the hong kong protests threw hong kong into a recession and the iraqi prime minister started begging protesters there to stop protesting because it's hurting the economy lol
tribes are killing loggers in amaxon now it is kinda cool
why does hk/china want the extradition bill so badly anywya
Kirara π
>>766340 fucking good they gotta kill every single logger
>>766341 cause china wamts to get rid of other chinas hk is a risk for their control of tge masses
Kirara π
>>766341 because china wants to have control over hong kong
Kirara π
there was a pretty awesome protest in new york city the other day they are spending millions of dollars to enforce new metro costs having cops watch the metros and installing cameras and shit so thousands of people got fed up with it and just flooded the place
but like there's obviously no reason to increase the costs if you have millions of dollars to spend on enforcing it
also they barely "riot" per se when compared to some "bust all windows and cars of ranfoms that will help" like we here tend to do
Kirara π
hong kongers know what they're doing they're just busting cop vehicles and stuff
and tgeir stakes are high
they lose and they'll actually be ruled by a police state
Kirara π
they already won i think more-or-less the extradition law was killed like a week ago but the hong kongers realized they had power and so they're gonna keep going
well china is the ideal target for western media they're westernized enough that they'll get a big kick out of it and they re rich
>>766364 all you need to do is remove gay bloof anything that critices china chinese history and so on
Kirara π
which is easy because americans are stupid enough that they don't know any of that stuff
with indians, you have to actually write something somewhat new that would appeal to them because their entertainment market is already really developed
>>766366 and in terms of moving pictures, you have to compete with bollywood
and damn bollywood is good at what they do
Kirara π
yeah, that's not gonna be easy
disney could do it with musicals but their live action stuff sucks
oh wow anthony sullivan is hit moisting a sinl sinl sink sinful sink take me now
>>766370 but vidya wouldn't have to really change at all hell they speak english snyhow already
They don't have that much free time, though, do they? I mean, their biggest cities have so much pollution that people can't go outside, though. So I guess they have free time.
we had no AC at work all week last week and no AC today ugh they're replacing the unit at least we have had a cool front so it's not 100 degrees inside
just wish you'll get record cool - for time of year - like we do
I've already made my peace with that. SM and USUM already had no postgame so that's not new for me. Nothing will top Black & White 2's PWT unless they literally reuse it anyway. As for the cut pokemon, that's just something I'll deal with.
don't get me wrong, I was always one of the biggest 'no national dex is bad' guys but at this point I don't want to worry about things like that and just want to enjoy pokemon.
Well you're the clown for pre-ordering it.
I think unless they make a return to the third version or put out an Ultra remake I'm probably sitting this generation out.
UltraSun/Moon was redeemed from its content drought by being able to catch all the Mons. It looks like Sword/Shield has neither content nor Mons, so it's pretty disinteresting to me.
I didn't play Let's Go and I pirated Ultra Moon so this will just restore the balance in the world.
I liked USUM but the only issue is you can't have both the antagonists. I liked Lusamine way more in SM. Much cooler.
Kirara ππ€‘
I'll probably just look at pictures of the pokemans
Kirara, you'll be happy to know Mimikyu has made it in, at least
Kirara ππ€‘
>>766403 tha nk god there would be hell to pay otherwise
>Overhearing students talking about final exams >One complains "One time I had three exams in one week" ??? It's the Final Exam WEEK for a reason ya doof
>>766405 isn't that thhe norm?' even in like grade school
Well regardless of it being the norm or otherwise, if your school has something called the Final Exam WEEK, you should probably expect all your final exams to be within that week.
amusingly when I went to donate blud today, when the nurse asked "which hand" or was about to really ask she just looked at my right arm where the needle would go and "right, there, eh" I guess the scar tissue is that visible now
what other options you have I wouldn't go for a megacity like NYC though, seems just too stressing
Kirara ππ€‘
most of the sites im looking at are pretty rural and have like 20-40 applicants per year typically
but idk maybe ill apply to something ridiculous just because I'm not very competitive but I'm extremely desirable to all internships because 1 im a man which is a serious minority in psychology, 2 i got jewish AND buddhist diversity points, and 3 ive written a memorandum of agreement and done extensive program development
true and jews don't require any extra arrangements anyhow amusingly in some european countries, after work places were forced to acquesce..? that word to some demands, they just stopped hiring muslims organising some special foods, ramadan stuff etc was just deemed too much of a bother when you had like 1-2 islamic employees
Yeah, especialyl when there were some public cases, I think in germany and UK where the islam employees sued the employer for not giving them ramadan stuff etc
i can see how that would be a considerable logistical burden if you've got 5,000 employees and two or three of them are muslim im not sure what the best way to remedy that would be
>>766439 this wasn't really big company thing, but more like small to middle 5-50 type also another factor ofc is cost say a new employer *employee will cost 50k a year then a potential problem child muslim might be 55k that is already some money saved
but anyhow, it was more of a panic knee jerk reaction, and most likely didn't last long >>766442 don't eat and drink during daylight (mecca time)
What do they need to do for Ramadan?
>>766435 oh yeah, streaming's a lot of fun when you've got an active audience
>>766441 Yeah I know that What does the company need to do?
but anyhow I didn't really look into the various cases that caused the "let's just not" attitude in employers, I just read the study released that went "welp, muslim hires decreased a lot" and then when they looked into it and asked around, the result was tied in to some public problem cases scaring employers
Doing my best to not accidentally throw US politics into this drawing
Revolution is the best-worst subtitle that they could have chose for this.
I'm gonna turn in this shitty piece of shit essay and nobody can stop me
that's right
I mean you can stop me if you want
Watch Lady Bird by Greta Gerwig (2017) it stars saoirse ronan who is a total babe
but anyhow if you steal my phone you wouldn't really b able to do lot with it use my spotify and youtube to listen to stuff I guess biggest problem would be the bank-code app, bu they'd still have to know my pin and my bank account pin to do anything with it
onanother note, it still was curious that Ebay bypassed the usually popping up bank-verification that happens when you pay anything online with a finnish credit card etc
though dunno about modern phoens, I guess you could have the sim in it without entering the pin then swap it out when the message is supposed to pop up and read it from the phone memory with the other sim
but that would mean they know what my say ebay account is in ithe first place
>>766429 If you do a New York application and get in I'll make the trip down there and with Blue and Samu we can do a Welcome to New York thing.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>766462 sim swappin attacks don't require physical access anyway, idk what your threat model is, the only point i am making is that SMS is poor 2fa compared to the alternatives
We had to watch Coppola's The Conversation for my class today and holy shit that was a good film.
>>766464 aa that is what that means yeah the 2fa with sms isn't that secure, but it is nice to atleast have it but anyhow i don't have anything set so that you can just reset a password by just beebing the phone you'd have to crack my email and several other stuff so at that point I'd already be screwed anyhow
but still, it is amusing how much you could potentionally screw someone over, by just knowing their social security number and by doing a few phone calls
anyhow, I don't think you can do a sim swap in finland unless you doctor a copy of their ID cards you can't do swimp swapping here without accessing a store physically and proving you are the owner of the phone contract with a valid ID
anyhow, the kind of 2fa I use with my phone is just a verification code that it is indeed me doing it you'd still have to know my password or atleast crack my email to do the account reset and then ofc have my phone to do the "hey is this you, if it is please insert code sent to you in text"
but yeah, not exactly most secure thing considering how vulnerable a phone is anyhow
I wonder when some security vulnerability, be it some flaw in the code or just human stupidity, resultsi n something actually catastrophic happening? It is just a matter of time, tho
slightly amusing anecdote came to mind since my contract is actually a family pack, i can't even swap my sim on my own became bit of an issue when i was upgrading my phone, cause old was starting to borke and it used the modern microwhatever si, sim. while the previous one used the older type had to stick with theborke pho e for few weeks before mine and pops, the owner of the contract schedules lined up enoughto go get me a more moderm sim
almost all my clients no showed today so i ended up doing work i was behind on and was pretty productive
I had a movie to watch in class today. But about five minutes in the professor got a call that her kid was suffering a pretty severe allergic shock, I think, and had to dash out. She kept the movie playing for us though.
This seems to be a hard week for my professors to host normal lectures.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Who the hell schedules an exam at 5pm in the evening
we narcan'd but it took longer bc i didn't have my car which would have been closest narcan paramedics took her away completely nonresponsive death likely
it's all downhill from here i wonder how long the clown meme will survive should have died with etika smh
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Make way for the youth
Was hoping to use the employee discount I get on books now to get some of the readings I need for class this semester. But because of the kind of roundabout way the discount is registered to my person I can't get it quite working for online shopping. And not everything I wanted to get is available in stores, so... Hopefully customer service can help because otherwise I might need to do some dumb shit to get all the books I want in one store location for physical purchasing.
Oh, well, three of the four are at my store so maybe if nothing can be done I can at least get MOST of them fairly easily.
>>766533 30% off all books. Minimum 10% off everything in store I believe. I'm not sure where the categories are drawn. There's also employee appreciation events where we can get up to 40% a lot of stuff.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
How much is the discount?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Wow that's quite a lot
Yeah it was a pleasant surprise. When I've got money in my pocket I tend to buy books pretty regularly so it's nice to take advantage of. Plus since I'm in an English program a lot of the literature I need for my courses is available from bookstores too.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
First you get the books Then you get the power Then you get the women
Can I just skip the power part of it? I don't want it.
at the urging of my colleagues i downloaded tinder and it's even worse than i expected it to be
Kirara ππ€‘
everyone is a dental assistant? is that like the go-to normie job now?
I think it's relatively easy to get into. And I guess people always need dentists.
Kirara ππ€‘
who the fuck can even afford a dentist
>>766573 sounds like a woman with a clear understanding of what men truly need
Kirara ππ€‘
also everyone has revealing or lewd pictures and their bio is like "i will never have sex" this is so weird to me
Kirara ππ€‘
why are there so many 36 year old body builders in my area?
Is the space coast normally home to bodybuilding culture?
there are frequent conventions held there, so probably orlando is like one of the most common places to hold a convention idk why it's really out of the way compared to something central like denver i guess eastern people congregate to atlanta or orlanda and the western folks go to vegas or san diego
Well the weather in Orlando is probably well-suited to the kinds of people that would be doing body-building too.
>>766573 Tinder is supposed to be great for finding people to have sex with. Since you're looking for someone to marry i don't think it will work for you.
Kirara ππ€‘
my colleague whose husband just died met her husband on tinder
My sister found the father of her child that I think she's planning to marry eventually on Tinder as well. And my brother found his current girlfriend that he seems very content to live long-term with on, well not Tinder but Bumble, but I believe they both serve the same concept with slightly different iterations.
Yeah me too kinda. Putting myself out on an app like it is a fair bit terrifying for me. Though at this point it's probably the best chance of finding someone interested in me.
The normal social avenues are too confusing to me I'll never be able to tell what's politeness, what's friendship, what's interest. All those signals are indistinguishable for me.
Kirara ππ€‘
I got nothing to lose
You're probably going to get a lot of girls messaging you. Knowing your luck.
wait itβs a conspiracy plague we, the /moe/s, are being systematically targetted one by one
I'm afraid I'm right about the cause of my jaw pain. Mainly because if I'm right it means I'm a fucking moron and then we probably can't do anything about it.
Well basically After I had my wisdom teeth removed There were these holes in my mouth that I had to clean out And I did it oretty regularly, but not as often as I was supposed to. Mainly because people with autism are pretty bad at taking care of themselves (I'm much better than I used to be), but m self care issues are compounded b my depression. So there's a slight tiny chance that a small piece of food got healed over inside where the hole was. But I'm thinking its not that because it would've hurt more earlier.
Man, Iβve only had two surgeries in my life and was hoping to keep it that wat
hell no surgery time HYPE its all rika's doing, she's killing off all the /moe/s one by one as she no longer needs them now that she has a new man
time to embface the knife >>766650 i was so paranoid about that poked around in the hokes with toothpicks to maje sure nothing was there too much
>>766653 I got a syringe that i filled with water and shot into the cavities, do they not have that in Finland?
>>766654 nope, i was given very powerful mouth dusinfectant tho
Also it's a syringe with a plastic tip, not a hypodermic needle.
>>766651 Oh so it's your medical concern. I was half hoping it was something your mother was in for that you were along ot -to look after her for. Since you seemed ready to do cooking just brief moments ago.
Anyways I have no idea what the treatment would be for a small pece of food lodged in yur jaw would be My guess is nothing because my insurance probably won't cover them cutting my mouth open again. Not that they covered it the first time because of the mix up
>>766658 deoending on item, antibiotics or cutting ut ooen after a scan
>>766659 If it is lodged in there a cyst would build up around it.
This series about Shogi-playing little girls is getting a PS4/Switch game. Though I'd doubt there's much chance of English localization. Still it would be kind of comfy to play games of Shogi curled up in bed on my Switch.
Though I'd prefer one with 3-gatsu characters.
>>766681 i dont foresee it in the near future but the possibility has definitely increased
i might just try to get some work done if we don't hear from her soonish
im gonna have to go back to doing rev, there's not enough workflow coming in from other clients i dont feel like working though i just wanna play mahjong til i die
I'd enthuse about a career of streaming Mahjong for sustenance but being a sustainable streamer is kind of a hell job for most people and as fun as Mahjong is I have my doubts to whether it's avid interest material like that.
if the laws get fixed and some mahjong gambling sites open up i'd probably be able to support myself that way
going pro in mahjong is a thing but it's pretty exclusive to japanese natives if only the west would get up to speed on competitive stuff like that...
professional shogi looks like something i'd really get into too, but there's stiff competition there
if i can finish and publish my paper on systems theory i might be able to find some opportunities somewhere but i doubt it since i didnt get my graduate degree
Yeah, I imagine there's a real high barrier of entry for Japanese Mahjong to any and all foreign participants. You'd probably have to already be a grandmaster before they'd concede you places in their professional circuits. Pro Shogi is pretty cool too, yeah. I was thinking on stuff like this when we were watching Chihayafuru earlier. Japan seems to have a lot of these skill game professional leagues. The western world kind of just has chess and poker, I think. Japan has Shogi, Mahjong, Karuta, Go, and probably a bunch others I'm not even aware of.
ive been watching Mleague lately. I think it's really fun, but idk whether other people would find pro mahjong fun to watch it's the first season it's been available to watch here. last season the streams were JP exclusive though i guess you could probably use a VPN
>>766691 Couldn't you guys just watch anime anyways? Rika seems pretty motivated she'd probably watch what she missed. Or wouldn't really care. Is there not a lot of shows to watch this season for you guys? >>766694 Seems like we only really care about professional poker here as far as board games go. I don't really know a lot about mahjong but I think it could probably be a more attractive thing to watch for the public if it used translated names and terms instead of romanji. It's a lot easier to understand once you know what all the words mean so that barrier is the biggest thing stopping it from being popular. Other than that it's pretty similar to poker but with larger hands and more depth regarding turn order and discarded cards.
Oh there's a whole lot. Plenty of fun and good stuff. If you've got time to kick around you should check out Kabukicho Sherlock and catch up on Enen no Shouboutai, they've both been a lot of fun. Just on your own time if you're feeling it.
But yeah like Moon's saying it's kind of just nice to have the proper form of there being the people there. Unless it's like something Rika doesn't want to watch but I do it feels weird for me to not have her around. With how Ika kind of fell out of love with watching anime she's kind of the only person who's been a long time consistent buddy for watching anime with. I know unless I'm like deliberately picking shows she's really enjoying to watch she probably wouldn't care at all. But even knowing that, it still just feels off.
>>766698 i think one of the most fundamental differences between mahjong and poker, besides rules and stuff but in the competitive sense
in poker, your wager itself is the strategy. it's the thing you have control over, and that's your gameplay piece, calling/raising in mahjong, (if money is involved, since it is a gambling game), the wager is determined by the strategy you employ and the hands you make you don't have control over that aspect
muh jawng
>>766700 Do you just have that bookmarked to indict new people into your world of suffering.
holy shit this is like a store brand PragerU video I swear >>766701 That's a good point I didn't think about, your risk is a big part of the meta in poker I honestly forgot it isn't an element in mahjong haha
>>766706 >pragerU fuck me those videos lmao >the souzu tiles are replaced with bullets
Bruh I wish I had a shitload of drugs I could do all at once
I think it would be best to partake in those gradually and in moderation.
Yes, which is why I started with "I think"!
I unfortunately lack the money and the radical lack of sense to spend money I don't have to do so. And I guess I don't really have the connections for it either.
The best I guess I could do is get stupid high on some electric cabbage but that doesn't seem that great.
>>766795 >>>/watch?v=hd4MiOrDupE Wait here's something not loud metal but still quite excellent.
>>>/watch?v=rgyFEEsCmQo I also really enjoyed discovering this when it came through my Spotify the other week but I think The Decemberists are kind of well known? So it might be something you're already familiar with.
Hey Jan if you're still about I think your device advice worked out. Disabling the option for my Ethernet port being allowed to wake my machine seems to have put it to proper sleep.
so far the lore for this game appears to be you're a lone dude in a romanian lab somewhere synthesizing drugs >>766909 it's called MOLEK-SYNTEZ by zachtronics
wat are you even playing?
>>766907 You could break its atomic particles into subatomic particles but no, as far as nuclear fission is concerned, you can't.
yeah fission bombs use some heavy elements usually fusion would use hydrogen tho
Because the requisite energy to begin a fusion reaction is insane. And scales with intensity required as the base materials move up the atomic number. So hydrogen is the pretty much bare minimal option to choose from for fusion.
And for any kind of sustained fusion reaction you pretty much need a fucking SUN for it.
mm had to go check it up, fusion bombs actually use a fission to just fuel the fusion reaction amusing that
it is also amusing how surprisingly simple in design most nuclear weapons are yet the science behind is damn complicated and the process to enrich the materials takes billions and tons of rare materials
and if memory serves, the first bomb design basically had a "bullet" of the to be fissioned material launched at the other part which then caused the chain reaction
I feel her expression encapsulates well a feeling of total exasperation.
>>766917 I think the current idea is magnetic containment or something well it is far into the future still, unless some major breakthrough is done ... hmm Wonder what kind of a mess will come then I mean... it is in france, built with EU + other money headed by multinational team of researchers
In finnish mythology there is an artifact, forged by smith-god-hero Ilmarinen, Sampo. it is a mill of infinite wealth from one of its holes comes out infinite grain, from the second comes infinite salt and from the last comes infinite gold. After its forging, the commissioner Witch of the North Louhi, chains it inside a mountain, refusing to share her wealth with the other tribes (the heroes). and so a war begins untill the sampo itself is shattered in the conflict.
Fusion power would in essence be a sampo in reality
>>766920 Perhaps it's worth prompting the question of what value is there in ownership rights for a device that could potentially resolve all energy concerns for the foreseeable future.
>>766925 itβs been oretty decent i was supposed to fast for a procedure but theyre doing it tomorrow instead so now at last i can eat lunch soon
>>766926 We can all hope but greed and stupidity have shown to cause interesting events in history so far without a fail
>>766912 Objectively wrong The energy required to start a selfsustaining fusion reactor is really high. Building a fusion reactor is easy enough that a smart highschool student with several grand can build it.
I kust want you to know that Aqua has a great ass thank you for coming to my ted talk
I know the design is fundamentally the same I think we even have district heating that is nuclear powered here
Well the energy released is hard to contain aside from the heat produced. And heat is very easy to contain, transfer, and utlize. Utilize even. As far as practical application of nuclear energy goes, steam turbines through heated water is probably the best we've got.
solarpower is pretty much the only power generation we have, that isn't just spinning a turbine and I think there is some solarpower turbine plant too
Turbines have a lot of advantages to them for power generation that really as far as it goes, if we can think of new ways of making turbines spin, it's worth looking into if they can be used for efficient power generation.
also no results in my area rei so i am probably not seeing it
I've been pretty stressed lately. Yesterday I was going through a new client's things at the sober house to check for contraband and I was going through the medications, pouring out the pills and putting them back in, all that stuff. And the dude had like 200 gabapentin And something inside me was like "you could snatch a ton of those easily and nobody would ever notice or suspect you" I didn't do it but I only have thoughts like that when I'm pretty stressed out.
The nurses have all been pretty rad >>767028 I have some level of that kind of thiugut on the regular, but whatβs got tou stressed out in particular? i know your work is as work as ever, and then youβve been having events like that OD too. And then theres your car bill
We have too many clients and not enough therapists. It's really overwhelming. I'm doing about two and a half people's jobs right now. For free. The OD and stuff doesn't really stress me out much but it does fill my gauge a little bit by lowering my ability to do other things
>>767064 No, I won't have him watch it until I know it will be okay. I'm unwilling to put myself in the situation where I have to break up with somebody for not liking Samurai Flamenco.
Oh thanks for the reminder pan i actually have trigun downloaded
some series while easy to watch, have a ton of stuff that you'd know as japanese/anime viewer, but since most of us have watched this stuff for so long, we don't even realise that newcomers wouldn't know that stuff
>>767084 I don't think he'd understand Nanoha. I'm also a little embarrassed to show him something like that, she's a little too naked during her transformation scenes in the first season. I felt like a dirty old man watching that
>>767113 what's the standard for "chronic"? like 3+ times a day?
Kirara ππ€‘
chronic is more about masturbating in inappropriate places compulsively like public bathrooms in addition to multiple times a day ive seen as many as 8 times a day
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
there is NO appropriate place to masturbate cuz jesus is always watching youuuuu
>>767122 mans must be a pro amazon prime vip vaselino
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
unless they're a LAAADY
Kirara ππ€‘
8-timer was ironically owner of a food truck locally famous for the special sauce
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
the jokes write themselves!
>>767125 sorru jesus and mister whiskers but dem thighs
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
whomst amongst us hath never rubbed one out in an wc of not entirely private provenance cast the first stone i was a teenager once still am in fact seven "teen"
>>767167 noise whatcha gonna order and does it have shrimp?
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>767168 absolutely not it is some canadian abombination instead! and kids menus too >>767169 idk yet, probably some kind of shrimped shrimp or maybe an entire christmas cake
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
that's-a preppy-a pizza!
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
imagine writing this fuckin comment:
Oof, the emotionality of trading is so real. I was quite happy once all my Crypto got slowly drained out of exchanges and converted into Kitties. Now I buy Crypto not to trade, but to use... to make more CryptoKitties! And not as financial investments, but because I have fun with them. I'll have 1,000 of them soon! (It would be disingenuous to not mention that I now _work_ on the CryptoKitties team. See: -- But the exit from roller coaster into Kitties, at least, preceded that career move.)
the fucks cryptokitties
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
an ethereum token that got 15 mins of fame back in 2017 for having some zany graphics built around a bunch of blockchain bitstrings
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
it's kinda like a gatcha game but w no gameplay beyond speculation and also its on the blockchain
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
crazy man on the bus just free style rapping about jalapenos
I spent like twenty minutes combing a shelf in my store for a specific book I need to read for class. Didn't end up finding the book, and because I'd spent so long looking for it I wouldn't have been able to buy it tonight anyway since it was past closing. And the book was kind of what I was hoping I could read on the transit home since I knew my phone was already dead. So I wasted a bunch of time, didn't get what I wanted, and had to eavesdrop in on other transit passengers for entertainment on the way home. All in all a rum hand.
>>767197 only if duelies tbh though I don't think they look very edgy, theres a lot of edge to them but not enough random shit hanging on them to get stuck on theres other weapons though from those areas
>>767205 does it look like something meant for harvesting cause it could be a falx or a random filipino sword the flips made all sorts of crazy dunmer swords
>>767201 i might also have to point towards the curves machete things that i cant remember the name of