Gugh, my Internet was giving me grief. I think it's working again now. To be safe though I'll be only downloading what ends up getting picked for watching tonight.
Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Bem DanMachi Dr. Stone Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Granbelm Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 10-12 Kimetsu no Yaiba Lord El-Melloi II Episode 9-12 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 8-12 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume Episode 10-12 Vinland Saga Carole & Tuesday
Bad translation. He did say "kami", but since he's a Thor worshipper that should probably have been translated as Thor.
In that case neither made booze! I mean I guess Jesus reportedly turned water into wine but he didn't create booze. And Thor isn't the Norse pantheon member that is associated with fermentation and alcohol.
Ohtsuka Akio is such a great seiyuu. He's got that rough back of the throat yell that he puts himself fully into and it sounds great. He's also actually a really good singer too.
I feel kind of bad for Canute. He's being treated like a prize to be obtained rather than an actual human bean.
I wonder if those two are going to end up teaming up. Thorkell seems like a natural ally to him.
I think there's kind of a ticking clock on that. I'm pretty sure eventually Thorfinn is going to embrace his father's philosophy on the horrors of fighting and strive to avoid it. At which point he'll end up at odds with Thorkell's battle-crazy nature.
Though I could maybe understand why the Danish king seems to have such a spiteful relationship with Canute. Like if he is a guy, can you imagine how it would feel for a warrior king to have an effeminate son. Especially considering how Canute seems to be more interested in praying and faith rather than glory and battle. In the kind of warrior culture the Danish king is the head of, it probably feels insulting to him.
Not that I agree with that I'm just working through why he seems to have a toxic opinion of his own son.
Wait I need a bit to finish the download since like I said I only torrented the stuff I needed for the night because I was concerned about my Internet.
And either way it's starkly obvious you're wrapped up elsewhere and honestly I would rather you attend to that business and wrap it up before we do anything else tonight. Because it's getting really, really tiresome just sitting here talking to myself. If that's how it's going to be I don't know why I shouldn't just go watch things by myself since that's pretty much what it ends up being.
I get you've found someone you really like doing stuff with but on my side it just feels like I'm a bit of a third wheel.
I guess I'll see you in five or ten minutes when you glance in on the thread.
Did they ever explain to Tamaki that the eigth was investigating the other squads. Eighth even. She got transferred in because she was associated with star-eyes from the last arc but I don't think their secret objective ever actually got brought up.
hmmm I don't think they ever explained anything to her. She's a gag character unless she's involved in a fight.
Well either way it's an easy thing to explain off screen, I guess. She's obviously in on the secret that there's shady stuff going on in the fire fighting organization by now after all.
Maki hasn't really changed much since whenever this flashback takes place. Looks like it's from the captain, lieutenant, and Maki's time in the military though.
The firefighters look a lot more normal in the flashback
I'm trying to remember who the captain of the third was. These firefighters seem a bit scummy. I don't think it was the Very Japanese guy.
>>749520 Looks like Obi at this time was just a normal firefighter instead of the ones that fight these Infernals.
I guess I got mixed up, I thought Obi knew Haniwa and Maki from the military. But I guess it was just Haniwa and Maki. It's probably this budding friendship between the two men that gets Maki into Obi's squad too.
These calmer Infernals are kind of ... I dunno, a little more interesting to me. The ones that rage after burning up make more sense but these ones that just sit there and wait for deliverance have more of an impact to me.
I wonder if they'll get into the nature of the infernals in this. Usually anime doesn't get too much into the meat
Well it's running two cours so there's potentially time. The manga's still ongoing I believe though so the big reveal might be far too down the line.
Asakusa's a real cool part of Tokyo. It's a bit more traditional, like what they're showing right now. And it's right in the heart of Tokyo.
Well the Very Japanese guy was the captain of the seventh so he's not responsible for those scummy firefighters from the flashback. Actually maybe that was that current captain, Gustav, from before he got promoted.
Oh these kids are pretty cute. I like the flame kimonos.
Shinra really seems to have a hankering to beat up his way through all the squad captains hah hah.
Man this guy's got STYLE.
Oh I see, that's interesting. So generational pyrokinetics aren't about being born one, but in what manner you are a pyrokinetic. I wonder what first-generation pyrokinetics are like.
Shinmon Benimaru is such a regal name gosh. I wish I had a name like that.
I never really was. I occasionally had some extra-curricular that kept me a couple hours after but never this late at night. I missed out!
The eyes in this series are so gorgeous on these close-ups gosh.
These two nerds are cute. I feel bad for Suguwara she's probably listening in.
Ah yup.
Making them use thinking of colour and what it means for others to get them thinking about feelings and what they mean for others was really genious on Milo-sensei's part.
This was a decent show but I didn't really get the drama bombs I was expecting
It's a bit softer than what Okada's kind of famous for. Though that one about the dragons that eat their pilots that she also wrote was also a lot softer. Maybe she's just no longer in the mentality of writing sneak gut punches.
Well's Moon's probably wasn't disliking it but it was just striking a bit too close to home. And that can be an uncomfortable feeling at times. Moon's problem even, gosh. From the sound of it Moon was really enjoying it but just couldn't handle how it felt.
I don't think too many people watched it though, I guess the initial premise was a bit weird. A bit of a shame, really. More people need to watch good shows.
Well I think that's all for tonight. Thanks for anime. And thanks for going along with my selfishness.