Araburu Kisetsu no Otome-domo yo. Bem DanMachi Dr. Stone Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru Enen no Shouboutai Fruits Basket Granbelm Joshikousei no Mudazukai Episode 9-11 Kimetsu no Yaiba Lord El-Melloi II Episode 9-11 Machikado Mazoku Okaa-san Online Tejina-senpai Episode 8-11 To aru Kagaku no Accelerator UchiMusume Episode 10-11 Vinland Saga Carole & Tuesday
Well if you're searching in the locale you'd have to start in Greenland.
This dream has turned into an awful nightmare.
When a war turns idle for this long the tempers of soldiers sure flare up. The king of the Danes is risking a good lot of soldiers on this weird test of manhood he's given his pretty-boy prince.
It's a strange situation. He treats him like a son, but is hated for killing his dad.
probably not that strange to them
Yeah, I mean I'm sympathetic to Thorfinn's hatred for him, but to Askeladd the situation of picking up a ward of an enemy he slayed is probably a pretty mundane experience. He's just treating Thorfinn like any other person.
Askeladd's such a great character. You can really tell he's got a good person underneath the cynicism and battle-hardened veneer he wears.
two episodes... where are they going to leave this hmmm
Probably as the gang complete their rehabilitation. Or at least clear the first stage of it. If a second season gets greenlit, the latter bit of a rehab arc would be a good character establishing/recap chance for when they need to retread some familiar ground in the first episode of a second season.
I don't need some but I do kind of want a new pair. Mine have thick arms which messes with my periphery vision a bit, and if I wear them for a while, like maybe two hours or so, it aggravates the bridge of my nose. But as far as function goes my eyesight's not worsened much so it's a waste of money for me.
I was kind of hoping he'd make her a proper pair of glasses but I guess they can't really do away with her signature melon helmet.
It's times like these they could really use having kept around Taiju and Yuruziha. More Yuruziha this time though. Someone good with arts and crafts could probably get the knack of glass-blowing faster.
After handling the problem of antibiotics they should really work on establishing a better smeltery set up. Something that can attain the heat to melt the tougher metals without needing all that physical energy.
This older brother really needs to get over his pride and get some glasses.
I wonder what he wants to acquire now. There's no way he's literally making a silver spear that's kind of garbage. I can't imagine it's just something needed for upping from making iron to steel since you can do that with just heat and carbon.
a lot of medical uses for silver it could be something related to the medical aspect who knows or for alloys to prevent wear and tear from use which might be relevant to the spear
Is the audio going to at least be more workable than that last nasty one you had?
yeah i do other stuff too
By now Carole and Tuesday are pretty in tune with Gus' shtick.
Oh this old nutbag is actually giving understandable advice for once.
everyone's getting arrested
i think im on the wrong episode haha how
Oh yeah that makes your post a little more in context. Though you posted it during a prison interview between Carole and her childhood friend so it was still kind of in line, hah hah.
i didn't see an episode 21 available...
Oh no Angela that's a dangerous way to be coping with this stress.
now i see it aaaaa oh well i'll just catch it from the start after work i suppose
The last episode kind of sets up a lot of what's going on this episode anyway so it's kind of beneficial anyway. >>747029 Oh sorry yeah. I'd gotten mixed up on the episode we didn't have you for I guess.
i saw this episode already i just didn't remember it til i got to the skate park section my brain has been pretty battered lately
Well this Soundcloud rapper guy's second song was more palatable than his first. It's still kind of goofy though.
Aaaahh gosh this Carole & Tuesday song is so nice. Very relaxing.