I don't even know what that thing looks like. Like at least most aquatic creature ... look like other aquatic creatures.
Kirara 🍄
It looks kind of... jelly fishy. Like a jelly sponge? Maybe.
Kirara 🍄
But the weirdest thing is that it's got bones. Even though it looks like jelly.
And despite the fact that it was found at least 3.5km deep in the ocean. That far down you don't really want unnecessary bones; they're just a liability.
Kirara 🍄
What it really looks like is the thing the Good Hunter turns into when they kill the Moon Presence.
Maybe that's just where they've been sleeping all this time.
>>748347 hey I had to quote some research from American psychology journals for a think I wrote are you able to look at it and tell me if it makes sense? it's only about a page long.
>hematologically >did you mean "hematologic ally"? thanks Word
i'm gonna bring my switch to work and play when i dont have clients well, if the AC is fixed upstairs i wouldn't play downstairs where clients would see me i'd hide upstairs
by the way did you blow away the bird cage or did you do the thing with the panda
I'm guessing panda
Kirara 🍄
>>748362 i did it with the panda it seemed like the most obvious or wait panda was to stop it from spinning i put a picture back together to get rid of the cage
i want to watch more of it but i have to WORK im gonna be working like 12 more hours maybe even more
>>748364 yeah, the panda part only happens with the picture having the story branch from the dreams is all kinds of surreal shit
Kirara 🍄
>>748366 hmm last night i met the yakuza guys after renju died and was on my way to meet ota when i stopped
>>748371 maybe in the moment i would but my immediate feeling is that i would not give marrow to anyone having never been in that situation it's hard to say whether that unwillingness would still be there
Imagine having a limb amputated and given to a friend Isn't that amazing They can go on fighting because they can hold their sword with your arm How romantic
>>748391 Woah yeah that's pretty good And you can have like a dance thing going on too. Like they have spanish guitars going on in the background and they do that pose where they have hands joined out in front of them but the hands are holding the sword Then right above the finisher pose you stamp down some fancy looking kanji in a really big font and it has the attack name It'd be sick
spotify on pc is such a slow shit to start should just set it at "start on startup"
Or you could just pirate your music like a normal human being.
Today's problem classroom is particularly unbearable today. The climate in it is absolutely stifling. I guess it won't be a big deal once it starts to get cold here, since this building doesn't retain heat well, but until then. Oof.
It was certainly an interesting experience. I probably need to do it again to get an idea of how to get more out of it.
god damnit the mice still hasn't come out to eat and die yesterday I saw it climbing one of the blanks, but I spooked it so it ran back to its hidyhole
maybe once I actually sleep through the entire night for once, it will come out to eat or it ain't hungry enough yet to dare this place
or alternatively I threw it away in the trashback this morning
We caught the mouse, or at least a mouse, last night. Hopefully it's the only one that's pestering our house.
My sister's gone off to the hospital tonight. She'll probably be having her baby in the next few days.
Yeah, my mom's pretty excited over it. My sister lives four hours away though so my parents can't really be there for her immediately. They are gonna take our grandparents over there in a few weeks to see the baby though.
Uchikoshi is just taunting me at this point I am being made fun of. This is what Battler must've felt like. Someone delete this post before something happens
My sleep has been a real mess lately. Like bad enough it's been making me late for classes even in the first couple weeks of class. Which for some slight context is especially fucking stupid on my part because not one day of classes starts before eleven. That couples with anxiety over being late because I get erratic thoughts about how it looks to professors or other people. I'm not always the most reliable in terms of coursework completion so I end up thinking "At least if I always show up properly to class I can at least pretend like I'm being a good student". So having that taken away from me can really undermine me pretty bad. I was late for class today and it -and when it came time to leave it kind of had to push myself out the front door. And through the class I was late for it was hard to focus at times through the worries I was burdening myself down with.
i ended up sleeping through like 8 of the hours i was supposed to
dropped jeez moe eight of the hours i was supposed to be working today some stuff i didn't even get started on until after the deadline passed
even though i got sufficient sleep the day before, i just got hit with wave after wave of sleepiness that kept me from being able to work at all
my vision started dimming again so i had to just sleep and deal with whatever repercussions that meant this doctor fucked my life up so bad by not giving me my meds
Though slightly more amusingly I did step up for the kind of thing that's kind of outside my comfort zone. I'm content to do readings for classes or contribute to discussion from the comfort of my seat in the room but being up at the front of the room is kind of uncomfotable for me. And for one class today the professor wanted volunteers to do a live reading of one of the short stories of the day's lecture. I guess in part because I was feeling antsy I had an urge to offer myself for it but as soon as I got up there at the front I was thinking "Oh fuck what did I get myself into". Most of the rooms and halls at my university still use old projector/white screen set ups so being there in front of the rest of the class with that spotlight-like light of the projector shining down on me was a good bit unnerving, hah hah. I dunno if any of the students noticed but I was feeling like my shifting from leg to leg and slight restlessness was kind of noticeable, but maybe that was just left over erratic thoughts from before leaving the house.
It was such a small contribution in terms of active participation after being brought up to the front too, hah hah. I spent far more time quiet and standing there than actually doing the reading. Though maybe that's in part what was making me so antsy. Idle hands and all.
i dont think anyone notices other people's restlessness on a conscious level really and nobody thinks anything of it if they do everyone knows what nervousness feels like so that's noticed but kind of flies under the radar and isn't thought much about and even then it's certainly nothing anyone's going to criticize
>>748606 people were probably just glad that you were doing the reading and not them.
Yeah I guess I should express that in reflection I don't think I was being absurd or weird. It's more these are the kinds of thoughts that come to me in impulse in the moment and it can some times make it hard to keep straight. Having the focus on me always makes me uneasy and when I'm uneasy I'm super-attentive to how I'm being and that takes up way more of my focus than I'd like it to. It also kind of encourages me to not put myself in positions where I'm likely to get the focus on me since I'd rather avoid that feeling of unease rather than bear through it. Which , despite volunteering as a bit of an impulse, was why doing so was definitely a bit outside my comfort zone.
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>748605 what happens if you hand work in after the deadline? do they still pay you for it?
Although recently I've stopped giving a fuck about a lot of things which ends up making me much more outgoing without trying to be Because you just don't care about people's perceptions.
>>748610 what happens when you get a package delivered late? it's late that's about all there is to it it looks bad some things are urgent, some things aren't really urgent and it doesn't matter and the deadlines are self-imposed
>>748613 at least you're up and doing productive things now like posting cute girls
oh speaking of packages one of the books I ordered came in maybe I'll read it over the weekend before I'll give to my grandfather >>748615 it's a story of a guy staying in a mental institution, based on the author's own experience after he attempted to shoot the Labor leader at the time
what is it
oh neat ive always wanted to stay at a mental institute
those dont feel like major concessions to me sure there are things that id miss that i wouldnt be able to have/do but there's also things now that i miss that would come with some of those associated freedoms
mind over matter im very good at living inside my own head regardless of the conditions around me it's a very robust and cozy place for me i'd enjoy just being in a coma for the rest of my life quite happily
That client I've been teaching to meditate is really impressive. We've meditated together four times and she isn't meditating at home, but she was able to meditate for 10 minutes and 13 minutes yesterday during our session. She goes all out with it even though she's struggling to do it at home. It's admirable! I've always wished I could be earnest like that, but that's just not how I am, haha.
Asymmetrical as in "I feel one way about them but they feel less/more about me." or as in "We never have time for each other because we're always busy when the other is not."
as in the friendship means a whole whole lot to me and i get emotional about it easily whereas the other party probably doesn't have me cross their mind unless im interacting with them they likely wouldn't be strongly impacted if we were to fall out of contact and never interact again
those situations really get to me and make me pretty sulky i want to do something about it but i probably can't
>>748646 I'll be honest. You might be right. I have had a lot of relationships like that and it's just... I don't know maybe it depends on the person you're trying to friendship with. Like there wasn't much I could do about some people. Although others kind of end up sticking better. You just have to mean something to them, I guess. You can't always do something about it but if ... I feel like I'm just saying something circular now. How do we make ourselves mean more to someone?
You obviously can't! You can't control what things mean to others no matter how hard you try.
Kirara 🍄
There's not a single day where the high is over 90 degrees in the ten day forecast. Of course, heat index will bring it past 90, but it's a good sign that autumn is here.
>>748650 But not necessarily significant influence. The influence we have won't necessarily be meaningful at all. They might barely notice what we're doing or they might be closed off to our influence. In the end, we don't actually have the power to influence unless the other person is giving us that power.
yeah I was digging through some files on the family computer because I don't know where the scanned docs go and there's a few screenshots from when sam had some fun with the code
>>748459 i am STILL being made fun of but now in a different way. >>748667 i thought i bought tickets for it but aparently i hd opened the page and never filled it out. way to go me.
I dont think I have to tell Kirara this. But PLEASE Choose Disco Ball omg
in other news, Somnium Files is great.
Good to hear. I'll play it eventually. Probably.
Should probably play through the Zero Escape games first though.
ZE is great but you really dont have to totally different experience well... not totally But theres no need to put one in front of the oher. if anything Id say play Ai First because its just one game and youll get to experience the fresh Uchikoshi nonsense.
Well in addition I already own the Zero Escape games on Steam and I would have to buy the other one.
oh that wuld do it.
Samu 🦉 !KW2DbpWwls
who goose here?
I wanna G O O S E
not me, not yet. busy being ai
blue i just want you to know that kirara suggested you should get NTR’d
Kirara 🍄
that's a complete lie i would never looking up a picture of an anime girl is not ntr!!
i cant be ntrd because there is no one that can be stolen from me because i have no one
Kirara 🍄
you have me ♥️
but not in a way that can be stolen from me so i am still free
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
i wanted to play goose before but its an epic games exclusive now lmao guess im not ever going to get a chance to play my cutesy silly meme game without pirating it
>>748703 that makes it even less likely that i'll play it i was gonna get a switch a couple years ago for smashbros but they didnt have any in stock or copies of smash so I said fuck it
how unfortunate the switch is drowning me in games for the next three months and even last month. i havent had to buy a pc game in a while
like i have finished two of the five ive gotten and there are about three more in the pipeline to get within the next 20 days
>>748712 it was good but quite short there seem to be some post game challenges nice dynamic music system
Ojii !2Code3TV3M
the heck? it's short? it was in development for years it was originally one of those games done quick concepts iirc but the fact that they spent this long releasing it, I assumed it would have had a couple dozen missions at least
Kirara 🍄
yeah i thought it'd be a little long i was thinking maybe 8 hours at least
Kirara 🍄
but i dont mind a short game in fact short games are nice for me because i'm busy all the time now and i get pulled into games easily
Time in development doesn't necessarily translate into expansive game content. Especially with indie development games where the developers might not have the means to work on games without needing other work to sustain themselves, the amount of time they can actually put into the game might end up being quite limited.
My coworker whose dog was sick has been bringing the dog in again since she had to have an eye surgically removed.
Today during our treatment team meeting, the dog was in the front office while we were in the conference room. Intern-chan comes back to the meeting room and asks where the dog's owner was because the dog's eye was bleeding. We told her the co- // coworker was in the bathroom, and intern-chan goes "Ah, what should I do? I can't reach her in the bathroom." And everyone collectively kind of looked at each other like, what the hell? So we all started saying she can knock on the door and tell the coworker through the door or wait for the coworker to come out of the bathroom. And intern-chan just looked so confused.
I don't understand how someone aged 23 who is about to get their master's degree can be so utterly inept in just about every way. She can't even scan documents properly and complains when I ask her to do simple things like upload two documents separately rather than together. It's baffling!
>>748720 if the experience is good, lenght doesn't matter imo tho there are some exceptions to this, say a 60 dollar game being short as few hours and single player only
She's chou unprofessional, too. After telling me for weeks that she'd take over this group I do, which I have been training her for, she said today, "I don't know if I can do the Thursday group, Thursday is my only day off..." Could you be any more unprofessional? I mean, come on. So I moved the group to a day she's already working.
I just don't get it. I told her I want to set an hour aside with her once a week for supervision so I can go over her clients with her and help her figure out what she's doing since this is her first clinical experience ever, and she acts like it's a pain. She's got no idea how lucky she is! I'm doing all kinds of things to help her get experience that will look good on her application to a doctoral program, and even though she's applying for one, she doesn't seem willing to take advantage of the opportunities for training I'm offering her.
I think you should set her up for talking about all her lck of common sense and common work ethics etc might be that she just is really inexperienced about world outside of academia
btw question when categorising your files, do you place anime movies inside anime folders or movie folders?
>>748727 You'd think so, but she has a job, too. Even though she has no bills and lives with her parents, she prioritizes this minimum wage job she has at a cell phone store over her internship.
btw I went over some 13th age default classes and atleast dark elf racial can hit even with nat 1 but most of time fumble is a fumble and nothing happens
>>748728 I just use a "Videos" folder and lump any videos I want to archive into it.
>>748719 i did not even know it had missions i thought it was just an asshole simulator where ypu go day to day fucking with people
I mean all my audiovisual media is linked to the video folder that windows provides usefully, ofc but I do have like Movies, Moohvees and Mohawes folders in 3 different HDDs
i hit a dead end in somnium and i am upset
Then I submit myself to punishment at the hands of Kirara for becoming such a petty bourgeois.
In reality I would just pick which ever harddrive is the largest and put my entire archive collection into that one.
fuck i keep sleeping uncontrollably im sleeping through the work day and doing work after hours
which is probably fine since all my clients are 9-5 so it's all the same to them
aset must be protected at all costa
im trying to clean my room a little because the spectrum person has to come fix my internet but i just wanna save my frens >>748749 you're going to like her even more once you start doing the other paths
Kirara 🍄
>>748752 im interrogating her right now and showing she could have murdered someone. i dont think she did it though
Kyaa Fuckin' Formal Ball I'm so bad at this stuff. Gotta dress up all nice and fancy. Gotta hang out with her friends and try not to come across as an autistic social retard
w-what if she wants to dance?
Kirara 🍄
i know she's a good girl a-set is definitely a good girl
nah no one gets the beauty of patchy's patches but me
Seems like my sister is doing well. They had to get the baby out via c-section, which my sister didn't really want, but there weren't any major complications.
Kirara 🍄
uchikoshi you son of a bitch how dare you make me manage time
I feel really bad for Mizuki. If this were real, I don't know if I'd be able to help her.
It's weird that this polygonal animated girl is making me think about my ability as a psychologist.
It makes me want to learn to do EMDR. EMDR training is like $2000, though.
there is no way this path leads to what I need and I cant wait to see how it all goes south >>748808 Mizuki is all kinds of stressed and I dont know how i'd be able to do anything if I went through that
I can do cognitive processing therapy and exposure therapy.
I can even do VR exposure now for trauma.
But how could I make a little girl relive all these deaths over and over until she's desensitized to it? I'd probably feel pretty bad about it. I don't mind pushing adults like that, but I don't think I should do that to a kid.
One of my colleagues is an expert on trauma work. She has like 10,000 hours of trauma work experience or more.
>mizuki got hit in lmao mizuki >my technician got into a fender bender issue >someone wont get here until 8pm tncheck my internet i really could have went somewhere this afternoon.
i do not like this path. i hope it doesnt end in death
i take that back
i am almost certain this path is awaste of time but its like ... candy
god damnit the fucker found a way to get into my trash bin and I found it there had it even cornered but couldn't land a blow
Wish I had a long mallet like the one they use in horse polo or whatever? had one at my mother's place and it was so good for mice killing since it had a wide reach and over a 1m range
well I set up two traps in the cupboard where my trash bin is, made the bag hard to enter, so if it tries again I can hear it and go kill it and also noticed there is a LARGE HOLE leading from that cupboard to my pantry cupboard havn't seen any signs of entry there, but I went ahead and gave it as good enough sealing as I could.
I really want to know what the person(s) who made this kitchen were thinking
so many holes for the mouse to jump into and escape into the foundations I think I will drown this mouse or burn it alive or suffocate it or starve it crushing it to death will be too good an quick it needs to suffer
>>748833 No party plans for you, huh? Nah, it's one of my doctoral program parties. People give me shit if I don't show up. They're really lame, since they're at a professor's house and it's basically just people sitting around talking. And everyone is a professor or a student in the program, so I can't even really meet people, you know.
I still need to get tickets for MAN WITH A MISSION for tomorrow, There's another five or seven hours left in the buy online window though. Should probably also look into the venue and how easy it is to get to from my house.
Oh it's just two blocks from a subway station that's easy.
Yeah. I'm not really interested so I'll just show up and stay for an hour or so. Right now I'm kind of feeling focused on pursuing a relationship so a party with people who aren't eligible for that doesn't interest me very much. If I'm going to spend time with a ton of strangers, I'd like the prospect of a potential encounter out of it at least.
AnnoSearch [iqdb](244 KB, 532x502, Doomed.PNG)Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
Heh I got a question from my Mentee, she's Vietnamese and English is her second language, and it was something about claiming legal damages for witnessesing something traumatic And then it the sample question went on to talk about trauma that comes from witnessing violence on tv And 9/11 was used as an example
So i spent ages writing her an email about proximity tests for liability and making claims for emotional suffering And she could *comes back with: >Yeah. Ok. That's for that >but what i don't understand is how I'm supposed to do research on "9.11" >it's just a number
Ah you're still doing the mentor work eh. Good for you.
>think I'm finally done with html assignment >put it through the validator >there's a bajillion errors
Wow, Kirara's route was maximum mizu suffering holy crap time to sleep
oh no, things are starting to make sense now
The Link's Awakening Switch port really is as adorable as it was looking to be. I dunno when I'll pick it up since it's something I've already played in full as a kid, but it'll be nice to revist the nostalgia of it.
Hey Moon, have you ever heard of the game The Outer Wilds? It's a nicely made game with a focus on visual and auditory exploration and rewards. If there's anyone you know that does let's plays you like that's done it I'd recommend seeing if it's something you enjoy.
>>748906 i'll look into it, thanks i dont think ive heard of it
It's a relatively recent release and it's only come out for Xbox One and the Xbox PC game store so far, so I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people haven't heard about it.
Dissertation work, meditation, stuff like that. I might go to the beach late tonight. Oh yeah, I have to do some web design stuff and marketing work this weekend, too.
Gugh, I spent way too long banging my head against a problem in a game. Finally resolved it but it kind of feels like a "Won the battle, lost the war" feeling.
A Minecraft modpack I've been playing through for a while. It uses a quest system and the progression-based systems of the mods to give a pretty nice directive to what's, well, pretty infamously otherwise a fairly directionless game. I was trying to deal with an item-routing problem and couldn't figure out how to get the infrastructure I was using to move stuff properly. Eventually I had to throw out the infrastructure in question and use a different approach. Which is -Which probably contributed to the exhausted feeling at the end of it, hah hah.
>>748929 probably beats FGO grinding. I've lost the battle AND the war.
Doesn't minecraft have it's own storymode now anyway?
No, there was a Telltale adventure game released called Story Mode though. The vanilla game does have a "winnable" game progression but it's pretty barebones and the appeal of the game is still the sandbox, "Make your own objectives" game genre that polarizes people's interests in it.
i like to whip my eggs so much that they get fluffy almost like bread they get really big if you do it too much it gets frothy, but just a bit before that so it stays consistent and bakes fluffy like a loaf
well if tge game is poplar the thing will get more light shone init eventually
Kirara 🍄
>>748965 My current theory is that 87 and Date are the same person and Date somehow split from him or something. And Date got parts that were emotional or something. So I'm thinking the same thing.
I'm on dakkAI right now. Split from psychin in the main to irAI
But the character relationships are getting so convoluted that I want to start drawing a chart to track it
Kirara 🍄
that's just a theory btw, not like actual spoilers
>>748968 yeah, i see how you could think that. and I think kinda similarly and I might know how it happened.
Kirara 🍄
>>748969 I'm not sure how yet. I have a vague idea of certain events I'm certain were involved but I don't exactly know how they're connected yet.
have you gotten any character ends yet?
Kirara 🍄
No. So far I only hit that locked end. I haven't had any endings yet.
I got Iris's and BOY DO I have some thoughts.
Kirara 🍄
Iris is the person I'm most suspicious of right now. Not that I think she's malicious or anything, but there's definitely something up there that I haven't even gotten close to. She's probably not aware of it either.
Sudoku style time telepathy maybe??
once you get there, you'll understand. actually, now that I think about it, I don't even know how youd feel about it.
Kirara 🍄
I already don't know how to feel about what's going on with her. It's so suspicious. If I hadn't seen her somnium in that other timeline, I don't think any of this would bother me so much.
The party was even lamer than I expected. A professor's mother flirted with me and tried to pressure me into drinking while constantly putting her beer in my face so I could smell it. Someone pretended they were going to push me into the pool and got annoyed that I didn't react. Someone told me my cat has a human nose. People I've met once in my life acted excited to see me. We took a class photo, and I was in the middle because I'm the only guy, and then people started saying I looked like a pimp.
What losers. Who wants to be a pimp's woman anyway.
Aaaaaaaahhhh oh no I took out a lot of the excess stuff in my wallet and cards I don't need/would be worried if I lost. Which is totally a normal thing for me to do when I go out somewhere that might be a little hectic. But I also took out my transit card which I need to pay bus fare. And I only discovered this after I'd walked the ~15 minutes to the bus stop. I'm totally going to be late for the doors opening hah hah
Yeah, they're all losers. A bunch of them left around when I did to go drink downtown. If I could still drink, I'd probably be able to handle those people more easily and maybe I'd even have fun with them. We're getting too old to act like that, anyway. Late 20s is settle down time, not all night bar crawl time.
>>748989 Oh no. I hope you won't be late for the show.
oh there is fucking interwebs Why is it that some people completely lack the "I am about twice this person's age, I shouldn't flirt with them" sense?
That doesn't really seem like a necessary sense for people to have Some people are quite comfortable in a relationship that has a wide age gap. It's far more important to have a sense of when your flirting is unwelcome, regardless of age difference or other variables.
>>748995 She was drinking, she's 80, and I guess she doesn't csre anymore.
Eighty and mid-twenties sure is a wild gap though.
>>748990 Well I've probably got half an hour to an hour after doors open before the actual live begins. It'll still such suck since I won't really have time to settle in but I probably won't miss the performance.
PK: I have built seven traps in the last hour to make sure this mouse gets trapped so I can beat it with a hammer. Also PK: Dude look at this cute spider.
One eats my food and spreads diseases, other eats flies and mosquitoes and other pests solely if I had a big spider that ate mice, I 'd let it loose to eat the mouse
The most recent MWAM studio album is actually pretty solid. I've been listening to is since it's got Winding Road on it but so far there hasn't been any track I haven't enjoyed listening to.
i should
you could
Oh shit someone on this train has a FLAG.
...oh boy. unknown suitcase found on train lmao LMAO >All conductors to channel 4 please? >roger >theres an unknown suitcase on board and no ones claimi- >YOURE ON THE PA.
ahhh this is great its like
I think my spiderbro started building a web
or is searching for a spot
or it wants to make friends with me up close and personal
>>749017 that's because you're in the database now bitch
Aaaahh The show hasn't started yet but I do wish I'd gotten here earlier. Could have gotten closer to the stage and not have to really suffer my short height.
I’m going to swing. from the chandelier. i’m going to live. like tomorrow doesn’t exist.
Ah they gave us the same"No photos, no video" requet they gave Blue.
i should see promare tomorrow
>>749026 you dont wanna be bothered with that ayway. ejoy the hype
do you remember
>>749022 There's a lower space closer to the stage that would be more elevated. This back space where there was only space left is more on level with the stage yeah.
it came out in may and it is only now in US theatres? also I do dislike when a wikipedia article for a movie or a series, doesn t have a synopsis just "wall of text detailing entire plot of movie"
Kirara 🍄
Wait, it says online that it's not in theaters. Apparently they only had showings September 18-20.
also I find it weird how atleast japanese animu movies, but I think it was the same for annozilla too, take so damn long to get the BDs/home release out. is not like they run the movie that longer in theatres than us in the west Hell, here some movies come out on bds the moment they stop running in theatres
Kirara 🍄
Isn't Promare still in theaters in Japan? It was still running in August, at least.
quite a long time to run a movie in theatres guess they do it for an entire quarter but still it generally takes like... 7 months at bare minimum for a BD of a movie to come out if not an entire year
Well, they probably want to encourage people to go see the movie. If they put it out sooner, people will just wait for it. But if it's in theaters for a while and then won't be out on BD for months, you have social incentive to go see it so you can get in on the hype because if you don't, you'll be missing out on it and you'll be too late to get in on it after the year has passed.
just curious how they havn 't started doing it like it is done in well I guess mostly for hollywood movies, but they are the trend setters their movies come out on home release quite quick nowadays japan kinda goes with the old model like say take when lotrs came out, it was pretty much a 10 month wait though, that was most likely a tactical move, since they were christmas movies, so why not also wait just before next one comes out to release the previous one for people to enjoy before watching the sequel but still, in the past it was the same, about 7-12 month wait
>>749049 and they ended it with a shot of the train even though there's only one episode left and the train arc would easily need at least 5 episodes
what if that was the last ep?
or ep26 is some beach episode
Kirara 🍄
there's one more episode 26 is called "new mission" so are they going to just have them boarding the train at the end of it? that's a really weird way to end the season i wouldn't mind a light-hearted silly episode to end it off
yeah there might be some filler episode come to think of it the anime has had 0 filler
Kirara 🍄
well, the anime has added material to give more context and fill out gaps which has been really fucking good so they lengthened everything enough that they didn't really need filler
yeah it has added stuff, like say making the 9th moon fight longer etc but it is just what you do with some media
Better lengthening the existing material, without of course turning it into 5 minutes, than adding extra stuff or in my opinion, cutting shit away a good example being the "you need 3 LNs to make a season"
The Youjo Senki movie was actually both of these they cut away the Desert warfare part that covers vol 4 or 5? well the volume that the movie covers, that part was about 1/3rd of the book and it was just a 5 minute intro
But then they mixed the Mary Sue introduction by having the multinational brigade start out in russia, instead of england, so Tanya and Sue basically met when the russian conflict part of that book happened, which was 1/3rd of it too with the last 3rd being "battle of england with mages" where tanya and Mary actually first meet in a one sided curb stomp battle
but nonetheless back to my point, they cut away some part to make way for the meat of the story they wanted to focus on, the beginning of the war with russia and then expanded on that and decided to just leave the british air skirmishes for S2 or cut it away entirely, as its part in the story in da books were just to have tanya and mary meet in the most logical places for an american expeditionary force and germans to meet.
what a coincidence I also finished the current episode of kimetsu so shelf your bullying mister Kirara
the expeditionary force being in russia was kinda "dafug" since they arrived before russia, to the surprise of everyone attacked germany, and they also had PURGED all their mages to gulags, so I doubt they would accept foreign capitalist mages on their soil... but well, not that big a deal in terms of the movie/anime version of the series, since it doesn t dedicate good chunk of its lenght, unlike the books, to realpolitiks
btw the "five minutes" up there is the infamous "this planet blows up in 5 minutes" and then 10 episodes later...
btw is it just me or do metal cups somehow add a flavour to drinks?
I get called "Nice" a lot I don't like it. I don't want to be Nice.
I'm vicious and ruthless!
I did a lot of jumping tonight. Not just because it's hard to see over the heads of people that are generally almost always at least a bit taller than you. But also because it's fun to jump when the crowd's rowdy. My lower thighs are feeling pretty shot, hah hah
you mean you had to go out and be around a bunch of other people? why sorry to hear that
Well I didn't have to. It was a voluntary choice!
a $2 bag of frozen vegetables, a $1 box of spaghetti, and a $3 worth of cheese and mayonaisse makes like 6 or 7 pretty good-sized meals easy to add in some proteins or mushrooms or anything like that too
Yeah pasta like spaghetti makes for great base for a whole lot of dishes.
whole wheat spaghet is pretty good too i have a 3-pound bag of oranges for like less than four bucks too, and grapefruits $15 can feed me for a week no problem the idea of spending like 20 bucks on a pizza or some shit seems so preposterous
i could understand going out somwhere for a sit-down meal sure, but pizza's just delivered to you and it's really not that exciting either
I enjoy pizza every now and then, but I have the advantage of being pretty content with just the base cheese and sauce, and some free seasoning the pizza place I order from carries. For me enjoying pizza is also about the experience of, well, having the pizza. Like there's just something kind of celebratory? There's a better adjective for this but my brain is a little fuzzed. But that experience of having the pizza is in part the reason for having it for me.
>>749098 yeah i'd get some pizza with friends or family for a little get-together sure in my context of just being at home by myself regardless though, there's not much there
my roommate works ar // at a pizza place so he just gets himself pizza like every day, albeit at a discount i can understand that but i wouldnt want to do that
he's saving up for a japan trip too // move, rather, not a trip i scold him a little bit in that regard
Mahou Shoujo Marsh-chan
>>749100 I'm inclined to agree with you but i think we might be in the minority.
It's not even less effort than cooking at home for me because I'm too stingy to pay for delivery and so I just walk out to the pizza parlour. Which is about a half-hour round trip. Though this still works out more for my benefit since there's walk-in specials I couldn't get if I was ordering through delivery, so it saves me even more money on top of that.
im a really indecisive person, so even justifying paying for delivery or looking at the menu and determining a selection takes a lot of effort for me by the time i have an order placed, i could have already made a steaming hot bowl consisting of four or five different food groups that tastes good and is cheap
my legs work! I don't need anyone else bringing my food to me
>>749105 if they're going to deliver it to you, why stop halfway and just bring it to your door? real service would be delivering it straight to your mouth
>>749110 don't want to be a nuisance people are trying to sleep after all even though they lost their fucking job and I'm the only one that'll be paying bills again l m a o fucking fuck no wonder they didn't want to hire me lol it's ok though i had some booze left for such an occasion >>749112 i don't even fucking like Ice cream honestly
>>749114 will wow this guy doesn't revel in suffering what s fucking weirdo what do you listen to then
I've been letting Spotify guide me to stuff a lot lately. For a good while I didn't really listen to a lot of music that wasn't anisong and stuff from Japan, yeah, so I didn't really have anything anchoring myself to western music. This is a really nice song that was on my conscious for a good while after discovering it >>>/watch?v=Qx0Ri7BfM_U This is very much in the absolute opposite direction of angery music but it's got such a soothing feel to it for me >>>/watch?v=1UPRxjoEvRE Oh this one is kind of angery but I'unno >>>/watch?v=crIk87-mPzY
I've also been listening to a good bit of MAN WITH A MISSION recently because they had a live performance here in Toronto tonight so I was getting into the vibe. They're more punk-poppy than anything but a lot of fun. A lot of their stuff that hasn't been in anisong is actually really fucking solid and worth looking into I'd say.
i really need new headphones not only are these corsairs physically falling apart, their sound range is starting to bork
a friend said he was gonna send me a hand-me-down headset but he never did i need good headphones in order to work and i need to work in order to make money and i need money in order to get a headset aaaaaaa
here's another one i really like i'll just keep this post open as i search for stuff so i don't snuff poor tilde off the front page >>>/watch?v=iNI3dUIO3vc it really gets my blood pumpin >>749121 battered like a swan absolutely clobbered completely disfigured and lambasted
not angry but im just posting this for no real reason because i haven't heard it in months and that's a sin in itself >>>/watch?v=hfPnq3i4Udw
>>749117 i appreciate the help I'm checking it out >>749118 it's pretty good anyways omfg I'm plastered I'm knackered as the Bushmen day
>>749119 The cushioning cover on my headphones completely fell off a couple months back and I don't really want to have duct tape anywhere near my hair so I just chucked both the cushioning and the cover. Honestly it works fine enough but it is a bit too big for my head without the cushioning. The fabric on the actual headphones is starting to fall off too though and so eventually I'll have to find something I can actually wear around my ears.
>>749120 Beer-battered like a Scottish fish 'n chips.
ya ok gotcha i found susumu hirasawa l know everything will be ok everyone will figured it ou tllt it's on ill it's ok its ok it's ok
Ah hell yes I found it. There was a song Spotify threw at me that I really liked but like some dumbfuck I forgot to tell the app I liked it. So it was being impossible to find. >>>/watch?v=abbcMEEENP4
Oh it's from a collab project including the guy who does Bon Iver no wonder I liked it.
Okay last one I don't think this is a very angery song but I feel it embodies the anger at life's misfortunes really well. >>>/watch?v=eetIgGXH6DA
remember staind haha what a time
I feel I listened to at least one of their songs but no I actually don't.
im gonna miss this show i hope there's some derivative works, like short panels or some just filler extra content
I would have liked to spend more time with the characters but I don't know if I'd say I'll miss it. My thoughts of it after the fact are just happiness at how well everything was wrapped up. There's few things that leave me in such a good mood than a story that wraps up so satisfyingly. Maybe that means saying goodbye to it being a fresh and undiscovered experience but that's just a part of the transaction. And the results are more than worth it to me.
This has been a really emotionally intense week for me. In all sorts of flavours. It's left me feeling a good bit exhausted, but in a kind of satisfying way. I guess it's good to get my emotions a work out every now and then to make sure the muscles don't atrophy.
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
I wish someone would pay me to pull a sleigh. I'd be so fucking good at it.
Change your name to Rudolph and get to applying.
and drink your nose perma red
or sniff
Marsh shitposting on the go via Telephone
But what if they laugh and call me names?
shoot a lasor from your lasornose at them
>Give up a tile I can't use because I'm already in Tempai >Puts me into Furiten because it completes a triplet I would have otherwise Well okay that's annoying- >Two players call Ron on it >Gives one of them a Haneman putting me into negative points Well okay fuck that.
welcome to mahjong aka fourth place avoidance simulator
If that's really the only way to play then tell me that's the case so I can drop it and never come back. I don't enjoy a mentality like that I would much rather take chances that let me be aggressive rather than submissive.
it is a gambling game so it's pretty unforgiving defense is a huge part of it though
like, those opportunities to play aggressively are rooted in having a solid defense already in place it's a steep learning curve but i don't think it's so awful
>>749148 as a gambling game, what's supposed to make that fun is having value attached to all of it, money or rank or some collateral friendly matches in the /vg/ general are a lot more chill though people aren't hyper defensive, they want to have fun playing with other people after getting stressed out from the more stressful ranked matches
It's not about a learning it's about the fact that I will refuse to do a defensive play just because the aggressive play has a chance of failing. That sort of thing just is. not. fun. for me.
>>749147 It's not about things being chill or serious; these sorts of things don't stress me out. I get frustrated in the moment because it's a pretty miserable moment but I'm good at letting go of that frustrated pretty fast. I'll preface this by saying I know it'll probably feel like I'm chewing you out in particular but what digs into me is when I'm told "You have to do things this way or you're not going to do well". I don't believe there's much merit in developing a narrow strategy for a game that is predominantly reliant on luck. Especially when I'm (from my perspective) told "You have do things you don't find fun in a game in order to do well in the game". If I'm playing a game I'm doing so to have fun, so it feels like a waste to do things that aren't fun to succeed. There's no shortage of things I enjoy playing so it's pretty easy for me to ditch something like that to go find something more consistently fun.
This got a bit rambly I'm still feeling a bit foozy from tonight sorry.
learn to always play 0 points and you will win may also require you to be a cute girl
>>749149 that's understandable. it's really not fun, not in the ranked sense. it's a lot of fun i think to play a casual game with friends, especially with a live set and physical tiles
playing ranked is meant to emulate either gambling or tournament play, which i really don't think anyone finds fun there's a different driving passion there to the performance, competition, and all that, but fun isn't it
maybe im miscommunicating with words like chill, serious, and stress, but competitive play isn't about fun i dont have fun when im playing mahjong, and im not looking for fun. i do have fun when i play with maria and floop and some others in a casual game though i enjoy taking risks there and throwing down against my friends and their intentions, with no special reward there besides personal gratification
i hope im making sense and not coming off condescending by saying you have to play a certain way im just saying if you're going to compete, as in play competitively, the people who are sacrificing their sense of fun to have a competitive advantage are going to do so, so competitive success and fun are opposing forces in some sense
>>749147 >threeway wait riichi with an ittsu >deal into an open tanyao This fucking game man
Anyway, to jump into someone elses conversation, mahjong is fun to me because it has risk. There's an intensity to it. If I could push every hand with no repercussions there would be no danger or tension and no fun. If you just want to play aggressively then ranked probably just isn't for you
>>749151 My problem with the notion of sacrificing fun to have a competitive advantage is that it's still just an advantage in regards to luck. You can trim your performance all you want to improve your chances with that random luck, but it's still luck in the end. I'm content to give up a few points of some imaginary competitive advantage rating if it means not sacrificing the fun I have by playing aggressive and always going for a winning hand rather than folding. They'll have better odds, sure, but it's still just odds.
And maybe it's disrespectful to other people in the competitive environment to place more value in fun than competitive advantage but I am always going to put my own fun first in that situation, sorry. Because I do have fun playing in that competitive environment. I think it's silly, in my personal view of doing things, to not look to have fun just because competition is centerpoint.
Also I guess I should say that when I post about a frustrating loss like the one above it's not because I see it as a problem that needs fixing. I'm just blowing off the steam of it being a rotten situation I found myself in. After posting about it I'll get up, go get another cup of tea, and when I sit back down I've pretty much already put the emotional frustration behind me.
Well, I would say that it's not about playing aggressively or defensively specifically. They're one in the same. You have to have defensive senses in order to know what you can and can't get away with in order to successfully play aggressively. And if you don't have any aggressive potential, there's nothing to gain from being defensive besides hoping someone else deals in before you do. i dont think i really see the game the same way everyone else does so i can't particularly speak to the same things as everyone else, but if i venture to intuit what tilde or others mean, then i think it's not a matter of playing one way or playing another way. it's all playing the same way but at different levels of investment and complexity.
i used to get really frustrated, feeling that i had to play my hand a certain way or else i'd have no chance, and it felt like i was removing any of my own control over things. but as i learned to be defensive, read tiles more, i gained more awareness about what my options were and how much control i actually do have over my hand. im still able to play aggressive, but that "aggression" looks different than what i imagined it to be when i was newer. the high impact aggression is a lot more subtle in its presentation than simply building up big hands or playing fast or any of the things that i might have considered aggressive in ways that maybe didn't even matter.
>>749153 i know you dont see it as problems that need fixing, and i wasnt trying to suggest it needed to be fixed when i say "welcome to mahjong, aka fourth place avoidance simulator," it's because that kind of situation is ubiquitous and relatable and i have felt that kind of frustration enough times to be able to communicate that flavor of frustration in a small quip i'm not saying "well duh you need to play more defensively" i'm relating to your plight in how cruel and relentless this game is sometimes. but i will say that yes, that
>>749152 I don't really see how your statements line up. There are obviously repercussions for me pushing my hands -- that's precisely why I'm talking with Moon about this whole thing. If I go for the push and I lose, then, well, I lose. Chance wasn't on my side that time. But just because I'm not polishing my competitive advantage rating doesn't mean I'm going to always lose. Hell it doesn't even mean I lose particularly more than others if you look at my personal data. So I don't understand why me not wanting to not play aggressively means ranked isn't for me. There's sore moments, sure, but there's also really ecstatic moments when the aggressive play I like to do pays off. And I'm happy to take that frustration from the push failing if it means also getting those times where the aggression pays off.
>>749154 yes, that frustration never really goes away. you can try to limit your exposure to it in the way that you play, but folding all your hands is really unrewarding there are other ways to augment the environment to suit you rather than folding, but it takes a lot of care and calcuation and doesn't always pay off
im always getting that frustration still in my games i got screwed out of a lot of games lately and my rank keeps bouncing up and down and i'm struggling to get back to where i was right now, while still enduring more bullshit that comes along it can be really unnerving
if it gets to be too tilting, i stop and play some casual matches with people and find a purer enjoyment in that.
none of that is to say the competitive play is deeper or more significant than casual matches, or that you're disrespectful to comp play for wanting to have fun just consider it different markets that are available and the competitive platform is one of the most popular markets
>>749155 the part where you said > If that's really the only way to play then tell me that's the case so I can drop it and never come back. But hey if you're having fun as is then more power to you
I was kind of baiting Moon there for a response I knew Moon wasn't the kind of person to give me hah hah. My point was though that, throughout the discussions like this one that have popped up between Moon and I whenever I've been blowing some steam off on a lousy loss, is that there's always a bit of Moon's preferred playstyle bleeding through. So it kind of feels like Moon's saying (in my perspective) "You have to play in this way if you're playing ranked". Which gets me annoyed because I flat out don't believe that's true in the slightest. If other people want to sacrifice their fun to improve their odds they can do it all they want but tell me I'm wrong for wanting to have fun and I'll get annoyed. I don't care what other people do but I don't like being told I'm wrong for doing something without being given a reasonable argument for why it's wrong.
i would have given you that response, but i felt it wasn't necessarily true because there is a large segment of people who enjoy the casual play, who i think you'd really enjoy playing with (and i do too) that's why i tried to sell you on those matches rather than tell you the whole game is fruitless, but i think some signals got crossed i'm pretty blunt about saying ranked isn't very fun though
defense isn't a playstyle in mahjong, it's a game element. it's something you have to do sometimes. not all the time. you can't push every hand. that's like trying to play poker and trying to push your hand when you have a pair of twos just because you refuse to fold
im not saying be defensive 100% of the time all the time, but there's a significant fundamental of the game around defending yourself from other people's hands, and even defending your own hand that you want to push. you can of course play hyper aggressive and defend by being a constant threat, which is like playing a rushdown character in a fighting game, or like playing ursa in dota where your defense is making sure nobody wants to be close to you
you gotta fold some hands though. im really reluctant to do it too, and im constantly getting punished for it you know how stubborn i can be, and i'll hold on to my hand to the bitter end and fight it as long as possible, and i do often go against the odds and get rewarded for it despite that, a lot of other players still criticize my play
in the tournament, i made a few HUGE plays that really paid of from completely disregarding defense, but the spectators were still saying a lot of my plays were bad despite that they paid off. so im the last person who's going to be saying you have to do something a certain way. i hated doing that in dota, too. but i think you still should be aware of the strategic landscape, whether you want to play with the grain or not
>>749159 Casual play is, well, too casual. There's not really any weight to it. I don't really find getting big hands exciting just because I get them, they're exciting when I get them and that shoots me into a higher place and then reward follows for doing so. That's why I've talked abouti -about it being a shame that you can't put Coppers wagers on friendlies, even though like we talked about before I totally understand why.
And ranked might not be much fun for you, and for others, but as I said above, it's fun for me. That teetering on the edge of success or failure is definitely an environment that's stimulating for me. I'm not really a competitive person, much, enough that I have a desire to win and not lose in a competition at least, but I am very much comfortable and engaged in a competitive environment.
>>749160 Defense and aggression also isn't a binary, or even an either/or choice all time. It's not like I won't be defensive ever when playing; it's just if my situation requires me to pick between an aggressive chance -OR- a defensive fold/cutback, I will always prefer to choose the aggressive chance, because to do otherwise just feels un-fun. And if the only drawback to doing so is making the chances of me losing a bit higher, then I'm happy to take those chances.
>>749158 I know I'll probably regret saying this but your initial response to "welcome to fourth place avoidance" seems a little overblown for what was a pretty casual remark
>>749163 I kinda wish majsoul didn't carry over the fourth place is death system from Tenhou It tips the scales way too far towards defence
>>749160 You were, what, 32k points behind everyone else in that tournament? Aggressive play is totally warranted there It'd be stupid not to push since you'll lose even if you don't deal in
>>749162 Well yeah, and -yeah, but this is a dialogue Moon and I have kind of been carrying on for a while now. It springs up every now and then. So there's a good bit more compacted there than just Moon's single remark! I'm also comfortable enough around Moon that I feel I can be a little snippy and impolite if I'm feeling annoyed. If my remark had really gotten Moon bothered I feel I could have stepped it back afterwards. But I don't think that was likely going to happen.
>>749161 there was a lot of stuff so i dunno if you saw it, but yeah i was saying how defense and aggression are kind of one in the same, or two sides of the dice they enable each other and complement, so if you practice being more defensive, you get better execution on your aggression too imo probably tabun
Ahhhh the frizziness and headache I had from overheating and dehydrating myself is finally receding. It's nice to have proper cognizance again.