>>767323 (OP) dude I gunned 3 Red Bulls to get HYPED UP for my final exam and now I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep. at least not any time soon.
>My colleagues texted me last night after I went to bed asking me to cover group this morning from 9-12 even though he knows I have school because the person doing it is busy and also the group members started fighting last night >He wants me to stop a group of 15 military veterans with anger problems from fighting each other when several of the vets have been trying to fight one of my colleagues who is a foot taller than me and much more muscular
Schedule-wise, I actually can, but I'm already overworked and I don't want to get hit by people who weigh literally twice what I do and are trained to kill?
The guy who runs out // our vet program is fuckin away all week doing marketing shit but we are already 4 therapists short at work and we're missing an extra therapist because her husband died. So we have 5 fewer therapists than we need to complete all the work we have. I can't manage more work. Nobody can. He needs to be here!
There's a student strike going on at my university today and students have been highly encouraged to boycott their classes today. I'm kind of caught though, between morally wanting to support the strike and pessimistically doubting the efficacy of a single day strike. Plus I do like the professor of the lecture I have today and would rather not miss a class of his, but at the same time he's said he supports our striking and is prepared for there being a lack of students in his lecture today.
And I also don't really want to deal with the picket lines the active striking students have set up.
When our provincial government changed in last year's election, the new right-leaning majority party took to some pretty heavy cuts to post-secondary school financial support. Students who previously getting grants found much of that funding turned into loans, or were only given loans period, or even were just outright granted less -granted/loaned less money period. That's what the striking students are calling attention to.
It's inspired by a protest from a few years back in Quebec where universities province-wide all sharply raised tuition prices in the same year. Students all throughout the province protested and eventually the universities bowed to the pressure.
yeah same issue here at times while things have nevr really gotten better, the student grant is fucking tiny 250 a month taxed byt atleast protests have managed to kerp it down
added to that is living bebefuts, but those are for any low incomer amusingly, inthe past thete was a fixed 299 student kivibg benefit, which is a lot kess than the common one, which is 75% or 85% kf your rent when they finally moved students under the common one, was becausr of administrative reasons basically to cut pen and paper pushing, not to give students more
there was just a flat "kay" response from student unions
hope they manage to keep tge heat on a one shot protest isn't enough ever
Well that's my concern, yeah. Our right-leaning party has also been getting more and more like that asshole-right style of party that's been getting popular too. So I wouldn't be surprised if they just laugh this one-day protest-strike off. The argument for striking I've heard from the committee that organized this is that the majority party -has- backed down and caved to a lot of public discontent on some of the other pretty asinine things they've been up to since being elected. I just don't think a single day is enough pressure on them, especially from the left-leaning post-secondary youth they probably see as their enemy anyway.
>>767377 just had my mri done, once they do the orher stuff and we have a full thing of the situation ill probably share deets
>>767385 faito >>767384 sadly easiest way to counter protests is to sit it out time is any movements kargest challenge, people afterall are "results now quick" minded overall protestors need to do a lot of work to jeep the pressure, but protested just need to hunker down and not do anything stupid
im hongry i hsvent eaten since like 7 or 8 last night
Hi hongry I'm rei
I tried to book an appointment with my oral surgeon that I can't pay for because my dental insurance stopped covering me on the 31st but no one picked up Maybe they can tell I can't pay for it and refuse to anseer *answer But there's a good chance they wouldn't charge for the appointment because its a complication from the procedure they performed
>>767447 flip a coin by the time you see the result, you'll know your true feelings
>>767446 no ive had it for a few weeks and we were trying to confirm what it was
in other news, i want to carry megumin post explosion
And the hospital wouldn't take you in to analyze it..? ... Because that's a part of the body weird things showing up can be a Pretty Serious thing and they are dumbfucks for dismissing it if so.
>>767447 Is it a place you might meet people you'd enjoy being social with and perhaps making friends and/or aquaintances with, or a social event that's valuable networking for your field of interest?
If yes to either of these things, I'd say it's a good choice to take. And either way if it turns out bleh you can always probably bail early. Just say you need to go home to clip your mom's bunions or something and no one will question.
>>767450 no i went to a clinic and they did bloodwork to check if it was thyroid stuff but the bloodwork was fine so they did an ultrasound but something they saw had my physician decide to have me go to the er and then get admitted for
Welcome back to Earth Samu You back in the Grande Pomme then?
they apparently still plan on doing my biopsy tonight
Late Night Biopsies, tonight on MEDICAL WATCH
there have apparently been not one but two emergencies that are delaying things
Well look at the bright side. That means as far as the medical professionals know, your situation is less of an emergency then at least two other emergencies that have arrived.
>>767473 welk is not like hospitals ever actually close
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>767472 that's me babe about to take a train from jersey over there
when you crack your neck does it crack one way or both?
>>767507 Depends How cute will your ketchup art be?
Do you think in a discussion, is it is more important to be immediately understood, or be precise with your word choice. Assuming the situation doesn't permit both.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Don't they go together though If you're more precise the other person is probably more likely to understand exactly what you mean
Only if they understand the word in the first place. If my choice of word is a bit beyond the pool of common dialogue I've found I have to stop to define the word I'm using for the person.
Which bogs down the conversation with my definitions, which kills some of the fun for people and soaks up time, and, if I might be a bit vain, reinforces this image people can develop of me of being some kind of snobbish navel-gazing contrarian.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
What is an example of a word you might want to use but most people don't understand
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
TL note: bento means lunch box
I'm struggling to remember an occasion here but this was a criticism levelled at me by my imouto tonight as I guess she was getting fed up with talking to me. That I'll use what she calls "big words" or "academic words" that she doesn't understand and we end up having to define the word so that I can use the word in its definition
My argument is that this is literally the most instinctual way for me to talk; searching my brain for what's the most "right" word to use for what meaning I'm trying to convey. I'll admit I probably have a better lexicon than most people my age, even most people at the stage of education that I'm currently at. But I prize my precision quite highly and because of how compulsive aiming for precision is for me when trying to communicate, I really can -not- step back from my choices of words without just stepping back from conversing in general.
You wouldn't know it from the way I post here but I've been told quite a few times IRL that I'm too serious and i need to lighten up
I'm happy to tell people I'm a pretty serious person but that I can still have fun. It's just I am always going to be serious, even if it means seriously having fun.
What do people even want in opposition to being a serious person? To be some kind of ironic clown? To not care as much about things than you do? Both of those seem to me pretty lousy ways to live life.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I can't help it Cute anime girls ARE serious business.
>>767520 it depends if you're trying to articulate a concept for yourself or communicate an already articulated concept we use language to do both very separate tasks
trying to communicate precisely through a channel which can't carry that precision is going to cause more noise and potential confusion regardless of your lexicon, it would show awareness of your external environment if you can communicate effectively through the channels everyone can access
you understand, im sure, that communication is one of my most difficult areas in that regard but i do try really hard to make sure the words im using are rigid enough to stick once i start moving off that familiar track to more slippy concepts, all the words start getting glossed over and people don't know what im talking about anymore
the largest barrier i have in my academic work isn't resolving things precisely in my own head, but constructing the channels to lead other people to the same understanding that i have. they're not channels that have been explored. i found my own way here, now i have to try to lead other people here from different vantage points and levels of education
It's not really about the other people knowing the word or not here though. I'm happy to explain the word to them if they need clarification. I need to find the precise word that encapsulates the concept to satisfy my precision. And rather than run through a roundabout route of what might be more common words if the precise word is mentally available to me as I'm trying to talk out my statement, I'm going to use it.
There's also another minor issue here that I just can't help period and that's that I have NO idea if a person is going to be familiar with a word I'm going to use until after I've used it anyway. That kind of person-to-person assessment is something I am horribly weak with.
i can understand that feeling, but my general frustration with language overall keeps me from using it in such a way where that precision is necessary i don't think any level of linguistic precision is going to precisely convey how i feel or think, so i keep it at a level that's at least familiar and relatable. that'll have to be enough, since i earnestly want to be heard and understood
I feel extremely comfortable within language, personally. And I know from experience that my choices of precision can get in the way of the actual communication; after all that's kind of what sparked this whole thing. But at the same time if I can't precisely phrase or word things the way that satisfies my urge to be precise, I'd rather just say nothing at all.
Marsh shitposting on the go via TelephoneSearch [iqdb](28 KB, 656x369, images (2).jpeg)
i watched the martian on the plane that was a cute movie
I read the book a few years back. It's a really well-written story.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Alrighty /moe/ Just need to keep my spaghetti in my pockets for the next three hours
Just wear clothes with zippers on the pockets, easy.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
What do normies like to talk about? Do still play this "foot ball"? I hear that Kanye West is quite the musician
Talk about your major, why it interests you. If more normal topics fail, talking about the things you are passionate about is usually a good way to hold a conversation.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I know how to talk to people
Then you should know what people like to talk about!
i haven't seen rene posting lately i wonder if hes ok
>>767676 This is good. https://danbooru.donmai.us/pools/14376
>>767676 TThis is also very good https://mangadex.org/title/42759/spectral-wizard >>767675 Ganbatte Pro tip: don't jack off in a hospital Your heart rate goes up a ton when you jack off so if you do it and your heart rate is veing monitored tge monitor will alert the nurses station and a bunch of nurses will run over to you According to some nurses I know it happens a lot to teenagers
is bit creepy how occasionally i can see the head or taillights of cars passing by in the nearby road covered by a corpse? crop? of woods it is jyst a flash of red/bright so it always takes ne a while to realuae what it was
wgat if its a boy and a girl who are both mastering zazen and they connect while trying to masturbate subtly
>>767691 too bad they don't usualky have muxed rooms in hospitals
Me, sometimes. If I'm deep enough in a sufficiently large building cellular networks don't penetrate all the way, so if the need is urgent enough turning to public WiFi is sometimes the best choice. Also when I'm traveling in the States and I don't want to incur roaming data charges I'll use public WiFi every chance I get.
It's been kind of chilly at night recently but today is the first kind of cold day of winter. Looks like we also had some snowfall early this morning and it's gotten cold enough that it didn't just immediately melt. Also my ears are uncomfortably cold in the open air; that's usually a good indicator for me that winter has arrived.
>>767698 Literal shit and piss grenades You also drink Monsterβ’ energy dinks *drinks And have to keep track of when to piss and shit You also deliver human semen And there are bizarre fake ads
i walked into group earlier and a new client said "damn, you're the therapist?" so i was like "yeah, is that a problem?" and she said something like "i cant pay attention if i want to fuck" and the other group members all just stared at me completely dumbfounded like they were waiting to see how i would respond and i just said "maybe we should talk about setting boundaries today" and went on to do a group about how talking like that is inappropriate and the importance of boundaries and apparently she's mad at me now lol
>>767788 You need to survive in order to cook that meal.
It's been about two weeks since i've had to resort to buying meat destined for dogs, because it's cheap. The worst part of it is that it tastes better than the human food.
>>767792 The animal feed costs about 1/10 of the price usually asked for the human food. Well, times are tought, i gotta survive and all.
>>767795 sausage and bacon metwurst maybe don't buy some fucking tenderloin
They're all 10x more expensive, unfortunately. I still say the dog food is actually quite good, i've never had the chance of getting meat with so much fat.
pet food atkeast here us relatively expensive unless we talk about those bug 1kg to 50kg dried food bags
>>767799 The local meat store sells it, actually. Hey, it's not like i'm heading to some pet shop to buy food, lol.
well ib this case you aren't really buying dog food, byt "thrash meat" they make that into sausages here
As for the price, $1 for 1kg of meat. Food meant for the human market usually get sold for 10$ a kilogram, so it's actually quite a find.
well the post did say 'destined' for dog, not designed for dog
>>767803 yeah cause as it is, no one mpwadays buys it except for pets so might as well ask some money for it, as it gets thrown away otherwise is still good meat you could grind unto sausages or burgers, but peopleare picky
>>767803 I hope your trimming the fat off. *you're Although I might try this in the future after I move out from my parents' place and become broke.
wish we had meat shops
ill show you meat
>>767805 I think that's pretty much how it goes, they're probably selling the ugly meat or sending it to the garbage can.
>>767806 Broke person here. I can assure it helps.
>>767818 beer stores in breweries used to have canned food and bread for "sale" because regulations demanded it also you had to build a seΓ₯arate building for selling
but simply said only few and usually in countryside small food stores survive the two big chains dfove all under ans we lack tge population to form reΓΆiable niche customer base for anything specialised
There's a bunch of areas that can use some expenses being cut in everyday life. I mean, sure, it sucks that i'm kinda being forced to cut it through going this far, but at least i'm cutting it.
Living ain't so bad, sometimes.
>>767821 Nobody's asked so I'm going to ask Is it cancerous?
also life is hell for small companies or atleast used to be here
>>767824 i pretty much eat same stuff as yoy do it just has gotten processed with some grain and is sold in stores for 0,5-1β¬ a pack
>>767825 we are waiting on the biopsy to confirm that
>>767828 Huh, would've thought pathology would be done now. Well it's entirely possible its just precancerous or benign Plus fun fact, most people have random benign tumors in random spots in their body Well this is different Hopefully it's benign
Samu π§ͺ !KW2DbpWwls
oh damn crossin my fingers for ya ToN
They say cannabis cures cancer, though i wouldn't bother testing that. They also say that cancer can't survive a two-week long fast... It requires high energy levels to survive, or so i've heard.
Theoretically speaking, going a month without food should uh "cure" cancer.
Since you managed to push it out of me i will say thay signs HAVE pointed to benign but regardless die // due to the place of it theyre going to cut it out and thats why im being sent elsewhere
itβs 13 cm
well any growth in throat/neck is lkinda hazardous
>>767832 think positive, your voice post op might be really funky
>>767832 Actually you should ask for it preserved in formaldehyde just on the off chance they'd be willing to do it.
i dont think i want this fellow near me any more than he has to be
>>767837 I assume not, especially given that i'm still trying to figure out who it is you're talking about. lol.
eat it post op to assert dominance
Samu π§ͺ !KW2DbpWwls
why does rei always ask for physical / video evidence π€π€π€
>>767841 We had an anonymous drifter come by a couple months back who was extremely knowledgeable about astrology and was insistent on its real world relevance. It was a bit of an exhausting conversation.
So nobody makes anything of pk suggesting it but people somehow male *make a big deal of me suggesting the same thing.
>>767844 Nah, it wasn't me. Besides, i don't know much about astrology... I do like to study occult-related things, and i'm still shocked with just how 'alchemical' Utena went, but i rarely if ever talk about such things.
And i wasn't coming here thenn.
>>767849 pk talks about eating his own flesh all the time and its fuming weird but were used to it
>>767852 i mean who doesn't really in rollercoaster tycoon? >>767854 good there's a minor pain in my right abdomen tho, i think it's cuz i haven't eaten anything in a while or maybe it's ~phantom pain~
>>767850 Well it's cool to study up on weird fields of knowledge like the occult and deprecated fields of science, and I would argue there's even value for some people to do so. But that's different from being wholeheartedly convinced in their real-world application, like earnestly believing the stars and planets you were born under have some impact on your personality.
I value that sentiment with about as much weight as those that believe essential oils are anything more than a placebo.
>>767856 Well, i did once get once of star charts filled for me, not sure it that's the name... I i think the site called it 'astral map'. That thing was scarily spot-on; i never dared to tell people my hour / time of birth and my exact birthday after that.
I do think those things work, though i don't truly study those fields... Also, i don't think a lot of good convesation would come of trying to convince others of astrology's value.
whoa what bad choices you should make good ones like .e
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
the gatchas you choose in life
echo in eternity
The person who was dumping Biscuit Hammer on /a/ has moved on to Spirit Circle and it's another ride to be reading that again. These manga are just so sentimentally rich for me.
>>767867 Ooh Spirit circle hit me right in the feels Same with the one about the youkai
>>767859 they don't it is just guess work also what kind of a name is sleigh'
>>>/watch?v=4TojlZYqPUo Pixar has a new IP movie coming out soon. Takes place in the Ookii Ringo itself. They have some absolutely gorgeous environmental design.
>>767871 'bout time i wonder how much they hated the sequel hell they were stuck in
I don't think they hated it at all. Pixar moves pretty autonomous from Disney, the sequels they produced were produced because they WANTED to make them.
"Why doctor this man's left lung has been removed and replaced with twenty three scrunched up chili dogs" "Yes nurse its called a oscarmeierdextomy"
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
my room is slowly being tiled in celeste merch
Next you're gonna take up mountain climbing.
i want merch but its of characters who dont have much mercu
>>767887 you know whenever you get a kidney transplant, they usually don't actually take you old kidney out they kinda just leave it in there and put another kidney on top of it
That's kind of an unpleasant mental image, I really hope I don't ever need a kidney transplant.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
hah awesome apparently for gall removal they have to like lift your liver up and peel the bladder off and like scrape off a bunch of connective tissue and shit and there are apparently like four plastic clamps left in there on the duct and artery
well my breadknife joined the fray of "has drawn blood from pk" list i still taste good with cheese
as the denizens of /moe/ slowly age the conversations tend more and more to physical health and obscure diseases less and less mental health probably
btw my lil "take it with you" is a known Γ₯olicy i have had always when i was six and had my.., adenoid removed, i asked and got ot in a jar of formalin with me and prolly all have seen my "bottle of wisdom"
if it is cut away from you, why toss ot aw when it can become a cool trophy
sadly i or my mother did toss my adenoid away at some point
>>767898 I'll do my part to be an ever-present pillar of mental health then!
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
dang zoomers these days don't even know what a vocaloid is!!
>>767898 learning to cope with all those overwhelming feelings of our zealous youth has been pretty easy it turns out just fuckin chill what's the rush
>>767898 Don't worry, I still have a bunch of mental health issues.
>>767898 i don't think i am going to become less weird as years pass by
i had medical tape on my wounds for four days but for whatever reason i peeled it off last night hope that wasn't a mistake
>>767927 Bandaid is to bandage as Kleenex is to tissue. Plaster is a more British thing to call them.
plaster but you throw plaster also on walls
>>767928 carry some with you if you start to bleed again
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i don't think i will start bleeding unless i like do the splits or something
but maybe ill scar harder like this idk??!!
>>767932 you carry it just in case that precents anything from happening better to have and not need than to need and mot have also the not have status is like -50 to luc mpdifier
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
by that argument my daily carry should include q box of condoms binoculars a hazmat suit a bottle of mayo a towel etc
my aunt was talking at me about how terrible Video Games are because my cousin has a kid and he still "wastes his time on the computer" >I don't know what it is about young men but those things will ruin your life
and then she's like >what about you marsh, do you play games >..err. Sometimes.
>>767935 The real answer is to be indignantly honest. People that make their judgements clear before they ask you a question that the answer to may involve them judging you deserve nothing less.
Also you should ask her if she considers her phone a computer and if she wastes all her time on her phone.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>767935 my parents: you spend so much time on Games also my parents: watch four hours of cable TV including commercials every day
>>767943 every time i buy a new thing, i put it somewhere inconspicuous and then my nephew finds it and calls my mom into my room to show her "uncle's new toy that he won't take out of the box and let me play with"
i need y'all to understand that I am completely over the idea of having children
like, imagine thinking that if I even took it out of the box that I'd let you touch it. I just haven't felt like buying a glass case to display it in yet
especially after he beheaded Athena and tried to hide the fact
>>767946 he is clearly growinf up intp a man of culture
>>767993 but yeah amusingly finnish only became official language, alongside swedish in 1923 during each 6.11, swedish language day, it wss common to see the swedish speaking
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
pretty wild right?
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
now im reading about Carbogen mentioned in the tweet thread a mixture of 95% oxygen and 5% CO2
>>767999 celebrators and some finns gvo af each other only winter war amusingly ended this
amusingly, most of the ruffian were university students protesting against "promotion of imperialistoc legacy" guess students havn't really changed ever, eh?
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxygen_bar oh yeah these are a thing
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>768007 I haven't been to one of those in like 13 years
>>768005 oxygen toxicity requires specific conditions something to do with pressure etc, but i think there is a chance it can occur in normal conditions too
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
this chair fucking sucks makes my ass hurt even with a pillow'
that does seem like a shiy chair what is it, a church bench?
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>768011 nah just a piece of shit chair with no cushion
i dunno if it is universal, but why are finnish church benches so unconfortable
i like how my upstairs neighbir cobsiatently takes night time baths/showers
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
45 referring to themself in the third person full name w title i see
honestly they should seriously consider banning him from twitter aside from him actually breaking their overly vague and mysterious rules the amount of butthurt would be legendary
>>768024 yeah and then have him go to a competitor and let twitter loose all that traffic
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i like jeff kaplan's approach he's not director of overwatch at blizzard entertainment he's just jeff from the OW team
FormerRei !GURPSRWiTs
>>768025 last i checked twitter wasn't making money
but man wgat would so many nedia outlets do without tge easy stories of "trump tweeted x" >>768029 but can they?
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
report things that actually ma-- zzzz
how many news companies gave actual reporters employed and not hust internet browsers nowadays?
then again, i'd be glad if all these
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
they should hire journos as full time mercenaries to investigate facebook video ads and go break the knees of anyone who was involved with that whole con that killed so many independent journalists and blogs and all
>>768024 they use him for advertising in other countries
Kirara ππ€‘
also twitter owner jack and trump occasionally meet privately so
>>768024 they literally rewrote their own rules to accomodate hateful speech if its newsworthy So, yeah, that's not going to happen any time soon. Even after he leaves the presidency (if he does, that is), he'll still be "Former President" and he will probably keep firing off flagrant things.
what a time to not have the privilege of death
sorry rook but im currently not planning on death
sorry for what? our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our deaths
I got some cherry chapstick at the airport and now I think of that katy perry song whenever I use it
send help
random thing but popped to mind it is quite hilarious, how each time that i have gone to donate blood, the nurses are all "this gunna hurt" when removing the tapes holding the needle and tubes in place, compared to well sticking that thing into me
well, the tape removal at times os a minor hair removal too
cherry chapstick imparts a red color where applied it also tastes weird
I can't do any Chapstick I'll just lick it right off. Even flavourless ones (though really everything has flavour). The feeling of it being on is enough for me.
See let me tell you guys Nothing gets panties wet faster than a guy with dry, cracked lips Girls see that shit and they take it as a sign of hyper masculinity because they know They don't do girly shit like put on chapstick
>>768051 this one is pretty clear kind of yellowish as a full stick but weird but it's got no color after applied
real men lick their lips and get a big red ring around them
>>768056 perhaps they have changed the formula. hm..
different brand maybe, this one is carmex
>>768055 just grow your beard over your lips to protect them
my grandma used to get me some carmex with a blue cap and it would make my lips tingle. some sort of drug
Are they at least happy in their total boringness?
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
oh I don't know Your Mum and your sister can do some pretty interesting things
lol and also lmao >>768076 maybe? it's hard to tell dad has beed playing solitaire for the last three hours >>768079 I mean probably well I dunno I think I'm boring and they usually disagree with me on things, so maybe they find me super interesting
does your family think you are boring
>>768078 Is he uninterested in reading or just watching stuff on the television? I think Solitaire is a decent way to kill a bit of time but doing it three hours straight? There's probably more stimulating hobbies you can do.
would you rather be told you are boring by interesting people or be told you are intdresting by boring people?
i don't know i would believe anyone if they told me i am interesting the answer is a
I'd have to why they think what they do before I really care either way. But I also don't really think about people in terms of boringness myself.
>>768080 it's probably more that he's just doong his routine and I'm unable to do mine while away from home, s // so I find it kinda boring but its easier to whine on /moe/ than think about all that nonsense >>768088 that's what I use back on CO but I forgot to pack any for this trip and airport shops don't seem to stock any
>>768088 Vaseline will just have the same problem as Chapstick for me. If I put ANYTHING on my lips I'm just gonna lick it off in moments. I can't stand the feeling of something being on them.
>>768092 it's okay if you lick it off just have some there there's gonna be some that you don't lick off you're not gonna scooby doo slurp it all away
I don't think you fully comprehend the strength of this compulsion. Besides I strongly doubt the efficacy of just a little bit left over anyway. At which point is the unpleasant experience of tasting all this Vaseline as I clean it off worth the result?
a force of nature it is
get a bittering agent for your vaseline like the switch carts have
That was my first time getting to experience Lafalle's full life in Spirit Circle. The manga was still having all these awkward pauses and interludes in the translated chapters coming out and since I was only really reading what got dumped on /a/ I missed out on a bunch in the middle of it. It's a (mostly) comfy life.
bro c'mon lets hang y'kno by the water get chapstick
There's this specific pen I've been buying a lot lately that I really like. But I've been buying it a lot not because I keep running them dry, but because I keep fucking losing them. In the past year or so I've bought four or five of them and I'm left now with only one, with the most recent one having disappeared some time since Tuesday and today. I've never had this much bad luck with a writing utensil before and it's driving me mad.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>768107 Pokemon would be more interesting if Brock had a gigantic lance
>>768113 It would be an onyx I've definitely seen a pic of servant Brock with an onyx sword or something I'm sure i have it somewhere
Well I don't know if your fitness training would really prepare you for the minute reactions games require of you. But as far as being sober goes, aside from those occasional Ballmer peaks, yeah, being sober is definitely gonna improve your ability to play video games.
>>768175 oh i just mean because frequent exercise also helps me think better not because the muscles are actually involved
Samu π§ͺ !KW2DbpWwls
YouTube's front page has changed for me with the linked videos being way larger in thumbnail than they used to be. Previously they'd fit like six or so to a line, now they get four and rather than maybe a dozen and a half videos without having to scroll down all I can see now is eight. Other than that there doesn't really seem to be real UI change but this inefficient use of space is annoying me.
In part because if you go pretty much anywhere else on the site that they list video thumbnails, like a channel's video tab or in the search results, the thumbnails are still all the same size they were before. So it's just the front page that's changed and that inconsistency BOTHERS ME.
my youtube never even got updated to the flat design. my browser has a bunch of support issues so maybe that's why
The youtube extension that allowed me to block channels and permanently hide the thumbnail was a fucking game changer
I am about as indifferent to the content YouTube suggests to me as I can get and I'm consistently receptive to UI changes but I get annoyed about things being inconsistent.
>>768244 Well shit you're a better man than me If I get suggested something irritating it bothers me and if I'm suggested something I like I usually follow the link
so it failed to stop cause it kept going "the fuck is this" i think i geberal, if the car detects a slow/non moving object it is going to hit in 5,6 seconds quite likely while going god damn 44mph, it should break
can't wait for hundreds of moose/deer hits when those cone here
>>768271 weird i havent heard or seent anything for it maybe its not coming to oki then :/
no wait 2020
Kirara ππ€‘
yeah i thought it was this month but it's early 2020 after all
dang hell girl live action in the theatre soon
zombieland 2 jap version theres a anime movie lupin the 3rd another anime
still weird to think that while kny ishappening in europe hundreds of thousands might be dying daily lenin could be marching on the duma finland could be fighting a civil war lusitania might be sinking
russians might ve fighting a civil war so weird to think it happening between 1912-1926
filth is a state and thoughts are stateless thoughts can be impure though, which might as well be same
Kirara ππ€‘
i dont have any real judgments towards my thoughts i don't see my thoughts any differently than i do wind moving branches on a tree they're just there usually
hmm true a thought can be anything, but if not acted upon it czn never do a thing either
The thought in question was I want to fingerblast Nonoβs nono square so it probably qualifies as impure if not somehow filthy
ii mean in christianity your mind doesn't need to be virtuous, you just need to never do any of those cravings to be considered a saint basically sin is afterall inherent part if man
Im just hornt for anime girls
and hell has horns for you
but fear not for billy poΓ₯e mays is here eith special tv offer of redemption 3000
Kirara ππ€‘
horn up for what
>>768328 so do you have a set day formeeting a cute knife?
>>768332 nah, weβre still in the process of getting me to the other hospital
I'm replaying NieR it's kind of a shame that the most effective way to beat a lot of the bosses is just to spam dodge and hold down the lock-on missiles it's no fun at all but it's the best way to do things
So do you deliberately choose to do things more dangerously and less efficiently because it's a bit more interesting?
>>768340 I don't mind taking heavy risks in my personal life but if you die in NieR you lose ALL your plug-ins or you need to walk for ages across the map to find them again. That's not happening. We'll play this one low and slow.
i'll be happy to do the surgery for you if your insurance won't cover the procedure
Kirara ππ€‘
listening to kojima's death stranding playlist on Spotify and it's pretty aesthetic i hope people say the game is good id like to get it i don't feel lonely enough in real life so i really want to feel it in a video game too
i don't think it can be bad per se most likely just "not for everyone" it os essentially delivery quest the game
Kirara ππ€‘
i think it could be boring walking simulator peeing simulator peeling off your toenail simulator
>>768351 it all depends does it have level and world design to keep you going ooh aah and interested in walking onwards and the narrative drive to keep pushing from cutscene to cutscene
I can't help but wonder what exactly constitutes a 'peeing simulator'. Do you score points for hitting the target with your hose?
>go peek at oven >realise I forgot the kettle with water inside for crustier bread from yesterday >"should remove it before I make bacon bread" >open oven >get face full of hot steam am genius
>>768406 better than driving I guess what day is your flight?
If he was driving to Texas he probably wouldn't get there >>768413 Even so, if he was being DRIVEN to Texas he'd be stuck in transit for like more than a day of contiguous driving.
See this is what I mean about letting me finish my points because if you had, you'd hopefully have realized the actual point isn't WHO'S driving, but how long it would take, you clod.
I don't mean him driving, someone else on the wheel obviously
>>768412 they don't fly patients here at all, but yeah that is a finland and some more distance anyhow + traffic
Oh wait they do fly patients but with choppers
actually a damn big issue here, rural people have a high chance of dying before they can drive/be driven to help, since the big hospitals are ofc in the big cities
Prolly same in some parts of USA too like texas and ofc alaska
the flight could either be tomorrow or sunday weβre still working that out if itβs tomorrow im probably not coming to game day
If you bring your laptop maybe we can do it Sunday? Or was PK's thing that- >>768418 Oh yeah you Europefolks do it in November.
i've already booked a table at a sechuan joint at 14, which I think would precisely be the gametime also if I do recall pan has early mornings on sundays to boot
I am taking my laptop so either way who knows man i wish theyd have just taken it by transfer it was so much simpler that way
Probably because the original series was supposed to be a satire of comic book tropes so it makes sense to update it to the current image of what it means to be a superhero franchise.
Yeah I know, it just is bit too on the nose maybe? dunno bout US parody laws >>768422 though the final pose here is more of a Justice League thing than Avengers if you ask me Green Arrow, Aquaman, Wonderwoman, Superman, Batman, Cyborg or someone else and then Martian Manhunter or Flash /martian manhunter and flash
>>768423 I aalalmost bought the first volume the other day. Ended up not having time to though.
The dorm rules and security at the uni im touring are fucking retarded It seems designed to prevent people from hanging out
WOW that is clever you have a drop down option for actors whent hey pop up on the screen that is clever
>jumps infront of a van >instead of stopping it sinks inside it like an unmovable object would damn also the effects are decent for a tv show
>>768422 theyβll be seeing me ohtpatient theres even a xhance i wouldnt get admitted they dont think irs likely but i do t like that
>>768434 Well when you've got the economic HEFT of Amazon behind you, you can probably shell out for all the SFX you want.
It does make for some good hope for Amazon Prime Video being the ones making the Wheel of Time series.
>>768436 it isn't the effects that worries me, but writing and casting
like the whoever they casted as moiraine doesn't really well look the part too handsome she is supposed to be a looker not a handsome character looks more like an elaida to me
and perrin is black okay
or mixed I dunno the pics might just be weird of this guy
>>768443 I mean, sure cast them as you want it is fiction afterall no need to actually make it consistent with the source materials since we need to be diverse
>>768441 Oh please, don't tell me you totally can't see her doing Nynaeve's trademark folded arms and indignant humph
>>768442 Ah fuck off man. What does the source material say? She's got dark eyes and dark hair. >>768445 That looks light-skinned to me.
>>768444 That everyone is light skinned to copper skinned in randland, with some having asian features and some not and dark skinned seanchan with their odd features are very peculiar to them >>768444 well I am not the type to throw a hiss fit over it anyhow and will still check it out to see if the writing and acting, the actual important parts, are good. But I will point out if everyone had been of a darker shade in the source and the opposite had been done you'd head an explosion right now on twittersphere
>>768448 But has he also guaranteed to stop overworking you while you're in the intership?
Internship even
Kirara ππ€‘
he won't be working me during the internship exactly and getting paid will help with my stress levels a ton right now i feel like im gonna pass out though
Oh Death Stranding is out on pre-order on Steam. Day of the PS4 release. Good to know that at least for the moment they're interested in releasing it through Steam.