arifureta play play aaa same mistake twice okay lets start
Guy just wants to get back home and life life with his vampire waifu and keeps getting dragged into conflicts.
Live life even.
Teacher's peeeeeeeet
my net is slogging a bit tonight boop
Mine was being a bit clunky earlier in the night but it seems a bit more reasonable now. I think my torrent program is a bit fucky with my PC's network routes. It eats up a lot of bandwidth and can download pretty fast, but there's a lingering slogginess that doesn't immediately disappear after I close the program.
it took me eight minutes to download the 360p i didn't want to hold up the start though
the girls in this show are a bit unbearable
This dragon is visiaully cute but her personality is exhausting.
she's in the wrong show made a wrong turn at hensuki
Hah hah hah He's gonna make them revere her like an actual god because of this. That's a lot of pressure to put on a nice lady like her!
Girls wielding giant hammers is kind an aesthetic I really like though.
have you seen kaavi's hammer emote you should try to roll her
I haven't gotten a single free roll aside from the ones I've gotten in the mail. And I've gotten garbage in terms of gatcha rolls from those. I did pick up that fortune charm so I am collecting Jade so I'm gonna do a ten-roll when it builds up.
if you get someone to level 5 bond, you start getting bond gifts after matches that you can gift for 5 dust each helps you get the summon scrolls
This classmate of his that's gone astray kind of has a Harry Potter wizard vibe to him.
Hah hah the MC really does look kind of chuuni though.
>>748518 Do you need to do the bond ritual or just get the full five hearts? I've almost maxed out Ichihime's bond so I guess I'll be close to that soon.
Okay by close I mean 5730 out of the final 50,000 so I guess I'm still a bit off.
Right after he got to kiss his sensei he had to go and break her heart. How mean.
I haven't been really getting good Ichihime gift items either so it's been kind of slow going, especially with the lousy games I've been having lately.
they are REALLY optimistic about how things are gonna be when they get back
Yeah. Like even if they can get the originals arrested for the anti-cloning law they broke it's definitely plausible that society's going to go "Yeah you kids shouldn't even exist so we're going to terminate you anyway".
Wow I can't believe they baited us with EXPOSITION and then just stopped like that.
i really like these collages of foraging on the planet and stuff
It makes me feel kind of bad but the visual of someone like Kanata who's pretty physically expressive waving his arms around like he's still got both full arms is a bit comical to me.
aries has a pretty cute side
>Language was unified Oh no
Yeah. We've got the whydunnit and the whodunnit now. But the howdunnit is, or well was until Zack came to the right conclusion, still unexplained.
someone would leak it for sure there's no way
Yeah it takes a good bit of a leap in terms of suspension of disbelief. Theoretically it's not an impossible task but the compliance of the half-remaining Earth population would be an insane achievement.
at the same time it's a total plausibility and it's interesting to consider how we could just lie to our kids and have everything change so fast
thanks funi
Yeah that's some pretty morbid humour coming out of the voice of a kid.
Hah hah and it did turn out Poli-nee was in cryo for longer than they had originally assumed.
i really wanna know how funi pulls off that voice she's so cool
>>748539 And that's kind of one of the virtues of the science fiction genre. Taking those weird, fringe plausibilities and saying "Yeah let's start from the premise that it's actually the case".
Especially if Aries' mother was also a servant in Charce's family, I'm sure she'd be more than excited to be of use to both her daughter and a boy she probably doted on on occasion.
Oh the camp log Aries has been keeping gets an actual plot element. That's nice.
i wonder if quitterie ever sees funi and thinks "gee why didn't i turn out that cool"
Oh the manga this is adapting is a concluded series. I was wondering if they were going to try and wrap things up this episode but maybe it's just adapting the series in full. It kind of feels like there's a lot left hanging but I guess the main focus of the story is concluded if they get back to the planet safely.
Ahhhh this is making want to go travelling again. There's a real nice feeling to returning home after a long time away
>i gained two kilos >all the cameras snap haha what
The Astra world map on that wall there kind of looks like the world map we saw briefly in Enen.
Hah hah Poor Quitterie.
Wow they sure hand-waved that whole plot thread.
yeah i thought there'd be a lot of conflict still to resolve i guess they're just gonna do a bit of ending narrative though
i really liked these characters a lot
They did kind //Aries did kind of say there was a lot of things that happened though. So it's less that they didn't have the conflict but that it all happened off-screen. The focus of this story was the kids' trip back to Astra and the mystery of why they got yeeted out to space in the first place. It would be an insult to that focus to just throw more PLOT at us after it climaxed! I can kind of respect that stylistic choice.
I guess it's unsurprising that Funi would look a lot like her onee-san as a teenager. She's got a different personality from Quitterie though and it shows.
i need a little bit to digest that before just jumping into another anime i'll be back in a few minutes
Oh gosh that was a really sweet ending. I'm getting some heavy catharsis fuzzies. It's been a while since I had such a pleasant reaction to a show.
I'm a real sucker for timeskip happy endings. There's just such a satisfying feeling to seeing a bunch of characters I like getting their resolutions and seeing how things have progressed over the years.
I'm gonna be slowburning that feeling for a while. Good fiction like that is crucial fuel for my soul.
The Soumas are really a sprawling family. There's always more of them coming out of the woodwork.
Shigure and Kazuma are both very classic Japanese men stylistically.
Kyo is such a cat.
Oh they're not localizing Shishou to whatever English word they were using in the previous episode. Or am I getting it backwards and this is how it was last week too. I'm bushed tonight memory is hard.
sorry if im quiet here im still soaking in kanata it's hard to focus
Oh It'd totally forgotten -I'd totally forgotten there was some addititve complications to being the Cat because of its place in the Zodiac myth.
The Cat was the unfortunate animal of the Zodiac myth. Because it got tricked by the Rat, it was forbidden from the Buddha's feast at the turn of the new year.
oh no poor tohru
His mom kinda looks like Tohru's.
Of all the Soumas affected by the Zodiac curse, none of them have it worse than the Cat. Kyo's had it rough his whole life, it's understandable he'd turn out so bristlely.
i wonder how jan is doing
I hope he's doing okay. I hope he's making progress.
Almost looked like he was leaning in for a kiss there hah hah.
He makes for such a cute cat though.
Oh I guess we're getting at least one more episode before the adaptation goes on a brief hiatus. Unless circumstances have changed and they're doing the full adaptation in one go.
that episode reminds me a lot of jan i think he feels that way a lot it just gets me a little bit heavy hearted
Love and affection are complicated things some times. There's emotions that are some times hard to properly express, or get tainted by fear and worry. Or are some times so intense you can drown in them. Being human ain't easy.