>>749189 yeah. that one really was a lot but did you do the sync in the curtain?
because i've got pieces connected but they are like two sides of the puzzle >>749193 psyncin in the curtain is one of the psyncs. i just dont wanna say exactly who it was with >>749193 But didnt you OH I see okay.
Kirara π
>>749191 i dont think so since i dont know what that means
my biggest mysteries right now are renju and iris
yeah i haven't done curtain yet
Kirara π
my current big questions about them are: Why was Renju psync'd and killed in the left timelines? and What is Iris' connection to the original Cyclops? I think she's met 87/Date who was the original killer, but I don't know how Iris could have memories of the killings since she was 12 at the time and 87/Date shouldn't have brought her along for the killings. But at the same time, I don't know if I can trust Pewter to have told me the truth about Rohan/87.
>>749194 what I am currently wondering is who psyncd with Date? part of me thinks thats how he lost his eye. my theory of that is that its probably 89. And maybe they went beyond the limit so Date lost memories and 89 thinks he's Date.
>>749195 >>749196 Rohan has to play a part in it somehow. We were told in Iris route that he basically lost one side of his awareness and then gradually just lost his mind. In one memory Date had after psyncing with Iris in the left route, Date saw the room from the perspective opposite of 87, and it looked like only Rohan and Boss were on that side. The room when Hitomi got shot, I mean. And in the beginning Somnium, he sees it from the perspective opposite of 87, too. So Date might be a mix of 87 and Rohan somehow. But I can't figure out how that would happen. I have to wonder, what if it's possible to use the machine to implant memories? Assuming it's possible to connect people's subconsciouses like it was explained, it shouldn't be impossible to implant memories or subconscious drives or something.
>>749198 youre talking about the iris sync that had the room with the sync machine in it?
the one with where you watch the killings or see the blood
How many branches have you found? There are fewer than I expected so far. The left/right one and then each other look like they have one branch each.
>>749210 hahaha when aiba rose into the air i was dead
oh speaking of iris end HOW DID YOU LIKE MINECRAFT MACROSS?
aiba was not having it the whole time fuck shovelforge
Date, I'll do it if you tell me, but put it on the record that I think this bitch is crazy.
Kirara π
cant believe date fell i love with shovelforge
Kirara π
when i found out Pewter was Renju's lover, I was like whaaaaat. Gay people are so uncommon in jp stuff and he had a heterosexual lover prior to that so it totally got me. uchikoshi is a master at managing expectations
have fun figuring out the alternate route for that one though. i only got it because I was lost as hell
>>749214 oh yeah that was good. a really good trick to make you never see it coming.
i cant wait to get home and just blow through these last paths. i dont want to be bothered by anything. well, i dnt know if they are the last but i feel like its coming down to the last few now.
>>749225 Remember when there was achoice? I don't.
i feel like buying the book again. so i can scan it and people can translate it. but I dont know how to "scan good" and I dont wnna waste money scanning badly.
hahaha for real just scan good
Haha Just Close The Scanner Bro
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
just ask kirara he lives to scan
Kirara π
yeah actually i am pretty good at scanning if you want to buy the book and send it to me i can scan it for you keep in mind it means dismantling the book though
>>749232 haha luckily nobody calls me scanner anymore
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
he'd be fine with the dismantling since it'd be a second copy
Of course, that offer is open for anything you need scanned. Although if you ask me to scan something lewd, I'd use my home scanner for that which shouldn't be a problem since that's a normal quality scanner like many scanlators would be using.
Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, two of the lewd books I bought most recently are already scanned. I haven't checked the third one.
>>749230 new tropical storm formed it's fuckin karen she's comin to complain that we aren't neurotypical like her
Kirara π
>>749229 oh, you should check Perfect Dark for scans of it before you buy again, though. Someone has probably uploaded it and it just hasn't been uploaded elsewhere. That happens with a lot of doujin.
I wonder why Concentration Breathing is done with the mouth in Kimetsu. The author clearly has a decent understanding of breathing since the Concentration Breathing is hara breathing. Maybe it's because it's flashier and lets her draw those scenes with mouth close-ups with air coming out.
I mean could you imagine if they were breathing through their noses. Getting an up-close shot of someone's nostrils as the wisps of air flow in/out? It would totally kill the flow of a fight.
Also, breathing training in real life might be able to train someone to the point where even in strenuous activities they can take in enough oxygen through their nose but in the intensive fighting the Demon Corps do it makes a bit more sense to practice breathing through the mouth. You don't want to get light-headed in the middle of a fight because you've been insistent on only breathing through your nose!
Actually, oxygen absorption is less efficient during mouth breathing! People should breathe through their nose especially when performing strenuous tasks. You get better breathing efficiency through your nose because of the way it slows breathing The human body is actually optimized for breathing through the nose entirely You get between 10 and 20% more oxygen uptake if you breathe through your nose and it also helps protect you from airborne bacteria.
I mean, they wouldn't have known the science and the numbers back when Kimetsu takes place, but zen tradition knew nose breathing was best back then, so it would still make sense for them to nose breathe.
Nose breathing also increases lung capacity during training more than mouth breathing does because of the extra oxygen intake.
I really like watching Zenitsu breathe like a fucking steam engine though
Kirara π
Seijima sure has a nice estate. The garden is really wonderful. I'm a little jealous. But I guess that's the kind of thing you can afford when you're a corrupt government official.
>you know I think I could live completely peacefully just with Mizuki END and not bother with the rest but let's see what's in this locked case >holy shit
oh man, so many things that I really can't come up with answers to.
in this thing i saw while psyncing where blue body was on top of seijima... nobody has commented on the fact that it's seijima's head on a woman's body. i thought there would be some comment but still nothing
oh, you're doing that blood side now? I didn't realize that at all.
Kirara π
Yeah, I went to rihAI from VaiN.
I'm surprised you didn't notice. Seijima has yellow clothes on and prominent breasts. Plus there's a choker on, black. But above the choker, it's Seijima's head. I don't know who the body belongs to yet. Maybe it's just a silly detail because it's subconscious but I can't imagine something like that being there randomly.
I was focused on the head. There's the thing that if you haven't seen a person's face, it's hard to picture their faces in a dream. I don't know if that's an actual thing in this game but it might be.
Also, yellow clothes + breasts sounds like the fourth girl in the list of Original Cyclops killings. I remember her the most because she has the same color scheme as Merry wearing pajamas.
Kirara π
>>749277 I think it is. In gumAI, the videos of the killings you see in VaiN, the bodies of the victims are ambiguous, but the heads have photographs of the victims' faces on them.
I wish I could see images of stuff like the original victims in the case files to check
i'm about to curse out the air if they say what I'm expecting it to say
They did not so I am not about to curse out the air.
I think I might have been right about my other thing though or close
hmm this is just a thought that just popped up, but i wonder, if what I think about 87/date/rohan is right, then it should be possible to transfer someone's consciousness to a new body as well. i wonder if in the left timelines, renju stole iris' body.
See, now you're starting to think about what I've been thinking about in >>749195. Especially towards the end of Iris End because it makes no sense for Iris to be asking what I think she was asking. but if the body snatching thing is really a thing then, what's really happening under the hood? Are they psyncing and stealing? And who are they that's stealing? The oh shit
>>749285 If eye missing means the body was stolen, a lot would make sense. But it still feels like I'm not close to the big picture. If you // wait, it would be the opposite. if you lose your eye, you'd be the one moving into the new body. But maybe it's not switching? If it's copying then that explains Date better. Copying your consciousness into a new body and overwriting what was already there. That could be why Date is how is he. If someone overwrote his consciousness and then failed to kill him, it's possible the two consciousnesses are merging which could explain memories from multiple places.
i wish I didn't know the answer because there's still some things I don't know and I want to talk about Like, I was thinking about it and writing it and then the Auto-text started saying exactly what I needed to know and it's only half right now
>>749306 I think I've figured out a lot, but I still don't know if Shoko is the one body hopping or if her body was stolen before her corpse was found. And I don't know why Seijima is helping but I assume it's for money? Another question I have is, if Ota's mom couldn't remember he was in the hospital, how did she remember Ota was dead in the other timeline? And why didn't Pewter react to Renju's death if they were lovers? Something isn't adding up.
Kirara π
another piece comes together i think i have the motive now
i keep seein this dude in my back yard like trying to get these weird fruits that fall from the tree and various herbs and shit he's always just back there snackin away by the shed so i took some fuckin moondrop grapes out there and left 'em by his burrow, and moondrop grapes are real sweet and succulent
but i check back out there the next day and they're just scattered all over the place uneaten what an ungrateful fuck i oughtta evict his spoiled ass
Kirara π
i'm assuming thisbis /// this is an animal of some kind?
Also did any of you guys hear about this? https://www.chicagotribune.com/news/breaking/ct-schaumburg-woodfield-mall-suv-emergency-20190920-i6x7kffhmvfsjixrhf6vn3afqu-story.html
I love mine. This is the worst. I still have one more thing. And they refuse to tell me.
even after all this mud they dragged me through
Kirara π
>>749360 Mayumi told me she saw a polar bear pick out Iris' eye, but that would mean Iris // whoever was in Iris didn't move to a new body. But in the other timeline, Iris gets killed. So there must have been a switch. Unless whether there was a switch or not depends on the timeline... I'm trying to draw it out like a chain of body thefts, but it's getting confusing. I thought maybe Seijima took Boss' body and then killed Seijima's body, but Iris was in the hospital so there shouldn't have been anyone to operate the prototype psync machine. I thought maybe they stole Boss' body before putting Iris under the saw, but in the Mizuki route, the polar bear was Seijima, so that can't be it. A third person could explain it but I don't want to believe there are three Cyclopes. Uchikoshi I can't believe you did this to me with one fucking sentence
I adjusted my theory. I'm 99% sure my basic idea is correct, but I'm fuzzy on some of the details. After I drew it out again, I was able to figure out where I was getting confused. I still need to figure out what happened to Seijima in Ota Route. There must be a third person since Seijima wouldn't have been able to operate the device himself. At first I thought maybe he stole boss' body, but I think that maybe, the boss is actually just in on it. She's the third person.
I definitely have something wrong or I'm missing something. There are a lot of things that still don't make sense, even if I have a good idea of what's going on.
what if it actually doesn t make sense?
that it is ment to never give you the final piece(s)
blue, there'a // there's a mahjong tournament next weekend that me, maria , floops and friends are participating in i don't know how hot your tile passion is these days if you'd like to enter or not it's a 32-player /vg/ tournament but we comprise at least like 6 or so of those 32, so a fair representation
Hmm if I have the time weekends are weird for me so I don't know
Kirara π
I can't believe how good Uchikoshi has gotten at playing my emotions.
Kirara π
ahh this is so stressful
Kirara π
fuuuck it's locked but the other one unlocked ahh i should go to bed but how can i sleep like this
>>749412 by the way did you see the autographs in the restaurant psync
Kirara π
>>749413 yeah but i didn't investigate them should i have?
>>749414 i think if you want to sleep you can just save and then go ad do that particularly the left one
Kirara π
hmn ill go look but idk how i can possibly sleep when im getting close to mysteries being solved
Kirara π
that bastard i should have known he was involved somehow
The latest I can go to bed is in an hour. But I'm worried that it'll be impossible to stop if I continue now. And I also want to solve the mysteries so bad. I'm so close. I've figured out so much.
Wait fuck that's the asshole from the// No wait I'm right it's the asshole from Carole & Tuesday. His name is annoyingly close to that one douche from ... Turkey?
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
you are the BEHOLDER
Instead can I be the BEE HOLDER
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
At last The bench plateau is breaking Feelsgoodman
Yeah until you hit your next plateau down the road.
Do you really have to shit on my hopes and dreams?
There's always a bigger fish! Just keep in mind this feeling of elation when you inevitably come up against the next wall you need to overcome. You overcomer you.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
Anno is not here for your validation We must capture the Anno
The only one who can validate you is yourself!
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>749439 Pssh Like i trust the opinion of that autistic weeaboo
tilde the next tournament was announced today. it's not the team interboard tourney, just the regular one did you want the information to register? i told you i'd let you know after the last one
>>749444 Are they still organizing everything through IRC?
>>749445 yep, the registration is just a browser form though i mean, i guess technically they're organizing it throught mahsoul's tournament interface, but the host yells at people in IRC when their game is up, and that's also where everyone watches the games together and chats about it
I just really don't want to bother with an IRC client. I get a lot of the people who'd frequent /vg/ are
>>749448 Yeah, I know, it's not about the download or installation it's having another channel I -another communication channel I need to keep track of. I don't like having diversity in the programs -redundancy in the programs I use. In this case it would literally only be used for these tournaments and I don't know if I feel driven enough to compete in them to be motivated to use it.
you can use browser IRC you know you don't actually have to download or install anything
it's sort of funny how much stuff was accidentally ruined by discord existing irc, forums, image board cultures I love discord, it's super convenient, but having all of it in one place as a monopoly while traditionalists shun it is a pain with discord you have to obey discords policies which are loose as hell anyways but people flip shit
Well it's like saying the horse-drawn carriage was accidentally ruined by the motorcar existing. Something which is more convenient will always okay nevermind.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
nah it'd be more like saying horses, traditional cotton mills, lathes, and uh fuck what else uses an engine
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
just the same thing but a lot of things many different things were displaced all at once
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Darn kids and their newfangled Servers
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
oh yeah and I forgot about voice chats too, nobody uses them now compared to just discord maybe a back up teamspeak or mumble i guess for when discords down
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Video killed the radio star
Why don't microwaves have volume adjustment functions. Since when has "One sound fits all" ever been a sensible design choice.
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
because with how they work they always make that sound it's just how much insulation they have can't use foam because fires- oh the beeps yes that is dumb I don't think an adjustment feature is needed, just a visible speaker you can put your hand over
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
He means the beeps, obviously
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
>>749576 Protip: Scream really loudly when the microwave pings Nobody will hear it
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
thats a great idea blood curdling screams in the middle of the night what could go wrong
>>749579 The reason I'd rather they be quieter is because I don't like risking waking people up at night. Which screaming really loudly. TOTALLY GOES AGAINST THE POINT OF
yall know what a power vacuum is right let's take that concept and pull back to a generalized form for nondescript resources, one of which would and could be power
for example, having the reptile hierarchy mostly wiped out a few times leaving the resource infrastructure open and exploitable for early stem mammals to flourish that could be another example. i don't mean that specific case, but the general pattern at play there mutual between those two example systems
what's something concrete and pithy to refer to that generalized concept? power vacuum is way too specific to a niche case
ive been calling it like system recall, backpropagation, or something like that for the general systems form but im realizing that's kind of muddled and hand-wavey
I know you're looking for a generalized term. but I do believe that concept in ecology you're talking about does have a proper term though. Caaaan't say I remember it right now unfortunately.
Well I survived class on the less than fumes I'm running on. Now I just need to get home.
well im just looking for something for messaging purposes i have it mathematically well defined from a systems perspective im trying to figure out coherent dialogue to accompany talking about it, since i have a habit of just using a lot of vague words that are more confusing than helpful
it's a pretty fundamental process, so something that gets the idea across without lending itself to misinterpretation or confusion it's a process that our brains undergo every night when we sleep, or when we backpropagate a neural network for machine learning, or externally when major events happen like supernovae deposit complex elements into their nearby neighborhoods, or when a disease wipes out a colony of leafcutter ants leaving the army ants to a whole new range of resources and ways to apply their extra manpower without having to fight off the leafcutters
collapse and regrowth, the natural exhalation of nature
lol pee-chan randomly texted me after i haven't really talked to her in like a year asking what's up so i said i was feeling sick and she's like "that's the worst." and then asked me if i could hook her up with some drugs
>>749654 i sure wish i had my amphetamines i wish i could litigate that dumbass clinic and CMH i mean i could but i wish it were feasible or accessible to do so i dont have the kind of energy to do that, especially without my meds
that's not a bad phrase im pretty much in damage mitigation mode can't afford to get worked up over stuff if i dont have my meds to function under duress
why are you under duress itβs not even that hot outside
Kirara π
how are you gonna see what's inside if you don't get under her duress
jeaus christ that ending uchikoshi is an absolute fucking madman i think that actually broke me what the fuck even though i solved the mysteries i still got completely blindsided
Actually that makes me wonder about smething when you start up a save, that's Aiba in the Wadjet system, isnt it? regaining her fragmented memory as you float around those diamonds. wouldnt she know about parallel wrlds then?
Kirara π
>>749708 wait, is Wadjet System a quantum computer?
I dont know if its quantum but it can do extreme simulations. But if we're talking about what Aiba would know she'd be able to tell the difference.
isnt there going to be a eent or something tomorrow snce the physical release is happening i sould check that
oh and Im still trying to figure out the full combination but Aiba says she's a combination of Date's tastes and I do not see it at all.
but then I realized she has the same hair style as Boss.
>>749710 Aiba before she was reconstructed probably wouldn't have information from other timelines. But if Wadjet is quantum than it could potentially struggle to identify what goes where and might have reconstructed her as having information from timelines she normally wouldn't have had access to. Maybe Date's connection to Aiba and her connection to Wadjet is what helped him SHIFT, though.
i thought that for a bit but it is a mystery still. we just know it happens.
i still want to arrest ota
yeah its such a shame that shes gone. i only just got to meet her too. what a tragedy ... ahhhhhhhh nmmmnmmm i fuckin love omurice
i wanna go to a mahjong parlor so bad and a pachinko parlor too
i think theres apachinko thing on post i know theres at least slots i havent really seen any off post yet but i also havent been out the gate towards the strip cubs and bars yet
quarx and his friend took me to a strip club in memphis it was weird and pretty unflattering i suppose if you're stuck on post all the time with a bunch of sweaty dudes though it might be nice
dunno if theyre locals probably mostly not probably a lot of scammers aand prostitutes
>>749886 The vast majority of dating sims/vns are single player and I think its a pretty reasonable assumption that any dating sim you don't know much about is single player.
>>749885 >multiplayer dating sim hugely untapped genre right there
The supervisor who annoys me a lot is in the hospital. Something about possibly getting a stint? I don't remember. All I know is that everyone's saying he's gonna be gone for like 5 months and I'm just trying to keep my excitement to myself. Because it's kinda fucked up and now the only level 2 left has more work on his plate. But also, fuck yeah, I'm tired of his bitch ass. Get well soon out of my general vicinity, thanks.
>>749898 no, he retired. And even as much as I disagreed with him, I'd still prefer him to be here over the one who currently is. The volume of the office was a lot lower.
Well maybe if you take on the hospitalized one's responsibilities you can chase him out of the position!
If I take on his responsibilities, they'll have a Track Worker doing Level II supervisor work for Track Worker pay. I wouldn't get a promotion like that.
I mean, I'm already doing Level I work but with the tradeoff of not having to go onto the tracks. Level II work is just more work and no extra benefits. I'll pass.
surely it must be more fulfilling to be a higher level
No I get Blue. It's way more fulfilling to have a higher paycheck.
Intern-chan agreed to write a letter to a client's probation officer. So I told her to send it to me when she's done so I can check it. I look at it, and it's two sentences. >Mr. Client Name has to attend 8 weeks of treatment at Clinic Name as per Program Name standards. He has agreed to attend treatment once a week.
It makes me want to cry. It's so bad. It's horrible. You're about to get a Master's degree and you can't even write a professional sounding letter? I didn't expect perfection, but "he has to attend treatment"? Are you for real?
So I had to stop my own important work to write this letter for her. Then she wants her name on it because the client told the PO her name. Ridiculous. You write like a high schooler and are getting jerked around by clients.
So I wrote it under my name as program director and then specified that she was under me and that any questions or concerns should be directed towards me.
Ugh, I got this intern because I thought it would take work off of me but she's just creating more work.
Yeah, but I don't know if feedback can help. I will be meeting with her as her supervisor once a week. But I'm going to have to teach her a lot of extremely basic skills if I want her to become useful to me.
I don't want a pet! I want someone who can do basic tasks that I'm overqualified for!
>>749918 hey can i get the context for this text because i like it every time i see it
>>749913 >tfw "has to atrend feedback" doesn't jump out to me as awful that basically puts me on her level shit what's the issue with "has to attend treatment"
>>749919 It's universal Don't you just wanna go apeshit
you can compare what she wrote to what i wrote >Client Name is currently anticipated to begin receiving outpatient mental health services at Clinic Name as part of his Program Name requirements. Mr. Name presented for an evaluation on DATE, during which he was determined to require treatment for substance abuse-related concerns. Mr. Name is expected to begin treatment on DATE and his treatment is expected to last a minimum of eight weeks from that date. Because of the nature of substance use treatment following a DUI, it is possible his treatment may extend beyond the estimated eight weeks based on various factors such as his attendance, level of participation in treatment, gains made in treatment, and his results on urine drug screens.
>If you have any questions, concerns, or requests, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. We can be reached at [phone number] or via email at [my email].
I don't expect her to be able to write a letter as well as I can because I have more experience and I'm at a higher level, but I expect her to at the very least be able to use professional language. I expected I would edit her letter, not that I would have to write the entire letter. Someone with a /// Someone about to recieve a Master's degree should have some understanding of writing professionally - and someone getting a masters in psychology should have training in writing clinically. It only took me 10 minutes to write the letter, but it meant I had to stop the work that I was doing and focus on something completely unrelated so that I could ensure the clinic doesn't look like a steaming pile of shit to the courts.
I don't expect her to be competent clinically, and I don't mind training her to be a clinician. I just expect her to have a basic level of competence which is basically evidenced by not creating more work for me.
i knew a snake would find its way in here some day i always see sneks out by where the hole is that critters can get in from it's a tiny snaky though i wonder if kitty is gonna eat it or just play with it i doubt he even knows it's an animal. it's just a rubbery string
>>749943 Hopefully it inspires some more movie producers to make some stylish CGI movies too. Disney and Pixar's stuff can look gorgeous, but there's kind of a narrowing of diversity in CGI because of it. Spider-verse was just really a mould-breaker in that aspect
Please don't go around letting random spiders bite you in hope one of them is THE radioactive spider
Kirara π
it'll work eventually
if genetics can influence the size of your bones would it be crazy to think that genetics can iinfluence how much cartilage you have in your joints and maybe i'm not just being a wussy when it comes to my joint pains
Kirara π
it likely is
there's a lot of things that can cause joint pains tho
>>749924 I'm lucky that my emails don't have to be particularly professional and I know that the people above me are trying to just sound demanding when they're on the phone with their superiors. She likely does not know the extent of what is expected in a letter. like "to what point am I giving useful, meaningful information and where does it just become fluff" Yeah, we've all gone through English classes where we've bullshitted our way into five sentence paragraphs but where does it really stop?
Come to think of it, I was asked to send an email today to a supervisor about certain work that was being done this week. He said that he wanted to know X. And I looked it up and I wrote X. Then I looked at it and thought this doesn't look like enough. So I asked, is this really all they want? And he said yeah. So I hit send. I had a response in less than 2 minutes asking me for additional details. And right as I was about to start working on it, they call and I'm getting yelled at and it's past the time I supposed to leave for my quarters.
Then he starts telling me to fluff numbers and now I just start feeling like "what the fuck is the point of this report if we're just going to do this?"
>>749967 A lot of it isn't significantly meaningful now, but it's all worded very precisely for liability reasons. It'll become meaningful if it needs to. I mean, this letter is going to keep someone out of jail. This one piece of paper. We can't half-ass it, you know. It's someone's life, even if I think that dude is a fuck.
Sending emails to my colleagues, I'm just like "hey, did you see this and that?" or "Client Name is getting triggered bad by so-and-so, can you monitor them?"
Oh and as far as writing "letters" goes, I was given a template on all the information that needed to be given so it's like "Okay, perfect. I know what they need to know."
Talesof !NuKeSlvmWE
you know what I forgot when I quit playing fire emblem heroes for a while
>>749969 Yeah, I understand the importance of your work. She probably just doesn't know what needs to be said. I save things like that. Letters and forms and filled out stuff so I can just replicate them in the future. Just replace the names of people and locations with [NAME], [LOCATION], [TIME] etc and save it as TEMPLATE_whatever
Having a template works for me because I can write letters and stuff. For her, I don't want her to use templates yet because she needs to develop this skill as a mental health professional.
But I think it was my mistake for letting her try to write it. I should have written it in the first place. Not just because she's incompetent, but because I'm the program director.
She's just, so bad at everything. She has no work ethic. She doesn't even want to document what she does with clients. I was probably wrong to think that having her would make my life easier. I have high expectations of other people's general competences because I'm extremely competent and it comes naturally to me. Which is why I get so disappointed in the competence of my program colleagues and of this intern.
My boss right now thinks I'm competent enough that I could be a program director in a few years for a substance abuse program somewhere err, clinical director Like oversee a whole clinic But I get frustrated with intern-chan so maybe that's not quite right
that's just part of being the boss managing expectations and knowing what to expect from people i don't know how to instill work ethic into someone (you really can't) just give her what you know she could do or something or show her things directly all I can tell you is what I wish the people in my office would do for me I don't know this person. I just know that I wish people would stop expecting things from me that I literally can not produce because I have no idea what is happening. Maybe she should know since it's part of whatever she's learning but there's no (effective) track school here.
I'm probably not being fair by getting frustrated and just doing the work instead of taking the time to show her how to do it properly, but I only have so much time in the day, you know? I got to where I am because my lowest standards are higher than what others think is good, when it comes to my own work. It's hard for me to allow something I consider substandard to go by me.
Maybe I should reach out to the lady who trained me and see if she has any advice. She has tons of interns, some of which are incompetent, and I learned a lot from her.
I probably need to reframe the way I've been looking at having an intern.
I've gotta be a good senpai. Once we start meeting for an hour a week and I am actually putting aside time to work with her on her professional development, I think I'll feel less frustrated with her.
I just have to look at it as a challenge. How can I make this worm worthy of saying she was taught by super idol kirara? Can I turn this person with no talent into an idol?
well let's see French Earl Grey Tea, something called "Indulgence Tea", Peaches and Cream Tea, Bondi Breakfast Tea, Golden Chai Tea and Tropical Green Tea about 15-20g of each so enough for a cup or two >>750028 I dunno, I'm drinking it now and it seems like earl grey with french vanilla maybe?
>french earl grey you wot mate
>>750027 I've never taken well to teas that call themselves Breakfast teas. There's always this mildness to the flavour that's a bit too flat for me.
>>750030 English Breakfast is included amongst those teas that call themselves Breakfast teas, yes.
I wonder if I'll notice the effects from the caffeine in these teas I doubt it since the amount of caffeine in tea is so miniscule and I'm currently quite used to being dependent on caffeine
>>750034 Tea tends to have other components that in addition to the caffeine can induce effects on the drinker. In particular it does have fairly trace amounts of THC, or at least most black teas do. This doesn't really do much for a person but if you do drink a tonne of tea it might give you some mild elation and similar effects. Overall though tea tends to be less stimulating and more soothing for most people.
holy shit i encountered that super annoying conversation zealot again luckiky this time i quite rudely dismissed him now he is having a one sided conversation with some gaffer
my brother will soon be old enough to get his licence I'm gonna miss being a personal taxi /s
Cheers to your freedom.
It's not all that bad, it's just a bit irritating at times he'll just spring it on me sometimes that he randomly needs to be picked up and other times he gives me warning but doesn't time it well (ie tells me he would like a lift at 4:00, when really he wants to leave at 4:30)
23 years of not having a liscence and being PROUD of it Enjoy your speeding coffins
I just don't want to drive a car. A motorbike or electric scooter does appeal to me though. Even though I'd have to get over a real bad flinch reflex judging from how I handle piloting a Sea-Doo.
I would love not having to drive although driving itself isn't inheretly bad, it's just dealing with things like deadlines and other people that kind of sour the experience
And don't get me started on PETROL PRICES
>>750090 Cars are so unweildy and bulky A motorbike would be really cool
>>750090 They do seem cool but they're probably really scary to use
i used to use a motorcycle nothing fancy just a cheaper one it was a lot of fun but it's kind of a
kind of a pain sometimes* it's nice having the leisure of a seat to lean back and stretch out in the fancy motorcycles are pretty leisurely but they're so expensive
>>750098 is leaning around corners fun? that sort of thing looks like a lot of fun
bikes are cool but they can be way less predictable than cars and are less safe which makes driving around them a serious pain in the ass most riders ride reasonably but probably 40% of them weave through traffic like it's normal and spend all of their time in blindspots which creates a distraction and makes other drives drive less attentively to what's in front of them that 40% needs to be more mindful
biggest danger to bikers are cars tho
even if you drive safe, the car drivers might not just plain old notice you or just are asdholes and drive way too vlose go you etc
I worry how many bikers I've secretly killed
Kirara π
>>750102 yeah for sure but that's partially because bikes are not suitable for sharing the same roads as cars there's no way to make it safer for them
>>750107 Yeah. We need to get rid of bikes, too, though. Roads should primarily be used by buses. We also need lots of trains. Reducing the number of roads would free up a lot of space that we could use productively for gardens or planting trees or whatever.
>>750109 Cyclists are fine. It's the city development that's the problem.
>>750108 are buses going to go everywhere they need to go? they're going to be travelling large amounts of kms just because a bus can't take them far enough
>>750108 >cyvlists are fine wait till you ever go to netherlands, any of the svandis or finland
Kirara π
>>750118 what do you mean? most of the people i know from those places absolutely love biking there
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
i been to amsterdam, that shit rules
>>750119 they are suicidal assholes who reguse to believe that they jave to also follow trafgic laws and also refuse to steer to the side so cars can go past
bikes really donβt have to follow traffic laws except in badly designed cities tbh >>750122 ah nah i just walked thru the district
oh and if you run over a cyclist, it most likely is your fault, even if the guy practically dive bombs insurance fraud inftont of you, over the speed limit
Kirara π
yeah, the problem is that the cities are poorly designed once we get rid of cars it'll be fine
>>750122 >your dick is so old and wrinkled it belongs in a museum
>>750125 hajaha not hete cycΓΆist have so many roafs for thrm alone doesn't still stop them from being a general menace to pedestrians or heavy traffic
there is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than enough energy for this even today we have an excess amount of energy produced and most of is is wasted >>750146 yes there is
no there isn't
>>750145 theb explain energy shortages in nordic energy thingie
Kirara π
do you know how much energy the US military alone uses? more than a nordic country
a lot but you can~t ttanafer that everywhere
Kirara π
yeah, i mean most energy used to power nations can't be transferred everywhere but the energy used by the military could be produced elsewhere which would enable it to be used elsewhere, like where it actually is needed
mm, but what would happen to shipping lanes without us navy?
Kirara π
nothing the US Navy doesn't actually protect shipping lanes
... pirates would disahree
>>750152 its existence does it removes the need for anyone else to do it
>>750151 I'm sure that the US navy can downsize a little bit without a major increase in piracy
>>750155 >>750154 >>750156 if you remove the US Navy's air corps, you basically remove the entire US Navy which has been organized around the Air Corps for the last 80 years you can't say get rid of the Air Corps as a way of downsizing it
>>750159 exactly. the US Navy hardly deals with pirates
>>750156 Just look at all those aircraft carriers being used to bomb somali pirates god bless
>>750157 i am just sayinf they cpiΓΆd use the US airforce instead of US NAVAL airforce... it is bit exvessive to have largest airforce and second largest airforce yourself...
>>750160 the US' military is supposed to be excessive the idea is that we are the gods of this world and nobody should even dare to think to stand against us we have aircraft carriers all over the world because we want every nation to know that if they do anything to slight us, we can bomb them into oblivion in a matter of seconds
that is to say, they don't care about pirates typically
well thry follow the same doctrine that had the british own the seas previously: a navy tgat is larger than the second and third largest navies combined
>>750162 well piracy exists barely nowadays, mainly because of just how easy it is to catch vessels with radar, planes etc, but also because of the ever present us navy threat. threat of punishment is oft d'enough to deter opportunists
somalia is a bit unique, due to its location and well having lots of guns around a spot in the world with lots of traffic, while being remote enough to escape possible enforcement
i d'don't yhink removing us navy would just trsult in 2nd golden age of piracy, but eventually oppirtunists wpuld try their luck and once enough success comes, suddenly the convoys of old would have to return or you'd arm the ships themselves
Kirara π
damn i can't believe adding more buses and trains forced a return to the 1700s era seas
also ypu can never add enough buses anyhow t. person living in a 400+ bus line city
>>750177 Some supermarkets have services where they send a truck around with groceries A food bus
Even then though, that still doesn't work out for less populated areas where such a thing isn't financially viable Let's just collectively socially shame people for using cars when they don't need to
>>750179 >>750180 in very limitef areas or it just costs insane amounts
Kirara π
>>750181 nah when i buy groceries from amazon, they're cheaper than if i go to the store and there's no added fees for delivery other than shipping costs which are super low as long as you order at least 5 things
grocery delivery guy here saying "I have nothing to add to this conversation I just wanted to say that lol"
>>750182 that id vcause the company has so large logistics in place to service the g'huge, but scarcely connected populace of us
Kirara π
>>750184 yeah, so in other words, it should be easily attainable in places like finland
amazon finland isn't even a thing btw
Kirara π
yeah but if capitalism is so great there should be a service like that there right? why don't you have it
>>750187 not if there aren't customers people in remote areas have cars, peole in populated areas have stores every 100m i just happen to live in a quite unique mix
Kirara π
the same is true here but we still have that as a successful business
nah, they got denied supplies and support which led to something like 5000 people dying from hurricane-related reasons the story is that trump did it because he was mad that he got denied the ability to turn half the island into a golf course or something but who knows
>>750254 hey ton how long have you been standing here
Kirara π
juul is suspending all vape lobbying and advertising it's such a scam, im so mad about it they're going to use the controversy to sell their new IQOS devices instead which are even worse than vaping in terms of nicotine and use real tobacco it's all a game to get kids hooked on tobacco again
wow linkβs awakening is a short game when you donβt have to menu constantly
Yeah, I think a lot of people don't realize those older 2D Zelda games aren't really all that long in playtime. They felt longer when we were kids because kids are bad at video games and because every thing feels longer as a kid.
Samu π¦ !KW2DbpWwls
>>750253 what a cluster >>750276 yea i never finished the game as a kid i spent a lot of time in town mowing the lawn in various patterns, digging up the entire beach, and being super afraid of going into the swamp i feel like i probably eventually did like 6/8 dungeons
Kind of weird to me that somebody can make it to an upper level Philosophy course without having encountered the concept of essence and existence being separate things.