Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou Bem Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Fruits Basket Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 10-11 Kanata no Astra (double-length episode) Lord El-Melloi II Episode 9-11 Maou-sama, Retry! Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 8-12 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume Episode 10-11
i was hoping so too, but it's not looking that way, sorry i shouldn't have said that. i'm super excited for kanata too you two can watch it if you want though
Kanata's technically the length of two episodes tonight anyway it's kind of sneaky logic to call it one!
Esther seems pretty convinced there isn't any of Hirumi left in the body anymore. But the artificial soul is either really enjoying playing the act of it or she's still a conscious force in there.
It's a bit weird seeing Sisters without their headgear. Without a good look at their eyes they look pretty much just like Misaka, but they don't have the sheer power she's got as a Level 5.
People that begin to ascend to Level 6 always seem to get real monstrous. Hirumi in particular seems to have gotten kind of Eldritch.
Oh the way she was acting like Hirumi was just a reproduction of her personality. So it wasn't really an act just a bit of leftover program routine.
So that's why her necromancy magic seems like Chinese magic with a European naming sense laid atop.
Wow she really turned into a monster sharp teeth too
Well it's not really Hirumi anymore in there anymore. Oh that was redundant. It looks like aside from a bit of leftover personality routine she really was dead from the moment she drowned herself.
>That girl wouldn't have died I mean, Esther's arrival on the scene probably was at fault for Hirumi drowning herself, but by all accounts it seemed like she was gonna die young regardless. And Esther giving her hope of reincarnation just accelerated it. So it's poor logic to say she's the one at fault for Hirumi's death.
Hah hah she doesn't seem all that impressed with him.
The OST was getting really nice there before the OP cut-in.
There's some pretty gorgeous architecture in this city.
Oh she's not unphased by him anymore. She had a bit of the eartip blush going on there; that sort of thing is pretty cute.
She's normally a lot more cool and collected so it's kind of weird to see her flip kind of aggressively into this otome mode.
I wonder if Albert knows his mother is like this. The way he went after Annie talking about her voice could be him trying to help out and recruit potential voices for her.
Hmm, the sound isn't bad but she is kind of off-pitch. Maybe that's what his mother meant by how she's got potential.
Hah hah Bem is kind of adorably dorky. He's acting like her crushing on Albert is some kind of medical abnormality. Seems like it's just a foreign notion to him though.
Geez louise that's a stage costume.
Oh and that's a transformation.
Well I guess that indicates he's innocent to his mom's monstrousity.
Hah hah hah I'd picked up that the mother was voiced by Ohara Sayaka but the cackle-shriek she gave there was really Beato-poi. Umineko trained her well.
Wow she did herself in bringing the stage down on her. How poetic for a villainous singer.
This kind of echoes the situation the little boy of the three of them got mistaken for killing his could-be friend earlier in the series. Though she seems to have taken it a bit better than he did.
And I guess the boy that's crushing on her has some interesting tastes in beauty.
He's good at keeping it cool even though he's under pressure.
Well it's been absurd situation after absurd situation ever since he got isekai'd. By comparison a girl finding herself in his bath is probably kind of mundane.
The eldest holy sister is extremely cute gosh. Kind of like Luna she's prime bully material but her reactions are less bratty than Luna.
Man I wish I could take a really soothing bath like that.
Wow now he's gonna get her drunk. Handing off alcohol to someone without being sure they know what it is is definitely a kind of sinister thing to do. Sasuga Maou
Just one sip and she's already getting influenced.
Oh that's where the halo comes from. How properly angelic now.
Honestly I can think of some pretty villainous reasons for a Maou to bei -be in possession of an angel's halo.
She's totally going to get it in her head that he's some kind of dark angel or something.
Well to also be fair he's not speaking any lies. Or at least lies as far as he knows. From what he gathered at the start of the series this Seraph was responsible for isekai-ing him here.
Hah hah she thinks he's Lucifer. That's pretty much a dark angel.
Most of the episode was him getting a rare chance to flirt with someone more appropriate for him to romance with. So I guess now it's time for daughter service.
So we're finally getting back to more standard isekai fare. Just in time for the series to be over hah hah
Oh maybe it's a thirteen episode series. Those are a bit uncommon.
Hah hah what. Wait there ISN'T a thirteenth episode? Is this getting a second season? Are they just gonna cut off at that point because it's funny? Nani the fuck.
I knew her pinch wouldnt be a big pinch she's out of trouble already.
Wise and Medhi are both a bit bitchy. It's fun to have characters like that around.
Though their guild house got blown up anyway, hah hah. It was already kind of a wreck though so not much was lost.
Ah I was wondering how long it would take for Mamako to get into the maid outfit. I knew from the illustrator's Twitter that she gets into it eventually.
THat does kinda remind me how does time in the real world work while they're in here?
They haven't really established how it would, hah hah. Wise and Medhi's mothers have logged out after getting beat but as far as we know the main party's been here the whole time. Considering how they kind of hand-waved them into the game in the first place it's probably not something they've put any thought into.
Wise really is only ever around to get bullied. I wonder if the author has some kind of bone to pick with mage characters in MMOs.