Gosh where have YOU been young lady. Don't you know what time it is
Nanatsu no Taizai Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride Chihayafuru Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-5 GranBlue Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-18 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-5 PSYCHO-PASS (Double Length) Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 4-5 Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Beastars Episode 3-4
Hm, I might need to go do some codec updating again. There's something about Chyuu's encodes that just makes my computer choke if they're not regularly kept up to date.
Angels usually are The Goddess Clan seems to take more inspiration in general from the Old Testament Abrahamic mythology than more modern interpretations of the myths too.
Can I get the time? That was getting pretty much totally unwatchable on my part and it looks like a reboot fixed my problem for hte most part.
Hm. Well that's someone we know, but not by the name of Ludociel.
Oh I'm getting my names mixed this Gowther isn't named Ludociel. Still as far as the Sins go it looks like Gowther's been around as long as Meliodas then?
I guess there is a way to go back. But can they do it again in the current age?
The monster the lady monster has transformed into kind of reminds me of the girl from Bem.
Wow angels bleed liquid light. Sasuga angels.
Oh this is a very Sawano-poi OST track. He really likes these kinds of rousing tones.
Ah yeah I'd forgotten she'd shown up back in present day too. Gets summoned and then pretty much curbstomped to show off how powerful some of the Commandments are.
The faces and bodies in this show kind of remind me a bit of old-school Tite Kubo. Like back when he was just starting Bleach.
Apparently The Pillows have actually been touring a bit again recently. They even had a concert in New York City earlier in the year, I think.
Guess this prettyboy on the other team has a good sense of trajectory.
Yeah, for all the accuracy he's been shown to demonstrate, having a whole side of the court you're miserable on is a pretty big weakness.
Afro really gets exactly what he pays for.
that's pretty crazy planning
Yeah that's a cool keikaku. This rival team's kind of a bit thuggish but they've also got the brains and basketball skill to walk the walk.
Hah hah wait isn't this girl voiced by Yukarin. If not it's someone that does her kind of squeak voice real well.
I guess the rival captain's got a sense of honour though. His team's starting to act like a bunch of clowns. At least as captain it's his job to reign -rein them in.
I can respect that. What's a masculine or feminine style when it lets you perform at your best.
Yeah. I suppose it would be fine if they end up winning this match but I'd rather they lose by score but win the moral victory and persuade afro to stop dicking around.
I don't think Ika follows much what's happening in anime these days. Maybe he's watching it in his own time though. I'd bet at least Squid's watching Chihayafuru though; that was one he was hyped for.
I wonder if she'll come with the crew. I'm guessing probably not since she isn't a story character.
Yeah, she's the first kind of arc character in the game that doesn't just shack up with the crew after you clear her island. Ferry, who we'll probably see at the next island they travel to, is kind of the same. They probably won't pick up Ferry either at that point.
Gran is so bad at gacha that he can't even recruit story characters. Of course he can't get Ferry or Vira.
I bet Djeeta will have her.
They better do a repeat of the final episode of the first season for this one. Just inexplicably switching out Gran for Djeeta and a whole cast of fanservice characters.
The reveal of the Black Knight being female is less of a surprise in the anime. This extra dialogue really gives it away.
Extra ... two? When was extra one?
>Extra one was the OVA episode they swapped in Djeeta Oh boy are they giving us best girl early this season.
Wow she became Cinderella too. Complete with an evil stepmother and bratty stepsister.
I guess as Adele though Mile does have an actually somewhat traumatic backstory too. Being a disgraced noble chased from her home is, well, not quite as traumatic as Pauline or Reina's story, but still kind of traumatic.
Mile kind of has no filter though hah hah I'm kind of sympathetic to that. Some times when people ask questions of me I answer in quantities people aren't
really expecting. I think it throws people off when I don't hide things people normally would.
>You suspicious creature Wow they're being awfully mean.