>>764538 We did continue with Houkago but we swapped out BokuBen for an episode of Chihayafuru so you didn't miss that. Was it at least some good sleep you got?
Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride BokuBen Chihayafuru Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-4 Enen no Shouboutai Hataage! Kemono Michi Honzuki no Gekokujou Episode 4-5 Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-17 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-4 Ore wo Suki nano wa Omae dake ka yo Shinchou Yuusha Val x Love Beastars
>>764540 oh okay thanks i appreciate it meh i guess any sleep is good when it hurts to be awake
I don't have anything planned, no. I might text some of the highschool friends I've gotten back in contact with if they're doing anything, But at the same time I'm a bit vain about how that subtext messages that I'm kind of beggaring invites to what they're doing and I'm not sure if that's quite suitable. I'll probably just be home tomorrow night either way though.
i dont think there's any harm in asking if you want to go do something they won't know you want to do something if you don't say so
but yeah i get what you mean i dont really like parties and stuff but i could stand to get out
we have two episodes of honzuki? neat
I don't mind the occasional party, at least if there's at least some people there I'm close with. Like if I'm doing something like that every few months? Sure, it's enough to satisfyingly drain my social batteries. It's just difficult for me to get over the internal "What if" worries about doing stuff like that.
hmmm what did yall think of that mairimashita iruma-kun
we should probably be helping rika put together the watch list we've got three episodes of that queued up. it seemed okay
I generally like to defer to Rika for putting together the list at first. If there's something I really want to watch I'll bring it up, or I'll comment if something is better off saved for later. Aside from the occasional exception I'm usually good to watch anything so my opinion is that someone who actually feels stronger about that sort of thing should be putting together the list.
>>764546 I enjoyed watching it, but I wouldn't say I'm particularly taken by it. It has a kind of episodic comedy feel to it I guess.
Every season has a couple shows like that, they're nice enough to watch if there's time for it, but in seasons that are packed with stuff that for one reason or another is more interesting for someone to watch, they can kind of get built up. We've got a bunch of episodes of Kono Oto Tomare! too that have been building up.
>>764550 i was just curious if it was closing in on drop territory with the backup or something i kinda liked it, i'd like to keep going with it
Wow this poor princess. She's become the laughing stock of the castle.
>>764552 There isn't really a consistent pattern to how I drop stuff off the list. I'll remove stuff if I'm told people don't want to watch it and I don't have a particular disagreement with it. But otherwise I just kind of wing it. If we start a show though I usually try to keep it around as long as possible though.
I feel kind of bad for Shigure hah hah Everyone else at the PETTO SHOPPU are lazy or are too busy with other priorities to work to survive. She's the only one with an iota of common sense.
haha this bit is pretty good
Okay I forgot to check if my torrents were actually working before oranging up hah hah. They were at a crawl which means I needed a restart. I've got the episode now though but what's the time?
11:20 11:25 11:30 11:35 11:40 11:45
Eggcellent thank you
Wow these two animal rapscallions are going full Team Rocket now. Trying to steal Genzo's Pikachu.
>>764585 Is there some other documentation on the halloween skins? I think the UNAVAILABLE in the Info update means they won't be sold after that date anymore. Kind of like how the swimsuit skins were taken off the store after the summer event concluded.
I do think the skin store is kind of meh though. Like the cheapest voucher package that'll net you enough vouchers for the -for a single outfit is the 14.99 purchase, effectively meaning each outfit costs you that much Actually looking at the other purchases you even have to start buying three skins worth of vouchers before you start getting discounts.
I guess in fairness, it's less terrible than having to buy gatcha rolls for new seasonal skins though. But a fifteen dollar price tag on a new skin is a bit more than my stinginess is content with. Good thing there aren't any Halloween skins I particularly want.
oh that makes sense, maybe that's it
It's kind of funny that they're that stingy with the outfit vouchers when they've got really good deals like the monthly fortune charm. It's a slow trickle but it does net you enough Jade for a ten-roll on the gatcha for only five dollars by the time the charm runs its course. So it requires patiences but it's really cost-effective.
well if you make it possible, china will bot to get all the dust for free
The Halloween event rewards //I'll pick this back up in a moment.
And while I'm grateful that you were busy long enough to let me rewatch the parts of Hataage that I missed, try to remember us a little earlier Rika! We don't have all night!
The Halloween event rewards are also kind of eh. Like the Bond components are nice to pick up but overall it's a bit underwhelming.
If they're gonna put out an event and drop skins at the same time like this they could even do some really grindy end-goal of earning you enough vouchers to buy a single skin or something.
im glad this is out today well it's backed up i guess anyway
im glad we have this to watch today
Main's doing that thing again where she's toeing the line of what's reasonable for such a young kid to do and know skillfully. She's fortunate that the family she's been reborn into is so wholesome and trusting. If my kid suddenly started cooking with techniques no one had really introduced yet with complexity a ten-year-old wouldn't really understand, I'd start being pretty weirded out.
>Against the law to employ an unbaptized child Kind of weird but I guess it puts in an ethically respectable limit to how young people can employ child labour. Since the culture of this region baptizes kids at a somewhat late age.
Bundled up like that she looks like a tiny Russian grandma.
>Basic alphabet of 35 characters Interesting. From what we've seen of Main's name there seems to be characters in this alphabet that are analogous to our Roman alphabet, but with thirty-five characters that still means there's eleven characters left to fill. Historically the European alphabets have had some characters that have been folded into the twenty-six (meaning nine characters left to fill; my math was dumb above) characters we use today, but even then I don't think it fills out the nine extra characters they have in their alphabet.
This kind of stuff is interesting to me.
Main's body really doesn't have much stamina. Her family was probably in the right to caution her about going out into the forest.
It looks like regularly getting out of the house is doing good for her though. That's a nice, wholesome feeling.
Being born a, well not quite peasant but not really middle-class either, with a weak constitution in a society of this technological level was probably close to a death sentence. Her family would probably have a hard time finding her the food that would be nuitritious enough to keep her body functioning well and in brutal winters like this region seems to have, each winter season would be a challenge just to stay afloat.
wow she doesn't know how to find clay she's just digging randomly
I guess despite all the
books she's read she never really
Oh no these dumb boys. Poor Main.
I guess despite all the books she read she never did a lot of research about survival and early-tech resource gathering. Like in modern-day Japan you probably don't need to know where to find clay when you can just get it from a crafts store.
Well she was definitely pretty mad, understandably. But I guess she's got some kind of magic potential. I wonder if that's correlated to the weak constitution she's got. Like her body eats up some of the nutrients it could otherwise use to bolster how weak and sick-prone she is in order to utlize magic.
i haven't see anything to indicate any magic so far
We got a hint of the arcane in the first episode. There was that circlet the guy put on Main's head that allowed him to read her memories. >>764614 It was only a brief bit at the start of the first episode. This whole story as we've been seeing it so far has been framed by a future point that she's in
i dont remember that
>>764613 some kind of academic institution, by the look of it, and it's a story of her memories as this deep-voiced guy -- oh he's not in the PV this ti -- oh nevermind here he is. It's her recalling her memories as he's looking through them or something.
It seems to be low-key and extremely rare, at least in the lower classes of people that we've predominantly been exposed to so far, but there does appear to be some kind of the arcane in this world she's been reborn into.
The Kyoto riverside is really nice to walk or bike along. It cuts right through the city and lets you experience a lot of the visual variety the city has to offer while keeping you grounded to a nice, clear landmark.
I don't think I ever made it to that one point where the two rivers join to become one. Though I can't remember if I was travelling along one of the two or travelling along the single.
That's a cute outfit twintails has. I like those big sunhats.
Traditional ryokan-style inns are really charming. I want to do more travelling in Japan so I can visit more of them.
Being a board game researcher sounds like a pretty fun field of research.
They didn't really give us much of a rules exposition on GOITA this time. Usually they have a bit of a spotlight on the game of the episode. Maybe something else will be brought out later in the episode.
U MI D Oh no.
Oh maybe this is how the spotlight goes. Having to explain how it works to the little brat.
The hairclip Blue put in her hair for the beach is a bit of a nice style touch for her. She should keep something like it on more often.
I can see how this game translates pretty easily into a card game. Like not even just with the Kanji characters on cards, but it would be easy to translate them into other illustrations on the cards.
what a lucky kid, getting to play with all these older gals
>>764632 Guessing from the names I'm seeing, the person who's translated the original designs for the anime seems to be female, but I think the original mangaka is a guy.
Some times board games can be a bit overwhelming for a kid to play.
>We did it, Miki-nee-chan!
>We did it, Miki-san!
>>764633 And now he's inviting them all out to the beach. What a player.
Well I knew immediately he was going to be picked for this the first time it was mentioned.
Cosmos has kind of turned over a new leaf with the resolutions of the first arc. Himawari is more or less the same now that things are back to normal between them but Cosmos has gone kind of weird.
I've got a feeling making this request of Cosmos is not going to be to his benefit.
When presented with a crime like this, it's always good to begin your questionings with who stands to gain! I feel they might've answered that question a bit fast on the nose though.
Yeah. They didn't air the show one week earlier on for some reason, so it's one behind the rest of what it started this season alongside.
Poor kids. This guy's complete incapacity for emotional sympathy is going to make it hard to keep allies around.
I kind of wish the MC wasn't such a total asshole almost all the time. The cautiousness is pretty funny but the constant physical and verbal abuse he gives just about everyone gets tiresome.
Honestly while magic that lets you rain meteors down on your enemies is pretty visually impressive, it's kind of the thing you don't really want to do. A large enough meteor could cause nuclear winter on the entire world.
hahaha he barely used any
Yeah that spell was only ten percent of his mana pool! He really needs spend more of his MP.
Oh that's a little bit horrific.
Wow this guy has THREE (3) eyes. Why does he get THREE (3) eyes.
He's actually being half-decent for once. Though still awfully abrasive.
The pronounciation of Ishtar as Ishisuta kind of bothers me a bit. I'm used to hearing it in anime more like Ishutaa
This Deathmagia guy kind of gives Senya a run for his over-cautious money.
yeah i like some of the situations they come up with it's fun
Though in the end he's monologue-ing like a proper midboss villain.
Hah hah hah. Honestly I don't even think that's Seiya being over-cautious it's really one of the more sensible cases of him being pragmatic.
>moth eaten >sword hmm
Geez louise how much hair is she shedding. I guess she's probably stressing out a lot from having to handle Seiya though hah hah