Ahiru no Sora Assassins Pride Boku no Hero Academia BokuBen Choyoyu Episode 3-4 Chuubyou Gekihatsu Boy Episode 3-4 Enen no Shouboutai Honzuki no Gekokujou Houkago Saikoro Club Kabukicho Sherlock Kono Oto Tomare! Episode 14-17 Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Episode 2-4 Val x Love Watashi, Nouryoku etc. Beastars
Also because of an early morning appointment I don't think we'll have Moon tonight. That might've changed but I doooonnnn't believe it's the case.
We've got some stuff Moon's not watching or proooobably ...
Oh I just always assumed his mom was already dead. But she's alive and kicking, if still infirm.
Geez kid your mom's already hospitalized do you want to give her a heart attack.
I haven't really listened to The Pillows much lately. It's refreshing to hear them again.
Afro really is kind of a teenage dirtbag. If only he had HEART anymore. He's obviously got some talents.
The MC talks about Blondie being really tall but if the MC's already kind of short for a Japanese I can't imagine Blondie's actually crazy tall. Though with the frame of reference of Japan he probably is still though,
i dont really know a lot about basketball but i think short guys have some advantages too
like it's really hard to steal the ball from them for one
Yeah, especially if you're the only short one amongst all the tall people. They're all busy plotting how to combat the other tall players so if you're short you have a good chance of slipping under their radar.
Though while there are advantages I think tall people still have the overall advantage though. Like of course being taller means you can jump higher easier and it's less distance from your arms to the hoop so you can worry a bit less about absolute need for accuracy. But there's also more nuanced stuff. Like you can only take ... I think two? steps while holding the ball without dribbling it. If you're tall you've usually got longer legs which means those steps can cover more ground than a short person's can.
but a dribble has to go above the waist i believe shorter dribbles are safer and quicker
i think shot clearance is the biggest issue though
hmm Is there a height requirement on dribbles? I didn't know that
I'm not familiar with one either, BUT I also have never played more competitve basketball than with my class in P.E. where no one would care about that kind thing either. And I don't follow professional sports so I don't really have a comprehensive understanding of the ruleset of any sport.
>>763841 it looks like there isn't! i thought i remembered something like that but maybe i got mixed up! i dont really know basketball!
MC's got some real good shoot accuracy though, shot clearance be damned. Though that's probably something this rival team can resolve pretty easily if they start taking him seriously. Which is seems like they might be finally.
I guess Momoharu has a hard time with accuracy but he's a really solid defense player.
it's one of those sports that moves way too fast for me!
i liked playing HORSE and stuff though, just shooting
These water sound effects when the MC does one of his duck and weave movements is a really nice touch for me.
>>763853 It doesn't really move too fast for me but I just don't really find watching it engaging. Or playing either I guess, but that's sports in general for me. So my attention wavers and by the next time I'm looking again things have really changed a lot and it's kind of a pain to catch up.
If anything that's something I like a bit better about baseball because while things happen fast in baseball, it's kind of in bursts with lulls inbetween. I can watch the active moments and then just tune out for a bit.
>>763855 i was a lot better with baseball the offense and defense phases are defined, there's more expectation of what's about to happen to prepare
basketball is so back and forth that i get confused i can think pretty deeply about stuff, but not very quickly!
A lot of sports just don't really satisfy my need for engagement. Or in team sports like basketball or soccer where you've got to follow the ball even if you're not actively handling it, I I've always found it hard to keep encouraged just running around as a pack.
But at the same time with sports like baseball where you spend a lot of time standing in the field in your position, that inactivity makes my mind wander too, and then I'm not paying attention to the game I'm playing anymore.
>There's no future for a business that's lost its trust That's where you secure MONOPOLY and it doesn't matter how much trust you abuse when you're the only one they can deal with
These sailors are kind of half-orcish or something. They all have those kinds of pointy ears.
These demon lord-y merchants never really live up to the reputation. It's always the most cutthroat that succeed in business.
Well I guess they were pretty brief on it.
who's her seiyuu it sounds familiar
Looking at her worklist, she doesn't seem to have been in anything we've watched recently. And she's a fairly new, or at least inexperienced, seiyuu. Active since 2012 but only has had fifteen anime roles, of which I think this is the only one you would have watched? A few spare game roles too but I'm even more comfortable assuming you wouldn't be familiar with her from them either.
Yeah, the character designs are probably the strongest aspect about this series. I guess the quality of animation is actually decent and overall pretty clean too. Kind of a weird series to spend all that effort on. Maybe the novels this is adapting from are really popular in Japan.
the journalist's laugh is p cute too
Oof these sound effects of the heart being pumped.
At least it's a cast of power tripping MCs and not just one like a lot of these isekai series end up being.
remember when i said this would probably cause them to get beheaded ye
It's always pretty easy for a merchant company who's been in with the local government to bribe the local law enforcement to crush their rivals. I bet that merchant company the business kid pushed these knights to take action,.
i wonder if we'll get any really dark isekai where things just go terribly terribly wrong for the summoned characters
Well it's not quite terribly, terribly wrong, but Hai to Sensou no Grimgar is a fairly serious isekai. The isekai'd kids have to go do life-risking adventurer work just to make ends meet and not starve. And there's a couple moments where the series doesn't pull punches and kills off parts of the main cast in some fairly crushing ways. But I think the series is overall hopeful even throughout the tragedy. I actually really liked the series, it would have been one I would have liked to see more adapted of.
In this series? I'm not sure. I'm not always good at catching ages unless it's tied to something like the grade their in or something along those lines. Though if he's a practicing surgeon he'd have to at least be in his late twenties, right? I don't know how long they have to work before they can accomplish that though. The medical field isn't really something I'm informed in.
well i was thinking he's pretty lucky to be doing autopsies so young but then i realized idk how old he is
... Pu is kind of a weird name for a Japanese guy.
doing legal documents over a bottle of booze probably isn't the best idea
especially a will is a will even valid if the person wasn't in sound judgment at the time
Looking at the website for this series, there doesn't seem to be any mention of Watson's age. And it's an anime - >Give me Pu!
And it's an anime original so there isn't pre-existing material to research.
it's not too important! just a curiosity
Well it's fine if it's not too important. But it's kind of fun for me to do this kind of research.
The answer is probably that he's about the age Watson was in the original Sherlock stories when Watson and Sherlock started living together. Which does probably make him way young to be a practicing surgeon realistically but hey, fiction.
This guy's gratuitous Engrish is really funny. He throws it into his sentences pretty fluidly though.
being an army doctor is different though i mean it's certainly possible for someone to be a surgeon in their 20s military is a little different 'cause you do what they need you to do, as opposed to just doing what you want to do
but autopsies are usually done by people whove already been surgeons a long time
>>763902 I wouldn't be surprised if there's some realism inconsistencies when the writers tried to fit Sherlock and Watson into modern day Shinjuku. It's not too much in the way of immersion-breaking anyway. And I'm sure most people aren't even that familiar that senior surgeons tend to be the ones doing autopsies anyway.
Time for some Rakugo!
>>763904 well watson was an army doctor things are more as-needed there so they're probably doing surgeries earlier and stuff anyway
im getting pretty snoozy i think this'll be my last show for the night
Well it's a pretty fun show to end on. Detective fiction is enjoyable to watch.
>>763907 Yeah, though this Watson doesn't seem to have the experience the traditional Watson did. And it's still kind of confusing how a Western surgeon ends up practicing in a Shinjuku hospital. It's probably stuff the writers didn't stress too much about fitting together though.
Or maybe it's stuff that'll get brought up when we get to Watson's plot.
yeah it's not really important stuff
i just always wanted to be a medical examiner so i got a bit of the envies seeing watson in his young age gettin to do it
Well good luck getting a bit of shut-eye tonight. And ganbare with the appointment. I'm rooting for you.
Sir's such a dry character but I bet inside he's really excited to have someone like Deku he can be a complete All Might otaku with.
Getting paid for hero work while still in grade ten is probably a pretty sweet deal though.
This was the cliffhanger I was expecting them to end last episode on. But I guess I'd forgotten how much geeking out between Sir and Deku about All Might there had been.
Deku is the kind of person who performs well in real life conditions. He's not good at training like this.
Deku's biggest strengths are performing well under pressure and coming up with creative solutions. If he's given too much time to think I think he gets bogged down with the "What ifs". In that way he really isn't all too much like All Might, who's really good at not being bogged down and just does what is JUSTICE.
Hm, if I remember correctly, we might be hitting the kickoff of the main drama of this arc at the end of next week's episode. Or maybe at the top of the episode the week after.
Oh I don't recall Hawks getting name-dropped this early in the series. But that might be my memory being fuzzy. He's kind of important in a later arc so it might be the anime tweaking a couple things to make way for it.
>Haven't been able to get any proof he's doing anything criminal >A Yakuza head >Not doing anything criminal Japan please.
The fact that he could do Gran Torino's thing is pretty impressive.
>>763945 With enough accuracy to not mess up the All Might memorabilia that Sir has around his office. As long as what he's learning isn't a feat of literal superhuman strength like what All Might does, Deku does tend to learn on the practical side pretty fast.
>>763971 In that fight in episode three they were going up against B-rank hunters and winning against them pretty single-handedly. It looks like despite that they still have to do C-rank quests before they can formally rank up though. So yeah as far as things go they're probably way overpowered for quests of this difficulty.
Well that's ... kind of accurate. Certain materials would resist the drastic changes in temperature and not become brittle though. A lot of metal and stone like what the golem was made out of would be subject to those temperature changes though so it is kind of accurate.
The golem was probably a threat to everyone but Mile though.
I'm sure the other three could have overcome it if they worked together. Well, maybe just Reina and the Pink Mage. Mavis is really poorly suited against all these enemies with really hard exteriors hah hah. I think Mile made her a super durable sword last episode though so maybe after the other two had done the temperature thing she could have shattered it.
But that's also contingent on knowing how those materials react under temperature extremes which is probably beyond the scientific knowledge of an isekai world!