Neutral news somebody: as advertised on the interwebs, chocolate peanut butter is like drug to mice, they come and lick it even during daytime and there is the problem - the fucker somehow managed to lick the trap clean without triggering it
>>750285 Yeah, even just peanut butter in general, mice have a real taking to. When my dad tries to catch mice at the cottage it's always been what he sets the traps with.
i had this beer in the fridge for like 6 months now almost and it's just been sitting there doing nothing i used it to cook some chicken legs boiled them, and once cooked, added the beer slowly as the water evaporated
>>750304 you what uh inverted tracheal laryngeoscopy
Beer anyhow is a damn solid base for sauces and stews
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
a dark bottle or can of beer in the fridge should last basically forever if you left it in there for five years i bet it’d turn into really nasty whisky
i quite like beer, but since i dont drink alcohol i dont get to enjoy it much i wish there were actually good non-alc beers or some good barley soda or something
there's a company that specializes in making non-alcoholic bourbon that i really want to try but it's expensive bourbon is one of my favorite flavors
>>750307 I found one company here that makes damn solid nonäalc beer last time I was off the wagon as an addes bonus, it was damn cheap too somethin like 2€ a pint can
>>750311 ehhh i dont really wanna talk about it tired i guess still play mahjong at all?
company is named Finn Spring but as far as I know they are some quite medium sized company, maybe 50 employees so I doubt they have tackled international sales outside of EU
but they do apparently ship to arab emirates, china and even south korea
>>750314 Oh thats fair. I haven't played in a while but I do like it. I actually wanna try and learn the rules properly at some point.
it licked the trap clean AGAIN hwo what kind of ubermouse is this?
well I am not setting that trap again today fed the fucker enough already
i'll have to see if I can set it up to be on hair trigger this guy prolly is so lighti t can step on the plate without it triggering
hmm maybe mix it with some dough so the mouse has to properly commit to eating
But atleast I have finally stopped stressing about it we now live a weird symbiosis where it tries to smooch maximum food out of my traps and I try to trap it and kill it slowly and brutally
maybe I will actually trap it harmlessly and keep it as a pet...
Samu !KW2DbpWwls
>A few weeks after Mr. Neumann fired 7% of the staff in 2016, he somberly addressed the issue at an evening all-hands meeting at headquarters, telling attendees the move was tough but necessary to cut costs, and the company would be better because of it.
Then employees carrying trays of plastic shot glasses filled with tequila came into the room, followed by toasts and drinks.
Soon after, Darryl McDaniels of hip-hop group Run-DMC entered the room, embraced Mr. Neumann and played a set for the staff. Workers danced to the 1980s hit “It’s Tricky” as the tequila trays made more rounds; some others, still focused on the firings, say they were stunned and confused.
random question, but what does red bean paste taste like?
It's a fairly mild sweetness, kind of riding on top of that earthy flavour that you'll know if you've had kidney beans. It's been a good while since I had some last so I'm a bit fuzzy on the particulars. The paste is basically just slightly sweetened adzuki bean so it's not quite kidney flavour but I think all beans kind of share a similar flavour base.
Look at this giant the templar is easily close to 2m and he barely comes close to this guy's shoulders and UPLOAD SPEED PLEASE
if you ever move to finland, don't buy services from telia
but it is amusingly realistic, how in the middle of an actual world ending apocalypse there is an usurper plotting to use thios chance to kill the king and take his throne
I walked past a Popeyes earlier today and they had a Wednesday deal for their sandwiches. I was tempted to get one but I already knew we were getting a fast food-y dinner tonight so I ended up not.
>>750367 when did you send it? i haven't looked at discord in days >>750368 no
da pics and the other stuff prolly weekend or something
>>750369 I slapped some pics + a quite nice discord artist you might use maybe? conseringing the thing and some silly ideas all on saturday night, well for me
... saturday night saturday 00-04
Kirara 🍄
i will take a look
It's in a book
Kirara 🍄
lazarus has great taste he is all about these biscuits
>>750379 If he literally screamed then why isn't it in the recordijg?
it looks like it can be toggled back a bit on the radio so they probably went back after their initial reaction I mean nobody has phone recording on all the time just in case they hear the undertale song and it'd be stupid to recreate the reaction too
what does the fact that you actively track down all these lewd things say about you though
>>750402 I don't actively track them down. I read summaries and then read things, in this case I read because its by a mangaka I like a lot. *read it I read thousands of pages of manga every week. It just so happens that don't know much about what sort of manga you like beyond lewd and little girls.
but i dont even actively read manga let alone ones that are lewd or involve little girls
>>750404 Oh I thought you were keeping up with Seiken-chan?
>>750411 she is Nier from grabble and she is great
>>750412 She's also a mass murderer but she did nothing wrong so is fine. "it's fine
no you see saying “x did nothing wrong” is actually a bad thing becausethe fact that she did horrible things is part of what makes her so wonderful even if you can argue some of her actions are justified
>>750414 Oh, I'm not saying she didn't fo it. I'm saying it wasn't erong of her to do it. *wrong
Also is death her stand or is it like actually Death the one and only or a death
It is the primal beast that represents the arcana Death it governs over death
i would argue calling her a stand is reasonable, they have a mutually beneficial friendship in that they will accept each other when no one else will
Speaking of arcana, Nier is the Lovers
she also shares her voice actress with Sakura Matou
you ever start watching a video and halfway through you realise you had the mobile data turned on and the wifi turned off shitsux
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
The last few moths Vodafone has been giving me 25GB a month as a free gift so I haven't had to worry about data. That's going to dry up soon though
>>750549 >25gb a month as a free gift wtf I love Vodafone now
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>750551 It's like a dealer Gets you hooked Then jacks up the price
>>750553 come snort these great deals only at vodafone
>>750547 yeah it's fucked up or your out //you're out in public using your mobile data and you wonder why it's going so slow and it turns out you're using some shitty public wi-fi
you ever realize your phone is about to broadcast weeb shit so you make unholy goblin noises while you power your volume to prevent the weeb from being hurt heard not hurt
Nope, never.
you're hurting the weeb inside of you
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Blare Weeb shit at top volume. If any cunt wants to fight you then you take them
>>750559 yeah that sucks too I also really hate video ads I finally started using ad blockers solely because I hate having data sucked up by a video ad
>>750561 Wow I bet you scroll faster when anime boobs pop up on your twitter feed in public
>not opening up the image and frantically zooming in
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
Perk if you're still dealing with mouse problems I could walk you through building a simple and extremely effective trap it's a livetrap though
it's similar to a traditional cage fish trap except you can easily swap out the main cage for a jar or plastic bottle the key to it is that the funnel entrance isn't changed too much, you could invert a pop bottles top for catching minnows or something but with mice they're a bit smarter than dumb fish, so the design uses spikes, when the mouse puts themself partially in, they can't decide to pull back because well, they snag, so on the first poke they just go in and avoid the exit they're more humane than a dogs shock collar but some people really dislike the idea so they opt for poison where the mouse ends up in pain for hours as it slowly dies, attempting to find a further and further place to hide inside your house. but because these don't look much like traps to mice, they don't avoid them at all to them it looks like leftover garbage, perfect place to find peanut butter, could even ironically use a peanut butter jar for it last time I made one I just used nails, heated them a bit and poked them through, but i've heard pins work a lot better though you need more of them pins would work better I think because they're flexible, meaning the mouse would brush them away before noticing a snag and then carrying through. hope this helps (also these are much better than snares in survival situations because you can make entrances on both sides and they don't die and start to spoil)
>>750579 >not putting it up on the projector so your classmates can see
>>750593 >I don't know what it is Isn't it the thighs, boobs, and that bow hair thing she wears on top of her head? It looks kind of like the thing Kizuna Ai has
Kirara 🍄
yeah you're just getting taken in by her weirdly proportioned body
>>750595 >>750596 well i mean yeah but like its more effective than just slapping boner fuel on something like the only disappointing part of her outfit is open toed shoes
>>750604 >>750605 Tony the corporations are exploiting your lust again Ryza drains your balls and Toei drains your wallet while you're distracted Wake up
>>750625 ToN you've been in a coma for the past five years. We're trying a new and experimental medical technique to bring you out of it. You need to wake up Tony. You have a beautiful wife waiting for you outside the coma. Please Tony wake up everyone misses you. You have to wake up
>I have a beautiful wife that’s where your trickery fell apart mistee
>>750627 Clearly the reason why you don't have a gf in the dream is because you're subconsciously aware of your commitment and don't want to cheat on her Come on man just wake up
I was trying to estimate sample size for a study yesterday and I couldn't figure out how because I haven't done that for a MANOVA before, but thanks to Google, I found a website called that taught me everything I need to know. This isn't even ironic. This actually happened. I'm in hell
>>750637 Yes you are And she's totally your type And she cosplays whatever gacha character you like too You just need a really hard physical sensation to wake up Just close your eyes and slap yourself in the face, you can meet her right now!
>>750642 Wait what Tony this is no laughing matter You gotta slap yourself in the face to meet your wife who is currently in tears because you're stuck in this coma Come on it's not hard
>>750646 You're totally right my fellow doctor from the real world If Tony wants to wake up he needs to slam his forehead into the corner of his desk If there's no blood it won't work!
>>750649 It doesn't work unless you know why you have to do it. You need to have the will to wake up. Do you have the will to awaken to reality and meet your wife? She has thighs thicker than her skull and she's just waiting for you to wake up so you can use them as a pillow.
>>750653 Do you have any idea how that makes your wife feel? That you aren't even willing to just slam your head into a desk for her? Come on, man up, do it for her.
Alright Tony since you didn't wake up, your wife has left you and is now officially going out with someone else. Sorry it had to be this way buddy. All you had to do was slam your head against a desk Could probably still do it man
>>750659 Turns out the red pill and the blue pill really were the same
Its ok maria now real life can mimic the dream
Kirara 🍄
I can't believe your dragon wife is going to kill you for betraying her
Hey guys guess who's dating a dragon now lmao
>>750660 holy fuck i get to be killed by a dragon waifu that’s like the best possible outcome
>>750662 Imagine having a cute dragon bite right into your neck Like she tears a piece of flesh out and swallows it Then she nibbles your ear before ripping it off Then the last thing you see is her tearing out your jugular vein
>>750664 Holy shit guys we are going to make so much money off of Tony
>>750666 Yeah we're gonna be rich Maybe it could be like Persona but instead of shooting yourself in the head, you summon your demon by having her kill you
>>750668 Honestly I think you could really do something with the concept Like maybe there's an ancient order of people who bond with demonic girls by allowing themselves to be killed by them Because it's the only true way to show dedication
>I feel a pricking sensation on my neck. I know it's already over. I can feel the neurotoxins paralyzing me. Any minute now, she's going to start peeling back my skin to expose the muscle and she's going to dig in.
ToN just think of all the creative ways a dragon girl could kill you She could push you onto the ground and stomp on your chest She could use her tail to strangle you. She'd lovingly look you in the eyes while she watches you squirm around as your're blocked off from oxygen She could could set you on fire and cook you
>>750671 Can you imagine being killed by a ghost girl that can turn her physicality on and off She pushes her intangible arm into your chest You can see it moving around She slowly moves it over to your heart And then she becomes real again, and crushes your heart with the hand that's still in your chest
>>750674 Right? And the best part is that you can see her arm reaching into your chest before she does it You know it's coming But she does it slowly. Just inching her way over to your heart And when she gets there, she turns on her fingers one by one And she waits a good five minutes before she crushes it. Just feeling your fragile heart beating beneath her icey dead fingers And finally she kills you, bringing you with her into the land of the dead It's romantic right!
She's a sadist, though. So first, she causes all kinds of other dysfunction in your body. She starts off by just pulling out some of the bones in your legs so you can't run.
Oh, maybe she could massage your brain a little, too.
a ghost girl could probably reach right through your body and tickle your prostate just sayin
>>750675 That's really good She'd let you run away for a little bit first And then an arm would appear out of a wall or something, pinning you against it Or her hand rises up from the floor to grab your ankel She could push her finger right into your eye You wouldn't know if it was a physical finger or not though So this entire time, the finger's slowly coming towards you, and you're worrying over whether or not it's a tangible finger that's going to gouge your eye out
>>750679 Oh what about a brain parasite that forces you to act certain ways sometimes. She takes over and forces you to burn all your bridges with your friends and family so that only she can have you. She'd make you say really terrible and embarrassing things, then afterwards she'd remind you that it's for your own good. She might even cry a little and say that it's hard for her too but she has to do it because she loves you so much. Then in the death she makes you do it yourself. Imagine the sensation of picking up a knife and your hand just starts moving on its own
THe slime is a good idea too. Maybe you could see it moving around your veins and stuff like that.
you meet the mayor of the town and you're telling her about the monster epidemic and then she takes off her skin and reveals herself to be a reptilian and she sensually claws you to death and lays eggs in your dying body
A leech girl who latches onto you and continually drains blood from your neck until you eventually run out. Also she has a longue tongue like the xenomorph, but it's transparent so you can see the blood coming out
A virus girl! A collective of millions of small girls living inside your body and killing it from the inside out. And they all reproduce. They slowly consume you from the inside as their population grows bigger and bigger and their consumption grows greedier. They have entire societies and wars inside of your body. They produce garbage and waste and dump it inside of you. You get sick and start to die but they just keep consuming you
>>750691 Stealing your water is a pretty good way to go Imagine she puts her finger to your lips and suddenly you feel them drying up and getting all cracked
Kirara 🍄
an ancient witch that survives by stealing youth she starts aging you up and even though you try to get help nobody believes you because you don't have any ID that looks like you, everyone just thinks you're crazy so they put you in a hospital and she just continues to steal your youth until you become bones
Kirara 🍄
a necromancer who wakes up the skeleton inside you which is a cute skeleton girl who desperately wants to escape to serve her new master
>>750694 >tfw there is a cute skeleton girl in all of us
A chef girl chops you up and cooks you and feeds you to a richi ojousama
A scientist that runs experiments on you until you die, then she revives you and does the experiments again until you die. You're not even allowed to rest until she permits it.
Kirara 🍄
it should be a team of scientists that can be the murderorgy route
Coming this summer anime season I Can't Believe I Married A Skinwalker And Now She's Going To Steal My Body!
Kirara 🍄
i never thought my skinwalker gf would walk in my skin
a double-blinded study comparing the efficacy of limb amputation versus current standard of care
You've lost a big gambling debt. In order to pay it back the yakuza sell you into an ancient sect of trained torturers, who excel in the art of extracting information from people. From that day on you serve as the practice doll for a variety of apprentcies, who all just so coincidentally happen to be incredibly cute girls
And their personalities line up with their torture methods. The tsundere girl has a hot and cold personality, so she does things like forcing your hands into below freezing water before slamming them onto aa hot stove
it's not like i want to kill you or anything, baka
>>750710 Don't look at me with that face. Geez, it's not like I wanted to tear off your finger nails or anything like that.
Kirara 🍄
What if the dragon girl incinerates you and she shouts, moeagare! but with a very heavy emphasis on the moe part of the word like moe moe kyun but she's burning you to death
im lookin at this internship site and it says >Interns in the program are expected to work a minimum of 40 hours per week for a full year. Overtime is allowed up to a maximum of 5 hours per week, with a 175 hour cap on total overtime for the year to ensure interns are able to maintain appropriate work/life balance. All interns are required to work two evenings per week until 8 pm.
lol work/life balance they want to pay me $20,000 for a minimum of 22 hours of clinical contact with clients a week in the real world where you aren't being exploited so badly, you do 15 hours of clinical contact
Kirara 🍄
and then all of these other sites are like >this site is in brooklyn, NY >yearly pay: $24,000
Kirara 🍄
>Distance from Major City: 30 Miles from Downtown, Honolulu >Pay: 25800 yeah i'm sure that'll be enough to survive
>>750730 i almost want to go to that interview just to be like "wtf is wrong with y'all"
Kirara 🍄
>In addition to the stipend, the training team also agreed to provide an additional $250 per month in order to make an effort to offset costs to doctoral interns seeking health insurance. i mean the stipend is $28k which is nothing to laugh at but lol $250 per month for health insurance
>Doctoral interns are required to sign a form confirming two years freedom from chemical use problems. wow i have to sign a form at this site saying that i have been without ongoing addiction problems for at least two years
Kirara 🍄
>We encourage applicants in recovery to apply! what a weird thing to say on your brochure but okay
Kirara 🍄
>The population was 628 at the 2010 census jesus fuckin christ this site is in a place with no population
i might apply for that one, it looks up my alley and i could probably get it easily but damn idk if i could live in the middle of nowhere in minnesota which is like middle of nowhere times four
Kirara 🍄
>Each intern rotation is qualitatively different from the other. All our placements are structured with a major and at least one minor rotation. These rotations happen in a concurrent manner over the full year of the internship. Centerstone is committed to fostering good self-care, so we do not have any of our interns work beyond 40 hours weekly.
now you're speaking my language
sometimes i forget minnesota even exists
Kirara 🍄
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
it would help if it was a bit bigger a minnesota is hard tof ind but a biggiesota? ez
so many of these sites are like "you'll do a bunch of rotations through different types of work" like, come on just let me do something i enjoy why do i gotta go and treat kids and people with depression i want substance use and trauma just let me have a job and do the job
>>750746 welcome to every fucking job ever you'll get hired for one thing and then just "yeah we need you to dot his other shit we need done, you don't really have a choice in the matter"
>>750748 yeah but i am about to be given a doctorate i work as a doctor already they should just let me do what i'm good at and what i love
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Doctor Gold? More like Doctor Plunger cause you're scrubbing toilets today mister x
Kirara 🍄
>>750749 exactly they see me as free labor they basically have me doing all kinds of shit instead of just hiring people and they pay me like 50k less than what my work is worth
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Hiring people costs money tho
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
like fucking there was an email sent out by our boss like "we've been hearing people complain about 'this isn't what I signed up for' and stuff and uhhhhhhh yeah don't say that this is your job deal with it"
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
and I bet they're thinking "wtf why is everyone quitting?????"
the directory i have to use to find internship sites is so bad too i can't filter by level of care i can't filter by what the site does
i have to search words like "substance" and then go through a hundred sites listed to find the five that actually do substance related stuff
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>>750757 but if I get with a union I get less benefits/pay or something
Kirara 🍄
>>750759 that's what they tell you to scare you out of joining a union the union can actually secure better benefits and more pay for you
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I remember you mentioning this
Kirara 🍄
>Each intern is expected to perform three psychological evaluations per week. >Interns in the 2019-2020 cohort will receive a competitive stipend. Interns are provided with 5 paid vacation days to be used during the internship year, and up to 5 paid days of sick leave. >competitive stipend >$22,000
Kirara 🍄
>The intern receives paid 48 hours of vacation time, 16 hours of personal time, 64 hours of sick time (if needed) and 12 school holidays during the internship year. >Major medical health care, dental health care, and the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) are provided for the intern and his or her dependents as a part of the internship. hmm
>48 hours that's six days
personal time is paid?
Kirara 🍄
> Interns receive a $200 spending allowance to purchase books and other resources that each intern can keep at the conclusion of the internship. Additionally, interns are provided with up to $300 toward professional conference/workshop expenses and receive up to 5 days of professional development leave. whaaaaat
how long is the internship for actually, a year? >>750767 I ask because we have "Personal Business" which is recognized, unpaid leave so it's like "you're not AWOL but you're out of vacation days so here"
i was making fun of sites asking for 40+ hours with people in my program and one of them is like "well the ones i've seen that was 50 hours a week also give more vacation time. so it makes sense." are you outta your fuckin mind
>Does she not have any money? If not sure $10 is fine haha please boss i love that about you but i just wanted an idea of what's reasonable
Well I don't know how useful it would be for you, but if you have an idea of what you think an hour of work you do should be worth, that can be a useful metric for determining what you charge. Like my friends that do illustration commissions do something similar for pricing their various commission options; they gauge how long it would take for them to complete the illustration and then multiply that by what they think they should get paid for an hour of serious work.
I think that's a really useful skill to develop but I don't know how applicable it is here.
Yeah, I need to get good at something like that. It's hard because I genuinely believe that services should be free. Plus I don't get paid where I work now, so there's no incentive for me to charge a high amount. I mean, given that a typical therapy session is roughly $150, something like $80 or $90 would probably be reasonable for this, but that just feels so unreasonable to me.
these sites always have sales on kratom like at the end of the month it's so dumb people have extra money at the start of the month why do you keep ending your sales before i get paid if you have a sale when i actually have money im likely to buy shit
>>750789 not wveryone has the same pay schedule idk yea that dows seem the most normal tho maybe its an oversight on their part you could send em a hint
>>750794 im sure it has to do with their inventory it's probably not just an arbitrary choice as a customer im still gonna complain about purchasing obstacles though even if it's unreasonable
>>750837 That's nice! I have to start applying for internships soon, so I'm going to start getting a little busier. I'll be getting busier at work, too.
>>750887 I wanna drop a big fat REEEEEEEEEEFUVJKKKFKFK at my workplace
If we want to email a document to a client we have to print it in letterhead, scan it back in, and then email it Like what the fuck is that why can't we just email it
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
You know what would be the ultimate way to get back at centerlink And also a hilariously epic prank Is of you *if you wiped out my three thousand dollars of outstanding debt
>>750912 I have the pins and a bottle ready, but I am still trying the basic mouse trap for a while before I commit to that design would put it in a place where I can kill it brutally by pouring boiling water in the bottle tho
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
>>750924 neat okay i'd say they're more effective than regular mousetraps if built right also mice tend to work together to get out of live traps and a lot of the time when the second mouse attempts to get inside they just get caught too >>>/watch?v=atcc6EPgW8M
wait how big is it is it actually a rat or just one evasive guy
theres a saying, if you see a mouse theres 6 more
no a tiny tiny mouse
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
if it's that small you might be able to just do some sort of a bucket but if it's really small it might not be strong enough to trigger your normal style traps
if its not triggering them at all because they're licking them you can also try gluing a sunflower seed or something put like 2-3 seeds on the trap by the trigger along with the one actually attached to the trigger
I had a bucket trap, but it managed to not small into it it is so small, it can lick off chocopeanutbutter off the trigger plate without triggering it
>make 7z >7z can't open it ... dude what
I don't have seeds
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
well it doesn't need to be seeds, just something solid enough th ey would tug on it oh popcorn sounds not bad but they'd chew off most of it >sausage you're only making them stronger feeding them that protein for mad gains
I have a popcorn in it rn a sauasge triggered it, but it managed to avoid the trap
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
also I mentioned rats too because they'll actively find mouse traps and then kick them over to trigger them on purpose so they can get the bait
>>751018 Just lie I'm sure you can pass for a first year Just show up with a fidget spinner and ask your fellow gen zs how they're hangin
>>751020 Yeah no I'm literally in the same pool there. Twenty-six years young and all these kids are some times in their first year. Fresh out of high school that would put 'em at eighteen, some times even seventeen.
>>751030 Fire Rises >>751031 yeah they are a bit gimmicky though if you really need numbers on screen they are good to have
I bet you can even throw way too many mooks at a party, more than adviced, and still hve them drop them somewhat easily
w h a t a t h r i l l
after intense debate the conclave has elected to posit Siren as Susumu Hirasawa's best album >>>/watch?v=-mqknIyPhBs the elders are unanimous in their assessment that "this shit slaps" >>751036 l0l ok
>>751086 How aren't there actually stuff like this yet?
didn't celeb voices get done almost instantly the moment technology allowed it for gps navigators, so how come the assistant thingies havn't gotten them yet
Kirara 🍄
the assistants aren't really that popular i dont think they're probably trying to appeal to the common man now they didn't think they'd have to invest that much
>>751096 I always love how huffington post is 90% cancer, but they actually have a damn good investigative team that no one notices, cause clickbait shit is what draws in the views
wew, the guy looks like an anatomy doll in the pics
>>751098 Five chapters ago, I lost my sister to the greatest evil the world knows. And she's not just dead but possessed. And now, she's not just possessed but assimilated. And we're chasing her down so she doesn't unlock the <<True Body of Morsayati>> I'm almost certain we are going to fail because we have never succeeded at a chase mission.
>>751103 yeah, bad enough that she got robbed right in front of me. now, we finally actually "hear" from "her" again and she's all. >Can't wait to become one with myself again. I was pretty upset when I played through Chapter 5 the first time. And I'm sure that it'll only get worse.
Hey Kirara you ever think about Reality Winner She just popped into my head the other day and it was internally amusing
>>751109 yeah, but you aren't anywhere near a piece of irredeemable garbage as Emile and it's not even like the guy did something bad. Man is out there trying to save the planet and fucks up
>Talks all this shit >About to get hit >oh yeah, well... FIGHT MY BROTHER THEN irredeemable garbage. I hope he turns into a monster soon so we can kill him without blinking
>Pray forgive him. I know his mouth runs like a mighty river, but in the end, he is harmless as a meadow brook. God damn.
>Good and evil hold no interest for me. Every single one of the royal siblings is useless.
>>751125 IRA is the first song that i have ever been unable to get out of my head by meditating this song is haunting me. i am going to to die. it is just going to play in the background of my mind forever.
This is the worst fucking chapter. God. All my siblings are worthless. We find out that the ancestor couldn't properly seal the greatest evil of mankind. Instead he fused with his dragon and the evil body's core and stayed there for centuries. And now we gotta kill him.
On top of all that, Cleo, the best character in the game, is angry as all hell. Because that's the man she loves. The only person she loves more than me. I'm heartbroken right now. Is this what NTR feels like?
I am liking the end of this chapter. >Okay, I'm whole again. I'm gonna go out and be god now. I really don't care what you guys do. Just swear fealty and I'll pull everybody back. Like seriously. >Nah, fuck that. I want my sister back. >you're gonna trade a perfect world for one person? >EVERYONE ELSE HERE IS GOING TO BE TRASH TODAY. SO I'M GOING TO BE TRASH TOO. Hell yeah, let's go. The siscon has started a fucking war.
I'm getting things on consoles lately because I hate when my PC decides to be unreliable, but also because like I have trouble doing things like /moe/ and PC it just feels better when things are on console sometimes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>you can do shit like PLAID FACIAL MARKS this is some weird stuff
Kirara 🍄
are you gonna make bep or chino
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm currently making what would be a 2.5 Charlotte
Kirara 🍄
woooow post pics
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
oh just in case I mean that not in an oriental sense as much time-wise
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Kirara 🍄
can you be a samurai
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I don't know, but by default there's 7 outfits, none of which are particularly eastern
Kirara 🍄
no fashion vein?!?!
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I mean this is character creator I'm sure there's probably more options later
Kirara 🍄
oh okay
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>clothes advanced editing what i- >you can remove like bits of the excessively anime clothing that's pretty cool actually sleeves? fuck em
Kirara 🍄
there are classes, right? are you gonna be a magic class
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I have 0 clue but you can apparently go magic so if I can go mage with sword that's pretty damn canon
Kirara 🍄
does it have stats?
Kirara 🍄
and levels
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I'm pretty sure this is a situation where I was really hype for a game like a year or two ago but then it gets delayed forever I completely forgot it was being released soon I.e. yesterday found out it was released yesterday
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there is a color section labelled 'gangsta'
Kirara 🍄
i don't think i really heard about it much until you mentioned it
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
yo they put some heart into this character creator there's like fucking glowing colors and shit
Kirara 🍄
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
no sleeves is fucking powerful
Kirara 🍄
is code vein co-op?
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
I am almost certain because it mentions online play with at least 2 players and you can pay for the online functionality as is the norm with Ps4 these days
>>751166 hey kirara im sorry, but could you paypal me 15 bucks for eggs, milk, oatmeal ive been working a ton but im broke until the 1st im getting big paychecks starting next month since i took on new contracts tho
... no blue I mean I have to actually go get groceries
oh, i thought you got that new Fire Emblem: Three Grocers game
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Yeah it was a hard choice but I decided to join House Meijer
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
More reason to want training! If you know how to handle a situation like that, it's less stressful. So the best way to learn is in a non-stressful training environment!
Well, do you think it induced schizophrenia or just induced schizophrenia at an earlier onset? Cause cannabis users have the same schizophrenia incidence numbers but lower age of onset for it.
Well, he's 31, which is late onset for schizophrenia. But meth-induced psychosis becomes schizophrenia for many people who have the potential to become schizophrenic. He's been sober from meth for five months and is clearly still psychotic. To the point that I refused to believe he isn't still using meth until his drug test came back from the lab. His MMPI results look like paranoid schizophrenia, too.
So it's probably schizophrenia. There are cases of meth-induced psychosis lasting long periods of time, but this client only used for 8 months albeit quite heavily, and persistent meth psychosis is associated with 5+ years of regular meth use.
In any case, meth-induced psychosis and schizophrenia are virtually indistinguishable from each other and even responds to the same medications and treatments. The only real difference is prognosis.
Our psychiatrist supports my theory, at least. So right now it's what we're going to work off of.
I'm getting a new IOP client. She has a DUI because she got caught unconscious in her car in an intersection with a BAC of .356. She's like 4'9" and weighs a hundred pounds and also she's 60yo
Kirara 🍄
I guess I'll try out this Code Vein thing everyone seems so excited about
>one of the first Caster-type abilities is to shoot fire perfect
Kirara 🍄
the first 10 gigs is downloaded 40 minutes until it's fully downloaded perfect that gives me time for character creation
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
are you having fun
Somebody was calling me and as I was reaching for me cell, the battery died. Booted it back up again but there's no call record from today. I hope it wasn't anyone important.
I started reading Bernard Jou Iwaku, I like it a lot. I think I'm gonna watch the anime.
>3 minute shorts Fuck
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>create outfit with no sleeves >immediately given sleeves >can't remove sleeves I WANT TO REBEL AGAINST THIS FATE
I've gotten two armor drops so far one has sleeves that you don't wear a la byleth style but it's blue and doesn't MATCH MY AESTHETIC then there's a nice looking coat but it's WEAKER
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
at least I can not wear sleeves in my home base
So I heard this is scifi anime dark souls, how wrong am I?
>you can edit your appearance at any time >>751285 not everyone can just appreciate Charlotte's sleeping face so please take joy in this rare experience
Well I also have D&D characters so its not too different. Although none of mine have heterochromia. Wait One might have it but like its from a plot thing
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
Charlotte didn't have it until recently either so it's fine
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>boobie woman >bikini clerk >normally dressed man >BIG MAN IS // IN WHITE ARMOR
Kirara 🍄
this has really bad voice acting
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you can switch it to JP if you didnt' already I don't feel like reading subtitles currently however
Kirara 🍄
oh i will have to do that ive been in cutscenes
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you had the option if you had gone to settings before new game.
By my standards it's "ok" I wouldn't call it stellar. I'm not vouching for it as much as giving my opinion
>on top of saving characters in character creation, you can save variants of that character you're currently playing as when you change it in the mirror in base yo
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>[ ] Go to hot spring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
>it's a hot spring but you can review lore and also GET HALF YOUR LOST NOT-SOULS FOR FREE WITHOUT RISKING YOUR NECK
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
what's wrong with having a hot spring
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
there's nothing wrong with HAVING one but like whose place of residence HAPPENS to house one
Oh man So I was listening to a song on YouTube that has a JoJo character named after it. And there's a bunch of JoJo references in the comments. But someone made a hilarious reply to one.
>Silence JoJo fan. You are the burnt crust on bread that's bread into the trash where it belongs. You say the same 4 jokes from 3 years ago you human scum. You create the same "funny haha" edits and spam the same copypasta in unwarranted places. You say that everything is a JoJo reference because you think you kinda quirky but you are not you homosexual turtle-fucker. You hound other, poor people into watching your stupid cartoon like your a five year old trying to show you their cool Minecraft house. You enjoy a badly written, plothole ridden, one note character filled, tensionless, unfunny show. You listen to music from the 40 years ago because a senile mangaka named some rocks and a baby after them. You play awful fanservice filled games just so you can see your favourite husbando kick the shit out of Shigechi. Go watch a real piece of art like Evil Dead 2 cringe normie.
>>751320 When I feel low energy, I slap my face, say ganbarimaru, and then I pump myself up by singing or dancing or both. Or I force myself to laugh until I can feel it!
>>751321 I watched episode 1 and hated the mecha design so I didn't watch any more.
it ended up being a pretty fun journey nothing super amazing but it gets some nice immersion i think i might do a rewatch of it in the winter time when it snows
It's got a real good late-plot climax and a solid finale. I think you'd like the story arc.
yeah same im working more now and my head and mind is all fuck i can only do stuff whenever i feel like it anymore and i dont have much control over it so i let some stuff slip by