hi yuu i have some work i have to finishup i'll join in about 40-50 minutes, start without!
Ahiru no Sora Chihayafuru Hatena Illusion Itai no wa Iya nano de etc. Kabukicho Sherlock Kyoyou Suiri Majutsushi Orphen Hagure Tabi Pet Plunderer Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita Episode 2-3
--2019 Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 25-26 PSYCHO-PASS Episode 7-8
Oh because it's a typo, should be Kyokou Suiri. It's a series written by the author of Zetsuen no Tempest. Seems to have supernatural and shounen elements with a bit of romance.
I'd vote for Majutsushi since it's right up my alley. We could also trial Hatena Illusion or do another episode of Rikei but I dunno how much Moon or you cared for that one.
i didn't mind rikei im probably going to make fun of it every time we watch it but i dont have a problem with it
I found the love parts pretty cute. Especially the way the main girl's ponytail wagged when she was happy. The science humour was definitely a lot but I have a low threshold for enjoying dumb jokes.
Yeah, but it does get a little tiresome. It's like how with the rifle show from last season how they always picked on the MC for being lousy and worrying about her competition performance despite her showing consistently that she overperformed in competitions. Eventually people ought to learn better!
Oh more weird basketball particulars. These more minor rules are really weird to me.
Basketball anime seems to always be like this I guess it's usually written for big fan er by big fans
Well it's probably best that it's written by big fans. If they're not passionate about the sport I bet it would get pretty insipid fast. Though I bet it also benefits from having an editor to rein them in when they're getting too rules nerd-y.
Yeah I bet editors want basketball magic like kuroko's
This guy's her cousin he shouldn't be crushing on her so hard. No need to be so ANGERY ABOUT SHOES
>>794361 They get kinda close to the magic in these shots with the players weaving past defenses and the like. Of course nothing like Kuroku's literal teleportation but it is a similar stylish flair.
I guess when you've got all these little particular rules it's pretty easy to be cunning about little plays to get fouls and free shots.
Yeah it had a lot of HEART. The manga's still ongoing so I hope maybe we see more of it eventually. Plus it getting animated by SHAFT was a really amazing choice. They got really artistic with it and it paid off big.
Both Taichi and Arata have been experiencing some kuyashii lately
Yeah, and Chihaya forgoedasf gdsf ssssssssssssss Wow okay.
Chihaya gave up her chance to compete to challenge the Queen to go on the Kyoto school trip too. So all three of them missed out on playing the big names in this arc.
Hah hah wow Taichi. These two boys have some slight problems they need to work out.
In the meanwhile Chihaya is just blue-screening.
You telling me Suo doesn't wear his suunglasses at night
I never actually watched Zetsuen no Tempest but I think Squid was pretty fond of it. I think this adaptation has been getting a bit of marketing attention to for -too for the subs. \
Wow that really turned on its head fast. That was a neat little bait and switch.
What cute little spirits.
So is this series gonna be like supernatural mysteries with this girl being like Poirot in his comfy salon chair with other characters bringing her mysteries to solve
i like this a lot
Yeah, I like the atmosphere and these character designs are cute.
Interestingly enough in Norse mythology Odin had to gouge out his own eye to gain wsdafahkdasdas why this But it's interesting that losing eyesight to gain inner sight arises independently throughout cultures across the world.
He's a much nicer guy now that his cat's out of the bag.
This is kind of death flag-y all of a moment.
All of a sudden. Shit.
yeah they really like doing that it's a little perturbing a lot perturbing
Yeah, why. Like it's supposed to be a good thing for her so why do they gotta make it all rape-y.
Now he's playing a villain eh.
Boku janai boku ja na i
Licht in particular has a face that kind a reminds me of the faces from Gundam Seed.
don't be naive girl you're always alone, always
You are (not) alone
Well this guy is a little weird.
That sure is a nice convenience. She's got a good reason to chase after him now, since she probably feels responsible now for making him reveal himself.
Oh yeah a poison cloud and paralyzing spell that traps you in it is a good skill combo.
i do like being a tank it's a lot of fun healer/support too, sometimes that is the tank
I like either being up close and fighty or distance magic.
Hah hah this group thread is already calling her a Last Boss
if risa has any AOE spells, she can mob up a bunch of monsters and tank them all and help risa level up super fast
So the MC is just going full TANK and her friend is gonna be Sonic and dodge all the attacks. That's a pretty stylish team-up.
i hope we get some real immersive VR mmos soon
Oh this is super cute.
>>794529 I'd have a bit of hope once we see kind of proof-of-concept normal MMOs that have realized and immersive worlds. Being able to experience them in VR would of course be cooler but unless the foundations exist to make an MMO like that I don't think them being in VR matters much.
Looks like they're getting away fro mthe combat side for a bit
Not for long I wager, with them just breaking open OBVIOUSLY SEALED DOORS like this.
this is such a cozy and fun gaming adventure i want so badly tohave the kind of fun they're portraying here all our games suckkkk though
It does feel like, at least in terms of your standard gaming experience, we're way far off being able to have games like this. Even though we probably have the capacity to design and create a game like it. But it's the kind of thing that's way too audacious for people to just try.
there's not enough financial justification until there's some successful prototypes yeah
which really sucks because that holds the game industry back from making HUGE progressive leaps only making small incremental progress that people slowly get used to
i want just a massive shift that blows everyone away what's the word there's a marketing word for that but i forget it
Also this series has some REALLY GOOD animation. Like even the less dynamic scenes are crisp.
no and i hate that term anyway like a technical term not some jargony stuff there's too much jargon
Yeah that's a pretty stylish armor set she got. I like the scarf.
The two of them are really the talk of the town.
if people spent any time playing the game instead of gossiping around town they'd be just as far developed... i mean these girls are only playing a few hours in the evening, there's no excuse
Yeah but some people actually play MMOs for the social aspect.