atelier ryza is on sale DO I BUY IT AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH atelier games never go on sales this big
Kirara 🍄
watching the yurucamp dorama made me realize how many different ways there are to wrap scarves
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>794568 hm I kind of want it too But 30% is just borderline
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Like, if it was 50% or more off, I'd definitely get it. but 30 is hmm.
That's still 60AUD
yeah i dunno i'm also worried that if i do buy it, i'm going to play it and that would take me from other games so yeah feels like i shouldn't buy it
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
if you want to wait a while anyway maybe you should just hold off It will probably go on sale again at some point maybe even for less.
idk, atelier games don't really go on sale even during steam sales they get like 10% i mean it'll happen again surely but it could be like a year but yeah if they only reason i'm thinking about buying it is the discount then it's definitely not something i actually need
>>794626 Yeah here's another hot take for you. Whoever's the first of the post-Fighters Pass characters is who's actually supposed to be this one. But Nintendo told them when they got more DLC characters greenlit to do Byleth first because they knew they'd be releasing new Three Houses DLC content around the same time.
>Byleth's mobility isn't great >Has a directional normal attack that allows you to latch on to an enemy in the air and immediately sling yourself towards them
tilde here livin in some sorta fantasy world where there's not two toxic hxc smash players crowding it the entire party screeching and getting pissed off if anyone else even asks if they can play i aint touchin those controllers with a 10-foot pole
Oh Cyberpunk got delayed again to September. Guess that puts a bit of a break in the game rush that was building up for March/April at least.
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
game rush game rush i wanna game rush
It's like a boss rush but ENTIRE GAMES
>>794665 I didn't even know this had a release date
Oh Kirara's actually further north than I am right now since Toronto dips pretty far south below the 49th Parallel. Enjoy your long nights while you're up there!
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Quentin Torontino
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Queso tostitos
Kirara 🍄
>>794670 i prefer long days but we shall see how it goes
>>794673 Well if you end up settling with Spokane then you'll get plenty of those during summer. Summers this far north are so amazing, with evenings lasting long into the night hours.
But the trade off is during winter you get short, dim days and long, dark nights.
Samu 🔩 /人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
i miss those super long summer nights ah, youth natsukashiii
Yeah I'd love to live on the West Coast and enjoy the longer nights during summer. Plus in a lot of that part of the country you don't get nearly as awful winter weather as you do around here. But I'd probably need a good reason to move all the way out there.
holy shit yall \what thte fuck drugs are fucking fast
this is just shit to help my cough and like i feel like i'm in a car that is perpetually turning in one direction because that's how my body is slouching
Christopher Tolkien died. Can I get an F? F
>>794677 >>794678 Sounds like they gave you some intense stuff, wow. Enjoy the high I guess.
no, it's probably just because I don't do prescription drugs
i worded that poorly i haven't had any since liike 11? 13? can't remember the last time I had one of these orange bottles Iwas just looking at the side effects and was like "well, you know, just because it says something doesn't mean it'll happen. " and it's fucking happening happened like five minutes in
just hoping that the constipation side effect is the rare one that doesn't trigger.
that son of a gun really went and added another fire emblem character lol
Yeah. Byleth's got some pretty neat moves though.
>>794677 drugs sure are something what did they give you? >>794684 i am interested to play him honestly he looks fun!
hol on think it ended it tate Benzonatate Common Brand Names: Zonatuss, Tessalon Perle looks a lot like the pills my nephew had in his mouth the other day. I swear he knows nothing but how to scare the shit out of us s
I really liked the whip and how it can sling you towards an enemy in the air. Plusi t was funny to me since just shortly before Sakurai was saying how Byleth doesn't have great mobility but then they have THAT.
>>794686 The brand names sound like Transformers what the fuck.
Ephraim for Smash
>>794691 the humansssssssssssstruggle in vain my lord for the tessalon perle is already within our grassssssssssssssp
>benzonatate works by numbing the throat and lungs w-what
Wenatchee looks perfect omg it's small but has some density to the non-residential area i could walk to stores and stuff potentially like park somewhere and then go get whatever i need from multiple stores and it's beautiful
A girl got abucted by ayakashi as a child and ended up becoming a bit of a problem-solver for them, kinda like a youkai detective. The first episode's got some pretty good writing and the characterizations are fun. Plus the girl is pretty cute.
the mc is good too
I'm a bit doubtful that he's the MC since he didn't appear in the PV at all for the second episode but yeah, I figure he is. At the least he's almost certainly the male lead.
Kirara 🍄
is [inu] good subs for it?
Dunno, I tend to grab shows as they come out so I'm usually getting the HorribleSubs rip. It's really only shows that get properly fansubbed that I get from other groups.
Kirara 🍄
i guess ill see how Inu is
Yeah wow Nyaa is thoroughly useless for determining the quality of their subs. But I guess nothing more than one person commenting on one typo has a good chance of being a positive indication. Since if they were particularly bad people would probably be talking about it.
Kirara 🍄
I'm hungry but I'm almost too tired to want to eat. I slept so badly last night.
i usually get animeplaza because of the nice small file size i dont pay enough attention to the subs to catch if they're good or bad though
there was one part of the subs i got confused on but it turned out that was just a weirdness of the dialogue itself not the subs i think tabun
Kirara 🍄
alright time to watch this
Kirara 🍄
nice staff
Nice bird
My friend is buying a $300 boardgame tonight. On the secondary market it goes for like $800~. He's not flipping it though.
oh yeah i missed showbyrock dang i gotta catch up on that after work
The second episode's out but I have a hunch we'll probably not get around to it tonight. So you've probably even got the whole weekend to get around to it.
today was my first day off in a long time but i still kept doing work anyway i just can't seem to sleep im so tired
Perpetual work really does seep into your brain and make you think pretty much only in relation to it. It always seems like a spooky mindtrap to slip into to me.
i probably need to be more on the ball and stop putting things off so much ive made one client wait almost a year on some pretty basic side projects that should have been passively implemented just because of last year's shittiness i get the chance to sleep today but im too anxious anymore to sleep so i just work on those things instead but gosh im so tired
i need to be learning some stuff so i think i have to get work out of my system first to make room for more thought storage
>>795093 it's not that bad here but it's pretty cold
That's the point where I start plotting all the ways I can avoid spending as much time out of the cold as possible. It's just not comfortable with the thickness of clothes I prefer to wear.
>>795100 nah, i've been to canada though, it's possible that the part of canada I was in was still slightly south
Imagine if Florida was -8C
>>795102 If you were anywhere in southern Ontario then you were still decently south relative to where Kirara is. Ontario dips pretty far south of the 49th Parallel that divides most of Canada and the States.
>>795084 always wondered, how would you actually attach wings to a human body and how much bulkir would they make you since it would either require and extra muscle system to be added to the back or your back muscles to be a lot larger, as they are doin way more than what they are doing right now
hmm loot the world as scythian horsemen or convert the world into zoroastrianism?
also whoever turned zarathustra into zoroaster should go swimming with rocks confuses the fuck out of me when just english has it in that form and every other language uses zara
my lawyer wont return my calls and im trying not to lose my mind over it
the appointment today due to inclement weather it's 31 degrees and lightly raining idk now she has to wait four days to get her lymph nodes drained so she's in extreme discomfort what a dick move
Yeah man that's barely below freezing. What's the worst that can happen to you, a light cold? I imagine anything their patients are suffering is far beyond anything that scale.
I guess you must live decently enough close to where you work that a heavy snowfall doesn't screw over your trip to work, eh. A nasty snowstorm can all but lock up the public transit here and that makes getting anywhere suck for me.
Okay yeah It's literally just half life 2.
there's a boss fight in death stranding that's nothing like anything else in the game and it really reminded me of this old 1v1 fighting arcade game and it bothers mei can't remember what it's called it had like an over the shoulder split screen perspective
>>795168 it was supposed to be big here but nothing really happened like a splatter of rain that will ice over and that's it but everyone closed, even hospitals cancelled appointments
That's the kind of thing that seems absolutely bizarre to me. Like a storm would probably have to dump like 25cm of snow overnight or something on the city before important institutions like that closed for the weather. Even schools rarely close unless there's been like 15cm and there's no way they can roll the ploughs out before all the kids need to head to class.
I always seem to fall into the habit of making chili when I'm home alone really late in the night. I think it's a cross between earnestly wanting to make it, it's probably my favourite dinner meal, but also not wanting to get started on all the cutting and prep work for it, so since I'm not cooking for anyone else, I just put it off until I'm hungry enough to care.
nothing closes here unless it's Christmas day or unless a tornado has touched ground and is about to hit the building i guess
except waffle house waffle house is always open no matter what
Waffle Houses are a binary indicator of whether the apocalypse is underway or not.
>>795176 Someone has to keep people fed when emergency services won't
Maybe emergency services shouldn't be fucking WIMPS
Kirara 🍄
just picked up the first of a revolutionary new apple y'all this is the first year that it's been harvested and it's the product of twenty years of research and breeding they're hard to find and i just got two it's called COSMIC CRISP
oh yeah, it's that one\ those things are way too expensivbe
Kirara 🍄
that's because there's only an extremely small harvest and it's the first year of them existing it's LIMITED EDITION
First Edition Apples
what does the new Apple taste like
Kirara 🍄
idk yet i only ate a kanzi apple it's an apple that tastes like a tangerine dude apples are amazing
Honeycrisp apples are pretty fucking great. Like these dumbass Cosmic Crisp might be some stupid limited run of fancy ones but even just plain honeycrisp are good.
Kirara 🍄
they're not limited run, they're the successor to honeycrisp the apple man says they will probably replace honeycrisp eventually he was explaining to me the lineages of popular apples very interesting stuff
I remember talking apples with an Austrian friend of mine years back and I mentioned how I love Red Delicious apples and he was DEAD CONVINCED there's no way there's an apple with a name like that.
Kirara 🍄
Washington girls seem to love me im getting so many hits on dating apps sorry girls im here until sunday morning
sid you find a dorothy cosplayer to definitely not kidnap
Kirara 🍄
might go on a deito tomorrow if this girl's flight gets cancelled due to the storm hung out with a cute girl tonight too
Kirara 🍄
>The variety was first planted for commercial use in spring 2017, with 12 million trees pre-ordered by Washington state orchards.[11] The variety is initially only available to Washington-based growers, and will remain limited to them for at least ten years. Growers pay a royalty for each tree purchased and for each box of apples sold. Interest was so high the trees initially had to be distributed to apple farmers in a lottery held in 2014—WSU had planned to provide 300,000 saplings but were met with requests for 4 million.[12][4] Within three years, over 13 million Cosmic Crisp trees had been planted. Lawsuits emerged between WSU and a Seattle spinoff that the university claimed distributed over 100,000 trees improperly.[13][14] WSU owns the Cosmic Crisp patent. apple royalties holy shit
someone texted me asking when i usually get my w-2 form (an ex-coworker) so i looked through and sorted all of my bullshit documents in my cabinet and turns out there's no date on them i was tricked into cleaning god dammit
Oh no what villains.
i probably did need to organize that pile of misc bullshit but still
psh Just imagine Wanting to interact with other players in an MMO What an XP waste
Says the guy demo-ing his comedy routine to them.
>>795235 bro if you're not 3tick fishing sweaty style for 9 hrs a day you are kicked from the clan bro brah bruh l0l ihavenevergoneoutside
not that i haven't had great encounters with fun people to talk to but a lot of people are older now and more interested in powergaming and being "good" at the game they used to have fun in i guess and a lot of people literally play with public chat off or chat in general turned off
That's kind of like the fate of any MMO that remains popular for too long.
>>795240 i mean i don't get it and i think that it's stupid and these people are competing at a game that shouldn't be competitive but somehow they're having fun so i guess they can knock themselves the fuck out someone literally shit themselves to try and get top place in some skilling efficiency or xp gained competition he still got 2nd place lol
in my mind they will never be anywhere near as good at the game as people like rendi/kempq/woox because being efficient doesn't seem very hard or interesting to me but there's definitely some kind of market for that bullshit
i bet i could clap most of the top skillers in the wilderness and almost get the same xp rates they do with their gay ass post-99 grind to 200 million xp >>795241 i barely ever get to have any kind of real discussion with people outside of cc or slayer tasks if you get a task that has enough mobs for 2 people and find someone there that's always awesome
unless they're a stoner that just talks about how high they are lmao dude 420
>>795243 hey look if they do find it inherently enjoyable and they're having a great time then it isn't any more pointless than any other videogame. I just find it really, really, really hard to see the appeal.
>>795244 i'd argue it's inherently more pointless than being maximum autism devoted to becoming good at say, any popular competitive game at least if you spent 14 hours a day playing a fighting game that has tournaments with hard cash prize pools you'd be a little better off runescape has those too sometimes but not for the casual skiller dorks only for the manly PK chads slaying noobs from their mom's basement
i understand the appeal, it feels good to get something down to a T and be perfectly optimized in performing it but they could do this with basically anything else and it would be more productive
mother fuckers are seriously trying to get to 200m xp after getting lv99 wtf bro go outside
>>795250 please have a good time so i can live through you vicariously
>>795249 thats what the mk2 is it shoots up to 6 pogs and reloads 1 pog at a time every .6 seconds pog someone in the torso or head for an instant kill at almost any range
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>795251 Competitive afk combat training at the bandit camp while also playing other, better games.
>>795255 train slayer afk you nerd just get some guthans
My current task is Hellhounds and I'm getting assblasted. so i wanted to get some levels up first
or at least do nightmare zone afk its a ton faster than killing bandits
>>795257 >hellhounds you can go to zeah and safespot the hellhound that spawns closest to the room they're located in it's not very fast or great but hellhounds is a fucking shit task they suck ass
safespotting is for beta cucks who can't face reality. I tackle all my problems HEAD ON.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Which, is also probably why I take a shitload of damage
>>795260 well bigman you can also just not take any damage by prayer flicking and just try to get that gay ass task done quick cause hellhounds have shitty defense or bring a few prayer potions if you're not a greedy goblin like me
the shield/ring is just while I'm afking these guys
>>795266 >>795267 you got decent bonuses and enough prayer to flick protect melee just go down there and practice your prayer flicking for like 30 mins you should kill them pretty damn fast
should do the next quest in the barbarian line to get helm of neitiznot though and if you feel like playing a really boring minigame for a little bit do barbarian assault to get the fighter torso, it's a great str boosting piece thatll last you until degradeable bullshit
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
My plan was to get another str level and then go get a deffender.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>795269 i want to buy i don't have 20 construction lol
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
gotta do that one first.
lol 20 cons isnt that hard honestly but make sure you stock up on home tele tabs and amulets of glory if you're anything like me you're gonna forget the amount of planks and shit you need to build whatever it is
just build like one of each item you unlock as you go and you should easily get 20 cons for about 50-100kgp
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I know. i just haven't got around to doing it yet
>>795274 do it right fucking now god dammit it is kind of fun and takes like 30 minutes
dragon defender is known to be really gay and take a million years for some people and even for the average probability of obtaining it, it's a lot longer than the effort req for neitiznot get the helm first and it'll make grinding for the defender a bit better too
on the other hand neitiznot is guaranteed to take you like an hour tops if you got the first fremmenik quest done
defender could take between 3-12 hrs or more if you are a black hole of luck
>>795279 rune is a lot easier to get but will probably take like an hour or two on avg you could get rune and then do neitiznot but that quest is really not very hard even with the final boss your stats are more than enough to merc it and you'd have to pay a bit more for the entry fee to get back and get dragon after you leave with rune
its up to you whether or not you have the time to grind it out now or want to get the helm quick and grind a lot another day
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Alright. You've convinced me. I'll grind up construction and get the helm before i do anything else.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Alternative, I could just use a Dragon square if I cbf'ed grinding for the defender at all
>>795281 just grab like 150 planks 50 nails maybe 50 oak plank
>>795282 defender is worth it for leveling combat at least
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>795284 What if my only goal is not to get dicked during Slayer tasks?
you will also need to level magic and range to like 70-80+ to not want to kill yourself in some high lvl tasks and complete some quests to get arclight when you're really high level
but for mid lvl slayer the defender is generally better because killing shit faster also reduces the damage you take over the course of the task as much as blocking a few more attacks with a shield instead
get your melee stats to like 80 base and you'll have no problem with any task that can be melee'd and isn't a boss task most slayer monsters arent really dangerous unless they're fucking monkies
New plan: Construction Quest Helmet Rune Deffender Slay hell bois
and then maybe grind for the dragon deffender sometime another day.
>>795288 The main goal of this account, and my main goal of playing the game is still mostly just afk skilling. Slayer is just something to do a bit of on the side when I feel like paying slightly more attention to the game.
pic related its fucking satan you have to change prayers and move and shit and its all too much for my half assed afk brain >>795289 let me be honest with you almost everything in this fucking game is doable while playing something else except for xeric raid and other raids
I mean that's also the whole appeal of the game and why I'm getting back into it - I wanted something I could kind of absent-mindedly click on while I'm relaxing and shitposting and doing other things
It's pretty garbage xp though, isn't it? you wouldn't do it to level smithing
>>795298 as far as like efficient methods go it's probably the worst fucking way possible to level smithing
but it's also the most absent minded zero thought minimal input way to get smithing xp and i got from 65-69 afk smithing cballs for profit when i didn't really want to play the game
you'll make around 150-200kgp an hr accounting for not paying attention and 10k-12k xp/hr i did this sometimes for like 2-3 hrs a day when i wasn't really interested just to sustain my membership for free though it dropped now and i don't really give a shit about the game since i don't even play on my desktop most nights
imma ask all the e-boys to ass me after I chew their face off with demogorgon
>>795324 boy I know some Melee players you'd love to meet
getting play of the game and announcing "i love you all fill me with your cum" then logging out
>>795326 straight up find it hard to concentrate in melee tournaments cause the smell of man stench overwhelms me i hope im dreaming and i didnt actually type that
>>795329 not even lying most of the time it was hard to play because I was Rock Hard due to the man smell this is real life but i don't care saying it
i don't know i like that smell shit makes me hard thinking about it
>>795331 What kind of smell is it Is it like a vinegary kind of smell
>>795333 idj it smells like man it's not vinegary it's pungent
You would have loved my old Samoan coworker he smelled like absolute shit Absolutely rank fatass
was he gay cause that's a thing
>>795336 I remember he started touching my shoulders out of nowhere once so maybe Or he was just a really friendly guy He was cool I wish he kept working there instead of dropping it for construction work
>>795337 nice nice I'll touch your shoulders maybe touch a bit much
>>795376 in fact, maybe we can even have a srs discussion over dms at some point because i do feel like i've been coming apart a bit recently. Sometime.
More importantly, can somebody please explain why everyone is memeing about the Fire Emblem characters in smash bros I don't know that much about either franchise i do not understand all the uproar
basically it all boils down to huffy autismo babbies angry that 'wow another fe sword character this and not my super niche desire to have the gonk droid from lord of the rings??????? masterhero soccerguy come on >:('
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>795382 so they think it's a boring choice and wanted to see other characters included instead?
yeah pretty much
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
I see.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Gamers really are the most oppressed minority.
>>795381 Because 80 good characters just wasn't enough
>biggest Smash roster ever with loads of fan requested third party new comers >wtf Hackurai you lazy asshole this isn't enough
they already got sans undertale what more can these little shits want
Kirara 🍄
sbeve from minecraft
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
i love snow
Kirara 🍄
driving in snow is difficult but i still like it
>>795394 I, too, like children that I can give back to their parents when I no longer want to deal with them.
>>795393 Yeah that's natural. Snow usually takes a few seasons of it to settle in how much of a PAIN it is to exist in it.
Kirara 🍄
>>795396 >>795397 wow why is it hard to believe that i could enjoy snow forever
I will love snow forever
Kirara 🍄
rook you missed out i ate special first edition apples
shit I don't even know what a special edition apple would look or taste like what makes it so spesh
>>795401 It looks like an apple, I'd imagine it also tastes like an apple.
>>795401 it's the product of 20 years of breeding and research and this is the first year it's ever been harvested it's called COSMIC CRISP and it's the successor to honeycrisp and it's amazing they also have apples here that taste like tangerines
cosmic crisp might be the best name for an apple possible bravo apple breeders gj
Kirara 🍄
it's so stupid, i love it all the apples have their own taglines too
stay tuned for the new EP from COSMIC CRISP hitting Spotify Jan. 28th
Kirara 🍄
smitten apples are like "once bitten... you're smitten" cosmic crisp is "infinite possibilities"
>>795413 I imagine a lot of people just dump their unwanted crappy novels in there but yeah you just gotta be the change etc. also some more avid readers might check them often and take the better books
There's one of them just down the street from my house. Though it's a little, like maybe shopping basket-sized one. The house owners put it up themselves I figure.
i want to move here for a year and then you can all come and we can go camping and hiking and they wont even get mad that we're all gay there are gay people EVERYWHERE
>>795423 Have you had a chance to play anything you got in the Steam sale?
i got Rain World and Saurian there's really not a lot to do in Saurian since it's early access Rain World got ridiculously hard fast in the third area with the leeches
ah man, Rain World has such a nice atmosphere and I just keep not surviving the day. I'm just like please, where is the fourth bug to eat and then *the rain cometh*
it's spooky it really captures the predator prey anxiety well
That's really good to hear. I hope you get picked for the internship so you can really get to experience it. Winter's winter and all but temperate locations are great in all seasons.
I'm pretty sure I'll get it. I have rural experience and there's a lot of trauma and drugs which I have immensely deep experience with Also I'm the oonly guy which is a big factor for my success
And you're such a fun guy
I made somewhat impromptu plans to meet up with a friend today last night, having totally forgotten there was an incoming snowstorm set to dump a fucktonne of snow on us today. I really don't want to have to transit in this kind of weather so I'm hoping he sees my message before he leaves for the meet up. But he's notoriously difficult to get in contact with and I'm worried the message won't get read in time. How annoying.
I woke up at 9:30 against my body's wishes to be productive and enjoy bideo gam I then promptly starting sleeping in my chair because my body was mad around 11:30 or 12 and now I'm awake four hours later.
I can't fall asleep at my computer no matter how tired I get. It's just not a comfortable sleeping environment.
Also it's literally 180 degrees and two steps to my bed so I mean.
Snowfall's heavy enough that the bathroom which is only lit by a skylight without the lights turned on is pretty much entirely dark. Plus it'll be below freezing for the rest of the week so the most of it will probably stick around.