Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 10-12 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 9-12 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Carole & Tuesday
I wonder if he'll be able to take the Level 6 out this episode and then there's a bit of a lighter one-off. With how action-focused this series has been I can't imagine they'd do something that cheerful though.
Yeah, I could see it with the clones though. There's some SoL potential with accel and the clones.
Hah hah he's just growling at her.
This is a particularly crazy event for Academy City though. Or I guess even for them, really. I get that this was developed long after the novels that chronologically take place at the same time but it's hard to imagine this is the kind of thing no one talks about. There was better call-betweens between Index and Railgun.
This one Sister in particular that's been following them around this series is a lot less composed than the ones we usually see. It's a bit weird to see her trembling and fretting like this.
Thinking back to the start of the series, it kind of feels like we ended up down one of a couple branching routes or something. It started with them getting into conflict with those rogue Anti-Skill DA guys, who were being financed and provided for by a bunch of powerful Academy City underbelly people. Including this nerd. And then once
Oh well okay.
And then once we started down this focus of the necromancer and the mad scientist those other plot hooks kind of dropped off. I wonder if the Accelerator manga follows up on them after this arc concludes.
Yeah I guess those guys are like a recurring bad guy.
Ponytail-sensei's really been through a lot. Not only the stuff here but she's been involved in most of the major arcs in all the Index serieses. She's a real survivor.
Couldn't he like generate electricity with his power that's so OP it seems like it would be easy for him to recharge himself haha
Maybe back before he ended up brain-damaged. I don't think the serieses never went into much detail on it but I think after getting shot in the head he needs the Misaka Network to do the computational requirements of vector manipulation. So my theory is he's lost some of the finesse he used to have, which is why he only ever uses big flashy impact moves after that.
it seems like they could like add a lever he could wind to make power i guess it doesn't matter much anyway since he gets fully restored in the world war arc
melloi 9
okay lets start
Nothing like a train for the scene of a murder mystery.
Oh this is a good call-back to Fate/Zero. The coastline of that far sea Iskandar pursued.
This dumb peppy kid in Waver's class is the MC of another Fate series. In which he steals an artefact for summoning a Servant from Waver and runs off to New York to participate in a Grail War there. It's written by the author of Durarara!! and Baccano! and from my understanding it's pretty goofy.
>Hiding the True Name Yeah but if Hephastion is a confidant of the bold and boisterous Iskandar there's no way she'd find it honorable to hide her True Name like that.
Ah, well, I guess that's another three passengers of this train dead. The number of potential suspects for the first murder and the thief of Waver's relic dwindles.
Oh we're back to this unlikely duo. If there's a B plot of these two investigating the theft of Waver's relic, I can't help but feel there's more than just one individual responsible for the theft. They're gonna have to turn something up in their investigation after all.
Hah hah Luvia just outright bribes him for information. Sasuga ojou.
Oh what.
Oh I guess he did acquire an invitation to this train in the last episode too.
Wow we're getting talk about Dead Apostles. This is more on the Tsukihime side of things than the Fate side.
Locking yourself up in a bounding field in a murder mystery seems like a bad idea. That's a good way to die inside and deepen the mystery wiht your corpse.
Yeah, hah h Wow what the hell.
So the snake kimono lady was the one that murdered Trish? I'm not entirely sold on that. I guess she maybe noticed the spell that was hiding the severed head. Or located it after the fact and hid it there.
I just can't figure her as the actual antagonist here. She seems at odds with Waver over some past history, but it also sounds like she takes her morals serious. Seriously even.
And now the lance of King Arthur made scythe is a hammer. I wonder how many forms it'll go through before it's properly a spear again.
I think he would be remembered by Alexander, since he found his way into the reality marble.
Yeah, it would be a kind of romantic exception to the limitations of Servants if Iskandar remembered him. Though as we already know, Waver never gets to participate in the fifth Holy Grail War. So in -So unless there's something unusual inbound, he doesn't meet again with his HEIKA in this lifetime.
Counterfeits in Fate series are always interesting focal points.
We're getting lots of little things about her but they're still dancing around the topic of what she -really- is. I guess that'll be a story for another time.
Hah hah hah Well that's one way to use a legendary artefact of King Arthur.
Yeah our Master Detective has been asleep for far too long!
She gets tetchy at Waver for playing detective in the cases he solves, but she seems to be enjoying herself playing it this time.
Mystic Eyes of Death Perception! We full Tsukihime/Kara no Kyoukai now.
It sounds like the actual culprit might be someone who has a bone to pick with the old priest too. So what better a way to extract revenge then set him up in a way that makes it seem like he's a murderer.
oh my kimono lady may be pretty involved after all
Oh that came as a surprise.
>>750554 Oh hah hah, I took it as her arriving at the same conclusion that Waver was talking out. And so she took measures to restrain the actual culprit.
That said your interpretation as far as we know is also possibly valid. I might be too entrenched in my notion that she's a bitch but not a bad person.