followup appointment at the church clinic today i shoulda been there already but i couldn't get up in time. it's a walk-in place super nervous... just gotta charge my phone then i can go i bet they're really packed being a walk-in clinic
You'll be
Kirara 🍄🤡
might not be that packed if you get there before like 10 they're usually pretty empty until around 10-11
Kirara 🍄🤡
at least in rural areas i guess
people are blocking the entrance.... christ, dont do that wtf
oh gosh this is an uncomfortable setting i hope i can think straight to ask for the help i need i think im going to be rushed
why do televangelists have to yell its uncomfortably loud
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Neon Genesis Televangelion
[x] Kill Engineer Cutie for extra passive [x]Spare Engineer Cutie for extra health
Geez hasn't this dumbass fox ever heard of the Three Rs?
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
literally everything in there is recyclable you go foxman fight the system
Kirara 🍄🤡
intern-chan set her availability from 10am-5pm today and named the availability block "availability 12pm-5pm" so she was scheduled with clients at 10 and 11 and missed both appointments she's so fucking stupid it's GOOGLE FUCKING CALENDAR IT'S DESIGNED SO IDIOTS CAN USE IT HOW FUCKIN INCOMPETENT
then i had her use a computer program to do something and a dialogue popped up that said press yes to continue only one option given, press yes she comes to me and disrupts me to ask what to do
>>764028 Were your classmates in undergrad this stupid?
Kirara 🍄🤡
some of them relatively few
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
my last full day in SEA what to do
Go to the Needle today? I dunno man I've never really been on the West Coast I don't know what people do over there.
Fucking miss a bus and go from being ten minutes early for work to twenty minutes late.
The buses that are supposed to be more regular but require me to walk further out from my house to catch have been so inconsistent and late lately that if I miss the one closer to my house there's almost no reason not to just wait the half hour for the next one. But then I get to sit on my thumbs for half an hour knowing I'll certainly be late.
Probably more half an hour late really. This fucking sucks.
Acquired my prescriptions, but not the meds Medicaid is trying to make me wait a day just to tell me they dont want to pay for them I think I dont think I can even wait a day fuck man can i please get a break
this whole aaterfront area is kinda weird and dumb it's a steep ass slope so you can't get down here easy and rhen it's all built for cars and not people down here anyway
that's still very picturesque the sky looks very tall in that picture
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
pike place market is pretty cool i like the ramps everywhere
i remember that place yeah it's pretty awesome one of fishmongers had a huge monkfish on display i dunno if those are even eatable
>>764071 She missed two appointments today because her availability, which we set on google calendar, was set for 10-5, but she named it "Availability 12pm-5pm" instead of changing the availability. So she got scheduled. So we all got mad at her because it makes us all look bad and is bad for our clients, and she kept saying hers said 12pm even when I showed her it did not. Then she got exasperated and said she was really frustrated google calendars did that.
We all have to use availability because we have clients that are being seen by several therapists and the clients have 10-40 hours of therapy per week that needs to be scheduled. I do schedule many things myself, but we have some that coordinates all our schedules for us.
Intern-chan also brought me a computer that had a dialogue that said "press yes to continue" and told me she didn't finish what I asked her to do on the computer because she didn't know what to do.
Shift owata I'm pretty sure things were fine from my co-workers and managers' side but being late for work kind of put me on edge and really amplified how anxious I felt about the mistakes I made throughout the shift. Which of course only snowballs and makes the next mistake even more amplified
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
staring directly into the sun is my favorite pastime
There are people who believe doing that has mystical healing properties.
the freaking outdoor deck is uncovered at the top you could absolutely use a drone helicopter to grab someone with a giant claw and throw them off into space
Come to think of it, how do people even enforce no-drone zones? someone flies a drone over a no-drone zone well what are you going to do they might be hundreds of metres away if they have powerful enough transmitter
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
counter drones and i guess A2A if you have the budget
well in finland it just happens by "people respect the law"
generally no drone zones are such, because if a drone has a mechanical failure there, it will drop into ap otentional large mas of people so that could end up with even fatalities
But still, the fact that - atleast I havn't heard of any cases - no one has done forexample a paint bombing or anything with a drone as a protest is surprising
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i am sure that like when the president shows up at a baseball arena they have some anti drone missiles hot and standing by
>>764161 well it really isn't farming just an alternate to forestry many finns actually own substantial amount of land just land there be nothing but trees there however forestry is bit long term investment you get income out of it every 50-100 years. however with peat and other bio-stuff aimed methods, you could shorten it to 10-50 years >>764167 wew here I am eating "8% meat like contents" sausge get on our level
>>764175 You say that but you havn't had the traditional meat pastry yeah, that is right it isn't even a meat product because it has more flours etc in it, it is actually considered pastry
ever wondered how game prices, on steam atleast don't drop almost ever anymore instead they go on offers for a limited time, ofc then there are the quarterly sales too
Because lowering price is utterly irrelevant when the stock is entirely digital. It isn't the publishers that lower prices, it's the store selling the copy that lowers the price beneath the recommended retail price. They do that to get rid of all that dead stock, ideally. Something a store selling digital things doesn't really care about.
annoying how the laptop doesn't have the specific processor model slapped on it and I can't boot it up, orwon't rather boot it up since it doesn't have a cooling fan isnide it to check it out
>>764195 is just bit annoyign how stuff just is always the same price say a 20€ dlc is 20€ 3 years later and it is the same 10€ on every sale since the first time it was on sale
>>764226 I asked the Convener to remark an assignment and i did significantly better.
Did you fetch him his daily crumpets and tea along with calling him the Convener?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Idk what else you'd call someone who runs a class that isn't an academic
Teacher's assistant?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I'll Tell you what's some real bullshit He's like You need to cite the legislation in the body of your answer, not just the footnotes
And it's like Well if it's in the Footnotes I obviously know the correct provisions And you're going to penalise me for not saying 'section so and so of the Act says' Instead of just paraphrasing then giving an accurate citation
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Is the way he instructed the correction more inline with how legal documents are handled normally or something though?
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Not really I think a lot of it just comes down to preference
Yeah that can always be a frustrating part of essay-style course work. It's as much being a skilled writer as it is knowing what kind of writing the person grading prefers.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
At least this was just the mid term Now i know what they want for the Big Boy exam And i intend to pander
what's the normal protocol when a friend you haven't talked to in 2 years keeps calling you I've ignored the last few calls but I am starting to think it's important
Is it someone you don't want to talk to anymore?
i don't really want to talk to them if they're still the same as two years ago yeah but two years is a good bit of time and maybe they were just like that due to circumstances
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>764348 You could just hear what they have to say Doesn't mean that you'd have any other obligations
Kirara 🍄🤡
i dreamed the world was ending because of three kaiju, an alien invasion, inclement weather, AND robots all at the same time
I've spent all night doing some writing and man it's kept me up but also man I'm really happy about it. Probably like somewhere between 800-900 words over three hours, I'unno I've yet to actually type it up. But I do need to not be sitting in my chair for a little bit !
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
are you willing to say what the topic is?
Yeah I talked about it a while back. I'm discussing the nature of Dungeons & Dragons (as kind of an avatar of all similar roleplaying games) as a production of communally bringing together personal interests and creative components, and as a group taking those parts and splicing them together into a world and cohesive story, despite the unscripted and chaotic chance influence of dice aspects of the genre. Plus I step back and talk about the structure of D&D itself being a splicing together of previously established components, from the wargames that Gygax and Arneson played to the books Gygax listed in his famous Appendix N that a lot of the mechanics of D&D, like the alignment axis and the super early magic systems took their creative inspirations from.
It was some writing I didn't have to do in a Super Serious academic format so I was more than free to kind of just write from the knowledge I was familiar with, which was really nice for me.
>The city, formerly called "Crane Creek",[14] was named Melbourne in honor of its first postmaster, Cornthwaite John Hector, an Englishman who had spent much of his life in Melbourne, Australia Florida's Melbourne is named after Australia's Melbourne! I at least assumed they'd have the same root but it's that one's rooted in the other!
Florida has some pretty poorly named places. Palm Bay Palm Beach etc
There's also a Melbourne in Nova Scotia and a Melbourne in Quebec but both of them are s irrelevant that Wikipedia doesn't have their name origins recorded.
getting my japanese drivers license tomorrow getting big like usual working thats about it
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
they got you pushing pencils in the office again?
im at a hospital clinic this time our PA is gone right now but when hes back i should be able to do actual stuff
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
neato what's a PA
physicians assisntant its like a fake doctor i work under
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh yea i met a cute PA when i spent an afternoon in the ER
nice was her name stephanie
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
no haha nevar forget
wow that MALD funny man bill burr is in this star wars series
mald? man bald?
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
it's a twitch meme i ain't gotta explain shit
pogchamp haha :)
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
train is about to depart choo choo i'm visiting seattle rn, well, i am now actually departing seattle then next week i return to NYC yea
oh ok are u still in ny or what
i was just in seattle a month ago cuz my flight got delayed had some expensive cocktails from uhh cannons and had some chicken tenders from some place a nba dude made or something and had some chinese food (real)
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
hell yea seatac is a nice place
we saw a druggie on the bus she was like yelling on the phone about all the drugs she likes to do and how shes a stripper and how giving her drugs doesnt mean she will give u a discount then she was like wtf this girl is looking at me and she totally has no clue what im talking about haha
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
oh jeez is that in japan
no that was in seattle all ive seen in japan iis like ramen and curry
go time i was just in the tunnel >>764413 oh there's an like 120hz camera mode too
u just take that? dang high frame rate camer a
i just got an iphone 11 cuz everyone in japan likes iphone for imessage free texting its annoying tho
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
crazy how imessage network effects work i still have my X
yeah the phone plans in japan suck real hard but its ok... i guess...
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
aaaah, motherland do they just suck in okinawa or like everywhere
i assume everywhere but it might just be okinawa
i there was no unlimited texting and phone call option they only offered 5 minutes free calls then u gotta hang up and recall to keep it free
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
wow brutal
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i would just go without a phone number at all and just do Google Fi data-only SIM if i could get away with it
its literally only my direct supervisors fault i have to get one i pay only 5 dollars extra a month on my american phone and get unlimited texting and data but calling costs for some reason his phone cant message it tho and he says using facebook messenger is "too difficult"
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
you gotta get him hooked on that telegram signal cryptography shit
the only cryptography thing ive used is that google chrome app cat one that u wanted to try like 6 years ago
i beat outer worlds it's actually pretty short i got like 20 hours and did a lot of subquests although not all of them
overall, it's a fantastic game there's clearly going to be dlc though
Samu 🚞 !KW2DbpWwls
wow already damn i might play it next weekend when i'm back!!! just officially re entered canada
Kirara 🍄🤡
i am not having time all the time these days so short games suit me pretty well 20-30 hours is a lot for me haha this game has a ton of replay value though
Kirara 🍄🤡
also works well bc luigi mansion is tomorrow!!
Twenty hours of a story-driven game is honestly a fairly long game anyway. I think people's scales have been skewed a good bit by the drive for bigger and badder open-world RPGs and designed-to-be-drawn-out JRPGs.
Kirara 🍄🤡
most open world games pad the play time by having you run back and forth across large empty areas that's the biggest problem i had with the newest ass creed
yea that is a good game length i dont like all the filler and grinding of long ass rpgs and stuff
singularity is about 6h long abd is one if my top rated games lenght isn't really important imo, if the experiencd is solid
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
portal 2 can be beat in a few hours, still one of the greats
portal 1 is like max 2
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
i also wanna play outer wilds
>>764451 Yeah with how detailed the Assassin's Creed historic setpieces are, I really do want to just wander the world from place to place But the newer ones always push their damnedest to try my patience with how much TIME
>>764458 yeah i would honestly prefer a smaller world filled with fewer quests, but quests that take ke // me to new places without having to return to places hundreds of times
ubisoft started off witg decent open worlds and tgen slowly became like the companies trying to copy their early successes jyst adding stuff on the map and callung it "content"
barely related but I really wish the Glowing Sea was an optional area or mostly optional area in fallout 4 it was the coolest thing when I saw it in the distance and then explored it at my own volition but then you have to not only go there but go to a seemingly secret area in the back for plot. It was kinda disappointing in that sense. It was so cool as a standalone scary endgame area
kinda like the underground place in skyrim there is no quest to lead you tgete you just stumble unto it and tgen find quests in there that pkace was magic
Kirara 🍄🤡
i wish fallout 4 hadn't been developed by bethesda
well maybe failure of 76 majes them re-evaluate their business ir they die
Kirara 🍄🤡
it obviously wont considering they're now charging people $100 for extra features in 76
but who is gonba pay?
Kirara 🍄🤡
very few but they are clearly unable to learn their lesson
and anyhow they will soon make gazillion as publisher of doom eternity
Kirara 🍄🤡
honestly? outer worlds would probably be a longer game if bethesda hadnt fucked obsidian over as punishment for fallout new vegas
still amusing that the potus just makes random tweets like that
Kirara 🍄🤡
it's probably not him tbh
Kirara 🍄🤡
i mean he makes some of his tweets but he also has interns and stuff doing them also sometimes his lawyers
that does seem like a trump tweet tho
well the pic atleast, not the text >>764488 i think the photoshop was done by dailywire considering the watermark
Kirara 🍄🤡
i doubt he can Photoshop that he might have told someone to photoshop it for him
Kirara 🍄🤡
oh, didn't notice that
yup someone at wire shopped it and posted it alongside other shops of that do on their ig and then trump tweetes the pic dw even rt'd it with "really?"
dog* not do
for example
I did some weird thing to my back when I turned to take some crates off the stack and now I've got a lean to me it's also quite difficult to move at certain angles
You gotta be careful when you're doing physical labour! Unless you live a consistently fit lifestyle even in your mid/late-twenties you can start to get nasty cricks in your back with even slight errors in how you handle stuff. Any one you know a decent masseuse that could help unknot the muscles?
There's a special Switch Lite for the release of Pokemon Sword/Shield. The grey is kind of ... underwhelming, I think a slightly darker tone or maybe a little more of a glossy colouration would have been better. But I really like the blue and red highlights on the controls.
>>764522 i simultaneously went through a phase where i did a bunch of terrible boxing training and wrestling guys who are significantly bigger than me, while doing rreally stupid hard work at work and my back is fucked now and its impossible for me to know which of those things ffucked my back truly
Honestly truly probably isn't really the concern since the answer is likely just both simultaneously.
>>764522 painkillers, plus stretching+light excersise designed to get your back well look online for stuff, there is, atleast in finnish lol, plenty of guides to help have the same problem myself and it can trigger from like just getting out of bed at times
biggest issue is if you start to avoid the "panful spots"
some guy just walked by with a Government Plates t-shirt >>764523 I don't know if a masseuse
"dead bug" ab exercise for example is really good and if you have this happening frequently, doing it few seys a week will improve your core muscles and prevent it from happening so easily
>>764526 looks like an 80s calculator in terms of the grey
Had my appointment with the doctor from my university's medical centre. In retrospect I didn't talk as much about the sleep struggles I've been having lately but in fairness, they are more a product of my anxiety and inconsistent focus on my schoolwork. So logically if I resolve those issues then there won't be as much fuelling that late night anxiety anyway.
We also talked about the difficulties I've been having with the Sertraline I've been taking and what some other options I might have available through what the medical centre can prescribe me.
I've still got to get in touch with the other centres my university offers for assistance, which is a little uneasy for me. New contacts are always a worry for me.
>>764738 my brother got noro, so my saturday trip got cancelled and in the same call I got roped into aiding my mother on sunday with autumn garden cleaning and stuff
This cheap Acer Chromebook I've got is really starting to show its cheapness. If I'm using it on my lap a slight jostle seems enough to freeze it up an require a reboot.
I'm not really upset about it since I got it pretty cheap on sale but I do wish it would ... just not.
you can grab sone aps to see itshealth like defraggle
I'll think about it. Black Friday though is also coming up soon and while I do kind of loathe to engage in the event I am also much preferential to saving money on new purchases.
My cell provider does have a thing where you can sometimes bring in a phone you obtain elsewhere to put on your plan. I was thinking of checking Google's store on Black Friday to see if they're selling Pixel 3a at a discount if I get an okay from my cell provider that they'll let me do that. If that all ends up being the case I'll see if they've got Chromebooks or Pixelbooks at an agreeable price too.
Finally got that writing I did the other night typed up. Just shy of fifteen hundred words. There's some other revision and formatting work I need to do before it's done-done, but that can wait until I'm home because fuuuuck this laptop.
Plus I need to skim through Frankenstein to make sure I'm still clear on it for my midterm later today.
>>764760 a few more words and you're on track for nanowrimo
how though like, how'd those other women just go >I know he's got like 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, etc wives already but why not me too? Is he even human? no wait WHAT IF HE'S FROM ANOTHER WORLD AND THIS IS HIS ISEKAI
The idea just makes me so excited. Being right there with everyone else. But at the same time I feel like I shouldn't. BUT I AM GOING TO TRY ANYWAY. OH.. OH, I CAN DO THE THING.
i'm gonna do one note and two ancillary notes and then i'm gonna go home two of my clients are self-pay so i don't need their notes in within 24 hours i can put the rest off and take a break
>>764802 i had someone like that there's really not much you can do it's really troublesome >>764805 yeah and all their dipshit friends reinforce that kind of behavior and want to cut together and bathe in each other's pain what can you do try to tear them away from their friends? fuck if they'll do that
Kirara 🍄🤡
this cutting girl is like 18 she's got green hair and wears turtlenecks every day even though it's 100 degrees with the heat index probably borderline she's also super entitled and kind of a bitch also she fell asleep during one of my groups???
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
>>764807 well then sounds like a p basic 18 yo lolol
Kirara 🍄🤡
yeah she's super basic was talkin about how much she loves harry potter
also her dad is a fake rabbi lol
Samu 🎃 !KW2DbpWwls
Kirara 🍄🤡
he's a "messianic jewish rabbi" which means he's a christian with a jewish skin because messianic jews aren't jews
>Soul Link: When ever anything is dealt damage, Linked target takes same amount of damage >Salvage: Destroy a structure directly ahead of you to gain 100 Shield and full Mana >destroys structures by dealing 999 damage to them ??????????????????????????????
Kirara 🍄🤡
>>764812 you can think of it like mission work messiniac jews exist as basically a scam to convert real jews to accepting christ as their savior
but being jewish and accepting christ at the same time is impossible because a large portion of jewish tradition is done because the messiah has not yet come and by jewish law will be completely stopped after the messiah comes so you can't do those things and simultaneously believe the messiah has come
Several years ago those guys found my family and sent us some shit to try and convert us I still have no idea how they knew we were Jewish Well That's a lie They probably used Facebook
Kirara 🍄🤡
luigi time
There should be a Waluigi's Condo game. It's like Luigi's Mansion but in a haunted condominium instead.
What was it the second time? And who the fuck is giving these buildings to him? Is this like when the saudis gave Jimmy Carter's brother millions of dollars?
Kirara 🍄🤡
the boos who are trying to get him keep tricking him by giving him haunted buildings
Also samu Please fix the glitch where on mobile keyboards caps lock only stats locked for one word and the first letter of the next word. *stats locked *stays Fuck
Effectively the arcarum summons could be called stands probably yeah
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they aren't part of the evoker as much as they resonate with them. Nier and Death both want to be loved and accepted, Haaselia and Moon are all about deception.
If there's one thing re-reading Frankenstein has taught me it's that men really shouldn't be giving birth though.
I'm pretty hungry but there isn't really much to eat except Papa John's pizza which for SOME REASON my parents like more than the cheapish pizza parlour option we have here. As I don't really want to eat Papa John's pizza and this lousy weather makes me not want to walk out for pizza.
Kirara 🍄🤡
your parents are cretins
your parents are creatinins
I only saw one person in full Joaquin Joker costume today. Which is fine by me, honestly, since clown make-up is a bit much for me. But I was expecting to see more.
Kirara 🍄🤡
The suit is probably somewhat expensive
Kirara 🍄🤡
tilde, you agree with me that ton should watch last period, right?
Oh hell yes he should. Every whale on the planet owes themselves to watch Last Period. And as far as I'm concerned Tony's the Prince of Whales.
thats a big oof
Kirara 🍄🤡
Last Period truly is a masterpiece.
I just realized if you count tomorrow, i technically have a four day weekend praise
Sounds like the rain's finally calmed down but it also sounds like a crazy windstorm's rolled in. Hopefully we're just getting this bad weather out of the system before the weekend.
I'm starting to get kind of hungry but I still don't have the appetite for Papa John's pizza and also not much of an appetite overall. Not enough to really want to make up something for dinner at least. But there's probably a lot of Halloween candy left over.
cook up some white rice and add mayonnaise for flavor that's what i'll be doing this week
i do need to figure out some stuff to get ive got a tight budget for a few days but uhhh thinkin like eggs, few cans of tuna fish, maybe some turkey hotdogs should last me the weekend
a big box of cereal too if i can
We've got potatoes but I'm feeling kinda lazy and don't wanna cook 'em
ive got this cream of bacon soup which would be good EXCEPT it's got this added smoke flavoring i can't stand it
I think we've still got some instant noodles actually. Maybe I'll do that for tonight and have the potatoes for breakfast in the morning.
Speaking of howling I'm watching wolf cop tomorrow. >>764947 Gallbladderectomy
Oh it can be done laparascopically. Although the risk of death from it for Sam's age group is high enough to really scare me, but I worry compulsively.
>>764962 This reminds me of a Junji Ito manga. Have you read the one about the woman who pretends to be a cadaver in an attempt to get cut open in an autopsy?
Someone's dumping Biscuit Hammer on /a/ since they've never read it before and man re-reading it reminds me just how fantastic a story it is. It just fills me with so much love for its characters.