Ace of Diamond Bem Black Clover DanMachi Fruits Basket HenSuki Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 9-10 Lord El-Melloi II Episode 7-10 Machikado Mazoku Tejina-senpai Episode 8-11 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator Episode 8-9 UchiMusume
Also it seems like there's no Vinland this week, and Cop Craft was a recap episode that it looks like HorribleSubs didn't even bother to rip. In case either of you had been feeling like there was something missing.
I got dropped too this time. Dunno if that was on my side or /moe/s,
I was watching some baseball the other Saturday when I went out with a friend. This series has given me a new respect for pitchers and the cycling of them on the mound, hah hah.
we really need a new op i liked this one but im actually starting to get tired of it
It's kind of weird that they haven't changed it. Maybe we'll see a new one soon when they pass the halfway point of the series' run.
this kinda stuff is really interesting
Even as an outfielder Furuya's pitching is kind of innaccurate!
>>744854 There's a good bit of information processing and min-maxing that can go into baseball, eh.
a lot of strategery
Sawamura's in full genki-mode.
he's got plenty of reason to be genki
ace really makes me wish i stayed in baseball but it was never this exciting and high-level everyone was lazy and apathetic and strategy barely mattered
Yeah, I can imagine. I mean Ace does a pretty good job of romanticizing the thrill of playing the sport. But I think Japan just also takes it way more seriously at a base level than North America does. Before you hit the professional level of course. Japan seems to treat highschool baseball the way America treats college football or basketball.
it's mostly just sitting around bored and daydreaming in the outfield
Oh gosh Miyuki you almost clocked Sawamura in the head with that steal out.
>>744866 Yeah this was always my problem with team sports that played in a wide field like baseball or soccer. I didn't have the attention, whether from lack of investment or just a general attention problem overall, to remain in an idle or semi-idle position for an extended time. I'd just end up spacing out and then I've got people annoyed at me because I couldn't have my full attention on the game. It's just not something I'm suited for.
i was a left fielder and i think there were like two hits that went into left field all season i barely ever bat either because we'd strike out like instantly every inning
it was really hard to care at all and i wasn't allowed to bat left so i didn't really want to bat anyway
Plus the notion of a projectile coming at me at fairly high speeds was a good bit terrifying for me and it was hard to resist the urge to flinch. I guess that's something every one that plays the sport needs to overcome but it always felt like I had a harder time with it than others did.
i don't care about that but what i hate is trying to follow a pop fly with your eyes staring straight into the sun trying to follow where it's going i'd get headaches from that and blind myself so i couldn't see the ball
yeah bem this is episode 7 right? this show is so far behind everything else i guess it doesn't get as many episodes huh
It got delayed a couple weeks because they were concerned about the episode with the electric shock guy being topically insensitive after the KyoAni fire. I don't really understand how it relates but that's what the press statement was. It'll probably get twelve episodes assuming it's one-cour all the same though.
pup tent
I hope nothing bad happens to these dogs. That would be mean.
Well with an episode name like Chimera this is about what I expected though.
;_; It must feel awful to have to do that to both a friend and dog you liked.
hmmmm well then good try kid
If they always end up naked after changing back from their monster forms where do the clothes keep coming from. It's probably just another layer of their body that they morph into. And it's too much focus for them to do it after changing from the monster form. That's my guess, at least.
Belo's ended up looking a lot like the Alien here.
Unmade by your own creations. A suitable fate for a man who thought himself a god.
Oh Belo's friend hadn't been chimera'd yet. That's a bit of a nice conclusion to this episode's story.
there are far less bridges in this show than the ED would lead me to believe
I think it's just the one bridge that the three of them always meet up at.
well, scenes with bridges not quantity of distinct bridges
Hah hah hah Hana is very graceful about being so bad at tests.
Good going Kyo.
i just came back sorry what's happening
Tohru failed a subject and on top of that she's got a cold. Kyo was nice and made her food but then chided her for getting sick in the first place because he's got the emotional maturity of a brick.
he's not the most emotionally graceful yeah
He's a cute dork though so it's okay.
... Why do you need an injection for a simple cold.
Fifteen years inbetween is a kind of in a weird spot. I still feel that's a bit too young to be considered uncle-y, but it does feel weird imaginging them as an older brother type too.
Hah hah it does kind of feel like he caught her cold. They should really not do this bickering in the middle of a crosswalk though.
I don't really feel cats and raining is really that much of a thing though. My cat loves going out in the rain.
if they're used to it, yeah if it's a full time housecat they get pretty freaked out
Shigure's just trying so hard to keep his property from being damaged.
Maybe it's a cultural thing but I think it's perfectly normal for a teenager to have a bank account. If anything it's weird Tohru wouldn't have one as a working teen.
Weird of them to not translate Shishou It's got some pretty workable English parallels.
that one went by pretty quick i dont feel like a lot happened oh i guess i was gone for the first bit
Well it's a multi-episode plot for ... maybe the first time? They can slow down the pacing because of that.
He's had a lot of good experiences with girls this episode.
Yeah, he's had encounters with three of the candidate girls. Though I guess he had a partial one with Sempai too. She was kind of just an accessory to the Yuika bit though.
Oh gosh.
Aaaaaaaahhhh For how stupid the mystery of this Cinderella is man they do a good job of getting me engaged in it. I want to know who his Cinderella is! Though I've got an idea in mind for what went on. I'd like to see how close or off I am though.