Do you November the 21st night of November >We went through all the dates: ‘Do you remember the first, the second, the third, the fourth … ’ and the one that just felt the best was the 21st. I constantly have people coming up to me and they get so excited to know what the significance was. And there is no significance beyond it just sang better than any of the other dates. So … sorry
been up all morning organizing work for the day and being really motivated and excited to do my work so happy i finally got my antidepressant i was ready to give up for good
only one month supply though...
uh what
two straight up blokes
yes i'd like to report a problem this call has one female interviewer and two blokes
>>765147 There was one negative review that I saw Well, only as far as the headline went, I didn't really read it. It said something like it's a really self-indulgent Kojima game but it's definitely an original piece of work
I just wanna get married and have kids. If I could get that started and maybe get married in like a year and a half, that would be great. I guess I could wait two years. But I don't have forever. I'm already a Christmas cake.
I'm not sure why it's so hard. I've been so close twice. If it were my fault, it would be easy because I would have a clear answer for what needs to change. But it's been stuff completely out of my power.
>>765211 I don't know why it's so hard either. I've tried explaining to some of my friends how it's just hard for me to understand the social vectors of flirting and dating and how it overwhelms me. And the result is kind of "Oh you're ace? That's cool too" And while it's nice to know they're happy to acknowledge
what they see as my problems, it's like, no, I do really wish I could have someone, but even that isn't enough to overcome the confusion and insecurities that get in the way.
>>765232 i wonder how big of a mess it will be initially also kinda curious how will they cobtinue the story how to peak Prime Evil diablo and literally death Malthael as bosses?
Samu, we're testing the captcha thing over on tano now
i was jesus for halloween lol laziest costume of my life i just got a cheap robe and carved a branch from my backyard a bit >>765236 its hard to tell since D3 has been kept on life support for so long and there's no telling how many of the team that made the 2.0 patch which saved the game or the crusader/necro are working on the new one maybe it's even a mostly brand new team all we know is that there's only been around 6-12 people on the D3 team since Reaper of Souls came out and a separate group of indeterminate size created the DLC classes best case scenario that I hope for is that the bulk of the team which made D3 2.0 and Reaper of Souls has been working on Diablo 4 this whole time and learned from the flaws of D3
the gameplay or well "gameplay" video they showed looked really good though and I love the new art direction as a huge fan of Diablo 2 I also noticed that most of the skills they showed off are skills that were in D2's incarnation of those classes they showed several new abilities for sorcerer like the lightning form and the ice dash but only a couple for barb (kick?, some kind of dual strike) and druid (dash that initiates were-form, shown activating both werewolf and werebear)
there's a lot of shit they can fuck up with this but it looks extremely good versus D3 which looked kind of mediocre when it was announced
the biggest problem with the game is definitely how exactly they are going to make lilith seem more imposing or even anywhere near as important as malthael or diablo though i doubt the writing will be good enough to make that third string background character more intimidating than the two most powerful entities in the lore with 2 or 3 games behind them
i have no hope for D4, Blizzard just keeps making worse and worse things as of late
>>765241 yeah but they were all fucked up in some way or another there wasn't a single private server ever before wow classic that had Judgment of Command for Retribution Paladins scale off attack power instead of spell power for example pservers just had to guess and shoot in the dark for a lot of mechanics and scripts and server behavior
>>765240 what are you smoking, that was the worst wow expansion yet! i couldn't even load my characters from my other servers???? a worse launch than Warlords of Draenor, smfj smfh*
>>765244 i cant really recommend it unless you want to lose a shit load of your free time but it's a fun game far as MMOs go >>765243 I played retail for a bit last week and saw so many people saying warlords of draenor was good there are people out there that actually have fond memories of that garbage can you believe it?
>>765245 Not interested Although I already waste most of my free time anyways
>>765243 for real though WoD launch was nothing compared to FFXIV Stormblood launch people can't play for a few days? lol that's nothing in stormblood 98% of the players couldn't play past the first 10 quests in the expansion for a week and a half 11 fucking days before they fixed it, there was a server related problem that caused people to fail to be able to initiate a solo instance and you couldn't even do it on off hours even at like 3AM CST there would be 40+ people spamming the questgiver for that quest on every server trying and failing to play the fucking game lol in addition the strain on the servers with all the failed instance creation made it impossible most of the day for anyone to enter any instance in any part of the game
so the game was literally unplayable for 11 days at every level since you have to do many different instanced dungeons to progress your character
the only thing that worked was open world sidequests and FATEs (open group quests that randomly spawn in the overworld)
>>765251 i disagree, they are a bit less heinous than EA the only good thing I have to say with them is they recognize when their horrible interference is making the profitability of their subsidiaries plummet EA doesn't do it but Activision at least understands bad game = bad profits To an extent anyways >>765249 Blizzard is okay their games are alright and generally pretty good But they also killed the team that made my favorite dungeon crawler, killed the only RTS that I liked, and ruined my favorite game of all time
At least they still make games I can't even be mad at Valve because they don't do anything I care about
don't give a shit about the WoW announcement or Overwatch 2 but damn I'm excite for D4
i guess with nephalems back in full str that would male lilith into spmething... but she can't harness enough power on her own really to dp anything i think her plans relied on usong world syone to control the nephalem and that is gone and she isn't evena prime evil, so in no way is she a threat, atleast if anyone even relatively close to power as d3 protag is around
my guess would be d4 will centre on humanity struggling woth its new power and lilith being more of a background manipulator than an open boss ofc it being a diablo game, diablo will always return maybe baal and mephisto too, which would be nice
also i would guess inarius? was it, lilith's partner might also be returning
>>765258 well we don't exactly know what powerlevel Lilith is working on but I assume it's less than the prime evils since Inarius' cohorts like Malthael and Tyrael and Imperius were present in D3 and clearly struggling to deal with the D3 Diablo, and I assume Lilith and Inarius were comparable in powerlevel It was said in D3 lore drop books that LIlith and Inarius had "hidden" from the high heavens and pandaemonium so I would bet they were somewhat weaker than some of the Evils or Archangels.
Though D4 is supposedly years later than D3, so maybe the D3 hero just happened to be extremely fucking strong and was informed how to awaken his true potential with the help of the ancient nephalem with their riftts and shit, I dunno.
>>765259 inarius and lilith atmost are comparable to say the sin liutenants or izual
but there was that nephalem eating blood guy in adventure mode maybe he was unto something?
wonder who the narrator in the gameplsy trailer is if ot is cain's brother literally, it can't be that far into future if it is just "brother of the horadrim" then it can be centuries even
>>765260 Duriel looks like an alternate reality zerg monster thing tbh >>765261 Maybe consuming nephalem blood makes demons and shit stronger? Nephalem seem to be the macguffin of Diablo after D3's story so I'd believe it >>765267 That would make the most sense to me too after seeing the cinematic trailer You have these nobodies with no apparent special ability struggling against shitter zombies In D3 canon the Demon Hunter for example trained for like 10+ years to kill demons and could do some pretty fantastical shit before ascending to his nephalem heritage power and killing Diablo for good
>>765266 not to mention how sell the defenders in act 3 fared against hell *well
i wonder will they go with singular hero or band of heroes canon on d3 d2 sjited band of heroes well, but d3 seems more like a "prophecised hero" story
>>765269 Yeah they've shown normal humans get easily rekt by the weakest demons in D3 and D2/D1 to an extent So if the new game is far enough in the future without an immediate threat of demons and shit I could believe that human/nephalem people don't have super strong demon slaying machines that could work over Lilith before breakfast The backstory for D3 classes paints each of them as some really special dude so if D4 characters are supposed to be more normal people with standard abilities I might be able to believe a relatively nobody demon like Lilith could be dangerous
yeah think abput the hpradric order at their peak hunted down the three on their own not wussies either but then peace made humans weak untill diablo and dark times resurfaced'and then those dark times dragged on for like 20+ years so no wonder by d3, the gifted hjmans had begun to be nephalem
Pretty much every class in D3 is some anime MC Demon Hunter had their family killed by demons and trained since they were like 10 to slay demons and nothing else Barbarian was the last of their tribe and spent 40+ years training and also killing demons Wizard was the most powerful and most promising spellcaster born in their caste for hundreds of years (and is a huge asshole about it) Necromancer is a special snowflake that researches new ways to kill shit after leaving their necromantic society Crusader was literally born and bred to kill demons from before they existed
not sure about monk but I also don't play monk
yup wizard is most anime you could have her be a fucking isekai charactdr and it would fit so well
>>765273 plus she is like 19 etc even DH is like 20-30 and is prolly 2nd youngest of the bunch
>>765273 trained from birth in martial arts send by their buddha to solve the issue
one thing i noted from the trailer was the dark skin pf the "barbarian" if it is the same barb tribe as before, the fuck happened'
>>765275 DH has gotta be my favorite class and is the one I always think of when I think about D3 in my head they're the canonical slayer of Diablo >>765276 Makes sense to me but I really don't know much about the class only played it a few times and didn't really like it much
Witch Doctor is kind of weird thinking about it they were a leader of tribal pagan spiritualists and just got a word from the spirits like "ay there is some fucked up shit going on bro check it out" and manage to somehow defeat the strongest Prime Evil
>>765277 I don't think it's the same barb tribe at all In D3 canon, the barbarians from D2 that were the tribe the D3 barb came from are already completely wiped out, Akarrat was demolished by demons sometime between D2 and D3
i like wizard and necro most and i think wizard is the canon one, but dh would suit too amusingly dh is one of the "normals" of the bunch alongside monk and baba rest are weirdoes
>>765278 wd and monk kinda stivk out yeah since both especially just come from somewhere else
>>765278 first baal, then world stone go boom what little were alive scattered ib tbe wind
aldo... wonder how high the death toll was post malthael?
>>765279 Wizard makes sense too for canon D3 Diablo slayer Both Wizard and Demon Hunter devoted their lives to killing demons, for different reasons Wizard makes a bit more sense to start but with the nephalem shit I think DH could contend if you said they unlocked their nephalem heritage ability at a young age Wizard was literally bred to be the strongest magical force int // in the world though so it makes a bit more sense they became the diablo slayer >>765283 Wizard in canon is I think the strongest being in Diablo lore
>>765279 Necromancer is my favorite class in both D2 and D3 but I feel like they're not as strong as the others in lore
In-game I think they're second to none in D2 and a close second in D3 though
Haven't pushed grifts with DH/Necro after the set value changes they did last season though maybe it's more balanced Last I played I got to 97 on DH and 99 on Necro with the UE set for DH and uhh I forget the set name but it was some meta skeletal mage solo build
wiz clearly is the most powdrful of the bunh, atleast in raw power
with nephalem factor, i think crus, wiz, nec and dh make most sense all are 20-30s, trained and with motivation and ties to the overall plot to be the big hero rest are more pf support mentors imo
and if you narrow it down to crus, wiz, dh you have fighter, sorcerer, ranger from d1
>>765282 i don~t really like the set builds for any if the classes even wizard obes are kinda meh they just force you to pkay in a set way tal rasha is only slightly limiting, but still a chore this is why i don't really grind for items in d3 or play it that much except as boredom sink the rewards just aren't interesting
>>765286 I hate the wizard sets so much They're all so gimmicky except for Tal'rasha it's annoying to play same goes for Barbarian
There are some sets I like a lot though, Marauder for DH is fun for me, you round up everyone and bunker down then explode shit with unreal damage the Multishot UE build that was meta for a long time isn't as fun to play imo
There was a season they did recently that gave you a free LON set effect that spawned a bunch of cool fun builds like a competitive frozen orb/mobility wiz that shit was pretty awesome I rolled wiz for that season Basically since you got a free LoN you could run the BiS rings and it was almost as optimal as the stupid ass set builds
i like spinning to win and dakka dakka dakka and bombibg with ice demons and there is no set that alliws me to do all of those
>>765287 also i dislike the whole season t'mechanic hope it doesn't return in d4
>>765289 I DISAGREE EXTREMELY VEHEMENTLY Why would you dislike Seasons? Disregarding the fact they've been confluent with the series since D2 days, it gives you a reason to reroll. My biggest grievance with them is the quality of the various season effects and that you can't replay specific seasons with relevant modifiers.
In D2 the only popular mode was seasonal, though they called it Ladder back then. The only difference really was that there were no special modifiers to the gameplay, it just reset every now and then and people had to reroll and shit. >>765291 I don't realy give a shit about the cosmetic once-in-a-lifetime unlocks but I can see that being a problem for people. I would prefer if they didn't have those as rewards for the seasons because not only do I not give a shit, there's probably people who place too much value on it. I've rerolled in D3 so many fucking times at this point it takes me about 4-5 hours to get to max level and start unlocking the free sets they give out. After 2-3 days I am doing Grift 90+ on my main or grandfathering op ass gear to powerlevel and gear alts with Gem of Ease or the Kanai Cube GoE pattern.
>>765290 cause it is an addict mevhanic based on fom syndrome thay't forces you to pkay during set times to get shit i don't like that kinda shit i can never stick to one gru'indy game for like 1-2 weeks of dedicated frind to get shit done in a season each season ends before i get anything fone, cause i am not the type to stick to a singuöar game for 100-200 hours i a short span rathet i do like 50h in one month and then return to it in a few by then, the season is over
the gear rewards and shit are very clearly tied to seasons i get nothing good ever on my non-seasonal wiz hell i can still count my ancuent legs eith one hand one hand
i dislike this season, it's big gay also monk is best, exploding seven sided strike for live life
>>765293 I also think the current season is big gay Wtf is the point of these stupid circles I don't give a shit I am marauder DH CDR? Lol? I have no CDS Resource reduction? I'm never out of hatred/discipline
80% of the time this season affix is fucking useless even at lower level I never had a single fucking instance where I thought "yes awesome I got the buff I want" Bad job making useful affix for endgame Bad job making useful affix for early game
bring back LoH LoN** >>765294 I greatly enjoy pointless bullshit grind style gameplay tbh >>765292 I find it pretty easy to get shitloads of loot on my non season DH main with like 3000ish paragon but he's basically already best in slot outside of a handful of slots that aren't primal ancients
seasons are the only reason why I would play this game otherwise because getting an upgrade on that character is a uhh 0.0726498063% chance upon a legendary dropping
i enjoy simple things like mass artillery fire >>765295 did i tell you ever how it took me forever to complete tal rasha?'actually i still dom't have the 7th otem in the set
>>765295 I still haven't learned which color is which buff because of how much they dont matter ever even the 100% damage circle is pretty much negligible LoN and RoRG seasons were at least interesting
when i played d2, i just didn't grind loot i grinded gems with hellforge and readed that shit for loot or just made runeforged items cause my loot luxk *luck is in the negatives
>>765296 Nah i don't know how long it took I have primal ancient for probably half of the sets int he game but I only play seasonal haha >>765297 half the time when I think I have a circle that gives me something I want a tthe time i'm wrong after looking at the tooltip and losing time I could have spent killing this season is so fucking stupid
hey whats your discord I wanna talk to you a bit
forever amusingly, i have gotten most of my good stuff from stuff like armour/weapob racks, not bosses
>>765301 leg drop rate builds up as you play and increases the chance to get leg drops from any source irrelevant to their base chance to drop most of the time if you actually open chests/destroy barrels/etc you get them before bosses and then your drop chance is reset when you kill a boss so you don't get a drop generally
>>765304 It's okay, I already replaced it with Immortal's King after like two days of grinding last i played all i needed to finish the base of the build is uh Ring that does the element rotation
>>765305 this element is irrelevant after you get to 80-90+ grift though since every grift drops 4+ legs think the most i saw is like 11 legs and that's balanced against the 1/10 chance to get primal legendary and 1/10 of that chance /// 1/10 chance to get ancient legendary and 1/10 chance on ancient roll to get primal ancient so with 11 drops \ 0.008% to get a primal upgrade with 17 slots
my highest grift in non seasonal is like 113 or some shit but it's inefficient for grinding upgrades can't go higher cause im bad and can't get upgrades
i cant grind like id like because i have 300kbps internet that likes to spike and fuck me
>>765312 fucking oof this is why i never make hc characters
>>765325 well since they allow both numbers and normal alphanumeric characters you'd have to have 316,000ish people with the same discord name before it failed to find a new discord tag
>>765327 naw i mean forexample "pan" then you'd just need 9999 pand pans to nax it out
>>765328 i mean there are about 96k combinations of numeral tags and 316k combinations of alphanumeric tags that could be associated with a single case-sensitive username
oh right it isn't 9999, but 99 94 hey gimme some slack i woke up few hours ago and obly slept max 4 hours
so i went around to lookinto it, so discord tag is actually waaaay longer than what is shown and by this virtur you vould have two pk#tag, who are different people, but have the same frst 4 (visible) numbers but i guess that is quite unlikely
>>765343 I'll be honest I wasn't paying attention to the names it was just a friend of mine was like "I wanna do tequila shots!" and encouraged the rest of us along with her to do the same. And me, being the Ever-Pleasant Companion agreed of course. Was pretty nice though.
>>765377 also incase you don't get it I refer to the discord message stuffs like >building fortnites while it loads up or the whole customer service >wompus here to springle fairydust on your technical ouchiewouchies what is it, but not pure cringe? especially when they do it not just in the app, but on company level
>>765398 it's probably the worst I've felt since that couple months in 2015 but nobody is there to lean on i feel so fucking awful lol I'll work through this too though life is like that >>765399 give me even one reason to and I'll do it
>>765400 Life can really be like that some times. I really feel for you that it's being so awful for you right now. And I know it doesn't fix the problems and probably doesn't make much better, but, I do earnestly want you to find happiness. I do keep you in mind.
wonder how much of the manga the anime will cover?
Probably three-ish manga volumes if it's one-cour?
wish it would just do the whole series as a long series
Yeah would be nice.
To be fair most of what MAPPA's been doing lately have been two-cour shows, but that's probably a bit much of a reach for predictint -predicting it to be a two-cour show.
24 isn't enough i think something like 50 eps maybe
Yeah I know. Maybe they'll continue adapting it if the show's popular though. It's not like there's a manga currently running for it to be advertising anymore.
Though I guess there could be an arguement for it being an advertisment for the mangaka's new manga.
yup dunno how popular dorohedoro was in japan anyhow
>>765401 i do appreciate the encouragement i honestly just want to find something I'm good at and is sustainable though happiness is a sideline goal. i definitely can't keep working here, 60+hr work weeks that aren't bringing enough income for 5 people isn't enough. >>765402 if you say so janrela#8876 though you can get that with a Google search haha
>OKAY I PRESSED THE BUTTON. >I'LL JUST DO A GRAY ILLUSTRATION >LET ME SEE WHAT EVERYONE ELSE IS DOING FIRST THOUGH SO I CAN HURT MY SELF-ESTEEM. >Color illustration, Color illustration, Color illustration, Color illustration, Color illustration, Color illustration, >manga, manga, manga, manga, manga, manga, manga, help
First you gotta hurt your self-esteem and THEN you accept dude. And by accept I mean close all windows related to the enterprise and abandon all hope.
>>765418 you don't get it. I PRESSED THE PARTICIPATION BUTTON. I AM GOING TO BE A PART OF THIS BOOK AS LONG AS I DELIVER (maybe, unless they kick me out. I don't want them to kick me out. but they might. I won't feel bad if they do though. I'll still buy the book because I love it.)
it's THE KoiKoko joint project book The one that I flipped through without being able to stop smiling. >>765423 Dec 1st Not a bad deadline but for me who is going to be spending weeks on what they spend days on, it'll be stress all the same. But it'll be good stress. I will be better for it.
I am extremely prepared to die in the face of being asked a question in a different language.
>>765422 Well here's my idea, my eggcellent two cents. Inktober just wrapped up, right? And it's not like you'll actually do anything for NaNoWriMo. So what you're gonna do is, make this November YOUR Inktober.
You lot and your roman calender coincidentally october in finnish is "lokakuu" lit. "mud month"
>>765431 Alas, I am myself making plans for NaNoWriMo. And while writing a 50,000 word story of Koishi and Kokoro sounds fun I a. am not all that well versed on Kokoro and why these two are so gay for each other, and 2) I don't think the book would be accepting novellas, let alone novels, instead of drawing. I'm marinating some good ideas at the moment though.
>>765437 finnish is unoriginally creative in naming stuff
forexample take beaver majava "maja" means hut/hovel and the ja is like just suffix there so majava lit. means "hovel builder" or "hovel dweller" coming from how beavers build themselves makeshift hovels and damns *dams
SS as in Short Stories
Yes Blue I am aware.
>>765440 my friends were not aware and went through many possible acronyms. iI am glad that you know ahead of time
Well I certainly was tempted to rag on you for this magazine's interest in Shota Sex stories involving Kokoro and Koishi but you cut me off before I had a chance.
I'm less interested in the S side of the SS genre than the onee-chan side. And I doubt Koishi or Kokoro are all that good as onee-chan characters anyway.
Koishi is a bad onee-chan and that's probably why they keep doing it.
>>765455 that sounds fun I want to write a story about identity. What it's like having no self and having many selves. Koishi gets written about a lot but I don't think there's much down about Kokoro as an entity that exists.
bit scary to think about, but when I still did the 2hudumps, I could instantly dump any requested comic, from somethign very vague description or random line reference. Should have poured that brain power into something more useful maybe?
>>765468 original idea was just going to be gap magic nonsense but then I played Ai: the Somnium Files and figured out a new level of bullshit to pull.
1545 doujins take maybe 50 away from it and that means i had a ... words? library/catalogue memory of 1500 works and could remember up to page or even exact speech bubble when something was mentioned some dedication
>>765470 Dunno about the game, but since you can access it through dreams, like merry and fucks her face renko's ancestor do you could basically have them somehow pop out of the unconsciousness of someone in NY hell, maybe even have a weird self-insert of yourself as the person who accidentally conjures them up
>>765476 There's a story in one of the omnibus collections I have. It's the epilogue of the story set really. Essentially, everyone ended up forgetting Koishi in the end. But she's connected to the collective unconscious, so she can continue to exist as long as anyone remembers her and appear anywhere on that same principle.
>>765478 Yeah this part kinda rarely gets reflected in 2hu stories save for Yakumi Sarai yokai need to be believed in to exist this is why gensoukyo has humans, who are protected their "fear" and "faith" keeps the magical creatures alive
tho I am not sure if the same rule applies to all beings forexample, I don't think vampires followe the same rules
but for anything of japan/china mythology it is so
There was a KoiKoko book that briefly went over that. Kokoro and Koishi were curious about death so they went to Mamizou to ask about it. And she told them how youkai death is different. She also brought up how complicated Koishi's existence is since she is essentially destined to be forgotten and yet that is simply a function of her being a youkai.
and magicians, basically witches definitely could exist without belief too
Another story that I would like to write would be about Mei Ling I kinad imagine her being a "national representation of China" however, stuck in some 1950s version of it so it would be fun to tell stories of more fearsome incarnations of china like Meiling of the 3 kingdoms era or meiling of the mongol era and so on
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Holy fuck i only just realised holding space scrolls down /moe/
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
Oh it's every web page How long has my browser done this
early to bed early to rise something something healthy wise
>>765511 I think I might've heard something about the first two being double-length, and then the rest normal? Is there something somewhere talking about them all being that way?
We didn't catch the second episode but I really enjoyed the first one.
Kirara 🍄🤡
i just assumed they'll all be long 45 minutes is way too long
Is it? It's just two episodes' length. That's not really much different from it just being a two-cour show.
>>765518 it is when i have time to watch two episodes of anime a day if i reduce that to one episode, i have to drop more shows than if i just drop psycho pass
Well it might be worth checking in once episode three drops just to see what the runtime is. You could probably manage if it was just the first two episodes that are double-length.
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah psycho pass is one of my lower priority shows in general so it's not the end of the world if i have to drop it
>The anime will have eight episodes total. The website is listing that all episodes will be one hour long. Oh okay that's really fucking weird.
Kirara 🍄🤡
what the fuck lol
Kirara 🍄🤡
why is it noitanima
Psycho-Pass has always been a noitaminA show I recall. Though an airing structure like this is weird even for them.
So it seems that greyscale might actually be harder than color, believe it or not. The dpi requirement is nearly double which means the canvas is incredibly LARGE
but digital art is insane in a way you need to do lots of steps to get some shading or effect a one or two colours of paint would get you if you painted it actually
also... does that doll have a boner?
it has a knee
two dem
>>765561 a knee that is the lenght of its torso and head?
I followed the organizer of the Koikoko project and I'm reading his non-art tweets and he's feeling depressed and stressed out in between all the cute images he's RTing and I am not necessarily "surprised" but it's just this weird feeling of "wow, i know this timeline. it's mine. this is me." >post sad opinion >retweet koi >post self-directed frustration >retweet kokoro
>>765567 depressed and stressed because of cute kay
It was like, "initiating driver mode" and it started like, following curves in the road for me and everything without me touching the wheel It ain't natural. That thing is a monstrosity.
wew ever lookedinto car hacking scary thing
btw read latest medicine chinagirl?
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>765593 yeah, it's scary also it wants to record my voice??? no?????
nope qhen the surgeon sucked them out of there, they assembled themselves into the form of a black rabbit and leapt into another dimension
oh dang that's spooky do you have a recovery period or are you all better now >>765616 she looked familiar
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i was woozy for like an hour afterward now i have these four wounds on my abdomen, gotta let em heal up
sekusii hope ya feel better now that it's all done
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
thanks im doin pretty good cant move around very fast or it hurts but if i take it easy it dodsnt hurt at all i havent even taken the painkillers they gave me
my doc gave me 10 tabs of valium and 20 of codeine+paracetamol for any pain might be a bit of overkill but I'll take those scripts >>765621 good to hear you're okay you'll have some cool scars I guess >>765620 I have a few pics of her I post occasionally >>765626 the joys of raising a car
my friend joined the project and is doing color and he says color is easier and he's probably right I kinda want to switch but that would mean asking to switch
I'll ask once I get my finalized idea down
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
starbucks playin Dancin memes abound
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
How did the sir jerry go, sammers? All gud?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
Yeah bro it's all good now apparently the bladder was quite packed and impacted with stone s now i have some incisions on my abdomen from the laproscopy so i'm limpin around slowly
Oz mate lost my wallet so I said fuck it can apparently use it with pubs and clubs as well as police though it's good to hold onto your original one because a lot of venues might not have the system
I've been to pubs that are like "Yeah just show us a photo on your phone of your ID and we good"
>>765670 it's more an app dealio I wish it was just a photo
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
It should just work on the honour system >yes i am allowed to drive >yes i am allowed to buy beer And they just take it at face value Society would run better
ain't no global warming 'cause ain't no globe earth
of course global warming is real, how else would we harneas geothermic energy smh
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
ain't no planet x coming cause aint no space cuz aint not globe earth
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
>>765688 i have recurring fantasies of building some kinda geothermically powered house in the side of a hill somewhere with like a deep underground facility like a hobbit house or a vault maybe some solar panels and some huge fans for ventilation
canelo RUINED the light heavyweight champ in a span of 2 seconds all it took was two hooks and sergey crumpled in the blink of an eye ay ay ay M E X I C O
>>765713 wait hold up Today's daylight savings falling back in the states Anyone who's working right now is gonna work an extra hour this shift for no reason other than america is retarded that's the opposite of lucky!
Maybe midnight shift schedules take that into account when they're passing over DST. I mean probably not because it's literally two days out of the 365/6 that the schedules normally need to account for. And like you said it's definitely the kind of thing corporate would be happy to take advantage of.
>>765715 I can assure you having been affected by DST going back and forward on overnight shifts before, they don't give a shit. You get 7 hours instead of 8 and 9 hours instead of 8. At least it's fair though.
For me I just lose an hour of free time, this year it was after I worked 1pm-1am and then I only got 2 hours real time before I had to go to bed and that pissed me off but now I got off at 10:30ish and got to watch a fun boxing match and get an extra hour
It's kind of nice for me this time around because I've been having some bits of sleeping problems, specifically falling asleep, so having a whole extra hour to get tired enough to do so is hopefully a blessing.
Honestly though people working overnight have bigger problems than DST like the hormonal imbalance and opposite schedule to general society preventing them from socializing or sleeping well >>765717 I feel you on that one Not gonna say how fucked up my sleep has been like I'm bragging but I've failed to sleep like a normal person recently
hope you get some good sleep soon anyways is something bothering you that makes it hard to sleep?
It's always been a bit hard to fall asleep but I've been having a good bit of anxiety, mostly about school and near-future life plans. When I'm laying in bed there and my brain's just thinking idly and it starts on something in those realms and it starts to make me anxious, it starts a bit of an anxiety cascade and then it's hard to fall asleep once I'm that excited.
The extension of this is that when I do fall asleep, it's way late and that makes it hard for me to wake up too. Alarms and shit only really work if I've had some decent sleep so I oversleep a lot and that's been making me late for classes or off-schedule for taking medications like antidepressants that would maybe help in some way with these problems, hah hah And then those problems that arise because I can't wake up feeds into the anxieties I have about things that make it hard for me to fall asleep in the first place and by this point you can probably see the viscous cycle that arises.
>>765720 ah I feel ya, happens to me sometimes too I can't fall asleep when I'm worked up at all, or if somethings got my heart rate up Stress got me good recently so I had a lot of almost sleepless nights Now that's replaced with depression I guess, haha.
Going to work usually ends up waking me up pretty good. Or I'll come to after I get there and have some free coffee that's been sitting out for like 3 hours. I should probably change my alarm, I'm so used to that noise I just fall back asleep while it's ringing sometimes.
>>765720 bupropion certainly won't help that anxiety or help you sleep it does help me sleep, but so does adderall and caffeine i don't imagine you have those same stimulant responses. im going to do a mahjong test stream i dont expect you to watch it but could you let me know if the volume is fine and it's working okay
I dunno, never taken adderall before. Caffeine does make me tired for a window after taking it, but it does kick in after a bit. The doctor I've been seeing did say the Wellbutrin/bupropion would likely agitate me more than soothe me at night but the problem as I see it is that I need to resolve my work ethic problems that arise out of depression/lack of focus. If I can resolve those then I don't think I'll have anxieties at night, or at least that should dull them enough that the amplification off the medication won't be as severe. Hopefully. Maybe I'm just being naive though.
Like I said the other night though this is a test run that I can jump out of if it's clear the medication isn't helping as much as its hindering, and I do have some other options I might be able to turn to.
I honestly felt a lot less anxious on Adderall than normal but the other changes in behavior and side effects made me uncomfortable sometimes >>765722 ill check it out
i still can't get my adderall talking about it is probably going to get me really frustrated for no reason i actually am doing ok without it i think well no im doing pretty bad but im doing ok comparatively
>>765722 sound appears normal to me not laggy or anythin >>765725 i stopped taking it cause my dad got fired l0l i had to make a lot of money quickly kind of wish i didn't do any of the things i did though
>>765723 it'll probably force you to use some coping mechanisms you're not used to if you do stay on it the norepinephrine action can cause some tendencies you're not used to
i most certainly didn't do anything super illegal with scary people and am still unsure about them anyways lol hahaha
>>765727 Nice Rice-chan >>765731 Do a tab-over and I'll let you know.
>>765731 I think it freezes the on-screen effects? Maybe the entire window possibly, hard to tell. Like you know how the main screen has those sakura blossoms drifting around. Those don't show up when you're tabbed over on to /moe/ I think.
The audio sounds nice and clear, though in typical Mahjong Soul fashion, Very Loud. But I do prefer my audio in general a lot quieter than most people I think so take that with a grain of salt.
>>765729 Well hopefully it stays in the past then. Good luck.
it's not showing /moe/ or anything when i tab over, is it? it's just the mahjong client im tabbed over right now duh! that's how im typing here there's 5 or 10 second delay
I can hear what I assume is your music audio. In case that's not your intention I figured it would be good to mention.
Hopefully after From's done with Elden Ring they get to another Sekiro-style game or some more Sekiro content. That game was ridiculously fun.
Waits on Honor Tiles are always so fun. There's always a good chance they'll get discarded since unless there's a good chance of getting them through a Pon most people don't really want 'em.
>>765734 I'd prefer another new game I've played sekiro to death myself we need from to combine armored core and dark souls already
I've just been really charmed with the three-dimensional environmental design of Sekiro. Like Dark Souls is cool and all but the way the three dimensions are used in Sekiro makes playing that game way more fun. If they could polish up the way that maneuvering works with combat I think it would be great. I don't even mean like, in the same world as Sekiro when I say Sekiro-style game either. Like they could lift that combat system and three-dimensional environment and put it in another aesthetic environment and I'd be happy still.
>>765739 oh i agree on that then sekiro had awesome level design just want to see something that really pushes the envelope last good scifi action game was mgr and i think from has what it takes to popularize a scifi action title unlike the surge that game sucked ass
Cyberpunk will probably be some good sci-fi action but it'll also probably be more of a slow burn intensity with occasional bursts of action, as opposed to MGR or games more up From's alley. >>765742 It's set to come out April next year. That's probably way closer than any sci-fi game From'll put out.
as if it'll come out in my lifetime lol
>>765741 we need more MGR type games kojima esque cerebral games that want to pretend they're as deep as movies are alright and all but video games are better than that where are the games that make me excited to play dammit
Hell I bet we won't even be seeing Elden Ring until like late 2020 at best. Eldin Ring? Elden Ring? Elden.
>>765743 Wouldn't Devil May Cry have qualified for that?
>>765741 2020 is the year of Armored Core im sure this time for real >>765745 yeah DMC5 was awesome but these kinds of games are so few and far between nowadays most of the good action titles are indie like furi/the messenger and so on
>>765746 You're goddamn right it is E3 2020 2020 is a very futuristic number so that'll be the one Miyazaki is gonna come on stage be like "herro eberyone we would rike to announce the revivaru of a crasic titoru" and everyone on steam will be like "omg it's gonna be blood borne 2 it's gonna be dark souls 4 then I'll sit back and chuckle to myself because I know and then suddenly a logo flashes up on that screen and it's it's EVER GRACE, THREE
>>765758 Nothing after DaS captures what I liked most about DaS and that's having a big fat interconnected 3D environment that constantly loops back in on itself Bloodborne kind of does it but not as much Still I'd like to see it get ported to something since it's probably still worth playing. Miyazaki worked on it so it must be good Like even if it's just %80 as good as DaS that's like a 7/10
>>765754 with all that being said I do want to publicly state that I would absolutely erase soulsfags from the timeline for the sake of ac. Nuffen personnel buddies
>>765760 It's Megaman Souls The Crash Bandicoot Warped of Dark Souls games
>>765761 I'm really looking forward to it. Which is saying something since every step of the way I thought it was going to come out terrible but I think Kojima is about to invent an entirely new genre here Like the fact that terrain affects your balance blows my mind. Most games you'd just either be able to walk over some rocks or not walk over some rocks. But here it's like, you can STUMBLE over the rocks for that immersive climbing feeling. All the joy of exploration and walking without actually going outside yeehaw
>>765762 >Heavy Rain starts crying >"looks like... I've got some heavy rain in my eyes"
>>765754 DeS doesn't even have an overworld lol it's just a bunch of stages linked together with the hub world all the Npc hang out at
>>765759 i don't think it's gonna revolutionize shit but I'm certain it's gonna be a fucking masterpiece something only kojima could do the magnup opus of a visionary that brought companies to their knees in pursuit of his crazy ass vision
>>765767 I hope that Squares executives are smart enough to just let Taro do whatever he wants Just a group of old Japanese businessmen watching him dance around with his mask on and they all shrug their shoulders "he just prints money"
ffxiv has a nier Automata dungeon the story is written by Taro and it is Fucking Good >>765771 SMALL MINDS laugh at genius
one of my stocks tanked by a lot luckily everything else has been doing pretty well. I nhaven't checkd it in a while I should figure out what to do next year.
it was like a 20% dip and it's one of the things I have a lot of stuff in I'm still up by a lot more than I expected overall for the year but that kinda sucks. Gotta re-evaluate its usefulness Do I put in more now that it's really low or is the company on death's door
>>765785 how much your companies need to pubkish of their finances? might be wise to take a peek at their books
it's actually probably because that was the dividend payout day but it usually doesn't dip that hard. like from 5.91 down to 5.15 that was three days ago. currently at 5.23 I might pull out and funnel elsewhere
>>765788 q4 started didn't it0 might have been something there
yeah but I'm not seeing an earnings announcement
what do they do?
just one of those business capital companies nothing i'm really attached to I found the call but the site is asking me to register to read the transcript The drop happened on that call date in fact. So I guess it was doubled up. Both the earnings call and the dividend payout
well, pulling out from a losing game wouldn't be much of a problem. I'll just wait a few weeks and hope it stabilizes higher before I remove myself from it >>765793 we checked your vibe, it's running wonderfully.
im judt checking that it means the thing and not something else
because in all the history it has seemed to mean the one thing but its another instance of the hip youth culture never being explicitly explained to me
Koans don't have an answer, but you can answer them. They're like riddles but they can't be solved with thinking. We use the koan to spur us into a realization. Koans are tools we use to learn about the world without /// the world through intuition. Everyone answers a koan differently, everyone has a different answer. The way you answer is by showing the answer. You need some demonstration of the realization you reached through the koan.
Anything can be a koan, technically, but we use written time-tested collections of them typically. Hyakujo's Fox contains a lot of parts that can be koans, but the overall koan is kind of simple.
Typically it's hard to solve koans unless you are proficient in your meditation because zazen builds your intuition and allows you to become mindful of the world. It's easier to notice it when you meditate.
Whenever Gutei Osho was asked about Zen, he simply raised his finger.
Once a visitor asked Gutei’s boy attendant, “What does your master teach?”
The boy too raised his finger.
Hearing of this, Gutei cut off the boy’s finger with a knife.
The boy, screaming with pain, began to run away.
Gutei called to him, and when he turned around, Gutei raised his finger.
The boy suddenly became enlightened.
When Gutei was about to pass away, he said to his assembled monks, “I obtained one-finger Zen from Tenryu, and used it all my life but still did not exhaust it.”
When he had finished saying this, he entered into eternal Nirvana.
Kirara 🍄🤡
gutei went fuckin hard
wonder which finger
Kirara 🍄🤡
luckily, being monks in ancient china, regardless of the finger, it was probably fine since they all had to get food via begging and shit like that
well the tale most likely is false
Kirara 🍄🤡
what makes you say that it's probably embellished but i doubt it's false
well emvellished is the right word rather
Kirara 🍄🤡
oh, yeah
most koans are probably based in fact the teachers in them are almost always real historical figures and the koans from this collection have all existed 1k-1.5k years
mm, but manynof the great teachers are curioys figures with some being suspected to have been multiple people, despite "good records"
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah sometimes a master and a specific student can be the same person but it's pretty rare
with china, doesnt' help that they have had several big ruler switches in the last millennia the mongols, mings, manchus with qing, warlord era and then civil war with commies interrupted with ww2 much of their records must have been destroyed or list in any of the turmoils
>>765823 finna get smacked at least zen masters are well known for hitting their students
>>765822 Yeah, but Japanese masters and students have regularly returned to China every couple hundred years since the days of Bodhidharma so many of the records of lineages were ultimately kept safe. In 500 or so, Bodhidharma did his shit. There was also Dogen Zenji in the late 1200s who brought home many records And others
also i think the translations suffer from some lost cultural meanings ie. just tge red bearded persian or alternatively just barbarian beard
Kirara 🍄🤡
The beard refers to Bodhidharma apparently. It's not really a matter of translation, but of lack of historical knowledge. In Japan, everyone knows Bodhidharma had a red beard
Kirara 🍄🤡
Well, not a literally red beard, but he was always draped in red robes so that's where the color red comes from in that
Kirara 🍄🤡
>Several contemporary popular traditions also exist regarding Bodhidharma's origins. An Indian tradition regards Bodhidharma to be the third son of a Pallava king from Kanchipuram.[11][note 3] This is consistent with the Southeast Asian traditions which also describe Bodhidharma as a former South Indian Tamil prince who had awakened his kundalini and renounced royal life to become a monk.[13] The Tibetan version similarly characterises him as a dark-skinned siddha from South India.[14] Conversely, the Japanese tradition generally regards Bodhidharma as Persian.[web 1]
>>765823 There's a whole process for giving your answer, too. You have to wait for dokusan, which is a short one-on-one meeting with your master that usually happens during sessions. At Sunday sits, we get dokusan there. At sesshins, we get it every day.
You knock on the door twice. Some teachers will immediately send you away if they don't think your knocking is zen enough. You enter the room when they hit a large cauldron looking bell. You bow, walk to the chair across from the master, and bow again before sitting.
Then the master will just stare at you expectingly until you repeat the entire koan for them. Then you show them your answer, and they'll ask you questions about your realization and stuff. They'll give you some tips sometimes, too, on how to meditate on the koan.
Then they hit the bell twice, you stand and bow, walk to the door, bow again, then exit.
im getting a ham sausage italian cheese and onion omlette
I feel like your meditation dedication would be too much for me but i imagine it’s pretty fulfilling isnt t
Meditation is very satisfying sometimes. Zazen has changed the way I live my life pretty significantly, and I've gone from feeling like every day is hell to feeling like every day is a good day, even the bad days. And I've been able to forgive myself for the things I've done.
>>765829 so red beard means, thst you were wise, eh atleast that i would take from the fox story context
>>765834 Not necessarily wise. Hyakujo was comparing the student to Bodhidharma, not making an actual comment on his appearance. The student likely was not permitted to have facial hair at that time.
Monks needs to be careful you could be arrested for inflicting Bodhidharma
>>765867 Yeah. This one is slightly north, though, at some place with the largest Buddha statues in the south or something. And Roshi won't be there. Sensei is handling everything there.
It'll be cheap! Just plane ticket and like $100 for the sesshin. Place to stay and all food is included. Plus you get naps every day.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
>>765866 well im probably takin the bandages off tomorrow and then the tape will be falling off my skin on its own over the next week
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>765869 oh is your tummy wrapped up? i bet you look like an anime character after a tough fight
I actually know of a sort-of start-up working on that kind of thing They're also working on VR environments for therapeutic purposes Something based on VRchat They've gotten kind of big for a start-up but people still call them one
Want me to text you the name or something? I don't want to post it here bc i actually work at one of the facilities I can get info of the folks working on that stuff too if it looks interesting to you
I mean I GUESS it's a good thing that the policy adheres to everyone in the company regardless of level. But holy fuck that's a stupid reason to get fired for.
To be fair this is probably a somewhat consistent policy in large franchises. The bookstore chain I'm working for has a relatively light policy handbook but even in there, there's a section on how relationships between two employees where one is in a position of power over the other are not permitted.
Apparently a few lawyers get disbarred every year for sleeping with clients
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Go figure
I have no final essays this semester, huh. All my finals are either "take-home essays", whatever that means, or final writing assignments due in the exam week.
Er no final exams this semester.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Is that a good thing?
Hm, in some ways. I have slow handwriting so the less often I need to complete a written graded assignment rather than typed, the easier it is on me. And it means I don't have to schedule work and other things around when my exams are, and don't have to chance any stupid early exam show-ups.
But at the same time the limited environment of the exam structure is often pretty useful for me in focusing in on what I need to write and for removing the roadblocks of my creative process. Left to my own devices in a less restricted writing environment I've historically had a hard time just getting down to writing and coming up with good concepts for assignments.
oh rei believe it or not I actually had a correction to share with you I made a statement that Nier never really kills outside of using Death, but this is false. Before Death she sapped her recently-ex boyfriends of their life energy to practice the forbidden magic she was learning.
>>765931 I have a complex idea that I'm researching stuff for and a simple idea in case I panic over the complex idea's complexity that I can whip up in like two days. The complex idea is going to require some knowledge of music, dance, lyricism, and poetry And then and THEN I have to draw it
Losh i just put out my lunch. I shouldn't have drunk that much coffee. Oh well, the coffee came out, at least.
Then we have a problem. Reality and its construction, as well as the construction of meanings derived from rites. In the meantime, while i light up my cigarette, please point me to clamp's Legal Drug.
Then things went on. I mean, i've been having trouble. I'm having trouble "booting" myself up as a girl or a boy, it feels like my mental operational system has done away with the libs responsible for creating such meaning; the meanings and their underpinnings are too interesting.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
They put your name on a board at the gym if you workout 500 times I'm at 439
It's called making up conversation. It's a rather secretive art.
We should all partake into its practice, that would be nice. In the meantime, please don't mind if i just run my autism amok.
Sailor Moon
I mean, i have this terrible problem where i just start talking to myself and coming up with subjects to keep the conversation going. Last time i think i kept talking to myself for like four hours using notepad. At least i didn't feel lonely, anymore. I mean, i could even make out with myself, i was such a good company.
>>765943 No, i'm not okay. I'm lonely. I snorted a lot of oxygen, today, too. I tend to do it too much, i'm afraid i'm might OD one of those nights.
Sailor Moon
One gets more and more lonely as one dares to intrude the domains of self-development. The more individual one becomes, the harder it gets to find company; after all, company sorta reminds me of harmonic ressonance; either two bodies vibrate in unisson, or they don't.
The further one understands, the further one becomes incompatible with the masses. Oh well, at least some anime authors are lonely as fuck and write good shows.
>>765945 Then the current issue at hand, the one which might just be thoroughly ignored, is that somehow the current batch of humans have trouble not fetishizing the power of hurting others.
Of course, that sounds so qt 'oh-here-gomes-the-little-femme-underaged-moes-to-warm-the-day', but the thing is that a human might choose to attach oneselft to the ability to hurt others in their own environment, even if the environment, well, sucks, than try to leave it.
I'm sure this makes sense, bullying rather than becoming rich.
>>765952 Take meanings, for example. Theoretically speakings, a rather famous person proposed that meanings are subconsciously included in your brain when you're born. If someone doesn't have that meaning, either the person creates it or somehow manages to study it and understand it.
Then we're trained to hate understanding things by more than a decade of shitty and bossy school. Oh well. Getting lonely might be somethign rather common in my life.
He fled the country because he was getting death threats and rape threats. I hope he gets sent to prison. Or more realistically, fined for several hundred dollars.
The bird was named Kevin and was the pub's mascot. He also killed it in front of three small children
>>766009 Well that's about what I'd have guessed, hah hah What's the little thing though? Just like a small party or something with friends?
I was out and about Friday night with a handful of friends. We hit up a few bars and met up with some others that were doing karaoke. I would have like to stay later but it's a pain in the ass if I'm out about town too late and the last train leaves.
Yes, and there's a lot more than just "spend halloween together"
He's a weirdo with a pessimistic view of life and commitment issues too. Maybe I'll be satisfied if we can get to where we're living together.
Oh I feel kind of sympathetic to him on those things. Pessimism and commitment issues are my bread and butter! We should get together some time over a pint and commiserate the misfortunes of life. Unless he doesn't drink.
>>766024 He sounds like a shithead I could get along with. I guess people have loved me before too so it's not that weird to like someone like that. You think he's a diamond in the rough or something?
>>766029 I still haven't gotten that new MonHun DLC. I was thinking about getting it but I have also been having some financial burdens precluding spending money on unnecessary things like video games and lunch.
Yesterday I watched a boxing match that was fun.
I'm stuck on PC only so I've got to wait until early next year before it comes out. I don't get why the consoles get all the World content like a third of a year before PC users. Maybe since World 2 will probably be coming out after the PS5 is out I'll switch back to consoles for it. Especially since most of my friends play things on console and MonHun is best with friends. And I'll probably want a PS5 anyway.
Having PC fidelity IS nice though.
>pessimistic view of life and commitment issues he sounds like the homie
I don't think that's really true. Maybe it's just where I live though. Seems like it's more common among nerds for sure. A lot of people seem to have different problems.
>>766044 What if you're one of those weirdos who wants to do something good for the world more than they want to live a happy, easy life? Or is that still enjoying yourself somehow? >>766049 Wow, but if you're Matt's son you have to be like not even a teenager. That means Rika's not even 1 year old?
>>766050 Kirara had me at a very young age, I'm 25 already!
>>766050 If pursuing the good for the world brings you enjoyment, then it definitely is. But I think it's important to keep in mind that you have no control over what happens after you die!
>>766056 Then I think that person needs therapy! I'm being a little facetious though.
I don't mean something hoity-toity or granular when I talk about enjoyment though. Enjoyment is different for everyone and is a vague concept. But it's about the only certain thing someone can hope for in life.
>>766055 I hope one day I'll be able to enjoy myself too.
Yeah, me too. It'll be nice if you can enjoy yourself again.
what if you're a broken shell that wants to help other broken shells not be broken shells and then you just move on to a new broken shell when you're done
>>766061 I can only do it if there's other people to do things with. I'm miserable alone and have no self respect, that's never going to change. I'd sooner break my back trying to assist someone I don't know than muster any kind of self interest honestly. I'm starting to think it's okay to be like that, though. Maybe that's how I will always be.
Oh okey dokey. I've had it happen to me a couple times too. Most recently it really hurt my feelings though!
I'm almost always happy when people from months past reach out to me. I'm greedy with my social contacts but too socially anxious to be clingy that on the rare case that people get back in contact with me I'm just happy more than anything.
Actually I take it back the last time was like 3 days ago when someone I hadn't seen IRL or heard from in months called me and asked if I had any molly. That was weird but not upsetting glad they're not fucking dead I guess but I couldn't help them >>766087 It's usually cool to hear from people after a long time but they were mad about me being a bad person and friend.
>>766083 >>766089 It's been a hot minute since I've had somebody contact me after months that's left a sour taste in my mouth. hot minute as in like I still used Skype at the time
>>766155 I was listening to >>>/watch?v=0tJLINPLB-o but paused it to see what you meant and wow Sounds like they recorded the audio on a logitech webcam circa 1996
just discussed the finer points of Aizen's character in Bleach with my sister and a few drinks the council has come to the grand conclusion after many deliberations over a few years after bleach ended Aizen knew everything from the beginning because Aizen is literally just Tite Kubo
Did you also talk 'bout his dick because I bet that too would be pretty FINE
We also decided Aizen has been playing his keikaku for so long literally everyone is under his spell it only makes sense considering all the Yhwhach goons were already under the shikai That time you saw a cricket in the supermarket and wondered why there was a cricket inside a supermarket? That was fucking Aizen. You are already under his Shikai. Since when were you under the impression that was a cricket getting groceries?
Well my PC's back to refusing to stay in sleep mode for more than ten seconds again. Guess I don't get to sleep in peace and quiet tonight
>>766227 You could also hit Win+X, go to devices, and see if any of your harddrives or GPU/CPU/RAM or external devices (bluetooth controllers, earbuds, headphones, speakers) are set to be allowed to "wake" the computer. There could be any number of things that could interface with a slept OS that are unnecessarily allowed to wake it for no real benefit. I had a wireless mic that would wake my computer every few minutes for no reason before.
>>766228 I don't want to shut it off entirely since that's even more of a nuisance to constantly close and reopen everything.
>>766229 This might be worth checking out when I'm not otherwise busy though.
>>766230 Wow I forgot not everyone closes all their programs and tabs when they go to bed. I guess I'm used to sharing a computer. I still do it with nobody who can complain that I left my stuff open.
I dunno if it'll solve your problem but it helped one time for me. I am sure it could easily be something irrelevant too that I don't know about. No idea. I'm drunk again.
>>766176 Nier and Nier: Automata are actually masterpieces that hold the torch all games with narrative bias should strive toward They are incredible stories despite being average games and break new ground in both storytelling in videogames and storytelling in general I would read Nier if it was a fucking book and I would love it. But it's a game you can play that has gameplay and shit too. Good stuff.
Don't expect to get your reflexes and skill tested and shit though, Nier's gameplay was so bland they literally hired a contracted studio (Platinum Games) to make the gameplay for Yoko Taro's story cause they knew they couldn't breach a wide audience with meh action and even then Automata is not Platinum's best work or anywhere close to it, it's pretty average as far as their games go in terms of gameplay and pretty good for action games in general
Nier, Xenogears, Legacy of Kain these games are incredible stories that could simply be amazing novels but they are attached to games for whatever reason Recommend if you like to Read and Think and Other Bullshit
Okay now I'mma shotgun this tallboy and see if I can kill enough braincells other games seem as good
I need to sleep but my brain's coming up with story hooks for narrative problems I've been having and I'm stuck between noting them on my phone and burning my eyeballs with artificial light or likely forgetting them if I just sleep on them.
>>766238 In this ballmer peak state I have decided to solve future incidences of this problem. There you go bud.
>>766238 You should jot this stuff down on something other than a phone though for sure. Phone before bed will only lead to paint. Plus you'll have something to flip through and think about when you write half asleep note ideas on a flipbook. When you wake up your brain is all malleable and open to fantastical ideas and shit. Maybe it's better to read these good ideas when you're in a semi dreamstate.
>>766243 Bro just imagine the wild west, but co-op. Everyone proliferating together on each other's and with each other's support in a harsh untamed land.
Come on man there's only 95k figureheads in the US government and there's 327,000,000 of us we can take them probably. There's straight up only like 1.5 million US military personnel in the world and they're mostly fucking with other countries, we can do it!
ugh I have still no idea where my wallet is Wherever it is it doesn't appear that someone else has it because there isn't any charges appearing on my bank account I guess I should get around to replacing my cards what a hassle also I couldn't find my passport either for some reason so I'm gonna need some other form of ID to get money out in the meantime how frustrating
I think I'll do a good purge on all the shit I own there's so much stuff I can never even touch because I don't have the time it's all so cluttered too. I have enough trouble thinking without all this to distract me
>>766250 where do you rank bochhi in amongst all the other animes you've read
>>766264 banisteriopsis caani native to the Americas it has long been used to prepare a brew from the vines also more recently DMT spawned from it natives use it to talk to their guardian spirit or gods historically
>>766264 idk about the third eye shit though >>766265 don't be sad and lonely be mad and horny
impressive that you can recall that tho >>766266 ohh I see >>766265 hello bang wow that's an old post to link to hope you can cheer up >>766270 well that's something sort of at least maybe not entirely constructive but eh who cares about constructive stuff
>>766269 just means I've wasted a lot of time and life doing drugs if anything
bang will never cheer up he bang
>>766266 reminds me how shamans here fed fly mushrooms and otger deadly shit to reindeers then drink their piss to get high and commune withthe netherworld