>>751418 It looks pretty awesome. But I'm hoping to get it on sale it's like 80 dollarydoos
Yeah, it's pretty solid. Check out next time Steam does a season sale; should be one soon around Halloween. FromSoft games tend to go on sale whenever they do one.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
90 dollarydoos.
Kirara 🍄
Play AI: The Somnium Files unless you're too much of a brainlet to solve mysteries
I don't know about how it is there, but here you can easily get away with failing to declare $10k or so on your taxes as long as it didn't come from an actual employer or something!
When I was still drinking, sometimes I'd steal toner cartridges from work or school and I'd sell them on ebay because I needed money if I wanted to keep drinking 1-2 liters a day.
>>751445 can you believe some dickheads accidentally leave it inside their walls? meters and meters of the stuff
People don't necessarily understand the value of it. I think for so long humanity has used resources like that without acknowledging the eventual scarcity that a lot of people just assume there'll always be more of it.
>>751451 When you think about it, if you're rebelling against this corrupt, degenerate world, aren't you basically a hero of justice? What's more heroic than raiding a graveyard to buy video games? I'm pretty sure Camus would agree.
>>751463 It's not particularly secretive. For the third Spidey movie going forwards, Disney wanted a fifty-fifty split of the gross income of the Spider-Man movie, as opposed to the 5% of the box office (and a similar fraction of some other income source off the movie I can't remember off the top of my head). Sony said nah we good with how things currently are and the impasse happened. The deal that got cut for this to happen is Disney gets 25% of the gross income, which while a reduced amount from their original demand, is still an absurd increase in what they're getting out of the Spider-Man brand.
The deal ensures we get (as so far contracted) one more Spider-Man movie that can use the MCU world, and Spidey having a role in a future MCU movie.
Sony also seems to be indicating they want to incorporate Holland into their own Spider-Man brand projects too, though it's ambiguous if that means Spider-Verse or Venom or one of the projects they've got in incubation that I'm not as familiar with.
blue, have you watched a-set's youtube channel? i looked at her somnium LP and she bullies ota in it he asks her out and she says she's busy and then he's like "ill bring the food there!" and she leaves him on read lol
>>751477 Yeah, I've watched some of it I need to go back and go through all of ti
Kirara 🍄
she's gonna start doing weekly uploads again i think
>>751467 They could just use Holland as Spidey, but "not MCU spidey"
>>751488 In their press release they said something along the lines of "Spider-Man is unique in that he's a character that can cross between cinematic universes" or so, so the wording does seem to demonstrate an interest in having -this- Spider-Man be a consistent character. Of course it's likely that if Sony and Disney start to diverge after the contractually-agreed-upon movies are done, Sony won't be able to cite literal events of the MCU movies. But that's easy to instead subtly wink at anyway.
Plus by that time, who knows. Maybe Disney will have also acquired Sony's motion pictures division.
Kirara 🍄
I think Sony should capitalize on the Spiderverse love and just move forward with a Miles Morales in their own cinematic universe. They could have Peter having been spider man but died a while back and have Miles eventually step up to the plate.
>i dont want to appropriate >executive dysfunction
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what is executive dysfunction
Kirara 🍄
a problem many people with ADHD have characterized by a lack of activity in the prefrontal cortex that results in difficulty planning and enacting plans
can you explain the appropriating part then, im not always hip to these sorts of things
Kirara 🍄
appropriation is usually used in the context of cultural appropriation, where you select parts of another culture and try to imitate it in a way that's disrespectful to the original source for example, when white girls wear dreads, it's often called cultural appropriation
Kirara 🍄
basically she's worried that people will take away her Woke Card for saying she has brain dysfunction
she's also presenting it like it's a shameful thing which is a // another dumb thing honestly most of these twitter people are incredibly dumb
>>751504 always worrying about whether or not you're appropriating something sounds like a great way to close yourself off from other cultures and unique experiences
i get so ANGRY and offended when i see japanese people eating a hamburger wwwwwwwwwww
Kirara 🍄
>>751512 i mean it's a legitimate concern in some cases for example wearing a native american head dress but generally yeah
>>751513 nah only white people can do cultural appropriation
or some average white boy wearing a yamaca because he thinks it's funny
i dont think this is used in the cultural appropriation context but what do i know nothing oh no im philosopherizing
yamakka? whatever it is
Kirara 🍄
yarmulke you anti-semitic fuck how could you not know that!!
>>751514 There's plenty of cases where people can misuse an important cultural or religious/spiritual symbol in a way that's disrespectful But you only need to take one glance at that tweet to tell this person has tricked herself into a prison of anxiety
>>751520 yeah absolutely the online left is full of people who have snorted so much ideology they are basically incapable of functioning they dedicate their lives to suffering as much as possible while blaming the world for it
>>751521 actually uhh anime is culturally appropriated from america they stole from disney from
i was telling some folks in an lgbt discord about how the military hadnt repealed dont ask dont tell yet when i was in there and stuff since one person in the group was saying they got approved for transitioning while in the air force and i was noticing how much different it is
i mentioned how it'd say stuff on the discharge papers like "REASON FOR DISCHARGE: HOMOSEXUAL"
and they were all like "oh my god im so sorry that's terrible i can't believe that" i was tryin to tell it because i thought it was funny not because i wanted to complain about how hard things are gosh i really have a hard time interacting with that discord because it's always like that
i mentioned getting my blood thrown in the fuckin garbage too because i love that story and everyone's just like "omg that makes me so angry sorry you had to go through that"
Kirara 🍄
i was supposed to go help some folks set up stuff at Pride today and i bailed on it because i'm so tired of all of it it's so performative for most of them everything has to be in the context of their own experience and nothing can possibly exist outside it "i'm supposed to be angry about this and i got mad when my mom said i was a boy so everyone else must be mad too" if you're not mad you're a traitor
yeah it makes finding a partner really hard too people get really angry at me for not acting gay and not being super left and the culture is trending so hard that way that it's an uphill battle trying to find people who don't subscribe to it
everyone's so enlightened and such an activist that they're unapproachable i already deal with negging enough i dont need constant bombardment of my morals while im at it
yeah people think lgbtq stuff needs to be your whole personality
im pretty far left, way further left than most people which is why so many people being "on the left" bothers me they became "leftists" because they were sad so they think everyone else needs to do the same thing but at the same time it's just about making friends for them, like an afternoon club they dont actually want to do anything except fantasize about beating up cops or something if you say anything that contradicts the world they created for themselves in their head, they lose their minds and can't handle it
it's all escapism online leftism and online lgbtq stuff is all like that that's probably why there's such a big overlap
>>751526 i feel like it can't even be called loving someone else at that point you're in love with an ideal and just finding someone who's acceptable enough to keep you in your comfort zone
im not allowed to be gay anymore because i dont fit the ideal im shunned out of it and my sexual orientation is denied because of my beliefs and personality it's so disgusting
someone wanted to knowif i wanted to do something with them one evening and im like i got home plans already >oh what are you gonna do i was going to watch a beaver autopsy and asked if they wanted to join me >uhhh no im an animal lover why would i want to see that
it's done by the fuckin natural history museum and they're investigating cause of death it's not like they just go out and nab live beavers to autopsy goddamn it's like, even in the video the demonstrators are surrounded by a bunch of kids because it's educational and they're acting like it's some deep web snuff film
or consoling someone for hours because their mom keeps using the wrong pronouns out of habit fuck i wish i had these problems at least their parents are trying and caring paying for them to get all the therapy and other medical treatment they don't see it because theyve never had to do that shit on their own
alright, my official verdict on Code Vein really great ingenious mechanics more-or-less made boring by bad level design, boring monster design, and boring boss ddesign
Kirara 🍄
just barely engaging enough to keep me playing
also they're blatantly copying Anor Londo like aesthetically and in terms of the layout and gimmicks this place is just Anor Londo except also a maze
>>751546 well im probably only 33% done with it or so so idk probably if you want something to fill some time with
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm having enough fun so far to keep going
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
honestly the character creator alone is worth like 30 bucks
Kirara 🍄
it is a very good character creator
Kirara 🍄
i'm also frustrated that you have to parry pretty early before an enemy attacks but the parrying animation is actually long enough that many enemies need you to hit parry before they even telegraph their attack
>>751569 This looks like those skyrim mods where they dump an anime character in without changing any of the enviornment to make the anime look like it blends in
The balance is kind of bad, too. Even with two upgrades to heal amount, a single heal - which I have 5 of - heals less than 25% of my HP. Most enemies can take 25-50% of my HP with a single hit.
>>751585 I think so too. The mechanics are genuinely solid but everything else is lacking.
also is it just me or do the animations look somewhat unpolished too hell the whole game looks unpolished like it is some indy game out on early access etc
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>be fine >start streaming >IMMEDIATELY lost
If you stream to Youtube I can watch at work I'm going to get dressed and get my train now \
yup the Ai companion is definitely THE TAIL IS SEVERED
also the voice and character design of that companion are a huge mismatch
Kirara 🍄
the English voice acting is some of the worst worst heard worst ive heard*
also I really love the deigns of this place ore Unpainted plastic white more un painted plastic white MORE unpainted plastic white for a game about edgy vampires, there isn't even BLOOD anywhere to paint things red with
Kirara 🍄
yeah, i dont think i would be even close to quitting the game if it weren't how unbearable anor llondo is it's not fun but it's also mindnumbing
Doesn't look like they improved a lot from the demo when I watched charlie play it
actual anor londo however isa damn solid place
Kirara 🍄
yeah real anor londo has good design even if arrows are frustrating
>>751597 That's good. I'm feeling a bit under the weather.
>>751596 I still love how everyone was "enjoy arrows" and then I clear them on first try with piece of cake and come around so "was that supposed to be the hard part" or how I cleared fatman and thinguy in one go too
the bow princew as one of the dullest but funniest boss tho it was just practicing dodge timings for some 5+ minutes, but it was good practice now I wish I could rekill it since I havn't played the game in like a year
i would hardly consider the code vein english voices to be actual english
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's kinda mean
Kirara 🍄
it's honestly horrible voice acting they sound like random people pulled off the street
the English voice acting in Somnium was actually really good so idk why bamco couldn't do decent va
oh god the repetitive environmental lines really remind me of >there is naught of use here arisen >beware goblins nearby >GOBLINS ILL LIKE FIRE ;THE TAIL IS SEVERED
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean this like sounds like people?
Kirara 🍄
what they dont talk like real people at all
>>751608 hey atleast they have the same unpolished feel as the rest of the game so it in a way fits.
the monster dying noises remind me of ps2 era games like warrior within but atleast that game embraced its CRINGY EDGE
it was a fun game, you had all enemies have some amount of random taunts, painicked lines etc with the prince having responses to almost all of them and some other random taunts so sometimes it really felt like you were having a piss off contest while at the same time stabbing sand monsters to death
impressive for a ps2 game
also... >when your environment is so plastic unpainted white even a dash of dirt brown or grey would be a welcome change
Kirara 🍄
i think the combat would be a lot better with combos
>>751618 yeah seriously i can get to 2k hp but it doesn't eeven matter
also is 1,6k hp supposed to impress anyone, when you take like 1000 damage from anything
This whole thing just looks so alpha >>751620 high dmg and health sponge enemies isn't fun it is bad design
Kirara 🍄
too many souls clone games think that difficulty is just dying as soon as you get hit
Kirara 🍄
one of the other bosses just starts dashing around super fast with a dash that can one-shot you in a ///
ton just keeps sekiroing
>>751620 Difficulty is when we throw lots of enemies at the player and put lots of distance between checkpoints and weigh down the players movement a lot and also we double every bosses hp
there's a lot of stuff that i assume just didn't get finished in the game like if you save this one lady she eventually shows up at your base and all she says is "thanks for saving me" and there's no further dialogue even though she's a human and you sent her to a human shelter
also no bodies no ragdolls no anything no blood and the enemy designs look kinda meh and doesn't help how there is basically in 3D printed Plastic Londo some wanna be Anor Londo black knights...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this place like doesn't look graet the rest looks a bit beter
>>751625 We're gonna make our game even harder than DaS by putting in TWO Blighttowns
also that kill animation doesn't look that good
everything is capra demon
>>751629 You put in blighttown inside another blighttown which is not just poison but claustrophobia filled with aoeattack demons
Kirara 🍄
the game also has these dungeons you can complete for rewards and when you beat the boss, nothing happens at all no indication that you beat the dungeon no indication that you should go home
you just walk back to the bonfire and teleport home
atleast there seems o be lot of cosmetic options in terms of clothing
Kirara 🍄
>>751634 i think there are only 7 armors in the whole game
also is it just ton's character, but why is she mute?
Kirara 🍄
because the MC is silent even though it shows her talking in cutscenes
cause seems like the pc likes to slam that spiky hand into the asses of the enemies'
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's a tail attack instead but this armor is the strongest I have offensively
>climbing up a ladder >this ladder goes underground you don't say jack
so the emotes are voiced, but otherwise the character is 100% mute weird choice
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah your attacks and yells and stuff and then there's like a MILLION choices for emotes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>poison dogs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
that's a boss arena
that is all the armours`?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Oh baby that's a new attack
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there are a lot of variants but in general I think I have an ok selection I've heard of one called like Suicide Garb that's all offense no defense and I want it
then you can die both in vidya games and rpgs
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so the type of definitely-not-a-visceral-attack depends on the style of clothing
I don't get why would you grow a tail and use it to poke someone why not just say extend your arm
!C0.PerkELESearch [iqdb](150 KB, 1050x1416, 745585463274df88.jpg)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Old mate gym science back to critique my form WELL MAYBE I WANT TO BLOW OUT MY SHOULDER Ever think about that
You really don't, man. It's a pretty awful experience.
old world material I bet it just turns out to be something like a fast food cup
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can trade it for fast food cups x
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you give it to this guy and he gives you things you can gift your allies back home
did jack just say "this is a little thight" as you rammed your fist up some guys ass?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
so much emotion
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>isis vestige >vestige for a thing I don't own fuk
I think he's taken a liking to me In his own unfriendly way He doesn't come over to help other people I'm like his apprentice
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
or his kohai
>tips gasmask
didn't know arcturius the abyss knight became a vampire
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>they gave me the shitty coat back
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
guess I'll die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
this woman was also the tutorial lady
eww it is blue
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
guess I'll die
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
very slowly
greatest anime betrayal ever
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
to be fair eyes that red with the facial m- >new blood code >it's mine >the whole point of my powers is that I can absorb blood codes because I have lost my blood coide
>we need to maintain awareness >sorry I was just lost in an hour long flashback >>751713 guess you lost that ability now
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
can't wait for this to be full of OP shit
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
ok these are cool
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
really cool QoL thing is that your current equipped skills are saved between Codes
woman have you noticed that your head is 180 degrees in the wrong direction?
I bet karen will be a cat person
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can pet the dog in code vein
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>powerful caster blood code
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wait this music is karen a boss please no I just got her e I want to level and shit
hey it is a lamer version of the wallspider
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
give louis a medal he's trying to emote real hard
is front mullet
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
why does he get a different composer for his music
cause he is Jack the Ripper shooting Metal Gear Rising: The Remulleting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I swear if that music doesn't play for aboss fight I will be so mad
well it is prolly his boss music sounded quite good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
the most anime fight
but I mean comeon he looks quite much like Raiden
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
now that was a vampire trenchcoat
the inventory system is quite well done
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah it's pretty dang good
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>when mia's too busy turboblasting her gun to save you
well if I had a turboblasting gun I'd do the same
sieg hail
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm curious as to where I missed in the cathedral
seriously, did you not at first look at those posts as some dark robed cultist doing the hail ceasar salute?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I did not
must be the stream
can you watch russian sniper upskirt?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>you can BANNED
this isn't twitch
one thing I do have to say the healing items should heal more
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
they can you can improve the healing if you find an item
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
mats is going to love this area
but hey noticed it is no longer 100% unpainted plastic now it is snow white with a dash of concrete gray two shades
Two shades of gay
pay attention to the train?
if they bothered to record some dozens of emote lines, and prolly with multiple voice options for the protag why didn't they record any dialogue
the silent protag when they obviously talk just is so goofy was the same in xenoverse games and it was so "ugh"
amusingly the voice I use in that game has some weird bug, where third of the lines revert to the japanese voice instead of the english one
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
wtf just happened
"I am in an entirely different league" yes the extra special league
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Nicola's vestiges are who we're finding and uh that's someone who knew Mia. this should be ZETSUBOU
maybe we can hear some good deliveries from her again
What a thrill with bloodness and veins all around
>where does snow come from
extra special league vs extra special ice wolverine
so why would anyone stick a vampire parasite inside a kid...
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
apparently child soldiers in general were a common thing towards the end of the war against the queen
her outfit takes any investment in the script out >gas mask + giant russian cylinder not that the voice acting gets you into the story anyhow aside from lulz
wow that was a stealthy yeti
turns out if you crossbreed wolverine with a yeti, it becomes a miniboss
hahahahaha that was close
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yeah no kidding
also I think those yeti wolverines have more HP than shiva-shif
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
damn now you a russian snipur too
two girls being tackled by hairy testicles
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>missing a reeeeee
also >i will build a safe place for myself >proceeds to build an ice tentacle palace ton is this kid you?
also isn't she cold? >I havebrrrr brrrreeen waaaiiting for youu
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
guess we gotta put down the kiddo
>kid has a rocket backbag no wonder he was bullied
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
snow clone jutsu
He is the successor of BREATH
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
carried by mia
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
based mia
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
girl your tears are gonna FREEZE in this weather
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
let's just have a big cry
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
don't cry mia I can just totally fix him like I did the other lady
the security guard here asked us to sign in and so Im writing in the book and she goes back to the conversation she was having before I got there. >I need to have another kid with someone else. becausee for real? that girl is retarded. >I meed to have one with someone else to know if the dumbness came from me or from him.
The phrase is "Breed // "Build a better mousetrap", not "Breed a better mouse"
nah I am going to breed super mice that go to no traps, but obey orders and then start dealing with rodent companies and farm them /plant them in people's houses and then the trained mouses come obediently out when our boys come to "take care of them" but they never get killed just picked up to be planted at the next mark
I did download the ENG version recently because the NIPPON event with Tomoe Gozen will be soon and I want to read it since I never saw a translation. Also Hokusai will be introduced in a month or two and I want her.
>>751875 is the trend now just to call everything waifus that has anything to do with anime
Kirara 🍄
the term waifu now refers to an anime girl, yeah
why do normies ruin everything
Kirara 🍄
it is in their nature
how do we save ourselves from it
Kirara 🍄
accelerate the end of the world
i have a buttload of work to do today ive only got one effexor left. ive been off all my normal meds for over a couple months now and i just have had effexor to stop racing thoughts i got one left idk what i'll do after today
i could go to the hospital but they'll probably do something retarded like send me to rehab for kratom even though ive had the same problems my whole life even as a kid
Kirara 🍄
there isn't a detox protocol for kratom so they wouldn't send you to rehab most likely the addictive properties of kratom are only anecdotal at this point, too so there isn't really any treatment for it
im not addicted to kratom i know you aren't, im just sayin
a recurring issue is that my unmedicated self is shaky, twitchy, and overstimulated by default. i was always twitching as a kid and shit and hypersensitive to stimulation if i dont sedate then i start twitching again and i can seize if stuff gets too overwhelming
so people always think im like going through withdrawals or something but it's just how i am
Hey Moon check out this >>751839 at least seven-Dora hand I wish I could have won with.
>>751886 holy shit that's an instant baiman just from tanyao
earlier i got a hand where i started with 2 of each dragon i could have probably gotten a daisangen but someone dealt into it as a shousangen (2 trips and a pair of the third dragon) which isn't a yakuman i didn't feel like chasing so i just took it. the small three dragons (shousangen) is only worth two hand, but you also get the han for each dragon, so it's not bad. it's not huge thought. 1 han (haku) 1 han (hatsu) 2 han (shousangen) for 4 han but in that state it's easy to get either a toi toi or honitsu for 2 more han two for an eaasy haneman
Yeah I can understand that. If I started with two of each I'd probably go for a Daisangen but that's probably the only situation I'd do so with intent. If I'm just picking up Dragons as the hand's going on I wouldn't build with intent towards it and probably end up with two Dragon triplets.
there was a nice intimidation factor which sealed the deal like i called the two dragon sets in succession and kept resetting the draw order, and calling two dragons is that big sweat moment where everyone just stops breathing for a second so in their eagerness to NOT deal anything that would be super dangerous, like wind tiles for all honors, or chun for daisangen, he dealt the 6 man which by pure happenstance was the sequence i was waiting on it was so clean and resolute that i wanted to take it for that gotcha factor, even though it dropped it to a haneman. but it's free so why not
oh did you try the new dora mode under tournaments? it starts the game with 3 doras turned haha it's pretty fun
I thought about it when I saw it earlier but wasn't really up for something new at the time. Maybe I'll check it out later; seems pretty active.
it's good for grinding out those quests too did you see the new bingo sheet quest thing? it's got yer favorite girl
Yeah I oopened up all the tiles I could. These challenges are a bit grindier than the ones in past events though. And I'm still finding it tough to draw what I need for hands recently so any challenge that involves, y'know, winning, has been slow going.
you also get the whole duration of the event to complete them though, you just only get to open up so many per day once they're open, you can complete them whenever so yeah, it's a bit grindier, but the timescale is generous to where you're likely to get them just by playing a few games here and there over a period
Yeah. None of the rewards feel all -that- good either so I'm not too all in on it. Unless I missed a detail somewhere and Haru is unlockable through it like Big Hat-chan was but I'm fairly confident that's not the case.
yeah i dont believe so i'll let you know if it turns out that way though im ok with the rewards. i burn through a lot of copper in gold rooms so it's nice, and the purple gift at the end i do want they're surprisingly hard to come by without paying
the only thing keeping me from upgrading hag right now is those purple gems for her upgrade i need one more i really like her upgrade too i like hat though so im okay waiting
I'd be more excited about the purple gift if it was a one of your choice. Knowing my luck I'll get it and it'll be another purple diamond or wine glass which are pretty much junk to me.
yeah i feel you on that i don't see them as very big rewards, just mild incentives since im already going to be investing that time anyway because i play this game a lot
i really want sara or kaavi i like those two
I use a snip of Kaavi's head for my character token in Kirara's game. Been meaning to put together one myself but I keep neglecting it and in the mmeanwhile she serves as placeholder.
Oh yeah, have you ever read Jorge Luis Borges' Labyrinths? I have to read it for one of my literature classes and I've been really enjoying the complexity of the fictions he sets up and how formally the falsities he creates fit into the real world. Something about it gives me a vibe that I feel is up your alley.
Something about a recent keyboard update for my phone seems to be occasionally creating double inputs of single or pairs of characters on /moe/. How annoying.
>>751900 i haven't i'd say i'll look into it but i dont really organize my mind that way if you remind me sometime as you come across a good section or something though i'll probably take a look ive got a lot of work today though. it's probably going to run me from now until tomorrow morning, so i'll try to fit some anime in there tonight since i know we have some shows, but i might check out early
No worries, was just curious.
There's a job fair for seasonal positions at a couple stores of a bookstore chain here later on tonight that my résumé finally pinged successfully on. It's part time work and and and I guess hopeful at best to expect it to continue after the holiday season wraps up, but as far as retail goes I think I could be pretty happy working in a bookstore. Plus one of the placements is pretty close to my campus which would be hella convenient.
hmm maybe my problem is that i am trying to fight this boss instead of just running around this insanely small arena and throwing fire at it
Kirara 🍄
although it would probably help if i had the pre-order blood veil too
whats the pre order veil ia it the one ive been using ill feel bad
it is f
it does have shitty defenses at least
adopting the strat of yeeting fire then slashing and running away after your blood is back is nice
Kirara 🍄
it's the best early game veil apparently if i had that i could use my sword with quick attacks or my gun with quick attacks using more codes i could could buy it but it's $5
i will say the drain attack and stuff on it is really high i comvine it with the backstab passive and can hit mobs for like 4k on a backstab now
i will say that led to a funny encounter with a midboss in the snow area in which i backstab it like that and it only lost 1/3 hp
Kirara 🍄
i honestly think the berserker is going to be what makes me drop the game the arena is ridiculously small, he's immune to poison, he combos fast, and his rich is pretty much anywhere in the small arena for at least half my hp
maybe we should look into how summoning works
Kirara 🍄
if i do coop i want it to be because i im having fun, not because i'm getting frustrated at an unfinished and poorly designed game my hope is that the game is better later but at this point it's just frustrating and it's not just the boss
the idea that after i beat this boss, i have to continue to stay in this anor londo knock off drives me mad the design of the level is literally giving me a headache, like, all the white and lack of color i can't stay in this level much longer
>>751941 i kill the first two knights and monkies and book it past the last room since mia was ushally distracting them enough
Kirara 🍄
>>751943 really? they always immediately come after me and just teleport onto me
i was also spamming the dodgeroll but i do has fastest roll
Kirara 🍄
i guess the game is really telling me to buy the preorder veil
i guess it makes sense why it was only 10 haze in the shop. i wont lie it is really hard for me to want to trade the mobility it offers for other things that and the raw power
it also is missing at least one sleeve
Kirara 🍄
yeah it's one of the best in the game which is kind of unfair but i guess that's just scamco for you
maybe ill try wearing a different set sometime id really like to find that suicide set or whatever
oh wait its literally an arc on a train when you kept saying rengoku and "train arc" i was thinking it was the "pillar training arc" that ive read the name of
>>751974 after that is redlight, oh boy! i honestly wasn't sure because id see you say "i cant wait for rengoku's arc" and then the image would be everyone saying rengoku is cool and that he's aniki and that he should train them
oh shoot i slept a long time i gotta get started on all this work but i dont WANT to don't even have any caffeine dang sure wish i had my big boy stimulants that i'm prescribed and supposed to have
;_; Getting on things you don't want to is always really rough. Ganbatte Moon.
i think i might be getting a litle bit narcoleptic i can still do these 16-20 hour work sessions, but i start
start GETTING DROPPED BY MOE start falling asleep after like 20 or 30 minutes of stimulation and that makes it hard to check my work when im half asleep and stuff, but it doesn't stop me from moving forward on the work because it's pretty braindead sometimes and i can parse language in my sleep
kannagi had this problem when working at the bank i remember oh well just gotta do it i'll at least let my hands warm up first
i know youre enjoying your goose game but could i interest you in something that’s a little funny to me in our edgy vampire game
Kirara 🍄
NO ok
New chapter of Franken Fran sequel series just dropped. https://mangadex.org/title/38049/franken-fran-frantic
>>752012 after the gigantic area that is the cathedral and stuff, im in a cave that while it isnt much more aesthetically pleasing, after one mistle and one map mistle, it is 50% complete
also io is a very strong caster
Kirara 🍄
Kirara 🍄
but did you know that i am a horrible goose and i am harassing british marxists in their village >>752018 you knew about the marxists?
Job fair stage clear Apparently accepted or rejected they'll be getting back to me by the end of the week.
There was this kind of funny Chinese woman in mu group of applicants that was a real motormouth once she got started up talking. But her
But her accent was kind of heavy (at least for me, and admittedly I have a kind of tough time with accents), so when she -really- got going it sounded to me like an incredible stream of words that was fluidly changing between English and a Chinese dialect. It was a neat thing
>>752110 oh yeah aunty may I've seen that though I just look at the pictures though it cuts out the bullshit why watch 24 frames or whatever when I can just look at a few >>752118 it's aaaa what tony said thanks based tone
I feel like I'm getting More into weeaboo shit rather than less as time passes.
Shouldn't it be something I like.. Grow out of?
That's what I was told but I've found it grows to encompass a lot of my interest too. Maybe they mean "once you've got a family and full-time life obligations you won't have time for weeaboo stuff anymore, so you'll grow out of it".
I think it's good to have an interest you can have a deep and quality appreciation of though. I feel there's a general trend in a lot of our generation to have a withheld or tempered excitement for things and so whenever I see someone just wholeheartedly enjoying themselves, I think that's a far better way to be than just dabbling in stuff.
>>752207 I remember one time -I might have told this story before, but it did leave a bit of an impression on me
I was talking to my normie, female friend about one of our professors and I really liked the guy. and I said something like >you know he taught himself Japanese by just reading manga
and I was all all impressed by it and she just kind of scoffed a bit and said something like >yeah. he looks like the sort of person who would be into anime.
me: >err.. Yeah.
Hah hah I probably would have said something like "Ain't nothin' wrong with that" at her remark. I generally find people either backpedal hard on their preconceptions when pressed with a line like that, or double down on them, in which case I now have a more complete picture of what sorts of things that person judges people probably a bit too harshly on.
It's a good bit silly at times and there's a fair bit of loliservice in the series. But it's more on the "Wholesome and look at how cute these girls are" service than the lewd side.
The main character is a bit of a lolicon and that makes for some kind of weird moments every now and then but I think the bulk of the series is just cute-fun. Plus it's animated by Doga Kobo so you bet it's got STYLE.
isnt the actually let me stop
>>752226 i am almost certain i knew what you were about to say
>>752221 american mahjong that old jewish grannies play is full of weird shit like this various dates and referential things and the flower/season tiles there's no competitive element whatsoever it's just collecting tiles and trying to make random shit with it basically bingo
>I'm not a pedophile, officer, I swear >my friends on the internet told me to watch it
>>752228 Of all the elements of history to choose to make up references for, dates are such a shitty choice. Dates are by far the most boring part of history they're just used to keep relative things in check. At least that dumb Civil War yaku uses the North and South wind tiles to make it more elaborate.
>>752231 >BINGO!! I got the July 4th 1776 with the red dragon, white dragon, and blue dragon!!
i have more entire more hours of transcripts to do sigh ive already done three i want to nap but i dont get to
I should probably take some melon tone in so I can get a bit of sleep in tonight. I only conked out for an hour and a half or less earlier which, while it feels fine for me right now, will probably have me feeling tuckered out in the middle of my class tomorrow afternoon.
i need to make some improvements to my bed desk, this isn't quite working i still want a second display but i can barely coordinate the one laptop plus separate keyboard in a way that doesnt move the laptop uncomfortably far away, but i want a display so i can monitor other things without having to alt-tab and stop working in order to do so. then i could avoid a lot of the problem of sleepiness onset
other than that, the incline pillow and smaller keyboard provide some comfort for the longer sessions compared to working at a desk, but i have issues where moving everything to get up takes a substantial amount of time and care and it's frustrating because i have to redose every hour-ish, since i dont have my prescription meds if i want to have any productivity anyway
Gosh Marsh you're supposed to eat pasta off a plate not a tablecloth.
he spilled iyt at someone who insulted his waifu and they turned into the minced meat you see there
My PC lately has been being really obnoxious about not staying asleep for more than a minute after I put it into sleep mode again. Which never mind the bright sudden illumination of my room at night being detrimental to me trying to fall asleep, the hum of the fan is a good bit distracting too.
And I can't even get up to try and put it to sleep now because there's a cat on top of me and I don't want to upset her.
aaaaa i want to go back to school and get my medical degree i dont want to work in a clinic though i want to work in a MORGUE the living people still have it pretty good it's the dead ones who really need my help
it's not a morbid interest. i really like pathology i want to be a medical examiner and do pathology reports. the depth of information and the process is really fascinating to me. it makes it sound like i like dead stuff but that's not it im not bothered by it and there's a lot of really fascinating stuff there
second to that i really like surgery, but my hopes of being a surgeon are pretty far gone really i didnt hit that lottery
these people are complaining about working 9-80s where you shove one work day out of 10 into the other 9 days because it makes it too long each day but shit like ive worked 80 hours today alone come on
i went to a cadaver lab once we were practicing medic skills the end
do you mean like work hour equivalents
no hes succeeded in finding how to put 80 hours into one day
>>752260 yeah ive been to the cadaver lab a bunch of times at the chiropractic college it's pretty cool >>752261 >>752262 you can do it if you do multiple hours at the same time
you mean like doing multiple things of work at once
yeah, like taking phone calls while doing graphic design or video editing for instance
like fishing in wow classic while watching anime and practicing ur nipponese (written)
you could probably fit runescape in there too honestly
how long will you be in okinawa anyway
good on you for getting all that work done in one day moon
went to a bar and bowling this weekend but thats it so far theres a karaoke box with 2 hours of unlimited drinks for 18 bucks right off post im gonna go there soon and this arcade i really wanna go to too
>I put my honk in a jar so there is more honk! I honk at you, I honk directly up to God, and I will never leave! You will never be well again, and I will trouble your father all of the time. I am all a triumph, I am the most successful goose, and you are misery with suffering and hopeless with loss.
Someone killed a bunch of kangaroos. https://www-m.cnn.com/2019/09/30/australia/kangaroo-killings-australia-intl-hnk-scli/index.html
I don't understand how I consistently sleep through two alarms that I've intentionally set up to be offset. You'd imagine if one doesn't catch me, the other one should. Instead I sleep in to thirty minutes before my class starts.
At least I caught the best bus I could in the situation, even though I'll still be around twenty minutes late.