Nanatsu no Taizai Ace of Diamond Assassins Pride Black Clover BokuBen Chihayafuru Episode 2-3 Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-4 Enen no Shouboutai Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-17 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-4 Val x Love Beastars
We got two episodes of Chihayafuru this week. I don't know if that means we'll not be getting one next week or if it was just a weird special this week though.
My throat's feeling a bit muscle-y sore today. I hope I'm not getting sick. But I have been interacting with a couple of evidently sick people and have to be face-to-face with a lot of total strangers recently.
that'll happen being around public places good luck hope it's not too bad
i spent all day in a church clinic and finally got my script after three months without it but there was a mixup between the pharmacy and medicaid so now i have to wait TWO DAYS to get it filled err, well it's filled, but for medicaid to pay for it.
im glad i finally have it but the next two days are gonna be hell while i wait
Yeah I saw that it seemed to be a ridiculously long wait. I guess the clinic was pretty busy then?
Were they at least a more pleasant experience than the time you went to the hospital service?
yeah, places like that are always busy there were a dozen people there before they even opened. i didnt get there til an hour later, 9am, and waited there until 2:30 to get seen
it was okay, nothing special a lot of the people there were druggies or people on parole or illegal immigrants and stuff since it's the only kind of place they have access to naturally they would only give me my uncontrolled stuff but that's more than that doctor would do for me
Oh yeah Moon we finally got a new OP/ED for this series last week hah hah
ready please new OP................. fucking THANK YOU
It's not really anything special to me but anything is nice after how long we were stuck with that first OP
i mean it was a nice OP but come on.... the earlier one i mean, it was nice but it wore out its welcome fast
i have a theory that they bank on the recognizability a bit for sports anime imagine you're a high school athlete in japan and you dont watch that NERD shit, but you hear your otouto in the living room watching anime and you hear that OP you're like oh shit it's the one thing that's worth watching
Yeah I can see how that makes sense. A similar argument could probably made for the somewhat limited OST the show has. Like you hear that leimotif in the other room and you go "Oh shit YAKKYU is on"
I think they probably don't have a huge budget either They never really do anything fancy in terms of sakuga
It's probably a little difficult to get a reasonable budget for these kinds of shounen appeal shows that run on public television too. Like it's kind of a trade-off. They don't need to drive BD sales since the show's already funded and meant for public television. But they also can't really bank on BD sales to make back a large budget allocation.
i likt eht re i like the relative plainness of the girls in this show it's kinda charming
Though it's also kind of funny since the guys range from being pretty normal to kind of super-stylized or at least a bit abnormal. Like it's understandable since they're notable characters and it's a good way of making them individual and memorable. But compared to the plainness of some other characters it's funny to me.
Cutto Baaru Kai
i say plainnness but none are really plain in their own right they all have pretty unique faces and stuff, but it's all realistic styles and stuff
i like unique faces
The tetchy first year sure has some guts though refusing something like that from the Coachi
That was a good goofy-smug expression on Sawamura there. Oh this one is good too. He really likes to aggravate this kouhai of his.
Though it mostly just seems to be a lot of swinging bats. But I guess that's consistently one of the most core skills of a baseball player.
Seems to be a lot of old memories being reflected on thi episode.
Hah hah hah I've got a friend that I used to do a similar joke to this. Our birthdays are like two weeks apart so when she had hers first I'd always start jokingly call her onee-san much to her chagrin.
The peppy second OP we had for a while was pretty nice but I do like this new one too. I'm really partial to music with brass parts though. I enjoy the sound of brass a lot.
The audio on this TV Tokyo bit at the start of Black Clover is always way louder than any other TV Tokyo bit. The show's audio isn't even that much louder than an average anime show but this one bit is always jarringly loud.
So most of the Golden Dawn were elf-qualified people eh. I wonder if that was something Petra was manipulating from inside Vangeance or if it's just a correlation of the power they've got that got them recruited to Golden Dawn.
I wouldn't be surprised yeah. But a lot of these people that have gotten elf'd have been people of exceptional magic ability. And the squad Vangeance lead was one of esteem that you'd have to be exceptional to get accepted anyway.
Even the sound effects of their magic just kind of sounds haphazard and not intentionally timed to the action on screen hah hah. This show does get real QUALITY whenever Asta or Yuno aren't the focus of the action.
Finral does have a really good support-style magic.
Looks like they're particuiarly angry about royals.
From what I've gathered the royals descend from the first Wizard King. They're the ones that became the obnoxious king and his extended family, where the title of Wizard King remained a meritocratic inheritance. And despite the fact that this series has been vague about what exactly happened in the elf genocide, I think it's been pretty clear that the first Wizard King is in some way involved in it. So it makes sense they'd particularly HAET ROYALS
>who the hell invited that giant rock that probably sounded a lot cooler in his head
That's just kind of Yami-poi though hah hah. He's kind of an oblivious kind of cool.
I wonder if the elves are going to be able to kill the King before they can get to him. It would be kind of satisfying for that miserable sack to finally be dead proper.
Is this REALLY the occasion to stop and ponder on a portrait of your dear mother.
Oh here's Noelle's one-trick pony again. She really needs more things under her belt.
Okay I guess she's actually a two-trick pony. She's also got that big shield-ball of water she can whip up. Still, you need more than two things you can rely on!
those are her brothers im guessing?
Yeah, she's got two older brothers and one older sister. They seem to always have had a habit of shitting on her because she's got poor magic control. ... I think their mother also died in complications from giving birth to Noelle so that might be another grudge they've been carrying. The oldest of them seems to have warmed up to her a bit since she's started being someone but the other two still seem to be petulant assholes.
having your tongue hang out during a fight is generally a bad idea not only are there sharp things about, but one hit to the head and you're gonna chomp right through that thing
Especially considering your ability to fight is contingent on your ability to verbally activate your magic. In the heat of the action all it would take is one slip of the tongue and you'd have a mouthful of your own bleeding tongue.
Yeah. I kind of expected her to have a cool cliffhanger moment of her activating her new power-up. Which is in part why I was saying all that stuff moments ago hah hah. But then they went and stiffed me on the delivery!
There's a lot of things travelling back into the past like this could reveal. It's an interesting way to give the viewer insight into information not available in the series' main time.
Oh here's some more of the rest of of -of the contemporary Commandments.
;_; Poor Elizabeth and Meliodas. They're just two lovers stuck in the middle of a war. I guess at this point it's pretty clear both the Demons and the Goddess clans are rife with awful people.
The plotthread of Elizabeth and Meliodas is definitely one of my favourite things of this series. Stories of being trapped in cyclical repetitions of time just strike really deep into me or something. Plus it plays with the dual nature of time being both cyclical and linear, paradoxically, which is also really cool to me.
And they've handled the emotional weight of the plotthread excellently. All around a lot of fun for me.
okay we'll give him time if he shows back up sorry moon for letting you fall asleep
lets start
Yeah you did! I wonder if that dozing off Moon was slipping into might've happened again, hah hah. Though Moon had a pretty long day I think so getting some sleep is probably a good idea.
If Moon doesn't wake up before Houkago is over we can also do an episode of Chihayafuru instead too.
This girl is a Chinatsu.
This school council looks really unmotivated hah hah.
With a name like Shibusawa she kind of sounds like a small pet too.
This guy would make a good president. Seems really good at assessing people in the moment and adapting to that. But I guess the work of actually being the council president would probably be a bit much for his laidback nature.
Oh she's the sempai here. With how small and Chinatsu-y she was I just kind of assumed she was a kouhai hah hah
The character designer must like earrings. This show actually pays attention to the fact they exist.
They're probably really good accents too, especially for female students that go to schools that are kind of strict on uniform dress codes. If you're not allowed much expression with the clothes you can wear then smaller things like earrings are probably outs for that kind of thing.
>Games in general aren't necessary in life Wow you really have to be a boring human bean to believe in something like that.
Hah hah she talks kind of tough but she seems to like getting equal toughness from her kouhai.
I feel like I've heard the name Nimmt before. But this game is foreign to me. Maybe it's come up in other places or something, I'unno.
A lot of these kinds of niche games, I think, when you try to explain their rules verbally, come off sounding really complex. But when you play them the weird nuances end up smoothing easier into the play.
Twintails seems to be the hard-baka who's not particularly good at games but always has fun. Blue seems to have some natural luck and maybe a good bit of cleverness that helps her with doing well, but gets intimidated easily. And Glasses is just the veteran so she's pretty good just from experience.
Honestly I bet if a class did a board games cafe for their thing for a cultural festival it would do pretty well. Board game cafes are a good merger of fun activities and drinks.
Glasses had a cute hairstyle when she was younger. She should have at least kept that longer length.
Hah hah that's some random board games history trivia. Considering how much they take from real life board games I bet it's probably true too.
Everyone's getting kind of aggressive because of how competitive the two of them are hah hah.
I wonder if Japan really does have this established competitive leagues for these kinds of cultural games. Reminds me of the professional Shogi players represented in shows like 3-gatsu or that one with the loli Shogi savants.
It kind of makes more sense for games like Shogi or Mahjong. But I wonder if it's possible to make a living off being a skilled Karuta, or even Go.
Looking at Wikipedia it looks like there are competitive leagues for Karata. And if they're hosting tournaments then I bet it's probably possible to live off tournament winnings. But it's probably the kind of thing you can only do as the best of the best.
I really like the high waists of hakama. It has a nice, dignified look to the style.
Oh that's a dangerous bet to make. Making bets like that is always kind of tempting fate a good bit.
Ah these kinds of shows always get me in the mood to play games like these. I guess I could go back to practicing Mahjong or Shogi. Probably don't need another game to have in the periphery as a hobby hah hah.
At these higher skill levels it's barely about poem memorization anymore and split-second recognition and reflexes. I guess that's a lot more active than other culture games like Go or Shogi or Mahjong. Er barely about poem memorization anymore and instead about the other stuff. When all that action is funnelled down into a single, sharp moment, things definitely get quite intense yeah.