Yeah, there's a few things that have been cut from it but I think odds are good we won't even need them for the inbetween weeks that are coming up at the end of the month. Katsute Kami Datta Kemono-tachi e might be fun to get back to, both Moon and I were kind of enjoying it, but I won't be upset over not. It's easy enough to get back to if the situation permits anyway.
Not anywhere I can see. Moon was talking about some potential headache concerns because of some lousy audio from work so might've laid down for a nap. Dunno if it would change things but it might be worth putting a ping out.
This new girl with the grey hair, I think she features in some manner in another Fate series. I think Grand Order.
>>745700 She's kind of endearing. But her personality also feels kind of forced. I wonder if there's a menace hiding under it.
It makes sense for all the people on this train to have Mystic Eyes I guess. Kara no Kyoukai and Tsukihime kind of always gave me the feeling that they were more of a rare occurence, but maybe that's just Mystic Eyes on the level of Death Perception.
They're kind of retreading some of the content established in previous episodes here. To be fair as far as I know this story aboard the Rail Zeppelin was the first of the Case File novels published. And all the stuff we've seen in previous episodes were flashback chapters in later novels. But if they're going to adapt things out of order they could probably tweak the adaptation a bit to not put so much weight on things the viewer has already been communicated.
Oh she lost her entire head. I guess you can't have a suspicious train trip without a murder in a detective novel.
Magicians all dress like weirdos when you think about it.
When you spend your days studying and delving deep into arcane mysteries and the secrets a mortal was never meant to learn, perhaps it messes with your notion of what appropriate fashion is.
Ah I was wondering what the purpose of the glasses were.
Yeah it is pretty reminscent of Iskandar's chariot. I guess it's because this Servant is related to him though. How exciting.
Things are getting pretty game-y again. With all the focus on business and occasional fighting the fact that he's stuck in his video game's world is easy to forget.
That's true, I'd forgotten it was video game isekai.
He's been caught by the trap!
Poor Maou. He's being treated as a villain by this girl because of a misunderstanding.
Hah hah and now she's been conscripted into working.
In the end the onee-chan of the holy sisters is kind of as much of a problem child as her sisters. She's got way too much of an overactive imagination!
Baths are a funny thing to specialize in, in an isekai.
Yeah, but at the same time, it's also kind of genius. If you can mess with technological progression like Maou has and bring modern spa baths into a medieval world like this one, you're bringing in an establishment that no one else in the world can dream of competing with.