can in the car away from him. I can't even place the reek he carries around on him since I can't stand more than a moment of the smell before I just lock up. It's fucking disgusting.
>>796110 Dude it's .gov Anyways there's a remote execution exploit in Win10 that can be done just from visiting a malicious webpage. Not sure how it works but most of these are a bit over my head cause I don't into actual real world crypto software.
It's funny because for win10 development they got rid of the dedicated debugging teams and it has constantly bitten them in the ass.
>>796112 Yeah we get people like that on our trains too, busses as well. Usually the worst ones smell like dried vomit or owl pellets.
inb4 I'm the only one who's ever smelled an owl pellet
>>796112 sounds like you've located the local super smash bros king
>>796117 This isn't unwashed body odour I could have picked that up. Well maybe it's also that in part but there is a literal cacophony of nasal insults this guy possess. I'd take riding a train full of Smash nerds over this guy any day.
>>796119 Are there a lot of homeless where you live?
>>796099 it turnes out okay /moe/ we had fun truly i am a king of charisma and all things charming
Samu 🕊 !KW2DbpWwls
>>796096 boiling water pipes a brilliant invention
>>796167 no the airholes are for us you see workers are like pets in Christmas boxes you gotta poke airholes in the top of the box
the holes are to save money and prevent catastrophic ceiling collapse from killing people by letting water leaks through.
also makes them lightweight, making it easier to install and move since most offices are modular and occasionally require electricians to service wiring located above the panels
>>796175 I don't even remember what happened in the first one There was a lot of tvs that had static on them Also a cockroach I think Yeah her guardians were all cockroaches And there were parallel universes
for some reasno I feel like I've heard verilog before but no I don't think so
>>796188 Okay They're hardware description languages, I thought of something kind of silly to.do with an FPGA.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>796190 Do you actually not know what an FPGA is?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no what the heck is a fpga
>>796192 Field Programmable Gate Array Its an integrated circuit that rather than just being programmed to run code, it is programmed to be a specific integrated circuit. They're used in hardware testing so people can test chip designs without having to fabricate chips which takes time and is expensive.
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh it's hardware you can fuck with to what you want it to do
I napped a bit longer this afternevening than I wanted to. But I guess I got near no sleep last night so I was probably way more tired than usual. At least I'm feeling rested now.
Kirara 🍄
did you watch the newest suiri yet
Nope, wasn't on the docket for last night. There's so much that airs over the weekend that it's hard to get to all the stuff we're interested in watching on Sunday alone. Also Moon really liked it and couldn't make it for last night so it made sense to hold on it until later.
a lot of lgbt people mad about joker portraying a white man suffering Injustice for some reason and they keep omitting the fact he is severely mentally ill
Kirara 🍄
Every day until she gets them back
Kirara 🍄
a lot of online people hate joker for being joker they refuse to see the movie as anything other than an incel thing because that's what the memes told them it's really gross joker is so good and a really meaningful and relevant story
It's really annoying when people exclusively define a thing by the fanbase around it.
>>796221 yeah i feel like people aren't actually identifying with joker like they assume if you did you would be saying you're literally a crazy person and incels generally don't disparage themselves for anything
people identify with Arthur's oppressors when i saw it at the theater there were people laughing and laughing as Arthur was beaten up but when joker retaliated they all stopped laughing it wasn't funny when they got what was coming to them
>>796225 just the new episode i thought it wwas set up really weirdly like 100% exposition about something i had no attachment to
>>796211 was it just the new episode or were you disappointed from the start i kinda like how it was set up in the first one
>>796224 i chuckled a bit when he stabbed that guy with the scissors and then felt bad because people were looking at me 🙃
i don't think him killing the guy was really funny but something about that scene seemed comical
she's that one neet idol with depression or something
>>796336 Crazy idol with depession and self esteem issues who does lots of drugs
no SHUT UP she doesn't do drugs she's PURE
I really need to replace my AC fan I'm dyin
>>796380 wow an idol just for me? thank you japan but i am not even the littlest bit grateful you pompous tiny shats that's all? more
>Neurotic and contradictory, Riamu is a follower of the Menhera subculture and an idol otaku. Riamu makes the decision to become an idol due to her desire to quit school and as an attempt to turn her life around since Riamu fears aging out of her teenage years and feels she has hit a dead end in life. Riamu uses the catchphrase yamu ("I'm so sick"), and frequently makes references to the fact that she is lonely and depressed, as well as desperate for any kind of attention. Riamu seems to have incredibly low self-esteem and does not see herself as having any good points. Honestly they hit all the relatable sympathy notes it's pretty great
>>796385 Can't believe they made an idol in your image
modern consoles will never recapture the feeling of breaking out the gamecube controllers and getting to unravel the cord you wrapped around the middle of the thing
its like foreplay with video games
modern consoles are all just boot up and select game instant gratification like a cheap hooker vs your girlfriend
>>796389 No modern console has a button as good and orgasmic to press as the big, round, fat A button on the gamecube controller
>>796392 I wish New consoles are all put disc in game Pick user profile Wait for it to load the menu Pick game Oh whoops there's an update Wait ten minutes to update Have to log into paid online network THEN you get to play
Buying something for $50 and actually having it sit on the shelf where I can see it just makes me want to play it more than having 10 games I bought for five bucks sitting on a server somewhere
Getting any two real persons tattooed on you feels like a bit much to begin with.
i've seen some nice tattoos of people's like relatives deceased parents or whatever but football players is a little weird
also dude now has two steelers logos on his body and 0 browns logos what a superfan
gotta say though the tattoo is pretty realistic nice job on the artist i always wonder how tattoo artists can manage to artfully craft such nice looking dumb tattoos without laughing and fucking it up
They money they get paid for not laughing and messing up the tattoo probably helps.
worked 7 hours, spent NINE hours at the hospital, get home just in time to have a fish dinner and get tomorrow's work done tonight because i have to drive to a further away hospital at 6am tomorrow to get there by 7am for another 6+ hour dealio
i want to take my laptop and tether my phone but it's BRICKED sort of bricked. it's on temporarily
that's all thanks for listening
Do hospitals not have WiFi for relatives of patients? Though I guess I could imagine it's unreliable as anything.
they probably have visitor wifi but it's not much they need to call me when my mom's out of surgery too so i need my phone either way i'll just have to keep it plugged into my laptop the entire time. that's the only way i can use it which means i'll need to find a place to plug in my laptop at the hospital they'll probably have a spot for that somewhere
it's really unmanageable timewise though i plan on not working for a set period to accomodate appointments then the appointments get cancelled or moved around shitload of work to be done
Yeah it really does sound like a lot. I hope at the least things go well for your mom.
>>796491 if you put a bit of vegetable oil on your fingers and slowly rub them together in a circular motion it will peel off
>>796495 Because believeit -believe it or not, there are a lot of people that don't go back and watch old movies, no matter how good they are. But if you re-release or remake it, people will go out and watch it. Wouldn't you want more people to get to enjoy the classic story in that case?
>I wanted it to have guns and throbbing members so I sought out a Japanese maker
>>796496 I tried that to no avail I'm using a nail buffer and that seems to work
>>796511 ah dang that usually works for me polish remover works faster in my experience but i feel like it's probably not good to get that stuff on your skin for a long time
no twinking kinda sucked but it worked to make things feel more fair in bloodborne didn't do a ton of pvp in ds3 though
i dont mind it for invasions, its just big gay for white sign
i liked it in bloodborne meant i could help anyone anywhere with the builds i like even though they're meta or super high bl
though the scaling in 3 seemed a bit fucked up now that i think about it like my 60vit quality build scaled down to half his sl had the hp of like 15 vit or some shit and still did twice as much damage as someone around that level should
it's weird that ds3 scaling is so retarded since it worked great in bloodborne and bloodborne has a serious overpowered scaling issue with the blood gems you can obtain in the highest tier cursed chalices like my wheel boy who can kill other players in literally one hit doesn't overpower shit when he's scaled down
>>796532 if you're trying to make money, no if you want neat cosmetic stuff and a very low chance of getting an immensely valuable item that could pay your sub for like half a year or buy you some of the best gear in the game sure
they're not very hard to do and the cosmetic stuff is cute
if you want to be more efficient in terms of monetary gain and items that are actually useful, always do medium clues and master clues
>>796541 oh damn that's one of the super rare trails i think it's one of the most expensive items you can get on beginner and easy outside of team cape zero
in other games you might have used up your luck but in runescape you can still get 5 ultra rares in 100 more clues while someone else goes 600 kills without getting a 1/50 drop
This came up in my search results for "take a closer look at that snout" >>>/watch?v=l_N66Li5S-8 Fucking google and youtube search are getting worse and worse.
>tfw you just always happen to come up on 3+ guys all with their back turned not paying attention >then after you get 8 kills with your gunship there's 4 people camping not paying attention to you right nex tto where you were >and you get a gunship with your care package i feel dirty but i'll take that shit
>>796562 yeah the clues do that shit haha always seems to be the one step you can't quite finish yet the list of shit you gotta do to finish all master clues is impressive
i forgot how bad steel reserve tastes and question whether i should be doing this since i have been forgetting things like leaving the oven on or not realizing i hurt myself last night until like halfway through the next day h m m
My mom used to play a ton of vidya gaem when she was younger. She has maps drawn on graph paper of the world in the original Legend of Zelda which she made with her friend. My dad almost broke up with her because she smoked weed and played video games while watching me and my older sister a long time ago! She gave me almost all of the consoles and games I played when I was younger other than the few games my dad played on PC like Doom 1/2 or Quake 1-3 or Pharaoh.
>>796604 Please bitch you would be asking /moe/ what to do after a week of dealing with her neurosis. >>796603 She is cool. I love my parents and family.
i wouldn't doubt it there's a lot of cool shit around the world all im saying is you can't handle my mom
>>796611 Would you take a holiday there? Inb4 you don't know that song
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I do know that song it was in Guitar Hero.
listen to this song >>>/watch?v=hQX7Zub0ZdI featured in several speedrunning "history of" videos and a video about a famous nascar driver that tragically and fatally wrecked in a race he was bound to win alongside his teammate and son
i need one of these setups so i can vtube as hector
>>796626 Do you have a Kinect? You could probably just do mocap with the kinect and pipe it into mmd in real time. I'm pretty sure there's tools for that.
the amount of mileage you get out of that is incredible
>>796645 look i see the sun i feel the waves and you don't know how hard it would be to pull your bid up on my tablet is playing music now ok so far from home
I'm on my own
I'll carry on
i seen shit i some i done shit i am shit
prob 3/4 of the last five years I've gotten drunk and high the result is showing up man who cares man there's nothing left for me
i screwed it up I'm so sorry turning off
>log horizon season 3 hooray >but it's DEEN boooo
Season two was DEEN too and while it wasn't great, sure, I think it still had the spirit of the original. The material's pretty sold in the first place anyway.
Pretty solid even.
>>796695 I dropped s2 I'm a very picky person in general though It wasn't terrible but I'd still take anyone over DEEN when it comes to an adaptation
Still it's pretty surprising to see season 3 after all this time
New novels have been coming out recently, and the whole tax evasion debacle is probably long enough in the past now.
Are the Japanese mad about tax evasion in the same way they get mad about drugs If I heard about an author evading taxs it probably wouldn't even register to me as anything more than business as usual
I think it's more the whole "shameful to be associated with a known criminal thing". And honestly unless I hear otherwise I'm convinced he just bungled his tax documents since he went from being a managing author to a pretty popular one and got like two anime deals and all the sales from Log Horizon, and the stuff like the Log Horizon TRPG, all within a short period of time. So I bet he just didn't figure out how to properly file everything and it's just when it's at that magnitude it goes from being a small, personal deal between the person and the tax collection agency to a larger legal concern.
I dunno about taxation but I know that it's very easy to accidentally commit "fraud" in welfare so I assume it's a similar principle He probably just miscalculated or something Yeah it probably wasn't even that big of a deal. And I bet that the true gravity of it might have been lost in translation from Japanese articles to english ones