Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride BokuBen Chihayafuru Choyoyu Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-5 Dr. Stone Enen no Shouboutai GranBlue Honzuki no Gekokujou Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-18 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-5 PSYCHO-PASS (Double Length) Rifle is Beautiful Val x Love Episode 4-5 Vinland Saga Beastars Episode 3-4
Apparently all the Psycho-Pass episodes in this season are going to be double-length episodes. But there's only eight episodes in the season. It's kind of a weird way to do things.
I dunno if Moon is gonna be around tonight but the earlier starting times might be a bit of a throw-off, hah hah Though I'm certainly happy to start on this side of the half hour, but we've been consistently starting a bit late-ish that we might have a precedence now!
and there's moon, hi moon we're about 25% of the way into this
It's cute to see the sister in casual wear like this.
The notion of working a craft like blacksmithing of other craftwork so perfectly that it makes music is charming to me. It makes it take on an almost ritualistic feel.
Nope, at least not one dedicated to the fact. I've been to the zoo here a lot when I was younger and they've got some aquarium-y exhibits. But there's never been a proper aq//But there wasn't a proper aquarium here for pretty much my whole life. Ripley's built one a while back but I've never had a good excuse to go. Maybe once I've got a bit of savings again I'll go visit on my own.
This is another one of those series that does a really good job of making you feel for its characters. They're just such endearing kids.
btw should i start anticipating around midnight EST? sorry for holdin yall up
oh okay, i'll just keep a closer eye out
>>766091 Hah hah, like I said, we've kind of set a precedence! The last time we did a time shift the agreed upon time was supposed to be midnight EST but life made it hard to keep that. So we ended up kind of shifting later and later.
Rika lately seems to be showing up closer to midnight than before though so that's real nice.
I can't imagine Askeladd doesn't have some kind of gambit here. He must have known his men were suffering pretty bad from low morale from that death march across Britain.
>Avalon is the name of heaven That's not corrrreeeect
Though the rest of this is yeah. There's a lot of parallels between Avalon and Heaven but Avalon is more in line with the Greccian fields of Elysium.
Oh holy shit Askeladd.
It's a bit weird that Thorfinn wouldn't hesitate to choose his side though. I guess he might consider it dishonorable to fight Askeladd as just another mutinous soldier but it's still something I'd expect him to at least consider.
Yeah Caunte's role has pretty much just been a piece of treasure different people have been trying to obtain. As far as the story goes the only people that have really treated him as a human bean have been Ragnar and Thorfinn.
Askeladd is quite the superhuman combatant himself though. Plus he seems to be the best armored person in his troupe.
Oh here's more of Askeladd's cunning in play. Guess it wasn't quite enough though.
aaaaa what a place to stop now we gotta wait a week...
Yeah this whole Death March Across Britain arc has been a lot of crazy cliffhangers. I think the only real breather we got was the episode where Askeladd's band slaughtered a whole village so it wasn't really much of a breather anyway.
I think we'll finally get to see what Tsukasa and his Empire of Commie Kids have been up to now.
>>766128 Oh shit that's a lot of waits. It clears the conditions for the All Green yaku too right?
nah that has to be 2,3,4,6,8 hatsu
Oh I see. Those advanced yaku are always really confusing for me to remember. And the odds of me being able to build towards them are super slim anyway.
The pacing in this show has been aggressive too They're alreading going to war with the other kingdom
Well from Tsukasa's side of it, it's pretty sensible. Since he assumes (correctly) Senku's alive, he's expecting him to be continuing towards his plan of building firearms. Tsukasa's plans for world domination would be short-lived if he had to stare down the barrel of a gun.
... Well maybe not him because he's freakishly superhuman but MOST people would be short-lived if they had to stare down the barrel of a gun.
Oof ow that's got to hurt. Getting speared right in the jewels.
Hah hah that's a fun bluff. The real race begins now though.
Kuso majime!
Hah hah Kinro looks totally different with proper glasses. He kind of becomes a real megane bishounen.
They really move us along from season to season in this series. It makes sense though, since there's probably just a lot of day-to-day work involved with staying alive for people like her family.
Poor Otou-san. His girl is growing up!
She's kind of becoming a secretary for this guardpost.
>>766159 it's troubling that his coworker's name is Otto-san too
I feel they could have bumped the kids' ages up a little bit. Even for a culture of this technocultural development, having kids work full-time from age seven in workplaces apart from their parents seems a bit of a stretch.
Maybe it's historically accurate.
if it's apprenticeships then it's more like learning than working id say i think that's okay for kids to be doing
Hah hah she's getting dere dere again. This boy's sure got her charmed.
>>766164 I think the thing that's catching me is the young age, combined with the apprenticeships, on top of them all talking and acting mature. Like it makes sense for Main to be a bit weird psychologically since she's a modern-day teenager in the body of a six-year-old. But if Turi's only a year older than Main then I don't think she'd quite be able to talk on her level to the degree she does. Same for the rest of the kids.
So if they'd bumped the kids' ages up a bit to the point where they're not -that- young it wouldn't be weird for them to be talking and acting as they do, and it wouldn't feel like they're starting apprenticeships too late.
Hah hah that oven-cleaning outfit on Main. It's like a full body armor suit.
Yeah, she's on the right track for ink. Coal dust and wood soot were pretty common sources of black dye in the past.
tree sap!
>>766170 Would the sap's own colour not mess with end colouration of the ink though?
Hm, this makes me feel I was on the right path with my brainstorming last episode. I think having an affiinity for magic eats at your body's natural systems in this world and gives you a weak constitution. Combined with the lack of good, healthy food that would be available for people of Main's family's wealth class I bet that's why you don't get a lot of peasant magic-users. They'd probably all die young.
jeez lady
>the frustration of that anger not being understood that's a big feel
Yeah man her mom just burns EVERYTHING that comes into her household.
Wow does Otto have a thing for young boys.
The end cards in this series are always really pretty.
oh not the same mixup again OH gosh did he just give her pads
>Even the imouto's bra is too large for Fumino
>>766192 No, he just gave her a bra that was a few sizes too large. She probably had the pads on hand already.
these misunderstandings are getting progressively more painful
>>766194 When it comes to romcoms, misunderstandings are the shounen powercreep! You can't just have them remain the same level of embarrassment the whole series long!
Nariyuki and Fumino's relationship must look really weird from the outside.
Oh I thought they were gonna straighten it out. Oh they did anyway. These two have it real rough.
... Are pens for left-handed people even a thing? Would that even have an actual improvement for handling?
yeah they are idk what the difference is i can use the same pen for either....
She's got a certain comfortability with Nariyuki that makes their interactions pretty great. I'm more personally charmed by Sensei and the sempai girl but these interactions are a good sell.
all the girls are pretty great she's got that familiar vibe of comfort though
>>766200 Well a lot of pens end up making my hand kind of cramped if I have to write a lot. If there's an actual benefit to stress when using pens suited for left-handed people then I might be interested in them.
That said if a pen's a little bit chunky that can alieviate the stress a bit anyway. I've got a decent fountain pen that's good for that.
Oh I remember this chapter. I think this was one of the first chapters I started getting particularly aware of this series from.
Poor Nariyuki. This woman is his bane.
>The human body generally feels good when it's rubbed
i feel like a restraining order would be placed on -somebody- if this kept happening in real life
Put the dang restraining order on this crazy lady and keep her away from Nariyuki. Just nip the problem in the bud.
Poor Fumino.
The expressions on the mask he's wearing really make the bit.